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Witness Protection, Chapter 2

"After receiving some frightening news, she needed to take her mind off things..."

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The days began to blend together and Missy and I established a workable and comfortable routine. She really was enjoyable company, not at all like the horror stories I had heard from others who had done similar work. In fact, it got to where we were almost like a married couple, we could anticipate what the other one was thinking or wanting without being told. I was thinking that if this was what witness protection was like, I would like to do more of it! 

For me, it was the closest thing to a vacation that I had seen in a long time. I had been working in the department for several years by now and only took a day off here and there, so having nearly a month without having to go to the station house was a real treat! I'm sure that Missy didn't hold the same vacation mentality as I did, but she seemed - at least on the outside - to be taking it well, if not enjoying it too.

It was about a week into it, I guess when things took a decidedly more intimate turn. Missy and I were sitting on the sofa watching The Dick Van Dyke show when the telephone rang, startling us. Now I knew this phone number was unlisted - no one would call it except for the station house. So I picked it up.

"Hello?" I said.

"Jones, it's me, Captain Harris. I'm coming over, I need to talk to you both. When I come over, I will have a yellow ribbon in my right hand so you'll know it's me," he said. He knew that the small peephole in the door wasn't very clear so this was his way of establishing his identity to me. "I'll be there in about twenty minutes."

"Okay Captain, we'll be expecting you," I said and hung up. 

"What was that about?" Missy asked.

"I dunno. The Captain says he's coming over and needs to talk to us. Probably something about the case," I said.

"Oh, I hope it's good news!" she said. But from the tone of his voice, I doubted it.

The Captain showed up with his yellow ribbon in hand twenty minutes later, and I let him in after checking the door. "I'm afraid I have some news. Seems that a couple of the gang we busted have escaped and are on the loose. We are looking for them and we will find them, but I wanted to give you two a heads up in case they somehow manage to figure out where you are and come looking for trouble," he said.

"But how would they know where we are?" Missy said, obviously frightened.

"I don't think they do. This is just a precautionary measure, just letting you know what's going on. Remember that you have my direct line and also you have the marshall's next door. Don't hesitate in calling them if you see anything suspicious. We have every resource available out looking for these two - we'll find them, don't worry," he said.

"We'll be okay, Captain. You just worry about finding them. I'll take good care of Missy - er Miss Garner - here," I said.

"All right. I just wanted to let you know so you would keep an extra eye out in case. We are busy working on the investigation and things are coming along. Okay, I'll be going now. Be safe you two," he said and then the Captain left.

"Oh, Kevin, I'm scared!" Missy said, cuddling closer to me on the sofa.

"Don't worry, Missy. Remember, no one knows you are here except the Captain, that female officer that brought your things the other day, and the Marshalls across the way. We have the direct line to the station house and the Marshall's across the way. And let's not forget my alarm system - no one is coming in through that door without my knowing it! Don't worry, I won't let anyone or anything hurt you," I said.

"I trust you, Kevin," she said. But she was visibly shaken by this development. The rest of the day was tinged with worry and caution and I could tell that Missy had a lot on her shoulders. I tried to be as comforting as I could and reassure her that nothing bad was going to happen - that the police would catch these two escapees shortly and have them safely back behind bars.

I reminded her that this house was not known to anyone outside the police and Marshall's departments. Even past witnesses we had protected didn't know about this house as they were out of state and this was a brand new safe house for our department.

I have to give Missy credit, though, she did put on a brave face. But I'm a detective; it's my job to figure out the truth from what people show and say. And while she didn't say anything, I could sense that she was upset. 

That evening as we were sitting watching the Ed Sullivan show, a car drove by and the engine backfired with a loud bang. Poor Missy about jumped out of her skin and I have to admit, it got my attention too. I peeked out the corner of the window just enough to see the car go by and I knew what had happened. 

Even after I explained what had happened and that it was only a car backfiring, Missy was too distraught. I suggested we just turn in and go to bed - it was late and she needed to get her mind off things. 

We went to bed, but after about an hour I heard a soft knock on the door. The door opened and Missy peeked her head in. "Kevin?

Are you asleep?" she asked quietly.

"No, Missy, what's wrong? Do you need something?" I asked.

"Kevin, I know this may sound silly coming from a grown woman, but... can I sleep with you tonight? I'm really frightened and I could use someone close to make me feel safe," she said feeling embarrassed about being such a scaredy-cat.

I tossed open the blankets and moved over so she could climb into bed with me. I was wearing my pajama bottoms and underwear so it wasn't like I was totally naked, and she had on her chemise and panties. Besides we were adults and given the situation there wasn't going to be anything going on anyway - she was too scared. Or at least that's what I told myself. But I've been wrong before...

She turned on her side with her back to me and scooted real close, "spooning" me. "Hold me, Kevin, please?" she said. I put an arm around her and she cuddled close, wrapping my arms around her like a warm blanket and holding it there. 

"Better?" I asked.

