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"A dream holiday soon becomes a worst nightmare"

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Competition Entry: Winter Adventure

This photograph of Janet was taken by her best friend Blanka, on their holiday to Prague in 2016, just after Christmas. While Janet was Australian born to Australian parents, Blanka was Australian born as well but to Czechoslovakian parents. From the rooftop of a city building, Janet was overlooking the Vltava River and the Church of St. Nicholas, the building with the dome and green spires. She was also trying to match the landscape in front of her to what was on her map. A long way from their native Australia, this was the start of an horrific skiing holiday gone wrong.

Janet was born in 1998 in the small alpine village of Perisher, in the New South Wales Snowy Mountains, Australia. The permanent population there is a mere one hundred and fifty residents. Janet, her father and mother, live there permanently. The skiing at Perisher is great in winter. Perisher Village is the biggest and best skiing complex by far in Australia. Hundreds of thousands of skiers, snowboarders and small kids who just want to make a snowman, visit Perisher Village each year. Janet’s father owns a ski resort there, as well as running one of the ski lifts. Janet learnt how to ski around the same time as she learnt to walk. During her short life, she has been to Falls Creek, Thredbo and Mount Buller with friends, but nothing has ever compared to Perisher.

Janet’s schooling was done at a small alpine town named Jindabyne only a short distance away. Jindabyne has a total population of around 2,600 permanent residents with some residents scattered throughout the nearby hills. It was at primary school where Janet first met Blanka who lived in Jindabyne. The two girls were in the same class, at both the local primary and secondary schools where they stayed until they completed year 12. Blanka is a common female Czechoslovakian name meaning, “The White One”. They were always the best of friends and were very seldom apart. Her father and mother were both born in Czechoslovakia but fled the Republic of Czechoslovakia when its government went through a major upheaval some twenty-two years ago. Pasha, her father, has worked for Janet’s father at Perisher ever since he arrived in Australia. Aneta, his wife, also worked for Janet’s parents at Perisher during the snow season. Blanka has an uncle, aunt and two male cousins who still live in Prague, but she has never met them before.

Some two months prior to Christmas, Blanka’s uncle contacted her father and invited both Blanka and Janet to Prague for Christmas, so they could experience some of the best snowfields in Europe. Konrad, Blanka’s uncle must have heard about Janet from correspondence between her father and her uncle over a period of time. Konrad also wanted to enter Janet and Blanka in a cross-country ski tournament in early January. Once Janet found out about being invited over there with Blanka, she hounded her parents until they gave her their blessings to go. Janet’s parents thought it would be a trip of a lifetime for her as well as getting some valuable skiing experience in Europe.

With time rapidly running out, both Janet and Blanka had to obtain passports to be able to travel to Europe. Under normal circumstances it couldn’t be done so quickly, but Blanka’s uncle must have pulled a few strings with the Australian Federal Government, stating that he had entered both the girls in a cross-country skiing competition at Boží Dar, situated in the Ore Mountains, some 140 Km north-west of Prague.

Pasha, Blanka’s father, then contacted his brother Konrad by phone in Prague. Pasha stated that the best time for departure would be on December 27, two days after Christmas as Boxing Day was a public holiday and travel would be chaotic. Konrad then said the best way would be for him to transfer money for the fares to Pasha and let Pasha purchase the tickets. Pasha was happy with that arrangement, wished his bother an indebted thank you, and then hung up the telephone.

Two days later, the money was transferred into Pasha’s bank account and Pasha proceeded to make the bookings for both the girls’ flights. Both Janet and Blanka were to depart Sydney Airport on January 27, departing at 16:55 pm. Australian time. The flight was due to have one connection at Dubai before heading to Prague. The estimated time of arrival at Prague was 07:00 am. the following day. With a 10-hour time zone difference between the two countries, the actual flight time from Sydney to Prague was estimated at twenty-four hours and five minutes.

Christmas Day arrived all too quickly. With only two days until their departure, both Janet and Blanka were beside themselves, looking forward to their European skiing holiday. Janet’s parents invited Blanka and her parents over for Christmas dinner. Christmas was the last thing on the girls’ minds as the whole day was taken up talking about their skiing holiday in Prague. Both their parents were highly excited as well. The day was spent opening presents, having a roast turkey dinner and a few drinks in the afternoon. Blanka and her parents left for their home in the early evening after a marvellous Christmas Day. That night. Janet found it hard to sleep with all the expectations of her imminent European trip buzzing around in her brain.

Tuesday, 27 December 2016, (Australian time)

The trip from Perisher to Sydney via Jindabyne is some 480 km long and the expected trip, without any problems, should take around seven and a half hours. To be on the safe side, Janet’s father left Perisher Village at 8:00 am, some ninety minutes earlier than suggested. They allowed for any heavy traffic, punctured tyres and processing of luggage at the airport. Janet’s father’s first port of call was into Jindabyne to pick up Blanka and her luggage.

After picking up Blanka, they all travelled down Kosciuszko Road which lead them into the Monaro Highway and subsequently into Canberra, the capital City of Australia. In turn, the Federal Highway took them all into Goulburn, one of the coldest places in Australia in winter. The Federal Highway then became the Hume Highway which took them all the way into Sydney. With reasonable traffic for the busy holiday period and hot sunny weather, Janet’s father arrived at the airport around 14:50 pm, some two hours before their departure. He dropped everyone off at the airport while he found a parking spot some distance away.

