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Louse, M.D.

"Dirty Diagnostician practices his own form of sexual healing."

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Dr. Gregory Louse stood in front of his white board, and gestured with his cane. "We have a new and inexplicable patient-of-the-week, people. What are the symptoms?" he demanded of his assembled team of diagnosticians.

"Overactive libido and uncontrollable sexual urges," said Dr. Foreskin, a huge, muscular black man with an enormous bulge in the crotch of his scrubs. "She has sex at least ten times a day."

Dr. Louse seized his dry-erase marker and wrote "Extreme horniness" on the white board. "What else?"

"Willingness to consort with anyone and everyone," said Dr. Chaste, the disgust in his voice coming clearly through his Australian accent. "She'll screw anyone, it seems, no matter how repulsive they are. It's disgusting."

Louse added "Low standards" to the board. "Sounds like my kind of gal. Next?"

"Obsessive and compulsive behavior," offered Dr. Cummeron, a perky blonde with lesbian tendencies. "She appears to be addicted to the taste of sperm. She guzzles it by the pint." Her eyes got dreamy for a moment as she added, "I wonder if she likes the taste of pussy, too?"

Louse scrawled "addicted to cum" on the board. "Okay, team; based on these symptoms, what is your differential diagnosis?"

"Lupus?" offered Dr. Chaste.

"No, it's never Lupus, you idiot. Everyone knows that," said Dr. Louse. "Foreskin, what do you see in this list?" He slammed the board with his cane.

"It's clearly a case of sarcoidosis granuloma."

"Not a chance. That doesn't explain the cum addiction. And besides, her tits would have fallen off by now. Get some of the blood out of that huge schlong of yours and up into your brain. Cummeron! What's your diagnosis?"

Dr. Cummeron wrinkled her perky nose. "It's a clear case of nymphomania," she said. "Classic presentation."

"Exactly!" said Dr. Louse triumphantly. "At least one of my team knows what they're talking about. I'll confirm the diagnosis myself with a few tests."

"What!" shouted all three together. "You never do tests yourself," said Dr. Chaste. "You never even see the patients in person!"

"Consider this a Very Special Episode," said Louse, as he arched his eyebrows and hobbled rapidly out of the office and toward the critical care wing of the hospital, his dick rapidly swelling in his trousers and becoming as stiff as his cane.


Dr. Louse gazed through the glass walls into the patient's room. She was a beautiful blonde with long, flowing tresses, a knockout body, and a face that would have been angelic if it hadn't been wracked with pain. She was furiously rubbing her own clit and pussy, her fingers jammed in to the second knuckle, trying desperately to dispel the pain of her extreme horniness. He pushed open the doors and entered the room.

"Who the hell are you?" the slutty blonde patient screamed, her hand never leaving her honey-pot.

"I'm here to take your temperature," said Dr. Louse, pulling his erect cock out of his fly. "But I don't have an oral or rectal thermometer. You'll have to settle for vaginal." Grabbing her knees and placing them on his shoulders, he rammed his stiff cock deep into her snatch, and began thrusting wildly.

"Yes, yes, yes!" screamed the patient, enjoying every minute of it, her well-muscled pussy tightening erotically around the doctor's stiff staff. "More! More!!"

Dr. Louse, always attentive to his patient's needs, pulled his dripping cock out of her snatch, pushed her knees slightly higher, and plunged it into her asshole. She gasped in surprise and pleasure. Then, always willing to go the extra mile, Louse inserted the tip of his cane into her wide-open pussy, thrusting and twisting it in rhythmic counterpoint to the motions of his cock in her anus.

"Can you feel me now?" asked the deviant diagnostician, working both holes for all he was worth. His hips gyrated as his cock drilled deeply into her bunghole, and his cane continued to massage and stretch the already over-stretched walls of her pussy.

"Yes, yes, yes!!!" was all she could say as Louse continued his double-pronged assault. She jammed back with her hips and all her strength, her head thrashing back and forth on the crisp white hospital pillow, which was by now drenched in her sweat and spittle.

