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Incest Runs in the Family - Chris' Story 6

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End Part 5: Senior year was right around the corner. Summer was great, but was this just a fling? Would we be a couple that lasted through high school, or would we fail like so many others?

“Harder, Chris. Harder! Ngh…I’m go…gonna…gonna CUM! HOLY FUCK CHRIS!” I unloaded my cum into Jamie’s tight cunt. This was the day before school started. It was our last fuck of the summer. I had brought her to the spot of our first date. Again, we picnicked, and then fucked. Four times. I lost count of how many times Jamie came, but I know it was a lot.

Unfortunately the summer was over. Time to get back to school. I was scared shitless. Summer had very little stress, and I knew that Jamie and I would have no problems throughout the summer. Senior year scared me though. School stressed both of us out, as we were among the tops in our class (Jamie eventually graduated at number 3 and me at number 9). We were engaged in high level classes, and really had to work hard. Senior year was not a knock off year for us. If anything, it was more stressful than Junior year. But there we were on the first day, strolling into the halls hand in hand, ready to fight for our new relationship together. Despite the relatively few people from school that we saw over the summer it was obvious that everyone knew we were together. News travels fast in high school, no doubt helped out by facebook and other similar sites. Jamie and I had planned to take only a couple of classes together for the first semester. We would get to see each other, but not overwhelmingly. Although it went unsaid, we didn’t want the awkward running into each other if we happened to break up. But things were looking good for us.

School started off relatively easy. The classes had yet to pick up in difficulty, and Jamie and I were getting together frequently. We would play the occasional tennis match before it got too cold, and afterwards catch a movie or grab some dinner. Every now and again we would drive up to the spot of our first date and enjoy the scenery, inevitably ending with us fucking like rabbits. We had quite a good sex life, peppered by the occasional threesome with a family member. Every time, after I finished inside of her, I would tell her I loved her. She had still not said it back to me, but I wasn’t worried. I could tell she felt it, but was just not ready to say it. She was guarding her feelings, still making sure I wouldn’t hurt her.

I was perplexed, however. I thought I had made it painfully clear to her that the last thing I wanted was to hurt her. I needed advice and so I went to my normal sounding board, Laura. She was away in college, but always made time for a phone call from her little cousin. Especially since she figured that it was usually a booty call.

“Hey cuz! Thank god you called. I’ve been horny as hell.”

“Sorry to hear that, but this is not a booty call, Laura. I need some advice.”

“Ok, but I might have to charge you. I charge an orgasm per half hour session, plus additional fees if the details are juicy.”

“A little steep, but I think I can handle it. I want to talk in person, can I meet you at your dorm in a few?”

“Yea. Come on by.”

Being a Sunday, I had no plans, and neither did Laura. I drove the 15 minutes to her school, and parked next to her dorm. As soon as I knocked, she answered the door, wearing nothing but a smile. “Laura, I told you I needed advice.”

“I know. I figured I would charge you upfront. No sex, no advice.” I was happy to comply. I entered her room and picked her up. She wrapped her legs around my waist and interlocked her hands behind my head. I passionately kissed her. Although I never mad love to her, she was more affectionate than her sister. She preferred some foreplay, rather than just a hard rutting and a thank you. I lay her on her bed and began to climb on top of her. She stopped me. “Uh uh. This is a no clothing zone. Those who enter this zone with clothes get no sex.” I quickly disrobed, leaving me as naked as she was. Climbed on top of her, and kissed her passionately again. She responded beautifully, kissing me with a passion that only Jamie could outdo. I kissed down her body, ready to pay my debt of orgasms to my sexy therapist. I licked down to her heaving breasts, rosy with desire. I took her nipple in my mouth, kissing it tenderly. I licked the hardened nub, flicking it with my tongue. I began to suck it into my mouth, eliciting a moan from Laura. My hand shot out to her other breast, pinching and squeezing her other nipple. Her hands pushed down on my head, forcing me to her breasts. I had no problem with this arrangement. I bit down on her nipple, as she squealed in pleasure. The hand that was not caressing a breast moved south to my cousin’s shaved cunt. Rubbing it, I could feel the heat and moisture. I slipped a digit inside her, again rewarded with a moan. I began fingering her, thrusting my finger in and out of her clutching cunt. She began to buck up towards my finger. I added a second finger to her twitching twat (I’m trying out some alliteration). She began to buck up faster to my thrusting hand, and she crashed into an orgasm. I slipped my hard on into her pussy and began thrusting into her hard. Her orgasm had just ended, and now she was well on her way to another. I began fucking her relentlessly, driving myself to orgasm as well. I was worked up from being on top of her for a while with no release. I knew I wouldn’t last long. Lucky for me, she wasn’t going to either. She came, clenching and unclenching her cunt around my dick, forcing orgasm upon me. I unloaded, painting her insides white with my cum.

