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The Space Under The Staircase

"Even when faced with dire dangers, unexpectedly beautiful things can happen."

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Life in Paris for the past four years had been horrendous under the Nazi occupation. Guy LaSalle and his family had managed to scrape by and remain one of the families the Germans had not prosecuted.

However, between the walls of the house they occupied, a small personal war raged on. At twenty-six Guy was the oldest of the families four children and was expected to marry and carry forth the family name. Even though he had a younger brother, as the oldest, the heaviest expectations were placed upon his shoulders.

But something so shocking and unexpected had happened that the family was being torn asunder. Julienne, the next of the LaSalle children, had separated the heavy draperies that covered the windows at night, and from the weak light of the moon, had seen Guy standing just within the wall that surrounded the small front garden. What had kept her captivated was that Guy was embracing and kissing another young man.

She couldn’t see the other man’s face, but she was sure she didn’t know him. However, there was no doubt that it was Guy who was in the man’s arms. Monsieur LaSalle came into the room and startled Julienne. He asked her what she had been doing and in a flustered rush, she divulged what she had seen.

Monsieur LaSalle pushed her aside and looked out the window. The embrace had been broken but they appeared to be holding hands. They could have been simply saying goodbye but the monsieur took his daughter’s word for what she had seen.

He sent Julienne to her room and waited in the entryway for his son to enter. Guy hadn’t closed the door before his father confronted him. Their voices rose and Madame LaSalle came to see what the shouting was about. In only minutes Guy confessed that he was gay and had been for years. He refused to name the young man he’d been observed with.

His mother broke into tears and pleaded with her husband to lower his voice for the sake of the younger children. Monsieur LaSalle fumed and sputtered, words finally evading him. Unknown to him the two youngest of his offspring were standing in the shadows at the top of the stairs listening to all that was said. They covered their mouths as they looked at each other and giggled. Julienne came out of her room and shooed them back to their rooms but remained to listen.

Madame LaSalle pulled and pushed her husband and son into the salon where they could sit. Monsieur LaSalle refused to sit. Guy appealed to his mother but she turned her head away and began to cry again. Monsieur LaSalle issued commands and ultimatums which Guy scoffed at. He argued that he was twenty-six and had the right to live his life as he wished.

His father became even more enraged and ordered him to leave the house. Madame LaSalle became hysterical and argued in her son’s defense in that he could not be thrown out into the night with nowhere to go. She reminded her husband that there were German soldiers patrolling the streets.

The Monsieur relented but swore that Guy must have no contact with their other son and in the morning would have to find some other place to live.

Guy was fortunate in one way. When at the university he had been friends with another gay boy who was out to his family. That family, who Guy had met, had a completely different outlook on human nature. Three years ago Basile had joined the resistance and a year ago had been killed. Now, Guy went to Basile’s family to seek shelter.

A week later they got word the Nazis were rounding up all suspected homosexuals. It was decided that Guy must be hidden. There was a space under the staircase that would serve. The entrance and hallway were paneled in such a way that the door to the space was undetectable.

They supplied it with bedding and a chamber pot. Monsieur Laurant managed to run a hidden electrical cord so a dim lightbulb could be installed. It was decided Guy would be able to come out from his small space to eat, bathe, and stretch his legs at around three o’clock in the dark of night. Guy resigned himself to his circumstance and thanked his new protectors.

As the weeks passed and the summer approached the end of August the situation in the city grew worse for many of its inhabitants. Those who embraced the Vichy government struck out against some of their fellow citizens.

Hershel Dreyfus had left what had once been the kosher butcher’s shop and was on the way home when a roving group of ruffians attacked him. He was pressed up against an iron fence as they beat and kicked him and he had no way of defending himself.

Monsieur Laurant happened along and shouted at the small mob. From his demeanor, they surmised he must be an official and they scattered. Monsieur Laurant took the injured Hershel under his wing and instructed him to quickly come with him. He took him to the Laurant house.

“I know you are Jewish,” he said.

Hershel immediately began to deny it but Monsieur Laurant held up his hand.

“You’re secret is safe here but I know you are. It’s my mission to know. I don’t know how you’ve survived until now but you must not go out on the street again. You absolutely must stay here.”

Madame Laurant treated Hershel’s wounds. His right arm was almost useless but they determined it wasn’t broken. The madame devised a sling and the monsieur told him they were harboring another young man and they would have to share the hiding space.
Monsieur Laurant tapped on the space door and opened it. Guy stuck his head out and was introduced to a striking young man named Hershel. The events were conveyed to him and he welcomed Hershel into his small space. The space was cramped but he was glad for companionship. He now had someone to talk to, someone to listen to.

Hershel worried about his family and fretted that they would be worried about him. Monsieur Laurant had told him he would try to contact them and explain what was happening, but there as no assurance.

Guy told Hershel that even though they were closed off from the world he used his wristwatch to keep track of the time and maintained a rigid schedule. The difference was that it was centered around the time they could leave their refuge. They talked for a couple more hours and Guy said it was time for them to sleep.

“It may take you a few days to adjust but since there is no sun you will soon adapt,” he said.

They straightened their bedding and Guy began undressing.

“What are you doing?” Hershel asked with a hint of concern in his voice.

Guy laughed. “Don’t worry. I sleep in my undershorts. It’s much more comfortable and I think my clothes need a rest.”

“How do you, uh, keep clean?” Hershel wondered.

Guy turned to him. “As I said earlier, we go out at three and can use the bathroom. We can bathe then. Monsieur Laurant will find you a change of clothes and every few days we change and Madame Laurant will wash our soiled clothes.”

He got under his blanket. “I usually sleep with the light on. Without it, you can’t see anything. Do you want me to turn it off?”

“No,” said Hershel. “It isn’t that bright.” The idea of the complete darkness disturbed Hershel.

