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Hidden From Society 3

"Jen makes a daring move, and Nathan hopes that he can keep up...."

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"Good." Jen kissed me quickly and ran across the hall to her room, fully naked. She opened her door quickly, as not to be seen by mom, but before she closed it, she bent over and slapped her ass. Smiling as my cock sprang up, she shut the door, and left me to my day, and among other things, the one and only question in my mind.

God, how am I going to survive a week.....?


"Have a good day Nathan, I'll see you when I get home." My mother said as I stepped out of the car onto the school grounds. I turned to her to wave, and she blew me a kiss before speeding off.

Okay then, where was I....oh yes, the shower.

The morning had come gone faster than I would have expected. While Jen had been 'sleeping in' I was rushing myself to get ready for school. With my mom nagging me every five seconds to hurry up, I managed to get dressed, throw a lunch bag together and run my ass out the door before she totally exploded on me.

I was silent the whole drive to school, which my mother found unlike me, as she immediately spoke up.

"Something wrong honey?" She asked as we turned to the corner.

"No." I mumbled, holding my bag on my lap.

"Well your strangely quiet this morning." She observed. For a quick moment I assumed that she knew what was going on between Jennifer and I. But as her facial expression changed from suspicion to concern, I knew that I was getting ahead of myself.

"Yeah, I couldn't get to sleep last night." I lied, another great excuse from my wandering mind I guess.

"Well, if you say so." My mother's expression changed again, this time to hurt. She only did this when she knew that I wasn't telling her something, or that she felt that something was her fault. My best guess would be that she felt responsible after 'walking in on me' two days ago.

"It's not your fault mom." I said, and my mother looked at me again with those piercing eyes of hers.

After a while, when we had almost reached the school, she sighed and gave up. I may have one this round of silence, but I wouldn't be so lucky next time, and I knew it.

And even though I had rushed this morning, when I walked through the doors into my High School, the first thing that I noticed was that the hallways were clear except for a few drug users. 

I was late. Again.

"Winson!" A call came from my left. I instinctively looked over to see Mrs. Price, our female principle, walking over to me. Her normally long hair was in a bun, and on the tip of her nose was a pair of glasses. Her frame wasn't exactly flawless, but she was sexy overall. She was wearing a burgundy blouse and tight fitting black pants. In her hands was a meterstick, and I watched as she slapped it in her hands a few times. She did that as if she were about to whip you with it. Truth be told, I wouldn't be all that surprised if she did.

Oh yeah, another thing, Jen's and mine last name is Winson. Jennifer and Nathan Winson, making love. My cock began to get hard and I quickly banished the thought.

"Yes Mrs. Price?" I asked innocently.

"You are late," She paused, as if for dramatic effect. "Again." She slapped the meterstick in her hands again, this time with more power. A dramatic slap went through the air, and a chill went up my spine. I immediately stood at attention.

"My apologies miss, I woke up later than usual this morning." I said. There wasn't a pint of lying with Mrs. Price, she would know, and then you'd be in trouble. Personal experience goes a long way.

"This isn't the first time." She said, walking up to me. "Now, because I'm in a cheery mood today, I'll let you off with a warning. But next time, your parents will be involved with the matter." And before I could respond, she slapped her meterstick against my side, I stiffened. But before I could object or even think, she disappeared back into her office.

I stood there for a moment, feeling both confused and aroused. What had just happened there? Was Mrs. Price hitting on me? Nah, I'm probably too lost in my own thoughts with Jen.

Jen. My cock hardened at once. Quickly, I thought of other things and scurried to class.

Yes, this was going to be one long week.


All throughout the day, thoughts of Jen and I crept into my head and turned me on. By the end of second period, my cock was so hard it was aching, and nearly impossible to hide. I slinked my way past everyone else and into the lunch hall, sitting down at my usual spot and hoping no girl was horny enough to look down at my crotch.

"Hey, what's up man?" I turned to my right just as my best friend Emmett sat down. Beside him was his blonde girlfriend, Alysha. She was as cheery as ever, although I saw something in her and Emmett's eyes. Chances were that they had just had a quickie in the girls washroom. Again.

Emmett was one of my few friends, and at eighteen, he was graduating this year. When he did, I would be left with only a few people who actually knew me. Kind of sad, you might think, but I liked it that way.

"Nothing much, Em, how 'bout you?" I responded, leaning in closer to the table to hide myself.

"Meh, same old, same old." He said. I nodded and turned to my lunch.