At this point, Dr. Foreskin arrived at the room. Louse waved him in.

"I want to see how she reacts to being triple-teamed. Purely for scientific reasons, you understand. Get out that monster of yours and snake it down her throat."

Foreskin complied, bringing forth a huge black dick the size of a rolling pin. He grabbed the patient's head to stop her thrashing, pulled her over he edge of the hospital bed so that it hung down, and shoved his meat hose down into her throat. She greedily swallowed and slobbered, in ecstasy at being filled in all possible holes. Foreskin thrust and jabbed, finding little resistance in her stretched-out throat. She reached up and massaged his balls, squeezing and stroking them while sucking his shaft, and soon had him pumping jolt after jolt of jizm directly down her gullet. She swallowed every drop before letting Foreskin stagger back to a chair, drained and exhausted.

Meanwhile, Louse was finally showing signs that he, too, was about to ejaculate. The patient pulled free of his cock and swiveled around to take it in her mouth, wrapping her lips tightly around the shaft so as not to waste a drop. As he came, she gulped down the slimy sauce as if it were her first meal in weeks. She continued to suck and slurp until he was dry as a bone. Then she grabbed the end of his cane and slurped off her own pussy juices, licking her lips when she was finished.

"Well, that was quite a performance," said Louse, appreciatively. "Do you do bachelor parties?"

At this point, the patient became belligerent. "More cock!" she screamed. "I need more cum!" She looked as if she were about to become violent.

Just then, Dr. Chaste showed up. "Chaste!" shouted Foreskin. "Give her a sedative, stat!"

"Belay that," hollered Louse. "Chaste, drop your pants and give her what she wants; your cock!"

Chaste, who was very straitlaced and prude when it comes to sex, was reluctant, but Louse insisted. "Do it now, Chaste, or I'll see that you lose your medical license for failing to provide for a patient's needs."

"Very well," said Chaste nervously, and hesitantly dropped his pants and approached the patient's pussy. She did the rest, grabbing him by the hips and pulling his already-rising cock into her wide-open snatch. She began thrusting onto his shaft at first, but it didn't take long for nature to take its course, and Chaste was soon thrusting as well, his feathered blonde hair flapping in the air in time with his exertions.

The patient was again on her back, her legs wrapped around Dr. Chaste's waist, and her mouth hanging open and her head again over the edge of the hospital bed. Dr. Cummeron came rushing in to the room, and took in the scene quickly. She instantly threw off her scrubs and tore off her underwear, revealing her slender, naked, white, needful body. She walked up to the wide open mouth of the slutty patient and planted her pussy directly on it. Soon she was rewarded with a talented, lapping tongue licking her labia and clit, and taking her swiftly to ecstasy.

Dr. Louse watched the scene with detached scientific interest. There was Chaste, his near-virginal assistant, thrusting his cock deep into the patients pussy, while Cummeron, always ready to jump the bones of a male or female, was getting off on the same patient's face and mouth. Both doctors were deep in a zone and unaware of anything but their own pleasure. The patient herself, while clearly getting off on the sexual pleasure, was also displaying subtle physical and medical signs that were obvious to nobody but the amazingly observant Dr. Louse.

Finally, Cummeron began to moan and shake, and her pussy ran wet with her juice, washing the patient's face with the glistening goo. Cummeron staggered back to land in a chair next to Foreskin, while the patient licked her face as far as her tongue would reach, then used her fingers to gather the rest of the tasty girl-goo into her mouth.

Chaste was nearing his climax, and the patient could tell. As she had done with Louse, she leaped up to her knees and gobbled him into her mouth, finishing him off by sucking and hoovering out every drop of semen from his cock, his balls, and his urethra.

She reared up on her knees and scanned the room, trying to decide where her next swallow of love-liquid would be coming from. Just as she was about to become violent again, Louse jumped to her side and plunged a needle into her thigh, filling her with a sedative. She slumped back, unconscious.

