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Innocent Blood

"Shy virgin receives a dire prediction from a fortune teller at the Halloween Festival."

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Competition Entry: Horrorween

Kara walked at her friend’s side through the Halloween Festival grounds, feeling as if the world was closing in on her. Never comfortable in any social situation, the vast number of people patronizing the fair made her feel anxious – on edge.

Jamie let out a quiet moan at her side and said, “Look, there’s John. God, he’s so fucking hot.”

Though she did instinctively follow Jamie’s gaze, the sight of the handsome, popular guy filled her with a combination of longing and despair, causing her to quickly look away. Plain of face, flat-chested, and shy, Kara had never attracted much attention from boys. The few times a guy had talked to her, her awkward responses had sent them running in a hurry.

She was certain she was the only eighteen-year-old virgin in the world.

Though her friend launched into a whispered, raunchy description of what she’d like to do with the object of her obsession, Kara was blocking it out for the most part. They continued to walk, until Jamie suddenly stopped and caught her friend’s arm.

“Hey, look,” Jamie said.

Kara’s brow furrowed as she looked at the garish tent and the hand-painted sign advertising fortunes told.

Jamie said, “Let’s do it.”

“Why?” Kara asked.

“Because it’ll be fun.” When Kara didn’t respond after a few seconds, her friend shrugged and said, “I’m going.”

“Wait...” Kara said, but her friend turned and headed toward the tent. Suddenly without the only anchor she had in the stressful environment, Kara followed.

The interior of the tent was decorated with all sorts of mysterious objects and imagery. It gave Kara the shivers, so she focused on her friend approaching the fortune teller. The dark-haired woman sitting behind a table wore a head scarf, and had brightly colored beads braided into her hair. She was dressed in scarves, a flowing blouse, and a long, fringed skirt.

“Welcome. Welcome. You seek to know the future?” the woman asked in a heavily accented voice.

“Uh huh,” Jamie responded. She reached into her purse and said, “Both of us.”

Kara nervously stood by the tent flap, wanting to protest, but not feeling confident enough to do so. Jamie handed over the cash, which the dark-haired woman quickly slipped into the bodice of her blouse.

“Very good. Please, sit down,” the fortune teller instructed. “For you, I think, the crystal ball holds the future.”

Jamie let out a giggle as the woman leaned down, peering into the crystal ball while caressing it.

“Yes. Yes. The mists are parting,” the fortune teller droned. “I see... I see... I see one who watches you from afar. A comely man, his courage building. Soon... Yes, soon, he will seek your favor.”

“Is his name John?” Jamie asked.

The fortune teller looked up from the crystal ball and said, “This I cannot see, but I see anticipation and arousal in your face as he approaches. You desire him.”

Jamie let out a sharp, high-pitched moan and said, “Oh my.”

The fortune teller chuckled. “This is what I see in your future, my child.” She then looked at Kara and said, “Come, let us see what your future holds.”

Seeing her friend hesitate, Jamie stood up, approached, and all but dragged Kara over to the chair opposite the dark-haired seer. Kara pensively sat down and fidgeted.

The fortune teller cocked her head slightly to the side, squinted one eye, and then said, “For you, the future lies in the crystal as well.”

Again, the seer peered into her crystal ball, stroking it with her hands. “The mists clear,” she said. “There is one who watches you as well. He is striking. Strong. Such a man.” The dark-haired woman let out a shuddering breath and shivered. “The sight of him makes my body ache and tremble.”

Jamie let out a little ooo of excitement.

“He is... He is...” The fortune teller leaned in closer to her crystal ball, gazing deep into its facets. Suddenly, she gasped and said in a frightened, barely audible whisper, “Nosferatu!”

“Huh?” Kara asked.

The seer suddenly wrenched her gaze away from the crystal ball. Her expression was haunted, and her eyes wide. “You... You must be careful, my child. You must be wary. The night closes in, and with it comes danger. A creature of the night watches you. Please, go home where you are safe. I... I must go. You must go. Go home, my child, I beg of you.”

The fortune teller then stood – visibly shaken – and vanished into a curtained off section of the tent.

Kara started when her friend said, “Ooo! Scary! Dramatic!” She then giggled and said, “Come on, let’s go.”

