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Being asked to Breed a White, Married Woman chapter 7

"Antonio and Josh solidify their deal"

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Author's Notes

"Here is the next chapter in this story. I hope you like it and thank you to Manny for his editing assistance."

Chapter Seven

Antonio and Josh reach an agreement for work

The next morning, I awoke and had my normal morning wood. I decided Kitten needed to wake up. I spread her legs and began to eat her pussy. I could taste my dry cum from last night but I don’t care as I am on a mission to take care of my own needs and then get on with my day. Today we would be agreeing on the terms of our deal and then Josh’s company was throwing a big dinner to celebrate us working together.

She rustled some but not what I wanted, so I stepped it up by inserting two fingers inside her and added another digit every two or three plunges until I had four fingers in her pussy pumping away. Eventually, she opened her eyes and said, “What the hell are you doing? All you had to do was shake me if you needed something, Sir.”

I chuckled but did not respond as I began eating her again and sent her over the edge. Kitten exploded and the bed shook from her orgasm.

“Wow,” she said as she sat up and pulled me up to her. Then a more subdued, “Good morning, Sir,” before she kissed me.

“Good morning, Kitten. I have an issue I need you to fix before I can go close a million-dollar deal with Josh.”

“Anything you desire, Sir,” she said moving down my body to swallow my dick in her wet mouth.

“Kitten, I would rather fuck you this morning, so get on your hands and knees.”

Sally pulled her cunt off of my cock with a pouty look but then smiled and jumped into position wiggling her smooth ass at me. I got behind her and since I needed to cum so badly, I didn’t wait but instead plunged my cock inside her pussy up to the hilt.

“Oh, shit, Sir. You should give a girl a warning before you do that. Not that I am complaining but that is a lot of cock at one time,” she yelled.

“Shut the fuck up and take this pounding, slut. I don’t care right now about anything but filling you with my cum.” I then spanked her ass hard leaving marks.

“Yes, Sir, I do understand,” she replied and lowered her head to the bed accepting that this morning she was my cum dump.

It did not take either of us long to reach the point of no return. Sally went off first when her pussy tightened down on me, I then collapsed on top of her and laid there a few minutes to get my breath.

Sally was first to speak as I started to get off of her. “My, what got into you this morning, Sir? Not that I don’t like waking up that way, but I don’t remember you ever being so forceful with me before. I did like it and I can’t wait to go shopping now with Juanita. Thank you.”

As I got up, I sat on the edge of the bed and stroked her hair as I responded. “I hope I didn’t hurt you but I woke up with my morning wood and all I wanted was to be inside you to start the day. I just lost control because you felt so warm and soft that I had to wake you up and fast. Now I need to shower and get ready for a very profitable day with Josh.”

I got up and headed to the shower and she was right behind me. “Sorry, Kitten, but I need to get moving so I need to do this alone this morning. I promise you we will shower together later.”

Sally nodded to show she understood and returned to bed.

When I came out of the bathroom to get dressed, I found her laying on the bed naked with a smile on her face and rubbing her pussy. “I do love having your sperm inside me, Sir. Please promise me you will wake me like that again and soon.”

“I promise and I promise it will last longer because the rest of the week here is ours to do as we want. If we don’t want to go anywhere, we can just order room service and fuck twenty/four seven,” I said causing us both to laugh.

I finished dressing, went to her, and kissed her forehead telling her to have fun shopping with her new friend. Turning back before I left the room I said, “Oh, I left my black card on the dresser for you to use today. Make sure you get something sexy and spend enough to make it worth it.”

She just looked at me stunned and then said, “Are you sure? You have already bought me more than I ever expected.”

“Yes, I am sure, Kitten. You are with me and I spoil my submissive sluts since I can do that. Got it?”

“Yes, Sir, I do and I understand. Thank you. Have a good day,” she said smiling as I walked out.

I grabbed a cup of coffee in the lobby and headed out to find Mike there with the car. “This is exactly why I brought you along on this trip, Mike. You always seem to be one step ahead of me.”

“Just doing my job, boss. Even with me driving for you, this has been a vacation for me and I do appreciate it. I enjoy being with you and Sally and would have been bored sitting at home this week. Where are we heading this morning?” he asked.

