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Black Politician Breeds Married White Press Secretary

"A married white woman works for black politicians and is impregnated by them."

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Race relations in the United States have improved markedly since the 1960s, although some blacks and whites still have lingering prejudices, especially in the South. I’ll admit that even being born in Alabama in 1988, and raised in the 1990s and early 2000s, many of my family and neighbors still held resentments from the racial strife in the 1960s. I tried to rise above those influences, but it was difficult.

My name is Avery, and after high school I attended a moderately-liberal college in Alabama where thirty percent of the student body is black. Even though I broadened my racial perspectives a lot, I still had a few bad experiences with black people, mainly angry black girls who resented the attention I got from some of the black boys. By the time I graduated, with a double major in communications and political science, I had a biased attitude toward blacks, and was apprehensive and fearful around them.

Some of the black boys tried to date me, but given my background, I wasn’t willing to go that far. I was somewhat attracted to several of them, especially those who have outgoing, aggressive personalities and who are handsome and muscular. I was dissuaded from dating them by the fact that girls who dated black boys were then often shunned by the white boys. They considered those girls to be somehow sullied and untouchable, after fucking black cocks and taking their cum. And anyway, I started dating a white boy named David in my junior year, and we were married right after graduation.

David was much more biased against blacks than I was, and he got upset and tried to defend my honor when the black boys made comments about me in his presence. David is only five feet and ten inches tall and weighs one hundred and seventy pounds, so he was easily intimidated by the bigger and stronger black boys, especially when they mouthed off and pushed him around. So those weren’t good experiences for us either.

I attracted so much attention since I am five feet and six inches tall and weigh one hundred and twenty pounds. My breasts are 36DDs and my ass is perfectly shaped and firm, with well defined, protruding, round cheeks, much like some of the black girls have. Even better, my hair is shoulder-length and naturally blonde and I have startlingly blue eyes.

After graduation we moved to Montgomery, since David got a good job there in the healthcare industry, and I wanted to be near the seat of political activity. My goal was to work on staff for politicians and to be involved in the cyclical political campaigns as well. My timing was such that I was able to join the campaign staff of a candidate running for a seat in the Alabama House of Representatives. He happens to be a black man, and both David and I were concerned about me working for him. Most of his staff is black, and I found out that I was specifically hired as press secretary since I'm white.

The candidate needed to attract white voters, and they felt that a fair-skinned, pretty woman like me with my education would be able to implement a communications strategy to help him win. We were successful and after he won, I was hired to be his press secretary when he took office.

After being in that job for two years, I had earned a reputation for being effective in managing racially-sensitive issues and attracting white voters to my black candidate and Representative. The political party approached me to help another black candidate in the 2012 election cycle. I was successful in helping to get him elected and then went to work for him as his press secretary.

I had become accustomed to working with the largely-black staffs of the two State Representatives and was generally treated with respect. Some of the black staff members teased me and even made innocent advances, and I learned to just laugh them off. I told David about everything that happened at work. At first, he got upset and wanted me to report them, but I played down those occurrences. He soon started teasing me about having black boyfriends at work. I knew that I could stop any harassment by simply telling the Representatives, but none of it was serious enough to warrant alienating people that way.

The party leadership approached me again as the 2014 election cycle was approaching. They needed my help with a black candidate for the Alabama State Senate. By that time, I was twenty-six years old and considered to be a seasoned, political communications professional. The polling showed that the new candidate was having a particularly hard time attracting white voters, and the party felt that I was the perfect person to help him.

I had developed a reputation in Montgomery political circles for being effective working for black politicians and their staffs. There were even articles in the paper that touted my success as a young white woman with black political organizations. I was teased sometimes about being a 'white-bread', 'bro-ho' and 'chocolate-dipper' for the black men, since I have blonde hair and fair skin, and worked almost exclusively with blacks.

By then I had lost all my previous prejudices and enjoyed working with the black men. I have to admit that some of their teasing and advances were fun and even arousing at times, although nothing even the least bit intimate ever happened, at least not at that point.

The new candidate’s name is Malcolm, and he has a largely-ideal back-story. He was forty-nine years old, and after graduating from high school in 1983, he served honorably in the Army for four years before going to college to earn his business degree. He then worked for a private company for four years before starting his own, very successful graphics and printing services business. He became a leader in the trade association his firm belonged to and was inspired to seek public office to help his group in the state.

The politically unfortunate part of his past was his involvement in the more radical elements of civil rights efforts in Alabama. His parents are very prejudiced against whites, and they even named him after human rights activist Malcolm X who was killed by members of his own group in 1965, the year candidate Malcolm was born. So, over the years Malcolm has been vocal about the perceived mistreatment of black people, and his openly-expressed loathing of white people. He had allowed only blacks to work on his staff, and his hard-line had alienated the white voting base.

