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The Flapper and the Secretary

"Two women in the 1920's meet some guys, and go to a speakeasy with them."

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Author's Notes

"Another of my period pieces, this one set in the 1920's in Los Angeles. Two friends decide after seeing a movie to visit a speakeasy. And while there, they meet two guys who offer them a ride."

Ginny and I had just hopped off the trolley at Third Street and were walking towards the Million Dollar Theater.  Ben Hur was in its second month, and the lines were finally down enough that we could catch a late matinee showing.  We sat there enraptured during the movie,  especially as Ramon Novarro and Francis Bushman were fighting and trying to beat each other during the chariot race.

It was so exciting, and I almost swooned when he won.  We were giggling like two schoolgirls as we left the theater, and night was descending on downtown LA as we decided to walk around before heading home.  It took three or four trolleys to get from here to our apartment in Owensmouth, and we were in no hurry to leave yet.

And as expected, at the corner were a bunch of drugstore cowboys, and the three of them whistled at us as we waited at the corner for the light to change.  “Hey, nice gams, Toots.  Want some hootch?  I know a place we can go.  You can bring your friend also.”

I turned around and made a brushing of my chin with my fingers at the wag calling out.  “Dyke, I knew all your Flappers were dykes!” he said in return, then raised his hand at me and spread his index and middle fingers, and licked the fork.

“Well, better that than some Daisy who’s always on the nut and smokes stogie butts cause he can’t afford a nickel pack!” I said in response, and Ginny grabbed my arm and started to pull me across the street as the signal flag had changed.  I was so involved telling the bum off I had not even heard the ding.

“Trudy, what do you expect?” she said, indignantly.  “You come out here dressed like that, guys are gonna say something.  Just be flattered, I was just a leftover in his mind.”

“Well, what can I say, Ginny?  If you want, next time you can wear one of my outfits, and then we can hear them talking about your gams, also.  And it’s not like you don’t have nice ones.”  I had the day off, so spent the afternoon getting ready to go out.  Ginny meanwhile had met me at the trolley stand after work and we came straight downtown.  She was still in her sensible work dress.

“Oh shush you, or I may have to agree with them and think you really are a lezzie.”  I grinned and gave her the same gesture the guy had given me, and she squawked and shoved my hand down quickly.  But she was also turning beet red and laughing.

“Well, it’s been a while since old Phil took off.  At this point, I’m thinking of even that nance at the speakeasy should have a go.”  Ginny laughed and shook her head as we walked the last block, getting there right before the trolley did.  We sat in the back for the ride to Union Terminal, and she asked me why Phil had left anyways.

“Oh, we were forked out by the airport, and the damned scumbag broke.  Neither of us knew until it was over, and saw he had put his mess inside of me instead of the lambskin.”

“What, you two were making whoopie?” she said, a bit scandalized.

“Shush, keep yer yap down!  Yea, we were making whoopie.  And that time, I for sure got more out of it in the end than usual.  Well, I was late the next week, and when I told him he got upset.  Well, two days later Aunt Flo came to visit after all.  So I went to his pad, but the bum had already thrown everything into his flivver and hit the road.”

Ginny shook her head and said it was a good thing I was not in the family way.  I grinned and asked her about her and Harold.  We were pulling in at Union Terminal at that point, so we walked over and got on the car going to San Fernando.  We lucked out this time, only three trolleys needed.

“Oh, I called that off.  He wanted more than just necking, and I got tired of saying no.”

“Why say no?  It ain’t like you never done it before.”

“Don’t remind me!  And after that, I was in the same state you were last month from what you said.  I had never been so glad to have had Aunt Flo visit as I was that time.”

I looked at her, surprised.  “What, only the one time?  You expect me to believe that?”

“It’s true.”

“Then how did you keep going out with that guy when we were at school?”

She grinned at me, and softly said “Cause there are other things you can do with your yap other than smooch.”  I looked at her and actually felt my mouth open in surprise, and she licked her lips and nodded.

“Ginny, now I have to admit, I am shocked.  How long did that go on?”

“Oh, until Chuck dumped me and started dating that gal in the art department.  And good thing too, cause he works at Universal now doing cards and posters, and they have been married for six months.  And have a baby due any day from what I heard.”

“Well, better her than you, I guess.”

”What, you don’t want kids, Trudy?”