The rest of the day dragged on endlessly as I moved from class to class. But every other minute my mind was focussed on Jen. Her hair, her eyes, her hips, her breasts, the list went on. And the minutes besides that were questions and plans on how on Earth I was to survive the week.

By the time that I got home, I had come to the conclusion that I would hold off on masturbating until Jen and I had time. Lest I wanted to exhaust myself before we even got together. Besides that, I had no other ideas. That's as far as my mind wandered from Jen, probably as far as it ever would too.

For the rest of the day I passed time by switching between television and Super Mario. I must have tried to do my homework a thousand times, but my mind kept wandering off. I needed to focus on other things, like Mario kicking ass or Bugs Bunny laughing ass. Either way, my parents still got home before Jen did.

"Whatcha' doin' sport?" My dad asked, carrying his briefcase into his study, just across from the living room.

"Just hangin' out." I said, not turning from my video games. I could see my dad nodding from the corner of my eye as he placed his briefcase down on his desk and opened it. From inside he took out a porno magazine. He had been 'reading' them for some time now, and he even gave some to me just so I didn't tell my mother.

"Want one?" He asked, holding it into the air. I looked over to see the cover; a bleached blonde bending over so that you could see her breasts dangling and her vagina open. My cock twitched, but somehow I refused.

"No thanks dad, I'm not feeling well today." I made an excuse. My dad shrugged and placed it on his desk. He looked at it for a second before smiling, picking it back up, and closing the door to his study. The lock rang through the air and I knew what he was planning on doing.

My mother came home next, holding a load of groceries in her arms. I instantly disappeared before my mother could ask me to help; work was the last thing that I needed tonight. After trying a few more times on my homework, I finally found the focus to complete it, but not long after Jen returned in my mind. I fought it off, thinking of the Red Wings I saw playing the other night.

By the time that Jennifer finally got home, dinner was long cold, and I was in bed, struggling not to touch myself. I heard the ruckus as Jen got cold supper from the fridge, and mom (who was still awake) began to talk to her.

Using all my focus, I listened to their conversation and turned on the radio. Between the two, enough distraction was made so that I fell asleep with clean clothes.


The next two days went by quick, quicker than I assumed anyway, and I was starting to build up a sort of strength within me. Unfortunately, Jen was far from fading from my mind.

On that day I didn't wear boxers. I didn't know why, just a feeling that had come to me when I was getting dressed. Probably because I assumed that I would jack off in the bathroom. I hoped not, but I didn't know how much longer I could last.

The first half of school was fine, no turn ons, not even at lunch. Then, as I was moving from my third period to my fourth, something caught my eye. Not far from the classroom, I turned a full 180 and looked ahead. There, not twenty feet from me, was an older girl, with dyed black hair and blue eyeliner. She was wearing tight, jean short shorts, and a small purple t-shirt. Holding one hand out, she curled her index finger over and over again. She was taunting me.

An image of Jen flashed into my head and I turned away. But she was at my arm in a second, and she pulled me into the girl's washroom with her. I opened my mouth to yell at her, but she cupped a palm over me and looked at me in the eye. Hard.

Dear God, it was Jen. 

"What are you doing here?" I hissed, careful not to disturb anyone who was in the washroom. Jen did a quick look around the place and found that it was empty.

"I can't take it anymore," She said. "I need to feel you inside me again." And with that, she pressed her lips to mine an curled her arms around me. At first I was shocked that she would do it at a place like this, but finally succumbed to the temptation that had been bugging me for days.

Her lips forced mine open and she thrust her tongue over mine. Slowly at first, our tongues wrestled, then fought, and sped up to a dance. I slid my hand up to her breast and noticed that she wasn't wearing a bra. Gently I gave her a squeeze, and she moaned softly from between our mouths. Jeez, she was horny.

Jen backed us up until I hit the wall, but the pain soon turned into a passion as I slid my hands under her shirt and gripped her breasts tightly, fondling them. She moaned again and slid her hands down my crotch to my cock, hard as stone, and began to rub.

I shuttered as I remembered her touch, and squeezed her breasts tighter, feeling the softness of her bosom. Finally, taking no more, I pushed her shirt up and moved my mouth from hers to her nipples. She gripped my hair and pushed me into her chest, and I sucked more powerfully. With my other hand I fondled her free breast and at last she could take no more.

