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Church Picnic

"A non traditional church picnic"

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Competition Entry: Historical Erotica

Life in rural Ontario was tough in the mid-1800s. Farming families were able to make a living but it was hard work every day of the year. In spring they planted and hoped that the crops took, in summer they worried about drought, in fall they harvested and in winter they tried to survive the harsh days where the temperatures sometimes plunged to minus thirty for days at a time. Our family ran the General Store so we didn’t endure their long hours and physical discomforts but our living depended on how well they did with their crops.

Under such conditions, we took any opportunity we could to party.

July seventeenth was one of those times. Ever since 1839 a group of us had had a church picnic to celebrate completing our confirmation class under the very stern and no nonsense Reverend MacYork.

This year eight had said that they would attend – Janet and her husband Greg, Jim and his wife Karen, Tricia, Jane, Lowell, and myself James.

Arriving back from changing out of my church clothes after today’s church service I saw that Jane and Tricia were already there.

Jane had always dressed in pants and a loose shirt when she came to class and was dressed that way again this afternoon. I’d known her all my life and I’d never really thought of her as a girl – especially since she was always dressed like one of the guys.

She’d been really uncomfortable when her parents forced her to wear a dress to the first picnic. The mouths of all the guys in the class dropped when she’d said hello and we realized who it was. She looked absolutely fantastic – it highlighted her tiny waist and a nice size chest.

Tricia, on the other hand, was always in dresses, as she had this afternoon, that highlighted her fantastic figure. Like Jane, I’d know her all my life and thought of her as a sister.

While I worked in the family general store, Tricia and Jane worked on their families’ farms. Thankfully, even though the three of us were now in our mid-twenties, none of our parents were forcing us to look for a mate.

“Hi guys,” I called out as I got out of my wagon, “how’s it going.”

“Great!” answered Jane.

“Janet’s not doing so well though. Her mom came up to me after church to say that Greg and one of the kids had come down with the flu and they couldn’t come today.”

Tricia said, “Karen let me know that she and Jim wouldn’t be able to make it because Jim had to travel to Greystoke to visit his mother because she’d broken a leg.”

“I guess it’s just the three of us then,” I said, “because Lowell told me this morning that he’d had an accident in his buggy yesterday and needed to get it fixed.”

“Do you guys want to cancel?”

“Why should we suffer too,” said Jane. “I’m all for it if you two still want to go.”

“We’ve got all this food we’ve prepared,” said Tricia. “Let’s do it!”

“Okay!” I said. “Let’s get the stuff into the back of the wagon and get going. You can leave your buggy here for the day. It’s supposed to get up to a 110 this afternoon and I want to be near water. I found a new spot a couple of weeks ago that I think we’ll be able to use from now on. It’s got a nice mix of sun and shade, great grassy spots and a small sand-beach on a lake”

Looking at them I continued, “I hope you girls brought your bathing outfits or am I the only one that’s going to be swimming?”

“Yes we did,” they said in unison.

We finished loading and took off. Jane was in the front with me and Tricia in the back.

After a short while Tricia said, “I can’t hear anything you two are saying. The wind and wheels are too loud. Can I move up front too?”

“Sure,” I said as I stopped, “Come on up.”

About five miles outside of town I turned onto a dirt track and said, “This was a really bumpy ride two weeks ago. We’ll be going over a lot of holes. About two thirds of the way we cross over a stream.”

I stopped and from under the seat pulled out a boat belaying pin. In response to both girls questioning looks I said, “We use it as a handhold for the passengers on rough rides. Excuse me Tricia.”

Reaching over her slid it into a hole under the seat between the two girls and continued, “It’s belaying pin from a ship. You hold onto it to stop yourselves from being tossed out of the wagon.”

About five minutes after we started again, to emphasize the point I’d made earlier, the right wheel fell into a pothole. Jane was almost tossed out of the wagon when Tricia fell against her.

“I see what you mean,” said Tricia, “that was some hole! I’m glad that handhold was there though I’m going to have to hold onto it more tightly.”

