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The Wham Bam Theory II - The Fellatio Friendship

"She needed help rearranging some furniture, and she rewarded his help well!"

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Andrew sat in his favorite spot on the old brown leather couch watching his favorite TV show, Star Trek (the original). He happily had the apartment to himself, his roommate Isaac had left for a science convention the day before. His girl friend, Elizabeth, was also out of town visiting relatives so he was fairly certain he would not be disturbed - a fact that made him grin broadly.

He had been looking forward to this since he learned that Isaac would be going to the convention. Isaac asked him to go but Andrew, being so egotistical and arrogant, had refused... too proud and self-important to be bothered with something as trivial as sharing his intellect with others.

Andrew was smart, there was no doubt about that. Having a genius I.Q. and graduating college with a PhD in physics at an age when most ordinary kids are just starting high school had made him very pompous and high-minded. This tended to make any social situations uncomfortable and awkward and Andrew had thus retreated from most social interactions except for the few close friends he had. Even then, he considered himself far above them and looked at the relationship as him doing them a favor in granting them an audience!

Yes being alone with himself was one of the few real joys he had in life. Finally there was someone who was his intellectual equal! Andrew sat on the couch in his spot enjoying the solitude of his apartment.

But his tranquility wouldn't last. Part way into the movie, there was a knock on the front door of the apartment. Andrew tried to ignore it, hoping whoever had the audacity to interrupt his movie would tire and leave. But they did not and after a few more hard raps on the door, an exasperated Andrew got up from the couch and, with a snort of derision, paused the video to go see who could be causing him such aggravation.

"Who is it?" Andrew said through the triple-locked door. Andrew had installed the three deadbolts on the door to placate his irrational fear that someone would break in and kill him in his sleep. Andrew also suffered from severe OCD and sets of three made him feel more "normal". So he had three locks on the front door. He would knock on a door three times, he had to have three - and only three - foods on his plate, and many other such eccentricities.

"It's me, Christi, Andrew open up!" a female voice came from the other side of the door.

"Drat!" Andrew said to himself, "There goes my Monday Movie Night! Now I'll have to start the movie all over!" He unlocked the deadbolts and opened the door.

"Isaac isn't here Christi, so your animal urges will just have to remain unfulfilled. He won't be back from the science convention for another three days, six hours, and... forty seven minutes, approximately, depending on any flight anomalies."

"Relax Andrew, I'm not here to see Isaac. I need your help across the hall. See I'm throwing a little party - just a few friends - and I wanted to rearrange the furniture in my apartment to make more room for my guests," she said.

"Oh I don't know about that! I was just..." he started to say turning back to look at the frozen picture on the TV screen.

"Please Andrew? it will only take a couple minutes! I can't move all the furniture myself," she whined.

"Can't this wait until the movie is finished? I was just getting to the good part where Spock tells Kirk what he found on the planet..." Andrew said.

"No, it can't wait - I will have people coming over soon and I have a lot of other things to do. Come on, it will only take a minute!" she said impatiently.

"Oh all right... if it will get you out of my apartment and get me back to my Monday Movie Night quicker then let's go," he said, giving in. Andrew knew that when Christi wanted something, she would badger and bother until she got it so the quickest way to shut her up was to go along with whatever she wanted!

"Oh good. Thank you Andrew, I would have asked Isaac to help me, but he isn't here," Christi said.

"Well just between us, Isaac isn't much of a furniture mover - he has the upper body strength of a field mouse!" Andrew said.

They walked out the door and Andrew stopped to lock each of the three deadbolts. "Why are you locking the door - you are only right across the hall!" Christie asked.

Andrew turned back and looked at her with a sarcastic scowl. "You're right. In fact, I should just print up some flyers that say 'Come rob me!' and just leave my door wide open so they can!" he mocked.

"I was just..." Christi started to explain.

"I don't know how they do things back in Iowa, little lady, but these are the mean streets of the big city, and the criminal element is ever-present - just waiting for the foolhardy!" Andrew said.

Christi just turned and headed towards her apartment again, trying very hard not to burst out laughing at Andrew's remark!

Once the pair had entered Christi's apartment, she began explaining the task at hand. "Okay Andrew I need these chairs pushed over there against the wall and I want the sofa here moved like this to separate the room a bit. I also need the table moved this way to make room for people to come in and get a snack I'm making or go over to the kitchen counter where I will be making drinks. Got it?" she said.

"Christi, I have an eidetic memory - I can remember things I have seen, read, heard, tasted, and touched back to my earliest childhood. I think I can recall a few simple instructions you gave me a minute ago," he scoffed. Christi just ignored his mocking remark and began moving the dining room chairs.

