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Stranger Than Horror

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Black wheels spin on the wet blacktop, kicking up water as she drives through darkness, Still Corners’ ‘Sad Movies’ playing on fuzzy speakers via her favorite station. It's a night when not even the moon threatens to shine behind the clouds, not a flash of lightning to illuminate even the briefest moment. The clouds are so thick they're uniform, rain dripping slow and heavy.

Alexandra is cozy in the flannel-bound seat, fan circulating heat through her shabby vintage Beetle. Her wavy hair brushes her shoulders, Evil Dead t-shirt tucked into the waist of her skirt.

With a flutter in the cage of her ribs, she pulls to the side of the road, irrationally peering into the blackness beyond the endless rivers streaming down the windows; the sooner to see her face.

A shifting figure opens the passenger door.

Vanessa slips into the seat beside Alexandra, shutting an umbrella, shaking the rain from her dark, waist-length hair. She turns expectantly and is not disappointed: On Alexandra’s lips is the smile.

Vanessa noticed it on their second date, the unfailing grin that lights up Alexandra’s beautiful face every time they come together after being apart. She loves that smile so much she’s afraid to point it out, fearing the draw of attention would make Alexandra self-conscious and the smiles would stop.

Vanessa leans forward, listening for the sigh of breath that will signal her excitement. When she hears it, they kiss softly.

“You look beautiful," says Vanessa.

“Thank you.”

“Serious. Personality. Like Mia Wallace.”

“Shall I call you Vince?”

“As long as you don’t make me dance.”

Alexandra smiles. “Don’t tell me there’s a balloon in your pocket.”

“Just a joint.”

Her responding giggle arouses Vanessa.

Glancing over shoulder, she pulls back onto the black-ink road. She isn’t surprised when Vanessa really does pull that joint from her little leather jacket and light it up. There isn’t another soul around, their illicit use concealed not only by the eerie weather, but also vacant streets. Vanessa arm-cranks the window down an inch then passes the J to Alex.

The canvas of their conversation swirls with colorful topics as they turn down Sheep’s Lane. The wet forest is more encroaching than the clouds, twisting and crawling, silent yet alive beyond the hum of the car’s motor. They have plenty of time to reach their destination, taking this route by choice.

Alexandra revels in the idea of fear, suspense of the unexpected, craves a touch of mystery to liven her world. Vanessa is the embodiment of that inner cynicism, an influencer of horror films and thrilling encounters. Tonight they’re on their way to a midnight showing of Rocky Horror Picture Show at a drive-in on the edge of their little town; both the activity and scenic route Vanessa’s ideas.

The girls trade the burning herb until it’s the size and color of a roach, Vanessa flicking it out the window. She peeks at Alexandra’s profile, the pout of her upper lip, the stripe of tanned skin between where her skirt ends and her stockings begin, revealing the roundness of her thighs. Vanessa can tell Alexandra's breasts are braless beneath the horror-themed shirt, nipples slightly pointing. It makes her mouth water.

Vanessa has been rationing her physical affection, not as an act of reluctance, but discipline. Nine dates in six weeks, and if Vanessa asked, Alexandra would strip bare and open her legs without a charade of debate. Vanessa has never put herself through such torture either, but has found prolonging their intimacy so painful it’s sexy. She has fallen in love with watching Alexandra slowly put herself out there a little more every week. Part of her restraint is simply waiting to see how long it will take Alexandra to finally demand her needs be fulfilled. With very colorful language.

Alexandra glances at Vanessa; her pleated skirt, how her skintight stockings disappear beneath without a trace of flesh.

“What are you thinking?” Vanessa urges.

Alex’s eyes dart away from her legs. Her hesitation fills Vanessa with violent impatience. And yet, she loves it. A confused masochist.

“Tell me."

“… I think you already know…"

Vanessa grins, this verbal acknowledgment of her sensual fascination the first-ever.

“I’d much rather hear it come from your mouth.”

Alexandra wets herself with arousal, trying to keep her focus on the paved labyrinth path. Vanessa leans toward her, soft mouth near her ear.

