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Ancient Rites

"Three Sisters + Ancient Temple + Full Moon"

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Competition Entry: Swing Into Summer

Author's Notes

"Be sure to check out the media folder for sexy photos which go with this story:"

"Are you interested in ancient temples?" she asked.

Arthur looked up from his late lunch at the small Welsh country pub outside Pembroke. It was the thirteenth of August. The Summer sun had warmed the afternoon nicely, and the patio table he sat at was in a quiet corner. On the table next to his meal was an open book.

She was beautiful, was his first thought. The kind of dignified British beauty that instantly turned an American male's mind to stockings, garters, and hot sex over a table. And her accent was just as exciting. Her few words spoken so far had his cock growing stiff in his pants. She was in her forties, he guessed. A good ten years older than he was. She wore a light brown khaki jacket, jeans, and tall boots. Her blond hair fell past her shoulders.

"The Temple of Diana, if I'm not mistaken," she leaned over the table and looked at the picture in his book. "At Nimes, in Southern France?"

"Yes, history is a fascination of mine. I am studying for my doctorate in ancient religions," he said. "I'm on sabbatical for the Summer, touring the Welsh countryside and looking at the Roman ruins. My first vacation in several years."

She was so close he could smell her perfume. Cedar, and something else, maybe Frankincense?

"American?" she asked.

She was still leaning over the table. Their faces were mere inches apart.

"Yes..." he stammered, suddenly shy. "From Colorado."

"We don't get many Americans here in the unsettled country," she said and stood. "I would love to talk further. May I join you?"


"So the handle of the shovel came loose," Arthur said, "and I ended up on my ass covered in mud in southern Crete."

She laughed at his story from an archeology dig he had been on last year. Her name was Luna Morgan-Edwards, and she said her family owned a small estate nearby. Her glass of red wine was nearly empty. His pint of good dark stout was in the same condition. The sun was soon to set, and the full moon was rising over the horizon.

"We have Roman ruins on our estate," Luna said, taking their conversation back to when they first met. "The family legend is that it's a temple to the Goddess Diana."

"How unusual," Arthur said. "The history books don't have the Romans this far west into Wales."

Luna did not immediately reply. Instead, she sat and seemed to consider him.

"Would you like to see them?" she asked finally.

Arthur nodded, excited to be spending more time with her. He gathered his things. He stood but had to grab the table for support.

"Do you need help?" Luna asked, standing at his arm.

Arthur shook his head. He took a moment to steady himself, then lifted his backpack to his shoulder.

"A memento of my country's war in Afghanistan," he said. "A bullet wound and a bad knee."

"A warrior and a scholar," Luna said, smiling at him. "You are full of surprises."


The trip took longer than Arthur thought. From the way Luna had spoken, he had figured her family's estate was near, but the trip along the winding Welsh roads in her Jag took nearly an hour. She headed them East and into the mountains. Night had fallen, and the Moon shined down through the trees giving the countryside an otherworldly feel.

"Oh, wow," he said as they pulled into the driveway before the Morgan-Edwards manor house. "I thought you said small."

Luna laughed.

"Make yourself comfortable," she said after they had entered the house. "I'll need a few minutes to freshen up."

She climbed the wide set of stairs off the entranceway and disappeared. Arthur went through the open door that Luna had indicated.

"Wow," he said again to himself.

The room was large and filled with the antiques and paintings you would expect in such a home. There was a small second-floor library accessible by a spiral staircase. There was a large fireplace, lit and crackling. A large painting of three women by a lake hung over the mantle. They wore long white and pale grey gowns and danced along the shore. Beneath the painting was a bow and quiver. They looked old but well cared for. He reached a hand up to touch it.

"Be careful," a woman's voice said from above. "The arrows are sharp."

Arthur turned, surprised and a little embarrassed. At first, he thought it was Luna, but the woman had hair of dark brown. There was an uncanny resemblance, though where Luna radiated motherhood and hearth, this one radiated a much more predatory feel. The same as many of his comrades in the Army had, that of a hunter. She wore a long white and pale grey gown like was in the painting. She was on the balcony looking down.

"You must be our American visitor," she said, walking slowly down the stairs. "My sister said I should come and keep you company."

She held out her hand, and Arthur shook it. Her grip was firm. She smiled as she looked him over. Up close, the resemblance was even more striking. She could be Luna's twin.

"Would you like a drink?" she asked.


"Eight hundred meters?" she asked, with some disbelief.

Arthur nodded, sipping from the whiskey she had poured for him earlier. It was flavored with spices. Her name was Artemis, and she was Luna's half-sister, born to another mother. They were sitting before the fireplace and discussing some of the most spectacular rifle shots he had done in his time in Afghanistan.

"My Captain had them check the range afterward," he said.

Someone laughed. Arthur and Artemis turned. Luna was standing at the doorway, wearing a similar long white and pale grey robe as her sister.