The airport was absolutely packed and moving around was difficult. By the time Janet and Blanka had processed their luggage, booked in and everything else, they were some thirty minutes from boarding time. Janet gave her parents a big hug and kiss before she and Blanka headed off to the departure lounge. Janet’s parents were behind them and looking through the glass window. As the girls’ flight was paged through the speaker, Janet and Blanka blew kisses and waved goodbye to Janet’s mum and dad.

Travelling for all those hours by car and in 38 degrees C heat (100 degrees F), even with air conditioning, had made the girls exhausted. Janet and Blanka tiredly trudged the distance across the tarmac towards the plane, before being welcomed and ushered into their Emirates aircraft by a very efficient air hostess.

After all the passengers and crew were aboard the plane and seated, the girls were greeted by the Captain over the intercom. Janet was too excited about her trip to worry about what he had to say. If Janet needed anything onboard the plane, she would just page one of the air hostesses. Shortly afterwards, the jet engines fired up and the plane began to taxi down the runway. After turning a half circle at the end of the runway, the engines revved up and then the plane sped up and accelerated along the runway. Janet heard what sounded like a bang or a bump and they were airborne and on their way.

Once in the air, all the passengers were greeted by the hostesses or flight attendants to put them at ease. Having never flown before, it was all a new experience for Janet and Blanka. Before long, all the passengers had placed their order for an evening meal. Janet was so tired that she drifted off to sleep before the meal arrived. Blanka gave Janet a little nudge to awaken her so she could get a good meal in before drifting off to La-la Land. Both Janet and Blanka quickly fell into a deep sleep after their evening meal and slept soundly throughout the night.

The girls awoke in the morning without having a clue as to what the real time was, as they had crossed over several time zones throughout the night. After breakfast, the plane headed onto and landed in Dubai where all the passengers got off to change planes. A couple of hours later, Janet and Blanka boarded their new plane which took them into Prague. Their time of arrival in Prague was 06:50 am Prague time, which was some ten minutes early due to a tail wind for a long part of the final journey.

After landing, the girls followed the rest of the passengers to the airport terminal to gather their luggage and go through customs. While they were waiting in the airport, Janet noticed a sign attached to a long stick with the words, BLANKA & JANET. Janet assumed the three people under the sign were Konrad, her uncle; as well as Pavel and Alois, her cousins. Once through customs, the two girls met up with their hosts before heading off to the car park. Awaiting them all was a chauffeur driven Mercedes Benz. Janet thought that Konrad must be very rich owning a huge Mercedes Benz and also to employ a chauffeur.

The trip from the airport to Konrad’s mansion took about twenty-five minutes. The roads were slushy and a bit slippery, far from the 40-degree C heat back in Australia. After alighting from the car, the girls were ushered inside where they were greeted and welcomed by Gabriela, Blanka’s aunt. Gabriela asked Blanka and Janet if they would like a shower to freshen up and put on some winter clothing. Gabriela also showed the girls to their bedroom that had two single beds, a wardrobe, two bedside tables with lamps, and an ensuite. Local time in Prague was now 8:30 am local time or 6:30 pm Australian time. Both Janet and Blanka phoned up their parents back in Australia to let them know of their safe arrival in Prague and that they were now at Blanka’s uncles’ place.

Following all the introductions, Janet and Blanka badly needed a catnap, as travelling such a great distance was very tiring. Being Prague’s winter, it was dark there by 5:00 pm. Konrad told the girls that dinner would be served at 6:00 pm sharp. Both Janet and Blanka had a quick shower before sleeping for some five hours. On awakening, the local time was nearly 2:00 pm in the afternoon. The next few hours were used to get acquainted with Konrad and his family.

Janet and Blanka learnt that Konrad was a curate in a Prague museum, specializing in ancient Egyptian artefacts and architecture. Konrad also had a large warehouse where items were both stored before being displayed in his museum or where goods were dispatched to other museums around the world. Both the girls were impressed and thought that Konrad must be very rich. Both of his sons worked for Konrad and made sure deliveries were expedited efficiently and effectively.

Rather than employ a cook, Gabriela preferred to do all the cooking herself as she loved cooking. Only when Konrad and her entertained guests, did she employ catering staff to help. Gabriela did a wonderful job in preparing a native dish of roast pork with dumplings and sauerkraut. Locals would call the dish: (vepřo, knedlo, zelo). Gabriela also prepared another national dish for desert; being, yeast cakes or (Kolače) as it is locally referred to. The meal was complemented by a local wine from the Moravia district in Czechoslovakia, being a Vino z Czech Michlovsky Dry Riesling.

Before retiring for the night, both Pavel and Alois asked Janet and Blanka if they would like a tour of the city the following day. Already overwhelmed with Konrad’s hospitality, the girls excitedly agreed to their offer. Janet and Blanka then retired to their rooms for some much-needed sleep.

