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The Grimoire - Part 7 Catherine the Great

"Before she was Catherine, she was Sophie; an inexperienced woman with much to learn."

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After our trip to see Bertie (Henry VII), Agnes and I took a break. I wouldn’t go so far as to say that we had limits on our sexual escapades, but we probably didn’t have Bertie’s zeal for sex twenty-four hours a day. That man’s sexual appetites were inexhaustible.

Agnes and I regained our happy domesticity and spent blissful days in each other’s company. I spent some time at my computer doing research for our next trip while Agnes continued her studies of the Grimoire. She hoped someday to be able to travel forward in time. One afternoon Agnes came into my study and began teasing me with her bare breasts, rubbing them against my chest as she straddled my lap.

I drew one of her nipples into my mouth, suckling on it. When I released it her eyes were bright with excitement. “Have you had enough rest from our last adventure? I think it’s time for our next one.”

Agnes ran her fingers through my hair and over my chest. “I was watching you while we were with Bertie,” she whispered. “I was trying to decide if you were putting on an exhibition for Bertie or for the women around him.”

“A little of both, I suppose,” I answered as I pulled her into my lap. “But I didn’t do anything you haven’t seen or witnessed before.”

“I suppose not,” Agnes said as she touched my face with her fingers. “But you’ve never done to me what you did to Daisy with everyone watching.”

“That’s what Daisy wanted, Agnes,” I said as I moved my hand up between her legs. “Jennie told me that Daisy wanted to be humiliated in front of her husband. But it appeared to me that she enjoyed the treatment she got from all the men. That poor woman’s ass must have been sore for a week.”

Moving seductively on my lap, Agnes leaned to my ear and whispered, “Are you going to make my ass sore for a week?”

“I seriously doubt that,” I laughed.

“Wouldn’t you like to try?” she whispered.

I squeezed her butt cheeks and chuckled again. “I know my own limitations, and I know your wantonness. I don’t have the stamina to satisfy your needs.”

“Oh, baby, don’t say that,” she said as she kissed my neck. “You are the best lover I’ve ever had and my favorite husband.”

Pushing her back, I said, “I believe I’m your only husband.”

“Technicalities,” she said with a grin and put her head on my shoulder. “I enjoyed watching you take Daisy. I saw the other men were impressed too.”

“What about the women?”

Agnes giggled. “They were all jealous of me for having such a wonderful lover in my bed. I told them that you never confined yourself to the bedroom. They all swooned when I told them that you were very likely to bend me over the breakfast table and take me in front our staff.”

“You lying little twit,” I said with a laugh.

“It was just a little fib,” she replied as she kissed my neck.

“Did you bring anything home to help finance our future travels?”

Wiggling in my lap in an attempt to rub her sex against my erection she answered, “I had Bertie give me a couple of trinkets.”

“What kind of trinkets?”

“Oh, just a couple of his rings. They were gold with his insignia on them,” Agnes whispered seemingly more interested in my cock.

“You’ve got to be kidding,” I said as I sat up and pushed her upright. “Rings with his insignia would be worth a fortune.”

“They might be,” she offered before pressing herself against my chest again. “Why? Are you planning another trip for us?”

“I’m giving it some thought.”

“Really?” Agnes jumped up and said excitedly. “Where do you want to go?”

“I’m thinking about going to Russia,” I explained. “In the spring or early summer. Otherwise, the place is just too cold.”

“Who do you want to see?” she asked with big eyes.

After deciding that Agnes was just adorable when she was excited, I answered, “I think we should meet Catherine the Great.”

“Oh, that’s something I’ve never done,” she offered. “What year would you want to go?”

“I think 1751 would be the best.”

Agnes frowned. “Why that particular year?”

“My research shows that Catherine married Peter when she was 16 years-old in 1745. Four years later at twenty she already knew she didn’t care much for her husband, the future Tsar. I think Catherine began taking lovers when she was twenty-two. Her first child was born eight years after her marriage, and it is believed that her child’s father was Sergei Saltykov.”

“That still doesn’t answer my question,” Agnes said. “Why 1751?”

Smiling I suggested, “I want to meet her before she becomes promiscuous and maybe give her some pointers.”

“And how do you plan on getting under her skirt?” Agnes asked with a grin.