"I hope she hasn't been boring you with questions," Luna said. "She loves her hunts."

Arthur shook his head and stood. If Luna had looked beautiful in the country gentry garb she had worn at the pub, in the gown she wore now, she looked gorgeous. Arthur felt his cock twitch in his pants. He had the strange desire to take her right there and fuck her on the floor.

"I promised you a visit to our temple," she said. "Follow me."

She led him down a side hallway and then to a door. It opened to a staircase downward. The basement was dusty and filled with sheet-covered furniture. Luna led him to a tall bookcase against one wall. She did something along its side, and the bookcase slid sideward, revealing another hallway.

"Secret passageways?" he asked with a grin.

"The Church was not very tolerant of pagan things during the Middle Ages," she said. "The family took steps to protect the temple, and protect us then."

She waved him inside. Arthur half expected flaming torches, but Luna flipped a wall switch, and a series of small, round LED lights came on. The hallway led deeper into the ground, sloping downward. Luna let him lead. The hallway was modern for a short distance, then took on a much more unfinished and older appearance. Arthur slid his hand along the wall. It was the natural stone, cut from the mountains themselves.

A hundred feet or so in, the passageway made a right turn then there were a set of steps leading downward. Luna nodded when he looked her way. The hallway continued, but soon they came to another turn with stairs going upward. They climbed perhaps twenty feet then it opened to a large chamber.

"Oh wow," he whispered.

The chamber turned out to be a large cave. They exited onto a broad ledge, looking down. At the center of the cave was a wide, blue pool. Above the pool, a large hole in the cave ceiling allowed the full moon's light to shine down onto the water. The rock which had fallen had made an island. Someone had worked the stone, cutting it flat and then using the rest to make a small temple. It had four round pillars of a classical design, with a wide flat altar in the center. There was also an opening along the cave wall, and he could see the forest outside.

Movement in the pool caught his attention. Someone was swimming.

Luna took a set of rough steps cut in the rock down to the temple. Arthur followed.

As he got close, he could tell the swimmer was a woman. She had her back to them. She dipped forward, her head entering the water and dove. Her naked butt and legs came into view, then disappeared. She reappeared in a few moments and turned towards them.

Arthur was again surprised.

This woman had the same face as Luna and Artemis. Her hair was midnight black and cut in a neck-length stylish bob. Her eyes pierced into his across the distance, and he shivered. She began slowly swimming in their direction.

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"My half-sister Hekate," Luna said.

She had a small lit candle in her hand. The four columns each had an unlit torch on them. Luna walked around and lit them.

Arthur heard a noise and turned.

Artemis had joined them. She carried the bow and quiver from the room above. There was a stone rack between two columns, and she placed it there. Next to the rack were several bronze braziers. Taking the taper from Luna, Artemis lit them. Incense smoke rose and scented the air with Cedar and Frankincense.

Arthur turned back towards the pool. The builders had cut steps into the stone below the water as well. Hekate was near enough to him that she could stand. Water dripped from her naked body as she slowly walked out of the pool.

She was a goddess made flesh. Arthur's cock grew hard.

Hekate's body was soft and sensual, with womanly curves which begged to be stroked. Her breasts were large and round, and the nipples stuck out stiff. Her pussy was covered with a light black down. She walked out of the water like a queen, and he felt like he should kneel. She smiled at him, and he was in love.

She walked up to him and kissed him. He had never tasted anything as sweet.

He felt hands on his shoulders and turned. Luna and Artemis had disrobed and were as naked as their sister. The three women slowly began to remove his clothing. As they did, each would pause and kiss him.

"This is a holy night," Hekate said to him.

"We would have you share it," Artemis said to him.

"I picked you, Arthur," Luna said to him. "Join us as we honor her."

He felt her hand take his cock, now naked and stiff. Luna slowly stroked it with her hand. He felt Hekate behind him, her breasts pressing against his back. Artemis took his hand and guided it to her crotch. He groaned as he felt his fingers slide inside of her. She was wet and warm. She leaned against him as he fingered her.

"We need you," Hekate whispered into one ear.

"We want you," Artemis whispered into the other.

Luna slowly dropped to her knees before him. She brought his hard cock to her lips and kissed it.

"I picked you, Arthur," she said, looking up. "Let us please you, and give us the gift of your seed."

Luna's mouth opened, and she slid his cock inside of it. Arthur groaned. She pressed forward without stopping until her lips touched the hairs on his stomach. He groaned again as he felt the head penetrate her tight throat. She kept her mouth on him while she sucked hard at his shaft. He felt her hands cup his balls and give them a soft squeeze.

After a moment, Luna drew back and let his cock, now wet and slick with her saliva, come free. She stood and kissed him. Then she led him towards the altar by his cock. The other two women followed.