"Mmmhmm... thank you. You must really think I'm an awful chicken, but I've never been in trouble like this before. I am usually quite timid and I like to stay in the shadows and just do my work without drama and suspense," she said.

I rolled over onto my back. "Missy, we all get dragged into things we wouldn't normally be involved in on occasion. And no, I don't think you are a chicken. In fact, I think you are very brave and very strong for coming forward and agreeing to testify against these people. It shows you really care about others and want to make this world a better place. I am actually quite proud of you," I said.

"Really?" she said propping herself up on one elbow. "You are proud of me?"

"Sure," I said. "It isn't everyone who would agree to risk everything to stand up against the thugs and criminals in the world today. You are giving up your whole life here in Chicago for what you believe is right. If that isn't pure bravery I don't know what is!"

I saw her eyes get wet for a moment, then she leaned over and kissed me. At first, I think it was meant to be just a "thank you I'm grateful for your help" kiss, but before either of us knew quite what was happening, the kiss deepened and became much more passionate than either of us had planned.

As we kissed, my arms went around her slim waist and her free hand went up to stroke my hair. I heard a soft moan come from inside her somewhere, which only drove me deeper in my desire. It was as if the restrained, moral, and innocent part of our characters went to sleep for a while, and the lustful, sensuous, carnal part of us came out to play. 

She felt so good... warm, soft, and she smelled like baby powder - my favorite scent. I couldn't help myself. It had been a too long since I had felt the pleasures of the female sex and she must have needed what I had to offer as well. Without a second thought, my kisses became hungry, passionate, needful kisses. I wasn't kissing her anymore, I was devouring her. I was feasting on what had quite fortuitously been dropped in my lap.

Looking back on it, it probably was wrong of me - one could make the case I was taking advantage of a woman in a bad situation. But at the time neither of us felt anything but a sudden, overpowering need for each other.

I rolled us over until she was on the bottom and I was over top of her. I continued kissing her moving my kisses to her ear, her neck, and down to her collarbone. I learned that she really likes neck kisses as her moans attested. Once I reached her collarbone, I followed it to the notch at the top of her breastbone then kissed my way straight down her chest leaving a hot trail of kisses and lip brushes along the way. 

When I reached the lace-trimmed top edge of her chemise, I stopped and looked up at her. I wanted to make sure this is what she really wanted and I wasn't just reading the signals wrong. I saw a look on her face that was unmistakable. She had that clouded look in her eyes and she was biting the corner of her lip as if waiting for my next move and hoping it was what she wanted too. Since I hadn't heard a "wait" or a "stop", I figured I was reading things all right. 

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I looked down and saw two hard, stiff points making themselves known through the thin silky fabric of her top. I brushed my fingers across the points and she arched her back a bit moaning something unintelligible.

"You know, this is going to go a lot easier if you take off your top," I said. She looked and me with a little smile and sat up, pulling her top up over her head and dropping off the side of the bed onto the floor, leaving her only in her skimpy pink panties now.

"There, now isn't that better?" I said as I crawled forward pushing her gently back down onto the bed as I moved over top of her.

"Mmmhmmm," she said just before I kissed her once more. I moved back to where I had left off and kissed my way to her firm, ripe tits. The woman had a great set of tits too; big enough to grab a man's attention and admiration right off, but not so big that she looked fake or like she'd had any work done. They were all natural and very tempting.

"Oh!" she gasped as my mouth closed over one hard fleshy nipple. Apparently, they were quite sensitive too. I marked that observation down in my mental notepad... who knows when that information might come in handy again. But for now, I licked and nibbled and chewed on the tidbit as Missy writhed under me, mewling her delight at what I was doing to her.

I feasted on her firm, fleshy globes; first one then the other and back and forth every so often so one tit wouldn't feel deprived of my attention. Missy held my head in her hands, keeping me firmly attached to her tit and moving my head when the other was feeling a bit neglected.

As I worked on getting as much of her luscious tits in my mouth as I could, I felt myself getting bigger and harder. Missy felt it too, I guess because she started moving her hips under me, rubbing herself on my hardening cock. 

"Ohh, Kevin!" she moaned as she rubbed her pussy on my hard, swollen cock. Her grinding had gotten harder and more frenzied as her excitement multiplied. My cock was straining against my slacks, trying to burst through the fabric imprisoning it and get into the game as well. 

For several luxurious minutes, I savored and relished in the taste of her sweet, tender tits. I enjoyed listening to the exquisite moans of pleasured torture I was putting her through as she wanted me to get on with the fucking. I finally relented and began moving down her squirming, twisting body. 

I moved down to her now drenched panties. I smiled knowing that she was so turned on she had wet herself like this. She smelled amazing and I had to lick my lips in anticipation. Missy was watching me slither down her body and when she saw me licking my lips, she shuddered and moaned loudly.

"Oh Kevin, Oh please!" she said. Miss Garner was every bit the lady and she wasn't used to using the language of the streets. I don't think she even knew any swear words. I would change that before the night was over! I would have her begging to be fucked like a dockyard whore!