“I’ve given it some thought,” I answered. “My plan would be for you to introduce me to Catherine as a seer; a prophet of sorts. You’d assure her that I could see the future and reveal the secrets of her life’s course. Who could pass up such an opportunity?”

“Oh, now that’s very clever,” Agnes acknowledged as her hand began to root around in my pants for my member. “You find out about her life from Wikipedia and relay the facts to her. Once she’s in your spell, you’ll have your way with her. Is that the plan?”

“You’ve simplified it a bit,” I answered, “But that’s about it.”

“So then, I make the introduction and then walk away so you can fuck her brains out?”

“Not at all,” I interjected. “You’ll be there with me the entire time. You are a major part of the plan. First, you’ll be my interpreter, and then you’ll be giving her lessons. After you’ve properly instructed her how to entertain a man, I’ll follow up with a practical application of your lessons.”

Agnes remained in my lap, her hand slowly pulling on my cock. She studied my face for a long minute before breaking into a smile. “That’s a good plan, John. Refine the fine points, and I’ll make certain we have the right costumes for this play.”

“And what do you plan to do with what’s in your hand?” I asked.

Looking down and pretending to be surprised at finding my stiff cock in her hand, she grinned and said, “It’s looking a bit needy. Perhaps I need to warm it up.”

As Agnes dropped to her knees and took the head of my member into her mouth, I leaned my head back with a sigh and said, “The world would be a better place if all women were required to study at Agnes’ School of Wifely Conduct.”




It was two weeks before we were fully prepared for our trip to St. Petersburg, Russia to meet Catherine the Great. Agnes set us up at the most elegant hotel in the city. Much like our trip to Romania, she acquired a suit with two bedrooms and a large sitting room. We had been there less than thirty minutes when I found her playing with the bellhop that had taken our baggage up.

“You don’t waste any time do you?” I asked with a frown.

“I just see to it that you won’t be playing with the lovely Catherine while I’m sitting in my bedroom playing with myself. I always prefer to have a backup plan.”

“You’re a wise woman,” I smiled as I patted her behind.

“Do you have our cover story worked out?” She asked.

“I’ve been working on it and think I have a good plan,” I told her as I took a notepad out of my bag. “You will tell Catherine that I am from America. She won’t know much about the new country yet, so she should be easy to persuade. You’ll tell her that I was born to American Indians, but was shunned when I showed strange tendencies when I was about two-years-old. I was adopted by English settlers in Virginia after I was found abandoned in the forest.”

“Do you think that she could know anything about America yet?”

“If anything, not much. Tell Catherine I only speak English and that you will translate. I know that she speaks Polish and Russian, but doubt she knows any English.” I reached into my bag to retrieve a pair of round-framed glasses with very dark lenses.

When I put them on, Agnes suggested, “Those look like the glasses John Lennon wore at the peak of his fame.”

“Actually, that’s where I got the idea,” I confessed. “You’ll tell Catherine that I am a blind seer that can see into the future. You’ll say that we were in England visiting with their royalty when I insisted that we must go to Russia to see the future queen.”

“That sounds good,” Agnes grinned. “How could she not be intrigued by such a story?”

“I’m hoping Catherine will be very interested.”

Taking the glasses from me, Agnes put them on. “The glass is very dark. I can hardly see you.”

“I had them made that way,” I told her. “You can tell her that my eyesight is very limited, and as long as I have these glasses on, that will be true.”

With an impish grin, Agnes told me that she liked my plan. She immediately sat down to write a letter of introduction to Catherine. As she wrote the letter, she looked up at me. “Writing with a quill is a pain in the ass.”

“But you have such a lovely ass, my dear,” I told her. “With an ass so perfect you should have no trouble with the quill.”

“Stop sweet-talking me this instant,” she said with a giggle. “Otherwise your letter will have to wait until you’ve serviced me.”

“I can take care of that once the letter is gone,” I suggested. “In the letter be certain to say that I felt compelled to meet the future Tsarina and give her some important information.”

An hour later Agnes came back into our suit to find me reclined on my bed. As she began to drop her clothes on the floor, she commented, “The letter is finished and on its way to Catherine.” When she was completely naked, she got on the bed and lay on top of me. “Now I expect a reward for being your good and loyal servant.”

Flipping her onto her back and planting myself between her thighs, I replied, “It will be your reward, but I will enjoy it the most.”