"Thank God!" said Dr. Chaste. "If you hadn't knocked her out, she might have killed us all! We've got to do something about this woman."

"We are," said Dr. Louse. "We're going to treat her."

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"That shouldn't be difficult," said Dr. Foreskin. "Saltpeter is good at curbing extreme horniness and nymphomania. I'll go order some from the lab."

"No!" said Louse. "We'll treat her, but not with saltpeter. We're going to treat her with cantharides."

"Cantharides?" said Chaste, incredulous. "You mean Spanish Fly? For one thing, that will only make her worse. And for another, it's illegal!"

"Not at all," said Louse calmly. "While you were busy getting your Australian rocks off, I was observing her pulse and respiration. Her heart was clearly beating in a distinctive two-three-two beat pattern, and her breathing exhibited a sinusoidal cycling process. That showed me that she is suffering from an extremely rare but definitely temporary condition called Creutzfeldt-Chester-Barre Syndrome. It goes away on its own after a few days, leaving her libido relatively normal. So there is no need for saltpeter. But with cantharides, we can extend her freaky crazy horniness indefinitely. Think of the money I'll save, on prostitutes alone!"

"But it's still illegal!" objected Dr. Foreskin.

"It's not illegal; it's experimental," corrected Louse.

"You'll need the permission of the hospital Administrator if you want to administer that course of treatment," said Foreskin. "And Dr. Cuddly will never authorize it."

Dr. Louse arched his eyebrows. "We'll see about that," he said. "Just keep her sedated for now, unless you want to risk a ruptured nutsack." And with that, he hobbled out of the room, sloppily stuffing his dick back into his trousers.


Hospital Administrator Cuddly was standing in her office in front of her desk, reading a report. Dr. Louse quickly scanned her round ass, amply filling out her woolen skirt; her long, shapely legs, terminating in her professional high heels; her crisp white blouse, barely concealing her ample bosoms. He cleared his throat and gave her an inquisitive puppy-dog look.

"Whatever it is, Louse, the answer is no," said Cuddly, in an exasperated tone of voice.

"What if the question was, do you want me to NOT rape you today?" Cuddly rolled her eyes. "Actually," continued Louse, "I just need your signature on this permission form."

Cuddly scanned the form. "You want to treat a nymphomaniac with Spanish Fly? You must be crazy!"

"That's what they said about the Unabomber. C'mon, just one little signature. You know you want to."

"Does this patient even have a name? You left that line blank."

"So far, we've just been calling her the Patient of the Week. Things seems to work out better that way."

Cuddly was about to throw Louse out of her office when he extended his cane between her legs, and raised it rapidly to her crotch. Cuddly jumped a bit, and gasped.

"Think about it for a minute," said Louse. "Don't make any hasty decisions." He started working the cane in and out of her crotch, rubbing her needful clit through the flimsy fabric of her panties. Cuddly began to squirm.

"Stop it, Louse; this trick isn't going to work agai... oh!" Louse rubbed her crotch more and more fervently; soon Cuddly was leaning backwards against her desk, thrusting her hips forward and riding the cane for all she was worth. Louse spun her around and put her elbows on the desk, and lifted her skirt up over her waist. He neatly cut her panties away with a convenient scalpel, exposing her shapely buttocks and swollen pussy lips. Tossing his cane aside, he pulled out his cock and slid it into her already sopping pussy, thrusting savagely.

"Oh! Oh! OH!!" said Cuddly, quickly overcome by the perverted practitioner's perseverance. Louse reached one hand under her hips to strum her clit, and the other around her ribcage to squeeze a nipple. "Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God!!" said Cuddly. She swooned in orgasm, releasing a shower of snatch sauce all over Louse's cock. So lubed, he pulled it out of her honey-pot and replaced it in her crinkled butthole, and started taking her to orgasm once again. After several minutes of frantic thrusting, he unloaded a dose of his man-medicine deep in her colon, bringing the horny administrator to yet another raging climax.

Louse pulled back and re-buckled his trousers, collecting his cane from where he'd dropped it on the floor. He sniffed the tip lewdly.

