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Another visit with Karl and Francine, but with a different twist

"Gina is encouraged to try her first BBC, now she's hooked."

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My name is Robert.  I was born in a smelly little oil town in south-east Texas.  Currently, I live on the North Sea coast of Germany, near the border with Holland.  I am the propreiter of an international software consulting firm.  That is what brought me to Europe in the first place.  I met and married a German woman and we have two children.  My now ex-wife ran off and married a Dutchman, so the kids and I live here alone, and that is why I am still here.  I wanted to tell you this, because it is important to me that you get a feeling of who and what I am before you read any further.  This might come as a surprise to some of you, but another part of what I am is African-American, and I was working at NASA mission control at the time of this story.

It was 9:17 on a Tuesday morning in June.  I was sitting at my desk in my home office in Houston poring over some papers when the phone rang.

"Hello, Robert Guerin speaking," I answered.

"Hey, Robert it's me."

It was my good friend, Karl.  He liked to call me by my full name, 'Robert', not 'Bob'.  He and his wife Francine owned an electrical contracting business in a city some distance outside Houston.  Karl and Francine were a cuckold couple with whom I had my very first experience as a bull.  That first experience happened a year and a half before the phone call with Karl, and we'd had a lot of threeway fun in the interim.  I had no way of knowing how eventful this particular phone call would turn out to be.

Francine was a stunning blond southern belle with large blue-gray eyes and unusually large breasts for her 5' 7" height.  Karl was somewhat shorter than me, at about 5' 10" and had considerably fewer holes left showing when he fastened his belt than when I did.

"Hey, Karl.  How are you?"

"I'm good thanks, but I need your help with something".  Karl, ever the business man, always got right to the point.

"Don't tell me.  It's acting up again, right?" I asked.

"Yep.  You nailed it."

Karl had been having all sorts of trouble with his new office contracting and accounting software system.  There were a lot of things that were not working properly.  There were reporting erros, frequent crashes, and just a lot of headaches and frustration his employees were experiencing with the system.

I said to Karl, "Look, enough is enough.  Not only is this thing pissing off your people, you're also pissing off your customers with this software.  Your scheduling is a shambles, not to mention the constant billing errors.  How about I drive up this coming weekend and take a closer look?"

With a sigh of relief, Karl replied, "Aw man, that would be just perfect!  Thanks, Robert.  Thanks a bunch, man.  Tell you what, I'll invite the key office people over on Saturday so you can sit down with them and map out what we need.  I'll even fire up the barbecue grill so we can have a bite to eat after the meeting.  Otis probably will be here too.  How does that sound?"

"It sounds great, but who is Otis?"

"Oh, he's just a friend of mine and he happens to be the local sheriff.  I needed to talk to him about some other stuff, and he said he might stop by Saturday afternoon, is all."
(In case you might not know, the "is all" is pure Texan vernacular.)

"Ah, ok.  I'd be glad to meet him.  See you on Saturday, Karl.  Give my best to Francine."

"Will do, Robert.  Thanks again.  See ya Saturday," came his reply, and we both hung up.  

I didn't think any more about our conversation, so early after noon on Saturday, I set out for Karl and Francine's place.  When I arrived, it was mid-afternoon.  I was greeted warmly as always by Karl and Francine.  Sheriff Otis was nowhere to be seen, so we made the short drive from their residence to the office.  There were eight people already gathered around a conference table when arrived.  I recognized all of them from having visited Karl and Francine a number of times over the preceding 18 months.  There was just this one person, though who always caught my eye.  Her name was Gina.  

Gina was almost as tall as Karl, at 5' 9".  She was slender at 92 pounds with black hair that hangs several inches below her shoulders.  She reminded me of how Pocahantas might have looked.  Gina never moved her body in the sense that most people did, like going from here to there.  She rather gracefully undulated from here to there, effortlessly like a bird in flight, without a single wasted movement.  

Gina's eyes were an unbelievably light blue.  And they actually glowed when light hit them at just the right angle.  It made this raven-haired beauty sometimes seem like an animated avatar figure.  She had perky 34B breasts that seemed almost boyish on her slender frame, until her nipples started protruding.  When they did, you knew this creature was every bit a fully mature woman as you would ever meet.  She had a slight overbite and a small gap between her two upper front teeth.  Each time she laughed or smiled, this 27 year old beauty reminded me of a shy teenager.  I would later find out, this was the farthest thing from the truth.

