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The October House

"A young couple encounters an insidious host at a Bed & Breakfast"

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Author's Notes

"Warning: blood, violence, death. It is the season of Halloween, a time of crisp, cool air and beauty in the woods, a time of ghouls and goblins… and other horrors..."

Jenny took the stairs two at a time, pushing herself to reach the third floor as the footsteps behind her came closer. She missed a step and slammed into the stairs, the impact knocking the wind out of her and opening a gash on her forehead as her head bounced off the wooden tread nosing.

Stunned and gasping for breath she fought to get the air into her lungs as her vision blurred. She rolled onto her side and winced, feeling the stab of a broken rib as she sat up. Through the fog in her eyes she could make out Tony coming up the stairs, the large blade of the knife in his outstretched hand visible as he struggled to climb with his injured leg.

She blinked and wiped her eyes, feeling warm liquid on her hand. It took a few seconds to realize it was blood, and she quickly passed her hand over the gash above her eyes to clear it away. With Tony getting closer she grabbed the railing and forced herself to stand.

Her head pounded and on each step, the stab of the rib intensified. Using all her strength she reached the landing and slumped against the wall, using it for support as she moved down the hallway and through the open doorway. She quickly slammed the door closed and set the deadbolt before slumping down against it.

As her breathing returned to normal she wiped her forehead again, feeling the sting of her hand on the gash. She fingered it tenderly as she listened intently for movement in the hallway.


The drive to the bed & breakfast had taken them through a winding road resplendent with the colors of autumn. Reds, oranges and yellows interspersed with the dark evergreens providing contrast. They arrived as the sun was beginning to set and the sky was turning an orange hue as it disappeared behind the tops of the trees.

It was difficult to tell how old the three-story house was. It was a tall, square structure with large windows, a steep roof and clad with wooden siding, perhaps cedar. A large covered veranda jutted out on one side, strings of tiny lights illuminating the area as the darkness closed in.

"It's as beautiful as in the pictures," Jenny announced as she climbed out of the car.

"Looks great to me," Donny agreed. "I'll grab the bags."

Jenny took in a deep breath of the cool, crisp air. The scents of the forest filled her nostrils, traces of pine, moss, and damp earth giving her a feeling of serenity after enduring the staleness inside the car.

Donny led the way up the path to the front door and it opened as they reached the step.

"Welcome to our home. You must be Jenny and Donny."

"Yes, we are," Jenny replied.

"Please come in. I'm Monica."

Jenny entered and Donny followed with the bags in hand. The tall, willowy brunette closed the door behind them and Jenny felt a warmth run through her body.

"We prefer that you leave your shoes at the door," Monica said as she gestured to the closet. "Helps keep the place cleaner."

"Oh, sure," Jenny responded.

Donny put the bags down and slipped his shoes off as he gave Monica a look-over. Tall and slim with long brown hair, a slim waist and curves in the right places she was a very attractive woman. He couldn't decide if she was twenty-five or fifty-five. She caught his gaze and gave him a slight smile, returning the look-over as he stood up.

"Aren't you two a good-looking couple," Monica complimented. "So pretty and so handsome."

"Thank you," Jenny replied as she glanced at Donny.

She noticed his eyes were fixated on Monica. Oddly it didn't bother her at all.

"Well, let's go upstairs and I will show you to your room," Monica said as she gestured at the staircase. "I think you will find it quite lovely and romantic."

She let Jenny go first and then stepped up behind her as Donny picked up the bags, flashing him a smile as she began to climb the stairs. Donny smiled back, enthralled at the sight of her perfectly shaped ass in the snug jeans as he followed her up the narrow staircase.

"Third floor, honey," Monica prompted as they reached the first landing.

Jenny looked back at Donny and noticed his eyes following Monica as they continued up the stairs. She reached the landing and stepped aside to let Monica pass into the hallway.

"Down here, end of the hall."

Jenny jabbed Donny with her elbow as he came up next to her.

"Stop staring at her ass," she hissed quietly.

Donny just nodded and followed Monica into the room.

"Here you are, lovers," Monica announced as she swept her hand around the room. "This is the only room on this floor, there is an attached bathroom with a walk-in shower — perfect for two — and a king-sized bed — also perfect for two, or more if so desired."