“Well, not yet!  I’m only twenty, and don’t want to be worn out before I hit thirty.”  We continued to chat until we got to Van Nuys, then hit the last train back to Owensmouth.  And sure enough, when we got to De Soto, I grabbed her arm and had her follow me off.

“Trudy, what are we doing here?  We still got a mile to go until our stop.”

“Yep, but this is closer to the Torch.”  I saw her eyes open a bit at that, and she nodded.  On the way there we stopped at a Signal Station and put on some more makeup.  I looked up and down at Ginny and shook my head.  “OK, if you look like that we will never get in.  They will think you are a square.”

Ginny grinned at me, and reached to her side, and took off her skirt.  And in just her panties she started rolling the top until her skirt was about six inches shorter.  Then with some bobby pins and a safety pin, she pulled out of her purse she put it back on.  Yes, much better.  I whistled as the bum had earlier and said in a fake husky voice “Nice gams, toots!”  She winked at me, then continued to pin her hair up, then bloused her top so it was tight against her bust.

I looked at the result and nodded.  She still looked what like she was, a secretary.  But now it was more a sultry secretary instead of bookish one.  “OK, but when we get there, put the cheaters in your purse.”  She nodded and put them back on her nose before we headed back onto the street.

The Torch was doing a brisk business, selling sodas and doughnuts.  And sure enough, Eugene was sitting in a chair in the back.  We headed on over to him after talking to a few people, and he looked us both up and down.  And he must have liked what he saw, because he nodded, and reached behind himself to push the button hidden in the wall.  And blowing him a kiss I went down the hall with Ginny, pushing on the door that was marked “Janitorial”.

Normally locked, but if you were a “friend” the little nance would buzz you in, and then you just went through the door and down the stairs to the basement.  Originally a bar, The Torch now nominally made money serving soda and snacks in the front.  But downstairs was the closest speakeasy to our apartment.  They had a spook quintet blowing some jazz on the small stage, and the place was jumping.  We went up to the bar, and were soon at a booth, cocktails in hand and grinning.

Yeah, another reason to stop at the Torch.  Good music, and actual booze from Mexico.  Not bathtub gin like most places.  It cost more, almost a buck but was worth not going blind.  But we could only afford to blow a fin in here between the two of us.

Once we downed our drinks, we decided to hit the floor.  And as always, we had just started when 2 joes joined us.  We spent about 45 minutes cutting a rug with them, then they asked us if we wanted another drink.

Well, not one to turn down an offer like that we joined them at a booth in the back.  My guy introduced himself as Mike, and the guy with Ginny was with was Sam.  Sam brought us more drinks, and they each put their arms around us and asked what we did.  Ginny and I said we were both secretaries.  She worked for a hospital in Van Nuys, and I worked for a lawyer nearby.

And it turns out they lived up here, and were set designers for Universal Pictures.  Mike laughed and said that was a glorified name for construction, but they had been doing it for a few years now.  And of course, that led us to talk about the movie we had just seen.

“Oh, that was a bitch of a set to build!  We worked on that one out in Culver City, biggest set I ever worked on.  That’s one of the reasons I jumped to Universal, they do not do many pictures of the scale of MGM.  They can keep those epics, give me a nice house or office to build and I am happier.”

Sam agreed, and I guess I could see that.  I said that Ginny and I had been impressed with how big the sets were, but had not thought about how much work must have gone into making them.

And they told us about some of the actors they had met, and it was quite an impressive list.  And all the movies they worked on, both big and small.  We let them buy us two more drinks, and then Sam asked if we wanted to go to another place.  I looked at Ginny, and she asked what kind of place.

“Oh, it’s like this, but a few miles north.  The drinks are as good, but cheaper.  And they sometimes show movies there also.”  I saw Sam wink at Mike, and I decided that sounded good.  So we headed out, and they actually had a nice Liberty.  I asked Mike when they helped us get in, and he said they had bought it together the year before.  “We needed a car to get to Culver for that Hur job, and then we had an old Hupp runabout.  It died before we finished, but we had enough that we bought this.  Like the maker, the dealer was going out of business.  So we got it for a song.”

Well, this place was farther away than I thought, up in the canyon past the old Mission.  But we pulled off the highway onto a dirt road, and it did look well traveled.  And about a half mile on was a farmhouse and large barn.  And about 30 cars were in the lot, so I knew this had to be the place.