He took off his black coat and got under his blanket wearing his white shirt and black pants. He turned to face the wall. He was still awake when he heard Guy’s breathing change and knew he had fallen asleep. It was twenty or thirty more minutes before he drifted off.

Hershel woke and wondered how long he’d been asleep. He was still in the same position he’d been in. He turned in Guy’s direction but couldn’t see the watch on his wrist. He realized he’d awakened because he needed to empty his bladder. What could he do? There was only one solution.

“Guy,” he whispered harshly. There was no response. He pulled one arm from under the covers and reached over to Guy’s shoulder. He shook him as he again whispered, “Guy.”

Guy startled awake. It took him a second to remember he now had a mate. He turned his head and said, “What’s the matter?”

“I’ve got to urinate,” Hershel complained, still whispering.

Guy sat up. “Sorry. I should have told you. You have to use that pot over there,” he said, pointing toward the where the underside of the stairs slanted down to the floor.

Hershel threw his blanket back and crawled to where the chamberpot was sitting. He pulled it toward him.

Guy was watching him. “I’m sorry. I didn’t empty it last night. We have to share. I’ll do better from here on out,” he promised.

With his back to Guy, Hershel unbuttoned the fly of his pants. He pulled his dick out but was faced with the dilemma that the pot was too small and too far below him for him to aim at it.

He turned his head and looked at Guy. Guy could see from his expression that there was a problem.

“What?” was all he said.

"I can’t do it,” Hershel said.

"What?” guy repeated. “Piss with me in the room?”

No, it’s too far away. I’m afraid I’ll urinate all over the floor.

“Pick it up,” Guy instructed.

Hershel lifted the arm in the sling a few inches, indicating his problem.

“Oh,” Guy apologized. “Sorry.”

He waited a few seconds and added, “Do you want me to help?”

“I guess,” Hershel said quietly.

Guy crawled over to where Hershel was standing and picked up the pot. He raised it to just under Hershel’s dick.

“Don’t look,” Hershel quickly commanded.

Guy averted his gaze but he’d already seen. It had registered that Hershel must be Jewish because he was circumcised. No one that he knew was circumcised. He’d also noted that his dick was larger than most of the dicks Guy had encountered in his sexual adventures.

It took a minute before Hershel could get the stream started but when he did it was a strong one that made the pot tremble. Guy automatically shifted his gaze to the pot in his hand and watched the golden stream emerge from Hershel’s piss hole.

He looked up at Hershel’s face and decided that this young man was even more handsome than he’d initially thought him to be.
The stream slackened and was soon just a couple of final squirts. Hershel shook his dick and clumsily tucked it back into his pants with his one good hand. Guy returned the pot to the corner.

“Thanks,” Hershel mumbled.

“My pleasure,” Guy said with a slightly wicked smile.

He got back under his blanket. He looked at his watch. “If you have to do anything else I hope you can hold it for three more hours.”

Hershel lay down and turned to the wall again but he had a strange feeling in his stomach. He related it to his embarrassment.

Guy slid his arm under the blanket and squeezed his dick as he pictured Hershel’s dick in his mind. It was a really nice dick.

Sleep came to both of them.

At shortly after three Guy awoke as was his new custom. He got up and pulled on his pants.

He used his foot to nudge Hershel’s back, saying, “Wake up, my friend. Come on. It’s time to get out of here. Wake up, wake up.”

As Hershel struggled to his feet Guy added, “We must be quiet so we don’t wake the children.”

“What children?” Hershel asked.

The Laurant children,” Guy explained as if speaking to a small child. “They have three, Celine, Floriana, and Gaston. It was their oldest, Basile, who was my friend.”

He opened the door and they snuck out as if they were thieves. Guy led the way to the kitchen at the back of the house. After he closed the kitchen door he turned on the light. On the table were covered dishes. He lifted the plate that sat on a bowl and inhaled the aroma that arose.

Madame Laurant is a wonderful cook,” he said.

“Should you be doing that?” Hershel asked.

“This is our dinner,” Guy said waving his hand over the table. “And these,” he added, picking up two small bundles wrapped in butcher’s paper, “are our lunches for when we get hungry later.”

“Why are they doing this for us?” Hershel wanted to know.

“They’re good Catholics,” Guy said. “They’re devout and they’re wonderful people. They do it because they think it’s right. They feel they have to help people in need like we are.”

He opened the refrigerator and took out a bottle of milk. He poured two glasses and pulled out a chair and sat down.

He looked up at Hershel. “Sit. Eat. This is your life now.”

When they finished eating they rinsed the dishes and put them into the sink.

“Follow me,” Guy said. He opened the kitchen door and switched off the light. It was difficult to see in the dim hallway but he knew the way. He opened another door and stepped through. When he turned on the light Hershel saw they were in a roomy bathroom.

“Are you going to bathe? Hershel asked, concerned.

Not tonight,” Guy said. “I bathed last night and I’ll do it again tomorrow. Every other day. I don’t do anything to make me sweat.”
Hershel lowered his head slightly to discretely smell his armpit.

“I probably need to,” he said.

“You can if you want to, but the truth is I haven’t smelled you,” Guy assured him. “If you want to, I’ll help in any way I can.”
Hershel paused but despite what Guy had said he felt unclean.

“If you can soap up the washcloth,” he suggested.

Guy did as he asked and helped Hershel get out of his shirt. Removing his undershirt was a struggle with his damaged arm. He watched as Hershel ran the cloth over the part of his torso he could reach.

“Here,” Guy said, “give me the cloth and I’ll do your back.”

He took the cloth and washed Hershel’s back but continued around to his chest and stomach where Hershel had made an attempt.

“Lift your arm,” Guy gently commanded. He washed Hershel’s armpit.

“Now use your good arm to lift the other one,” he said.

“I washed that one,” Hershel objected.