Donny grinned widely as he listened intently. Jenny elbowed him again and told him to put the bags on the bed as she looked around the spacious and beautifully decorated room. She looked into the bathroom, seeing the glass and tile shower Monica spoke of. It was large enough for four and had multiple showerheads.

"Why don't you two try out the bed and freshen up," Monica teased. "Then come downstairs when you're ready."

Donny nodded and Jenny noticed the bulge in his jeans as Monica ran her fingers along his arm.

"So handsome and so pretty," she repeated as she closed the door.

Jenny slid the large deadbolt across the door and turned around to see Donny pulling his jeans off and peeling the t-shirt over his head. His cock jutted out at her. In an instant he was on her, pinning her to the door and mashing his mouth against hers. His hand fumbled with her jeans and she felt a quick rush of passion and heat, becoming suddenly wet between her legs and she helped him pull them down.

He turned her around and pushed her against the door, kicking her legs apart with his foot as he held her by the waist. His swollen cock pushed into her and he fucked her vigorously, pounding into her as he held her hips tightly.

Jenny was both surprised and excited at how aggressive he was being, much more than his usual self. She felt herself nearing climax and began pushing back, hearing him grunt and moan as his cock pounded into her.

With a loud grunt and a hard thrust, he erupted, filling her with his steaming load and triggering her climax. She moaned as his cock throbbed inside of her and pumped his balls empty as he held himself tight to her.

They both relaxed and as Donny pulled his shrinking cock away she felt the rush of warm liquid run down her inner thigh. As she leaned with her head against the door she was positive she heard a giggle from the other side.


Monica came up behind Tony in the kitchen and wrapped her arms around his waist. She pressed her chest into his back and slipped one hand down to his crotch, her fingers tracing along the large bulge in his pants as she peered around him and looked at the small monitor of his laptop on the counter. Jenny and Donny were just stepping into the bathroom.

"So, what do you think?" she asked as her fingers ran over the swelling bulge.

"I think they're perfect," Tony replied. "She's perfect."

"Like me?" Monica teased as her fingers undid the zipper on his pants.

"Yes, like you," Tony confirmed as he turned around to face her. "The two of you will be perfect."

His hands went to her shoulders and gently pressed her down to her knees. She fished his cock out — almost all ten thick inches of it — and licked the fat, swollen head once before taking it into her mouth. His hands moved to her head and he fucked her mouth slowly, relishing the feeling of her tongue along the underside of his shaft.

With a quiet grunt, he came in her mouth, streams of cum flooding her throat as she struggled to swallow. He kept his cock still while the pulsing shaft throbbed and watched the small streams push past her lips and run down her chin.

"You are so sexy," he said quietly. "With your face full of cum."

Her eyes stayed on his as he held her head gently and slowly pumped his cock in her mouth. She felt the swelling subside and his hands leave her head as his cock softened and slipped out of her mouth. One hand wiped her chin and the other steadied her against the counter as she stood up.

"Wash up, our guests are dressing," Tony directed as he glanced at the laptop and tucked his cock away.

Monica left the kitchen and climbed the stairs to the second floor, smiling at Jenny and Donny as they came down the stairs to the landing. As they passed she put her hand on Jenny's arm.

"Sorry," she apologized. "You missed out on the appetizer, honey."

Monica wiped a finger along her chin and touched the tip to Jenny's mouth. She took her hand from Jenny's arm, gave her a wink and walked down the hallway. Jenny licked her lips and tasted the droplets left by Monica's finger.

"Hmm, pretty tasty," she told Donny. "Whatever it was."

They continued down the stairs and entered the open space of the living room. Three black leather couches created a seating area facing the stone-fronted fireplace with a large television screen over the mantle. The stone-topped coffee table sat on a large black and silver area rug made of a thick and luxurious fabric.

To the right was a large archway that opened into the dining area. A large rectangular table of polished wood was surrounded by plush upholstered dining chairs, twelve in total. The table was set with four place settings.

"Hmm, I guess we are the only guests today," Donny mused. "Going to be cozy."

