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A (Very) Personal Trainer

"An affair blossoms during the lockdown"

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The first signs of light began to filter through the shutters of his bedroom. Iain lay still in bed intently, aware that Shilpa was sleeping beside him. In late August, the sun was not rising in London till gone 5 am. The air was fresh, with just the slightest hint of a chill.

Iain pulled the duvet close over the two of them and marvelled at Shilpa’s lean, toned body. By moving the duvet, Iain released the aroma of last night’s lovemaking. He became aroused instantly and planted a soft kiss on Shilpa’s forehead. Iain knew that he had Shilpa until at least lunchtime, so he decided to let her sleep some more.

As he lay back in bed, feeling wonderful, Iain began to reflect on how he had got so lucky and how this wonderful Indian woman was naked in his bed.

After his divorce, Iain had decided to turn his life around. The most obvious thing to do was to get fit again, so he joined his local gym. Exercise became addictive, and he quickly found himself craving the highs that it brought. Endorphins became his drug of choice. The days of cheap wine and takeaways were soon behind him.

By becoming a regular at his local gym, Iain began to run into Shilpa on a regular basis. She was a personal trainer who worked with her clients at the gym. She worked with men and women of all ages and abilities, and they all obviously benefitted from her tutoring.

Shilpa was also a total MILF who wore the most amazingly tight-fitting gym kit. After chatting to her briefly, Iain signed up for a course of twelve sessions with her. To say that these sessions transformed his gym routine and general fitness regime is an understatement. Iain learned to use the gym machines correctly and developed some superb habits that really saw his fitness come on in leaps and bounds.

Often on returning home from a session at the gym, Iain would shower and then lie naked on his bed masturbating, thinking about Shilpa and what she would be like if he ever got the chance to get those gym clothes off. It helped that as he got fitter, his libido increased.

Then the coronavirus pandemic struck.

Even the cack-handed, amateurish British government eventually came up with a plan. Weeks after everyone else, a lockdown was announced. As part of that, all gyms were closed.

Iain worked for a company that ran a global chain of hotels. Nobody was travelling, so he had little to do. His employer took advantage of the furlough scheme.

Initially not having to commute into the office or take Sunday flights was very attractive to Iain; he started to paint his house and caught up on all kinds of domestic chores that were long overdue. He did, however, find that without the discipline of the gym, he was quickly losing his newly acquired tone.

Iain decided that he needed a fitness regime that he could manage on his own. A few hours online, and he came up with a plan.

Iain ordered an Apple watch and some good hiking boots. He was lucky to have a park behind his house that offered everything from paved tracks to woodland. Iain’s daily circuit became part of his routine, part of his way of dealing with the lockdown. He would set himself targets of either distance or time, and he was able to keep track of them on the watch.

In the early stages of the lockdown, he would set off first thing in the morning; sometimes he saw only a few people on his circuits. One morning he ran into Shilpa, and she looked stunning. As usual, she was wearing tight-fitting leggings, but because London was enjoying a spell of unseasonably warm weather, Shilpa had opted to do her run in a cropped top that showed off her toned midriff. They greeted one another warmly, but it was clear that Shilpa was in the middle of a disciplined workout. Iain knew not to be a pest.

After his walk, Iain went home, showered and then masturbated to climax thinking about Shilpa. It was far more satisfactory than watching porn.

Later that morning, Iain returned to the park with his camera intending to get some pictures of some of the birds that were flourishing as the lockdown continued. He was delighted to once again run into Shilpa.

This time she was walking her dog, a big strong black Labrador. As she was not in a training session, they walked from the car park up to the park. Maintaining the correct social distance, they fell into an easy conversation. Shilpa was not wearing her sports kit but a simple pair of blue jeans and a white T-shirt. The jeans fitted her perfectly, showing what good shape she was in. They were also fashionably ripped, offering Iain a very sexy glimpse of her brown thigh.