“Do it,” Guy said more sternly.

Hershel did as ordered. Guy rinsed out the cloth and went over Hershel’s body again, removing the soap.

“There,” Guy announced. “All done. Now you smell terrific, and I’m going to brush my teeth.”

“Oh, god,” Hershel moaned. “I don’t have a toothbrush.”

Guy pointed to a glass holding a toothbrush that sat on a shelf. “That’s mine, and I assume the new one lying beside it is for you.”

Hershel’s face broke into a smile for the first time. They stood side by side and brushed their teeth in unison as small children might do.

After rinsing out his mouth Guy emptied the chamber pot into the toilet. Indicating he toilet he said, “If you need to use this I’ll wait outside.”

“Thanks,” Hershel said.

When he opened the door after several minutes Guy said, “Now me.”

“Oh, don’t go in there,” Hershel begged.

“I’m not that delicate,” Guy said. “I’m just going to add to it.”

They returned to their lair and talked for hours. Guy discovered that Hershel was four years his junior and had never had a girlfriend. He had two sisters, one older and one younger, but no brother. Strangely, Hershel emphasized that his father had retired from the government before the Germans invaded. He also said he wasn’t religious.

Guy managed to keep information about himself fairly general. He talked more about his brother and sisters than he did himself. When they tired of talking he showed Hershel the books that Monsieur Laurant had loaned him.

Hershel chose one and they passed the hours reading, napping and eating the packets Madame Laurant had prepared for them. Twice Hershel had to ask Guy to help him use the chamber pot. It was still embarrassing but somehow less so. The discomfort was the foreign feeling that he got each time somewhere in his groin that he’d never felt before.

Guy announced it was time to sleep. Hershel didn’t say anything but decided that Guy was right about sleeping in his clothes. He hadn’t put back on his shirt. Now he took off his pants before getting under his blanket.

“I wonder what’s for dinner tonight,” he said.

Guy laughed. “I guess we should call it breakfast. Good night.”

Once again Guy awoke at the regular time and roused Hershel. They had lost track of the days and weren’t aware it was a Friday. Dinner was a fish stew but prepared with a deft hand so it was rich in taste.

As they were rinsing out their bowls Guy reminded Hershel that he was going to bathe that night.

“You washed up last night. Was that enough for you or do you want a bath too?”

Hershel hesitated. “I don’t know. What do you think?”

Guy chuckled. “I imagine it’s getting pretty rank between your legs but it’ll be okay if you keep your pants on.”

Hershel didn’t see the humor. They went to the bathroom. Hershel looked at the tub and back at Guy.

“Will you wait outside while I bathe?” he asked.

Guy growled. “Hell no. I’m not going to stand out there in the hall because you have some sort of modesty problem.”

Hershel sighed. “Well, don’t look.”

Guy considered the situation. “I won’t, but don’t see how you’re going to do this by yourself. I think you’d better get in the tub and let me wash whatever you can’t reach, sort of like we did last night, but more.”

“Why don’t you go first?” Hershel suggested.

Guy shook his head. “If I have to help you then you need to be first. It just makes sense. Don’t be such a baby. We’re both grown men.”

Hershel took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “All right, but turn your back.”

“Oh my …” Guy began but let it trail off. He lowered the seat on the toilet and sat down with his back to Hershel as he undressed. Hershel stepped into the tub and tried to lower himself but his bad arm made it impossible.

“Guy,” he said in an almost inaudible voice. “I can’t sit down.”

Guy turned and saw Hershel standing there, trying to cover his manhood with one hand. He got up, stepped over to the tub and moved so he was behind Hershel. He slipped a hand under both of Hershel’s armpits and gently supported him as he helped him sit.

“I don’t put water in the tub.” He removed a hose that was looped over the faucet handles. At the end of it was a large spray head. “I just use this to get wet and then wash. When I finish I use it to rinse off. It’s simpler.”

He leaned forward past Hershel’s shoulder and turned on the water. He put his hand under the spray and waited for it to get warm, adjusting the temperature until it felt right.

“Let me spray you and you can wash what you can and then I’ll take over,” he said.

Hershel felt helpless but knew he had no other choice. Guy wet the washcloth and soaped it up. He handed the cloth to Hershel and then sat back on his heels and watched Hershel’s back as he ran the cloth over the parts of his body he could reach with one hand.
When he’d washed all that he could, Guy took the cloth and added more soap. He washed Hershel much as he’d done the previous night but didn’t rewash his chest and stomach this time.

When he finished he said, “Here, let me help you stand up.”

“Why?” Hershel objected, “I’m covered with soap.”

“You haven’t washed your ass, fool.”

Without waiting for Hershel’s objection he stood and grabbed Hershel’s arms and pulled him up. I knelt again and began washing Hershel’s lower back and down over his buttocks and the back of his thighs.

He came back up and ran his cloth-covered fingers into Hershel’s ass crack. Hershel took another breath and held it.

“Spread your legs,” Guy demanded.

He ran his hand between Hershel’s legs. With a feeling of wickedness, he wrapped his hand around Hershel’s hanging balls and washed them. Hershel didn’t say anything.

He brought the cloth back through Hershel’s legs and ran it up and down a leg he’d already washed. Without stopping he moved his hand around the leg and with the cloth covered Hershel’s dick. He tried to grip it as he had with his balls but Hershel knocked his hand away.

“I already washed there. I think I’m ready to get out,” Hershel said rapidly.

“You’re still soapy, remember?” Guy said. “I can rinse you off while you’re standing.”

He turned on the water again and when the temperature was correct he sprayed Hershel’s backside, arms, and legs. He didn’t say anything as he moved around so he was in front of Hershel and rinsed the soap from his chest and down his front to his feet and back up. He lifted Hershel’s arms and finished the rinsing.

Hershel stood mute as he watched Guy pick up a towel and began drying him. As the towel neared his privates he found his voice.