Towards the end of the meeting, we had laid out so many serious flaws that I decided to scrap the entire system, and build them a custom office system from the ground up, as a favor to Karl and Francine.  As was normal in such cases, I needed a contact person at the company with whom I could coordinate as needed and to answer questions.  Guess who I got paired up with?  Yup, Gina.

Now I had one absolute ironclad business rule and this was cast in stone:  I never, ever got sexually involved with a customer or any employees of a customer, period.  No exceptions, and most especially if a female employee approached me sexually, and believe me:  some women (and even a couple of men) have tried.

I took a week's vacation from my duties at mission control, and over the course of the next several days, Gina and I would meet together in the conference room.  We'd discuss their office personnel structure and business flows in minute detail, as I completed the analysis phase of the project.  As usual, we often worked after hours to get everything done by the end of my alloted week's vacation.  

She often would lean in close to get a better look as we were discussing this report or that.  For example, sometimes when I would be sitting to her left, she would reach with her right hand to point at some item on a report.  This had the consequence that as she leaned in and pointed with her right hand, her left breast would make contact with my right upper arm.  At first, I didn't think anything particular about it, but then I noticed that it became more frequent as time went on, and that her nipples definitely were extended a lot more often than before.  

Gina began to make and hold direct eye contact with me more often.  She even laid her hand on my thigh once as we laughed about a funny incident I told her about Karl.  As soon as she did that, my dick went rock hard.  It's a good thing we had been seated at the conference table, so I was able to hide my arousal.  Something was happening, and we both sensed it.

I remembered my ironclad rule.  Then I remembered something else:  Karl was not a customer.  I was doing him a favor.  I was not being paid, and I already had been involved with Francine and him sexually.  That meant Gina was fair game!

As we had done many times in the past, Gina and I were working late one evening drawing up the final WBS planning before I actually would start building the new system.  We often would bump shoulders accidently as we sat next to each other at the conference table.  So it was no surprise when one evening I laid a hand on her shoulder to get her attention before I asked her a question.  When I did it that particular time, she put her hand on top of mine to hold it in place on her shoulder.  She fixed me with those mesmerizing blue eyes of hers, and she did not smile.  There was steely determination in those eyes as she held my gaze for about ten seconds, not saying a word.  Then it happened.  

She removed her hand from mine and brought it up to my face and stroked my cheek gently, still not smiling, her breathing growing more heavy, and her perky nipples were showing clearly through the thin fabric of her blouse.  Gina brought her hand down to my neck, then behind my head as she pulled me in for a gentle kiss.  Our tongues danced together as we shared that first intimate contact.

"You have no idea how long I have wanted to do that," she breathed as our lips parted, "I've wanted you since the first time I saw you over a year ago, Robert.  You have been driving me crazy ever since we started working on this project together.  I have been giving you all sorts of hints the past couple of days, but you never responded, so I decided it was up to me to make the first move.  What's the matter, don't you like me?"

Now the kiss was one thing, but the revelation and the question at the end had me floored.

I recovered quickly, however and said to her, "Gina, I did notice that you were touching and brushing up against me more often, but out of respect for Karl and for your boyfriend, I kept my distance.  As for your question, are you out of your fucking mind?  You are one of the most stunningly beautiful women I have ever laid eyes on."  

So that was why she hadn't smiled beforehand.  She thought I didn't like her.  

I grinned widely at her.  She finally smiled back at me, then leaned in for another light kiss, which she was about to turn into something more passionate, but I grabbed her by the shoulders and pushed her back gently.  I remembered Gina had a boyfriend.

"What about Don?" I asked, "I'm sure this won't sit well with him, and you know he eventually will find out."

"Who do you think put me up to this?  I am just trying to fulfill a fantasy that he and I have had for the last couple of years.  The first time I told Don that I was hot for you, we had just finished a hot session of fucking and sucking.  He immediately got another raging hardon and proceeded to fuck the living shit out of me all over again.  I had never experienced anything like that from him before.  He was like a raving wild man.  God, that was soooo good!  I'm getting wet all over again just thinking about that night.  Ever since the first time Karl fucked me..."

"Wait a minute!  What did you just say?," I asked, taken aback.  "You and Karl have fucked?  He never told me that."