“You know I adore you?” Alexandra’s reply is a shaky breath. “Won’t you tell me?”

She swallows the dryness in her throat. Vocalizing her wants is something Alexandra’s never been good at. Her eyes shift to meet Vanessa’s but flutter away like a coward’s.


“… Yes?”

Alex spends a generous amount of seconds debating before she reaches for Vanessa’s wrist and guides her hand beneath her skirt. She touches Alexandra’s bare slit for the first time, and it takes everything inside Vanessa to stop the animalistic growl in her throat from emerging. She doesn't want to scare her.

Alex gasps, face flaming.

“Well,” says Vanessa, a little breathless. “I suppose I should apologize.”

“For?” Alexandra manages after a moment.

“Making you wait,” she practically laughs. “You’re not wearing any panties, Alex. You’re shaved smooth… And soaking wet.”

A puppet on strings, Alexandra’s legs instinctively open, toe trying to stay on the car’s gas pedal as Vanessa rubs soothing circles around her clit, appreciating her preparation. This touch is revelatory. Alexandra tries to concentrate on the winding road as her hips angle upward, allying with the desperation inside her.

“Hmmm, I like you impatient. Feel how fucking wet you are?”

“Yes,” Alexandra sighs, lusting coloring the confession, the rush of warm blood surging in her groin to meet Vanessa’s fingertips. It's a wonder she has any left to heat her face.

Like a cat who’s finally gotten tired of watching her prey, Vanessa sheds her resignation and acts on an absolute instinct, melting between Alexandra’s legs and taking her. The angle is impossible, but there is no mistaking the perfect contact of Vanessa’s tongue. Alexandra can’t even tell which way her head is turned; all she feels is mouth.

With valiant effort, she keeps the car on the road as she gets the most anticipated head of her life. She tries to match Vanessa’s touch with normal body parts--Tongue? Fingers? Lips? Vanessa’s head of dark hair hides any explanation. She simply devours her.

Alex gives her first authentic moan as something nurses her erect bundle of nerves, a silk texture slipping over her hairless sex like poured milk.

“How are you doing that?” Alexandra gasps.

She walks a tightrope above her already looming climax, trying not to enjoy Vanessa’s mind-bending maneuvers. She tries to comprehend the pleasure while being tasked with operating heavy machinery, watching the trees pass by, this neverending road ominous and yet somehow comforting all at once.

The exposure of her naked pelvis, mound, and upper thighs is more romantic than Vanessa can recall with anyone else. Alexandra’s taste is manipulation worthy, her scent traveling straight to the brain, a pathogen intent on consuming one’s attention entirely.

Her pussy is so good it’s scary. And nothing scares Vanessa.

Suction strong as an industrial vacuum, Vanessa--somehow--sucks both her holes at once. Alexandra cries out, hips bucking.

For the brief moment that her eyes are half-shut, a black shape barrels out of the darkness and straight into the windshield.

The loud thwack! makes Alexandra scream.

Her Beetle comes to an abrupt stop on the damp shoulder, headlight beams still, rain pattering on the car’s roof.

Both sets of eyes look out the now cracked window, the point of impact outlined by a small circle of shattered, yet intact glass. Vanessa glances at Alexandra, who glances back, then over her shoulder.

“I think that was a bird.”

“I think you were about to come,” Vanessa teases.

Alexandra smiles bashfully before her face falls. “My windshield.”

“We can find you another.”

“Don’t you think that was strange?” Alexandra looks out the back window again.

“This place is Bat Country," Vanessa grins at the disturbance on her face. “Should I drive? As much as I would dig the alone time, I don’t want to be stranded out here if you run into any more animals.”

Alexandra rolls her eyes with a restrained smile and starts driving again. Slowly, she looks over at Vanessa, a questioning look etched upon her face. “Isn’t it bad luck to hit a raven or something?” 

Vanessa lets out a soft chuckle of amusement. “Yeah, you might get haunted by the ghost of Edgar Allan Poe.” 

“Very funny,” Alexandra mutters in a tone of annoyance though in reality she is amused.