We went inside, and this place was huge.  The downstairs area of the Torch was not much bigger than our apartment, but this place was huge.  There were five guys playing jazz on a stage, and I did indeed see a large white sheet hung on the wall behind them.  This time the booths were smaller, and only had two sides.  Actually, kind of clever, as both those against the wall and the others could see the stage or screen, and nobody had their back to it.

I sat against the wall, and Sam and Ginny took the one facing the screen as Mike went to get the drinks.  And I was surprised when he came back with a grin.  Four glasses and an actual bottle of whiskey.  And taking a sip, I knew it was the real McCoy.

There were quite a few people in there, and after about 10 minutes the band stopped playing and moved off the stage, except for the piano player.  Then they turned off the lights, and with only the illumination from the candle on the table we looked at each other.  Then the projector started.

Well, the movie started and it was called “On The Beach”.  But it was strange because other than that title, there was no other name.  Then it started, and I looked at the main actor.  “I do not know this one, is that Creighton Hale?”

Ginny admitted that it did look a lot like him, in glasses and reading a book at the beach.  And I think we were as shocked as the actor was when three gals showed up, then stripped off all their clothes to go swimming.  Naked.

I leaned into Mike, and whispered: “Is this a smoker?”  He laughed and admitted it was.  I got a bit worried, as that was almost as illegal as the hooch we were drinking was.  But he said not to worry, this was owned by the brother of one of the Sheriff Deputies so never got raided.

And the movie was funny, I have to admit.  He finally talked the girls into having sex with them, and they said he had to do it through a fence.  So he got on the other side, and actually put his hand through it to rub the quim of each of the girls.  And I saw that Ginny was watching almost as closely as I was.  Then after picking one of the girls, he shoved his blind meat through the hole.  And she started to tug on him and he seemed to be enjoying himself.

But then, oh dear!  Two of the girls brought up a goat and pushed it against the hole.  I do not think it was real, but it sure looked like he was putting it in the goat!  And when he was done he thanked them and the girls laughed and ran off with his money.

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Wow, but it was not over yet!  I felt Mike’s hand on my thigh and I rested my hand on his as later the guy was there again, sleeping as the girls came back.  One quickly threw a pillow under her dress, and when he woke up she told him that he had gotten her pregnant.  And I could not help but laugh as he gave over all of his money again, and they took off.

Now I had heard of smokers before, but never actually seen one.  And when I looked at Ginny, even she was laughing.  And other than some nudity and touching each other, it was not all that bad, really.

The next though was very different.  This time the cards were in French and English, and it was called  “Nudist-Bar”.  And one of the girls had bobbed hair.  Mike even whispered how much like mine it was, and I grinned and took another drink.  The glass was empty though, but he poured me another.

Two girls went in, and the bartender gave them drinks.  And a few minutes later, the one with bobbed hair had taken her dress off, and the more sophisticated one was rubbing her between her legs!

The bartender got upset that they might get seen, so they all went to the back.  Where the girl was on her back, and the bartender had his mouth between her legs!  And a moment later the other gal took his place, and the first girl did not seem to mind as when the man kissed her she let him.  Then the gal moved over, and put the guy in her mouth.

Wow!  Not only was I shocked when Ginny had admitted she did this, but now I was seeing it!  I peeked and saw she was breathing heavier, and I was also as I felt Mike move his hand up, then the guy got on top of and inside the girl!  They were fucking!  This was more of what I had expected, but it was still something to see.

The next movie only had cards in French and was much the same.  He licking a girl who pretended to be a dancer, then she took him in her mouth.  And there was even a negro maid, who stripped down and joined in.  He did both girls, and I could see his white spunk as he let it out after the maid rode him.

The last one was a real shock though.  Even more forbidden than the others!  “The Ladies Chauffeur”, it started with two gals coming on screen, and one disrobing.  Then when she was in her underwear they saw the negro chauffeur peeking in the window.

And they saw him and told him to come inside, where they took his clothes off also!  And he kissed and played with the breasts of one, as the other girl licked her quim.  And for several more minutes, they continued.  He had sex with both of them in several positions, and at the end, he was doing one like a dog when he finished.  And it was obvious he finished because when he pulled himself out of her, I could even see the creamy white stuff leaking out of her.

I was squirming in my seat, that was so wicked!  I looked over to see what Ginny thought of that, but she had stopped watching.  She and Sam were both kissing.  And I felt Mike pulling me to him, so thinking that looked fun I started kissing him.