"Of course we have.  We don't do it on any regular basis, but we do fuck.  Don and Francine even watch sometimes."

"Holy shit.  This is news to me.  Have Don and Francine ever fucked?"

"Not that I know of.  They both just like to watch.  Although, I think Francine did jack him off once.  I was busy with Karl at the time," she grinned before continuing, "He has a really nice cock.  It's about three inches longer than Don's and is much thicker.  I really like the feeling of fullness it gives me when it's inside me.  The good news for me is that Francine let's me have him whenever I get the urge, and Don goes batshit crazy with lust every time Karl and I fuck.  So whenever either one of us is in the mood, well as the saying goes, the boss needs to keep his employees happy.  From what I understand, you do fuck white girls too, right?"

I was dumbfounded.  This was a story within a story.  Karl, Francine, and I had licked, fucked, and sucked so many times before then, I had lost count.  The fact that he also was fucking Gina, and with her boyfriend's consent and encouragement was a complete surprise to me.

I said to Gina, "Ok.  Here's the thing.  Your being white has nothing to do with it, and I..."

"Oh, but your being black definitely has something to do with it for me, Robert," she interrupted, then added "It's one thing to fuck Don and Karl, but they're both white.  You just gotta tell me, is it true?"

"Nope," I said.

"No, what?  It's not true, or you won't tell me?"

"Well, first tell me why my being black makes a difference to you."

"Robert, we all live in south Texas.  It's the whole ethnic, forbidden fruit thing.  You know..., and besides you gotta answer my question.  Are all black guys hung like horses the way they show them in porno films?  I've never had a black guy before, and Don and I are dying to find out"

"Nope," I smiled back at her.

"Dammit, will you stop it! You know what I mean, answer the damned question!"

"Ok, tell you what.  Why don't you take a look and find out for yourself?" I suggested as I turned my chair to face her left side.

Gina's hands started trembling.  "What?  You mean right here, right now?  You don't mind?  What if someone comes in?"

"Gina, the doors are locked for the night.  Nobody's coming in, and of course I don't mind.  Just take a look for yourself."

Her hands were shaking nervously, as she turned to her left and slid gracefully to the floor between my legs.  Gina rubbed her delicate hand on my trousers over my dick and frowned slightly.  She looked up at me with those dazzling blue eyes, and said, "Oh!  I guess it's not true then.  Sorry Robert, please don't feel insulted, but I was expecting somewhat more than the size of Don's cock."

I chuckled, "Why don't you take it out and look a bit closer?"  

When I was a teenager, I thought my cock was smaller than normal, and some of my buddies used to make fun of what they thought was my undersized dick.  What I didn't know at the time, was that I am a "grower".  Depending on my state of arousal, my dick can grow from its slender flaccid state of 4 to 4 1/2 inches to nine inches or more in length and up to three times its girth.

My flaccid cock was what Gina found when she stroked her hand over it, and clearly was disappointed with what she found.

"Just take it out, Gina.  You won't be disappointed for long," I encouraged.

Her trembling fingers opened my belt buckle, then pulled down my zipper.  Placing her hand on my cock again, she stopped cold.  Her brow furrowed with a look of confusion on her face as she stared at my briefs.

"What just happened?  How the hell did you do that?" she asked.

"How did I do what?"

I knew perfectly well what she meant.  With her fumbling around with my belt and pulling my pants open, my cock was starting to grow... and grow.  

Gina finally reached into my briefs an wrapped her trembling fingers around my manhood.  

She gasped, "Oh, my God!  How in the world did you do that?  I have never seen a cock this size before in my entire life!"

"Still disappointed?" I asked.

She grinned up at me and winked, then licked the head.

"Are you out of your fucking mind?" she asked before plunging the head into her hot, wet, wonderful mouth.  

I had to chuckle because I knew she was mocking me.  I had said those exact words to her earlier.

Her tiny hand had no chance of wrapping all the way around my cock as she pumped slowly up and down while she took another two inches into her mouth.  That just made my cock grow to its full nine and half inch length and Gina seemed to be relishing her new-found toy: the soft supple dark skin over the hardness, the taste, the size, the manly scent.  All of it was hers to enjoy to her heart's content!

Then the impossible happened.