When they reach the single-screen outdoor theater, they park at the edge of the tree-lined clearing, a handful of other cars scattered throughout the football-length field. The rain generously slows to an occasional drip as the washed-out visuals flicker on the enormous white backdrop, Alex searching for the right AM channel on her outdated stereo.

They burrow into their seats for the opening act, watching Brad and Janet through the Beetle’s fractured windshield. Famous for its draw of enthusiastic crowds, Vanessa says the best way to see Rocky Horror is live theater, though the closest place that participates is glaringly outside their rural boundaries. Tonight, the cult classic lures a mellow crowd, those happy to sit back and enjoy it on a characteristically rainy night.

The mundane is picking at Vanessa. How badly she wants to devour her date, the instinct impossible to resist. Yet, she has. And continues to do so. Opportunities are endless--but so are her reasons for self-restraint.

With the ironic patience of a saint, she bides her time, staring at a scantily clad Tim Curry perform his heart out, her hand eventually finding Alexandra’s, which gradually turns into a shoulder supporting her head. After a while, Vanessa notices the nearly invisible sigh beside her, aware of the fresh, delicious arousal beneath Alexandra’s skirt. She decides to finally tip the tension scale.

 With deceiving strength, Vanessa pulls Alex into a straddle on her lap, sending her reeling as she reaches up her skirt and palms her bare backside.

“I’m really trying to take my time with you. But, fuck, you make it hard.”

Alexandra moans, cradling Vanessa’s head as she speaks into her collar bones.

“… You can take your time on me now.” Vanessa gives a Cheshire smile. “But someone might see us.” She nearly laughs at Alexandra’s single worry on the cusp of what they’re about to do.

“No, they won’t,” Vanessa assures her, crab walking to the back seat with Alex still on her lap. “Now. Keep fucking talking.”


Vanessa laughs this time. “No, Mia Wallace.” She slides a hand up Alexandra’s shirt, other hand full of her ass.

“What do you want me to say?” she breathes, Vanessa’s grasp finding her breast.

“I’ve been waiting for this since the moment I saw you. I want to know every single fucking thing on your mind. The roots of your explicit thoughts.” Vanessa’s ending whisper sends a chill through Alexandra’s spine, chest leaning into her hand. “Come on. Tell me.”

Succumbing to the motion of her groping, Alexandra begins to forget why she’s holding back in the first place. Months of pining over Vanessa, a mysterious, stunning alpha, has her intimidated. Alexandra wants to please her, craves her admiration.

“… I think about your hands. Your body.” Alexandra’s confession is an aphrodisiac. “The way you smell. Wondering… what you’d do to me if I gave in.”

“Are you giving in?”

Alexandra moans at the breath in her ear. “Yes,” she hisses.

Vanessa smiles, a perfect row of pearl-white teeth, glinting in the glow of the film. Alexandra’s peripheral notices the veil of fog gathering outside; the movie, other cars, even the forest becoming harder to see. She doesn’t care. The only distraction in her narrow conscious is realizing Susan Sarandon is singing everything she wants to say. And that her Rocky is way hotter.

Vanessa shifts beneath her, the motion so smooth Alexandra finds herself suddenly on her back across the Beetle’s backseat.

“Tell me you’re giving in,” Vanessa demands, lips on her mouth.

“I’m giving in,” Alex breathes.

Vanessa inhales her words, pupils filling the windows of her eyes. To avoid Alexandra’s notice, she slips down her body and buries her head beneath her skirt. Placing a single kiss on her mound. When Vanessa leans in again to take her whole pussy in her mouth, Alex moans aloud.

Oh,” she sighs, utterly shocked that anything could feel so life-alteringly good. 

Vanessa’s tongue introduces itself to each of the eight thousand nerve endings comprising Alexandra’s clit, sucking deeply, nibbling sweetly. Taking in Alexandra’s sweet, intoxicating aroma, her tongue flicks teasingly against her pearl before drawing it deep into her mouth and sucking hard. Her mouth works eagerly, sucking furiously as if her life depends upon it.