“Don’t count on it, big boy,” she replied as she pulled my lips to hers.


The next morning shortly after nine, there was a knock on our door. I quickly put on the dark glasses and waited for Agnes answer. The glasses being quite dark, I could only vaguely make out a tall man in a uniform standing outside the open door. He gave Agnes a quick salute before handing her an envelope. They exchanged some words before she walked to me.

“This gentleman if is from Catherine,” she said in a soft voice. “She’s is willing to grant us an audience at half past one this afternoon. He’s waiting to take back our answer.”

“Tell him we’ll be there.”

Returning to the door, once again Agnes had some words with the man, none of which I could understand. When she closed the door, she told me, “We’ve had success with the first part of our plan. The man said that we should be careful not to be followed and to meet him about three blocks from here. He will put us in a coach and take us to Catherine.”

“Excellent,” I said as I took off the glasses and scooped Agnes up in my arms. “You are most convincing, my little witch. Once again you’ve opened the door to new adventures.”

“The man said Catherine would meet us at a private home she keeps, so we won’t be around any snooping eyes from Peter.”


At 1:15, Agnes and I walked out of the hotel lobby headed toward our appointment with Catherine’s subordinate. Strolling slowly, we reached the meeting precisely on time. The man in uniform quickly seated us inside a coach with curtained windows. In seconds we were underway.

Arriving at the private home, we were ushered into a large, but comfortable living room. The furnishings were exquisite, and the room reeked of wealth. We seated ourselves on a long couch and awaited Catherine’s arrival.

We didn’t wait long until the door opened and a woman I presumed to be Catherine walked in. She was dressed in a blue dress that touched the floor. It was square cut across her bosom showing lovely cleavage. To my surprise, Catherine was quite beautiful. I had expected someone much less attractive, so I was delighted.

Agnes and I both stood. She curtsied while I stood still.

“Are you the person who wrote the note to me?” Catherine demanded.

“I wrote the letter,” Agnes admitted. “It was at John’s request. I am Agnes Wilson.” Pointing to me she said, “This gentleman is John, The Blind Seer.”

Catherine stood stock still as she observed me. After a minute she spoke. “Why have you come to me, John?”

Turning toward the sound of her voice as if I couldn’t see her, I answered. “My consciousness was opened to you while Agnes and I were in London. I was given visions of your future and felt it imperative that I share them with you.”

“What makes you think you can see the future?” Catherine demanded.

Agnes answered, “John was born to natives in America who shunned him because he was different. They seemed to think he was some kind of devil. An English family found him in the forest and took him in as their own. He began having visions by age ten. His ability to see into the future has only grown over time. He has met privately with most of the royal heads in Europe.”

“Why have I never heard of him?” Catherine asked.

“I believe that heads of state prefer not to have it known they consort with witches,” I answered.

“Are you a witch, John?” Catherine asked softly.

“I can’t say that I am, Sophie,” I answered. “I’m not quite certain what a witch is. I just know that I know the future. I know your future.”

Catherine seemed shocked. “Why do you call me Sophie?”

“Because it was the name you were given at birth,” I answered. “Before moving to Russia and being accepted by the Orthodox Church last year, you were Princess Sophie of Anhalt-Zerbst.”

“That information is not widely known outside of Russia,” Catherine commented.

“That is true,” I countered, but information someone, not a prophet could discover. “Shall I tell you something else to prove to you that I am a seer?”

“Yes, John,” she said standing upright and trying not to look overwhelmed.

“You met your husband, Peter, when you were ten-years-old. You didn’t like him then, and you don’t like him today. Your marriage is a complete failure, but you keep it hidden because Peter will soon become Tsar of Russia.”

Catherine looked at Agnes in shock.

Agnes merely nodded her head in agreement.

I continued, “You have had sex with your husband and found it totally unsatisfying.”

“It is not important for a wife to enjoy relations with her husband,” she countered sharply. “It is a wife’s duty to submit and bear children.”

“You may say that, but you don’t believe it,” I told her. “You would very much like to enjoy sexual relations, and you will do so in the future… with my help.”

Now Catherine blushed. A total stranger was speaking to her about her desires for sexual satisfaction. Such conversations were unheard of in her day. “You can’t speak to me of such things,” she said.

