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Resisting Fate - Part Three of Three

"Her Fate Is In Her Hands..."

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We traveled many days together, my beautiful White Dove and I. That journey was the greatest time of my life, and Elsie and I were deep in love long before we crested the hills above the valley where my people made their winter camp.

"We are home, Elsie," I said as I gazed out at the many conical tents that dotted the land below. Lazy trails of smoke rose from a hundred fires, and I could see the men and women the tribe working while hordes of children ran among them, playing as they always had.

"We will not camp under the stars tonight. Tonight, we be kept warm inside my family's lodge."

Elsie did not speak. When I turned, she was staring at the camp as if she had never expected us to be so many. I could see the old nervousness that she once regarded me with return, and her face darkened as she understood. I reached out and took her hand. "It will be good, my dove. My parents will welcome you as my bride, and as one of their own."

"I hope this is true, Red Elk."

Together, we rode down the slope and toward my family. We rode to within ear shot before I saw the commotion stir in the camp. Happy and joyous screams welcomed me back, and I saw my mother running quickly across the plain toward me and my chosen bride. Knowing as children do, many of the young ones followed, not wishing to miss out on the arrival of one of their own.

I dismounted my pony as my mother ran near and she yelled out my name and embraced me, welcoming me back. "My little lost fawn, you are late. Your father and I expected you back before the frost!" She held me tight and then her gaze moved to Elsie. "And who is this?" she said with a hopeful smile.

Elsie dismounted, and as I had taught her, came before my mother. "Hello, I am Elsie. I have been looking forward the meeting you."

"El---see," mother tried, but the words stuck in her mouth.

"I call her White Dove, mother." I wasn't sure Elsie yet knew it, but on this day she had been granted a new name, one that my people would understand and be able to say.

I said nothing more, watching my mother's face glow in surprise as Elsie greeted her in our tongue. She looked at me, asking with her eyes the one question I knew she wanted answered most. When I smiled in turn, mothers face lit like the sun and she gathered Elise in her arms, hugging her tight. "Welcome, White Dove! You speak the tongue of the people? You both have so much to tell us tonight!"

By then, my father had made his way to us. I knew he would have many questions, but before he even started, mother cut him off. "There will be plenty of time for you to question him, Grey Wolf. For now, it is enough that he has returned, and we must celebrate and welcome White Dove into our family!"


When we first arrived I did not expect to see what I did. It was like a whole town, something that was so neatly put together. I always envisioned a few scattered tents, some possibly even living in caves. The stories I heard back home and even the ones my now dead husband told me was nothing compared to the real life. My eyes scanned over the rows of neatly spaced tepees, the gardens, and even the animals caged off, had their own place. It was a stunning sight to see, taking it all in was completely overwhelming.

Though the village was not what I expected, I still feared not being accepted by Red Elk's tribe, and this made me want to run back to the safety of traveling with just him alone. I felt comfortable with him, but to invite in a whole tribe of strangers as family, it scared me. Worse yet, maybe they didn't want some white woman invading their homes. I wouldn't blame them. The Whites have done awful things to them in the past, and they might simply see me just like the other whites.

Regardless, I tried to trust Red Elk when he said that his parents would welcome me as his bride and one of their own. Even as he said it though, my belly roared with fear and my heart fluttered quickly, like a butterfly trying to escape a cage. I clung to the ropes of my horse and rode down with Red Elk, but still, part of me wanted to pull the horse back the way we came.

Suddenly, a soft but stern voice filled the air, as many of his people began to run towards us. A short, rounded woman, who had the most beautiful long dark hair with silver streaks came barreling towards us, speaking to Red Elk. I understood snippets of what she said and it was clear she was Red Elk's mother. Her hug was tight around him, but her gaze quickly moved to me and then back at her son's.