This is the most delicious pussy Vanessa has ever had the pleasure of tasting. Without realizing it, she lets a soft moan escape her lips as she continues her licking and sucking, her moans vibrating against Alexandra’s beautiful cunt. Her fingers move to run first against Alexandra’s soft inner thigh, lightly touching and caressing before moving to run against her glistening, swollen lips.

Her fingertips instantly become wet and she slides in first one and then another, her fingers curling as she pushes them deeper. Her mouth works faster and harder as her fingers begin to fuck in and out of Alexandra’s hot, needy, wet cunt. Vanessa’s mind is going crazy--it feels like she is on a lust induced acid trip. She’s wanted to devour Alex since the first time they met and now it's finally happening and she never wants it to stop. Her breath is hot against Alex’s clit, her tongue a flickering flame ready to consume. 

“Oh god, don’t fucking stop!” Alex groans, inhibitions slipping with every insanity-inducing lick of Vanessa’s tongue.

Alexandra’s words are a beautiful symphony that quickly urges Vanessa on, the urgency in her voice the song of a siren. God, she’s so fucking sexy, Vanessa thinks to herself as her mouth and fingers continue to work overtime. She pushes deeper and harder, fingertips caressing Alexandra's soft velvet walls, tongue drawing her clit in and out of her mouth at a rapid pace. Her fingers begin to scissor inside Alex’s hot cunt. Suddenly, without warning, she stops her incessant sucking of Alex’s clit, as her tongue slowly begins to slide downwards, lapping against her lips before slowly sliding in and joining her fingers, completely filling her tight channel.

If Alexandra’s eyes could roll any harder, she’s be looking at her brain. She doesn’t know how, but Vanessa’s tongue is bigger than her last boyfriend’s dick.

“Vanessa,” Alex warns breathlessly.

“Don’t you fucking come yet,” Vanessa practically growls before going back to her ravishing of Alex’s pussy. Her tongue feels like a hot throbbing cock as it slams in deeper and harder, her fingers pumping in and out along with her hungry tongue. Vanessa realizes that she could get used to tasting Alex every single fucking night for the rest of forever. And she has that much time.

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She can feel Alex’s pussy pulsing against her tongue and fingers. She knows it won’t be long before she is soaking her face in her hot nectar. Vanessa can hear the sounds of Alex’s breathing, even the sound of her heart pounding loudly like an angry metal drummer.

Every sound adds to the intensity of the moment, and for an instant nothing else exists. It feels as if the earth isn’t moving and time has found a way to stand still, if only for a fleetingly beautiful moment.

Her tongue begins to drive in and out faster and to Alex, it feels as if it keeps growing bigger, but maybe she is imagining that, or maybe it was the weed. Alex wonders if somehow Vanessa borrowed Gene Simmons’ tongue for the night or something. She’d laugh if she wasn’t on the verge of a mindblowing, amazing orgasm.

The sound of Alexandra’s moans grow louder, the windows of the car completely steamed up and obvious. If anyone happened by they would know instantly just what was going on, and that wasn’t watching Frank sing 'Wild and Untamed Thing' which had become completely lost in the sounds of their lovemaking.

Vanessa’s tongue stabs in and out like a hot knife that demands an orgasmic sacrifice.

“Fuck, Vanessa, I have to come, please!

The sound of her pleas and whimpers only further Vanessa’s insatiable lust. Her tongue stabs even deeper as her fingers curl against her g-spot. Somehow, without removing her tongue, Vanessa manages to reply.

“Do it, fucking cum all over my face. I want to be completely soaked in your hot juices.” 

She doesn’t need to be told twice.

Alex fists Vanessa’s thick hair, holding her tightly--as if Vanessa would rather be anywhere but here. She looks up in Alexandra’s eyes right as she’s on the cusp, knowing, wanting to give her everything she promised. It’s that damn innocence in her eyes; the epitome of every woman who doesn't know their own power.

When she comes, she roars.

“Oh god!” Alex screams. The black clouds above rumble like they’re boiling.

Vanessa groans as Alexandra cums wetly, uncontrollably, her orgasm coating Vanessa’s porcelain face. She’s sucking her sweet slit so hard, if she’s not careful, she’ll suck her soul right out, too.