They were talking about how the lockdown had affected them. Iain was getting furlough money, so as long as he was careful, he was going to be okay. Shilpa was self-employed and so far had received nothing. She needed to generate some income. Several of her clients had inquired about the possibility of outdoor classes or training in the park, given the unseasonably warm weather London was experiencing.

Shilpa had done some research and checked with the local authority, and as far as both were concerned, as long as people kept the required distance from one another and the classes were not too big, then there was no reason for them not to go ahead.

“The only problem I have is the dog,” Shilpa said, “I already have enough clients to do this every day, but I can’t leave him at home all day.” As if to emphasise this, the dog came scampering back, looking for a ball to fetch.

Iain quickly saw an opportunity to get to know Shilpa better. “I’m not working and can’t see that changing anytime soon. I love being out in this park. I’m more than happy to look after him. I’m actually running out of things to paint at home. That is, as long as nobody minds?”

In normal circumstances, Shilpa would have hugged Iain; instead, she touched her heart in a gesture of affection. “That would be wonderful and is so generous of you.” Shilpa announced, “My husband had a big operation eighteen months ago and a couple of follow-ups. He is just not strong enough for our dog at the moment.” Shilpa’s voice struggled to mask her obvious sadness.

In order to make sure of this idea going ahead, Iain suggested that it would be a good idea if he and Rex, Shilpa’s dog, went off together while Shilpa found a spot in the park that would be suitable for her classes. Rex was a young Labrador; he didn’t object to the additional walk.

While Iain and Rex set off to do a complete lap of the park, Shilpa selected a good spot by the old bandstand. There were mature trees to offer some shade, It was easily walkable from the gate and car park, and there were some railings that could be used to lock bikes to. The groundskeeping staff even offered to mark out a grid of two-meter squares with the paint they normally used for the cricket matches that would not be taking place this summer. The groundskeeper even showed Shilpa that it would be possible to get power from the bandstand if she were to get a suitable cable drum. This was better than she could have imagined.

Iain and Rex returned, and Shilpa conveyed all the good news. Iain wanted to invite her round for coffee, but at the moment, that was not allowed. They arranged to meet in the morning. Iain said he had a lawnmower cable that would be more than adequate.

Iain returned to his house and admired the freshly painted walls and woodwork. He had printed lots of his own photographs of his kids, who were now adults, and some landscapes he was proud of. The house was unmistakably his. His only wish was that there was someone to share it with.

Iain was undoubtedly a much happier man since his divorce; he was much fitter and much more positive. His only issue at the moment was the lack of sex. He had tried online dating it was a disaster for him. He hadn’t had a fuck for months. Just after Christmas was the last, and that had been a misunderstanding.

For the first time in his life, he had employed a cleaner and on the recommendation of a friend had offered the work to a Romanian lady. She did a superb job. One day there had been some confusion over dates and she had let herself into the house to start work. She came upstairs and surprised Iain masturbating. He made no attempt to stop or cover himself and found himself aroused by having an audience.

George, as he knew her, came into the room and took over Iain’s wank; she even sucked him off, and for the first time in years he came in a woman’s mouth. Iain stripped George’s clothes off and quickly got between her legs. He was keen to show off his underused oral skills. After that, they had fucked twice. It was only when she was cleaning his cum out of her shaved pussy that she mentioned that for a fee this could also be part of what she offered.

Iain was not comfortable with the idea and kicked himself for being so deluded. Why would a young lady nearly twenty-five years younger than him be interested? He tried explaining, but the language barrier prevented him from doing so in the manner he had hoped. He paid George off with a generous tip and said he no longer needed her.

The friend who had recommended her admitted that he was fucking her and paying her because he and his wife were going through a rough patch. Iain’s friend was unashamed. This just wasn’t Iain’s style.

Ian cooked himself some fresh salmon and served it with some vegetables from his garden. He enjoyed a couple of glasses of very dry Argentinian wine and then sat back and caught a few episodes of a series he was watching on Netflix. Before going to bed, he enjoyed a quick walk around the local streets soaking in the silence of the lockdown.