Part of my salary was to be paid by the party and I was offered a nice bonus if I was instrumental in changing public opinion about Malcolm, as measured by poll numbers. The party forced my involvement on him with the threat of withdrawing all party support if he refused to take advantage of my services.

Up to that point David was supportive of me in my success with the black politicians, and my working involvement with mostly black men. David’s boss is also black, and his racism had also mellowed. After the local paper printed a story about me going to work on Malcolm’s campaign, though, David expressed concern. 

He said, “You might want to reconsider working for Malcolm. My black supervisor, Darrell, saw the article and told me that he and Malcolm went to college together, and that situation might not be a good environment for you.”

I wasn’t sure what he was talking about and asked, “What do you mean, David? What does he know about Malcolm that could be all that bad?”

David responded, “Well, I don’t want to freak you out, honey, but Darrell said that he, Malcolm, and another one of their black friends named Benjamin made money in college by cuckolding white men and fucking their wives. I did a little research to learn what cuckolding is all about and had no idea that couples would do that sort of thing. Despite the racial conflict in those days, there were still white men who got some kind of perverse arousal out of watching and participating in having well-hung black studs fucking, inseminating, and sometimes even breeding their wives.”

“Darrell told me that he was mainly in it for the money, but admitted that he obviously enjoyed stuffing those white pussies with his big cock. He also said that Malcolm seemed to take almost sadistic pleasure in dominating those white couples as a kind of grudge fucking. He even made the husbands suck his cock, balls, and ass; and then suck his cum from their wives’ pussies. From what I read, a lot of cuckolds really enjoy being humiliated, demeaned and dominated that way. I don’t know how we never heard about cuckolds before now.”

All of that sounded incredible to me and I responded, “Come on now, David. Malcolm has been vetted by numerous journalists and opponent organizations. It would be pretty hard to hide something like that. Of course, now that you’ve called it to my attention, I will need to eventually discuss it with Malcolm, just to make sure we aren’t blindsided down the road. Given your previous bias against blacks, I’m a little surprised that hearing and reading about that cuckold activity doesn’t freak you out more.”

I tried to put Darrell’s comments out of my mind at my first meeting with Malcolm, which was a little intimidating anyway. Both he and his campaign manager, Benjamin, are big men at six feet and three inches tall. They are also muscular and handsome. Malcolm looks a little like the actor, Terrence Howard, and Benjamin is more rugged, looking a lot like the actor, Ving Rhames. Malcolm made it clear that he wasn’t all that happy to have me working on his campaign, although both he and Benjamin were undressing me with their eyes.

The first full day on the job, I spent a lot of time with Malcolm. I wanted to know everything about his past, so I could start developing press releases and communication packets that would show him in a favorable light to white voters. I learned that he experienced some racial discrimination from whites when he was in elementary, middle and high school. The worst problem came in high school when he was trying to date a white girl. She ultimately spurned him due to pressure from her friends, and that set the stage for him being ridiculed by some white students. Those experiences, when combined with his parents’ abhorrence of white people, had a lot to do with his unremitting racial bias against whites.

It seemed like his hostility was sometimes directed towards me as he related those experiences to me. I tried to counter his negativity by pointing out that despite everything; there were many white people on his side who helped him achieve the American dream. He got a good education in high school, receiving help from caring white teachers, and then excelled in the Army. Then, because of his hard work and veteran’s benefits he was able to complete his college education which started him on his path to financial success in a white-owned company. So, America definitely had not failed him.

We worked on his talking points to be used in public presentations, with an emphasis on things he shouldn’t be saying. Our main theme was that Malcolm is an American success story. We also developed credible responses for critics who were relentless in challenging him about his previous, publicly-proclaimed intolerance of whites. I worked with him privately for sometimes four hours a day and knew that deep down; he still had animosity for whites, including me.

After about a month working with Malcolm and disseminating press releases, his poll numbers with whites began to improve. That gave me credibility with him, Benjamin, and the other black staffers. I knew that would be my best time to bring up his alleged experiences in college.

So, one day when we were alone in his office, I said, “Malcolm, I need to ask you about something that I heard from my husband, David. This is a very personal and sensitive subject, but I need to know the truth, so I can prepare for any possible backlash in the future.”

Malcolm stared at me intently as I related everything David told me. I was hoping that he would deny it, but he finally smiled and answered, “Damn, girl, I didn’t think I’d ever hear about that again. Nothing we did was illegal, as far as I know, and it helped pay my way through college.”

I was surprised that it was true and used vulgar language around him for the first time, for effect, when I responded, “Well, Malcolm, illegal or not, there are a lot of very conservative while folks who would be upset knowing that you fucked and dominated white couples with so much animosity. We need to be prepared in case some of your enemies find out about it.”

He replied, “Listen, Avery, I’m not apologizing for anything. I was just back from the Army and in my early-twenties when that shit happened. The white couples I met with were in their thirties and forties, and they’ll be in their sixties and seventies by now. They are the ones who approached us for sex, and I don’t think any of them would want to have what we did revealed publicly. I know that it must have been my old friend, Darrell, who told David that. My campaign manger was the only other one involved, and I don’t think that he's had any contact with your husband.”