“I can do that,” he said louder than he’d meant to.

Guy jerked the towel from his grasp. “I have to do your back. Turn around.”

He dried the back of his neck and down toward his buttocks. This time Hershel grabbed the towel.

“I can finish up,” he stated.

“Well, you need my help getting out of the tub,” Guy told him. “Turn back this way.”

Hershel reluctantly turned around but held the towel in front of him. Guy put his hands under his armpits again and lifted him high in the air and out of the tub. As he set him down on the floor the towel drifted to one side and Guy got a glimpse of Hershel’s dick. He saw that it was partially erect. He smiled to himself.

He stepped back and said, “When you’re dry you can brush your teeth. I’m going to take my bath.”

He began removing his clothes. Hershel turned away and wrapped the towel around his waist. He went to the sink and squeezed toothpaste onto his brush. He looked in the mirror and saw behind him Guy’s bare back as he stepped into the tub.

He paused with the toothbrush halfway to his face and thought, ‘I wish I could have a body like that.’

Shocked by his thought he lowered his face and furiously brushed his teeth. He splashed water in his face and rose up. He looked at his reflection in the mirror and against his intentions shifted his gaze toward the bathtub again. Guy had turned in his direction and Hershel couldn’t look away. He was surprised by what he saw. Guy wasn’t circumcised.

He was startled when Guy called out, “Hey, Hershel, look on the chair by the door. I think they left you a change of clothes. I can see the ones on the bottom are mine.”

Hershel didn’t say anything but went to the chair. Guy had finished rinsing off and had stepped out of the tub and was drying off. He walked over to the chair and stood beside and just behind Hershel.

“Yes,” he said, “those are for you. I’ve never seen them before.”

Hershel was uncomfortable with the two of them nude and standing so close together. He felt the heat emitting from Guy’s body. He quickly snatched up the undershorts and pulled them on over his feet and up his legs to cover his nakedness. Guy handed him the trousers. Hershel accepted them and inadvertently glanced down at Guy’s dick hanging free, the head covered by foreskin.

He swirled around in the opposite direction, almost losing his balance. He sat down on top of the rest of the clothing that was on the chair. He pulled on the trousers and stood back up to button them up. Guy took the shirt that was on top of his clothes and hung it on the back of the chair so that he could have access to his clean clothes.

“Just leave the dirty clothes on the chair and Madame Laurant or one of the daughters will wash them for us,” he instructed Hershel. “If you’ve finished in here, go on back to our place. I have to take a dump.”

Hershel left the bathroom and returned to their refuge. When Guy came in Hershel was under his blanket with his face to the wall. Guy could see there was to be no conversation, so he settled down to read.

For the next seventeen hours, it seemed that when Guy was awake, Hershel was sleeping but when he awoke Guy had fallen asleep. No word was exchanged between them. At one point Guy observed that Hershel had removed his pants and had used the chamberpot.

At last, when Guy awakened he saw that Hershel was lying on his back but with his eyes open, staring at the underside of the stairs.

Trying for humor Guy said, “Hey, my friend, I haven’t seen you for a while. How are you?”

Hershel cut his eyes over in Guy’s direction but didn’t smile.

Guy’s smile changed to a frown. “Are you angry, or do you have a problem? Did I do something?”

Hershel shook his head. He waited a few seconds and then sat up and swiveled so that he was facing Guy. Guy turned and leaned back, his head resting against the wall.

Hershel took a deep breath to help shore up his courage. “I saw you in the bathroom,” he began. He paused again and then plowed ahead. “You’re not Jewish.”

A small smile flickered across Guy’s lips. “And I saw you and you are.”

“No,” Hershel automatically said but then realized denial wouldn’t work here.

“Well, yes, but the thing is, I thought you were too. If you’re not, why are you in here?”

Guy decided to state the obvious. “Because I’m hiding, just like you.”

“But why?” Hershel asked.

Guy concluded he might as well reveal his secret to his fellow prisoner. “You don’t have to be Jewish. The Nazi’s don’t like people like me, either.”

Hershel was perplexed. “What kind of people?”

“W-e-l-l,” Guy drew out slowly, “men who like other men.”

Hershel sat up straight. “You mean you’re a homosexual?” he said incredulously.

The frown returned to Guy’s face, but stronger. “Yes, I’m a pede,” he said, using the French derogatory slang word.

Hershel’s face had grown red. “Why would you do that to me? What did I ever do to you? How could you?”

With each question, his voice had risen. Guy’s discomfort had instantly changed into ire.

“Shush,” he commanded. “You’ll wake the whole house. What did I do to you? That is, besides helping you piss and washing your dirty ass, I never touched you. Never tried to. You’re such a baby. Get over it.”

Hershel was still fuming. “Oh? But you wanted to. If I’d known you were homo you wouldn’t have gotten near me.”

Guy drew in his breath. “And I should have let you piss in your pants. Or should I have let you stink up this little space? Everything I did was to help you, you ungrateful little shit.”

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“Ha!” Hershel spat out. “That’s what you say but not what you wanted.”

Guy narrowed his eyes. “You don’t have any idea what I want. You don’t know what’s in my mind.”

“I can imagine what you like to do,” Hershel interjected with his lips curling into a sneer.

“You think so? I doubt it.” The tone of Guy’s voice had changed. “You want to know? You’re so sure, I think you should know. So listen, you little prick.”

He leaned forward. “Your right. I didn’t try shit with you, but I’d like to. I’d like to kiss your smooth little body all over. Not just kiss it. I’d lick every inch of it. I’d lick your armpits and your feet and between your legs and your asshole. I’d suck your balls into my mouth and massage them with my tongue. I’d suck your beautiful dick until you came in my mouth and I’d swallow every bit of your cum.”
He paused. “Is that what you imagined? Did you think I’d do all that? Would you like that? Would you like me to suck your dick, huh?”