Wednesday, 28 December 2016, (Czechoslovakian time)

Both Janet and Blanka slept soundly through the nigh and awoke very much refreshed. They showered and got dressed and went downstairs to the dining room to have breakfast with Konrad and his family. At around 9:00 am, Pavel contacted his father’s chauffeur and they all headed off on a sightseeing tour of Prague. There had been some snowing overnight and there was snow covering rooftops and on the ground.

The first place was to a vantage point overlooking the Vltava River, where Blanka took a photograph of Janet with a map in her hand trying to get her bearings. Pavel pointed out a few of the city’s sights to Janet and Blanka before going back to their chauffeur. There was so much to see in Prague, so the girls left it to Pavel and Alois’ discretion to pick out the best places to see.

Pavel suggested they go to the (Petrinska rozhledna or Petrin Hill Lookout) first so they could virtually overlook the whole city from the top. The lookout stood at 216 feet tall (63.5 metres). On arrival, they all went to the top to get a breathtaking view of everything. Some things couldn’t be seen too clearly due to snow that fell overnight. As far as landmarks go, Pavel was able to point out hundreds of landmarks and places of interest through the large binoculars there.

After getting back to the Mercedes Benz, Pavel suggested to the girls to take the Vltava River Cruise which took about three hours to travel along and back again. Both Pavel and Alois gave the girls a running commentary of all the places of interest. The girls were madly clicking their cameras, taking countless photographs of the wonderful city.

By the end of the boat ride, there was still time enough to visit Wallenstein Palace which was built in the 1620’s. The palace was still in excellent condition after going through numerous renovations. After an exciting but exhausting day, the chauffeur drove everyone back home again to freshen up and get ready for dinner.

After dinner, everyone chatted about the tour of Prague by Pavel, Alois and the two female guests. At 9:00 pm sharp, Janet phoned her parents again to tell them she was safe and was having the best time of her life. Blanka did the same thing and spoke to her parents as well. The girls then retired to their bedroom for a much-earned sleep.

Thursday, 29 December 2016, (Czechoslovakian time)

After breakfast, the routine was pretty much the same as the previous day. Pavel suggested they visit Wallenstein Palace and the Grevin Prague Wax Museum. The girls were happy to go along with whatever the boys suggested as they knew the city much better than them. Their chauffeur took them to both locations and paid the entrance fees for both tours. The girls were so happy as they were being treated like royalty and visited places beyond their imagination. This was indeed a trip of a lifetime and a vast contrast to Perisher valley and Jindabyne.

At this stage of their trip, Janet started to get feelings for Pavel due to his kindness and demeanour. While traveling in the Mercedes, Janet took Pavel’s hand with hers and held it tight. Janet also leant against Pavel and placed her head on his shoulders.

While touring through Wallenstein Palace, Pavel said that a good fall of snow was forecast for the following day and one of the best places to ski at was at Boží Dar, some 140 Km to the North-West of Prague. The estimated traveling time to get there was around two hours, allowing for traffic and getting through Prague. Boží Dar was the skiing resort where Konrad had entered both the girls in for a skiing competition commencing the following week. He asked the girls if they wanted to go skiing there and both the girls’ eyes lit up and their heads nodded like corks bobbing on large ocean waves.

Pavel then asked Janet and Blanka if they wanted to go out to a restaurant for dinner that night. The girls could not believe what they were experiencing and accepted Pavel’s invitation with a nod and a kiss. Pavel then booked a table for four at Ujezd 20, Prague. The booking was for 7:00 pm.

Janet and Blanka were sensible enough to bring with them some good quality clothing in case they decided to tour Prague by day or night and have a meal somewhere. The chauffeur dropped the group off at the mansion before parking the car. Pavel had already told his mother not to cook for anyone that night as he and Alois were entertaining the girls elsewhere. As they entered the mansion, Janet turned to Pavel and gave him a full kiss on the lips. Pavel reciprocated and the two held each other tight.

The restaurant wasn’t all that far from where Konrad lived, so Pavel had the chauffeur drop them all off at the restaurant by 6:45 pm. Pavel told his chauffeur that he would call him when they were ready to be picked up.

The night went well, and the restaurant and meal exceeded all expectations. As the following day was going to be a very long and exhausting day, traveling to and skiing the slopes at Boží Dar, the group departed for home just before 9:30 pm. The first thing the girls did when they got back to Konrad’s mansion was to phone their parents and tell them where they had been and what they had done. They also told their parents that they were going skiing the next day and would phone them as soon as they got back. Janet and Blanka told their parents how much they loved them and missed them and wished they were in Prague with them.

While most of the bedrooms were located upstairs, Pavel’s bedroom was downstairs. Blanka was exhausted after the days trip and told Janet she was going to bed. Janet replied, “I will be up there soon Blanka, I will say goodnight to Pavel first.”

Both Janet and Pavel chatted in the lounge, nestled together on the couch and their lips instinctively nearing each other’s. Their first kiss was short before dropping off and looking into each other’s eyes. Their second kiss was long and embracing. Janet let her left-hand wander across her body and into Pavel’s groin, where she felt a hard-erect penis. Desperate to be fucked, Janet whispered to Pavel, “Take me to your bedroom and let’s make love.” Janet was in love and she let Pavel know it. Just before dawn, Janet found her way back to her own bedroom to be near Blanka.