He paused for a few seconds and continued, “I’m kind of surprised that Darrell would rat me out like that, or that your husband would even tell you that kind of stuff. I’ll have to give Darrell a call since we haven’t talked in years. How did David seem to handle it? Was he real upset or anything? Did he try to get you to quit the campaign?”

I responded, “David did some research to better understand the whole cuckold thing but didn’t seem to be upset about it. He just wanted me to know what kind of man I was working for and didn’t ask me to quit. Forewarned is forearmed, I guess. Does your wife know anything about those experiences, and have you done anything like that since college?”

Malcolm replied, “I met my future wife, Yvonne, late in my senior year in college. She, like me, has some biases against whites. At first, she thought it was funny that I was using those couples that way and even being paid for it. She especially liked that I was fucking the white women bareback and stretching out their pussies with my big cock. Those couples never wanted us to use condoms either, since being inseminated by black men and risking pregnancy was a big part of their fantasies. So, there was always some risk of them being knocked-up with a black baby. And since they were married, I wouldn’t have even had to take any responsibility for the babies.”

“After Yvonne and I dated a few months and were becoming serious in our relationship, she insisted that I stop fucking the white couples. We got married right after graduation, and she’s been more than enough woman for me since then. She has lost interest in sex over the last couple of years, though. I have to admit that I’ve thought about finding other white couples to cuckold. I’ve just been too busy to pursue it. It’ll be interesting to see if Darrell has fucked any white women since our days in college.”

After talking with Malcolm about his cuckold activities, I was satisfied that I knew everything and that we should be able to keep it a secret. I tried to approach the whole thing professionally but have to admit that I thought about it more than I should have. Visions of Malcolm fucking those white wives kept flashing through my mind, and I couldn’t help but wonder how big their cocks are. David’s dick is the only one I had ever seen. It’s about four and a half inches long, so I didn’t know what Darrell and Malcolm meant when they talked about their big cocks.

The campaign continued for the next week as we started making plans for our road trips to town hall meetings and other campaign stops around the state. David had not said anything more to me about Darrell’s revelations, although he was spending more time on his computer at home at night. I walked up behind him on several occasions and saw that he was on porn sites reading cuckold stories.

I challenged him about that one night saying, “Why are you reading that smut, David? I was able to resolve my questions about that with Malcolm, and I thought we had moved on. Does the idea of black men fucking white wives turn you on or something?”

David’s face turned red with embarrassment as he responded, “Sorry, honey. It’s just that Darrell keeps talking to me about it at work, and he brings it up all the time. Then one day when we were in the restroom together pissing, he turned my way and I saw his long, thick cock hanging out of his pants. I don’t think he saw me watching him. But later, when I showed some interest in the cuckold topic by asking him questions about it, he gave me the addresses of a few websites to go to. He thought it would be best if I read about it on my own. I hate to admit it, but it's been fun getting into the fantasy of it, especially after seeing Darrell’s big, black cock.”

I didn’t fully understand David’s attraction to the cuckold stories or Darrell’s cock, and I was too busy at work at that time to think much more about it. I couldn’t very well condemn him either, since I sometimes thought about it myself.

Our campaign was enjoying increasing fundraising success. Malcolm’s uptick in the polls attracted more financial support from a black donor that I met on my first campaign out of college. He was providing us with a big motor coach to help carry out the demanding speaking tour around the state in the final six weeks of the campaign. That would allow us to spend more time on the road, without coming back to Montgomery as often to edit and disseminate our new ads and press releases.

The motor coach includes offices with satellite access to internet, HDTV, and a television studio for interviews. It also includes sleeping accommodations for up to three of the technical crew, and full bathroom and kitchen facilities. Malcolm and his campaign staff, including me, would travel in the bus, but would be sleeping in hotels or motels at night, with the coach parked nearby.

Our next week at work was hectic as we finished preparations for our first road trip. I even worked on Saturday. I noticed at night that David seemed to be spending even more time than before on those porn sites, and I was too tired to object.

Early Sunday evening I had just finished packing for the next week’s trip, when David surprised me by saying, “Come take a look at this website with me, honey. It has some great stories and pictures, and I wanted to share it with you before you leave.”

I really had no interest in looking at the site but decided that I’d humor him since I’d be on the road for a whole week. I sat down with him at his computer. He first showed me a few pictures of huge, black cocks, and I was amazed at how much bigger they are than David’s dick. Many of them are uncircumcised and looked so thick and heavy, as well as being almost ten inches long. With those pictures in mind, we read a story about a white wife fucking her black boss. I was getting turned on reading the story, and David was rubbing his hard, little dick the whole time.

