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Three Little Wishes

"Virgin Jimmy finds a magic lamp and gets more than he dreamed of"

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Author's Notes

"A fun story inspired by two young lads I stumbled across at the lake, laying on a dune watching the yummy mummies on the beach."

Jimmy lay prone on the crest of the dune, binoculars in one hand and his erection in the other. He kept his eyes focused on the two women on the beach, their mature - to him - bodies glistening in the sunshine. They were here regularly about this time, before the beach-goers arrived in large throngs, and always on this little stretch of sand hidden in the dunes.

He had watched them slather tanning oil on themselves, and each other, which gave him an immense erection immediately. The hands gliding over the smooth shoulders and back, the rubbing of the firm ass cheeks, and when their bikini tops were removed Jimmy caught a generous glimpse.

His hand tugged at his dick, stroking the generous length through his shorts, and he imagined the two women sucking his schlong as he stood over them. When one began running her hand over the other’s tummy and teased the nipples on her huge mounds Jimmy tugged down his shorts and released his straining dick from its confines. His hips rolled a little and he grabbed his cock, now stroking it freely, and he groaned when they began kissing.

“Fuck, I hope she eats her pussy!” he said to himself.

He struggled to keep them in focus while he jacked off, his hand pumping his swollen shaft vigorously, and the sight of her hand going between the shapely legs brought him to the brink.

“Oh, fuck!”

Thick ropes of cum erupted, the creamy strands splashing onto the sand, and he jerked himself until his dick softened. He dropped his head to the ground and sighed, seeing his cum disappear into the dry sand, and a glint of metal caught his eye.

His hand reached out and his fingers pushed the clumping cum aside, revealing something shiny in the sand. It piqued his interest more than the women for a moment, and he slowly pushed away the sand until the brass container was exposed. Pulling his shorts up and glancing at the woman revealed that he had bust his nut too soon. She was eating her pussy.

“Fuck!” he cursed quietly, grabbing the binoculars.

She was now moving up her body and kissing her, then they embraced and lay together.

“Shit. Fucking missed it!”

He sighed disappointingly and put the binoculars down, redirecting his attention to the shiny tin. He scooped away more sand, finding a curved handle, and tugged it free. It appeared to be an old ship lantern, with no glass panes or holes in it, and heavier than brass. He shook it a few times, finding it to feel empty, and tried to unscrew the top attached to the handle. He grunted and groaned while he twisted and turned, unable to loosen it, and decided to bring it home. A quick glance revealed the women were now walking further down the beach, and he found the idea of opening the lantern more appealing than following them to jerk off again.

He rode the bike slowly, the binoculars around his neck and the lantern dangling on the handlebars, and went directly into the garage. No cars were in the drive so he knew his parents were still at work, giving him privacy for at least a few more hours, and he put the lantern on the workbench while deciding how to proceed. After a few minutes of digging through the toolbox and drawers, he settled on a large pair of offset pliers with wide jaws and put the lantern carefully into the vise mounted on the bench. It wouldn't budge. He remembered a can of penetrating oil his dad kept in the cupboard, and gave it a good soaking before going into the house for a sandwich.

Returning to the garage with high hopes, he put the pliers around the lid and gave it a little tug, seeing it budge slightly. A few more tries and it began to loosen, and he put the pliers aside and used both hands to twist the top loose. It began to turn and soon it was on the last thread, ready to come off. A hissing noise started, startling Jimmy for a moment, and he tightened the lid quickly. Slowly he unscrewed it, keeping himself as far away as possible, and the hissing resumed.

With a quick jerk, he yanked the top away and stepped back, watching the orange, glowing fog rise from the lantern and slowly swirl over the bench. A figure began to form, and slowly the fog morphed into a beautiful woman. She stood before Jimmy in a black bikini top, which barely contained her generous jugs, and a black sarong skirt. Her dark skin and exotic look made Jimmy hard in seconds, and when she smiled he almost bust a nut in his shorts.

"Hmm, who do we have here?" she asked curiously, eyeing him up and down.

"Jimmy. I... I'm Jimmy," he stammered in response. "Who are you?"