“Did that qualify as payment?”

“Oh god yes. Definitely. What’s the problem.” I always admired how she could go from insane pleasure to business in a matter of seconds.

“Well, Jamie and I are doing great as a couple. We click in every way, and we are really good together. And the sex is fantastic.”

“So what’s the problem?”

“For weeks now, I’ve been telling her I love her, and she hasn’t said it back. I don’t know why, and although I think she feels it, I want her to say it.”

“Have you told this to her?”

“No, I don’t want her to think I’m doubting her affection towards me.”

“Do you know about her past relationships?”

“Not really. I know she was with other people before me, but I don’t know what happened.”

“Well, Jamie and Amy have always been friends, and Amy has confided in my what Jamie has told her. Jamie has been in a series of dead-end relationships. She was always the person who cared more about the relationship and the other person. On more than one occasion, she was hurt by this. Now that she has found someone who cares for her, she is happy, deliriously happy. She has told Amy that she loves you, but can’t say it. She doesn’t want to feel too strongly about you, then get hurt.”

“I never knew. But I’ve tried to make it clear that I would never hurt her. That’s the last thing I want to do.”

“She knows that, but she is still guarding herself. I don’t know what will prove to her that you won’t hurt her, but she will come around soon. I’ve seen the way you are around her. She’ll come around soon enough. Just don’t change.”

“Thanks Laura.”

“Oh and one more thing. You probably shouldn’t mention this visit. To Amy or Jamie. They tell each other everything.”

“Consider it done.”

After my conversation with Laura, I resigned myself to being the best boyfriend I could possibly be. I wanted her to be comfortable with me, finally trust me to know that I would never hurt her. I decided to call her when I got home.

“Hey baby. Whatcha doin?”

“Just thinking about you. Figured I would call.”

“That’s sweet.”

We talked for a while more. As always she said bye, then I ended the conversation with “I love you.” Again, I was met by a dial tone.

Our relationship was as strong as ever. School was getting into full force, and Jamie was balancing everything amazingly. Friends, school work, me. Nobody felt neglected. She was even easing the transition for some new students. She had been nominated by classmates as the Senior Class Delegate. She was in charge of dealing with parents, faculty and new students. One of whom she really got along with. Her name was Jenna, and she was hanging around with Jamie almost at much as Amy and I were. Although a little shy, she was an absolute bombshell. Standing at five foot five inches tall, and weighing no more than 115 pounds (much of that in her bra), she, Amy, and my girlfriend were the object of many lustful stares in the halls. She had cute bouncy brown hair and matching brown eyes.

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Unfortunately for her, she was very shy, and was too embarrassed to pursue any of the guys who would willingly go out with her in the drop of a hat.

Through the times I had spent with Jamie and Jenna, Jenna had opened up to me a bit. She started to let her personality shine through. I would be lying if I said I wasn’t attracted to her. She was gorgeous, not to mention perfectly compatible with me and Jamie. She laughed when we did, shared the same stupid sense of humor, and was just a pleasure to be around. If I wasn’t with Jamie, I would definitely want to pursue something with her. It seemed she felt the same way, judging by her constant flirting with me.

Many times Jamie would confide in me that she wanted to get inside Jenna’s pants. Frankly, I couldn’t blame her. Due to her shyness, Jenna had not shone the slightest interest in anything other than a plutonic friendship, but her eyes consistently betrayed her. While going unnoticed by Jamie, I noticed the lustful stares. I had gotten quite used to them being directed at her, and from Jenna I definitely did not mind. I also knew that she would never initiate anything, and it would have to be mine and Jamie’s doing to get her to fulfill her fantasy. I figured I would surprise Jamie with it. Her birthday was coming up in a week, and I figured that Jenna would be a fantastic gift. First, however, she would need some confidence. Luckily, I knew how she could get it. I called Amy.

“Hey cuz. What’s up?”

“I have a project for you. One I know you will enjoy.”


“I want to give Jamie the best gift possible. And I know what, or rather, who it should be. I want to give her Jenna lying on her bed in a bow. Only problem, Jenna will have nowhere near enough confidence to go through with it. I was hoping you could convince her?”

“It would be my pleasure. Unfortunately for you, you cannot be there. But rest assured, in one week, she will be more than ready for Jamie.”

Two days later I got a text from Amy. “Mission accomplished.”

I talked to Jenna the next day, she agreed, but insisted that I be there this time. She wanted some moral support, as she was, understandably, quite nervous. Extremely excited, I broke the news to Jamie that I had the best gift for her that she would ever receive. Three days before her birthday, she continued to assault me with questions regarding her gift. I let on nothing, but continued to build up the gift. Finally her birthday came. To celebrate, I took her out to dinner.

