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A (very) personal trainer - Part 2

"One passionate encounter leads to another"

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Author's Notes

"The original story was intended as a stand-alone, one-off. With the encouragement and suggestions, I received in feedback I have had a go at writing a second instalment. I hope it doesn't disappoint."

A (very) personal trainer - Part 2

It was another unusually hot night in London, the noise of the oscillating fan was amplified because of the erie quiet caused by the lockdown. Iain and Shilpa lay naked on his bed. They were partially covered by a tangled sheet, their bodies were coated in dried sweat from the previous night’s energetic lovemaking.

Iain stirred as a welcome breeze of cooler air drifted in through the partially open shutters. He blinked and looked at the clock, it was just after 4 am. The first signs of the sunrise were already visible as the sky outside turned from black to pink.

The gentle hues of the dawn bathed his bedroom in soft light, it emphasised and flattered Shilpa’s brown skin. Iain lent over and kissed her forehead and then a nipple on her exposed breasts. As he did he felt and saw his cock was already swelling.

Iain reached down to pull the sheet over them. His movement and the welcome dawn breeze woke Shilpa. She lay still but when she opened her eyes she was staring at Iain with wanton lust. The aroma of sex added to the moment. Iain took one look at her and leant over and began kissing her.

Their kissing quickly became passionate as their tongues entered each other's mouths. Iain reached between Shilpa’s legs with his fingers and began running his index finger along the length of her slit.

Shilpa reached for Iain’s cock which hardened to her firm grip. She began pumping the shaft.

Shilpa’s pussy quickly yielded to the pressure and Iain deftly inserted another finger, doubling her pleasure.

When he was fully erect Iain asked Shilpa to turn over and lie on her front. He then asked her to spread her legs as wide as she could. When she did so the view was absolutely stunning. Shilpa’s taught toned buttocks were stretched and her shaved pussy lips were inviting him to pleasure her some more.

Iain knelt between her outstretched legs and leant forward. He lined the head of his cock up with the entrance to her pussy and pushed in. Iain’s cock slid in as thrust all the way to the back. Iain felt massively aroused and full of confidence. He was going to fuck Shilpa hard. He didn’t sense any objections.

Their fucking was loud as Iain pushed into her. Shilpa raised her buttocks to receive him and make sure she got every inch. When Iain had got his rhythm going Shilpa reached between her legs and began to energetically rub her clit.

Shilpa knew that with Iain pounding her from behind and her own fingers driving her wild her orgasm would be quick and intense. The angle of penetration meant that Shilpa’s pussy muscles were gripping Iain’s cock firmly. He also knew he would not last long.

This was not gentle morning lovemaking this was raw fucking. Both Iain And Shilpa sensed their climaxes approaching and their noisy pleasure confirmed this. Shilpa came first and Iain quickly withdrew his cock and with two short tugs of his hand, he shot 2 loads that landed on Shilpa’s back and bum.

They collapsed onto the bed together, both panting, both coated in sweat again. No words were exchanged they just lay side by side basking in the afterglow of another good fuck.

Outside the sky turned from pink to orange, it was going to be another hot day. Iain pulled the sheet over them. It was just before 5 am, there was time for them both to get more sleep now that they had sated their desires again.

Iain & Shilpa were woken at 7:30 by the radio alarm next to the bed. They both stirred, kissed and made plans for the rest of the day. Shilpa had her first class in the park at 9 am. She headed for the shower to wash off the sweat and the cum that had dried on her skin overnight. Iain went downstairs to make them coffee.

Iain checked his emails and made plans for a few work calls that he needed to make. Shilpa drank her coffee, kissed Iain and headed home before going to her class. As usual, Iain would look after her dog.

Iain walked up to the park as he approached the bandstand where Shilpa taught her class Rex, her black Labrador came bounding over to greet him. The two had bonded well over the last few days  and they both obviously looked forward to a morning together.

As Iain and Rex set off the first clients were starting to arrive. Iain was delighted with the sight of all the tight lycra on show. Milfs in the morning had become a favourite part of his day.

