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"Cuckold Chronicle Issue One"

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Cuckold Chronicle Issue One


“You’re joking, aren’t you?” Becky was suspicious, as if I were a police officer trying to lure her into a trap. “Either that or you’ve gone crazy!”

“Becky,” I said, my voice as sincere as anything. But we both know that I’m just not good enough to make you feel that way.”

I couldn’t believe that after so long the words had finally come out of my mouth. And to my wife. Becky sat beside me on the couch, leaning back as if she were scared of me or something.I could make it, “I just want to see you experience complete and utter pleasure. I want that more than

“So you would let me...” Becky began. “No, you want me to go find some other man who can make me feel that way?”

I put my hand on my wife’s and nodded. “Becky, truly, there is nothing I would want more than for you to experience complete sexual satisfaction. I want you to be free, to find someone that makes you go crazy. Anyone. So long as, at the end of the day, you’re happy and satisfied.”

Becky chewed her lip and considered my words. “Are you sure though? Completely sure?”

“Even the thought of you going wild with another man gets me going. Feel for yourself.”

I took my hand off Becky’s and leaned back so she could see my crotch. Becky languidly moved her hand over and grabbed my bulging hard cock through my pants.

“You are really hard.” Becky giggled and moved her hand back.

She sat up straighter and moved to the edge of the couch cushion and sat there like an old Greek philosopher considering the very nature of existence.

“And you said I can choose anyone?”

“Anyone in the whole wide world Becky.”

Becky put her hands on her knees and giggled, her torso falling forward as she did, like a high school cheerleader talking about her crush.

“Because I don’t think I could just sleep with a stranger, you know?” Becky hesitated. “And... Ah...” Becky giggled again and her cheeks turned bright red, making her look incredibly cute. “Don’t hate me! But I’ve always found Duncan from work really attractive and we get on really well.” Becky bit her lip and looked forward into the distance. “And I’d just love to...”

She paused and looked back at me, flushed and embarrassed as if she had been caught doing something she knew she shouldn’t have been doing.

“Sorry.” Becky said as she shrugged her shoulders and looked down at the carpet.

Even though I had just given my beautiful and out-of-my-league wife a free pass to do whatever she wanted with whoever she wanted, I was still hurt and jealous by her choice. Duncan was the same age as us but big and black and totally ripped where I was chubby. In fact, I think the inferiority that Duncan made me feel helped to make me want to be a cuck. From the very moment he had started working with Becky, back before I had ever developed this fetish, I had been jealous. I knew that Duncan found my wife attractive, as most guys did, but I also knew Duncan was the sort of selfish and self satisfying arsehole who would fuck another man’s wife without a problem, and he was sly and charismatic enough to almost make that happen!

But I couldn’t rescind my offer to Becky now that I’d just spent an emotionally-draining hour convincing her that it was what I really wanted and that there was nothing unhealthy or weird with it. So I just shrugged and said: “If you want to sleep with Duncan, then I guess I want you to as well.”

Becky looked up at me with an expression that was equally adorable and confused, like a girl who had expected her father to tear her a new one but got off scott-free.

Suddenly, as the image of Duncan ploughing my wife in my bed shot through my mind, I wasn’t even all that jealous anymore, just turned the fuck on.

“I mean,” I struggled to articulate my feelings but had read that the key to a cuckold relationship was communication and openness. “Duncan is a good choice. I bet he really knows what he’s doing and I am sure he has had a lot of practice.”

“I know he has!” Becky almost screamed and bit her lip. “I’m going to call him right now!”

She got up before I could respond and grabbed her phone off the kitchen counter. I turned to watch her swipe through her phone and call Duncan, without even a second thought.

Becky dialed Duncan and held the phone to her ear with one hand and crossed the other over her chest. She walked around in little nervous circles while the phone connected.

Becky noticed me staring but was too excited to recognise the shocked expression on my face.

