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Being asked to Breed a White, Married Woman - Chapter 2

"Married white woman gets bred by a BBC."

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Author's Notes

"Sally and Ben Discuss Antonio. This chapter is from Sally's point of view of what happens when she gets home from a weekend with me."

Sunday morning, I woke up in Antonio’s arms and proceeded to kiss him and continued enjoying him next to me. I briefly thought of what Ben might be doing before I decided to wake Antonio with a morning blow job. He also decided he needed a morning fuck as well, so about ten am we got up and went to get showered and dressed for the day.

About eleven-thirty I was calling Ben to let him know our plans for today. He didn’t answer right away so I was wondering if I had woken him up.

When he did answer all he said was, “Hi."

I replied, “Hey there, we had a great time and we do know more about each other now. I did sleep but not much, so I do plan to nap when I get home. Antonio said we are going to leave here soon, but he wants to get lunch on the way there. We should be there by three pm if that is okay.”

“Sally, I have steaks marinating for lunch so I think you need to come home now!” he stated angry at both of them.

“Ben, don’t be so needy,” I said to him angrily. Continuing I said, “It will be fine to cook for supper tonight. Just fix yourself a sandwich and we can have what you planned later, after my nap. I need to go so I will see you soon, baby.”

I could tell Ben was going to argue again so I hung up on him.

At three pm we pulled into my driveway and before I could do anything Antonio pulled me to him and kissed me very passionately. I knew Ben would look around to make sure none of our neighbors saw us.

We pulled apart and we were talking to each other when he came up to the car on my side and opened the door for me. I looked up at him and smiled and as I turned to exit the car, I forgot my dress was around my waist, so I gave Ben and the neighbors an eyeful of my wet pussy, that was still leaking Sir’s seed. My pussy was very red and swollen and I got out very gingerly.

“Hi, honey, I am sore and need to take my time moving. Maybe I will be ready for action again after a bath and a nap. I just need to get used to his big cock,” I said as I moved to hug him.

Ben cringed hearing this again about us being together again.

Antonio came around and picked me up and carried me into our house and softly set me on the couch.

“Remember, Kitten, you need to soak in Epsom salts and rub some lotion on your pussy lips so the pain will be gone quicker,” Antonio reminded me.

“I will, Sir, and thank you for carrying me in from your car. I will text you later and let you know how I am doing,” I said smiling at him.

“Sounds good to me,” he then leaned down and kissed me pinching my nipples.

Then he stood and shook Ben’s hand, saying to him, “Thank you for allowing me to enjoy your beautiful and sexy wife. I look forward to seeing you both again soon.”

Antonio then walked out to his car and drove home.

Back inside, Ben sat down next to me and put his arm around my shoulder allowing me to lay my head on his chest. He kissed my forehead and then whispered to me, “I love you. Are you going to be oky?”

I kept my head down and just whispered back to him. “I love you, honey, and thank you for allowing me to have that experience and try to make us a baby. We need to talk, but can you wait until after we eat? I need a bath and some rest.”

“Yes, I can wait. Let me help you upstairs and I will stay there until you get out of the bath. I will start the grill when you wake up,” he said with a look of concern for my discomfort.

“Sounds good, I just need a couple of hours, so about six pm come up and wake me. I promise I will be better then,” I told him.

Ben helped me up and while I removed my dress and set it aside to go to the cleaners, he started the bath for me. He poured some Epsom salts in and helped me to get in when I entered the bathroom.

When I was ready to get out Ben helped me again and then dried me off. When he was done, he took me to our bed and then applied some lotion to my swollen pussy.

With me in bed, Ben went back downstairs and waited for me in the living room, in case I would need him for anything.

At six pm Ben came upstairs to wake me up and kissed me. I looked up at him and smiled and pulled him down for a better kiss.

“Hi, there, honey. Let me get up and get dressed so I can help you with supper,” I said smiling at him.

Ben went downstairs and started working on dinner while I dressed. When I came into the kitchen, I saw him at the grill cooking the steaks and potatoes he had decided to fix us. I made us a salad and set the table so we could sit inside and talk in private.

We didn’t talk during dinner we just ate and smiled at each other. The food was very good and I was glad we did stay home to eat. When we finished eating, we cleaned up the kitchen and then took our wine glasses to the living room and sat to reconnect.

I was first to speak, “Honey, I again want to thank you for this past couple of days and allowing me to be with Antonio. He is an amazing lover and I do think we got the job done. I will confirm it with a home test later this week.”