After a long ninety-minute walk Iain and Rex returned to the trees, the temperature was already climbing, it was going to be another hot day. He got Rex some water and waited for Shilpa to finish talking to her last client, a very attractive redhead wearing tight purple leggings and a sports bra under a cropped t-shirt. Both women looked hot after their work out. It was also obvious that they were talking about Iain by the way they kept looking at him. 

Iain had a few words with Shilpa and arranged to be back up at 2 pm to take Rex off her before the start of her afternoon class. As he walked home he nearly caught up with the redhead. There was no doubt that she had a fantastic bum beneath the tight Lycra. It wasn’t cool to get to close and catch up but Iain enjoyed the view as they both walked towards the car park.

Once he got home Iain logged on to the work intranet, there was no good news and very little for him to attend too. The pandemic was destroying global travel, not for the first time, he wondered if his company was going to survive.

Later that afternoon Iain walked back up to the park collected Rex and gave him a short walk. They then returned to the relative shade of Iain’s garden and awaited Shilpa collecting him.

When she did she made it clear that she was going home and wouldn’t be able to stay over tonight. “I am still married and I intend to stay that way,” she said firmly.

Iain understood the rules of their relationship. For now, he was OK with it. He was getting the best sex of his life with a stunningly attractive woman. After years in a resentful sexless marriage, he was absolutely fine with the current situation.

“I saw you checking out Karin this morning?” Shilpa teased

“ I take it she is the redhead?” Iain replied.

“Like you didn’t know?” Shilpa continued with her teasing. “She is the one that I had to beat to get you, I told her you were an ace fuck.”

Iain felt his cock begin to swell as he recalled walking behind Karin earlier in the day.

Shilpa had to leave, they had a hug and a kiss and she and Rex headed for her car. 

“See you tomorrow?” she inquired.

Iain said that she could count on it.

It was now late afternoon and the sun was at its peak, for London it was very hot. Iain decided to water his front garden before his flowers began to wilt in the heat. Ian was crouched down doing some deadheading when he heard a lovely Scottish voice

“Wow you really care for this garden, it is beautiful. I always used to admire it when I was heading to the tube before this virus.” 

Iain stood up and was delighted to see Karin standing at his front wall.

“Thank you, it is kind of you to say so, I always felt better when I saw people stop to admire it. In a way, I hoped that I was able to make their day a bit better.” Iain replied.

“If what I hear is true, then you are very good at making peoples days better?” Karin said with a poker straight face.

Their very first conversation and the flirting and innuendo was full-on.

“Well I have worked all my life in hospitality so I like to make people feel comfortable, sometimes go that extra mile to make them feel special,” Iain replied

“So I hear, you get very good reviews,” Karin replied suggestively.

Now was the moment, they both had to decide where this conversation was going. The rules of the lockdown were clear. No mixing outside of your own direct household. Iain had already broken the rules with Shilpa. 

“Would you like to see the back garden? You can either come through the house or walk down that driveway and come in the back way” Iain asked

“The back way sound fun,” Karin replied and turned and walked towards the drive. Iain took a minute to check out the shorts and T-shirt she was wearing, Karin looked just as good in them as she did in her lycra sportswear.

Iain met Karin at the back gate and ushered her into the back garden. The front garden was ornamental and full of flowers and shrubs. The back garden had some more mature trees and shrubs as well as a small vegetable patch.

“Wow, impressive,” Karin commented, “Tomatoes, salad leaves and herbs, don’t tell me you are a cook as well?” Karin inquired.

“Guilty as charged, I love to cook and have been lucky to learn from some great chefs who work at the hotels my company runs.” Iain replied hoping that he didn’t come across as too arrogant.

They reached the end of the garden nearest the house. Iain had a small table and chairs there. He inquired whether Karin would like a drink.

“Soft or something stronger?” Iain inquired in his best hoteliers voice.

“What are you having?” Karin replied

“Well if I was on my own I would probably have a beer, I could offer you a G&T or would you Like a glass of wine? I have everything you could possibly want.” Iain looked directly into Karin’s eyes as he said it. Momentarily she held his gaze and very subtly licked her lips. The signs were looking good.

“I would love a dry white wine, can you surprise me with something a little different? I’m kind of done with Chardonnay and Chenin Blancs.”

“Oh, I’ve got something I think you will love.” Iain’s confidence was surging and the flirting was going into overdrive.