In the seconds of silence that followed Hershel shifted and without realizing what he did he put his hand under the blanket and adjusted himself.

“Damn!” Guy exclaimed. “You have an erection.”

“No, I don’t,” Hershel protested.

“The hell you don’t” Guy insisted.

He grabbed the blanket and tried to pull it away but Hershel held it tight. Guy propelled himself up and landed on top of Hershel. Hershel tusseled to get out from under him but Guy had him on size and strength. He managed to pull the blanket aside enough he got his hand under it. He pushed it down until he had a firm grasp of Hershel’s hard dick.

“You little fuck. You’re horny. Just hearing what I’d like to do to you got you all worked up.” Guy laughed.

Between his teeth, Hershel hissed, “Get off me. Let me go, you cocksucker.”

“Yeah, that’s what I am and I think that’s what you need,” Guy said with a big smile lighting up his face.

Hershel had stopped struggling and Guy took advantage by jerking the blanket aside. He quickly slid down and clamped his teeth on the shape of Hershel’s dick tenting his undershorts. Hershel let out a loud gasp. His entire body stiffened into an arch. He grabbed Guy’s shoulders as if he was going to throw him off but his grip relaxed and his arms moved of seemingly of their own accord until they were wrapped around Guy’s head, holding him in place.

Guy withdrew his teeth and pulled the waistband of Hershel’s undershorts down until his erection sprang free. He placed the flat of his tongue where Hershel’s ball sack and dick met and licked up its length to the tip. He swirled his tongue around the head and opened his mouth wide.

He took the head into his mouth and closed his lips around it. Slowly he moved his head down until Hershel’s dick hit the back of his throat. With his experience, he opened his throat and went farther until his lips touched the patch of hair surrounding Hershel’s dick.
He paused and felt Hershel’s body relax. As slowly as he went down he came back up, moving his tongue around as he arose.

Without pausing he plunged back down and quickly came back up. He removed his mouth from Hershel’s dick and kissed it several times and then licked it from all sides. He thought about what he’d said to Hershel about kissing and licking him all over his body but decided it would be pushing things too far.

He was conscious of how much he liked sucking on a dick. A dick this size and well-formed made it especially exciting. He kissed it again and probed the pisshole with the tip of his tongue. After he covered the dick with his mouth again he began dipping his head up and down.

He shortly became aware that Hershel hadn’t moved. Guy wanted him to become integrated into the action. He grabbed Hershel’s hips and rolled onto his side, bring Hershel with him. Guy resumed moving his head back and forth until nature took over and Hershel responded by driving his pelvis in a fucking motion.

It didn’t take long before the pneumatic action brought Hershel to the apex and his balls drew up and forced his cum to rush through and out of his dick, filling Guy’s mouth and throat with a surprising amount of warm cum.

Hershel sank his fingers into Guy’s hair and bit his lower lip to keep from shouting out as his dick shot out spurt after spurt of cum. He’d never experienced such a climax any of the times he’d masturbated.

He held on to Guy until his heart calmed and his head cleared. Guy lay without moving, Hershel’s softening dick still in his mouth.

Hershel lifted his hands from Guy’s head and rolled back over onto his back, pulling his dick from Guy’s mouth. He covered his eyes with his good arm. Guy got onto his knees and crawled over Hershel and returned to his own pallet. He watched as Hershel pulled his undershorts back up. He didn’t look in Guy’s direction but again turned his back to Guy and pulled the blanket up to his chin.

Guy lay down and ran his tongue over the roof of his mouth savoring the remaining taste of Hershel’s cum. He drifted off to sleep.

He automatically awoke at the usual three o’clock hour. He sat up and looked at Hershel. He was lying in the same position as he’d been when Guy last looked at him.

“Hershel,” he intoned in a firm voice. “It’s time to eat. Wake up. Let’s go. Do you need to use the bathroom?”
Hershel didn’t respond.

“Hershel,” Guy repeated. “Come on. Get up. It’s our dinner time.”

There was still no response from Hershel.

Guy grabbed his shoulder and shook him roughly. “Are you dead? We have to go now.”

Hershel jerked away from Guy’s grasp. “I’m not hungry,” he hissed.

“Hey, can you go another twenty-four without eating? You know the routine. Come on you putz.”

Guy knew the word but didn’t know that it was offensive to a Jew, and in this case was completely inappropriate. Hershel pulled the blanket over his head.

“Nut case,” Guy muttered.

He pulled on his pants but didn’t bother with his shirt. He went to the kitchen and found a pot with some kind of stew in it. It was fragrant and he surmised it was lamb but more likely goat. But at least it was meat. He ate and went into the bathroom to relieve himself. He remembered that he had forgotten to bring the chamberpot to empty.

After he brushed his teeth he opened the door to leave and then had a thought. He went back to the wall cabinet and looked in it. He found the jar of Pond’s cold cream he’d remembered was there. He unscrewed the cap and saw it was nearly empty but there was enough for what he intended. He put it in his pants pocket.

He returned to the kitchen. He rummaged around until he found two empty wide-mouthed jars with lids. He filled the larger one with the rest of the stew and rinsed out the pot. The smaller of the jars he filled with milk and left the kitchen.

When he got the door to their coop closed he turned toward the large lump that was Hershel.

“My friend,” he tried. “I brought you something to eat. You should eat it while it’s warm. It’s really tasty.”
Hershel didn’t move.

“Okay, it’ll be here when you want it.” Guy waited a minute. “You’d better go use the bathroom unless you want to make a mess here in our nest.”

He lay down and picked up the book he’d been reading. Almost an hour passed before Hershel threw back the blanket and got up. He didn’t look in Guy’s direction but ducked out the door and went down the hall to the bathroom.

When he came back Guy pointed to where he’d set the two jars. “That’s your dinner there.”