Friday, 30 December 2016, (Czechoslovakian time)

Janet and Blanka awoke in the morning, all abuzz and looking forward to a great day’s skiing at Boží Dar. After breakfast, both the boys and girls packed their gear into Konrad’s Toyota 4Runner and they were ready to leave. The 140-kilometre journey took just over two hours as the vehicle meandered around the winding road as they climbed towards the ski fields. Boží Dar is the highest altitude town in Czechoslovakia and is located on the Czechoslovakian-German border.

Boží Dar is serviced by nine ski lifts that lead to eight pistes to cater for all levels of a skier’s proficiency. There is one expert trail, three intermediate trails and four easy trails. As Janet and Blanka had been entered for a tournament there the following week, they all chose the expert trail. Pavel and Alois were amazed at the ability of Janet and Blanka, especially Janet. Time magically evaporated and before the party knew it, it was 4:30 pm in the afternoon. Being winter, the light was also starting to fade fast. Pavel suggested they all head back to the car park and have a light meal at one of eight restaurants in the close vicinity.

Pavel had skied at Boží Dar on numerous occasions and recommended the Hospudka Spicak Restaurant, so the girls were happy to take his advice. Just before leaving, after having deserts, Pavel went to the bar and ordered one last round of drinks. On the way back from the bar, Pavel dropped a Rohypnol tablet in each of the girls’ glasses of wine and waited for them to dissolve before going back to their table. Pavel, Alois and Blanka skulled their drink very quickly, whereas Janet only had a couple of sips of her wine before leaving the unfinished drink on the table.

Once they reached their vehicle in the car park, they got in and started their long journeyy back home, or so the girls thought. After a very long day, the girls were very tired and fell asleep quickly with the help of the drug as well. Instead of going back to Prague the way they came, Pavel headed back via an alternate route which was some ten kilometres longer. Pavel headed directly south from Boží Dar to a large town named Carlsbad with a population of some fifty-thousand people. Carlsbad is world famous for its hot springs. After passing through Carlsbad, Pavel turned right to enter a heavily forested area that was unlit and there were no sealed roads. What roads are there, are only fire-breaks to be used in emergencies in summer in case of an outbreak of bush fires.

A friend of Konrad owns a small parcel of land in the forest which has a small wood cabin on the property. It is mostly used in summer for small-game hunting and relaxation. In the cabin is a double bed, table, chairs, blankets, kerosene heater, a fireplace and an electricity generator.

On arrival at the cabin, the girls were out to it, due to both tiredness and the effects of the spiked drink. Pavel tried to awaken Janet and Blanka, but they were both unresponsive. Pavel phoned his father to inform him that both Janet and Blanka had successfully been kidnapped and were now with them in the cabin. The next part of the well-planned sting was now to be utilized.

Konrad then told Pavel that at 7:00 am sharp, he had to phone Janet’s father and to tell him that Janet and Blanka had been kidnapped and that there was a $5 million ransom that had to be paid if he wanted to see Janet alive again. As for Blanka, she was just collateral damage and was expendable. Konrad was sure that Janet’s father would inform his brother that his daughter had been kidnapped.

Saturday, 31 December 2016, (Czechoslovakian time)

At 7:00 am sharp, Pavel did as he was instructed and phoned up Janet’s father in Australia. The time in Australia was 5:00 pm sharp and on the same day, due to the ten-hour time zone difference between the countries. Using Janet’s mobile phone, Pavel connected with her father.

On answering the call, Janet’s father said, “Hi Janet, I was worried about you as you never called last night.”

Pavel replied, “This is not Janet. Janet is here, still asleep, and with her friend Blanka. Now listen carefully, very carefully! Janet and Blanka have been kidnapped but are safe for the moment. You are required to pay a ransom of $5,000,000 US if you want to see Janet and her friend alive again.”

Janet’s father, trying to comprehend what the caller was talking about, chipped in saying, “I don’t have that kind of money! I have assets, but I don’t have cash or any other available means to pay anything! Besides, the banks are closed until Tuesday as Monday, being New Year’s Day, is a public holiday.” Who am I talking to anyway?”

Pavel replied, “It doesn’t matter who I am or who I am working for, all I need is a mere $5 million US.”

Janet’s father replied, “I must talk to Janet before anything can happen, so I know that she is still alive. As soon as she wakes up, if she is indeed asleep, get her to phone me. We can then take it from there.”

Pavel said, “You can contact me anytime using Janet’s mobile phone number as I will have her phone with me all the time,” said Pavel. With that, Pavel terminated the conversation.

Now, on the other side of the world, Janet’s father had bought three days grace. Immediately on ending the conversation with Pavel, Janet’s father contacted the Australian Federal Police and told them about the ransom on his daughter in Prague. He also told them where Janet had been staying while in Prague prior to the kidnap at Boží Dar. The Australian Federal Police, in turn, contacted Interpol to see if they could shed any light on the kidnap and ransom.

Pavel then phoned Konrad and told him about his conversation with Janet’s father. Konrad was not a happy man but there was nothing anybody could do until Janet woke up from her drugging.

Snow was still falling outside, and the temperature was very cold, to say the least. Alois got the kerosene heater going while Pavel went outside to kickstart the electric generator. Pavel then sent Alois into the town of Carlsbad nearby, to buy some food and other supplies as they would all be at the hut for at least three days.