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Iain went into his kitchen and opened his fridge, he selected a bottle of wine and then got two glasses from the cupboard. On his way back he replaced the cold bottle with a fresh one for chilling. The skills of a good hotelier once learnt never lapsed.

“This is from Argentina, It is a Torrontes, I really like it.” Iain offered Karin a small glass. She took a small sip and once again licked her lips seductively.

“Now that is different, I really like that,” Karin replied

Iain the hotelier reached over and filled Karin’s glass with a generous measure “welcome to my garden, my place of sanctuary.” He then poured himself a glass and put the bottle in a chiller that he kept nearby.

They fell into easy conversation.

“Why do you call it your sanctuary?” Karin inquired.

Iain gave a brief potted history of the last few years of his marriage and told Karin that he used to spend more and more time with his plants to avoid having to spend time with his angry resentful wife. 

“I used to walk past this house and always stop to admire the garden, there was often this scowling woman in the front room,” Karin observed

“Yep, that would have been her, when she wasn’t scowling she was on her phone.” Iain was in a hurry to change the subject “What music do you like?” He asked

Iain got up and went not he house to retrieve an iPod and a BlueTooth speaker, he put the iPod on shuffle, the first song it selected was the Waterboys.

“I love this song and this band,” Karin said, “Most people think they are Irish, but they are a Scottish band.” Iain and Karin quickly fell into a conversation about the bands they liked, the bands they had seen. It turned out that they had very similar tastes in music.

The next tune the iPod selected was Travis, Karin was delighted. Another winner. Iain discreetly re-filled her glass.

“So how did  you end up in Shilpa’s class?” Iain inquired

Karin was totally honest with him. She described her working day, the commute into central London on the tube, the long hours the pointless meetings. She was a lawyer and a good one but the daily ritual began to take its toll.

“I was getting home and pouring myself a glass of wine as soon as I got in the front door. It just became a habit, I wasn’t even enjoying it. At the same time, things between my husband and me deteriorated to the point that we were hardly talking, I can’t remember him even looking at me. He hadn’t fucked me in years. So we decided to give it a break and I’ve not seen him since.” Karin’s voice was matter of fact, Iain was unable to detect even a trace of sadness.

“Well, one evening I was at one of those dinners at the Inns of Court when I caught sight of myself in the mirror and realised that I was letting self go. It was time to do something. So I joined the gym, that is how I met Shilpa.” 

It was almost exactly the same situation that Iain had found himself in.

They continued chatting and listening to music.

Boldly Iain asked if she had plans for dinner.

“Yes, I’m off to the Savoy to have dinner and then spent a passionate night in the arms of my new lover.” Obviously, in the middle of the lockdown, Karin was joking.

“Would you like to have dinner with Me, here?” Iain asked, “I was going to grill some salmon and serve it with fresh spinach and a few new potatoes.”

“That sounds wonderful, and is very generous of you, I accept. I don’t think a man has ever cooked for me.” Karin’s voice was warm and enthusiastic. The wine had the effect of accentuating her Scottish accent.

They finished the bottle and Iain suggested the move inside while he cooked and got the table ready. He was hesitant about offering Karin more wine, but she put him at his ease.

“It is not a problem, it never was, it was just habitual, and besides that Shilpa has been working me like a dog here last few weeks. I am much much fitter so yes I would love another glass of wine.”

Iain was a good cook and it showed, he displayed all the tricks of an hotelier and the more flashy skills of a chef. Karin was impressed.

“So how come you were outside my house this afternoon in the middle of this lockdown? Iain asked.

“Shilpa told me where you lived, she also said that she would not be here tonight.”

That answer got Iain’s attention, he moved around the kitchen to stand much closer to Karin “Did she now? What else did she tell you?” Iain was careful to ask the question in such a way that he didn’t appear to be fishing for compliments. That was not his style.

“She told me that you are an absolutely top-notch fuck and that I should make a move before anyone else did.” Karin looked directly into Iain’s eyes.

He put down the kitchen tools he was using and advanced on Karin. There was no holding back he kissed her directly on the lips. Karin responded with enthusiasm. Very soon they were kissing passionately while Diana Krall’s sexy voice drifted from the speakers on the stereo.