“I am glad you feel that way, my friend. We are going to Josh’s office as I already had my breakfast upstairs,” I said with a grin on my face.

This caused Mike to chuckle as he shut the door and got in to drive. Traffic was a mess this morning as there had been a wreck earlier that had it all backed up. Arriving at Josh’s office we discovered we were there before him. Sitting in the car waiting, I began checking my phone for my emails, since I didn’t do that before I left.

I had one email I didn’t expect to receive. It was from Ben and so I opened it. He was concerned about his wife since he had not heard anything from her and asked my permission to text her to see how she was doing.

I shook my head as I responded,


I guess you still don’t understand that when Sally is with me, she does not have time to think about, or even worry about, you.      All is well and we are enjoying playing husband/wife this week. We will return home last Sunday and I will return her to you by the time he time you return home from work on Monday. To answer your question, NO!!!! you may not text her as she has a big day planned with her new friend to get ready for a party tonight.


‘God, I hope he doesn’t text her anyway. I don’t want her to worry about him and not enjoy her time with Juanita today,’ I thought. I closed my email as Josh had arrived and we entered the building.

Josh was all smiles as he said, “Big day for sure. Are you ready to make our companies a lot of money, my friend?”

I shook his hand and said, “Most definitely. I didn’t get into this business to be poor.”

We both were laughing as we passed the receptionist who smiled at us and acknowledged Josh as he passed her. We went to the break room where we got coffee to start the day.

The meetings went well and we agreed, in principle, to a deal that would make our companies partners for a long time. We were done by lunchtime and Josh asked if I wanted to go get a drink to celebrate with lunch.

“Sure, neither of our women will be home this early,” I said laughing.

“That is for sure. I left Juanita with my card to get what she wanted for tonight,” he said.

“I did the same with Sally, but I did instruct her to make sure what she bought was sexy and that she spend enough to justify she was using my black card,” I replied.

Since Mike was waiting outside, we decided to take my car and then I would return Josh when we were done. He gave Mike the address where he wanted to go and Mike entered it in his GPS. Seeing where we were going, he turned to ask me a question.

“Boss, if I agree to stay out of your way, do you mind if I eat here as well? I have heard it is a place to get some good food.”

I answered, “Sure, but you can sit with us and I will buy. That is the least I can do for you.”

Josh looked at me as if saying, ‘you know I am buying your meal, correct?’ so I knew something was up. “Okay, spill it. Where are we going?”

Mike just turned and backed out of the parking lot while Josh just shook his head not saying anything. Our conversation turned to tonight’s party and how his partners were pulling out all of the stops to make this a great event. It was downtown in a banquet room at our hotel. It would start around seven with Hors d’oeuvres and cocktails and then diner at eight.

“Sounds good to me, but you do know that it is not necessary. We have already closed the deal,” I told him.

“We know but we are so excited we did this deal, as it has been on our to-do list for a couple of years now, but we never felt there was a company out there we wanted to partner with before we talked to you. Understand this company is very conservative and doing this is a leap of faith for the other partners. I have been trying to get them to talk to you for some time and it just fit right now. I just hope you understand what a workload this will place on you and your company,” he told me.

“I do and we are looking forward to it. I already called my office and told the partners the deal and they have already alerted HR to get started to increase our staff size to make sure we have the people on board to do a good job,” I said.

He didn’t reply as we pulled up to a building that looked like a warehouse. I looked at him confused and he just said, “Relax and enjoy as this is a treat from the other partners to you, my friend. I am sure you will want to tell Sally where we had lunch and plan to bring her here before you leave.”

We got out and went in and immediately I saw we were in a high-end seafood restaurant and knew this meal was going to cost a lot.

The maître d’ escorted us to our table and said our waitress, Jackie, would be right with us. I looked at Josh and said, “Man, this is way too much. Why are we here?”

I then saw our waitress approaching and decided to wait on discussing this any further. “Good afternoon, gentlemen, my name is Jackie and I will be your waitress today. We have a full lunch menu,” she said as she handed each of us a menu. “What can I get you to drink?”

Josh answered and said, “We will take a bottle of champagne as we are celebrating a very lucrative business deal.”

“Very good, sir. I will get that and let you look over the menu,” She responded as she left to fill our drink order.

I started again, “Josh, man, what is going on here? Have you been here before and what will your partners say about this?”