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Just before 9:00 am local time, Janet awoke from her drug induced sleep. She felt a little seedy, but she was coherent. Looking beside herself on the floor, Janet saw Blanka still fast asleep. Blanka’s breathing was slow but steady. Looking at Pavel with piercing and inquisitive eyes, Janet asked him, “What in the fuck is going on? Why are we here? Where are we? What have you done to Blanka and why isn’t she waking up?

“You are asking too many questions, Janet. All will be revealed to you in due course. We will be here for at least three days and that is all you have to know for the moment,” said Pavel. “Later on, today, I will let you talk to your father in Australia on your mobile phone. I have already spoken to him while you were asleep. I am also sorry for what has happened as I genuinely like you very much.”

Just after 10:00 am, Alois arrived back at the shack with food and other supplies to last for a few days. The less he was seen in town, the better. It was now Blanka’s turn to awake from her stupor. She appeared to still be in a drugged state and was not very coherent. Blanka also complained about a terrible headache.

Alois turned to his older brother with a creepy grin and asked him, “When do we get to fuck these two sluts?”

In reply, Pavel said to Alois, “Janet and I have been a couple for the past two days and have had sex several times.”

“Does than mean I can have sex with Blanka?” Alois enquired.

Janet then piped into the conversation by saying, “Whatever your thoughts are concerning Blanka, forget it, as she is a virgin. Besides, she has Chlamydia, a venereal disease.”

Alois just looked at Janet in disbelief and laughed raucously. “How in the fuck can she have a venereal disease if she is still a virgin? Do you think I am fucking stupid or something?”

Janet replied to Alois, saying, “You don’t have to have sex to catch chlamydia. If you had any brains at all, you would know at least one reason why.”

“Okay smart ass, tell me how Blanka contracted chlamydia without being fucked by a guy?” retorted Alois.

“In Australia we have native animals such as kangaroos, platypuses, koalas and so many more. I won’t name them all as it would bore you shitless,” Janet hissed out. “Australia has so many zoos and wildlife reserves scattered around the continent. There is a wildlife reserve in Jindabyne where she lives and there are many eucalypt trees in the ranges there. Koalas can only eat eucalyptus leaves and they are the koalas staple diet. In Jindabyne at her local animal reserve, a park ranger allowed Blanka to pick up a koala and feed it. During the feeding, the koala pissed over Blanka and her jeans were got soaked in koala urine.

It just so happens that this koala had chlamydia before it was diagnosed by the ranger and vets. So Blanka contacted chlamydia from an infected koala and not by a guy. If Alois goes ahead and fucks Blanka, with or without a condom, he will surely catch the disease and his penis will shrivel up and drop off,” concluded Janet.

Alois burst out laughing and told Janet that that was the best fairy story he had ever heard. In reply, Janet replied, “If you don’t fucking believe me, get on your smart phone and Google about koalas and chlamydia and how they can pass it on to humans.”

Alois went ahead and Googled koalas and chlamydia, and his playful goading soon turned to a serious gaze towards Janet and Blanka. “You really were telling the truth, weren’t you Janet?

“I had no reason to lie Alois. If you really want a fuck and it is alright with Pavel, then fuck me, I’ll willingly be your huckleberry. Besides, both Pavel and I have been fucking for a couple of days now,” replied Janet.

Alois then turned his head in disbelief to his bother and asked, “Pavel, is it alright if we both fuck Janet?”

Pavel’s reply was, “If it is alright with Janet and I go first, you are welcome to take seconds.”

While the brotherly banter was going on, Janet had summed up the situation perfectly. Janet’s reply was, “I am more than willing to have both of you two fuck me. I have had gangbangs before and loved them. Let’s get started!”

Janet, noticing that both the brothers had hidden erections within their clothing, started a systematic and sensuous striptease in front of the two brothers. All the while, a still dazed and bewildered Blanka stood aside wondering what was going on.

Janet then went to the bed and removed the doona, dropping it to the floor. She then lay on her back with her legs open and beckoned Pavel over to join her. Pavel then climbed onto the bed and started to fuck her missionary style. Pavel once again appreciated Janet’s hospitality and started pounding his rock-hard piston into her pussy. Just like the first couple of times back in Pavel’s bedroom, Pavel quickly blew his load deep inside Janet. As Pavel was rolling off Janet to get out of bed, an eagerly awaiting Alois quickly got onto the bed beside Janet.

“How do you want to do it Alois?” Janet asked Alois.

His reply was, “Doggy style, it’s my favourite position.”

“I see you are uncircumcised Alois,” Janet said to him.

Janet started to roll back Alois” foreskin, revealing a pink bulbous head waiting to be licked, sucked and fucked.

Janet lowered her head onto a soft pillow as Alois mounted her from behind. Some of Pavel’s cum was still oozing out of Janet, providing a natural lubricant. As he entered Janet, Alois reached around Janet’s body and cupped his hands around her breasts. Leaning forward as far as he could, Alois started kissing and biting Janet on her ear lobes and the nape of her neck. Before long, Alois’ breathing began to quicken and then his body shuddered in an almighty orgasm as he filled Janet’s pussy with his hot gooey cum.