Taken aback by the frightening pronouncement, Kara was all too happy to exit the tent. For once, the presence of the many people around was comforting – at least to some extent.

“She went a little over the top, don’t you think?” Jamie asked.

“Uh huh,” Kara agreed automatically, without giving it much thought.

“Well, my fortune was good, anyway. Maybe I can make it come true. Keep your eyes open for any hot guys watching me from afar.”

Though her friend continued to prattle on as if nothing unusual had happened, Kara couldn’t shake a nagging sense of dread. The feeling only grew worse when the sun sank toward the horizon, and the night closed in.

“Hi,” an unfamiliar voice emerged from the side.

Jamie came to an immediate halt, grabbing the back of Kara’s pants to stop her as well. “Hi,” Jamie responded to the young man who had called to them.

He was good looking, nicely dressed, and obviously only had eyes for Jamie. They chatted while Kara faded into the background, becoming more uncomfortable by the second. Her friend was flirting hard, and he was very much receptive.

After a while, he suggested the haunted house, and Jamie asked if she wanted to go. The two friends knew each other well enough that Kara easily caught the subtle hints that Jamie wanted to be alone with the guy in the dark.

“I actually think I’m going to head home,” Kara said.

Jamie affected a pout and asked, “You sure?” When Kara nodded, Jamie said, “Okay, I’ll see you tomorrow.”

The barely perceptible lift of her eyebrows said that she would be relaying every naughty detail when they did see each other.

The budding couple headed off toward the haunted house, leaving Kara to wonder what she was going to do. Jamie had driven to the park, leaving her with no way home. The thought of trying to find someone else to ask for a ride was too anxiety-inducing, and her parents were both out of town.

Kara lived not far from the park, at the edge of town, so she started walking in the light of the rising moon. At first, she was walking slowly, caught up in twinges of jealousy that her friend was with a guy. Then, the words of the fortune teller crept back into her thoughts. It was ridiculous, and she knew it. The whole thing was nothing more than a show to make her act seem legitimate.

Then again, her prediction about Jamie had come true.

Kara walked faster, often snapping her gaze into the eerie darkness at the slightest sound or movement in her peripheral vision. A thin cloud passed in front of the moon, causing its glow to take on a dusty – and slightly ruddy – tinge.

Not a single car passed as she walked along the road, staring at the street lights of town, wishing they were closer. The distinct sound of a twig cracking nearby caused her to spin toward it and stop in her tracks. She stared hard, but could see nothing.

Kara started toward town again – walking even faster – and heard what sounded like footsteps behind her. She snapped her gaze over her shoulder and swore she saw a shadow fleeing into the darkness.

This is ridiculous, she reasoned. What am I? Five? Scared of the dark? There’s nothing out there.

As if to mock her, something zipped in front of her eyes. She felt the breeze of its passing.

Kara screamed and frantically waved her hands in terror. Naturally, that was when a car popped over top of a hill and its headlights shone full on her. Her face burned as the car passed and she could hear hysterical laughter emerging from the open windows.

The surge of shame lasted only as long as the taillights were visible, and was quickly replaced once again by dread. The shadowy flier returned, seeming to circle her as she walked at a pace just short of a jog. Her heart pounded in her chest, but not nearly loud enough to drown out the sounds of flapping wings and squeaks.

The limbs of trees blowing in the wind looked like skeletal hands, reaching out to snatch her up. The gauzy curtain that had obscured the moon descended upon her as well, leaving her enveloped in a claustrophobic mist. The lights of town dimmed and wavered in the fog, making them seem even farther away.

Whatever flying creature was bedeviling her passed by so closely that she swore she felt it touch her ponytail.

That was when she started to run. Constantly looking over her shoulder as she fled, she had the distinct feeling that her house was running the opposite way, denying her safe haven. Nearly in tears, she looked back after turning toward the sound of something whooshing through the air behind her, only to see someone in front of her.

She screamed and slammed almost full force into the man who had stepped into her path. She immediately jumped back and defensively held her hands in front of her.

“Whoa there. Are you okay?” the man asked.

“I... I...” Kara stammered as she panted for breath.

“You look like you’ve seen a ghost. Is someone following you?” he asked while staring into the darkness behind her.