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Gina rose up on her knees from sitting on her heels, then pointed my cock at an angle towards her mouth.  In one smooth motion, she swallowed my entire length down to my balls.  

I had up to that time never been deep-throated before, and I almost lost my mind at the intensity of the pleasure I was experiencing.  The sheer intimacy of the act is indescribable.  

I could feel each time I passed from her open mouth into her throat as she moved back and forth.  Holy shit, this was incredible!  Sensing that I was about to cum, she backed off and started licking the head again, then tracing her tongue from the head all the way down one side then back to the top then down the other side.  

She returned to the head and took my cock back into her mouth again.  This exquisite torture continued for three more times:  deep-throat, sucking, sensual licking.  Finally, Gina took pity on me and the fourth time she deep-throated me she kept my cock inside her throat when she felt my orgasm approaching, and my cock began to swell.  The orgasm hit me like a bolt of lightning!  I couldn't help but put my hands on each side of her head pump my cock in and out of her throat as I shot stream after stream of hot cum into her mouth and throat.  My mind went totally blank.  There was a rushing sound like strong wind in my ears.  I saw stars and lightning flashes behind eyes squinted shut as my orgasm overtook me and I bucked up and down in her mouth and throat.  

Gina did not back off a single bit and swallowed every single drop.  This woman knew what she was doing!  As she sensed my orgasm subsiding, she did something else that I had never before experienced.  She knew that the head would be far too sensitive at that point.  She used the thumbs and forefingers of both hands to form a tight ring around the base of my cock.  Then she stroked upwards with her hands towards her mouth.  

Using only her lips, she formed another tight ring around my cock at the point where her fingers stopped, and slid gently upwards with her lips towards the top of my cock, avoiding the tip and the head.  She repeated this over and over several times.  Although I had just shot my load, I was beginning to grow hard all over again, even as I felt more cum from my orgasm being forced up and out the end of my cock.  I finally realized what Gina was doing.  She was milking me!  I surrendered totally to her until she had her fill of every drop.

When she was satisfied, she removed my cock from her mouth, then smiled up at me while gently stroking my semi-hard cock up and down as she said, "You seem to be ready for round two!  Scoot your ass all the way to the edge of the chair."

I did as she requested because I knew what was coming next.  

When she pulled at the waistband of my trousers, I lifted my ass up so she could slide my pants and briefs down and off and lay them on the conference table.  The shoes and socks came next.  They were shoved out of the way under the table, and I was totally naked from the waist down.  Gina did not lose any time ridding herself of her own pants, panties, blouse, and sandals in a similar fashion.  Like a madwoman she practically ripped off her clothes before climbing with her knees onto the chair, straddling me.  I really did want to taste her, but her urgent need seemed to overwhelm her, and she was determined to have me right then and there.  

I could smell the heady intoxicating scent of her womanly arousal when she spread her legs and knelt on the chair facing me.  Her hands were shaking again, as she took hold of my cock and pointed it towards her eager pussy.  Without even pausing to check her moistness she lowered herself onto my almost erect cock.  The instant her pussy touched the head, the sheer realization that this goddess wanted to impale herself on me brought me to full erection instantly.  I simply could not believe this was happening.  

Any man will tell you, when your cock is wet, and has been exposed to the air, you just notice that you are wet and somewhat cooled from the wetness.  Then, when your cock slips into a pussy, the feeling is like plunging into a warm oven.  Gina's pussy was dripping wet already.  Her pussy was on fire, and she fully intended to quench her burning desire.  

She moaned loudly as she lowered her hot pussy down onto my cock.

"Oh God, that's good!" she moaned.  She went slowly at first, savoring the new penetration, using only a few inches.  

With eyes squinted shut, continuing to moan softly, Gina began moving slowly up and down.  After about five minutes of taking only half my length, she began to move a little faster.  

Suddenly she hunched her hips forward, bringing my cock to an angle inside her, and really began fucking herself up and down on my cock like she was using the head to rub her G-Spot.  It only took about two more minutes before Gina started panting heavily and moving furiously.  Like a woman possessed, she dug her nails into my shoulders and let out a fierce growl as she humped faster and faster on my cock.

"Uhn... Uhhhnnn...  Uhhhnnn...  Aaahhh shhhiiittt!" she screamed as she threw her head back and surrendered to the orgasmic release she so desparately craved.  