Ben was smiling when he said, “I am glad you enjoyed yourself, sweetheart, and I hope you are pregnant. But I have one question for you.”

I looked at him not knowing what he was going to ask but knew I had to be totally honest with him no matter what it is.

“My question is this. If you are pregnant then does that mean you won’t be seeing Antonio ever again?”

He had to know what my answer would be, even if he feared he was right.

I never broke eye contact with him but did not answer until I thought it out. I wanted to answer truthfully but I wasn’t sure he could handle that. Finally, I spoke, “Honey, I want to be totally honest with you but I am sure you are not going to like what you hear. So, here goes.”

I swallowed to steady my nerves and proceeded to respond.

"Yes, I am sorry, but whether I’m pregnant or not I will be seeing Antonio again. You heard me the other night when I said I no longer could live without a big black cock and I meant that. There is nothing like it in the world and I will no longer deny myself that time in heaven. I also only want Antonio’s big black cock. I gave myself to him yesterday to be with him anytime, anywhere, and in any way. If he calls, I will drop everything I am doing and go to him. I don’t care what I am doing or where we are, I am now owned by him and his cock. I hope you can understand that.”

Ben sat there with his jaw open in disbelief. He could not understand how this had gone this far in just a short time.

So, he decided he needed to bite the bullet and just ask a question he really did not want to ask. “So, you're serious about this? I guess I shouldn’t have been so cooperative, allowing you to be with him the entire weekend. Is there anything I can do or say that will change your mind?”

Before I answered I took a sip of my wine and steady myself to not show how I was falling in love with Antonio.

“I am afraid not, sorry. His cock is now my drug of choice and I plan to never go more than a day without it. Small to average white cocks just don’t do it for me and I do not see why I should settle for second best. I am not the first married white woman to make this decision and I know I won’t be the last. You just have to realize you are now not able to satisfy your wife sexually, but in all other things I am your wife and I love you dearly.”

I hoped that the last part would soothe some of the hurt that I could tell he was feeling.

“I love you too and that is why all of this hurts so bad. I didn’t realize I never satisfied you before when we made love. Why didn’t you say something?” he asked.

“I guess, since I never had anything to compare it with, I just thought I was getting all there was to have. Now, I know there is something better out there and I never want to lose that.” I said worried he might leave me.

I then leaned over and took his face in my hands and kissed him deeply. When we broke the kiss, we just stared at each other neither of us speaking.

Finally, Ben broke the silence by saying, “I need some time to think, so I am going for a walk, alone. I hope you can understand why I need this.”

He then rose and walked out of the front door.

When the door closed, I hung my head worried I had ruined everything. I decided to lean on Antonio for support. He had told me he would be there for me, so I grabbed my phone and sent him a text.



Hey there, were you serious when you said I could lean on you for support with this whole thing? I talked to Ben about us and my dedication to you, allowing you to own me, and he didn’t take it so well. He left to take a walk to sort his thoughts before he continued our conversation. What do you think I should do?

Kitten xxx


I sent the text and then laid down on the couch to wait to see what he had to say.

It didn’t take long for my phone to buzz. But, looking at it I had to laugh as I had a text from both Ben and Antonio. I decided to read my husband’s text first and was shocked at what I read.



Against my better judgment, I have decided to see this your way and I will support whatever you decide to do. Please just always come home to me and always tell me the truth about what happens between you and your black lover. You can relax now I’m on my way home. I love you.



I was surprised, but also excited as I really wanted to see Antonio again and Ben had just given me the okay to do so. Realizing I would not be cheating, I tried to open Antonio’s text but my hands were shaking too hard to do so.

Calm down, it’s just a text. Besides you don’t even know what he is going to say yet,’ I thought and then I took a deep breath and tried again to open his text. I read it and my heart leaped in my chest.


I am so glad to hear from you this soon and, I must admit, sort of surprised. I didn’t think Ben would be okay with this, but I am assuming he has agreed to us being together. I have a meeting tomorrow so I would like to pick you up for supper when I am done and then we can spend the night together at my place. I will have my car there at seven pm to get you. Wear something sexy and remember what I told you about underwear. I can’t wait to see you then.

Antonio xx


“Shit, I am so screwed,” I said to no one since no one else was home. I then laughed at how I said that. I most definitely wanted to be screwed and it had to be by my black lover.

I took a couple of deep breaths to calm down and then replied to Antonio,


I am so glad you want to see me again and yes, I will be ready at seven pm. I will spend the night with you as I so need you to make love me again like you did last weekend. Yes, Ben is on board with us being together and he has given us his blessing.