We then looked at more pictures and read two more stories before David asked, “Would you please role-play with me, honey? Fantasizing about this by myself isn’t nearly as much fun as it would be having you involved. I’d like to give you a really rousing send off on your trip.”

We went to bed, and David played the part of a black stud who was fucking me, his pretend neighbor’s white wife. That was the best sex I had had in months, and had three orgasms, even with his small dick. Then he surprised me again by switching roles to the cuckold husband after he ejaculated into me, and got between my legs to suck my pussy clean of his cum. That was definitely a first for us. I loved the feeling of having my pussy sucked clean, knowing that we were both pretending he was eating the cum of our black neighbor. I previously had no idea that fantasy play could be so arousing and understood better why David was reading those stories so much.

The next morning after breakfast, David gave me a passionate kiss goodbye, and then teasingly said, “Be careful around all of those black men, honey. We don’t want you to get carried away and end up with a black baby.”

It would have been obvious that he was teasing me, if not for our black, fantasy fucking the previous night. I briefly studied his face to determine his mind-set, and first assumed that he might really be hinting at me having sex with Malcolm and Benjamin, and with his blessing. Then I concluded that there was no way my previously biased husband would be hinting at me spreading my legs for and fucking black men. That was especially true since we were using the rhythm method of birth control and I was not protected.

The first four days on the road were very hectic, as we met with potential voters around the state, sometimes late into the night. Friday’s schedule was a little lighter, and we had time to relax in the evening before the drive back to Montgomery on Saturday afternoon. We had an early dinner at a nice restaurant in Huntsville, and then went back to the hotel.

I was a surprised when Malcolm invited me to join him and Benjamin in the hotel lounge for a few drinks. He sometimes had drinks with Benjamin and the two other black, male campaign staffers late in the evenings on the road. That was the first time I had been invited, and curiously, the other two staffers weren’t invited. Malcolm excused himself to make a phone call before he joined us in the lounge.

Malcolm and Benjamin were uncharacteristically friendly and outgoing with me as we had many rounds of drinks at a corner booth in the back of the lounge. I don’t normally drink that much, and Benjamin made sure that I had another drink waiting each time my glass was less than half full. They didn’t seem to be drinking as much.

I was feeling tipsy but still fairly well in control, when Malcolm said, “Avery, I just wanted to let you know that I have spoken with Darrell since our conversation three weeks ago, regarding the white wives that he, Benjamin and I enjoyed so much in college.”

“He told me that he gave David some websites to go to since he was showing so much fascination with the cuckolding subject and asking a lot of questions. He even said that David showed more interest after Darrell accidently-on-purpose showed him his soft cock while pissing in the restroom one day at work. I’m just curious whether David has made you aware of his interest or shown you any of those websites? Also, since we’re alone here and can talk, do you have any more questions for Benjamin or me about our college days?”

Malcolm and Benjamin are both handsome and well-build men. So, the fantasy role-play that David and I engaged in on Sunday, coupled with the effect of the alcohol, was helping me see those men in a new light. I was feeling good about the attention they were giving me after seeming indifferent to me so much of the time and bringing up those college experiences again was arousing to me.

At that point I didn’t foresee anything sexual happening with those men. I was feeling playful, though, and was curious why they would be bringing all of that up. I decided to tell them, in a downplayed way, about at least part of what David shared with me, to get their reactions.

I responded, “Well, David told me that Darrell was the one who kept bringing up the cuckold topic, instead of the other way around. But I have to admit that David did want me to look at some pictures and read a few stories on those websites with him.”

“After reading a few stories, it was hard for me to believe that things like that happened in real life. I don’t doubt what Darrell told David, especially after you confirmed it, Malcolm; it’s just that some of those stories sounded a little farfetched. I mean, are there really white couples who freely submit themselves to hung black men that way, to be used and demeaned? And what about that whole insemination thing? Did the white wives you guys were with really want you to fuck them bareback so they could risk being impregnated by you? Did you even care if you knocked them up?”

I paused for a moment and took another sip of my drink, partially to gain courage to ask my next question. Then I asked, “And, what about those big cocks they talk about in the stories? I wouldn’t have believed there are even cocks and balls as big as they described in the stories if I hadn’t seen those pictures. I’m guessing those must have been some kind of freak models to have genitals that large.”

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The men looked at me with amused expressions on their faces as I rambled on with my questions. Then Malcolm said, “Whoa, just a minute, Avery. That’s a lot of fucking questions. I’m glad to see that you’ve been thinking about our comments and those stories quite a bit. First of all, those couples really did enjoy worshiping our cocks, and loved the feeling of being dominated and used by well-hung black men. I don’t completely understand their motivation, and just know that it gave them a sexual thrill to serve us that way.”

“The insemination thing was even more amazing. All the women I fucked wanted to be inseminated, as part of their breeding fantasy, whether they were on birth control or not. And there were a couple of women who were trying to be impregnated. So, the pregnancy-risk aspect was a big part of it for all of them. As for me, I took great pleasure in fucking those white wives bareback, while their wimpy husbands watched and even participated. There was just something so raw and forbidden about breeding another man’s wife, with the knowledge that I might impregnate her with a black baby. In my mind, it was a way to get back at white people and dilute their race.”