“But I must,” I answered. “Your future and success as Imperial Majesty depend on your knowledge of and enjoyment in sexual congress.”

“Imperial Majesty?” she gasped.

“Yes, Catherine. The title is in your future. You will be the singular ruler of your adopted country.”

“That can’t be,” she replied, almost is a state of shock.

I held up my hand and spoke. “It isn’t something you can see today. It isn’t something that you can even imagine, but it will happen.”

Taking a few steps toward me, she stopped. Through the dark glasses, I could see her staring at me. “How could you know this?”

“I know almost everything about you,” I told her. “You need only schedule some time for me, and I’ll relay it all to you. I have information that will make your life easier and guarantee your success in years to come.”

Catherine turned away and walked to a window. With her hand covering her mouth, she gazed out the window seeing nothing as her mind whirled.

After several minutes she turned back to me. “Can you meet me here tomorrow afternoon? I’ll clear my time so that we won’t be interrupted. Will that work for you and Agnes?”

I held out my hand toward Agnes for her to answer, “Yes, Majesty. We are staying at a hotel and can be here when you have time for us.”

“Please don’t call me Majesty,” Catherine told Agnes. “It’s just too shocking.”

I looked in the direction of Catherine, but not directly at her, trying to keep up the appearance of being blind. “We can repeat today’s routine,” I said. “Can your man pick us up at the same location tomorrow?”

“Yes, John,” she answered. “Ivan will be there at the same time tomorrow.” Turning to Agnes, Catherine extended her hand. “Thank you for coming today. We’ll have more time tomorrow.”

“You’ll want to set aside as much time as possible,” Agnes told her. “John’s visions will have you spellbound. You’ll not want to have anything to distract you until he’s finished.”

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Opening the door, Catherine called for Ivan. When he stood at attention in front of her, Catherine directed him to take us back to the place we had been picked up. “Drop them there and wait until they are out of sight before you leave. Tomorrow you will pick them up at the same time and place. Do you understand?”

“Yes, madam,” he answered with a bow. Then turning to us he said, “Please follow me.”

As I walked past Catherine, she reached out and touched my shoulder. “Thank you for coming, John. I’ll look forward to seeing you tomorrow.”

“As will I,” I answered, took Agnes’s arm and followed her as a blind man would.




The following day Agnes and I left the hotel at 1:15 as we had before. When we arrived at the designated spot, Ivan was waiting for us with the same coach. Again the curtains were drawn, and we quickly sped away.

Once we entered the home that Catherine was using, we were again ushered into the same room. Ten minutes later Catherine arrived wearing a dress similar to the one she had worn the day before, but this one seemed to expose more cleavage. Being a blind man, I tried my best not to notice.

Catherine asked us to sit on the couch and had Ivan pull up an armchair close beside it. She apparently wanted to talk with the confidence that no one other than us would be able to hear. Once she was seated, Catherine asked if our rooms were comfortable and if we had rested well.

When we assured her we had excellent accommodations, she rang a bell, telling us she had ordered tea. We chatted about nothing until a servant arrived with the tea and set the samovar down on the table before us. Catherine thanked the delivery person and excused her.

As she served tea, Catherine began to question me. She asked again how I was found and about the family that had raised me. I gave her the same answers I had given the day before. After sipping her tea, she asked how I came to go to London.

“Most of the people living in the colonies are British,” I explained. “I had consulted with many of them between Virginia up to Boston. All of them were seeking some eye to the future and what lay ahead for them. I try to be honest with people, but often refrain from the total truth.”

“Why would you not tell them what’s ahead?” Catherine asked.

Watching Catherine through the dark glasses I answered, “Some people want the truth for personal advantage. They have no particular interest in what will happen as much as how they can take advantage of the situation.” I took a sip of tea and said, “I know the people who want an advantage. I never give them the total truth.”

“But you are willing to tell me about my future,” Catherine stated.

“I am, Highness because there are perilous times ahead. You need to know what is going to happen and be prepared for it. Your place in history is most important. It is urgently important that you be forewarned.”

Catherine sat quietly for several minutes, studying me and sipping her tea. Finally, she spoke. “Tell me about the future.”

“With a little preparation, your future is bright and will place your name among the greatest rulers of all time,” I answered.

“And you say that I will become the Tsarina, the sole ruler of all of Russia?”