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As I pressed send all I could think about was what I had to wear. Deciding I wanted to wear something special, I left and went shopping to find the perfect dress that would impress Antonio. I left a note for Ben, in case he returned while I was gone.

When I returned home and turned down our street, I was happy to see Ben sitting on the front porch drinking a beer. I hoped he was calmed down after his walk.

When I got out of the car he rose and offered to help carry the bags inside for me. I leaned into him, not giving him my bags, and kissed him on the lips.

“Sorry, baby, but you can’t carry these in as I can’t let you see what's in them.”

This caused me to blush and so I continued, “I bought them for my black lover and he needs to see them first. After I return from my time with him, I may show them to you.”

I watched Ben for his response and I could tell he realized something was up.

I decided I better tell him about tomorrow before we went any further. “Honey, I texted Sir, to advise him of our talk, after you left. He said he saw your side of this but still wanted to see me again. He asked me to supper tomorrow night and then I will be spending the night with him. Based on your text, that I received before his, I told him that was okay. I was correct, right?” I asked.

Ben looked up at me and saw how I was biting my lower lip in hopes he was really okay with my decision. He then said, “Sounds like you will get what you want then. But I still have some questions for you.”

I nodded my head and set my packages by the door and went to the kitchen to get a glass of wine. I returned to sit next to Ben on the couch.

Taking his hand in mine, I then asked him, “What is on your mind, baby? I am sure we can work it out so we both understand how this is going to work. I am sure last weekend was a shock to you.”

“You could say that. I thought it was going to be a one-night deal and then you threw me out and spent the entire weekend with him. Have I lost you to Antonio?” he asked me.

“No, sweetheart, I love you and want to grow old with you. I felt I needed more of his cum to make sure I did get pregnant, but if you want me to not see him again, I will call him right now and do that. I hope you understand, and I know you already know this, the more he fucks me the better chance I have to get pregnant and we started this for just that purpose, to have a baby. Has that changed for you or what is it exactly?” I stated.

Ben took a drink of his beer and then looked at me with a smile. This helped me relax as I thought he was going to be okay with this.

“I do understand that but I am just feeling like I let you down, baby. It is my fault we have to do something else to have a baby. I just can’t understand why you chose a black man, though,” he said with a confused look on his face.

I took another sip of my wine and then put the glass down and took Ben’s and did the same. I took his hands in mine as I began to explain.

“It is simple, I looked around the bar for the best looking, energetic, virile man, who I figured would give us a better chance to have the baby we would both love as our own. I never intended to choose him to embarrass you or cause us problems with our friends and family, but I will admit, I was mad at you for not knowing you were sterile before we got married.”

I took a breath and then continued. “So, when I saw Antonio sitting at the bar, I realized I had always had a deep desire to see if black men had big cocks, as they are said to have, and I also wanted to feel pleasure while doing this.”

I paused to take another sip of my wine and looked at Ben to see how he was accepting my explanation.

I continued, “I didn’t want to just do it with anyone and not feel some attraction to them. If I did that, I was sure I would not succeed and I would never want to see him again, should we need additional injections.”

The last caused us both to laugh.

“Okay, I understand all of that, but why did you say what you did that first time? You said you would no longer let a white cock in your pussy or ass and that you now belonged to Antonio. I really don’t understand that, so please explain, if you can.” He looked at me for understanding.

Ben looked on as we both drank some more of our drinks and before I could answer, he decided he needed another beer. As he got up, he asked me if I wanted a refill as well.

“Yes, thank you, honey. That would be nice,” I said while handing him my glass. He got up taking my glass with him to the kitchen. When he returned, he had another beer and my glass was full again. He handed it to me and I sipped it while waiting for him to return to the couch. When he was seated, I tried to explain it to him.

“I didn’t even remember saying that until the next day when Antonio brought it up. I was just so into getting fucked by him that I said things like I was high on a drug. Can you understand that? I meant nothing by it. You will always get to have my pussy, in fact, you can have any of my holes.”

I looked at him with a wicked smile on my face before I added, “But I hope you understand that as much as I love you, Antonio will also hold a part of my heart, especially since he will be the father of our child. I just can’t, no WE just can’t, walk away from him. That would not be fair to him or our baby. I want him to be a part of the baby’s life so he or she will have two fathers.”

“I can understand that Sally, but I just don’t want us to grow apart. I need my 'Sally fix' as well and right now I want to be with you more than anything else,” he responded.