I called her at 4:30.

“Watcha doin?”

“Telling the most beautiful girl in the world to get dressed up. We’re going out tonight.”

“Oooh! What for? Special occasion?”

“Just someone’s birthday. We’re going to dinner, then heading back to your place for your gift.”

“Can’t wait!”

“Just making sure, but your parents are out right?”

“Yea. Are things going to get loud?”

“Let’s just say when you see your gift, someone is going to get lucky.”

“A little confident, are we?”

“You’ll see why. I love you.”

I could hear her wanting to say it, but restraining it. “I’ll see you tonight babe.”

Left hanging again. Time to prepare for the big date. I had reservations at the hottest restaurant in town. The meal was going to cost me, but I didn’t care. She was well worth it.

I picked her up at 6:30 exactly. She looked absolutely radiant. She wore a low cut blue dress that just came up to over her ample cleavage. The dress flowed down her gorgeous body, amplifying her beauty. It stopped just past the knee, with a slit up the right side to allow for movement. Perhaps the most amazing thing about her dress was that it matched her eye color exactly. Her eyes shone bright with love for me. I was ecstatic to see her blue eyes staring at me lovingly. She got in the car, giddy with excitement.

We arrived at the restaurant. It was a little Italian place, owned by an elderly couple. Over the past couple of years the restaurant has become more and more popular, and harder and harder to get a reservation. Neither of us had been there, and Jamie had been dropping none to subtle hints. We were shown to our seats, all eyes on the beauty on my arm. We sat down. The atmosphere and food were top notch. The service was incredible. After the meal, I was down $150, but the smile on her face was more than worth the money I spent. We drove back to her place. Her hand was on my thigh, rubbing up and down as I drove. She leaned in and whispered into my ear. “That gift was incredible, you are so getting lucky tonight.”

“That wasn’t the gift babe. It’s waiting for you in your room.”

“How did you get it there?”

“Amy helped out a bit. She does know your garage code you know.”

“I can’t wait!”

We got to her door, and burst through it kissing each other. Her hands were glued to me. She kissed me with incredible passion, more than I had ever felt before. She was guiding me to her bedroom. I broke the kiss. “Baby, are you ready for your gift?”

“Right now I don’t give a fuck. Just don’t break this mood right now. You are about to get fucked so hard you’ll never forget it.”

“Trust me, your gift will only enhance the mood.” I opened the door, and held my hands over Jamie’s eyes. She was shaking in anticipation. I guided her into the room, and positioned her to have a perfect view of the bed. I smiled at Jenna, who was laying on the bed. I let go of her eyes, she gasped at what she saw. Jenna lay out, spread eagle on the bed. Her hands were spreading her pussy open, revealing her juicy pink center. Her brown curly hair framed her face perfectly and lay ontop of her, covering her breasts. She wore a pouty look that said come here and fuck me. Around her waist was a gigantic red bow, showing to Jamie that Jenna was her present. She squealed in excitement, spun around and kissed me hard.

“Best. Present. EVER!”

I sat back and watched as my sultry girlfriend approached Jenna like a lion stalks her prey. She removed her dress, revealing that she was naked underneath. She approached Jenna and tugged at the bow. It came off, revealing her bare stomach except for a message scrawled out in lipstick. PROPERTY OF JAMIE. It had an arrow pointing at her pussy. I laughed at Amy’s touch. Jamie did not waste any time. She climbed up on top of Jenna and began kissing her. The shy brunette kissed her back, matching the intensity. Jamie kissed her neck, face, ears, eyes, forehead and chin before returning to her mouth. Her hands roamed the other girl’s body, fondling nipples and teasing her stomach. Jamie kissed down her friend’s body, licking at her breasts and stomach. She teased Jenna with her kisses, approaching her pussy, but not touching it. Jenna lay still, but was squirming to get her pussy under Jamie’s mouth. Jamie relented. Finally, she took a quick lick at her hole. Just one, but it caused a deep moan to escape. Jamie licked around her pussy, never touching it, savoring the taste of Jenna’s skin, savoring the experience and making it last. Again, she took a lick. This one was long and slow, allowing Jamie to taste every inch of the sweet pussy before her. She flicked Jenna’s clit on the end on the stroke, making her squirm in pleasure. Jamie then dove in and went crazy. She licked, sucked, bit and fingered the perfect pussy (more alliteration) in front of her. Jenna experienced at least three orgasms before Jamie surfaced to kiss her new lover. She walked away and got her purse. She pulled out her lipstick and scrawled something on Jenna stomach....

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Written by fjdjf54
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