"God, bro, I need to feel you." She dropped down to her knees, forcing my hands away, and unzipped my jeans. My hard cock sprang from the opening, and no sooner had she slipped it into her mouth.

"Ah, God, sis." I gasped, holding her head as she moved her head back and forth. She fondled my balls as she moved, swirling her tongue the whole way. I could feel my climax already, building up from the temptation of the past two days. "S-sis, I'm gonna cum, s-slow down." But alas, she did  not. Instead, she increased her speed and swirled her tongue faster.

Squeezing my balls tighter now, I gasped as I felt myself explode in her hot, moist mouth. I felt her tongue as it tasted my cum, and her throat as she sucked my dry and swallowed every last bit of it. When she took my cock from her mouth, she gasped for air and smiled at me.

"God, you don't know how much I've wanted to taste that." She said, standing up now. She tugged off my shirt for me, and then took off hers. continuing the movement, I slid off her short shorts then took off my jeans. We were now completely naked, and in a public place. If we got caught, we were both dead meat.

"Sit." She said, and I crossed my legs and sat down. For a full glorious minute I saw my nineteen year old sister, standing in a silhouette by the door, her plump breasts and her perfect hips. Then, she moved her beautiful body over mine and crouched down.

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I moved my cock to her pussy lips, but she redirected it, shaking her head.

"No, anal first, I want you to come in my pussy later." I nodded, not being able to speak, and pushed my cock o the tip of her ass. Slowly, my sister dropped on it, moaning all the while. I knew that I wasn't the only one who heard this, but that was the least of my worries.

When my cock was fully in, Jen began to move up and down, slowly at first. As we picked up speed, I moved my hands from my sides to her ass cheeks, and supported her. Her legs dropped away and she wrapped them around my muscled back, hugging me tightly as she rode me.

"Fuck, Nathan, that feels so good!" She yelled, not being able to control herself. I tried to speak, to tell her to quiet down, but her ass felt so good, and I've been waiting for this for two days too long.

Her moans mixed in with mine as her tight ass moved up and down on my hard-on. I squeezed her ass cheeks harder, and slapped one. She gave a squeal, and I smiled. it took me a second to realize that Jen wasn't the one who squealed. It was someone else. That's when I noticed someone standing at the washroom entrance, an eighteen year old girl. She looked shocked, but turned on all the same.

I looked at her, and she ran off. Whether to leave us alone or to fetch her friends was beyond me.

"Fuck Nathan, fuck me harder!" Jen yelled, and I did, thrusting into her as I brought her down each time. The loud sound of flesh on flesh shocked through the air and I felt the ripples pass through Jen's ass.

It turned out that the fourteen year-old girl had decided to bring friends, which must have been half the school, because soon the entire bathroom entrance was full of students. I didn't know why, but I was more turned on than ever, and I had no intentions of stopping.

"Je--," I stopped myself. Most of the people here would know my sister, and if she was as differently looking as I hopped, I would have to roll with it. "Andrea!" I yelled, saying the first name that popped into my head. Luckily it was a female one. "I-I'm gonna come again!" There was no point in muttering it now. The show must go on, as one would say.

I moved my head down to Jen's breasts and began to bit gently on her nipples. She squealed, and this time I knew it was her. Her grip around my back tightened in both her thighs and her wrists.

"M-me too!" She managed, and then slipped my cock from her ass to her pussy without missing a beat. "Cum with me Nathan, I want all of it inside me!" Whether or not she knew that people were watching, that saying still pushed me off the edge. But before I climaxed, I brought her lips to mine and kissed her ferociously.

Her tongue wrestled mine hard, and I trembled all over as I shot my load deep into her. At the same time I felt her pussy contract, just like when we first had sex, and a hot fluid poured out onto me. I felt a passionate pain in my back and I knew that Jen had dug her fingernails into me. 

Her trembles were more powerful than mine, and it seemed like an eternity before she was finally done. Both of us exhausted, Jen slumped in my arms, and it came to us that a loud mix of chatter and gasps had begun to form in the crowd.

As the horniness left Jen and I, a feeling of embarrassment and regret replaced it. I dared not move, lest I wanted to show my body to the crowd. Apparently Jen shared the same instinct, as she remained still as stone.

"Alright, alright, make room!" A voice called. I recognized it instantly. Emmett. "That's right, you heard me!" He pushed through the crowd to the entrance. He only had to see me for a second before winking and turning back around, his arms waving. "Shows over folks, get the hell outta here!" He waved them forward,...

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Written by Periphery
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