“It’s ringing.” Becky smiled and raised her eyebrows and went right back to ignoring me.

Duncan answered.

“I know!” Becky almost screamed. “I hope you don’t mind me calling so late on a Friday night but it’s an emergency.”

I couldn’t hear Duncan’s response but imagined the gears in his head working through the situation, trying to turn it into a way that would allow him to fuck my wife.

“It’s just... I’m lonely and thinking of you.” Becky looked at me and smiled with wide eyes.

“Jarred Isn’t here.” She said. “I’m all alone.”

Duncan said his final words and then it was my wife’s turn.

“Okay! I’ll see you soon!”

Becky hung up and put her phone down on the kitchen counter. She took a huge breath of relief and then turned to me.

“Can you believe that!? Duncan’s on his way over now!” She started jumping on the spot, making some sort of high pitched noise, so excited veins bulged on her neck.

I was taken aback by Becky’s excitement and the speed of the whole thing. We had literally just had our first talk about having a cuckold relationship and she had already set up a sex-date with the man who’s superiority had probably caused my fetish in the first place!

“Ah...” I mumbled but Becky cut me off before I could get out a proper response.

“How do I look?!” She stopped jumping and looked at her reflection in the kitchen backsplash. “Oh God, I need to have a shower!”

Becky moved off toward our bedroom.

“Becky...” I said in a voice so feeble that my wife didn’t even bother to respond. “Becky!”

She stopped at the door to our bedroom and turned around, impatient and uninterested.

“You told Duncan I was out of town tonight. But I want to watch. What are we going to say when he gets here?”

“Relax.” Becky shrugged and waved a hand through the air. “Duncan has been trying to get me into bed since he met me dear. I’m sure he won’t even notice you once I tell him why I invited him around.”

With that said, Becky turned around and started up the shower in our ensuite.


Becky looked better than I had ever seen her. She wore a fancy and sexy pair of lace panties that she reserved for our most special and sensual occasions and a white business blouse with no bra and only the bottom four buttons done up. That was it. My wife planned on wearing nothing else for her booty call with her big, black co-worker.

Still, Becky was nervous and unsure. She stood in front of the mirror, turning from side to side and sipping at a glass of wine. I sat on the bed and watched her.

“Is this too much?” She asked me without looking away from her reflection. “Do you think I should play it more subtle? Or go full slut and wear nothing?”

“I think you should just be yourself.” I said. “You’re hot as hell Becky.”

Becky looked at me and smiled pityingly. “I know I look good, especially to you, but this is Duncan we’re talking about. You should see the sorts of women he is accustomed to!”

She looked back at her reflection, finished her wine and fiddled with her blouse.

The doorbell rang.

“Oh my God!” Becky jumped. “He’s here! He’s here!”

She stood up straight, patted her hair and pulled the blouse down to reveal more of her cleavage. Then she came over to me, scared, nervous, excited, aroused.

“What do I do?”

I nodded toward the hallway. “Go answer the door.”

“No! I can’t! I’m too nervous! You do it! Go!”

Becky moved around me and lay down on the spare side of the bed in a pose so sexy I felt like I was in the middle of a Playboy shoot. She nudged me off the bed with her foot.

“Becky, I’m not even meant to be here! I can’t answer the door! What do I tell Duncan!”

“I don’t care! Just explain the situation to him. You’re the one that wanted all this, remember? So, go and let my guest in!”

I stood there shocked and surprised by how much my wife wanted this. Duncan rang the doorbell again.

Becky got on her knees and crawled over to the end of the bed. “Please baby. I need you tonight. I can’t do this on my own.”

I sighed and conceded. “Okay.”

Becky giggled as if she had known her puppy dog eyes would work all along. She got up on her knees, put her arms around my neck and gave me a little peck on the lips.

“Thank you for this.”

I felt loved. “You’re welco-”

Before I could finish, Becky pushed me toward the hallway. “Go let Duncan in!”