Seeing her pick up one of the chairs, he took the other and then they moved the table into where she directed it. Lastly it was time to move the large sofa.

"Okay, the only thing left is the sofa. Here, take an end and we get this finished," Christi said. Andrew moved quickly, cutting in front of her to take the lighter end. Christi just stood there for a moment surprised at his audacity, before she moved to the other end of the sofa.

They lifted the sofa and were moving it slowly when Andrew's foot slipped on a loose throw rug. Christi lurched forward and the sofa jammed into Andrew's crotch. Andrew instinctively dropped his end of the sofa and fell onto the floor holding his privates.

"Oh my God! Are you all right, Andrew?" she asked rushing to his side. She helped him to his feet and walked him slowly into her bedroom.

"Here, Andrew, you just lie here and rest for awhile. Oh, I'm so sorry you got hurt!" she said.

"I'll be all right in a little while," he said weakly, still holding himself and protecting the injured area.

Christi left him laying in her bed while she went back into the living room and finished moving the sofa herself. Fortunately, the sofa was almost in place when Andrew's accident happened so it wasn't hard for her to move alone. She finished the last few things she needed to do for her party and then went in to check on Andrew.

"How are you feeling, Andrew?" she asked.

"Still really sore..." he said melodramatically, playing up the injury as was his usual way. Everything to Andrew was larger than life, whether good or bad.

"Well what can I do to help, sweetie?" she asked.

"My mother would always kiss my boo-boos," he said. not really comprehending what he was asking. You see, Andrew didn't think in sexual or even relationship terms. He was a scientist, and to him science was his only reality. The concept that one person would view another in a romantic or sexual way was not in his grasp.

"Oh, Andrew I don't know..." Christi said, unsure if this was such a good idea.

"Ohhh... Why?" Andrew whined.

Knowing they were alone and really sorry that he had gotten hurt helping her, Christi decided a quick little peck might not be so bad. "Okay then but I'm going to kiss it over your underwear. Now take down your pants," she said. Andrew quickly unfastened his pants and carefully pulled them down to his knees. Christi smiled as she saw his Superman underwear but then something else caught her eye...

"Oh my goodness, Andrew!" she said, her mouth open in awe. Andrew was sporting an enormous hard-on!

Christi reached down and felt his cock through his briefs. Gingerly at first, but when he didn't pull away, she took a firm grip on his thick hard cock. He was hard as a rock. She licked her lips as she looked down and marveled at his "package". She shot him a glance as if silently asking permission, then reached through his briefs and pulled his cock out, stroking it again. It was a nice piece of meat, at least eight inches long. It was thick and the veins on the sides bulged adding a teasing texture like a ribbed condom. It would certainly do the trick!

Christi slowly stroked up and down his cock, savoring the soft satiny feeling on his skin contrasting with the hardness of his cock. She rubbed a finger over the spongy head and ran her fingernails lightly up his shaft from the base to the mushroom cap. Christi could feel her heart beating faster and she noticed that her own pussy was getting quite damp. She had never seen Andrew as more than just a smart, egotistical annoyance before, but this event had her looking at him in a whole new light.

After a minute, she lowered her head into Andrew's lap and ran her tongue lightly along the length of his shaft. She flicked her soft tongue along the shaft while she playfully fondled his balls. She noticed a small, glistening spot of pre-cum forming at the tip of his cock, so she stuck her tongue out and licked it up, tasting him. Then Christi stuck the tip of her tongue into the slit on the head and worked it.

Andrew's moan told her that he wasn't going to be able to take much more, so she took his throbbing cock in her mouth all the way. She couldn't get all of it in, but she did her best and got damn close. Christi wasn't the type to brag about it, but she considered herself a pretty good cock-sucker. She quickly settled into a rhythm and began sliding her mouth up and down while pausing every so often to tease his cock.

After what she guessed to be about three minutes, Christi sensed the end was near. Andrew had started breathing heavily and was practically begging her not to stop. She looked up at him and gave him a small smile, as best she could with a mouthful of cock. There was no way she was going to stop now that he was so close. She sucked hard on top half of his cock while using her hand to stroke the base. His balls tightened and he lifted up off the bed, bucking his hips.

Christi felt him expand and then she felt the cum travel up his shaft with her hand and the first few drops just kind of trickled out into her mouth. His cum tasted both sweet and a little salty - a taste she loved. The second shot hit the roof of her mouth like a fire hose and was quickly followed by a third and fourth shot, filling her mouth. She wasn't sure if this was the first orgasms he had ever had, but it certainly seemed like it! She tried to swallow the massive load, but it was too much and some leaked out of the corner of her mouth, dripping down his cock onto her hand.