“I’m not going anywhere, but that dinner you promised sounded wonderful, let’s eat first.” As she said it Karin put her arms around Iain’s waist.

Iain prepared the dinner that he has promised, he did so with a showy flourish and served it hot. He re-filled their glasses. They toasted one another and tucked into a very civilised meal.

After they had finished Iain began to clear away the dishes.

“Have no idea where anything goes, I’m just going to be in your way, why don’t I go and take a shower?” Karin suggested

Iain directed her to the cupboard in the hall and then said that the shower in the en-suite bathroom was the best in the house. Karin scampered upstairs while Iain cleaned away the remains of their meal. It didn’t take him long. He heard the shower running son took the opportunity to give himself a good wash in the main bathroom. He threw on a clean t-shirt and went back downstairs.

Karin came downstairs she was drying her red hair with the towel, she was naked. Her full breasts were just perfect for a woman of her age. 38’s Iain guessed. Shilpa’s fitness regime showed that it was working. Between her legs, she was smooth either shaven or waxed bare. 

Iain dropped his shorts and pulled his t-shirt over his head he too was naked and his cock was swelling and rising nicely. They met and kissed passionately This time their hands explored each other's bodies. Iain broke off the kiss and just checked that the doors were locked and the blinds and shutters were closed. He turned and grabbed Karin from behind hugging her closely. His cock nudging between her bum cheeks. He reached around and felt for her full breasts. Karin’s nipples responded to his touch.

“I’ve not been touched in years..” Karin revealed

Iain held her even closer, he allowed his hand to drop down to her pussy and he felt for her slit with his index finger. Karin’s breathing told him he was doing everything right. Iain kissed Karin’s neck and shoulders while probing her bare pussy with his fingers, he felt her start to get wet. 

The signals he was getting told Iain it was OK to pick up the pace, he inserted a second finger into Karin’s pussy. She reached behind and grabbed his cock and began pumping it. Iain’s deft finger skills had the desired effect and he soon heard Karin begin to groan out loud. With his left arm he supported her weight with his right he frigged her now soaking pussy.

Karin’s climax when it came was spectacular she cried out loud and slumped forward on Iain’s strong arm. He caught her and held her close. Iain then guided her into his front room and they settled on his sofa. They were able to kiss passionately.

“You have no idea how long it has been, or even if it ever happened,” Karin announced breathlessly. 

They collapsed together on the sofa, Iain was aroused and ready to continue. Karin pushed him back on to the sofa then knelt in front of him before taking his cock in her mouth. 

Before he had met Shilpa Iain had not had a blow job in years, and Karin hadn’t performed one, they both had a lot of catching up to do. Karin ran her tongue around Iain’s cock head and alternated that with taking his full length in her mouth. At all times she maintained eye contact with Iain.

Although Iain was enjoying being pleasured by Karin, he was also keen to reciprocate. He withdrew his cock from Karin’s mouth and lay full length on the sofa. Karin saw what he wanted to do and lowered her pussy onto Iain’s face before enthusiastically resuming her cock sucking.

The sight of Karin’s shaved slit was wonderful, Iain began lapping at it with long slow strokes of his tongue. He travelled from her clit to her bum and heard her squeal when he gently nibbled her clit. 

Without warning, Karin suddenly sat up turned around and squatted taking Iain’s hard cock into her pussy in one go.

“God I needed to feel you inside me.” She exclaimed as she fucked Iain, her breasts bouncing around as she rose and fell on his cock.

As Karin rode him Iain tried to match her by thrusting up from his hips. They got in synch and were soon sweating as they fucked. Iain loved the fact that if he looked down he could see his cock entering Karin’s shaved pussy.

Neither was going to last long at this rate, but it was only early evening. Their climaxes were noisy. Karin slumped forward onto Iain’s chest and Iain ejaculated deep in Karin’s pussy. His second fuck of the day.

They lay naked and panting on the sofa as the regained their breath. 

Karin suggested that they would be more comfortable in bed. Iain stopped to get two glasses of water before following Karin upstairs.  For the second time today, he gazed lustfully at Karin’s bum. This time it was naked and headed for his bed.

A great night lay ahead. 




Written by JamesMerton1960
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