Before turning in, he had a quick shower. It was another hot night, so he turned on the fan and lay naked on his bed. No matter how hard he tried, he could not stop thinking about Shilpa and inevitably became erect. On nights like this, Iain sometimes enjoyed a cyber session with an old friend in Ireland. Tonight she was not picking up. Iain’s right hand did its job, and he quickly found himself dreaming of fucking Shilpa.

A good wank guaranteed Iain a decent night’s sleep; he slept soundly and woke just after 6 am. He had arranged to meet Shilpa just before 9 am and take Rex off her. Before that, he had time for his own brisk walk in the park followed by a healthy breakfast.

Iain arrived in the park just as Shilpa was setting up. He gave her the power lead and then took Rex for his walk. Because Iain was not exercising, he had time to take in the park. And he genuinely enjoyed the company of this energetic dog. They were in no hurry, so a couple of laps was easy to accomplish.

When he sensed that the dog was getting tired, Iain returned to the bandstand where Shilpa was just ending her first class. Her clients were all women and some of them looked very fit in their Lycra work-out kits. Iain got Rex some water and settled him under a tree in some shade. Without being obvious, Iain enjoyed checking out some of the bare midriffs and tight bums on the women as they left the park.

Shilpa was delighted about how well the class had gone and said she had another full one booked for tomorrow. Rex just lay in the shade, clearly happy. Iain confirmed he would be happy to help again.

Milfs in the morning became part of Iain's routine; he was happy to help Shilpa, and spending time among fit women was an added bonus. He recognised one or two of them from the local area. Because of lockdown, they were not travelling for work so were able to use the time for these classes.

Word of Shilpa’s classes spread and soon she was offering an afternoon class as well. Iain would go up and collect Rex and give him a short walk. Because it was so hot, Iain would take Rex home with him and they would stay in the garden together. When the class was over, Shilpa would text Iain, and he got the dog ready for her to collect. That way, no rules were broken. Until Friday.

Iain was surprised not to have received a text, but everything was fine Rex was snoozing in the garden. Iain heard his doorbell ring, a very rare thing during the lockdown. He was delighted to see Shilpa. She quickly looked around and then came into Iain’s house.

“I know I shouldn’t be doing this, but I just wanted to say thank you for all your help.” Shilpa was confident in the way she spoke. She flung her arms around Iain and hugged him closely. He felt her breasts against his chest. Iain responded by hugging her tighter.

“I’ve seen how you look lustfully at my clients. I take it you are single at the moment?” Shilpa inquired teasingly.

They were still holding one another. “Not as much as I look at you,” Iain responded. Their first kiss was spontaneous, their eyes and lips meeting at the same time. Lockdown rules were being broken.

Without letting go, they broke from each other before once again kissing passionately. Rex padded into the kitchen; by now, he was used to Iain and Shilpa, so he wagged his tail and sought out the cool floor tiles to rest on.

“I need a shower, it is really hot out there and I pushed my class this afternoon.” Shilpa made it clear that things had only just started.

They headed upstairs to Iain’s bedroom; he told Shilpa that the best shower was in the en-suite.

Before she could strip off, Iain kissed her once again. He then took a step back and watched her undress. Trainers and socks first, followed by her sleeveless T-shirt and then her sports bra. Her brown breasts sprang free. Shilpa then peeled off her tight leggings. Iain had often wondered whether she was naked underneath them. He got his answer when a tiny thong joined the rest of her clothes on the floor. Shilpa was naked.

Iain opened the shower cubicle and started the water. He also shed his own clothes and proudly displayed his swollen cock.

Shilpa stepped under the water, and Iain watched the water begin to stream down her back and onto her superb toned bum. He showed Shilpa how to select the water temperature. Shilpa opted for a cooler shower and obviously relished the refreshing water. After a few minutes, Shilpa turned around to face Iain. He marvelled at her breasts and the tiny patch of neatly trimmed dark black hair above her pussy.