Gina's soaking wet pussy was throbbing powerfully around my cock.  Her juices were flowing freely down the length and onto my balls.  With her wild bucking and her puslating pussy, this blue-eyed beauty brought me over the edge with her, and I exploded inside her, careful not to push any further into her than she was used to.  

She continued bucking up and down on me as we both finally began slowing more and more.  When we were finished, she gently pulled herself off my cock.  She squatted down onto my lap, and laid her head on my shoulder, panting heavily.  I could hear the drops splashing as my cum began flowing out of her pussy onto the floor between our spread legs.  I later found out that she did this not because she was sore, but because her entire pussy was just too sensitive for any type of movement after she had her orgasm.

After a minute or so, I could feel her body shaking as she nuzzled my neck.  She was sobbing softly.

I held her tenderly, as I whispered into her ear, "Why are you crying?"

Gina sniffed, then whined, "Because it was a thousand times better than I ever imagined it could be.  I have been wanting... longing for this for such a long time.  I still can't believe that I finally got to have you."

This was making me a bit uncomfortable.  Again, I knew perfectly well what she meant.  This was not about me, it was about her.  She had made me bigger than life in her fantasies, and now that fantasy had come true.  I knew it intellectually, but it made me uncomfortable just the same.  

The problem with being someone's fantasy, is that you never can truly live up to the entire picture or perform the complete role cast for you in the fantasy.  It was just a bit uncomfortable, but I was ok with it.  Gina was no fool.  Sure, she got what she wanted, but truth be told, I had wanted her for just as long.  Just maybe not as intensely.  Perhaps it was because her boyfriend, Don and she had stoked the flames of their mutual fantasies.  Because in the business world back then and as is the case even today, there are far more available white women than there are available black men, the black-white thing doesn't even occur to me today when I am with a woman.  So to me, Gina was a woman like any other, except she was an exceptionally attractive one.  

An additional aspect of what she was, happened to be that she was white...  so what?  Looked at another way, the chances of me encountering an available non-white woman in the business world even today is almost non-existent.  What are my chances of running into Halle Berry or Isha Sesay, two of the most beautiful women on the planet?  So you see, I did (and still do) not have sex mostly with white women because I prefer them.  It is because in the world I lived in then as now, white women form the largest group of women that I was and am likely to encounter.  Today, the good news is, this is "normal" for me and I don't even notice it any more.  The specific thing about this particular woman, Gina, was that she was so exquisitely beautiful no matter what color her skin was.

Gina raised her head and looked me in the eyes and asked, "Can you go again?  I want you to do me slowly on the table this time."

I leaned forward, and kissed her softly and tenderly.  I gently wiped her tears away before saying, "Sure, but you will have to help things along a bit, and don't be disappointed if I don't come in you next time."

"Oh, don't you worry about that, my friend.  I definitely will help things along whether you come in me or not," she said smiling as she licked her lips.

Gina stood up, then I stood.  She dropped to her knees on the floor before taking my cock, encrusted with our juices, into her hand.  Quite a lot of our juices had flowed out of her as she sat straddled over me.  She didn't seem to mind the least that my cock was still covered with a generous coating of our juices.  

She pumped for a few seconds before taking my cock once again into her mouth.  In no time, she had me fully erect once again.  When she was satisfied with her work, Gina stood again, and backed up to the edge of the table and laid herself down on it placing her feet on the table top with her legs spread in lewd, wanton invitation.  

I moved up between her legs, and started to bend forward to lick her pussy.

"Don't!" she said, "My clit is still too sensitive for you to lick it just now.  I just want you back inside me, but go slow and easy.  I'm still a bit sensitive."

Without a word, I moved two steps forward between Gina's knees.  She was still soaking wet even after all this time.  Carefully avoiding her clit, I rubbed the head of my cock along her slit, getting the head good and wet, then slowly entered her.  The feeling from this angle was absolutely incredible.  

"Ooohhh!" groaned Gina at the pleasurable intrusion, her eyes again tightly shut in ecstacy.  My cock slid easily into her.  I grabbed her legs behind the knees, and bent them outward and forward towards her head.  Then I began to move in and out of her going deeper and deeper after every few strokes: slowly and gently, letting her adjust.  