I do not even know what the next movie was.  I was necking with Mike and did not even mind when I felt his hand on my breast.  Mike had nice hands, and my aching nipples were feeling better as he rubbed them through my dress.  But when the last movie was done sometime later, I moved away quickly.  I saw Ginny do the same thing, and saw that Sam’s hand had been up under her dress.

We went to the bathroom and had to help each other to a four-holer in the back for women.  We were both burning with a blue flame and admitted once we finished with some pages from a Sear Catalogue that maybe we should go home.

We told the guys, and they said it might be a good idea.  Sam grabbed the bottle and tucked it inside his jacket, and the four of us headed back to their car.  This time Mike said he would drive, so Ginny and Sam got into the back.  And before we even got to the road they had stopped talking in the back.

I took a peek, and she was on her back and Sam was on top of her.  But by her hands on his back she was not fighting him.  Mike winked at me as we pulled back on the highway, and asked where we should go next.  I said we really should be getting home, but he reminded me we still had half a bottle and there was no reason to end the party quite yet.

Back in the Valley Mike drove us to a small bungalow in Reseda, and after the two in the back put their clothes back in order we all went inside.  It was small, a single room with a bathroom.  The kitchen, dining room, and bedroom were all the same room, and it was obvious the bathroom was a later addition.  We sat on the couch as Sam got more glasses with ice, and we were soon finishing the bottle.

And when the bottle was finished, the guys started kissing each of us.  I know I was really bombed and did not even resist when Mike’s hand went under my dress.  He had big construction fingers, but they were doing a real number on me.  I was creaming good, and just moaned into the kiss when he pushed aside my panties and entered me.  And when he pulled my shoulder strap to the side and pulled down my top, I did not resist either.

And when he had my nipple in his mouth, I looked over at Ginny and Sam.  And oh, she was not trying to have one over on me earlier!  His pants were around his ankles, and she was kneeling on the floor in front of him.  And she had him in her mouth!

Other than the movie tonight, I had never seen that before.  And this was even better, as she moved her lips up and down his stalk, and he ran his fingers through her hair, pulling out the bobby pins and dropping them on the table.  I then felt Mike shifting around, and he took my right hand and moved it in front of him.  He had taken out his cock, and put my hand on it!  Oh dear, this was too much!  But I still wrapped my fingers around him and started tugging.

We continued like this for a while, and after kissing me some more Mike tried to push my head down.  “Sorry baby, I don’t do that,” I told him.  But I continued stroking him.  He asked me if I wanted to screw, and I shook my head.  “Sorry, but bad experience with a Sanger made me nervous a while back.”

He grinned, and pulled me closer, whispering in my ear that he had a Doughboy.  I looked at him, and he nodded.  Condoms were hard enough to get, but a rubber one was almost impossible.  I found myself breathing harder, and asked to see it.

And he went to the desk across the bathroom, and came back with a package and handed it to me.  “Doughboy Prophylactic, 3 treatments,” it said on the package.  And I felt all desire to resist crumble as I nodded and started to remove my dress.  Mike went to a murphy bed across the room and pulled it down, and I joined him on it.  Ginny was still working on Sam with her mouth, and I laid down and spread my thighs as Mike pulled out the rolled disk and put it on.

And oh, I needed this!  It was slow going in, as the rubber seemed to resist at first.  But soon it was nicely lubricated after getting inside of me, and I wrapped my arms and legs around him as Mike started pumping into me.  He was big!  Even bigger than Phil had been.  But as I closed my eyes and shifted my bottom, I knew it was just what I needed.  And after several pushes, he was plugged into me nicely.

Mike was kissing my neck, and I heard a grunt from across the room.  Sam was grunting, and holding Ginny’s head in his lap.  And she had half of his length in her mouth, and the rest was pulsing, throbbing.  Oh dear, was he?  And from five feet away I realized Ginny was swallowing.  He was!  And she was too!

And I was just coming off of my peak when I felt Mike doing the same thing inside of the condom.  And Ginny was making pleased noises, and right before kissing Mike, I saw she had Sam’s fingers inside her quim and it was obvious she was enjoying her sweets.

Finally, Mike slid out of me and went to the bathroom, and I was blushing as I saw Ginny looking at me on the bed.  She looked at her watch and said we really needed to get home.  I agreed, and we both got dressed as the guys tried to offer to give us a ride.