Iain was playing with his cock and it was getting hard. As Shilpa turned off the water, Iain offered her a thick towel as she stepped out of the shower. His hard cock touched Shilpa’s thigh.

Iain led Shilpa back to the bed and closed the shutters on the window. He joined Shilpa on the bed and they both kissed tenderly. Iain had always considered himself to be a generous and talented lover, and here he was, naked with his dream woman.

He slowly moved down Shilpa’s gorgeous body, kissing her breasts and feeling her nipples harden as his tongue sought them out. He felt Shilpa’s breath deepen as she responded to his attention. Heading down, he planted soft kisses on her toned stomach.

Iain teased Shilpa by bypassing her pussy and going straight to her feet and ankles. Again he used the technique of soft kisses on each, gradually working his way back up toward her pussy. Shilpa’s response to having her nipples kissed had been good, but it was nothing in comparison to what happened when Iain finally reached her pussy.

Iain ran his tongue along the length of Shilpa’s smooth slit. Immediately he felt her whole body tense as his tongue travelled the length of her groove and then back down in the opposite direction. Shilpa began to groan loudly and as she did, she spread her toned legs even wider, offering Iain maximum access.

There was no denying that Iain was good at oral sex and it was something he enjoyed giving. There had been far too few opportunities in recent years, so he was delighted to see that he had lost none of his technique. No two women are the same, but listening and observing it is fairly obvious what works and what doesn’t. Shilpa was loving the attention she was getting from Iain’s tongue.

It was time to step things up a notch and employ one of Iain’s oral party tricks. Gently prising her outer pussy lips apart, Iain ran his tongue deeply into the exposed pink flesh. It only took a couple of strong laps for Shilpa to orgasm strongly and noisily. As she lay panting, Iain wondered whether he should insert a couple of fingers into her pussy and see if he could bring her off again.

Iain didn’t get the chance. Shilpa sat up, pushed Iain back onto the bed and took his cock in her mouth. As she alternated between licking the head and taking in his whole length, Iain’s cock was soon rock hard.

He knew he would cum very soon and he told Shilpa he wanted to fuck her. Shilpa straddled him and took all of his cock in the first time. She was soaking wet and he slid in easily. Shilpa fucked Iain, pushing down as far as she could and then lifting herself up until Iain nearly slipped out. She then pushed back down again. For his part, Iain pushed his cock up into her, thrusting from his hips. He tried to match her timings.

Iain was in a state of bliss when he felt his balls tighten and knew his climax was imminent. He pumped three long streams of cum deep inside Shilpa and she slumped forward to lie on his chest. Their hearts were beating in tandem and their breathing was deep.

Listening to the quiet of the lockdown, neither had much to say but within twenty minutes, they were both at it again, this time in the missionary position.

After their second bout of lovemaking, it was time for some food. They showered together and went downstairs, Iain gave Shilpa one of his T-shirts and then went to her car and retrieved a bag that contained jeans and a T-shirt that fitted her. While Iain made them supper, Shilpa walked Rex and bought him some food at a Sainsbury’s local.

Over supper, which they enjoyed with wine, Shilpa explained that a few years ago her husband had been diagnosed with cancer. He was operated on quickly and the tumour removed. There had been a couple of follow-up operations. Shilpa revealed that although the cancer was gone, the treatment had left him impotent and he quickly lost all interest in sex as a way of coping with it. In recent months, they had had some very mature and loving conversations. They agreed to stay married but accepted that Shilpa could find a lover. His only condition was that if she had sex, she did so away from the family home. Shilpa agreed to this.

“You are actually my first lover,“ she revealed. “I overheard a couple of my clients talking about you and one was very definitely going to make a move on you, so I thought I’d get in first, before her.”

Iain refilled her glass and leaned in and kissed her.

After they had cleared the dishes away, Iain suggested more wine and some TV. Shilpa said she would rather go back upstairs and fuck some more.

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Written by JamesMerton1960
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