"Where do you want me to sign?" asked Cuddly in a daze, her hair disheveled and sweat on her brow.

"Right at the bottom," said Louse. He reached into his pocket and brought out a handful of pills, and began popping them into his mouth one by one.

Cuddly handed back the signed form. "I thought you were off of Vicodin?" she asked.

He held up one of the little blue tablets. "I am. You got the first two letters right. I think I'm going to need these even more than Vicodin pretty soon..."


Dr. James Wimpson approached the front door of his house, wearily returning from yet another disastrous breakup. His latest girlfriend had left is balls blue and throbbing. He reached for the doorknob, and paused. He thought he detected strange sounds from inside. Since he had let Greg Louse move in with him, it was a regular occurrence to come home to unpleasant surprises; he wondered what fresh hell awaited him tonight? Steeling his nerves, he pushed the door open. He instantly stopped and stared, mouth agape.

All the furniture had been pushed out of the living room, except for a large dining room table. On the table was a naked blonde woman, lying on her back, with her head hanging over one edge. Dr. Louse, naked, was thrusting his erect cock in and out of her throat with ferocious savagery. Dr. Foreskin and Dr. Chaste, also naked, were standing on either side of the table, and the blonde was furiously jacking their shafts, her hands a blur. Dr. Cummeron, equally naked, was kneeling on the table between the blonde's legs, her mouth pressed to the woman's snatch, lapping furiously at the folds and juices within.

They were all lost in rapture. Finally, Louse noticed him standing in the doorway and waved to him. "Wimpson, come on in! We saved her asshole for you. But Cummeron seems to be blocking your access to that, so why don't you take her doggy style?"

That was enough for Wimpson; he shed his clothes in seconds and stepped up to Cummeron's milky white behind. With his swollen, tender gonads hanging obscenely between his legs, he eased his throbbing cock between the distended lips of the doctor's pussy, dangling there between her creamy thighs. He felt the surge of relief as his long-neglected member was engulfed and devoured by her loving snatch, and was soon lost in the same reverie as the rest of the horny healers.

Louse was the first one to cum. The blonde nympho's sucking, slurping mouth coaxed his orgasm out of him, and he poured his seed down her esophagus. She licked his cock clean quickly, and turned her attention to Dr. Chaste. Doubling her efforts on his cock, she continued stroking it, but also popped the shaft into her talented mouth. Soon his own sperm was joining Louse's slime in her belly. After licking clean the dong from Down Under, she turned to face Dr. Foreskin's black mambo. Placing both hands on the monster shaft, she opened her jaws as wide as possible and got most of the head past her lips. Soon she was swallowing load after load of the negroid neurologist's magma. She continued to gulp and gulp, finally wiping up the few escaping streamers from her chin with the tips of her fingers.

By this time, Wimpson had achieved his climax, and was pumping weeks worth of pent-up jism deep into Cummeron's snatch. He shouted with both pleasure and release, and collapsed onto the floor, spent. The nympho grabbed Cummeron and flipped her on her back like a rag doll, then pounced on the recently pummeled pussy, sucking all of Wimpson's spunk out and greedily sending it down her throat to join the juices of his fellow physicians. Then she sat up and leaned back on her elbows, momentarily satiated. She gasped deeply, and her eyes glazed over, resting up for the next round.

Everyone looked at each other, wondering how long they had to relax before the game would begin once more. Foreskin was already getting hard again, his black hose twitching between his knees; Cummeron was panting in both exertion and anticipation, wondering who she would get to fuck next. Louse was downing pills, not to be caught unprepared. Even Chaste was getting into the swing of things and feeling eager for more. Wimpson looked up at Louse from the floor.

"Louse," he said, "I have to admit, I was afraid at first that you were going to be the worst roommate in the world. But you turned out okay."

"Here," said Louse, sliding a bowl full of blue pills toward him across the floor. "You're going to need some of these. Everyone, dig in! I have a feeling this is going to be a long night!"

Written by Carnevil9
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