"I am Lilura."

"You are beautiful," Jimmy praised softly.

"Thank you, Jimmy," she grinned. "I am happy my appearance pleases you."

"Oh, it does," he assured her with a rapid nod of his head.

"Hmm, I see that it does," she teased, gesturing to the tent in his shorts. "You find me very appealing, yes?"

"Uh, yeah... yeah, I do," Jimmy stammered shyly.

Lilura moved forward, placing her hand on Jimmy's shoulder and slowly circling him. He swallowed hard when her fingers trailed across his jaw and her pouty lips stopped inched from his.

"You have done me a generous favor, Jimmy," she cooed softly. "In return, I will grant you three wishes."

"Are you some kind of genie?" he asked hoarsely.

"Some kind?" she chuckled. "Yes, I guess I am."


"Three little wishes," she continued. " As your reward. Consider them carefully."

She stepped away and Jimmy watched her stroll around the garage, touching items and investigating the various junk strewn about. He was mesmerized for a few minutes and just looked at her. She would smile back and sway her hips, her long, shapely legs and firm body having a deep and lasting impact on him. At seventeen and having never actually touched a woman, the sexual energy radiating from her was burning its way into his soul. No woman would ever compare.

"Sex!" Jimmy blurted.

She turned towards him, a sultry smile on her face, and rested her hands on her hips.

"You wish to make love with me?"

"Y... yes. I want to fuck you," he replied bravely. "And have you suck my cock."

"You must say my name to make your wish happen," she teased coyly.

"I wish you would suck my cock and let me fuck you, Lilura."

"Wish number one granted," she announced, licking her lips and undoing the bikini top.

It fell forward and fluttered to the floor, followed by the sarong, and Jimmy was enthralled at the sight of her nude body. In three slow strides, she reached him, stopping with her body and mouth inches from his, and began to unbutton his shorts. He tugged them down, kicking them to the side, then peeled his t-shirt off and dropped it on the floor. He had watched porn many times, and made sure the shirt was in place for her to kneel on. Her hand grasped his lengthy cock, her hot grip engorging him like never before, and she slowly dropped to her knees.

Jimmy stared open-mouthed while she began to lick his throbbing tip, her long tongue slithering around the head before moving down the thick shaft. He groaned when her mouth opened and took him in, her pouty lips travelling almost to the base before moving back up. The feeling was intense and thrilling, better than Jimmy had ever imagined, and he reached his hands out to grasp her head. Her hands grabbed his and directed them to his hips, and she held them in place while deep-throating him repeatedly.

"Holy shit, I'm going to fucking cum!" he moaned loudly.

Lilura continued her movements, feeling the throbs of his cock and the quaking of his thighs as the huge load of hot cream poured down her throat. Jimmy trembled and moaned, gripping his own thighs tightly while his balls pumped out, the pulses radiating from his prostrate to his ears like the throb of a migraine headache. He sucked in a deep breath and slowly let it out when she pulled her mouth away, her tongue and lips picking up every droplet as they travelled the length of his tingling shaft. The long tongue flicked out and caught the last bits on the tip.

"Hmm, very tasty," she praised softly, licking her lips and standing up.

"I... I need to rest for a few minutes," Jimmy sighed.

"As you wish."

He moved to the stool next to the bench and sat down, panting as he caught his breath, and watched her while she strolled around the garage once more. She looked over her shoulder and grinned.

"You enjoyed that?"

"Oh, fuck yeah," he groaned. "That was unreal."

She giggled and returned to the items on the shelf, picking up and examining things as she waited for him. After fifteen or so minutes she stood in front of him and rested her hands on his shoulders, her perfect breasts with the erect, ruddy nipples inches from his hungry eyes. She leaned in and one nipple grazed his lips, moving across his mouth from cheek to cheek, and his tongue flicked out to taste it. She giggled and pushed it into his mouth, the swollen nub pressing past his lips, and he began sucking on it. One hand went to his head, and her fingers ran through his tousled hair and pulled him tight to her bosom.

"Ooh, just like that," she cooed.