“Relax man, this is one of the companies Juanita represents and she arranged this for us. Sally will know when you get back as Juanita plans to tell her about it. I hope that is ok.”

“This is more than ok, my friend,” I said, and then looking at Mike I just punched his shoulder for hiding our destination from me. He just laughed and said, “Your welcome, Boss.”

I looked around and saw it was a business crowd that was here for lunch. All of the tables had white linen on them and all of the waiters and waitresses were dressed in black slacks with white long-sleeve shirts and black ties. I started to say something to Josh but our waitress returned with our champagne and poured each of us a glass. She then asked if we were ready to order and Josh asked for a little more time.

“No problem, sir. I will come back shortly,” he said and then turned and left.

Josh told both of us not to worry about the price just order what we want and all we want. Mike’s reaction to that caused me to look at him sternly as we didn’t want to bankrupt our new partners already.

Jackie returned and we placed our order for lunch. Not surprising was the fact Mike ordered the most but it was a platter with a little of a lot.

I also noticed that Mike was watching our waitress’s every move. I had to ask, “Mike, do you see something you like?”

This startled him and he blushed as he nodded his head in the affirmative. The manager, who must have been standing nearby, came over and introduced himself to us. “Good afternoon, my name is Bill and I assume one of you is Juanita Scott’s fiancé.”

Josh answered, “Yes she is my fiancé. She recommended this place very highly.”

“Good to hear. Welcome to our establishment. I hope you enjoy your meal. If you need anything at all please let me know.”

Before he left, the manager asked, “May I ask, what is the reason for your dining with us today?”

I pointed to Josh and said, “Our companies just reached an agreement to work together in the Chicago area, where I am from. Josh and played football together for the Bears and are very good friends. When his company wanted to do business in our area but did not want to expand their overhead, he suggested they reach out to us to see if we wanted to work with them. We do and we agreed in principle today, so we are out celebrating.”

“Oh, my, the NFL, huh?” he asked.

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I just smiled and nodded my head. Jackie took that opportunity to return and ask if everything was ok, so far. We all said it was and thanked her for checking on us.

While we ate, we discussed whether our ladies had spent us into the poor house or just got primped for the party. Josh then looked at Mike and said, “Mike, I hope you will join us tonight at the banquet. There will be plenty to eat and since we have been together all week you do seem like part of the family. And yes, you can bring a plus one.” He added this part as he saw Jackie heading our way.

Mike saw her as well and I could see he was beginning to blush. This caused both Josh and me to laugh a little.

Then I felt my phone vibrate. Looking at it I saw I had a text from Sally. It read,


I am back at the hotel and will start to get ready for tonight. I hope you like what I found to wear, and not wear, lol, for you. Hurry back as I do need to fill my belly with you before we go.

Kitten xxx

I smiled as I read it and said to Josh, “Sally just texted to say she was back in our room. That means our ladies are done spending our money.”

Josh laughed and said, “Sorry, I don’t ever see that happening. Juanita makes great money but she always jumps at the chance to spend mine instead.”

I nodded and sipped my drink and took another bite of my seafood. We decided to also have dessert and finish our bottle of champagne. I looked at Mike and could see he was biting his lower lip trying to decide if he should ask Jackie out. I decided to help him out by motioning for Bill to come over to our table.

When he arrived, he asked, “Yes, sir, is there something you wish to ask me?”

“Yes, there is actually. My friend here, I said pointing to Mike, is without a date for our banquet tonight and seems to have an eye for our waitress. To help him out I was wondering if you could inform us as to whether she is available.”

I looked at Mike who was even redder now. He looked like he wanted the floor to open and swallow him up. I just smiled and enjoyed the predicament I had placed him in.

“Well, no, sir, she is single and if she would like to go with your friend, I would be more than glad to adjust her schedule to allow her time off tonight,” he replied as he turned and motioned Jackie to also come to our table.

Mike started to get up, saying he needed to get the car, but I grabbed his arm and told him to sit, which he did.

Jackie came over and said, “Yes, Bill is there something amiss here?”

I immediately answered her saying, “Oh, heavens no, Jackie. My friend, Mike here has something he wants to ask you and Bill has agreed to assist him.”

Jackie turned to Mike and just said, “yes? You need to ask me something?”