I watched her lay back down on the bed and try to make herself look sexy. Or succeed in making herself look sexy, I should say. I was so turned on by the sight of her, and her energy and excitement, that I wanted to be the one fucking her brains out. As I walked down the hall to let the man who would fuck her brains out into my house, I wondered whether I had made a mistake...

I opened the door. Duncan was wearing a full suit as if he were about to go to work and had a bottle of red wine in his arms.

“Jarred...” he said, uncharacteristically nervous. Then the real Duncan snapped in, the selfish and arrogant arsehole who put himself above all others. “I was just here to drop off a-”

I shook my head. “Save it. Just come inside and I’ll tell you what’s really going on.”

Duncan was confused while I ushered himself and closed the door behind him. Maybe he wasn’t the sexual maestro I had always thought. Or maybe he just hadn’t met a man pathetic enough to give his own wife away...

“Becky wasn’t completely honest with you on the phone,” I said.

Duncan nodded and mumbled: “Mhmm.”

“Look, Becky and I have decided to experiment with an open marriage and we both agreed that our first times should be with someone we both know. And, uh, we’d like you to be Becky’s first.”

I don’t know why I lied, why I didn’t just come clean and tell Duncan that I wanted to be a cuckold. I guess I was embarrassed, but, hell, the man was about to fuck my wife and didn’t deserve anything else from me!

Duncan nodded seriously. “Okay. So, you want me to sleep with your wife, right? And Becky wants me too as well?”

Now I nodded. “Yes.”

Duncan burst out laughing, so much that he had to lift his hand to his mouth. "Well, alright, shit. Where is she?”

He pushed the bottle of red wine into my hands and walked past me, taking off his suit jacket.

“End of the hallway, on the left,” I said.

Duncan turned left and stopped at the door to my bedroom. The smirk on his face was once of pure arrogance and arousal. He leaned against the doorframe and crossed his arms over his chest.

“Hey there, Becky.”

My voice’s voice was weak and almost frightful. “Hi, Duncan.”

“May I come in?” Duncan gestured at the bed.

“Mhmmm,” Becky barely mumbled. Her voice was actually so quiet that I could hear her head moving up and down as she nodded.

Duncan stepped out of sight and into my bedroom. I walked down the hallway, put his jacket and the bottle of red wine down on the kitchen counter, and went to take Duncan’s spot in the doorframe.

Becky immediately looked over at me, nervous, scared and embarrassed. She ushered me over with her hand. I went and crawled onto the empty side of the bed next to her. Becky grabbed my hand and squeezed it.

Duncan sat down on the edge of the bed on the other side. “I heard you had a craving for some chocolate and some meat.”

Becky giggled and got rid of some nerves. Still holding my hand, she turned to smile at Duncan and nodded.

“Okay.” Duncan moved Becky’s legs apart and crawled between them. He slowly leaned over her body, and toward her mouth. “While I prepare your meal, I hope you don’t mind if I help myself to a snack.”

Duncan kissed my wife on the lips. A jolt went through Becky’s hand and she dug her nails into my skin. Duncan lifted his lips off my wife’s, smiled, and then moved his head down to her chest. He parted Becky’s blouse with his hands and kissed her exposed skin. Her chest, tits, nipples, and stomach.

Then, Duncan’s hands slipped into the band of my wife’s panties and pulled them down. Becky lifted her legs to make it easier for him. Duncan pulled the panties off my wife’s feet and then shoved his head in between her legs.

Becky screamed, as if she were surprised by how much joy she could experience so suddenly. She looked at me with wide and unbelieving eyes and squeezed my hand even tighter.

“Kiss me,” she whispered.