Jimmy felt his cock hardening again. He was surprised at how hot her flesh was in his mouth and touching his face, her nipple throbbing between his lips, and reached one hand up between her legs. She took his fingers in hers and guided them to her honey hole, pushing them into her wetness and moving her hips towards him. In a moment she was fucking his hand, holding it where she wanted while her hungry cunt clenched and squished, and let out a shrill cry when she climaxed. Her juices covered his hand and dripped onto his legs, amazing and arousing Jimmy, and when she took his hand away it was dripping.

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She placed it on his cock, wrapping his fingers around his shaft, and moved it up and down. The slickness of her juice worked it's magic, and Jimmy swelled to maximum girth and length as she moved his hand up and down. Her nipple pulled from his mouth and her hand from his, and she ran her hands through her long hair and shook it out. The look in her eyes was that of intense hunger, the smile that of a conniving wolf, and she yanked his hand away from his cock. She straddled his hips and took him inside, wriggling and moving until his cock was buried to the hilt and her arms wrapped around his neck, hands clasped together.

Jimmy tried to thrust and found himself unable to move. Her eyes locked on his and the deep pools swirled, a whirlpool of colors that drew him in and held him steady as she writhed on his lap. Her cunt swallowed his engorged cock fully and she ground into him, massing her insides with his thick meat, back and forth, side to side. Jimmy had no idea fucking could feel this good, this erotic, and when her eyes closed and her head dropped he felt the squeeze of her intense climax. His cock throbbed, tingled, and pulled the blood from his body when her pussy squeezed and clenched, and it has never felt so large. She opened her eyes and gave him a big smile.

"Your turn," she growled.

Her hips lifted slightly and Jimmy pumped his, holding her waist tight and pounding into her. She urged him on, whispering and growling "fuck me, fuck me.. give me your seed, Jimmy, make your wish come true."

Jimmy thrust hard into her when his cock erupted, pumping another huge load into one her holes. The intense orgasm wracked his body, and she held his head tight to her chest as he groaned and gasped, clutching him tightly until the wave of relaxation washed over him and the throbbing between his legs waned. He shivered and wrapped his arms around her, feeling his soul drain from his body and pass into hers, and wondered if sex always felt this good.

Minutes passed before she loosened her grip and let him sit back, cool air passing between them and dissipating the heat. She tossed her hair, gave him a gentle kiss, and stood up, letting his softened cock droop between his legs. Driblets of cum covered her folds, and she wiped them away with her fingers and then licked them clean.

"You have two wishes left," she reminded him while tying the sarong around her slender waist.

"Okay, just give me a few minutes," Jimmy pleaded, waving his hand in the air.

"As you wish," she shrugged.

Once the bikini top was secured in place she went to the vise and ran her hand over the lantern.

"This has been my home for a very long time," she mused. "I think I may miss it."

"How... how long?"

"Oh, a very long time, I think. Do large wooden ships still float on the seas? Do the sailors and pirates still battle over treasures?"

"Uh, no."

"Hmm, longer than I thought," she announced quietly.

"How did you get in there?"

"Oh, never mind that," she dismissed quickly, turning towards him and leaning back against the bench.

She smiled seductively and crossed her long legs, showing herself to his hungry eyes and successfully distracting him.

"Fuck, you are so fucking beautiful," Jimmy breathed.

"Thank you," she replied, tossing her hair and smiling. "So, wish number two?"

He thought for a minute and gave her a curious look.

"Is my cock big enough?" he asked.

Lilura blinked a few times, then chuckled and gave him a smile.

"Yes, it is a very nice cock," she answered truthfully. "I found it very satisfying."

"But is it big enough?" he questioned. "Like, will girls want a cock bigger than mine?"

"Some," she admitted. "You are good as you are, however."

"Lilura, I wish it was bigger."

"If you want to use your wish to make it bigger, then you may."

"Make it bigger. A few inches longer, and make it thicker," he insisted.

"As you wish," she chuckled. "Come over here."