Malcolm’s explanations were arousing to me, and I liked hearing him talk about the same raw sexuality that I experienced in those stories. If I hadn’t been so inebriated and turned on by the visualization of his comments, I probably wouldn’t have said, “You didn’t tell me about those big cocks. Are all black men hung like they describe in those stories?”

He laughed and replied, “I’ll answer that question in a few minutes. First, though, I want to confess something about Darrell’s involvement. It will help you understand why we find ourselves here, with you inebriated, and wanting to know the answers to some personal questions about our sexual practices.”

“Darrell and I have remained good friends all these years. He called me to talk when he saw that article in the paper about you joining my campaign. He knew from meeting you a few times at their company’s functions with David that you're a beautiful woman with a fantastic body. We agreed that he would tell David about our past, just to see how David and you and reacted to it. I was pleasantly surprised when David shared that type of sordid information with you, even after his research and knowing the true nature of it. That made it pretty clear that he wasn’t disgusted and had more than a passing interest.”

I started to interrupt, as he cut me off and persisted in saying, “Then I was really shocked when you had the moxy to finally confront me about something so sexual and personal. After that, Darrell kept talking to David about it to see if he could entice him to take a serious interest in being cuckolded. David told Darrell that he was reading a lot stories and looking at pictures, and we knew it was only a matter of time before he involved you in it. The really telling thing was when David showed even more interest after seeing Darrell’s big cock.”

The conversation was taking a very erotic and seductive twist. I wasn’t so drunk that I missed the point that David and I had been baited so Benjamin and Darrell could assess our interest in the cuckold lifestyle.

I was trying to think of a response as Malcolm continued, “To answer your other question, I don’t think all black men have huge cocks. I read somewhere that the average black cock might be an inch longer than white ones. However, many black men do have long cocks that tend to be thick, and many are uncircumcised. Many white wives really get excited seeing our black cocks, especially when they are so meaty and hang so heavily, making their husbands’ cocks look tiny by comparison. Maybe that‘s a hold-over from the old days when Mandingos fucked wealthy white women. Darrell, Benjamin and I have really big and meaty cocks that made us very popular with those white wives.”

“That should mostly answer your question about black cocks. Now, don’t get upset when I tell you something that might make you want to know even more. I spoke with Darrell on the phone before joining you at the booth, to find out how he was progressing with David. Knowing that you were out of town with me and thinking David might be getting horny in your absence, Darrell has been enticing him all week about becoming a cuckold.”

“Now here’s the best part. Just late this afternoon, when everyone else had left the office, they were in the restroom at the urinals together. When Darrell saw David staring at his cock again, he turned completely towards him, stepped back from the urinal, and dropped his pants and underwear to the floor. Then he held his soft cock in his hand and waved it suggestively, offering it to David. Even though Darrell’s cock was still dripping with piss, David immediately dropped to his knees and began sucking Darrell’s cock.”

“Darrell had suggested many cuckold stories for David to read that included a lot of cock sucking. So even though that was likely his first time to suck a cock, he knew what to do from the stories. David alternated sucking that big cock and those low hanging balls until Darrell finally held his head in place as he ejaculated into David’s mouth. David kept sucking and swallowing until long after Darrell’s cock was soft, and even wanted more. They went back to Darrell’s office and relaxed as David casually sucked those egg-sized balls, until Darrell was ready to have his cock sucked a second time. He fucked David’s mouth again and fed him another load of cum.”

Hearing that my husband had just become a cock sucker for his black boss had momentarily stunned me. I was understandably upset at first, and then it excited me a little as I pictured him as the submissive husband in the stories I had read. It was pretty obvious, even to my stupefied brain, that Malcolm was probably hoping I’d want to take revenge on my husband by fucking him and Benjamin.

I was trying to think of what to say next when Malcolm said, “I know that is hard to hear. I just wanted to let you know that David is already very familiar with black fuck meat. He probably shouldn’t have told Darrell that, on Sunday, you two did some fantasy role-play about you being fucked by a black man. So, I know that you have at least thought about seeing a black cock up close. If you want to get even with him, we’d be happy to bring you up to our room, so you can experience it for yourself.”

The campaign tried to save money by having the men double up in hotel rooms, while I, being the only woman, had my own room. I was a little suspicious that my room was right next door to Malcolm and Benjamin’s room, and there is a connecting door. All the titillating conversation in the lounge had me aroused to the point that I did want to at least see their cocks, and maybe do more. I knew that I was taking a chance in leading them on, but thought it was worth the risk.