I obeyed and thrust my own lips where another man’s had been only a moment ago. Becky threw everything she had into the kiss, grabbing my head and running her fingers through my hair, as if she were embarrassed by what was happening and thought that if she paid me enough attention, things would be normal. She kissed me long, deeply, and passionately, all the while squirming in pleasure from Duncan’s tongue. Becky, my wife and love, was in such ecstasy from another man that she had to stop kissing me and gasp for the very breath that kept her alive.

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Duncan looked up from between Becky’s legs. “Are you ready for the main course now?”

We all knew what that meant.

Becky turned me and squeezed my hand again. Her eyes were big and watery and she just looked absolutely petrified. I had no idea what had happened to the woman who had been jumping around earlier. That Becky was stoked to have the opportunity to sleep with another man, the Becky whose hand I was holding was horrified.

I squeezed her hand back, smiled and nodded. “It’s okay, sweetie. Do you want your main course now?”

Becky stared at me with her big, wet and scared eyes. She slowly nodded her head up and down without her lips ever turning into a smile.

I nodded toward Duncan who was perched up with a hand on each of Becky’s thighs. Becky followed my head and looked down at her co-worker.

“I do.” Her voice was meek and powerless. “Yes please.”

Duncan smiled and got up on his knees between my wife’s legs. He unbuttoned his shirt and exposed the most athletic body I had ever seen in person. I felt the air drain from the room. Becky and I both gasped at the sight of Duncan’s ripped chest and chiseled abdomen.

He threw the shirt off his arms and onto the floor and then went to work on his belt and pants. His leather belt whistled as it flew through the straps on his expensive-looking pants and then clinked on the floor. Next, Duncan pushed his pants down to his knees and then alternated which leg he leaned on while he got the pants the rest of the way off.

He wore a tight and black pair of briefs. As a man with more weight than was attractive, I knew that black was meant to make things look slimming and small. But not Duncan’s crotch. No, even in black, Duncan’s thing was positively huge.

I looked down at Becky who was staring directly at Duncan’s big, bulging cock with an open mouth and wide eyes. She looked like she was on the verge of salivating!

Duncan took his briefs off the same way he took his pants off and then knelt between my wife completely naked, baring his big black cock for all the world to see, like a waiter offering some hors d’oeuvres.

Becky gulped. The sound echoed in the room and I could even see the spit move down her throat.

Duncan wrapped his arms around my wife’s thighs and pulled her down a few inches toward him. He was so strong and Becky so weak that she moved like a piece of string and a little surprised yelp flew out of her mouth. Becky looked up at me, scared shitless. I squeezed her hand but it wasn’t enough. She motioned for me to kiss her again and I was happy to oblige.

It wasn’t how I always fantasized about being cuckolded but, in a way, I was glad to be a part of my wife’s extra-marital relations. Besides, it was Becky’s first time with another man since we started dating and I could see how nervous she was. Perhaps she would loosen up and gain confidence with time and experience. I hoped so...

I kept my eyes open while I made out with my wife. Becky clenched a handful of my hair at the back of my head and pulled me toward her with all of her feeble might. Her kiss was precise and deep and I could tell she was really focusing on it, trying to lose herself in it completely. Her eyes were clenched closed too, and her breath was ragged.

I tilted my eyeballs to the side and tried to get a glimpse of Duncan. His hands were on the underside of Becky’s knees and held them up. They formed a right angle, his hands under her knees making the corner. My wife was so wet that Duncan didn’t even need to push his cock inside her. It just glided in, like it was being pulled inside by some sort of invisible gravity ray or tractor beam. Duncan evidently had no trouble finding the right hole like I did - sometimes I would spend ages trying to shove my cock inside my wife without finding it and Becky would eventually have to move her hand down there and guide me inside her.

The moment Duncan penetrated my wife, Becky’s entire body jolted, as if she were being electrocuted. She kept her lips on mine but her tongue stopped moving completely and her eyes shot wide open, as if she wasn’t expecting another man to penetrate her - or at least a man so well endowed.