"I know you want to be cozy with Monica," Jenny teased. "That was very obvious upstairs."

"I... I don't know, I was just so fucking horny I told you."

"It's fine," Jenny giggled. "She is a very sexy woman, I get it."

"She is a very sexy woman," Tony agreed as he appeared from the kitchen. "As are you, Jenny."

They looked at the man that had appeared in front of them holding a bottle of wine.

"I'm Tony," he grinned. "Welcome to my home, Jenny and Donny."

Jenny stood star-struck as she took in the most handsome man she had ever seen. He was tall, at least a foot taller than her, slim and radiated sexual energy. His dark hair was dappled with grey and the cut, perfect. He wore black jeans and a white dress shirt, partly unbuttoned and exposing a wisp of chest hair. Her heart fluttered at his smile and his piercing dark eyes made her wet between the legs.

"Thanks for having us," Donny replied. "Beautiful place you have here."

"Thank you, Donny," Tony said with a slight nod. "It suits my tastes and needs."

"Uh... hi," Jenny squeaked with a wave of her hand.

"Hi," he replied with a sexy grin.

Jenny thought she was going to have an orgasm.

"Please, take a seat," Tony invited as he poured the wine. "Donny, you can sit there, next to Monica, and Jenny, would you sit next to me?"

She nodded and moved to the chair he gestured to.

"Since there are only the four of us we should get to know each other, don't you agree?"

Jenny nodded as she sat down and pressed her thighs tightly together. A damp patch had appeared between the legs of her jeans.

"Do I get to sit next to this handsome young man?" Monica asked as she approached the table and ran her fingers through Donny's hair.

"Yes, you do," Tony agreed.

She was now wearing a short black skirt, her legs clad in black stockings, and a white dress shirt similar to Tony's, also partly unbuttoned. Black lace surrounded the cleavage visible through the open shirt. She sat next to Donny and patted his thigh, leaving her hand there as she took a sip from her glass.

Tony sat next to Jenny and held his glass up for a toast.

“To new friends and experiences,” he toasted.

She touched her glass to his as Monica touched hers to Donny’s. She thought she felt a tingling as the glasses came in contact, starting in her fingers and traveling down to between her legs.

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She took a long sip and put the glass on the table, suddenly realizing the table was covered in plates of food. Meats, cheeses, breads, crackers, dips and salads.

“Please help yourselves,” Tony invited as he put food on his plate.

They began eating and Monica’s right hand disappeared below the table and returned to Donny’s thigh. Her fingers crept to his crotch and roved over his stiffening cock.

“So how long have you lived here?” Jenny asked as she took a sip from her glass.

It was full but she didn’t recall seeing anyone refill it.

“A while now,” Tony replied.

Monica’s hand stroked Donny’s cock through the fabric of his jeans. With slow and precise movements she opened his zipper and slipped her fingers inside, moved his cock around and released it into the open.

“Where were you before?” Jenny asked.

“Nowhere special,” Tony answered. “We were there for a long time…”

“A very long time,” Monica added as she slowly stroked Donny’s cock.

“And there was… a fire. We decided to relocate instead of rebuilding, and here we are.”

Monica took her hand from the throbbing cock and rested it on his thigh. Donny glanced at her and got a smile in return.

“Well, I think it’s time to move to the living room,” Tony announced as he stood up.

He put his hand out to Jenny. She took it and felt a rush of warmth flow between her legs as she stood up.

“Monica, you bring your new friend along,” Tony instructed as he led Jenny to the living room.

“Please, sit,” as he gestured to the couch. “And here’s your glass.”

She accepted the full glass and wondered how he had carried both her glass and his with one hand. The thought disappeared as he smiled at her and was replaced with a burst of heat between her legs.

Monica sat next to Donny on the opposite couch and leaned against him with her hand on his thigh.

Tony began to unbutton his shirt, slowly exposing his muscular chest and flat, hard stomach. Jenny stared open-mouthed as he removed the shirt and tossed it aside, feeling a sudden rush of desire fill her body.

He undid his pants and she stared as his huge cock appeared. She glanced at Donny as Tony finished undressing. He was just staring at them, not moving or saying anything. Her eyes returned to the chiseled body and huge cock in front of her.