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The fourth and fifth shots were not quite as much, and by the sixth, his balls had emptied and he was played out. Christi savored the second mouthful for a short time before swallowing that down too. When he had finished spurting and she swallowed the last mouthful of his cum, she put her mouth back on his cock and cleaned him up, licking the cum that had leaked down his shaft. Then she brought her hand to her mouth and licked off the cum that had gotten on it.

She sat up and looked at the exhausted and delirious Andrew. "Not bad for a first blowjob, huh?" she teased. Andrew just laid there moaning as his eyes rolled in his delirium. She sat there next to him for a couple minutes and as he came back to earth she sang his favorite song - adding her own twist to it:

Soft pussy, warm pussy,
Drippy little slit.
Happy pussy, horny pussy,
Why not give a lick!

When she was sure that Andrew was back with her and was okay, she looked at her watch. Her first guests would be arriving soon. So she helped him across the hall and put him to bed in his own bed.

"I'll come back to check on you in a little bit, sweetie. Will you be okay here alone?" she asked.

He nodded yes smiling, and so Christi left to attend to her party, giving Andrew a soft kiss on the forehead. She would definitely be back to check on him and hopefully he would be willing to make her feel better as well!

The party was a success - all the guests arrived that had been invited and everyone seemed to have a great time. Christi was an excellent party host and made sure that no one's drink went empty long and there were plenty of snacks for her hungry guests. The whole party was a big hit. Yet Christi's head seemed to be elsewhere. It wasn't obvious, but if you knew her well you could tell she was distracted.

"What's the matter Christi, you're a million miles away tonight. Are you okay?" one of her friends asked.
"Huh? Oh yeah, I'm fine... just thinking about something," she said, her attention snapping back to the conversation at hand.

But Christi wasn't "fine" at all. She may be the host of this party, but there was someplace else her mind wanted to be. And that was across the hall in Andrews room. She kept picturing that enormous cock and she could still feel the way he came in her mouth... the taste of him as she licked and sucked him, and the feeling of his hard stiff cock in her hands. She wondered what such a cock would feel shoved deep in her pussy...

Christi then thought of Isaac. They were informally a "couple", having dated for some time. But nothing ironclad had been decided. Sure Isaac had asked her to marry him several times - he did that almost weekly whenever they had sex - but she wasn't ready to settle down just yet. And he knew that there were other guys that she saw. Isaac may be the one she was with most of the time, but they weren't exclusive by any means.

Still, if Isaac knew that "his girl" and his best friend had fooled around like they did, he would be hurt... very badly hurt. And that was the last thing she wanted to do to him. Isaac was a sweet, if clumsy and awkward, guy and didn't deserve to be hurt like that.

But that cock... that amazing, wonderful, spectacular cock! Christi was in a real quandary. Finally she decided that since they weren't exclusive, she would just have to treat this like any other outside relationship. Isaac knew that she dated others and he HAD to know that included sex - after all, Isaac knew Christi as a hot, horny, sexual woman who loved cock. It was one of the things that most excited him about her.

And love him like she did, Isaac wasn't exactly built for the job - Isaac had not been nearly as blessed in the genitalia department as his roommate. Isaac tried to make up for it in other ways - he was good at pussy eating and he really did try to make sure she was pleasured. You had to give him an A for effort! But a girl needs a good hard cock stuffed into her cunt, stretching her and filling her to overflowing once in awhile. And that was what Andrew brought to the table.

The party began to wane around 10:00 and about a half hour later, she was saying good night to the last of her guests. Once she did, she hurriedly put the food into the refrigerator that needed to stay cold and then trotted quickly into the bathroom. She straightened up her clothes and put on a fresh face. Then, on the way out the door, she grabbed Andrew's spare emergency apartment key, knowing he may not be able to get up and come to the door easily. She hoped that he was "in working order"... her pussy was wet and eager to be fed some of that cock her mouth had tasted earlier!

"Andrew? How are you doing, hon?" she said as she quietly peeked around the door. But Andrew wasn't in the living room. So she crept in, shutting the door as quiet as she could. She made her way silently to his bedroom and quietly opened his bedroom door.

"Andrew?" she whispered. She saw him laying in bed obviously asleep. She sneaked in being as quiet as she could, working her way slowly to his bedside.

Suddenly the quiet was shattered by a small toy dog Andrew had set on the ground as a "watchdog". This toy dog had motion-sensing eyes and when it caught movement from Christi's legs, it began barking at her. This instantly woke the light-sleeping Andrew.