The rest of the trip was pretty uneventful. As we climbed what I knew was the last rise before the picnic spot I said, “We’re almost there. Just over this rise. Be prepared to be amazed.”

I came to the top of the rise and stopped the wagon. Before us lay a peaceful country scene.

Jane gasped, “It’s beautiful James, truly beautiful. It reminds me of the idyllic country scenes I’ve read about in novels.”

“Yeah!” said Tricia, “This is fantastic. Let’s go!”

“I’ll stop the wagon in that flat spot by that tree over there,” I said. “I don’t want to drive it down that slope to the beach. It’s only ten yards down to the edge of the water and we don’t have much to carry.”

I stopped the wagon and tied up Flossy. Going around the back Jane suddenly jumped to one side.

“Look out! Watch your step,” she said. “The cows have been here recently. Fresh cow pie.”

Tricia said pointing, “They’re over there. We should be okay. They’re wandering away from this area.”

Handing each of them their hampers, while I took my bag I said, “I’m bringing the belaying pin in case the cows come back. I had to prod them with last time I was here.”

We set off with Jane in the lead and me in the back. Jane had taken about five steps when her feet shot out from under her and she slid the rest of the way down the hill.

Just as Tricia said, “What happened,” her feet shot out from under her and she slid down too. I stopped dead and looked down. There was a huge cow pie on the path and I could see that the girls had both stepped in it.

“Are you alright?” I asked as I put down what I was carrying and went to help them.

“I’m fine,” said Jane.

“Me too,” said Tricia, “What happened?”

“You both stepped in a cow pie,” I said. “You’re lucky it was a fresh one – there’s no smell.”

“There may be no smell but it sure is a yucky feel to have sat in it,” said Tricia. She turned around and said, “Look at the back of my dress – it’s covered.”

“My pants are too,” said Jane, “It feels really squishy.”

“I bet you it feels really shitty,” I groaned with a big smile.

“Not funny,” both girls replied in unison.

“I know,” I said, “But I couldn’t resist. Let’s get the stuff down to the tree. You can change into your swim outfits and wash your clothes in the lake. They’ll dry before we have to go back.”

“Don’t worry. I’ll be a gentleman and won’t look. I’ll lie on the blanket with my eyes covered. Okay?”

The girls put down their stuff while I laid out the blanket. Tricia said, “Not that we don’t trust you James but could you put this towel over your head. That way we’ll be sure that you can’t see anything.”

“Sure,” I said, “If it’ll make you feel better.”

Being a typical male I’d made sure that when I put the towel over my head I left enough space that I could peek out and watch the girls.

“Goll darn,” Jane said as I saw her take off her pants. “Look at my pants.”

“It seeped through them. The back of your underwear is covered.” said Tricia, “The back of your shirt is covered too. Take it off so I can see your back.”

Jane, after taking off her shirt and underwear so she was totally naked, said, “Oh great,” as she looked them.

As I looked at Jane from under the towel I saw that her breasts weren’t large but that her nipples were very pronounced. Her pubic hair wasn’t very thick so the lips of her vagina were also visible. There was also a small scar on her left side just above her pubic hair.

Tricia had taken off her dress while Jane had been getting undressed and was inspecting it.

Jane said, “Let’s see your back Tricia. Oh! Your chemise is quite stained.”

Tricia reached around behind her and felt her chemise.

“Oh yuck,” she said. “You’re right Jane. It’s all wet. Darn, I’m going to have to wash my chemise too.”

After Tricia took off her chemise I saw that she had nice looking nipples on large but very firm boobs. Her bum was also a nice shape, her waist was small and, while they seemed wide, her hips were proportional to her chest size. I could also easily see the lips of her vagina because her pubic hair was so light that it was almost transparent.

Observing their naked bodies though was having an effect on me – my penis was beginning to swell.

“All this rustling of clothes and your talk of stained undergarments is getting to me girls. This towel over my head is also making me really hot. Could you please hurry up and wash out your clothes so I can take this towel off.”