“Are you two guys happy for the moment?” Janet asked her abductors. They said they were satisfied but would both like to fuck her again that night if it was alright with her. Janet looked calm on the outside but was fuming inside. Blanka, however, was still suffering the effects of her drugging and incapable of grasping the real situation.

The brother’s got the girls to cook dinner in the evening. Being winter, it was dark at 5:00 pm. Snow was starting to fall outside and the temperate started to drop below freezing. In Australia, it was 3:00 am so there was no point in Janet asking to be able to phone her father. Hopefully, she would be allowed to, the following day.

Everyone was still tired from the skiing at Boží Dar. It was light’s out at 8:00 pm that Saturday night. Pavel and Janet slept together on the double bed and had sex again before going to sleep. All the time, Janet was waiting for a chance to try and escape with Blanka. They had three days before time ran out. Both Blanka and Alois slept on the hard floor, rolled up in separate doonas that had been stored in the cabin. Alois didn’t want to get too close to Blanka in case he caught chlamydia. It was not a great New Year’s celebration for Janet and Blanka.

Sunday, 1 January 2017, (Czechoslovakian time)

Janet was awoken by Pavel who was fingering her pussy.

“Would you like to have sex again Janet?” Pavel politely asked.

“I have enjoyed all the sex we have had so far Pavel, so the answer is yes” replied Janet.

With that, Pavel and Janet had sex once again, each time seemingly surpassing the delights of the previous time. Pavel climbed on top of Janet and started pumping away in a steady rhythm. Janet, able to control her pelvic muscles to perfection, soon got Pavel to spew his load inside her again. Janet once again put on a good face and gave Pavel a kiss of appreciation.

The moaning and groaning from the sex were loud and had awoken both Alois and Blanka. The time was 7:30 am and time for breakfast. The four of them then sat down by the table and proceeded to have breakfast. Not much was said at the table, but Janet requested that she be allowed to phone her father as it would be mid afternoon in Australia by then, with the ten-hour time difference between countries.

Pavel obliged Janet and gave her, her request. Pavel demanded, that under no circumstances, that neither their names nor Konrad’s name be mentioned as to implicate them in the abduction. Janet agreed, and Pavel handed Janet’s mobile phone back to her. Moments later, Janet heard the worried but assuring voice of her father. Both father and daughter had tears running from their eyes and down their cheeks from so much relief and emotion.

Janet said that she was limited to what she could say in case the conversation helped identify who her captives were or where they were. Her father came up with a very clever idea in that he would ask Janet some questions and answer either yes or no, followed by frivolous information. Firstly, Janet wished her father and mother a Happy New Year, even though they would be terrified at the moment.

“Are you and Blanka both alright?” asked her father.

“Yes, we are both alive and well dad,” replied Janet.

“Do you know where you are?”

“No! We didn’t go skiing at Hruby Jeseniky as planned as it was a six-hour drive there. We went somewhere else to a place called Boží Dar or something like that,” replied Janet.

“Do you know who your abductors are?”

“Yes! When we were in Prague, we went on a river cruise down the Vltava River. The views were remarkable.”

“Are they Pavel and Alois?”

“Yes! We also went to a really tall lookout where we could see most of the city from. The views were unbelievable.

“Is Konrad involved in the kidnapping?”

“Yes! We have seen plenty of snow here and taken countless photographs at all the places we frequented.”

“Have either of you been harmed or sexually abused?”

“Yes and no! I fell off my ski on a mogul and twisted my ankle but Blanka was perfectly balanced all the way.”

Pavel found the dialog between Janet and her father most remarkable and started to sense something odd.

“Say goodbye to you father, Janet. It is time to hang up,” said Pavel.

“I have to go now dad. Tell mum I love her and tell Blanka’s parents that she is alright.” Pavel then took the mobile phone off Janet and turned it off.

“That was a funny phone call you had with your father, Janet,” Pavel said to her.

Janet replied by saying, “All I did was tell my father where I had been so far and what a good time we had been having. I have never implicated our abduction in any way, to you or your father. You heard the whole conversation.

Janet’s father related his conversation with Janet to her mother and passed on the conversation to Blanka’s parents. He then contacted Interpol as they had already started investigations due to the seriousness of the kidnapping, ransom and the time frame. Janet’s father learned that Konrad had been investigated for some time by Interpol on drug trafficking charges. Konrad was indeed the curate of a museum, but the museum was only a front for an international drug trafficking cartel of heroin.

Some of the artefacts were real, whereas most of them were plaster casts and painted over to look genuine. The casts were also hollow and able to contain many kilograms of heroin. The last two deliveries had been intercepted by Interpol. As they never arrived for Konrad to process, he had to find a way to get instant money as the underworld demanded a very quick payment. It was only then that Konrad hatched the idea of the kidnapping.

The essence now was to find the girls safe and sound before dealing with Konrad and his two sons. The girls’ parents knew there was a risk in the process, but they prayed for a happy ending.