"Danger! Danger!" he said, mimicking the robot in Lost in Space, another favorite show.

"Andrew! It's okay, sweetie. It's just me," she said.

"Christi? No one is supposed to be in my room, Christi," he said.

"I know, I just wanted to check on you and see how you are doing," she said.

"Oh. I am in perfect working order again. Thank you," he said.

"That's good, Andrew, because..." she said, standing there biting her finger seductively.

"Why?" he asked.

Christi hopped up on the bed, straddling him and sitting on his lap. "Andrew, all I've been thinking about all night is what happened earlier."

"About dropping the sofa?" he asked, innocently.

"No, silly! About what we did after that! About... um... sucking your cock."

"Oh. Yes, I found it pleasurable as well," he said.

"Well Andrew, I was kind of hoping we could pick up where we left off..." she said.

"I don't understand," he said, puzzled.

"Andrew, don't make me beg... I want you to fuck me! I want you to shove that huge hard cock into my pussy right now! I want you!" she said grinding herself down on his lap, rubbing her pussy on the growing bulge.

Christi didn't wait for an answer. She hopped off him and jerked his Star Trek pajama bottoms down and pulled them off completely, throwing them onto the floor across the room. Then she did the same with his Superman briefs, exposing the object of her intentions.

"Oh God, I have been thinking about this all night!" she said, grabbing his cock. Before he could utter a word in response or objection, she slid down his body until she could lean forward and take his growing cock back in her mouth.

"Mmmm," she hummed happily as she felt him grow hard and thick in her mouth. She licked and lapped at the shaft and head until her impatient, dripping pussy could wait no more.

"Oh, Andrew! I need you inside me right now!" she said. She climbed up his body until she was high enough, then she reached between her legs and grabbed his cock, guiding it as she moved into position. With his cock pointed at her opening she bit her bottom lip and eased herself onto his tool.

"Oh fuck, Andrew!" she groaned as she felt him parting her lips and open her canal. She slowly, deliciously, lowered herself onto him, delighting in the feeling of his huge cock slipping into her.

Christi moaned as she slid further down Andrew's meaty pole. Andrew was also starting to enjoy the feeling of sinking into the young blonde. Christi's cunt was tight and hot and hugged him it its soft, tender embrace. He could feel her pussy muscles gripping him and begin to milk him of his load.

Christi sank until she felt him bottom out inside her. Andrew still had an inch or two before he was fully inside her but he didn't mind. And Christi sure wasn't complaining - she had never felt anything as incredibly filling! She began slowly moving up and down, the feeling of him sliding inside her was almost more than she could bear!

"Oh God... Ohhhh, it feels soooo good! Ohh yes..." she moaned loudly. Christi began moving faster as the fire in her loins grew beyond her control. Soon she was bouncing up and down on him like some maniacal jack in the box. She tossed her head back and forth and clutched at her tits, clawing at them in her lust-crazed state.

Far too quickly for either of them, the end was near and Christi's moaning had become senseless blabbering. Andrew himself was moaning and acting uncharacteristically like a man in the grip of animal lust.

Then surprising them both, the moment had come. Christi reached the edge of her abyss first.

"Ohhh fuck, Andrew! I'm cumming! Oh God I'm cumming!" she shrieked and then she burst, pouring her juices out in a flood of heated passion all down his cock and over his lap. The sudden rush of warmth triggered his own orgasm.

"Ohhhh!" he moaned and released his own contribution to their union. Christi felt his searing cum splash against her walls and it sent her into a second orgasm even before the first one had completely finished. She screamed again louder and poured herself out on him yet again. Instinctively, she continued bouncing up and down on his cock, extending her orgasm and causing him to pump more and more of his cum into her belly.

Finally though both were completely spent and she collapsed onto his chest. Andrew, unsure what the next move should be, simply put his arms around her and held her in place and they both came back to earth. It took several minutes for their hearts and breathing to return to normal and even longer before Christi had the strength to sit up again. But at last she did and she slid off him and onto the bed beside him.

"What are we going to do about Isaac?" Andrew finally said.

"We can't tell him! We can't ever tell him!" Christi said quickly. "As far as he knows, I was with one of my other boyfriends. He can never know about you and I."

"Agreed. Such a thing could irreparably damage all of our friendships," he said.

"Right. This was just an impulsive, random accident, and we can't let it ruin what we all have here," Christi said.

With that settled, Christi got up and gathered her clothes. She kissed Andrew on the forehead and slipped out the door to return to her apartment. But as she got ready for bed, her thoughts went back to Andrew and his mighty cock. She smiled as she dreamily toyed with her hardening nipple...
Written by Master_Jonathan
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