I watched the girls get into the water and wash themselves and their clothes.

“James,” I heard Jane call out, “Could you stay under the towel for a bit longer while we have a short swim before we get into our swim outfits. We’ll just be a couple more minutes. Thanks.”

“Okay,” I said, “Take your time. I’ll go in for a short dip after you get out and then we can eat.”

I watched the girls get out of the water, towel themselves off, and slip on their swim outfits so they were totally covered again.

“We’re decent,” said Jane. “You can take off the towel now.”

As I stood up Tricia said, “You really were hot under the towel weren’t you?”

When I looked at her with a quizzical look she said, “Your hair is soaking wet and stuck to your head. Go have a swim and cool off.”

I took off my shirt and walked down to the edge of the water in my pants. After contemplating the water for a few moments I heard Jane say, “Aren’t you going to change into your swim outfit?”

“This is what I swim in,” I said as I dropped my pants so I was just in my underwear and ran into the water.

I did a duck dive and swam under water for a bit. The water was crystal clear. I could see rocks, logs and fish on the bottom.

As I stood up after swimming back to shore I said, “the view up the hill is as beautiful, if not more so than, as the view down the hill isn’t it.”

Jane turned over and said, “It is a beautiful spot James. Thanks for bring us to it. The others don’t know what they’re missing. Do you think we’ll be able to come here again?”

Then I saw her eyes move down my body. Her hand went up to her mouth and she quickly turned away. I looked down and saw that my wet cotton underwear was transparent and that she had seen my penis.

“I don’t see why not,” I said. “As long as we clean up after we’re done there shouldn’t be any problem. Are you girls hungry? What food did you bring? I brought a roast chicken and a potato salad.”

“I brought some ham, a coleslaw, and two bottle of cider,” said Jane still not looking at me.

Tricia said as she turned towards me, “And I’ve got smoked fish, cheese, bread, and an apple pie. To wash it down I brought a bottle of cider.”

When she looked at me she gasped and turned away.

“And I’ve got three bottles of cider,” I said without telling them that it was my dad’s hard cider.

“Sounds like a feast to me,” said Tricia.

“Me too,” said Jane.

The girls busied themselves getting the food out of the baskets.

I pulled the stopper on one of the bottles of my cider and put it beside Jane. When everything was ready we sat down cross-legged in a circle around the food. I noticed that the girls each took care to make sure that the skirts of their swim outfits were pulled down so that their crotches were covered.

I also noticed that they both kept taking peeks at my crotch.

Jane picked up the bottle of cider and said, “Some cider James?”

“Yes please,” I said as I held my cup up.

She then reached over a poured some into Tricia’s cup. As she was pouring into Tricia’s cup I noticed that, as a result of her reaching, her skirt had moved to give me a look at some of her pubic hair peeking out from under her swim outfit.

I passed each of the girls a plate and said “Dig in.”

After we had picked up what we wanted Jane asked, when she noticed my cup was empty, “More cider James?”

“Yes please,” I said, “Thank you.”

This time I got a look at the outline of her vagina as she stretched the fabric of her swim outfit across it.

We ate and drank as we talked. Each time Jane moved to either pick up some food or pour some more cider I got a good look at her crotch.

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All my glimpses were having an effect on me as I felt my penis begin to thicken under my now dry underwear. ‘Thank God it’s dry,’ I thought.

The cider was having an effect too as my glances were becoming longer and more obvious. At one point Tricia caught me looking at Jane’s crotch and said, “Jane,” as she glanced down at her crotch.

Jane replied, “Whoops. I’ve been fighting to stay covered but I guess it’s a losing battle. You haven’t been looking have you James?”

“Who me?” I replied.

“Yes you. You might say you weren’t looking but your body is betraying you,” she said as she looked down at my crotch.

“That’s a pretty big lump in your underwear. Are you having trouble sitting there? You must be pretty uncomfortable. What do you think Tricia?”

“Looks pretty uncomfortable to me,” Tricia said. “I wouldn’t know though. I’m not a boy and have never had the problem. Is it uncomfortable James?”