Hershel glanced in the direction of the jars but got back onto his pallet.

Guy shrugged. “It’s your problem.”

The sun had begun its descent in the outside world when Guy woke up from a deep sleep. He rolled over and looked toward Hershel. He was on his back with the blanket partially thrown back. Guy raised himself onto one elbow and looked at the two jars and saw they were empty. He smiled and lay back down.

After a few minutes, he sat back up and sat cross-legged facing Hershel.

“Look,” he began. “Maybe I shouldn’t have done what I did, but I swear you needed it. Having said that, you shouldn’t have said the things you did to me. Like it or not, we’re in this thing together. I welcomed you in here. True, I didn’t have much choice, but I tried to make things easier for you. But you’re here and you’re stuck here. There’s nowhere you can go.”

He stopped and waited to see if he was getting through. “I truly had no intention of doing anything with you. Yes, I admit that from the moment I saw you I found you attractive, and maybe I did do something that offended you, but I never intended to try anything. But you really pissed me off when you started putting me down. You didn’t have a right to do that.”

He stopped again and remained unmoving. Several long minutes passed. Hershel opened his eyes and turned his head and met Guy’s gaze. He rolled over so he was facing Guy.

“I’m sorry. I can’t accept that as an excuse. You had no right to do what you did to me. It was wrong. I’m not like you.”

“Of course you aren’t,” Guy interjected. “Everybody’s different.”

“You know what I mean.” Hershel’s voice had gone up. “I’m not queer. I don’t do that sort of thing.”

In a calm voice, Guy said, “I know you don’t because you’ve never done anything. You told me you don’t have a girlfriend. You never have, have you? No, I know you haven’t. That was your first time, wasn’t it? And you’ll never forget it.”

Hershel sat up. “So you want to change me to be like you? You want to ruin my life, just for your pleasure?”

Guy sighed as if he was talking to a small child. “The problem is you don’t know what you’re talking about. I can’t change you. That’s impossible. The most I can do is make you realize what you really want. And nothing I could do to you would ruin you.”

“How do you know that?” Hershel challenged.

“Because I’ve lived more than you have.” Guy had looked down but looked back up into Hershel’s eyes. “Not just that I’m older. I’m a lot more experienced. Today you are no different than you were yesterday. You’re exactly the same person. It’s like a person who’s in a bad accident but isn’t hurt. It’s an experience they’ll carry with them always, but they are still the same person.”

He waited for a rejoinder from Hershel but he kept silent.

Guy decided to go farther. “And I’m the same person I was yesterday. Yesterday we were friends, of a sort. We had sex, but you are still you and I am still me. We haven’t changed. It’s just that we know each other better. We have a secret that binds us together.”

He decided he should stop but decided to add one last question, “Can we get along?”

Hershel gave a small shrug.

“Tell me,” Guy inquired, “Why haven’t you ever had a girlfriend?”

“I don’t know exactly,” Hershel answered. “I never felt adequate. I mean, there were girls I liked but they always seemed beyond me,”

“You mean they were from wealthy families?” Guy waited.

“No, not that. My father has a successful business. It’s just that they were so pretty and I was such a nothing.” Hershel was looking at the floor between the pallets.

“What? That’s absurd. Hershel, you’re good looking. I mean really.”

Hershel blushed. “No, I’m not. Look at you. You’re handsome and with a terrific body. I’m nothing.”

Guy shook his head. “How did you ever get that idea? Didn’t anybody ever tell you how good you look? You have classic features. Good god, why do you think I wanted to suck your dick?”

The moment the words were out of his mouth Guy regretted it.

“Oh, shit. I’m sorry,” he apologized.

Hershel looked at him and shook his head slowly as if to say, ‘You’re pitiful.’

“Well, now I’ve said it let me reword that. If I’m so fucking handsome and you’re so homely, why in hell would I be attracted to you? Think about it.”

Guy smiled and hoped his escape would work.

Hershel shook his head again and Guy thought he saw a glimmer of a smile. Hershel lay back down on his back with his hand under his head.

“Hey,” Guy said. “Are you going to eat tonight? Don’t forget, it’s bath night, too”

“Yeah,” Hershel muttered. “I’ve got to wash you off me.”

Guy looked at his watch. “Damn, it isn’t as late as I thought it was. We still have six hours to wait.”

He stretched out on his pallet and picked up his book. He read for a while and glanced over at Hershel. His eyes were closed but Guy didn’t know if he was asleep. He returned to his book. As the time slipped by his eyes grew heavy and the book fell from his hands.

A loud crashing sound of splintering wood made him sit upright before he was fully awake. The air was filled with the muffled sound of orders shouted in German. He looked at Hershel and saw he had sprung up and onto his knees with a confused and panicked look in his eyes.

Heavy boots pounded on the stairs above their heads. The air was rent with the scream of a female. Even within their secured alcove, they were surrounded with the sounds of confusion.

Hershel gasped and found his voice. “What’s happening? What’s happening?” he pleaded loudly.

Guy jumped over to his side and grabbed him with one arm wrapped around him and pulled him back against his chest while he clasped his other hand over Hershel’s mouth.

“Hush!” he whispered. “Shhhhh!”

They lay still listening to the shouts and unidentifiable noises that reverberated throughout the house. Boots came thudding down the stairs along with the sound of wailing.

Just outside their door, the voice of Monsieur Laurant came through. “Don’t harm my daughters. Keep your hands…”

There was the sound of a thump and sudden silence, which was broken by Madame Laurant shrieking, “Armand, Armand…”

There were more commands in German and a bustling and then silence descended. Guy loosened the hand which was still covering Hershel’s mouth and let it slide down until it was resting on his bare chest, but neither moved. Under the smooth, warm skin his hand rested on he felt Hershel’s heart beating wildly.