Before he had a chance to speak, I introduced myself. I did my best to greet her as Red Elk taught me, causing his mother to smile, but her efforts in saying my name failed her, just as it had her son so many weeks ago. She hugged me as tightly as she did her son and welcomed me into their camp. The comfort of her hug relaxed me enough to feel my unease settle. Soon it became less like a raging sea storm, and more a bumpy carriage ride.

Grey Wolf finally made his way out to us, trying to speak to his son, but Singing Bird hushed him into silence. He seemed many ages older than his wife, but smiled happily at me. His dark eyes were caring and gentle. They looked as though they had many years of life's stories behind them.

One of the older boys, who looked as though he was in his late teens, took my horse as the children that had gathered around us all pawed at me, wanting to take my hand so we could walk the rest of the way into their camp. They were so cute and gentle, but curious about everything.

They touched my golden blonde hair and caressed my milky white skin. I felt like a novelty, but I understood why they were so curious. They had never seen a white woman, especially this close. I found it to be rather nice, because it reminded me of my younger siblings.

I answered their questions as best I could, as Red Elk put our horses away and spoke to his father. There were many of us in Red Elk's home. The large living area around the fire filled with joyful people, all laughing and chatting. The woman started the dinner and I knew if I were to be part of this family, I had to chip in.

“Here, let me do this,” I told one of the younger girls. She was peeling potatoes and she looked as though she was having a hard time of it herself.

She looked at Singing Bird and with a nod from her, she handed me the potato and knife.

“It's easier if you do it like this,” I explained the best I could in a mix of my tongue and hers. She seemed to understand me, as she giggled and paid close attention.

After a few were peeled, she tried again and got the hang of it. Once she had, I was handed a new knife and we sat and peeled a dozen of them together. I kept noticing the smiles from everyone, but mostly of Red Elk's mother. She seemed so happy I was here with her son.

Once everything was cooking, I was helping clean up, when Red Elk said I had done enough.

“You've traveled so far today. You're tired, don't overdo it, my White Dove,” his voice was gentle as he tried to pull me into his arms.

I took a step back, both between being a little embarrassed at our closeness, but also wanting to help. “It's okay. I'm actually not all that tired and I like to help. It keeps me busy.”

Now that I was here, it almost felt odd to be close with him. As if I were intruding on someone who wasn't mine. I knew Red Elk didn't see it that way. In his eyes, I was his. However, I felt the reluctance of sharing that with him now. Maybe it was simply because I had to get to know his family.

The dinner was loud and questions were flung at me in every direction. Red Elk had to help me with some of them, as I didn't understand them all. But they all seemed so impressed with what I did know of their language. There was lots of laughs and sadness mixed into the conversation. I told them of how Red Elk and I had met and of my husband. I didn't tell them about how I came to America, thinking it was too soon. Maybe I wouldn't tell them at all. Did that part of my life really matter anymore?

When night fell and the sky filled with stars with the moon high above, I felt the tiredness finally begin to take me. I felt as though I could sleep for weeks. When Red Elk showed me where I was to sleep, he explained it was going to be with him.

“But we can't share a bed roll, Red Elk. It's not proper. We're not married. Out there,” I pointed in the direction we had traveled, “it is different. We needed each other’s warmth for survival. Here, inside, where it is safe, it's simply unacceptable.”

“Unacceptable,” the word roughly rolled off his tongue and looked at me confused. “You do love me and I love you. We are to be wed, why is this so bad?” he spoke. His expression was hurt and a little wounded.

“It's just the way that it is, Red Elk. We will share a bed when we are married.”

Red Elk looked almost defeated as he gathered his things and mumbled something about sleeping in his brother's tent. I felt bad, but I thought it was for the best. That is until I was lying there in bed, waiting to fall asleep. Tears burned my eyes, rolling down my cheeks softly, as I felt my heart pound in my chest.

I did my best to try and sleep, but it simply wouldn't come. I missed the comfort of Red Elk's arms and feeling his body pressed against mine. I had never felt safer than I did when he held me. What was I thinking? How could I be so foolish? I really am crazy!