Donny couldn’t find his voice. He couldn’t feel his legs, or his arms, or move his head. All he could feel was the slow throbbing in his genitals as Monica ran her fingers over his hardened cock.

Jenny noticed Monica’s hand movements and could now see Donny’s cock in her hand. Oddly she didn’t care.

Donny could only watch as Tony led Jenny’s mouth to his cock. She licked it while stroking the thick, long shaft with both hands, her tongue bathing the huge swollen tip. She made love to it, rubbing it on her face and running her tongue along its full length.

Monica continued to stroke his cock, stopping as they watched Jenny take the huge cock into her mouth. The fat tip disappeared between her lips as she struggled to take it to her throat.

Donny’s cock throbbed like a migraine as Monica continued the teasing. She spoke into his ear, her hot breath adding to the heat in his loins.

“Look at her suck his cock, she’s loving it.”

Jenny couldn’t control herself. She wanted this huge cock, she needed it. She let him fuck her mouth, the giant mushroom head pushing into her throat deeper than anything before.

She felt a sense of disappointment as it withdrew and left her mouth empty.

“Stand up and strip,” Tony instructed. “I want to look at you.”

She stood up, peeling off her shirt, jeans and panties as they watched. His hungry eyes burned into her body as he looked her over.

“Perfect,” Tony announced.

She glanced at Donny. He sat and stared as Tony’s hands roved her body. They were hot. She watched as Monica ran her finger over the tip of Donny’s swollen cock, picking up the droplets of cum seeping out and then touching it to her lips.

She now understood what the appetizer was.

Donny’s balls ached, hurting as much as his massively swollen cock as he watched Jenny lay down on the couch. Her legs parted and Tony’s massive cock began to push into her as Monica once again began teasing.

Jenny couldn’t believe the feeling of the huge cock as it pushed into her. Stretching, pulling, filling her inch by inch. He would stop and let her adjust each time he pushed deeper. He began thrusting and soon the huge cock was pounding her cervix relentlessly. The pain was inexplicably pleasurable and erotic.

Donny couldn’t believe his tiny girlfriend could take the full length of Tony’s huge cock. He could see the thick shaft as it pistoned in and out of her tight opening, stretching it to the limit. The moans and screams of climax leaving Jenny’s mouth were familiar but far louder and meaningful.

Jenny shook from another climax as Tony buried himself deeply and groaned loudly. His cock erupted and he pumped stream after stream of his huge load deep inside of Jenny.

Monica jerked furiously as Tony groaned and watched as Donny finally got his release. The first stream shot high into the air and fell back on his thighs, followed by two large spurts. As she squeezed the rest poured out over her hand and ran down over his balls.

Tony slowly withdrew his cock, making sure as little of his seed as possible followed. He moved up and hung his cock in front of Jenny’s mouth, letting her lick it clean as his orgasm washed away.

He smiled at Monica as she licked the cum from her fingers. She winked at him and picked up a cup from the table, holding it to Donny’s mouth.

“Drink this, you need to keep hydrated.”

Donny swallowed the warm liquid gladly, feeling it quench his thirst and restore feeling to his limbs.

“Take them to their bed,” Tony instructed.


Jenny waited until she heard Monica going down the stairs. She checked on Donny, putting her hand over his nose and mouth to check for breath. There was no damp warmth. She felt his face and noticed his skin was getting cooler. She realized there must have been poison in that cup.

She quietly slid off the bed and found her bag. She pulled on another pair of jeans and a sweatshirt before getting the car key from the top of the dresser. She shoved it her back pocket and picked up her phone.

No service.

She put it in her other pocket, gave Donny a kiss on his cool cheek and went to the door. With her ear to the door, she listened for them. Nothing.

She cracked the door open and slipped into the hallway, peering down the stairs as she slowly moved along. Once on the stairs, she hugged the wall and kept her feet on the inner edge of the steps to avoid creaking.

On the second landing, she could make out their voices below. They were in the kitchen it appeared. She continued down the stairs and almost made it to the door.

“I know you are there, Jenny,” Tony announced. “Please, come to the kitchen.”