Mike swallowed hard and finally looked at her with a small smile on his face. “Yes, I do. I was just informed by these two that I have been invited to their celebration banquet tonight and I seem to need a date. I was wondering if you would like to go as my plus one.”

“Oh, my,” she said. “I don’t know as I’m scheduled to work and I don’t think that I have anything fancy enough to wear to something like that, I’m sorry.”

Before any of us could respond Bill said to her, “Jackie, that is why they asked me first and I have agreed to adjust your schedule so you could get off now and be ready. I think this would be good for you as you seem to always work and do nothing else. I want you to go, my dear.”

I then said, “Ok, that has been settled. Jackie, please give us our check and I will have Mike drop us off and then return to take you shopping. This is on me so buy whatever you want and come have some fun with us. I promise Mike will not bite and you will have a relaxing evening, which it sounds like you need.”

“Well ok, then and thank you, Bill. I do need some time off to relax and this does sound like fun,” she said and then handed our bill to Josh so we could pay and leave. She turned to Mike and said, “I will be waiting outside for you in about thirty minutes. Is that alright?”

Mike looked at her and finally said, “Yes, that will be fine. I will hurry and get back so you don’t wait long.”

I noted that Josh left a hefty tip.

When we got in the car Mike just shook his head and said, “I have never been that embarrassed in my life. I do hope I don’t make a fool of myself tonight.”

Josh and I just nodded our heads as he pulled out of the parking lot heading back to Josh’s office so he could get his car.

“Josh, what time do we need to be downstairs for the party?” I asked.

“We will start arriving around six-thirty as cocktails start at seven, as I said before. We plan to eat around eight. Mike, I hope this gives you enough time to help Jackie get what she needs and for you to get dressed as well.”

Mike nodded his head and I wondered if he planned to attend or not, but then he asked, “Sir, do you think it would be ok if I arrived a little late as I want to make sure Jackie is as relaxed as possible.”

I just nodded and smiled at him in the rearview mirror, as I answered, “I don’t see why not. Josh, can you give me a ride to the hotel so Mike can get back to his date?”

Josh nodded and said, “Sure that is no problem at all.”

I handed Mike another of my charge cards and said to him, “Don’t spare her anything. Make sure she gets the dress and accessories she wants and then take her to get her nails and hair done as well. I also want her to relax tonight.”

He smiled and if I didn’t know better, I would swear we increased our speed to get to Josh’s office.

When we got to the office Mike again thanked me for all I did for him. I just smiled and said, “My pleasure, besides haven’t you ever heard the phrase, ‘Happy driver, happy boss’,” and then I just laughed along with him.

As I got into Josh’s car, I sent a text to Kitten. It read,


We just finished eating lunch and Josh is bringing me back to the hotel. I will explain later why Mike is not driving me. Be ready as your Master is on his way.

Sir xx

We arrived at the hotel and as I got out, I said to Josh, “Thanks again for everything today. Lunch was amazing and I am so looking forward to working with you and your company. I will see you and Juanita in a couple of hours.”

“I am also, my friend. Yes, we will see you shortly. Now go be with Sally for a while before we party,” he said.

I went to our room and found Sally on her knees in our room in nothing but her thigh stockings and heels as always.

“Good afternoon, Sir. I have been waiting on you as I desperately need a drink and it needs to come from your fountain,” she said with a smile on her face.

“How can I deny a statement like that, Kitten. Please, enjoy and satisfy your thirst,” I said as I sat on the side of the bed.

Sally crawled over to me and then reached up and unzipped my pants. “I know I have said this before, Sir, but I do so love this big black cock. I have been wet and thinking about nothing but this all day.”

She opened her mouth and began licking the head of my cock then proceeded to swallow all ten-inches of my snake. This caused me to moan this time.

“Oh God, yes, Kitten, suck me into that warm wet mouth of yours!"

Then she gripped my balls and it was not until she let them loose, I was able to continue.

"I’m so glad my work is done so I can be alone with you for the next couple of days before we return to Chicago. I hope you have not been too bored these last few days, but I did have to get some work done since my company is counting on the new work,” I told her.

She smiled as best she could and continued to suck me until I couldn’t hold it any longer. I let loose my seed and she hungrily swallowed it all. Sally then licked my stiff rod until it was squeaky clean leaving only her saliva.