It was then that I wrapped the blanket around me and quietly walked through the camp, to find Red Elk. It wasn't so hard, but I feared waking someone else up and being caught. When I made it to his tent, I slid in next to him and softly nuzzled my face into his bare chest.

Red Elk moaned softly as he felt me next to him, and he wrapped his large arms around me, snuggling his face into my hair. I could feel him breathe in deeply, “My white Dove,” he spoke so softly that I was surprised I heard him say it at all. Within moments, I was fast asleep in his arms…


After traveling so long with White Dove, I now understood that she would never be able to give herself to me until she was my wife. I had not considered this when we first met. To me, she was more the captive, and a prize of battle, than even I was willing to admit at the time. I thought it my right to have her after saving her from the Arapaho.

It was only as time passed, and my feelings for her became truly as a man feels for his woman, did I realize how little regard I gave to her cultural values. As I held her in my arms that night, I came to understand how difficult it must have been for her to come to me. We had shared a part of ourselves while we were alone, but since arriving at the camp, she had made it known to me that even those moments could not be until I made her my own.

I knew also, and with all my heart, that this is what I wanted as well. I had never met a woman like her, and so I determined as we lay there that I would speak to the elders in the morning, and request that the marriage ceremony be carried out as quickly as possible. My White Dove's odd virtue, and my own need to have her with me, demanded nothing less.

So it was that I sought out my father the next morning. The look of pride I had seen in his eyes the previous day was still there, and he welcomed me to his side with the tribal elders, not as a boy, as they once did, but now, as a man.

"Red Elk," began Chief Two Moons, "it is well that you have returned. You have come back to us as a skilled hunter and warrior. I am eager to hear of all those things that happened while you were away."

"I have been gone since the last snows, Two Moons. I made my way to the Great River and there I spent the warm season hunting for beaver pelts. It was my hope that this solitary time would show me how to be a man for my people."

"Those pelts you speak of, son," my father broke in. "They are the ones that your White Dove now wears?"

"Yes, father. The clothes she wore before were not suited to a life on the plains."

Two Moons nodded. "To give this white woman such a gift, you must feel strongly for her."

"I do," I replied. "And I wish her to become my wife."

Father and Chief Two Moons shared a long look, and I wondered what they would say. Bringing a woman in from another tribe was an accepted practice, and I was sure no one would complain, but my Elsie was a White. As such, part of me worried that some in the tribe might object to her becoming one of us. Sitting there by the fire, I watched for long moments as the Chief and my father determined the fate of the woman I had come to love.

Then, with a grin as wide as the Great River, Two Moons stood and raised his voice so that all would hear. "Listen to me, people of the Crow! I, Chief Two Moons, declare that the woman we know as White Dove be welcomed into our lodges and our fires. That she is betrothed to a great hunter and warrior of our people! Let no one cast aspersions on her, or doubt her place among the People!"

With that, my father drew me into his arms and hugged me as the joyful whoops and cheers rose from the gathering. It was a loud and boisterous welcome that carried to the skies, announcing to the Great Spirit that we would be wed.

"Tomorrow, let the women raise a new tepee while we prepare the bonding ceremony!"


When Red Elk came to me and told me that he spoke to his father and the Chief, I was speechless. I felt my whole world spin around like the two-step and it felt amazing! I leapt into his arms and kissed him passionately. I didn’t care who saw us. In fact his mother walked in as we kissed and she fussed over us like any mother would. Though when we pulled apart, she was smiling happily. She was finally going to see her son married and start his own life.

Any reluctance I ever felt faded off. I knew I made the right choice. This was my decision and no one was forcing me to do anything I didn’t want to. For the first time in my life, I felt like things were going how I always dreamed of them.

Over the next few days everyone was busy putting together a new lodge for Red Elk and I, or readying for the wedding feast. I told Red Elk I wanted something simple, that I didn’t require any traditional things that I’d have if I were to marry a white man.