Jenny bit her lip and turned towards the living room. She stepped in just far enough to see them.

“Come, sit,” Tony instructed as he gestured to the dining table.

“No... no, I’m good here,” she replied quietly.

Tony and Monica came into the living room and sat on a couch. He let out a deep sigh.

“It would have been better had you fallen asleep,” he said as he tapped his hand on his knee.

“I told you to give her a drink,” Monica admonished.

Tony put his finger to his lips.

“Shh...I am talking.”

Monica sat quietly as Tony continued.

He turned back to Jenny and smiled. She felt the heat suddenly return between her legs and wetness where she was still tender.

“I… well, I am a Warlock. Monica and I are all that remain from our coven. The rest were lost in the fire.”

Jenny listened and fought the passion and desire she felt building as his eyes drew her in.

“The locals became aware of us and set fire to our house one night. Monica and I managed to escape. And here we are, starting anew and building our coven.”

“You’re witches?”

He smiled and nodded as he rose from the couch and approached her. She backed down the hallway next to the stairs as he walked towards her with outstretched arms.

“I want you, Jenny. You’re perfect for us.”

“You poisoned Donny. He's not breathing.”

Tony looked at Monica and she hung her head.

“I told you a smaller dose this time. I won’t tell you again.”

Monica nodded in understanding.

Jenny was now in the kitchen and moved to the edge of the dining table. She picked up a large knife and held it in front of her.

Monica jumped up and blocked her entry to the living room as Tony inched closer.

“Jenny,” he said in a sultry, soothing voice. “It’s all good. You will have a good life. We will have a good life.”

Monica grabbed for her and the two women struggled and fell to the floor. Monica screamed and rolled onto her side as the knife drove into her stomach.

“Fuck!” Tony yelled as he reached for Jenny.

A flash of memory from her personal defense class made her draw her leg back and drive her foot into the side of Tony’s knee. It gave a loud snap as he tumbled backwards to the floor. His scream of pain was deafening.

Jenny pulled herself up and ran for the door. She found it locked with a keyed deadbolt as Tony pulled the knife from Monica and stood up on one leg.

“You are going to pay dearly for that,” Tony hissed.

She felt cold suddenly, unable to move.

“NO!” she screamed in her head. “It’s not real!”

She turned and ran for the stairs as Tony charged at her.


Through the door she could hear Tony struggle up the stairs, his breath loud and raspy. He was getting close.

Holding her side she stood up and went to the window. She lifted the sash and looked down. The roof of the veranda was directly below.

“Jennnyyy,” Tony cooed from behind the door.

She felt the pull of his voice and hesitated for a moment, overcoming the urge to go to him.

She put her leg out the window and slid over the edge, ignoring the pain in her side as she lowered herself as far as she could. Her hands let go and she hit the roof, fell over and rolled to the edge.

She held her breath and rolled off the edge of the roof, slamming into the damp, cold ground below.

Shaking her head a few times to clear the daze, she forced herself up and looked around to find her bearings. The little strings of lights illuminated the patio and she spotted the propane patio heater.

She glanced at the car, thought of Donny, and made a decision.

She turned it to HIGH and pressed the igniter, hearing the click click click followed by the whoosh as the gas ignited. She pushed it over, knocking the top flue off, and rolled it next to the house. The now-exposed flames quickly ignited the wooden siding and began to spread up the wall.

With her teeth clenched, she held her side and sprinted for the car. She pulled the key from her pocket and pushed the buttons until the lights flashed and the doors unlocked.

“Jennnyyy,” Tony yelled from the window. “Don’t leave me, Jenny.”

Flames began to engulf the house as Jenny started the car. She backed out and put in in drive, stopping for a moment to watch the flames as they crested the roof and the veranda collapsed.

“Goodbye, Donny,” she whispered.

She turned on the lights and sped down the driveway as Tony’s screaming went unheard.


The police had believed her story of the accidental fire. Three bodies had been recovered, with only Donny’s being identified.

Everywhere Jenny went with the stroller people stopped her and commented.

“You have such a beautiful baby boy. He will no doubt be a very handsome man.”

Written by 1meanjean
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