Hershel made a soft gasp and Guy realized he was quietly crying.

“No, no,” he crooned into Hershel’s ear as he gently massaged his chest.

“Shhh, it’s okay. You’re okay.”

He moved his head around and kissed Hershel’s temple.

“Can’t we go out now? Shouldn’t we get out of this house in case they come back?” Hershel begged.

“No, we can’t,” Guy warned him. “We don’t know what’s out on the streets. We’re safer here for now. We just have to wait.”

Hershel turned his head so that he could see part of Guy’s face. “What will they do to them?”

Guy shook his head slightly. “I don’t know, but don’t think about that now.”

Hershel sobbed.

“No, don’t think about that,” Guy repeated. “Keep your thoughts here with us. We’re still here. It’s you and I right now. Just think about that.”

They remained the way they were as the hours crept by. If there was food waiting for them in the kitchen there was no thought of it. If they had tried to eat they couldn’t have kept it down. There was no thought of visiting the bathroom.

Tension can do strange things to the human body. They each would nod off for short periods of time and then awake with a start but seldom did they drift off to sleep at the same time. With time Hershel separated himself from Guy’s protective arms but they lay close, sharing the same pallet.

In their closed-off world, they were unaware when the sky lightened and the sun peeked over the tops of buildings. Their day progressed minute by minute in the same way as had the night. They had never before given attention to the noises of daily living that had seeped through to them. Now the silence was overwhelming.

Guy returned to his own bed. They could find nothing to talk about. Neither of them could focus their attention on the printed page. When awake and alert they would strain to listen for any sound that might filter through. Guy tried to resist looking at his watch because it seemed the hands hardly moved. He marveled that in some way twenty hours had passed since the horrendous event.

He occasionally asked Hershel, “Are you all right?”

Hershel answered by slightly nodding his head in the affirmative. Guy was becoming aware of the emptiness in his stomach but didn’t feel it was safe to leave their refuge. But for how long could they remain there?

His thoughts were interrupted by a distant echo. “Hershel,” he said, “Do you hear that?”

Hershel turned on his side toward Guy and cocked his head to concentrate his hearing.

“Bells?” he questioned.

“Yes. It sounds like Notre Dame, but it can’t be, can it?” The question was directed at himself.

The sound of the cathedral’s bells faded into the usual silence and it was as if they hadn’t rung. They lay straining to hear if there were any other sounds but nothing filtered through the walls to them.

The tenseness was draining. They felt a weariness of the body. Guy looked at his watch again. He became aware he was in danger of losing track of whether it was night or day outside of their cocoon.

“Hershel,” He volunteered, “I think we should try to get a good nights sleep. We need to keep our minds alert.”

Hershel didn’t have an argument to put forth. He sat up and pulled his pants off over his legs. He tossed them aside and got under his blanket. Guy had watched him like an older brother keeping charge over his younger brother. He drew his own blanket up to his chin and closed his eyes.

At a later hour, he awakened and lay with his eyes closed waiting for sleep to come again. He slowly became conscious of Hershel turning from one side to the other, throwing his covers off and soon pulling them up again.

Quietly, he asked, “Can’t sleep?”

Hershel sighed loudly. “No, I haven’t slept a wink.”

Guy waited a few moments. “Do you want to come over here?” he asked.

He waited for an answer but instead, after another few moments Hershel threw back his blanket and crawled over to Guy’s pad. Guy raised his cover for Hershel to slide under.

As he slid in Hershel looked down and was startled.

“Are you naked?” he asked.

“Yes,” Guy replied. “Does that bother you?”

Hershel didn’t answer with words but under the blanket he pushed his undershorts down and gently kicked them off. He turned his back to Guy and without looking reached back and found Guy’s arm. He pulled it over himself as if seeking protection.

Guy pulled Hershel closer so that their bodies were pressed together. Neither of them moved but while waiting for sleep to overtake them Guy’s dick began to awaken and stir. Slowly it continued to grow and harden until it was fully long and stiff. It was situated so that it was lying aligned with the crack in Hershel’s butt.

Guy tried to ignore it but sleep had been banished and showed no inclination of returning. Hershel felt Guy’s warm breath on the back of his neck.

Guy lifted his head slightly and quietly spoke into Hershel’s ear, “Hershel, can I put it in you?”

In a hushed voice, Hershel answered with a simple, “Yes.”

Guy wasn’t sure Hershel had understood him but he wanted to keep from sounding vulgar. He repeated his request in more direct terms.

“Can I insert my dick in your hole?” He felt he’d made it a stupid sounding question.

In the same voice as before Hershel repeated, “Yes.”

Guy reached between his mat and the wall and recovered the jar he’d taken from the bath what seemed like many days before. He opened it and with three fingers scooped out a small glob of the cold cream. He slipped his hand under the blanket and moved his hips back so that he could apply the oily cream to Hershel’s butt hole.

What little remained on his fingers he smeared on the head of his dick which had emerged from its foreskin covering. He placed the head at the opening of the hole and pushed gently but firmly. He continued pushing until the muscle gave way and the head entered. After pausing for a few seconds he returned to pushing and slowly slid in until his pelvis was once again pressed tightly against Hershel’s butt cheeks.

As quietly as he’d asked for permission he asked, “Are you all right?”

For the third time, Hershel said, “Yes.”

In his mind, Hershel was asking, ‘Why am I doing this? Why does it feel so good to have this man in me? Why does it seem so right?’

Guy’s thoughts were related but different. He spoke no words but mentally asked Hershel, ‘Do you know how tight your ass is? How warm, how smooth?’

He drew back as slowly as he’d pushed in, reveling in the stimulation that flowed through his dick. He went back in a little faster and more aggressively and his thought became, ‘Do you have any idea how much I like fucking your ass?’

But he put his lips on Hershel’s ear and whispered, “Do you like it?”