They were looking at me with anticipation as I responded, “Okay, guys, you’ve got me curious and convinced to at least take a look at your cocks for myself. Let’s go to our rooms so we can change out of our business attire and get more comfortable. Then you can let me into your room through the connecting door. Don’t get too hopeful though. All I’m planning on doing is looking.”

I’m sure that I must have looked like a brazen hussy to the other people in the lounge. Those two big black men were on either side of me, a pretty and well-built white woman, holding me steady by my arms as they led us to the elevator. I was woozy from all the drinks, and my usual inhibitions about being seen in a situation like that were subdued. They were smiling and looked like two kids in a candy store as they helped me into my room.

I brought workout shorts and t-shirts with me, so I could exercise at our hotels, so I put those on with no panties or bra. I know I wasn’t thinking clearly, but it seemed like a good idea at the time to tease them by letting them see my big breasts jiggling and swaying under my tight t-shirt. I knocked on the door, and Benjamin quickly opened it. The men were also wearing athletic shorts and t-shirts and looked very fit. I was becoming nervous as the reality of what I was about to do sunk in.

Malcolm led me over to sit on the bed and the men stood in front of me. They were waiting for me to make the first move. I just sat there until Malcolm finally said, “Go ahead, Avery, pull down my shorts and get your first look at my big cock. Then you’ll know why those other white wives love it so much.”

My hands were shaking as I reached for the waistband of his shorts. The skin on his hips was smooth and warm, and there was a stark contrast between my lily-white hands and his dark, mocha skin. I slowly pulled down his shorts and realized that he wasn’t wearing underwear either. Then his kinky pubic hair and the thick base of his cock came into view. As I pulled down more and his thick shaft came into view, I also smelled the arousing aroma of his strong, musky scent after being in meetings all day, and not having a chance to shower.

Inch after inch of his shaft appeared until I finally reached the bulbous, mushroom head of his coal black, uncircumcised cock. Seeing the pictures and reading those stories didn’t begin to do adequately portray the feeling of seeing him up close. It was still soft and hanging down at least eight inches, about half way to his knees. It looked to be as thick as a large summer sausage, at about six inches in circumference. His balls are egg-sized and well defined, bulging out in his hairy, leathery, low-hanging scrotum. The sight of his enormous genitals was so captivating and sexually arousing, and I was feeling pure, depraved, animal lust.

I had only sucked David’s dick a few times when we were first married. It just wasn’t that appealing to me, so I hadn’t sucked him again in the last three years. However, Malcolm’s cock was so alluring that I felt an immediate desire to touch and suck it. He smiled down at me with a look of conquest and dominance on his face as I looked up at him and took his thick, heavy cock into my hand and began to stroke it. It was hardening in my hand as I leaned in and tasted and felt the soft texture of his rubbery foreskin in my mouth.

Malcolm held my head with one hand and began to slowly thrust his hips, as he reached down to rub my breasts. I took the head and several inches of his fuck meat into my mouth. I just loved the musky taste of his cock skin. I saw out of the corner of my eye that Benjamin was removing his shorts, no doubt waiting for his turn fucking my mouth. I was finally able to take about seven inches of his fully-hard cock into my mouth and throat, and it looked like it's eleven inches long.

After a few more minutes sucking him, he began to breathe heavily. Then he pushed me back and said, “Damn, girl, you really know how to suck cock. I’m going to let my meat settle down for a few minutes while you suck Benjamin. I don’t want my first load of Negro seed to be in your pretty little mouth.”

It was obvious that those men intended to fuck me, and I wanted it badly. Malcolm’s cock is so big and thick, and I had to feel it in my pussy, and I also wanted to suck Benjamin’s cock.

So, I turned around and got up on the bed on my knees and looked back at the men saying, “Come on, Malcolm, fuck me now. And, Benjamin, get up here and feed me your cock.”

I was on my knees at the end of the bed and Malcolm pulled down my shorts and helped me off with them. I was at the perfect height for him as he stood behind me and moved in to press his huge cock head into my oozing and wet, hairy labia that were swollen with lust. As he pressed his cock into me Benjamin lay back on the bed in front of me. I leaned down to take his cock, which was almost as big as Malcolm’s, into my mouth.

Malcolm slowly pressed his thick fuck meat into me and I could hardly believe how good it felt to be impaled on a truly huge cock. He leaned over me and pushed up my t-shirt and began rubbing my big breasts as he slowly fucked himself into me.

My mouth was full of Benjamin’s oozing cock and I was slurping loudly on his meat as Malcolm laughed and said, “Damn, girl, you are one slutty, whore, white wife. You’re sucking on Ben’s cock like you haven’t eaten in a week, and your tight little cunt is gripping my cock like a vise. I just love giving you white cunts your first taste of black cock.”

He continued fucking me and soon bottomed out on my cervix. Then he kept pushing as I swiveled my hips and he was soon buried to the hilt inside of me. He began fucking me with long, powerful strokes, and his big balls were swinging and slapping against my inner thighs and pubis. Benjamin was holding my head in place as he aggressively fucked my mouth and throat, and I felt like a cheap whore being fucked and pinned between those big, aggressive, black men. I loved being used by them that way, and I was beginning to understand the emotions of the characters in those cuckold stories who craved being used by black men.