As if on cue, the cloud blocking the moonlight moved away, giving her a better look at the man standing in front of her. Kara sucked in a deep, rapid breath at the sight of him. His t-shirt bulged with muscles, and his biceps looked as large as her thighs.

His dark hair stuck up in spikes that looked both mussed and artfully arranged at the same time. A scruff of a beard decorated his face. When he looked back down at her, it felt as if his eyes were peering into her soul.

“W-who are you?” she asked in a small voice.

“Antonio, or Tony if you prefer. Just moved in today,” he said, and pointed to a house off the road that she hadn’t even realized was there until a moment before. She knew the place, and remembered seeing a sign saying it was for sale. It was only a couple hundred yards from her house.

While that gave her back her physical bearings, her emotions were another thing entirely. Still coming down from the crest of terror, she was struck by a tidal wave of arousal. Tony was the most perfect, beautiful man she had ever beheld. He smiled as she stared at him, which only made him look even more dreamy.

“You know, I think I recognize you,” he said. “Do you live in that brick house just down the road?”

Kara nodded.

“Guess that makes us neighbors. What’s your name?”

“Kara. Kara Daniels.”

“Pleased to meet you, neighbor. Are you sure you’re okay?”

Suddenly embarrassed that she had been freaking out in front of the devilishly handsome man, she looked down, shrugged, and said, “I’m okay.”

“Well, I may not be very familiar with the town yet, but in my experience, it’s not very safe for a beautiful woman to be walking alone at night anywhere. Would you like me to walk you home?”

Upon hearing him call her beautiful – something no other man had ever said to her – she looked up, and found herself trapped in the deep pools of his eyes. A chill shot through her, though her face burned as if on fire. Her nipples stiffened, pressing hard against the fabric of her blouse. Her loins tingled with swirling, chilly points as wetness saturated her sex.

“I don’t mind. I’d be happy to walk you home,” he said. “If you’d rather I leave you alone, though...”

The thought of him walking away set off something inside her. She could barely believe the words coming out of her mouth when she said, “Yes. I mean, no. I mean... You can walk me home if you’d like.”

“I’d like that very much. Shall we?” He turned toward her house, but kept her transfixed with his eyes.

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Kara swallowed hard, and moved to his side. He fell into step with her.

“Were you at the Halloween Festival?” he asked.

“Yes,” she answered, finding it nearly impossible to look away from him. “Have you been?”

“I’m not fond of crowds, but this is my favorite time of year,” he said. “The crisp, night air. Dry leaves rustling in the breeze. There’s just something about the season that agrees with me.”

“I like it too,” she agreed, though she had no idea where the words had come from. She couldn’t think about anything but how incredibly attractive he was, and that he was talking to her.

He mentioned that he had moved there from the East coast, fleeing the overcrowding for a slower paced life. He asked about her family, and she absently talked about her parents, their jobs, and even mentioned that they were out of town.

The next thing she knew, they were turning onto her driveway.

Gravel crunching underfoot, he stayed at her side. They left the driveway, moved onto the sidewalk, into the circle of light emerging from the fixture by the door, and then climbed the steps, up to the porch.

Tony sighed and stared at her longingly. “As stunning as you are in the moonlight, you’re even more beautiful here where I can see your green eyes, and the flush in your cheeks.”

Kara shuddered when he lifted one of his strong hands to cup said cheek.

“Kara, I dare say I am smitten. Defenseless against your emerald eyes.”

Is this really happening? Am I dreaming? Kara thought as she stared up at him. The desire in his eyes merged with her own, making the heat in her cheeks spread throughout her body. Mingled with that desire, she saw something else...


The barest movement of his hand tilted her head back, and ever so slowly, he leaned toward her. His hand moved down to her neck, and he let out a great, sighing breath.

Still looking into her eyes, he lifted one eyebrow in a silent question. Though there were no words, she could hear his voice in her head as plainly as if he had spoken aloud. May I kiss you?

“Yes,” she answered before her racing thoughts could catch up.

The touch of his lips carried both a chill and intense heat. His other hand slipped behind her back, supporting her suddenly weak knees. Caught up in the whirlwind of passion, she followed his lead, kissing back and wrapping her arms around him. The hardness of his muscles beneath her fingers nearly made her swoon.

He leaned back from the kiss and asked, “Would you like me to come in?”