Alois was getting horny again and wanted sex with Janet again. He wanted to stay as far away from Blanka as he could, in case he caught chlamydia. Janet calmly presented herself as a more than willing participant and smiled at Alois as he disrobed for another wonderful fuck. As Alois strode across the timber floor, his uncircumcised erect penis bounced from side-to-side. Janet was waiting for him at the side of the bed and gave him a hug and kiss and gave Alois a false sense of security making him think he was God’s gift to women. Janet allowed Alois to systematically remove her clothing until she was butt naked. Picking her up, Alois threw Janet on the bed and proceeded to fuck her. There was no foreplay or conversation, Alois just wanted a fuck and nothing else. The worst part was the kissing with Alois’ pungent breath, as opposed to the actual penetration. All Janet could do was to paint a mental picture of a young Brad Pitt on top of her to try and distract her mind.

While Pavel sat and watched the live sex show with glee, Blanka turned around and cringed until it was all over. Luckily, if you can call it that, Pavel ejaculated quickly inside Janet before rolling off her.

That afternoon, Pavel and Alois had to drive back to Prague to meet up with Konrad for further instructions. As they couldn’t take the girls with them, the girls were gagged and handcuffed to the cast-iron bed frame.

While they were gone, Janet eventually managed to bite through and eventually remove her gag. Janet had an escape plan that might work, and she felt it was worth the risk. In reality, Janet had liked having sex with Pavel as they had had consenting sex before the kidnapping had taken place. Janet believed that Pavel was only following orders from his father or a higher organisation

“Listen to me carefully Blanka. We might get out of this and we might not, but I think the risk is worth it. If you look towards the fireplace, you can see a fire iron.”

Blanka turned around and saw the object of intent and nodded.

“At some time, either tonight or tomorrow, either Pavel or Alois will have to drive into town and get some more supplies. This will leave just one of them here, hopefully Alois, as he isn’t the brightest star in the universe. If the past two days are any guide, we won’t be bound or gagged while he is fucking me. I will ask him if he wants to fuck me and then I will take off all my clothes. I will then go to the bed and lie on my back, facing the fireplace. There is zero chance he will refuse my offer. I will then kiss and cuddle him to distract him and then let him enter me. Once he is in and fucking me, I will start moaning with ecstasy and wrap my arms around him. Because he cums quickly, you will have to be quick also. Grab the poker and take those five or six steps towards the end of the bed and hit him as hard as you can over the head with the poker to knock him out. We can then get dressed and go outside and follow the tyre tracks and flee to safety.”

“That sounds like a great idea Janet. I am willing to try that. We have nothing to lose. We can eventually find a main road and flag down a passing car, go to Carlsbad and find the police station,” said Blanka. The two girls then cuddled up on the bed and held each other tight. Blanka had tears in her eyes from appreciating what Janet had done in sparing her from any indignation from either Pavel, Alois or both.

By the time the boys got back, it was already dark. Pavel had purchased some take-away food from Carlsbad and it was still quite warm when they got back. Pavel had also brought back a six-pack of Pilsner Urquell (a quality Czech beer) to wash the food down with, as well as a bottle of Black Tower Riesling (a neighbouring German wine) for Janet and Blanka.

Everyone ate the food as they were all very hungry but only the men drank their beer. Janet and Blanka wanted to be fully sober for their escape attempt if it ever came to fruition. The evening was cold, the wind biting and the snow was falling. By 9:00 pm it was time for lights out as everyone was tired. Blanka and Alois slept apart on the floor as he was still afraid of contacting chlamydia. Pavel was horny as usual and politely asked Janet for sex again before going to sleep. Janet, as usual, gave her best for Pavel, whom she genuinely liked. Having sex with Pavel had put her mind off the kidnapping and she gave her all, so they could both have orgasms together. Those five minutes of joy to Janet helped alleviate the seriousness of the abduction and ransom. Janet then cuddled up to Pavel before drifting into a deep sleep as Pavel’s semen slowly oozed onto the sheets beneath them.

Monday, 2 January 2017, (Czechoslovakian time)

Janet awoke first and played and replayed her plan a dozen times in her head before Pavel woke up as well. Their talking woke up Blanka and Alois. Janet asked Pavel if she could phone her father again and he said no. He said either Tuesday or Wednesday at the latest. Janet suggested to Pavel that he should go into town and visit the laundromat as the sheets were covered in smelly yellow cum stains. Janet also said that some of her ski clothing, as well as everyone else’s, needed to be washed and put through a dryer as well, otherwise they would go mouldy and smell, and must be thrown out.

Unbelievably, Pavel agreed with Janet’s idea. Janet suggested that Pavel go while she and the others cleaned up the cabin to make it more presentable and smell better. Pavel made out a to-do list while away. Before leaving, Pavel said he would be gone for several hours as washing and drying the clothes would take the longest. Pavel then left, closed the door, started the vehicle and drove off towards Carlsbad.

Janet waited ten minutes before acting, just in case Pavel had forgotten something. Once that time had elapsed, Janet gave the nod to Blanka to go over to adjust the kerosene heater beside the fireplace where the poker lay. Janet disrobed and stood naked beside the bed and beckoned Alois over to her.

“Come over here Alois and make love to me again. I am really feeling horny this morning and I am also starting to like you as well. I must say one thing about you Alois, you are a much better fucker than Pavel, you are a real man.”

Alois, as dumb as he was, took Janet to her word. He believed that he was God’s gift to women and was a true Casanova.