I wasn’t on any birth control, and I was also beginning to understand the impregnation fantasies that Malcolm said a lot of white couples had. Just the thought that he was fucking me with no protection and would be breeding my potentially-fertile, married, white cunt with his black sperm was turning me on. I knew that it would excite him even more if he knew that I was unprotected, even though I was pretty sure I was in the safe part of my cycle. So, I decided to tell him and ask that he pull out before he ejaculated, knowing full well that he would then want to empty his balls into me even more.

My orgasms were almost continuous, and I pulled my mouth off Benjamin’s cock momentarily and gasped as I said, “Oh fuck, Malcolm, that feels so fucking good and I’m cumming all over your huge cock. But listen, David and I have been trying to get me pregnant, and I’m not on any birth control. Please pull out before you cum.”

Benjamin pulled my mouth back onto his cock as Malcolm began fucking me even harder. Then he pulled on my breasts to hold himself in my cunt to the balls. I felt his huge cock throbbing and expanding inside of me as he flooded my womb with pulse after pulse of his fuck juice.

He was leaning over me panting as he said, “You should have told me sooner if you didn’t want my cum inside of you. You’re the one who wanted to see our cocks and you had to know what would happen. It’s been so long since I’ve flooded a married, white cunt like this, and you just better hope that you aren’t fertile today.”

Right after Malcolm ejaculated deep into my pussy, Benjamin held me tightly on his cock as he spewed his fuck slime into my mouth. I swallowed and kept sucking as I was still skewered on both ends by those massive black cocks.

Malcolm held his cock in me for another five minutes before pulling out and saying, “It’s too bad we don’t have David here to clean up your stretched out, cum soaked pussy. Get a towel from the bathroom and clean up a little, then plan on staying here for the night. I know that Benjamin will want some of your sweet pussy, and we can keep this up most of the night if you’re up for it.”

I went into their bathroom and could hardly believe the amount of cum pouring out of my pussy. David’s little loads are just a trickle compared to the deluge that Malcolm pumped into me. And I know that I had to swallow several times to get Benjamin’s load down. I loved the raw sexuality of those men and knew that our lives were changed forever after tasting and fucking those big cocks.

Malcolm and Benjamin were lounging on the bed when I went back and lay down between them. They leaned over and began sucking my breasts as they pressed their cocks against my legs. It was so erotic watching their thick, black lips suckling at my huge, lily-white tits. I don’t think they wanted to kiss me because I had sucked both of their cocks and swallowed Benjamin’s cum.

After sucking and rubbing my breasts for about fifteen minutes, Benjamin pulled me on top of him and positioned me to slide down on his hard cock. I was still slick inside from Malcolm’s cum, and Ben had no trouble pushing his cock into me. It felt so good having my pussy filled and stretched with cock again. I was moving on him as he thrust his hips against me.

Malcolm got up and straddled our legs as he began spreading and massaging my ass. He was running his thumbs through my ass crack and massaging my asshole. I was so distracted from being fucked that I didn’t realize what Malcolm was planning until he spit on my asshole, leaned in, and began rubbing his cock up and down my crack and pressing it against my hole.

That’s when he said, “Damn, we can’t let this beautiful, tight, white ass go to waste. If you’ve never experienced double penetration, then get ready for a real treat.”

He pushed the head of his cock against my sphincter until it painfully popped inside of me. He held still for a minute or two to let my ass acclimate to the thickness. Then he pushed again, and his big cock was buried in my ass. The men got into a rhythm where one would be pulling out, while the other was pushing in. The pleasure was intense as I felt those huge cocks sliding against one another inside of me and those men fucked me hard and fast.

After a few minutes fucking me that way, Malcolm exhibited his inherent hostility towards whites by saying, “Damn, white girl, your asshole is gripping my cock so fucking hard. Take our black cocks, you fucking white whore. It’ll serve your right if we knock you up with a black baby tonight. Your sissy-ass husband could never fuck you the way we are doing, and you’ll never be able to feel his dick in you after this night. So, take our thick black meat, you fucking slut. You should pay us for being so nice to fill you with our semen and sperm this way and giving you a chance to have a black baby.”

That was just the beginning of a night of them fucking me. I even sucked their cocks to clean them after they fucked my pussy and ass. I don’t know how many times I was fucked before they finally carried me back to my room and threw me on the bed at about 5:00 am. I was awakened by a wakeup call at 7:00 am and quickly realized that my pussy and ass were sore. I could barely walk as I slowly shuffled to the shower.

My stomach, pubic area, ass, and inner thighs were caked with dried semen, and I must have smelled like the whore I was with all my stale pussy juice and cum on me. Their cum was still running out of my battered pussy and ass as I stepped into the warm shower spray. I somehow finished my shower and got dressed and down to breakfast on time.