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I was leaving that life behind and marrying not only Red Elk, but his people and his way of life.

The days melted into one another as the day grew nearer. It was as if it were taunting us. We had so much to do, to prepare for our lives together. It worked out. I continued to get to know his people and their way of life. I wanted to be not only Elise, but to truly be White Dove, and be accepted by all.

Everyone was so welcoming. I was never left alone or made to feel unwanted by a single person. The children kept me busy, learning new things from me as I did of them.

The girls who were closer to my own age loved helping me with the wedding. They even helped me with making of a new dress for the ceremony. It was long, falling to just below my knees and fringed out, as did the arms midway down to my elbows. It was made in whites and reds and the tiny beading was breathtakingly beautiful.

However, the biggest surprise was Singing Bird helping me make a pair of moccasins for Red Elk. A gift to him, from me. And that morning, when we were merely an hour away from becoming a married couple, I presented them to him.

“My heart, my soul. My Maȟpíya Sápa, I have a gift for you.” I could feel my heart pattering in my chest like a wild rabbit on the run from a hunter trying to capture its next meal. I handed him the moccasins, which were wrapped in a blanket.

“You did not need to do this my White Dove,” Red Elk spoke. He took the blanket and smiled.

“I may not have needed to, but I wanted to. Just open it,” I encouraged him.

Tentatively, he unfolded the blanket, revealing the moccasins. They matched our outfits for the day, so he could wear them as we wed. “You did not need to do this my White Dove, but I am pleased that you have. They are beautiful and I will wear them with pride.”

His face showed a pride and love for me that made me fall even more in love with him. I knew this man would be everything I needed in life and more.

We wed and became official, and the cheers and delights from everyone was a welcomed relief. We ate and laughed and danced and sang. We celebrated the coming together of a man and a woman who come from two different worlds, beating the odds and falling in love with one another.

As the day wore on into evening, the sky grew darker and my mind began to dance with ideas of what was to come on our first night together as a married couple. I ached and yearned for this man for so long and I kept my virtue. Of that, I knew it was the right thing to do, but now I was ready to give myself to him fully. I delighted in the idea of feeling him touch me in ways no man had ever done before. I wanted to taste him in my mouth once more. To feel his lips explore my body without fear of rejection.

So with that, I slid my hand into his and said, “I’m ready, my husband. I want you.” I stood and guided him towards our new home. It was ours and it already felt like home. Others watched us leave and bid their good-nights, but we only saw one another. We knew they’d be there in the morning, when the sun rose on the Eastern horizon.


My heart was light and filled with joy as I held Elsie in my arms. She had come so far and looked so beautiful with the long white feather in her golden hair. Someone, probably my mother, had lit the fire and we stood, gazing into each other's eyes.

"I love you," I said in her tongue. She had said those words to me many times and I studied them, making sure I could say them properly. Elsie smiled and repeated the words to me, in the tongue of my people. It was if we were becoming one.

We kissed in the dancing light of the fire, touching each other as we had so many nights before. Slowly, we removed our wedding clothes until we were nude in each other's eyes.

"Your body is so strong, husband," she whispered as her hand caressed my chest. I could see that she was scared and excited, and I held myself back, allowing her to fully explore my body. When her hand came around my manhood, I shuddered, remembering the kiss she had given me before.

Elsie, my beautiful White Dove, kissed my chest and drew her lips down my stomach as she knelt before me. I moaned, remembering well the warmth and wetness of her mouth. "Yes, wife. Kiss me there. Let me feel you suck on me as you did before."

I expected her to be as shy as she ever was, but this night something had changed, and her blush was replaced by a playful upturn in her lips. Then her mouth opened slightly and her blue eyes sparkled as she took me deep.

My knees were soon trembling as she moved over my length. I was as enthralled by the beauty of her breasts bouncing on her chest and the feel of her hair on my skins as I was by the warm embrace of her kiss. I felt an urge to guide her to the bed skins, but I resisted, allowing her to have her way. Soon, I was as hard as a bull and felt the first tingling of my seed boiling in my loins.