He wondered if he’d made a mistake by asking the question, but he felt Hershel push his hips back to meet Guy’s forward thrust. Guy wrapped his arms around Hershel and held him tighter as he began to propel his dick in Hershel’s ass with stronger force.
He knew it wasn’t going to be long before he released his seed. He heard Hershel’s breathing growing stronger. He had another request to make.

“Hershel,” he whispered in a voice that had grown harsh. “Bring yourself off with me. Let’s come together.”

Hershel complied and as Guy felt his sperm preparing to gush forth Hershel groaned loudly and his semen spurted out and coated his hand. Guy bit Hershel’s shoulder as his dick sent his seed again and again deep into Hershel’s warm gut.

As his heart calmed he released Hershel’s shoulder and kissed where he’d bitten, hoping he hadn’t harmed him.

Again he repeated the phrase he’d used several times in the last couple of days.

“Are you all right?”

Almost inaudibly Hershel again answered, “Yes.”

Hershel pulled away so that Guy’s softening dick slipped from the confines of his ass. He pulled his cum covered hand out from under the blanket and looked at it. Guy reached over him and took hold of his wrist. He brought it to his mouth and stuck out his tongue. He licked and sucked all of Hershel’s cum from his fingers and palm. When it was clean he lay it on Hershel’s side.

Hershel lay there still for a couple of minutes and then slid out from under the blanket and returned to his own mat. Nothing was said and neither was sure if he was asleep when suddenly the door of their hiding place was jerked open.

They both sprang up into sitting positions, their pulses pounding in their temples. It seemed like minutes but it was only seconds before a young boy stuck his head in.

“GASTON,” Guy shouted. “You’re alive.” He started to leap up to embrace him but remembered he was naked.

“Come here, you rascal,” he commanded.

Gaston came through the door. Hershel blurted out, “Close the door.”

“Yes, Gaston,” Guy said in a calmer voice. “You’d better keep the door closed. Are your parents back, too?”

Gaston looked back and forth from Guy to Hershel. Tears welled up in his eyes and ran down his cheeks.

“The Germans took them. All of them. I don’t know where they are.”

He began to cry.

“Oh, my god,” Guy said in a guttural voice. “I’m sorry. Come here, Gaston. You’re safe here with us. That’s Hershel,” he said pointing.

“How did you escape?” Hershel asked.

Gaston sniffed a couple of times and answered, “I was in the bathroom when they came in. In the house I mean. I hid between the bathtub and the wall.”

Guy was amazed he could fit in such a tight space. “And you’ve been there ever since?” he questioned.

A sob caught in Gaston’s throat. “Yes. I remembered you just before I came here.”

“And you didn’t see anybody?” Hershel asked.

Gaston shook his head. Hershel looked at Guy inquisitively.

Hershel thought a moment and suggested, “Maybe we can find something to eat in the kitchen.”

“I don’t think we should go out of here when it’s light. Let me see what time it is.” Guy looked at his watch.

Hershel looked around him and then looked over at Guy. “Can you give me my undershorts?”

A grin spread across Guy’s face. He reached under the blanket and felt around until he located them. He pulled them out and tossed them to Hershel.

“Gaston,” he said. “Turn away while we get dressed.”

He gathered his own clothes and he and Hershel dressed, each one stealing glances of the other.

Hershel stopped. “Listen,” he commanded.

“What?” Guy asked, but froze. A faint unidentifiable noise arose and grew. There were shouts and yelling. The noise became a muffled tumult. It was unmistakeable something different and important was happening in the outer world.

“Come on,” Guy said. “I don’t know, but I think we can get out of here. Let’s be brave and find out.”

They pushed the door open and the noise overwhelmed them. They went to the shattered front door of the house and gingerly stepped out onto the front stoop. There were no Germans in sight but crowds of people were filling the street. They were shouting and embracing one another.

Liberte, liberte,” they were calling out. Many of them were rushing in the direction of Place de la Concorde.

Hershel looked at Guy. “Is it true? Is it over? Can it be?”

“YES!” Guy shouted. “Yes! Yes, it is. It has to be. Gaston, we’re free.”

He looked up at Guy. “Are my mere and pere free?”

Guy was at a loss and looked at Hershel.

Hershel gave a guess. “Maybe the Nazis didn’t have time to do anything to them. Maybe they will be freed.”

Guy looked back down at Gaston. “Yes, they probably are. They’ll probably be back here at home very soon.”

They descended the steps down into the street. Guy looked at Hershel again.

“What are you going to do? Are you going to see about your arm, or are you going home?”

Hershel shook his head. “No, not first. First I’m going to see if the synagogue is still standing and say a prayer, then I’ll go home.”

Guy turned to Gaston but he wasn’t to be seen. “GASTON, GASTON,” he yelled but his voice was lost in the other shouting.

“He must have gone to find his family. What will happen to him?” Hershel worried.

“Yes, he probably did. But he knows where his house is. He’ll return here.”

Hershel wrinkled his brow. “And you, where are you going?”

Guy shrugged. He stuck out his hand for Hershel to shake.

“When you’re at the synagogue say a prayer for me.”

Hershel shook his hand, said, “I will,” and turned away.

Guy put his hand on Hershel’s shoulder to stop him and said, “Hershel.”

Hershel turned back and Guy cupped his chin in his hand with his thumb and fingers pinching Hershel’s cheeks. He leaned forward and planted a lingering kiss full on Hershel’s lips. None of the mass of people surrounding them noticed.

When Guy released him Hershel looked down at his feet and then back up and into Guy’s face. He shyly smiled and turned away again. Guy stood watching him go and saw him turn and look back before he was swallowed up by the throng.

Guy frowned and asked himself, ‘Where am I going?’

A smile slowly turned up the corners of his mouth.

Home,” he said out loud. “I’m going home.”

Written by spinneroftales
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