If Vanessa could die she would choose this exact moment, to drown in Alexandra’s arousal. It would be a death sweeter than the forbidden gates of heaven.

Forever. It lasts for fucking ever, Vanessa doing all the right things. She doesn’t understand how Vanessa applies pressure everywhere all at once. How her tongue gets so deep. ‘Wondering’ is as far as her detective skills go at the moment.

Filled with more need than this entire fucking night--more need than the last few weeks combined--she pushes up and kisses Vanessa. She hears seams ripping ever so slightly as they tear each other’s clothes off. Their body heat together spites the chill in the air. Soon, their hard nipples are pressed together, skin on skin, their tongues fighting for dominance. Vanessa pulls Alex onto her, each with a leg over the other as they connect like puzzle pieces, scissoring together. 

Alexandra’s sopping wet pussy touches the fire of Vanessa’s excited sex, and they both react with a cry of relief.

They utilize every inch of the back seat, grinding together.

“Jesus fuck,” Vanessa moans.

“Harder!” Alex begs. Soon, she’s on top of Vanessa, riding her with zeal. Gone is the shy facade. Alexandra digs her nails into whatever she can grasp, urges Vanessa to pull her hair, growls with satisfaction. They fuck like wild things. Hard and fast, their clits rolling together. Vanessa’s moans are loud and almost earth-shattering like something feral fucking for the first time. This may be the first time Vanessa’s ever been fucked this way. Usually, she’s the one doing the inflicting.

Alexandra is a hurricane, and she’s in the eye of it. Enjoying every wet, euphoric moment.

Alex humps deeply against Vanessa’s slit, and as she looks down, hand on her neck, Vanessa’s eyes flicker. Enormous black pupils filling her gaze before she blinks and her eyes are back to normal. Before Alex can wonder if that really happened, Vanessa sits up and kisses her, holding her by a fistful of hair. 

As they trib like sex-hungry maniacs, their breathing intensifies by the moment, hearts pounding together loudly, their sexes throbbing and pulsing. Every part of them electric hot. It feels like an eternal edging just waiting for a hot, gushing explosion.

Vanessa wants it. She wants to feel Alexandra’s hot wet cunt completely soak hers. Their juices would mix together and they would become one for all eternity. They grind harder and faster, their eyes glazed over in an intoxicated bliss filled haze. Vanessa wonders just how much longer Alex is going to last, because for her it feels like she is standing on a cliff about to fall off the edge into complete oblivion.

Alexandra’s heart feels like it’s reached the explosion point. She can’t take it any longer and moans out, “Please, can I cum?!” Her words are like hot dripping honey to Vanessa’s ears.

She murmurs her reply, her voice coated in lust and absolute desire; “Do it, cum with me, Alexandra,” she commands.

That’s all Alex needs to hear as she lets out a frantic moan of pleasure, her cunt pulsing and tightening before exploding along with Vanessa’s, their juices mixing together and becoming one.

“Oh my fucking god,” Alex mutters, her voice a little shaky and out of breath. “That was fucking intense.” And she isn’t lying. She felt like she had practically flown through the cosmos.

Vanessa slows, her hips still gyrating, drawing out the pleasure. “Fuck Alex, I’d no idea you were so fierce.” Somehow, after what just conspired, Alexandra still has the capacity to blush.

“I guess you bring that out in me.”

“Mmm, I want to bring out a lot more.”

Vanessa finally pulls her sex away and lowers herself between Alexandra’s legs, kissing and licking up the juices coating her thighs and labia. Alex moans as Vanessa cleans her up, sighing when a finger enters her. She’s exhausted, every muscle in her body overworked.

Vanessa licks her as she falls asleep, sated, more gratified than she can ever remember being.

“Fuck, I needed that,” Vanessa whispers to herself. She glances outside, the fog she conducted thinning a bit, nearly every other car driven away as the credits roll.

Now Vanessa needs something entirely different.



Alexandra wakes up alone. It’s dark and quiet, and it takes her a few blinks to remember where she is. The movie outside isn’t playing any longer, the radio off. She sits up, hair a sexy mess, and her cheeks flush once again as she recalls what put her to sleep.