"Enough!" I finally yelped, pleading with her to stop before I spent myself too quickly. We all but fell into the softness of our skins, kissing and laughing in the joy we shared. I pushed her onto her back, ready to mount her when I remembered how much she had loved the kisses I had given her.

With a happy grin, I brought my lips to her breast, sucking her nipple and nipping it with my teeth. White Dove gasped and brought her hands to my head, holding me to her tightly as I feasted on her body. Her nipple hardened and grew long in my mouth, and I swirled my tongue around it again and again until she was panting with need.

Her body writhed and her legs flexed, dragging me lower down her belly. I tasted the salty sweetness of her skin and I chased this flavor like a squirrel down a tree. Soon, my lips were brushing the wispy, yellow fur of her sex.

I could smell the scent of her arousal and felt her tremble as I licked her there. Elsie was holding her breasts, gazing down at me with a hunger that made my blood run hot. The dancing shadows and orange light of the fire made her skin glow and my breath came deep. Never had I seen such a sight.

"Please," I heard her whisper. "We have waited long enough, husband. I need to feel you there."

My manhood throbbed in the knowledge that it would not be again denied, and I ran my tongue through the wet folds of her womanhood. Elsie gasped as I licked her, rolling her hips and flooding my mouth with the sweet juices of her arousal. She was like a fruit being squeezed and I lapped it up as fast as it oozed from her sex.

I held her hips tightly as she bucked, laughing as she moaned in my arms. Her flower opened and my tongue flicked out until I found the little bump that caused her to scream my name to the night. I could feel her body quake, and she became taut as my tongue flicked rapidly over her virginity. We were in a special moment and the knowledge that I would soon be the first to enter her body cause my mind to swim with desire.

I could feel her moment approach, and I squeezed her bump between my lips, sucking it, and sawing my tongue across it until her fingers tangled in my hair. Then, her whole body rose, arching on the skins and a long, low moan escaped from her lips.

For many heartbeats, she gasped and trembled as I licked her until she pushed me off and rolled away. "Oh, God, stop! I can't take more, that feels too good!" Her pleas were desperate and breathless, and I laughed as she clamped her thighs together and curled up on her side.

"You are so beautiful," I told her, and I slipped behind her, holding her to my body as her breathing slowed and she relaxed into my arms.


He held me close as I felt my whole world spinning. The climax gave me head spins that reminded me of a game I played as a child. We would find a large stick and lean over it and spin several times, becoming dizzy, before we had to race across the lawns of our yard. Whoever made it to the finish line would pawn their chores off to the other children.

“Oh husband, you make me feel so intense. Like a powerful animal on the hunt, that is filled with such grace. I know that sounds silly, but that is the best I can describe it.” I said to him as I snuggled my face into his well-defined chest.

“No, it does not sound silly my White Dove. You give this warrior more strength than anything else I’ve done in my years in this life.”

I smiled up at him, knowing exactly how he felt. It made me feel like a true wife to know I could make my husband feel that way. He reached up behind my head and guided me to him, his lips seeking mine. I cupped his face with my small, delicate hands and began to explore his lips.

The taste of my arousal lingered on his lips and I suckled on them to taste myself. Red Elk rolled over me and pinned me under him. He tapped my knees apart, encouraging me to open them as his lips continued to work on mine. I opened myself to him. I felt no need to deny him anything.

After everything I had been through, in this moment, everything felt so natural, right and real. My legs parted and Red Elk slid between them, resting against me as our kiss broke and he let his lips glide over to my knee. His tongue tracing tantalizing, followed by light bites. His teeth sinking into my flesh and he sucked gently.

My fingers explored his back, up into his long flowing black hair. The silky touch of his hair teased my chest as I ran my fingers through it and moved it forward over his shoulders. He smiled and kissed me again. Our tongues danced, while our bodies began to grind together. I could feel his hardness press against my sex.