“Yes, Catherine,” I nodded. “That’s completely true.”

“It boggles my mind,” she said with a shake of her head. “How could I become sole ruler? My husband Peter will wear the crown.”

“He will indeed wear the crown,” I told her. “But you, with the help of your friends, will overthrow Peter’s government and establish your own with you the sole ruler. You will rule for many years. You will increase the size of your country by some 200,000 square miles. You will face down dozens of uprisings and remain firmly in the seat of power.”

Catherine was amazed by what I was telling her. It was as if it was something beyond her ability to understand. After a minute of contemplation, she asked, “So what is it I need to know? What is it that you need to teach me?”

Standing up, I handed my cup to Agnes and moved around the table. “In the next twenty-five years,” I told her, “You will have the opportunity to bring many men to your side. You will have the chance to form allies that few people in the history of the world could want. You will seduce these men one at a time. The result of your seduction will be devotees that would be willing to die for you.”

“Seduce?” she asked. “You are saying that I will seduce them? Are you suggesting I will have sexual relations with men other than my husband?”

“That is exactly what I’m telling you, Highness,” I told her. “In fact, your first born child will be a male sired by someone other than your husband. Through the years you will have many such liaisons, all of which will bring you greater power.”

Continuing I said, “Your first lover is probably already known to you. His name is Sergei.”

Both Agnes and I could see Catherine blush.

“I imagine you have had lustful thoughts about Sergei already,” I told her. “You will consummate that relationship quite soon.”

Catherine was a very bright woman. I could see her tossing my information around in her head. After some thought, she asked, “So what is it that you can offer me that will be of assistance? Why was it so important that we meet? If these… liaisons are predestined, how can you help me?”

“Exactly the point,” I told her. “I knew you would understand. What we are here to offer you, other than information on your future, is some sexual education that will assist you in becoming the greatest lover these men will ever know. We can make certain that all of the men in your future are so overcome with love and lust for you that they would jump off the ends of the earth for you.”

“And what is it I need to know?” Catherine asked.

“How many times have you had sex with a man?” I asked.

Catherine blushed again. “I suppose six times.”

“So in the years that you and Peter have been married, he has only wanted to have you six times? That hardly suggests to me that any of those experiences was enjoyable.”

Looking down at her hands, Catherine mumbled, “He didn’t seem exactly pleased.” Then raising her head, she said, “But the man is a complete ass. I’m glad I don’t have to succumb to his animal urges.”

I smiled at her and Catherine seemed to understand my point. “You are going to have opportunities with different men, Catherine. Each of them will be extremely important to your future. You must learn how to pull them to your side. Being a sex goddess will be the tool you need. Men think with the head at the end of the penis. You will win them to your side with the warm spot between your legs and your mind.”

“How can I know what to do?” she asked.

I pointed at Agnes. “How many men have you had between your thighs?”

“I’m not certain, John,” she answered. “Somewhere between 100 and 200, I would guess.”

I saw the look of shock on Catherine’s face. I asked Agnes, “Did any of them ask you to stay with them forever?”

“All of them, John,” she said in a husky voice. “All of them.”

“Do you think we can teach Catherine how to be a world-class lover?” I asked Agnes.

I watched Catherine’s eyes jump to Agnes.

“Of course we can, John. She is a smart and beautiful woman. Men will crawl to her on their bellies like snakes after we teach her how to be a great lover.”

“Can you really teach me?” Catherine asked.




After we had moved to Catherine’s large bedroom, I asked, “Do you trust Ivan?”

“He’s the one person I do trust,” she answered. “I trust him with my life.”

“Good,” I told her. “We may need Ivan’s help later.”

Seating myself in a large bedroom chair, I instructed Agnes, “I need for you to undress Catherine and tell me about her body.”

Catherine was surprised but did not object when Agnes began to unbutton her lovely gown. When at last Catherine stood naked, I turned my head slightly pretending that I couldn’t see her.

“She is naked now, John,” Agnes told me.

“Describe her body to me,” I instructed.

“Her body is beautiful, John,” Agnes said as her hands slid over the future queen’s skin. “Her breasts are large and perfect. She has beautiful brown nipples that are begging for a mouth to suckle them. Her hips are especially lovely. They are rounded and perfectly shaped.”

“Tell me about her sex,” I demanded.