She had sex with Vanessa.

And she acted like a fucking animal. They both did. She’s never been so ravenous before. They gorged on each other’s souls, met on a level some people never experience.

After a moment, she notices the rear passenger door is ajar. She can hear slow dripping rain outside, the occasional roll of thunder.

“Vanessa?” she calls. When there’s no answer, she gets dressed; sliding her stockings up to her thighs, covering her ass with her skirt, grabbing her hoodie and stepping out into the night.

On the far edge of the heavy overcast, the moon tries to shine, lining storm clouds with silver. The surrounding forest is eerily quiet.

“Vanessa?” she whispers. Her subconscious notes she still smells like sex.

A twig snaps somewhere to her right, into the trees. Alex turns to it. Wondering if Vanessa is out here on the phone or something. Her clothes weren’t in the Beetle. She walks ahead, trying to ignore the chill that caresses her spine. The lead-like heaviness in the pit of her stomach. She begins to worry something’s happened to Vanessa.

“Vanessa?” she says in a slightly louder, yet nervous, choked tone. ‘Where, could she be?’ Alex wonders as she continues moving around in the still dark and rainy night.

She hears what sounds like the crunching of tortilla chips and the slurping sounds of a 7-11 Slurpee in the distance.

“What a mess,” she murmurs softly to herself as she continues walking through damp grass, stepping over beer bottles and overturned soda cups. She would be more disgusted if she wasn’t about to completely lose her shit over the fact that Vanessa, the girl she had finally made it with, had suddenly vanished. She was getting frantic like Harrison Ford, and she really could use another joint right about now, or hell, even some Xanax would be nice.

She hears the chomping sound again, but this time it sounds a lot more like bones grinding, the slurping more like the splattering of blood in an Italian Giallo movie. “Seriously is Lucio Fulci making a movie out here?” she jokes to herself. Trying to keep herself calm in this otherwise terrifying situation.

Alexandra winds her way through the radio poles and trash cans before coming across a Honda Civic with its motor still running and driver side door open. She can hear the static of the now off-air radio.

She steps on something and glances down to see a pile of clothes… Vanessa’s clothes.

Without thinking, she reaches down and picks them up. They look almost as if they went through a paper shredder.

“What the fuck?” she ponders out loud to herself, top lip lingering on the ‘f’.

She can feel her pulse quicken, her heart racing. Bullets of cold sweat pouring down her forehead as all kinds of terrible images begin to flood her mind. Alex can feel her legs beginning to tremble, lip quivering.

’Change’ by The Deftones replaces the static on the radio. And while she is standing there shivering, contemplating whether to flee in abject terror or look for the girl she is decidedly in love with, a flash of lightning illuminates a large, gnarled-up ancient oak in the nearby distance, twisting with menace. What Alex sees causes her to gasp, feeling herself blanch almost as pale as the glowing white figure hunched on the ground under the oak, leaning over something that looks distinctly like another person. A person who went through the same paper shredder Vanessa’s clothes did.

Almost in a hypnotized state, Alexandra finds herself moving steadily closer, her breathing at a standstill. The need to discover the horror that is almost directly in front of her is irrefutable.

Her eyes strain and focus as she nears, trying to be quiet as possible, but try as she might, she wasn’t quiet enough. The head with the unmistakably long, flowing black hair lifts up and looks directly at her, causing Alex to choke and sputter.

“Vanessa….?” she gasps, her eyes widening.

Vanessa's face is completely covered in blood. Dripping down her chin and onto her tits, a hot, wet wreck. Her eyes are large black pools of sorrow. A girl doomed to an eternity of hell, a girl who fell in love with a mortal. A girl who wasn’t a girl but a demon who feels pain like a thousand knives that twist inside her soul, yet she doesn’t even have a soul. 

Alex takes in the morbid sight that lay in front of her eyes.

A thousand horror movies don’t prepare anyone for the likes of this.