“Mmmm, I so have been wanting that today. To answer your question, Juanita and I had a great day. She is an amazing lady and I can’t wait until they can come to Chicago and I can show her around as she did me today,” she said.

She then rose into my lap and kissed me on the lips inserting her tongue into my mouth so I could taste myself on it.

I lifted her off my lap, rose, and placed her on the bed moving away letting her tongue out.

I said, “I need a shower,” after the refreshing shower I returned to the bedroom with a towel around my midsection, I found Sally still nude sitting on the bed putting on her new stockings. They were thigh highs, very shiny black, which made her legs look amazing.

I went to the closet, got my clothes, and laid them on the other side of the bed, and began to get dressed. Sally then put on a pair of see-through heels that made her look at least two inches taller and her legs longer. She turned to me and asked, “How do I look? Think I would get some attention if I went down to the party like this?”

I just laughed and took her into my arms and replied, “Oh, hell yes, but I wouldn’t let anyone else touch you as I do hate to share. So, in case you have forgotten, I own you and no one gets to touch this body but me.” With that said I swatted her ass causing her to jump and playfully squeal.

I put my slacks on and went out to our bar and got a glass of wine for Sally and a beer for me. I took them back into the bedroom, giving her the wine and said, “I propose a toast to this great partnership, and I am not just talking about our two companies.” This caused us both to smile and sip our drinks.

We do make a good pair, don’t we, Sir,” Sally said. She then went to the closet and got out her dress, which was still in a bag, and went into the bathroom to get dressed.

“You do know I am going to see it tonight, so why the mystery?” I shouted to her.

“A lady likes to make a first impression on her man, especially when she is wearing something new, just for him,” she replied.

I just smiled and finished dressing. I was done before her, not much of a surprise, and went back out to get another beer.

When she finally came out, I had no words as I was dry, I could not talk. She just stood there and looked at me with a worried look on her face.

“Sir, are you ok? Your response was not what I was looking for here,” she said and I could see her eyes watering.

I went to her pulling her into my arms and whispered to her, “I am sorry, Kitten, but I am having trouble coming up with words to tell you how beautiful you look. The dress is amazing and you have just confirmed my feeling that you are an angel sent to me by God.”

Sally pulled me closer and hugged me tightly. I could feel her mound pressing against me. We then kissed each other very deeply.

When we came out up for air, I could see her smiling when she said, “Now that was the response I wanted. I take it you like my choice for tonight.”

I held her back at arms-length and looked her up and down. She was a vision of perfection and I just wanted to stay in our suite and ravage her body all night. But I knew it was not possible, so I finally said, “Kitten, yes, you made a good choice for tonight. But I must ask, with a dress that short and tight, how the hell did you get it on? It looks like it has been painted on you.”

Sally giggled, “Thank you, Sir, and no it is not painted on me. Juanita’s is almost the same style as we decided to let everyone know who the big guys were that made this deal happen. We are so proud of you and Josh and we are also proud to be on your arms tonight. I have only one request, if I may, Sir.”

I looked at her and asked, “Ok, what is that, Kitten?”

“May I have permission to dance a little with Josh tonight? I know for a fact that Juanita is asking the same thing of Josh as she already asked me if I would be ok with her dancing with you.”

I looked surprised, but then said, “Yes, Kitten, you may dance with Josh tonight, but only Josh, understand?”

She lowered her head, looking at the floor, and said, “Yes Sir, your slut understands her place here.”

I lifted her chin and kissed her on the forehead. She then asked me, “Ok, now spill the beans, where is Mike and why didn’t he drive you back here after lunch?”

I just laughed and explained to her how Josh had invited him to join us tonight at the party and included he could bring a plus one. He was infatuated by our waitress and since they do business with Juanita’s firm the manager agreed that she needed some time off and allowed Mike to ask her out tonight.

I continued, “She objected as to not having anything to wear so I gave Mike a charge card and told him to take her shopping and to get her all pampered for tonight. He agreed and took her to do get her taken care of. They will meet us, eventually downstairs.”

“That is so nice of you and I don’t know her, but I feel the same about Mike needing a night off. I hope he has a good time,” she said.

We finished our drinks, sat for a minute to just catch up, and plan what we were going to do besides fucking for the next two days.


Written by Anonymous
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