“I can’t really say,” Agnes told me. “She has a very full bush that hides everything from sight.”

“Put her on the bed and open her up,” I instructed Agnes.

As I watched, Catherine followed her directions without a hint of objection. When she was on her back, Agnes spread the woman’s legs apart and touched Catherine’s most intimate part.

We both heard Catherine gasp.

“Is she wet?” I asked.

“Yes, John. Very wet,” Agnes answered.

“Put a finger in her and test her depth.”

I watched as Agnes pushed a finger into the royal pussy and heard Catherine gasp again, this time louder when Agnes began to slide her finger in and out.

After a few minutes and her groans growing louder, I told Agnes, “Lick her clit.”

When Agnes’ tongue touched Catherine’s clit, I thought the Russian heiress would jump off of the bed.

“Oh my god,” she groaned. “What are you doing?”

I walked to the bed and took Catherine’s hands in mine. “Your lessons have begun, highness. Just relax, enjoy and learn.”

In a little less than two minutes, Catherine exploded with an orgasm. Her entire body shook as her eyes rolled back in her head.

As she was recovering, I leaned down to ask, “Have you ever felt anything like that before?”

“No. Never, John. That was incredible,” she answered.

“This is what we’re going to teach you, Highness. We’ll teach you how to enjoy sex this much and how to please your men the same way. When we’re finished you will be a sexual goddess and every man you are with will want you for all times.”

“Standing beside the bed, I did my best to hide my own erection. To be honest, the future queen was more beautiful than I could imagine. It was also evident that she would be a pure sexual delight.

“I want you to see something that you’ve probably never seen before,” I told Catherine. Turning to Agnes, I said, “Get undressed. I want Catherine to see you naked.”

“I’ve seen naked women before,” Catherine told me.

“Just wait and watch,” I told her. We both watched Agnes shed her clothes.

Agnes knew what I was doing and turned her back on us as she stripped off the last of her clothes. When she was completely naked, Agnes turned around, spreading her legs apart.

I saw the stunned look on Catherine’s face. “Where is her hair?” she asked.

“Where we come from, highness, women shave their pubic hair the same as men shave their faces. Where we come from, men like to entertain their women with a tongue between their legs. The removal of hair makes it so much more enjoyable.”

Seeing the disbelief on the Russian woman’s face, I instructed Agnes to lie down beside our student. Once she was on her back, I began to demonstrate my oral technique on Agnes. When Agnes threw her legs over my shoulders and started panting, Catherine was spellbound. When Agnes cried out in orgasm, Catherine was convinced.

“What do you call that?” Catherine asked.

“It’s called oral sex, Highness,” Agnes replied. “And it’s wonderful. Would you like John to show you how it’s done?”

The woman hesitated only a second before answering, “Yes. I would very much like to experience it.”

Pushing her legs apart and pushing her bush out of the way, I licked her pussy lips, dipped my tongue into her opening and began to lick and suck on her clit. As soon as the woman started to make pleasurable noises, I pushed two fingers into her opening, fingering her as I played with her clit.

In record time, Catherine reached a second orgasm. This time her legs trembled. She found it difficult to breathe for several seconds. When she finally got herself under control again, she asked, “I thought that I was supposed to be able to give pleasure to men. So far you’ve brought the pleasure to me.”

Lifting my face from between her legs, I licked her sweet juices off of my lips. “Catherine, you can’t give pleasure unless you understand pleasure. You’ve just discovered how wonderful an orgasm can be. To bring a man to that same level you need to know how it feels.”

“Do I need to shave as Agnes has done?”

“No,” I answered, but I would suggest that this bush could be trimmed dramatically.” I put my fingers into the soft hair of her bush and pulled on it. Catherine and Agnes both laughed.

“How will I know how to please a man? Your ways are foreign to me.”

“That’s why I asked if you could trust Ivan,” I answered. “If you can trust him, bring him into the room, and your lesson will continue.”

Getting off of the bed, Catherine put on a light robe before she opened the bedroom door and summoned Ivan. Once he was inside, his mistress said, “Ivan. You know I trust you with my life.”

“Yes, Highness,” he answered. “I would do anything for you.”

“Good,” Catherine told him. “Now you will do as these people instruct.” Moving to stand next to me, she watched as Agnes sauntered to the tall, broad-shouldered man.