Jimmy jumped from the stool and stood in front of her, watching her hand cup his soft cock. A burst of heat engorged his cock, and as her hand moved back and forth it began to lengthen, little by little. The tip swelled and the shaft thickened, filling her hand with his girthy meat, and she looked at him with a smirk.

"Tell me when to stop," she warned.

"A little longer," he instructed. "A bit thicker, too."

His cock continued to grow, and she glanced at him with concern.

"Okay, stop."

She took her hand away and Jimmy looked down at his now-huge cock with a proud smile. His hand looked small and his fingers wouldn't touch when he grasped it, and even with both hands on it there was still another inch or more and the big, fat head. He slid his fists up and down gleefully, grinning ear to ear at the sight of his huge cock pulsing. He displayed to her proudly, taking his hands away and using his pelvic muscles to make it jump around and twitch.

"Now, that's a big cock!" he announced happily.

Lilura chuckled and shook her head, amused by the almost-handsome young man. She found his innocence charming, and knowing that she had been the first to treat him to the pleasures of the flesh was somewhat endearing. He had proven to have good stamina and recovered quickly, much to her surprise and pleasure.

"One more wish," she reminded him, rubbing the head of his cock with her fingertip.

His mind raced with possibilities, and he continued to stroke his cock slowly while he pondered his choices. Lilura waited, watching him stroke his huge member, the sight actually arousing her. Heat formed between her legs and she let her fingers drift to the wetness and matched his pace stroke for stroke, fingering herself slowly. Her arousal continued to build, and the big cock beckoned to her, the sound of his hand moving up and down calling to her Lilura...Lilura...Lilura... softly.

The thought of a threesome with the two women at the beach crossed Jimmy's mind, the idea of watching them each take his huge cock and sharing it arousing him even more. His cock throbbed in his hand, the fat tip almost purple, and Lilura could no longer contain herself. She grabbed his hand and pulled it away, pushing him to the floor.

"What the hell?" Jimmy grunted as he hit the floor.

Lilura straddled his waist and dropped herself down, struggling to get the huge head into her hungry pussy, letting out a deep, guttural groan when it pushed inside and filled her more than ever before. The pain was incredibly arousing as she felt herself being stretched and her insides assaulted by the massive pole, and she pushed down hard. Jimmy watched in awe while she rode him in a heated frenzy, her tits bouncing and her hair thrashing wildly. Sweat ran down her brow and dripped onto his stomach, and when she let out a loud screech of pleasure her cunt gripped him like a vise.

The clench was unbearable and Jimmy bust his nut, pumping her full with another massive load. He had never cum so much, and the intense throbbing just seemed to make his body generate more. Pulse after pulse blasted her insides, streams of their mixed juices pushing out and running down over his aching balls. Lilura collapsed on top of him, her sweaty body pressing into his chest, panting heavily with the huge cock lodged in her sopping cunt.

"Oh, Lilura, I wish this happened every time I went to the beach," Jimmy announced wistfully.

"Oh no!" Lilura gasped.

Her body morphed into orange fog as Jimmy stared dumbfounded and confused, swirling into a thin mist and disappearing into the opening of the lantern. The lid rose from the bench, screwing itself on as Jimmy watched in amazement. His cock began to shrink, returning to it's normal size, and the lantern slowly vanished. He lay his head back on the floor and wondered what was going on, closing his eyes as the room began to swirl.


The morning was hot and the sun already high when Jimmy crawled to the top of the dune, cradling the binoculars in his hands and focusing on the two women in their bikinis. Their tops came off and breasts appeared, making his erection swell, and Jimmy tugged down the front of his shorts to get his cock out in the open. He balanced the binoculars in one hand and stroked his cock with the other, holding off busting his nut until the blonde put her face between the brunette's legs.

"Oh yeah, eat that little pussy," he groaned, happy that he lasted longer than last time.

He pumped his fist furiously and his cock exploded, spewing streams of cum across the sand. He dropped the binoculars and kept pumping, the image of the two women fresh in his mind, until his balls were empty and his cock softened. He looked at the clumping puddles of cum and a glint of metal caught his eye.

Written by 1meanjean
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