As Duncan’s dick moved deeper inside my wife, the expression on Becky’s face just became more and more vivid, until she actually had to pull her face off of mine and scream and gasp in a combination of pleasure and pain.

She was already sweating and turning red. Sweat beaded her whole face. Her hand gripped my hair even tighter.

Duncan smirked and started to move his cock backwards. Becky sighed and blew out, almost as if she were mouthing the word “phew”.

Duncan pushed himself back inside my wife. Becky pulled on my hair so tight, I thought it was going to rip out of my head. Her whole expression changed too. Her face scrunched up, eyes closed but mouth wide open, and a high-pitched whine - almost like a cry - echoed through our bedroom.

With her eyes closed, her mouth open, her hair sticking to her head with sweat, and her cheeks tomato-red, Becky cried out to me.

“Kiss me,” she said through gasps and cries, her voice getting weaker with every syllable. “Kiss me... Baby... Please...”

Becky’s voice finally faded away to nothing and I pushed my mouth down on hers. She opened it more willingly than ever, as if her lips were salivating for me like her pussy was for Duncan. Becky shoved her tongue so far into my mouth that I almost gagged. She never kissed me like this, so wild, desperate, and passionate. I loved it! And the way she pulled me toward her, that want and desire satisfied me more than her cunt ever could have.

Becky and I kissed like that for ages. It was so amazingly blissful. We hadn’t kissed for so long or with so much passion in... I don’t even know how long! Years - if ever! Every now and then, I would open my eyes to check how much time had passed on the alarm clock. Five minutes. Ten minutes. Twenty. Thirty!

Duncan was even better than what my jealous mind had expected! He had the endurance of a stallion! The length and girth of one too!

I was so happy that our first time was going so well. When I looked down at Becky, her face was the picture of pleasure and peacefulness. Every muscle in her face and shoulders were relaxed and she jerked around like a ragdoll every time Duncan thrust forward inside of her.

Eventually, Becky broke our kiss and threw her head back to scream.

“Holy...” she gasped. “Fuck!”

It was strange. How jealous I was over my wife breaking her kiss with me to scream about another man. I didn’t care that that other man was absolutely fucking her brain out, barely even thought of it, I was just jealous and angry that he was fucking her so good that he ruined the most romantic and intimate moment of my marriage, my relationship, and even my life!

Becky wiggled her head around, from side to side, sweat flying off as she moved. Her eyes were clenched closed so hard, I don’t think I had ever seen Becky put so much effort into anything. Becky’s whole body swayed with her face, her hair thrashing, her tits bouncing, her feet dangling like hooks from a fishing line.

I looked down at Duncan. He had barely broken a sweat. I couldn’t believe how fit he was. Was every man but me like this? Could they all fuck for this long without cumming or having a heart attack!?

Becky moaned so loudly that my eyes flung right back to her. The sound had come from deep within, from a place that seemed centuries old, as if, in that moment, Becky was nothing more than a primitive creature engaging in the basest of desires.

She let go of the hair at the back of my head and then slapped her hand down on my neck and took another handful, even tighter than she had been gripping it before.

Becky held onto my hair and used it to lift her face up off the pillow and look at me. Her eyes were wide and unbelieving. “How is this happening!? How can anyone fuck so well for so long?!” Her eyes seemed to scream. She convulsed and gasped like she was giving birth.

“So big, Jar...” Becky moaned. “So fucking big!”

She screamed, pushed my face away and threw her head back. Then, out of nowhere, Becky summoned the strength and awareness to lift her head and upper torso up off the bed. She threw her arms around Duncan’s neck and hugged him even tighter than she had pulled my hair. Duncan wrapped my wife’s legs around his waist and then put one hand on her arse and the other on her back.

Duncan stood up. Easily. Like it was nothing. As if he weren’t holding or fucking my wife!

He had one foot flat on the carpet and the other hunched on the edge of my bed and fucked the shit out of my wife. Becky looked tiny (and extremely white) against his big black body. She was almost folded in two, her legs pushed toward her and the underside of her knee flung over Duncan’s forearms.