Luna let his cock go, then leaned onto the altar and placed her head on the wide stone. She looked back at him with a look of lust. Her hands reached back, and she spread her ass cheeks. Arthur could see her blond-covered pussy. The lips were wet. He knew what she wanted and stepped up to her.

He took his hard cock and put the head between those lips. He groaned at the warmth of her body around his cock. He pressed forward, sinking himself into her from behind, and began to fuck her. His strokes were gentle and loving. He reached around her body and palmed her large breasts, tweaking her stiff nipples to bring her pleasure.

Hekate and Artemis caressed his body with their hands and their lips.

It did not take long. Luna's pussy felt like heaven around his cock. She squeezed him with her muscles until he could not hold back. He pressed himself into her and held it, letting his cock shoot cum deep inside her.

When Arthur slid his cock from Luna and turned, it was Artemis who knelt and took his cum streaked cock into her mouth. She greedily sucked the sperm and traces of Luna's orgasm from him. His cock never wavered, staying hard and stiff, and Artemis bobbed her head back and forth onto his cock. He took her head in his hands and roughly fucked her face.

He was not gentle with Artemis. He sensed she needed to be dominated and taken. He pulled her face off his cock, then pressed her against the altar.

"Get up on the top," he ordered.

Artemis assumed a position on all fours. He climbed up behind her and settled between her spread legs. He lined his stiff and hard cock with her brown-haired covered pussy and parted the lips with the head. She was wet and dripping. Before he pushed himself into her, he gave her shapely ass a hard spank. She cried out in pain, and that is when he shoved himself inside of her. Arthur reached around and grabbed her hanging breasts with his hands, roughly squeezing them. He fucked Artemis with hard, fast strokes until she too came. He shot his cum deep inside of her as he had done to Luna.

She crawled off of the altar, and Hekate climbed on.

Hekate neither wanted the gentleness of Luna nor the roughness of Artemis. She pressed Arthur onto his back and mounted him herself. She centered her pussy on his cock, then sank herself onto him. She rode his cock, up and down, taking it into her as deep as she could. He raised his hands to her breasts and played with them. She fucked him as an equal. He fucked her with his very soul.

Pulling her down, he kissed her. Her lips were sweet, and he moaned into her mouth. She moaned back. Her pussy was incredible, and he did not want this fuck to ever end. Soon though, the pleasure for Arthur was too great. Arthur gave a great moan and felt his cock shoot his sperm deep into Hekate's pussy. She came as he did, grinding herself on his cock. His mind blanked as he felt his balls tighten. His cum shot out, again and again, filling her with his seed.

After a moment, he felt her lift, and her pussy slid off his now softening cock. Arthur lay there breathing heavily, the cool stone of the altar a welcome relief. He was weak and did not have the strength to move.

The three women stood around the altar, hands spread and uplifted to the Moon.

"Mother Diana," Luna said. "Thank you for this night."

"Blessed Diana," Artemis said. "We accept your gift."

"Goddess Diana," Hekate said. "We honor you with our magic."

The three women began to softly chant.

Arthur wondered at first what they were doing, but he felt the strength flow from his body. He had come three times, once into each woman. That would have been enough to make him tired. This was different. Arthur tried to sit up and could not. The women continued to chant while a tingling began in his limbs and tenseness in his chest.

Their chants grew louder.

A sharp pain went through him. He struggled to move. As a second pain hit him, he managed to roll slowly off the altar. He hit the ground hard and cried out. His vision blurred, and when it cleared, he screamed. His feet were under him, and as he watched, his toes blended together, forming one mass. His foot discolored and grew hard. It looked like a hoof. He tried to scream again, and nothing but a quiet bleak came out.

His head exploded with pain, and he clasped it with his hand only to find hard projections growing from his forehead. They grew and branched out, becoming antlers. His fingers did the same as his toes, and his hands soon were hooves as well. He shook himself, watching as his skin turned brown and grew hair.

"Mother Diana," Luna said. "Thank you for this man."

"Blessed Diana," Artemis said. "Accept our offering of his body."

"Goddess Diana," Hekate said one final time. "We honor you with our magic."

Arthur's last human thought was, this could not be happening!

The next thing that went through his mind was how good the Summer night smelled. He could feel the wind on his new thicker skin.

He pawed at the stones with his front legs and looked around. He felt that he should recognize the naked two legs around him. His tail flicked in frustration. They smelled of his scent, and they smelled of sex. They bowed to him. He tossed his antlers and bellowed his lust.

The three women smiled. Where once stood a man, a magnificent stag now took his place. They each ran a hand across their naked stomachs, silently thanking him for his seed. With their daughters from this night, the long line of priestesses would continue in this temple. 

The warm Summer moon called to Arthur. He saw the forest in it's light and took off running. Free now to explore and live his life under the trees.

Diana would be pleased.

Written by silenceinthedark
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