He was hard as a rock, yet I felt no fear. I longed to feel him slide inside me. I reached down between us and grasped his length. This caused him to moan deeply into our kiss and I began to guide him into me. I stroked the head of his manhood along my slit, making sure he was wet enough. When satisfied, I opened myself just a little more and with the help of Red Elk moving his hips, he began to push inside me.

Pushing past the pedals of my folds, I felt the sharp pain of his head. Red Elk was not the size of a horse, but he was well gifted. I breathed slowly, relaxing my body to take him fully inside me.

“My Dove, are you okay?” Red Elk asked of me, as he bathed my face in kisses.

“Oh yes. Please don’t stop. I want this, husband.”

I lifted my hips up towards him to show him I was sincere. I feared maybe my facial expressions said otherwise, but I knew wholeheartedly this is what I longed for. Red Elk continued to push into me, spearing through my virginity. When he reached that place inside me, I gasped out, holding tightly onto his body. I held him closely to me, snuggling my face into the nape of his neck and letting out mewling whimpers. I could feel the mixture of pain and desire and I knew I didn’t want it to stop.

Red Elk pushed forth until he was fully inside me. When there was no place left for him to go, he held himself still. His groans filled the room as well as mine. I could feel my womanhood clasp around him, growing tighter as it adjusted to him invading my channel. Finally, he pulled slowly outwards until he was just nearly out of me, before pushing back inside me again.

We found a steady rhythm and we danced our desires through our hip movements and the way we ground into one another. The hot burning fire of my sexual concupiscence raged through me. I cried out each time the lustful pleasures of climax was given to me. Uninhibited and without restraint, I gave to my husband the fruitful joys of my orgasms.

Several writhing orgasms later, I was breathless. My body felt used and delicious. I gave Red Elk praise to his stamina but it was by my third orgasm that I felt him stiffen. His whole body began to buckle tightly, and I when rolled my hips up into him, he lost all control. He cried out a tangled mess of both our languages. Tears formed in the corners of his eyes as he fell into my breasts and told me how much he loved me.

I savored the moment as I felt him fill me with his seed. I held him close, my own tears now slipped down my cheeks. Our love finally allowed all access to one another and there was no going back. We were finally one. I stroked his hair as he laid upon me, until we both fell asleep.


My whole world changed when my mother and father sent me to a new world. I was forced into something I had no desire to do and I was scared. I was too young to know what to expect. I knew though, I was lucky to find a husband who would not harm me or force anything on me.

For all of that, I didn't find love until I was saved by a man whom I thought would be a savage, a man who turned out to be the truest hero I could ever ask for. I fell in love with him, against all odds and I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him. He wanted me and he loved me and took me into his tribe where he and his people loved me without question.

Now, years later, we have several children and we raise them as Crow. They, of course know of my life before. As I have an active role in the tribe’s life. I teach anyone of any age the knowledge I know of the White people. Many of them learn to speak English. I teach the women the medical knowledge that I know and they teach me theirs. It is a give and take, and we all became richer for it. Not in wealth, but in knowledge, to become better in this world.

Red Elk truly found himself on his journey and now is a well-respected warrior. He helps protect the tribe and hunts with the best of them. He sits by the fires with his father, Chief Two Moons and the rest of the council. He is the man he always wanted to be. He just had to search a little harder than others. With that, he found himself and he found me, his White Dove.

I want to take a moment and thank Milik for working with me. He is incredibly talented and a joy to work with. He has taught me so much in the few stories we’ve written together. There is something so magical and powerful about Resisting Fate. When he came to me and asked me to write it with him, I was on board within seconds. Writing a three chapter series is harder than one thinks, as anyone who has done it would know. I’m just pleased I got to do it with Milik in this case. Thank you Milik for being so truly humble and fun to write with. 
Written by Poppet
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