I leaned into Ben and kissed him deeply on the lips and then rose, taking his hand, and headed to our bedroom.

Looking back at him as we walked, I said, “Okay then stud, it is time for you to reclaim your wife and make her scream for you.”

When we got there I immediately turned to Ben and kissing him again I began to strip him. When we broke the kiss, he reached to start undressing me and I slapped his hands away saying, “Be patient, young man, I have this totally under control.”

Once Ben was naked, I pushed him back on the bed. Looking at him lying there I said, “Now just sit there and enjoy the show.”

I began dancing to some music in my head, just as I had done for Antonio, and did a very slow striptease. Ben just sat there stroking his medium-sized cock and smiling that I would do this for him.

When I was naked, except for my stockings and heels, I crawled up the bed to lay on top of him and started kissing him. Then I moved to his ears and neck kissing as I went until I got back to his ears and whispered to him, “I see you like this as much as you did the other night. Do you like me being slutty for you?”

“Oh, fuck yes, sweetheart. I never knew you had this side to you but I love it a lot,” he said kissing me again.

I worked my way down his body until I was looking at his very hard cock. It was not as big as Antonio’s but I knew this cock belonged to my husband and had been my joy for all of these years.

Looking into his eyes and smiling I said, “Ooo, someone is enjoying this. I do remember it had the same effect on you the other night as well. I guess I need to be sluttier for you more often. Sweetheart, I am your slut tonight and you can have me in any hole and any position you want.”

With that, I lowered my head and took him into my mouth, all the way to the root. Being smaller than Antonio he did not hit my gag reflex and I knew I could handle all of him.

“Oh, shit, baby, I do love it when you do that to me. I am so glad you said we needed this,” he groaned.

I looked up at him and smiled at him even with a mouthful of cock and then proceeded to bring him close to completion.

Suddenly, I pulled off of him and Ben was groaning about me leaving him hanging.

I smiled at him and said, “Sorry, baby, but I am not ready for that yet. You need to remind me how good you are with your tongue now.”

I moved onto my back and said, “Baby, don’t keep momma waiting or you may not like what I can do then. Remember ‘Happy wife, happy life'." This caused us both to laugh.

Ben immediately bent and started to kiss and suck on my labia making me moan.

“Oh, yes, you are so good at that. It won’t take long for you to get your reward for a job well done,” I shouted.

Hearing that Ben hoped our neighbors did not hear me screaming. He went straight to my clit and sucked it into his mouth. He also stuck two fingers in my pussy immediately finding my g-spot which causing me to flop all over the bed.

He reached up with his other hand and grabbed my left nipple and started pinching, twisting, and pulling it like he wanted to tear it off my chest. He saw how I liked this the other night when Antonio did it to me and he was seeing if I liked the pain or, was I just allowing my black stud to do it to me.

My response cleared that up for him when I said, “Oh, fuck! You know I like some pain with my pleasure and you are driving me insane. You are such a mean man when you don’t get what you want. Don’t fucking stop I am almost there.”

Ben just smiled knowing he was now in control and it was going to be a long tiring night before we were done.

I exploded and sprayed both Ben and the bed with my pussy juice. He stayed there drinking what he could catch and helped me come down from my high.

When I could breathe again, I looked at him and saw the smug look he had on his face.

I shook my head and asked, “What got into you? You have never attacked me like that, not that I am complaining, I liked it, but you have never been that aggressive before.”

“I just wanted you to know who really owns you and it is not your black stud. As long as I know you will always return to me, and I can do that to you, I will allow you to continue to see him and make us a baby. But if you ever cheat with him, or lose track of whose wife you are, I will ruin you and our marriage. Am I clear?” he asked me.

“Yes, Master,” I said.

And then continuing, “You are my husband and I will never forget that. Thank you for allowing me to do this for you and for us. I know our baby will be so special.”

He then moved up to be face to face with me and in one thrust drove his cock into my waiting pussy. He fucked me harder than I remember he ever had and we both screamed as orgasms hit both of us.

We cuddled for a little while and then realized we had ruined the sheets with all of the juices we both soaked them with. When we were able to move again, we changed the sheets and showered together. We were both too tired to have any more fun in the shower.

Both of us felt better and all that had happened earlier seemed to be forgotten. We spooned together and fell asleep.

Tomorrow would bring another situation that we would need to deal with. I fell asleep wondering how hard it would be for him when I left with Antonio for the evening.

Written by Anonymous
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