I thanked Mike but said he had too much to drink and should just sleep it off.  Sam gave Ginny $2.  And she gave him a dirty look, as that was the normal rate for a streetwalker.  But Sam just laughed.

“For cab fare, my darling.  For cab fare, honest!  You are right, we are so bombed driving is not a good idea.  Two blocks away there is a payphone, you got a dime?”  I said I did, so after kissing them a final time we grabbed our purses and headed into the night.

There was a small market just as they said two blocks away, and fifteen minutes later we were in a cab and on the way back to the apartment.  And once there, Ginny surprised me by pulling out a one-pint flask.

“They had this stashed in the tank of the toilet, so I liberated it.  A toast?”

I giggled, and after stripping to my panties went to get two glasses.  And sitting on the couch in our panties, Ginny said that was nothing like what she had expected.  I agreed with her, saying the last thing I expected was to not only get nicely screwed that night.  Let alone doing it in front of her.

“But you!  You are such a hussy, you were not kidding!  I could not believe I saw you doing that!”

“What, it’s not like you never saw me using my mouth to please somebody before,” she said and gave me a sly wink.

“But this was different, I never saw you do that with a guy before, only with me.  And you actually swallowed his stuff?”

“Uh-huh.  Not as good as a malt, but the same consistency.”  I made a face at her, and she giggled at me.  We each only had a single drink, then she went and pulled down our own murphy bed and we both climbed into it.

And after a long kiss, she had me turn around and wrapped herself behind me.  And with her hand on my breast, we started to drift off to sleep.  And Ginny whispered into my ear “As nice as Sam was though, I still like doing that better with you, Trudy.”

I squeezed her hand on my breast and admitted that I agreed.  Although Mike had scratched an itch inside that I had not even known I had.


Slang Dictionary:

Since many of the words and phrases in this are from the 1920’s US, I thought a dictionary to explain what some of them mean might be helpful.

Sanger:  A condom, given that name after Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood.  At this time most were made out of sheep intestine and tied on, frequently coming off or ripping.  No latex yet, and rubber ones were better, but harder to get.

Scumbag:  Another term for a condom.

Owensmouth:  The original name of Canoga Park, a suburb in the West San Fernando Valley in Los Angeles.  So named because it was at the mouth of the Owen River Canal.

Drugstore Cowboy:  A guy that hangs out at corners trying to pick up gals.

Gams:  The legs of a female.

Chin Flick:  Brushing the fingers under the chin at a person, a more socially acceptable insult than the middle finger.

Flapper:  Trend in the 1920’s.  Short dresses, bobbed (short) hair, lots of beads.  The early Betty Boop was based on the Flapper of the era.  Also often considered “loose”.

Licking the fork:  Like today, licking the webbing between fingers, suggesting cunnilingus.

Daisy:  An effeminate man, usually a homosexual.

On the nut:  Broke

Signal Flag:  Many traffic signals in this era had no lights.  Instead a meter mechanically moved signs that said “stop” and “go” automatically.  A bell would chime, and one would lower as the other raised at an intersection.

Nance:  Short for “Nancy”, another slang term for a feminine male homosexual.

Aunt Flo:  Menstruation

Flivver:  A Ford car, normally the Model T

Signal Station:  Signal Oil and Gas Company, a major gas station chain in California in the era

Cheaters:  Eyeglasses

Spook quintet:  A black four man jazz band.

Bathtub Gin:  Illegal homemade alcohol.  Normally made by mixing cheap (and sometimes unsafe) grain alcohols in a bathtub.  Some mixed in wood alcohol, which could cause blindness and death.

Fin:  $5 bill.

Liberty:  The Liberty Motor Company was in operation from 1916-1923.  It only sold one model, the “Liberty Six”.

Hupp:  Another closed car company.  Hupmobile was in operation from 1909-1939.

Smoker:  Pornographic movie.  And note, each movie I described (On the Beach, Nudist-Bar, The Ladies Chauffeur) was a real movie from the era.

Blind meat:  Penis.

Four-holer:  Outhouse with four seats.

Burning with a blue flame:  Drunk.

Sears Catalogue:  Toilet paper was still uncommon, so often pages ripped from a catalogue were used.

Murphy Bed:  A bed that folded up into the wall when not in use.  Common in small homes or apartments in the era.



Written by Mushroom0311
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