“Do you like women?” Agnes asked.

“Of course,” he answered.

“Do you like my body?” she asked as she stood in front of him completely naked.

“Your body is most beautiful, Dyehvooshkah Agnes.”

Reaching out her hand, Agnes began to stroke his cock through his trousers. “It seems like you do appreciate my body, Ivan. Your cock is getting hard under my hand.”

The man said nothing but carefully watched as Agnes opened his trousers and dropped them around his ankles. Slipping to her knees, she took his stiff cock in her hands and stroked it more until she put the head into her mouth.”

When I heard Catherine gasp, I put my arm around her shoulder. “Men perform oral on women and women perform oral on men. Once you’ve sucked a man’s cock, he will be yours forever.”

Catherine watched in stunned silence as Agnes got into the job of sucking Ivan off. The big, strong man turned to putty when Agnes deep-throated him just as he reached his climax. The man all but sunk to his knees as his seed flooded my wife’s mouth.

A stunned Catherine turned to me saying, “May I try that?”

“I think it will take him a while to recover,” I answered.

But Catherine dropped to her knees, opened my trousers and began repeating what she had seen Agnes do on my stiff cock. When her mouth was filled with my semen, she looked up at me with a bright smile. “That was wonderful. I loved it. It makes me feel powerful.”


Helping Catherine to stand I turned her around to face the bed. “And now Agnes is going to show you a few more ways to be dominant. When we looked, Agnes had Ivan lying on his back with his stiff cock pointing toward the ceiling. Straddling him, she took his cock into her pussy and began sliding up and down on his pole. When he started to groan, Agnes moved up and covered his face with her sex, rocking and rubbing her wet pussy over his mouth.

Catherine was mesmerized by the show on her bed.

After a few moments, Agnes got off of Ivan and got on her hands and knees. “Fuck me from behind,” she instructed the man. “Fuck me hard!”

Her eyes wide, Catherine looked at me, and I felt her question. “Yes, Highness, men love to hear women talk dirty. It makes them feel strong and in charge.”

Catherine looked back at the bed and watched Ivan slamming himself into Agnes. She studied the look on his face and listened to the ‘manly’ noises he was making. Then turning back to me she said, “I think I understand John. Now, will you fuck me?”

“No highness,” I said with a grin. “But you are welcome to fuck me.”

For the next several hours we continued the lessons on Catherine’s bed, chairs, and carpeted floors. When we were utterly exhausted the air in the room reeked of sex. She rolled over to me and lightly touched my face. “Thank you for the lessons, John. I promise to never forget. I now know the power I possess, and I will use it wisely.”

“And remember to enjoy yourself,” I said with a smile. “The men must believe they own you. Of course, you will know the truth. You will own them for a lifetime. Remember to be gentle with them and always show your gratitude.”

“You are a fine teacher, John,” Catherine told me. “Do you have any other advice?”

“Just this,” I told her. “In a few years, you will meet a man named Francois-Marie Arouet. He is a writer that will use the pen name, Voltaire. He will become famous around the world for hundreds of years. Listen to him and take his counsel. He is a wise man and following his advice will make you a figure in world history. You will remember what I’ve told you when Voltaire names you ‘The Star of the North.’ You will own him as you will possess all men.”

Catherine walked to a dresser, opened a drawer, and took out a case. She took something out, handed it to me, saying, “Take this, my teacher. It is but a small gift of gratitude from me to you. Perhaps you’ll want to share it with Agnes.”


Three days later Agnes and I were home. Sitting at our kitchen table and drinking coffee, Agnes said, “That was a delightful trip. Too bad I couldn’t bring Ivan home with us.”

“I brought home something a little better than a big Russian with a large cock,” I told her.

“Like what?” she said with a pouty face.

“Like this,” I said and pulled a ring from my pocket. “This is a trinket that Catherine gave me after our sex lessons.”

Dropping the ring in Agnes’ hand, I watched her eyes flash wide and her mouth open.

“Holy crap, John! The stone in this ring must be ten carats.”

“It’s twelve carats, but who’s counting? Consider it your engagement ring if you’d like.”

Agnes jumped in my lap as she pushed the ring onto her finger. “I love you, John.”

“And I love you, sweetie. Now let’s see how many ways you can find to thank me.”


Written by JefferyB
Contributing Authors
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