Blood soaked popcorn lay on the ground next to the ripped-apart corpse of what’s left of a man. Most of his face is gone. His skin scratched away, muscle and intestines exposed. And there’s Vanessa, just hunched over him, devouring him like she was the Living Dead. Her teeth have grown inhumanly long and sharp like that of a vampire, except that it’s every fucking tooth in her head, not just two measly fangs. But the thing that’s killing Alex the most is that Vanessa mostly still looks like the girl she’s in love with.

There’s a long, frightening silence. I mean, what are you supposed to say when the chick you’ve been dating and just fucked for the first time is followed up by her eating some guy like a Fourth of July BBQ?

Vanessa breaks it.

“Well… This is awkward,” she says as she stands, wiping her bloody mouth with her hand, her curvaceous body glistening with her kill. “I didn’t want you to see me like this, Alex…”

“No shit,” Alex says as more of a statement than a question. Honestly, she isn’t sure what to say. She is a little ashamed that she still thinks Vanessa is sexy, standing there all covered in blood and gore. But, damn, she has a nice pair of tits on her. 

“Really, Alex… I can explain,” Vanessa says, though she isn’t sure how she’ll explain herself out of this one. The worry in her voice is evident. She has taken great care to fight the compulsion in Alexandra’s presence. There’s no way she could ever hurt her. She fears Alexandra’s fear. But fucking Alex’s brains out made her stamina drop. She was hungry as fuck.

“Vanessa, I mean damn… I just found you eating some dude. I thought you were a vegetarian,” Alex says, trying to pretend she isn’t absolutely terrified. Cracking a joke or two always helps. Actually, it’s one of those things she and Vanessa had in common; joking.

Vanessa smiles a weak, bloody smile, having missed most of the blood when she wiped her face.

“Alex, I’m not really… human. I’m a demon, ageless, straight from the pits of a roaring, fiery hell. But I’m not like most demons. Most demons are serious ass holes. I mean, I was kind of an ass hole for a while. Well, like, two thousand years. But that was before I met you. I’m in love with you, Alexandra. I would never hurt you. No matter the temptation or the hunger, I would always make certain I would never do that.”

Alexandra fidgets with a thread at the hem of her short skirt. Trying to soften the shock of this moment with a perfectly normal gesture.

“I knew I couldn’t keep this from you forever, but I was hoping I would have more time before I had to tell you…”

For the first time, Alexandra notices the birds in the trees. Countless glossy crows perched on claw-like branches. All watching her.

“The bird that hit my car… that was you wasn’t it?”

Vanessa has the audacity to blush behind the blood.

“You were about to come. It got me excited.”

Alex suddenly understands the impossible things Vanessa did with her mouth in the back of the Beetle. What other things might she be capable of in bed, she wonders… 

As Alexandra stands wordlessly, trying to process, trying to make her decision, Vanessa steps forward. Alex can feel the heart in her chest beating wildly, giving itself away as Vanessa, an alpha predator, takes her by the hand. She pulls her, away from the what’s left of the owner of the Civic, the splayed bloody popcorn, her useless clothes. The sound of Slipknot’s The Devil And I replacing the Deftones on the car radio, fading into the distance.

Alex follows.

They break through the trees, coming to a lake fringed with tall pine. The blackbirds gliding above them silhouette against the moon as it breaks free of the storm clouds.

Vanessa pulls her all the way to the edge of the little wooden dock, still stark naked, still covered in blood.

They face each other a moment, and Alex knows she has her answer. She always did. Her need for the woman in front of her could withstand anything. Even finding out she eats boys.

Vanessa turns and jumps into the lake, staying under for an unreasonably long time, Alex beginning to shift from foot to foot, looking for any minute ripple.

She finally breaks the surface, clean once again.

And when Alexandra strips naked and jumps in after her, Vanessa decides then and there she is never letting this mortal go. Alex is the bane of her existence, the only thing that has made her happy in hundreds of years, and when they wrap around each other, floating in a dark lake, mouths coming together, Vanessa gets started on enjoying the comparably short time she’ll get to spend with her.

“Will you do that thing with your tongue again?” Alex whispers.




Written by TangerineSky
Contributing Authors
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