The other two campaign workers were at the table with Malcolm and Benjamin, and I could tell by the looks on their faces that they had been told about what happened with me. No one said anything about it though, and we finally made it to the bus at about 8:30 am to head to our first meeting of the morning. I tried hard to walk normally and spent more time in the bus than I normally did, even napping, as the men went to their meetings. We finally finished up or last meeting at about 2:00 pm and headed back to Montgomery.

Our three-hour ride back was pretty quiet as Malcolm, Benjamin and I napped, and the other two men worked with the technical staff on the recordings made at the morning’s meetings. I would have to review the work later, before any of it was disseminated to the public. We pulled into the lot next to our campaign headquarters, and Malcolm asked Benjamin and me to stay behind as the technicians and two campaign workers left to go home.

The other men left, and Malcolm said, “Last night was some of the best fucking I’ve had in years Avery, and we got to use all your slutty, white holes many times. Damn, girl, you have a fucking tight cunt and asshole. We know that you might be a little sore right now, but we need to send you home to David with a little present from us. Darrell told him that we would be sending you home well-fucked and full of black cum. We have to do this quickly, so get those clothes off so we can fuck you again, and then get home. You know that you’ll never be able to get enough of our thick black cocks and big cum loads.”

After reading those stories and seeing those pictures with David, and then knowing that he sucked Darrell’s cock, I was certainly seeing David in a whole new light. And after the fucking I had the previous night and that morning, I knew for sure that I loved being used as a fuck sleeve for those men and would do anything for them. It would take a little getting used to seeing my husband as my cunt-sucking cuckold and a submissive cock sucker, but I was willing to watch his metamorphosis if I could keep fucking those huge black cocks.

We all undressed, and I lay back on one of the beds the technicians used. Malcolm and Benjamin aggressively sucked my tits and even gave me several hickies to mark their territory. Then they both fucked my cunt and left me overflowing with cum. I used a pad left over from my last period to hold the cum inside of me, and we all left the bus.

On the way to our cars Malcolm said, “Try to get up early tomorrow to pack for next week’s trip. Benjamin, Darrell and I are coming over to your home tomorrow afternoon, to make sure that David clearly understands his new role in your life. So, feed him what we’re sending you home with now, and don’t let him fuck you with his little dick until after we’re finished with you tomorrow afternoon.”

I got home in the early evening and David was waiting for me with dinner ready. He ordered my favorite Chinese take-out. Instead of eating though, I said, “I hear that you have been a busy boy with Darrell, and I have also been busy with Malcolm and Benjamin. Let’s go to bed before we eat so you see what they left for you.”

We quickly undressed, and I lay back on the bed naked, holding the pad in place on my pussy. He saw the big hickies on my breasts, and I pulled him between my legs and said, “Those men fucked me in the pussy, ass, and mouth with their big cocks last night. I don’t know how many times, but I could hardly walk when I got up covered with their cum this morning. They both fucked me again just before I left for home, so get on down there and slurp up the fuck slime they left for you.”

David started sucking on my cum-filled pussy like a man possessed. He lapped and tongued me to get every drop of those sex fluids. He looked up at me with cum and my juices on his face and I said, "You might already know this, but Malcolm, Benjamin and Darrell are coming over here tomorrow afternoon. They all want to fuck me and watch you take your place as my cum and cock sucking cuckold husband. You started all of this, David, and now that I’ve had a taste of black fuck meat, I’ll need and want it all the time. I hope that you want what you wished for.”

The men showed up early Sunday afternoon, and we went straight to the bedroom where everyone undressed. David looked on as those men took turns fucking my pussy and ass, and he cleaned me up after each fucking. He also sucked their cocks to get them hard for me. They used us as their sexual servants for their own pleasure. David never objected to anything they required of us, even when they humiliated him by sitting on his face to feed him their balls and assholes.

By the end of the afternoon I had been fucked three times by each of the men and David had eaten all their loads of cum. When they finally left, Malcolm said, “Now, David, it was nice having you around to keep Avery’s pussy and ass clean for us, and we’ll try to fuck you two as a couple when we can. But while we’re on the campaign trail, all the campaign staff will be fucking your whore wife like the slut she is. It will be so nice having her there to take care of our hard cocks whenever we desire it.”

From that point on, I was the primary entertainment for all the men on our road trips. I was being used as little more than a fuck bunny and cum receptacle for those men, and I loved being treated that way. Since David wasn’t there to clean me, I soon developed a taste for their cum and scooped it out of my pussy and ass to eat after each fucking.

Malcolm won the election and became a State Senator, and I was hired to be his press secretary. I got pregnant one month after the election, and nine months later I gave birth to a black baby boy. David and I are now enjoying our new life being a white cuckold couple to satisfy the sexual hunger of Malcolm and many other black men.

Written by edlangston
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