Too fast. I can’t. I shouldn’t. The hormones coursing through her body would have none of the sensible thoughts, and she nodded her head.

“I need to hear you say it. I cannot impose myself unless I’m sure.”

“Come in,” she said in a small voice.

Tony’s hand moved from her waist and opened the door. He then swept her into his arms and easily guided her across the threshold into the dimly lit house. The door closed behind them, and he sought her lips once more.

He let out a low, hungry growl as he tasted her lips, and the hand on her neck pressed against her skin. Deft fingers yanked the tail of her blouse upward, and his large, cold hand slid along the bare skin of her back, causing her to break out in gooseflesh.

Tony pulled away from the kiss, but only to move to her neck. Kara whimpered as his lips caressed the tender skin. The hand beneath her blouse slid to the front, covering the small mound of her braless breast. The icy touch of his hand made her already stiff nipples so hard that the tiny points ached.

An even deeper ache arose between her legs.

She didn’t even realize his hands had moved until she felt her blouse sliding up her skin. His lips left her neck, and once again he caught her in the trap of his eyes. Her arms moved of their own accord, lifting above her head, and allowing him to remove her blouse.

The sight of her small breasts drew a deep moan from him. His hands moved to her butt, and he effortlessly lifted her from the floor. Then he pulled her to his lips.

Kara yelped, her head lolled back, and her eyes rolled up in her head as his soft, cold lips suckled her breast. He carried her with the same ease as he had lifted her. He walked down the dark hall, into her moonlit room, and then lowered her to her bed.

A needy whimper escaped her when he released her nipple. That was rapidly followed by a gasp when he yanked his shirt over his head. The pale skin of his sculpted chest seemed to almost glow in the moonlight. When he stepped forward, with his legs against the edge of her bed, and reached for the waist of her pants, she let out an oh of disbelieving anticipation.

Tony unhooked the buttons with graceful twists of his fingers, and Kara lifted her bottom on cue, as if she were dangling on a puppeteer’s strings. His eyes widened as he revealed the kinky hairs adorning her sex, and a smile curled up the corners of his mouth.

She barely even felt him slipping off her shoes with one hand. Her pants slithered down her legs a moment later. Once they fell to the floor with a muffled thump, he leaned over her, pushing her knees up and out. Kara trembled, awestruck by the magnificent man moving into the V of her legs.

He drew in a deep breath, filling his lungs with the scent of her musk. Then he looked into her eyes.

Kara’s mouth dropped open and she was paralyzed with fear when she saw the crimson pinprick in his dark eyes.

In a rush, she knew what he was. He had asked her to invite him in. The door that she knew was locked had opened at his touch, and closed without one. The fortune teller wasn’t a fraud. As impossible as it was, she knew the prediction had come true. He was Nosferatu – a vampire.

Tony sighed, and the sight of his pearly fangs glistening in the moonlight was the final confirmation.

“P-please,” she begged in a weepy, terrified whimper.

“Don’t be afraid, my beautiful, innocent flower,” he said. “What I take, you long to lose. What I give...”

Without another word, he buried his head between her thighs.

Even the dread of knowing what he was couldn’t stop her body from reacting as his tongue delved a furrow through her curls to her nether lips. She yelped and her butt lifted from the mattress, grinding her pussy against his lips and tongue.

Tony moaned in satisfaction, and pushed his tongue between the part of her folds.

The mingling of primal fear and even more primal need was exquisite torment as he licked her pussy with a skill that took her breath away. His stiff, cold tongue probed her. His lips suckled her. His hands curled around her legs, and his fingers dug into her thighs, holding her in place.

Kara writhed – animalistic cries bursting from her lips unbidden. He was devouring her. She had never even imagined such sharp, intense pleasure. Her body became a chaotic, uncontrollable thing, thrashing and bucking on the bed.

One of her hands entwined in his hair, pulling him tighter against her need. The other caressed her breasts and tweaked the pebble-hard points.

Devouring her.

Some tiny part of her mind not consumed by incredible pleasure knew that is what he was going to do. Devour her blood, leave her as pale as he, and lifeless on her bed.

His hungry mouth was driving her toward la petit mort far more quickly, though.