And she screamed like a dog. Like a wild and rabid dog gone crazy. It was guttural, it was deep, it was even a little scary. I could see spit flying out of her mouth.

Becky’s chin was resting on Duncan’s shoulder and she held his body flat against hers, as if she were trying to absorb him.

Duncan managed to wiggle and get enough free space between them to look at my wife’s cheek.

“You ready for dessert, baby?” Duncan asked. “For some of my homemade, hot, white cream?”

“Yes...” Becky tried to say, and then...

“Fuck yes!” she somehow managed to scream. “Fucking cum in me, baby. Like you’ve always wanted to. Like I’ve dreamed you would. I’m all yours.”

Becky moved her away from Duncan’s shoulder and kissed him. Deep, hard and passionate. I could hear their saliva and tongues mixing, even over the sound of Duncan’s huge cock sliding in and out of my wife’s soaking pussy.

Again, jealousy surged through my body. I didn’t care that Duncan was fucking my life, no, I liked that, but I didn’t want him to kiss her like that, not after the beautiful and sensual kiss I had just shared with her!

I was happy to see Duncan break the kiss and yell. Finally, he was cumming, shooting his thick load into my wife’s unprotected cunt, filling her with his athletic seed. Duncan grunted as if he had just had the best orgasm of his whole life.

My wife hugged him, pulling his sweaty body against her own sweat-covered body, and gasped and recovered.

“Oh my God,” she said between breaths. “Never... I’ve never cum so much in my life!”

Duncan looked at me and smirked. But we only made eye contact for a second before Becky kissed him and blocked his face out. They kissed for a long and long time and I got more and more jealous. They had fucked, they had came, what more did they want? Did they want to get married and move in together!?

But no, Duncan finally dropped my wife onto the edge of our bed. Becky immediately leaned backwards until she was lying down, her arms sprawled out over her head, and closed her eyes. Her nipples were erect and pointed at the roof, rising and falling with her lungs.

I made eye contact with Duncan again. He smiled at me. I couldn’t tell if it was with pity that he had just fucked my wife or with jealousy that Becky was my wife.

Duncan nodded at the ensuite door. “That the bathroom?”

“Yeah.” I said.

Duncan nodded but didn’t leave. He took one last look at my wife’s naked and (for the first time in our marriage and possibly the first time in her whole life) satisfied body. Then he moved around the bed and into the ensuite, where my wife had spent so much time trying to make herself look fuckable for him earlier tonight.

I lay back and turned to face Becky. She was just on the verge of consciousness, so satisfied and relaxed that she could fall asleep in an instant if she wanted. She still breathed deep, still recovered from her fucking. Was it the first time she had fucked a black guy?

Duncan was pissing in our toilet. Even the sound of his stream was louder than I could ever make mine, as if his big black cock was more powerful than my puny white one.

He finished, didn’t flush, and then washed his hands and checked himself out in the mirror. “Alright, this was fun.” He said. “We should all get together and do it again sometime.”

Then Duncan moved back into the bedroom and scooped his clothes up. Once he was dressed, he looked down at my wife’s naked body again and hesitated. Then he said: “Alright, I’ll see you on Monday, Becky,” and left.

I looked at Becky again. I just couldn’t believe how satisfied and blissful she looked. It was incredible. Someone could have been robbing us and Becky wouldn’t have given one shit about it!

“So, did you have a good time?” I asked.

“Mmmmm,” Becky mumbled like someone eating the best meal of their life.

“Would you like to do it again sometime?” I asked.

“Mmmmm.” Becky didn’t open her eyes or show me any other form of attention.

“Would you be open to going out and finding a stranger to do it with?”

“MMMMMMMMMMMM.” Becky smiled like she was remembering the best thing that had ever happened to her...


The End


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Written by PersepolisGames
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