The feeling that I was experiencing was again heightened and intensified whenever I opened my eyes and looked down at this exquisitely beautiful woman.  The very idea that she even wanted me in the first place was still bouncing around in my head.  That I was even inside her at this very instant, and that she had surrendered herself willingly and completely to me was an impossible dream come true.  When that realization kicked in, I determined to give her everything she wanted, and everything that I had to offer.  I leaned forward and with my upper arms behind her knees and both hands flat on the table, I buried my cock balls deep into Gina.  

She gasped and her eyes flew open. "Oh... my... God!!!" she cried.  

Then she began a high-pitched squeal as she ground her hips in a circular motion upwards towards me trying to get my cock even deeper into her.  

That was the moment that I knew that I had given her exactly what she had fantasized about:  a big black cock buried to the hilt in her white pussy.  

Gina was going berserk, grinding her pussy on my cock, shaking her head from side to side.  Then she exploded in yet another bone-shaking orgasm that seemed to go on forever.  She grabbed the front of my shirt in a death-grip with both hands and held me stock still as she continued to grind her pussy against my lower torso with my cock buried deep inside her.  

She was screaming to the top of her lungs as orgasm after orgasm racked her entire being like bombs detonating one after the other.  Her wetness smearing my entire lower torso.  This went on for ten minutes before Gina relaxed only slightly, then started simply moving her torso straight up and down, humping vertically, whining and keening softly.  

Tears were running out of her eyes again and I could tell she was still coming because with the somewhat more sedate up and down movement, I could better feel her pussy throbbing.  It was amazing how powerfully her pussy would sqeeze my cock, then release it over and over again in rapid succession.  I started humping along with her.  

She let out a gutteral growl, "Oh! F-Fuck... that feels incredible!  Don't stop!  For God's sake pleeeaasse, pleeeaassee don't stop!!!"

We continued fucking at a steady pace.  I released her legs, and leaned forward atop her and placed my hands under her shoulders and behind her head all the while still pumping in and out of her.  I pulled her head up slightly and kissed her deeply and passionately while continuing the steady rhythm.  Gina's orgasms continued on and on until she was completely exhausted.  

Finally, after she was totally spent, the contractions slowed, and began to wane.  When I tried to pull out, she winced, and shook her head "no".  I froze.  I didn't know what else to do at the time.  I just held her while I traced soft kisses along her neck, ears, cheeks, and forehead.  I was relishing the thrill of just being inside her.  After about five or six minutes, I could feel her entire body begin to relax.  Her sopping pussy no longer had a death-grip on my cock, and I was able to ease slowly out of her.  I leaned in and kissed her lips gently.  Gina grabbed me behind my head and proceeded to give me another deep, soulful, passionate kiss.

After Gina released me, I stood straight up and stretched.  My back was killing me.

Gina sat up and smiled lovingly as she said, "Robert, there is something I need to tell you.  First of all, you have absolutely no idea what you just did.  I still love Don with all my heart, and I am also going to keep fucking Karl, but whenever you are in town, this pussy is yours whenever you want and as much as you want.  Don and I have talked about it and we decided that if I ever got to have you, and I liked it, you would become my other boyfriend and this is the way we will do things from now on.  Is that ok with you?"

I replied, "Of course, Gina.  That's more than ok with me.  But I do have to ask you one thing, though."


"How in the world did you and Karl ever start fucking in the first place?"

"Oh that.  It was Francine's idea, actually.  She, Karl, Don and I were doing shots after work one evening over at the "Squeaky Saddle".  She had maybe one too many, when she said how hot she thought it would be to watch Karl and me kiss.  Getting no objection from Don, and certainly none from Karl, she asked me if I would like to give it a try.  I did give it a try, and well, of course the kiss led to deeper kissing, then to touching, then to fondling intimate body parts, then naturally to us fucking later at their place.  Don had a constant boner for three days after that first time I fucked Karl.  That first night, Francine also told me all about you, Karl, and her getting it on.  By the way, the idea came from all three of them that I try having you too.  Of course I had been wanting to fuck you for the longest time anyway, so the decision was a no-brainer.  When I asked her if you were hung, Francine wouldn't give me a straight answer, the bitch!" Gina said, grinning.  "There is one final thing I will say to you though, my dear Robert: you are going to be fucking me a whole lot more in the future, so get used to it, mister!"

That look of steely determination was back in her eyes, and she wasn't smiling... but I sure was.


Written by TexasEagle
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