Even the occasional prick of his fangs only seemed to enhance her pleasure. Her clit throbbed, a knot of hot pressure swelled behind her mound, and her cries rose in pitch. Tony growled and slurped at her pussy, pushing her toward the edge. When she could keep her eyes open, she would see him look up, drinking in her pleasure with even more delight than he was drinking her juices.

Kara’s toes curled as she drifted toward the precipice of release. Tony was unrelenting – his tongue seemingly everywhere at the same time. She panted for breath, silently pleading for sweet surrender before she flew apart from the sexual electricity roiling through her body. The torturous moment before orgasm went on and on. Teasing her. Denying her.

Finally, she came with a lurch and a wail that would have made a banshee proud.

Held in place by Tony’s impossibly strong hands, she had to endure the constant spikes of sweet agony his swirling tongue brought on as she came. Her arms and legs flailed wildly, even as her head lashed on the bed, and her back spastically arched.

She felt his tongue stiffen and press against her maidenhead as another shockwave of ecstasy wracked her body. Before it even waned, she felt the impossible. Searing pain burned away her pleasure as his tongue sundered her virginity.

Before her screech of agony could fade away, and before the tears rolling down her cheeks could even drip to the bed below, the pain vanished. Another wave of sharp orgasm ripped through her as he felt his tongue push even deeper. It swelled, filling her canal, and reached into her deepest, aching depths, where it pulsed and flicked.

Tony’s lips formed a tight seal around the entrance of her canal. He sucked up her juices – and the blood of her defloration – as his tongue filled her to her deepest recesses.

Kara’s orgasm refused to let her go, and she was astonished when a second, distinct orgasm layered on top of the first, and then a third. Her voice grew hoarse from screaming, and then her strength began to fade.

She knew what was happening. This is how he would feast upon her. Not by biting her neck, but by drinking up the flow of blood from her tattered hymen.

And yet, she was still coming.

Her vision grew dark at the edges, slowly closing in. Her pounding heart slowed. Her thrashing body stilled. The ripples of orgasm still rolling through her body grew muted, but continued unabated. Though she fought against it, her consciousness drifted away, and she surrendered to the inevitable darkness.


Kara awakened with a gasp, and half sat up, which nearly made her swoon into unconsciousness again.

“Shhh. Rest, my beautiful flower,” Antonio said. He reached out and caressed her cheek.

Kara couldn’t help but notice that his formerly chill flesh was warm.

She felt strangely outside her body. Her lower lip stuck out and quivered. “Am I... Am I...”

“Fear not. Your weakness will pass with the rising of the sun,” he assured her. “I am not like so many of my kind who feed indiscriminately. I take only those who prey on others, and the exquisite vintage of the innocent. The essence of your innocence will sustain me for days, and haunt my rest.”

Though her thoughts were sluggish, she knew the lore and worried that she would become like him when she died.

“I can hear your thoughts, my flower. My fangs have not pierced your fair skin, so you will not rise from the grave. Your life is your own – more so now than ever before. Sleep my flower. You have given me the gift of your innocence. What I have given you will make itself apparent soon enough.”

With that, he leaned over her and kissed her with lips that were warm, still wet with her juices, and tinged with the coppery taste of blood. She descended slowly into the warm, welcoming darkness once more.


When next she awakened, the room was filled with bright, morning sunlight.

She was alive.

More than alive, she shivered as the afterglow of her orgasm settled on her like a warm blanket, despite having surely occurred hours before. Kara was lying on her bed, still nude. She reached down to feel the stiff, sticky hairs between her legs, and gasped as the memory of the rapture that had caused it filled her thoughts.

Arousal naturally followed. The hand not between her legs moved to the gentle curve of her breasts, and she moaned.

Her head lolled to the side as she languidly teased her need, and her eyes drifted open. What she saw through the curtains – which shouldn’t be open – made her freeze, and her eyes widen.

Her neighbor, a handsome guy a couple of years older than her, was apparently home from college, visiting his parents for the weekend. He was staring at her nude body, wearing a surprised, but pleased smile.

Instead of the anxious terror such a moment would have once caused, she felt a surge of wanton arousal. In that moment, she knew what Tony’s gift to her was.

Kara licked her lips, beckoned her neighbor with a wave, and slipped two fingers into her newly unguarded canal.

His eager knock sounded on the door less than a minute later, and something far more satisfying soon plunged into her needy depths.

Written by RejectReality
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