Smiling at Alois and kissing him really got Alois’ blood running hot and he had an instant erection. Janet felt his hard cock and told him it was the best cock she had ever seen and wanted it inside her. Janet also added that after he came and if he could get it up again, he could go for desserts as well. Alois, the blockhead he was, believed that Janet was starting to fall for him. Bending over, Janet started licking around the head of his circumcised penis and she knew the time was right.

Janet laid back and put her head on the pillow, opened her legs wide and said, “Come fuck me as hard as you can.”

Once inside Janet, he started pumping away. As Janet closed her legs tight around Alois’ backside and her arms tight around his head, Blanka made her move. Blanka picked up the wrought iron poker and stealthily crept across the floor like a mountain lion stalking its prey. Raising the poker high above her head, she brought it down with a swift crushing blow that split Alois’ head open. Blood started to pour out of the gaping wound.

“I think I have killed him,” Blanka stammered out in shock and disbelief.

“If you have, his departure was far too kind for him. He deserved to suffer just as we have suffered. Let’s get dressed and out of here right now before Pavel comes back,” replied Janet.

Both Janet and Blanka quickly got dressed and headed out the front door of the cabin. It was snowing again so there were some fresh tyre marks to follow initially. Before long, the tracks faded to nothing; there was just a gap in the forest, where the road was, between the two lines of trees. Although they had no idea where they were, they thought it a safe bet to follow the gaps between the trees. Looking upwards, the girls could see a lookout tower, so they discerned that was either for visitors or for fire prevention in summer. By walking in the undergrowth near the track, they could easily hide if they heard a vehicle come their way. Eventually, Janet and Blanka came to an intersection. They turned left for whatever reason and followed the gap between the trees for an estimated kilometre.

After an hour’s walking on a supposed road, they heard a vehicle approaching. Cautiously they crouched in the undergrowth to see if the vehicle was Pavel’s. They saw that the vehicle was a red Toyota 4-wheel drive and was not Pavel’s. Running like crazy, the girls reached the road before the vehicle had passed and hailed it down. An elderly man with his wife were the only occupants and they stopped and wound down their window.

Janet asked where they were, and the man said about eight kilometres south-west of Carlsbad in a town called Doubi. The town had a residence of some 8,000 people. Janet also asked if the town had a police station and the old couple informed them that there was. Luckily, the old couple could both speak and understand English quite well.

Janet then asked the old couple if they were to be so kind to drive them to the police station as they had been kidnapped and were held hostage. “We will pay you to take us there,” Janet pleaded. The old man agreed, and the girls got in the back seat of the car. Some eight minutes later the girls were dropped off in front of the police station and they left $20 Euro for the old couple for their kindness.

Once inside the police station, they soon found the sergeant who was in charge at the time. Although the sergeant could not speak hardly any English, there was an interpreter there who helped with their conversation.

For the next hour, they told their whole nightmare story to the sergeant while he listened attentively. Janet then suggested that he either contact the police in Prague or Interpol, who were both aware of their kidnapping. The sergeant diligently contacted both places and got back to the girls who were waiting patiently. Interpol suggested that the police send a party to the cabin where they escaped from and keep the girls in Doubi until Prague sends a helicopter to pick them up.

While the girls were waiting at the police station in Doubi, the sergeant sent some police to the cabin where the girls were held hostage. The squad actually arrived there before Pavel had returned from Carlsbad. Washing and drying their clothes must have taken longer than was planned. When Pavel arrived back at the cabin, the police had surrounded the cabin and arrested him immediately. Pavel gave-up without a fight and was hand-cuffed and thrown into a paddy-wagon.

The search party also reported finding a deceased male in the wood cabin. The cause of death was filed as death by misadventure. The deceased had most likely slipped on a wet slippery floor and hit his head on a cast iron bedhead. A fractured skull was the cause of death. There was no conviction recorded against either Janet or Blanka.

Janet asked the police sergeant if she could make a telephone call to Australia to tell her father and mother that she was safe. The sergeant was only too happy to accommodate her request.

Janet used the sergeant’s phone and phoned her father who was so happy to hear everything that had happened, turned out for the best and that both women were safe. She informed her father that Blanka and her would be in protective police accommodation for the next two days before flying home to Sydney.

In the meantime, Interpol had gone to Konrad’s place and placed him under arrest for drug trafficking, extortion and kidnapping. Janet and Blanka were also escorted to Konrad’s place to pick up all their belongings before returning to police protection and accommodation.

Both Janet’s and Blanka’s parents were at Sydney Airport to pick them up. What a story to tell on that nine-hour trip back home to Perisher. They found the story about the koala’s with chlamydia the highlight of their daughter’s trip.

Janet’s father told Janet that their coded conversation on her mobile phone was invaluable. He was able to glean out the general area where the girls were taken captive and pass that information onto police at Carlsbad and Prague.

Eight hours later as they neared Jindabyne, Janet’s father asked if they all wanted to visit the small zoo there and feed the koalas. Everyone laughed and the holiday from hell finished on a happy note with a more than happy ending. As Janet went to bed that night and quickly fell asleep, she dreamed of the good times that Pavel and she had together.



Written by TraceyAmes
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