But Missy would need a little more teasing just to loosen her tongue a bit. And I knew just how to go about that. I slipped the tip of my finger under the leg opening of her pretty pink panties. Starting up high on her hip, I slid my finger down to her crotch, lifting the edge of her panties so I wouldn't touch her directly. Pulling her panties up like this without touching her drove her nuts. She wanted me to touch her - she wanted that more than anything right now and my teasing her like this only fanned her fires more.

"Please Kevin, please don't tease me!" she whimpered, thrusting her hips up at me.

It was time this angel came down from heaven and got on street level with me. "Tell me what you want, Missy," I said in a low voice.

"I want you... here," she said, opening her legs for me.

"No, tell what you want. tell me how you want me what you want me to do," I said. 

"I want... your mouth... on me," she said looking at me.

"I can't understand... do you want me to eat your pussy? Is that what you mean?" I said. I knew exactly what she meant, I just wanted her to say the words.

"Yes!" she said, blushing as pink as her panties.

"Then tell me. Tell me what you want, Missy," I said.

"I can't say that!" she said, shocked I would ask a lady such a thing.

"TELL ME!" I said in mocked anger.

"Please Kevin please... eat my... pussy," she said, clamping her hand over her mouth after she said it.

"That's better. Missy, if we are going to be friends here you are going to have to start being less worried about being so proper. We are both adults and I come from the streets. Cussing and words like pussy, tits, and cock are natural for me. I want you to start loosening up and talking to me like we are friends okay?" I said.

"I'll try," she said, unsure about this.

"Well, I have a feeling we'll have plenty of time to practice 'being friends' before this is over! Now let's see about that wet little pussy you are talking about!" I said. I got up on my knees to remove her panties pulling them over slim hips and down her long lean legs before hanging them playfully over the headboard post.

Then I got back down and got into position between her spread legs. I admired her well-kept pussy hair - it wasn't at all bushy and natural like most of the women of that time. She kept hers neatly trimmed, which I really appreciated. I pulled the fat, swollen lips apart and was greeted by a delightful aroma. I looked inside to see her wet pink tunnel, dripping with the juices I was soon going to be enjoying for myself.

"You have a very lovely pussy, my dear, now shall we see if you taste as good as you look?" I said with a lusty growl.

"Ohhh, God!" she said and I hadn't even touched her!

I gave her a moment to compose herself before I began. I wanted a bigger reaction - and I got it.

"OHMYGOD!" she squealed as I fastened my mouth over her pussy and plunged my tongue deep into her. She instinctively reached down to try to push me away, but she couldn't budge me. She grabbed the sides of my head trying to dislodge me, but again it was useless. I was not going anywhere!

My tongue squirmed and wriggled around inside her warm hole, looking at every crack and crevice to find her sweet pearl-drops of juice. She moaned and gasped and whimpered as I lapped up every drop I found and looked for more. Judging by the way she acted and the sounds she was making, I don't think she had been serviced like this in some time - and even then, I don't think they did a very good job!

But I was damn sure going to. Missy was losing her mind and tried backing away from my tormenting mouth and tongue as a last-ditch effort, but I kept up with her movements. She backed up until she was against the wall with no place left to go. I had her trapped and now it was dinner time! 

"Ohh, Kevin! Oh My God! Ohhh! Ohmygod, ohmygod, ohmygod!" she said as I consumed her. I knew she wasn't expecting sex at all from me when this whole thing began - sex was the last thing on her mind. And now I had caught her off guard once more by the way I was attacking her pussy.

It took her completely by surprise when her first orgasm hit her. She wasn't expecting it and it came on like a freight train. She was moaning and clawing at the headboard as I continued feasting on her sweet succulent peach when all of a sudden her world exploded!

"OHHHMYYYGODDD!" she screamed out. A flood of warm sweet juices followed her words and I knew that she had just cum. As her orgasm took control of her body, she pitched and bucked and rolled like a prize bull at the rodeo and I held on for all I was worth.

I continued to molest her as best I could with my mouth and tongue as she went through her contortions, but I'll tell you - it wasn't easy! It was like trying to catch a catfish with your mouth!

She flailed and clawed and struggled against her orgasm for several moments before finally beginning to calm down. She lay on the bed, panting and trying to control her breathing and heart rate as she came back down from the ceiling. 

"Oh, Kevin! I haven't felt anything like that in ages!" she finally said, giggling like a schoolgirl who said "dick" out loud.

"Well, that's only the start, Missy! Wait till you see what else I have in store for you!" I told her.

"Really? There's more?" she said. I had to laugh at her remarks - like I would stop after just getting her off orally!

"Oh hell yes, there's more! I'm sure not going to bed like this!" I said, pointing to the large and very hard bulge in my pajamas.

"Oh no, I couldn't let you do that! I'd feel terrible if you went to sleep with that annoying bulge in your pajamas, keeping you awake all night!" she said, with a kittenish smile.

Written by Master_Jonathan
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