I started to turn red.

“It is a bit uncomfortable. I’ve been trying to find an opportunity to shift it around so it was a little less uncomfortable. I’m sorry for looking but it was just sitting there right in front of me. Do you want some more chicken?”

“I’m not going to let you get away with changing the subject that easily. If you want to adjust it so that it’s not uncomfortable feel free to do so. It won’t embarrass me. Will it bother you Tricia?”

“No it wouldn’t bother me at all,” she said with a smirk as she stared at my crotch. “I think to be fair however it should be an eyeful for an eyeful.”

“What do you mean,” I said.

“Well, since you had a good look at Jane’s crotch,” Tricia said, “I think that it would only be fair that she gets a look at yours. What do you think Jane?”

“Sounds fair to me,” Jane said. The cider must have affected he because she then boldly said, “I think that you should stand up, reach into your underwear and adjust it in front of us. That would ensure I get a good look.”

I looked back and forth between the girls and saw that they were both very serious.

I thought about it for a minute and decided that I should try and embarrass them out of their request.

“Well okay. Just moving it around in my underwear is not going to relieve the problem though. As soon as I sit down it’s going to be restricted again. The only way to be truly comfortable is to take off my underwear. Do you want me to do that?”

Jane and Tricia looked at each other for a couple of seconds before Tricia said, “We’re okay with that. Do it!”

My ploy hadn’t worked. They’d called my bluff. I stood up, slipped off my underwear and sat down again.

My penis became fully erect with the thought of having these two women look at it. As I sat down Jane picked up the second bottle of my dad’s hard cider and, as if nothing was different, said, “More cider James?”

We sat eating and drinking some more. Both Jane and Tricia, as they were drinking more and more of my dad’s cider, were taking longer and longer looks at my erect penis.

After about fifteen minutes I said, “I find it really bizarre to be sitting here naked in front of you eating lunch. It doesn’t bother me but it does feel strange. What do you think?”

“Well it is definitely different,” said Jane.

“I agree,” said Tricia. “Jane, I don’t think we’re evenhanded with James though.”

“What do you mean,” Jane said.

“Well James is sitting there totally naked and we still have our swim outfits on,” she continued in a throaty voice. “If he’s going to be fully naked then I think that we should be too. What do you think?”

“Oh,” said Jane after a moment of looking at Tricia. “That seems fair.”

With that the two of them stood up and took off their swim outfits. As Jane finished folding her outfit she said, “Is that better James?”

“Yes,” I stammered. “It’s fair that we’re all in the same state with respect to clothes.”

“I don’t know about you Jane but my swim outfit was really hot. This feels a whole lot better.”

“I agree,” she said with a big grin.

“And the other advantage,” said Tricia looking at Jane with a big smile, “is that we can all go swimming together.”

She continued, “Who wants some apple pie?”

As luck would have it, as I took my first bite, some of the juice dribbled out and fell onto the tip of my erect penis and started to run down the shaft.

Tricia noticed and immediately leaned over with a napkin. As she started to wipe the juices off she said, “Let me clean that up for you James.”

As she finished wiping it off she said licking her lips, “That’s most of it. Do you want me to wash the rest of it off?”

“No, that’s alright,” I stammered. “The rest will come off when I go for a swim.”

“Are you sure?” said Jane. “I can help with washing it off. You’d hate to have it get sticky and attract ants. Tricia and I wouldn’t mind helping.”

“It’s fine,” I said, “Don’t trouble yourself.”

I was out of my depth. Here I was with two beautiful women offering to wash off my erect penis.

While we chatted for the next twenty minutes or so my penis got less and less hard.

Jane, wiping her brow, said, “I’m so hot. I’m going for another swim. Anyone want to join me?”

“I will,” said Tricia.

“Me too,” I chimed in, “I need to cool off.”

As we started to walk into the water I put my arms over each girl’s shoulders. When we were about knee deep, I said, “In you go,” as I pushed them into the lake.

Jane must have felt my arms tensing because she ducked just as I started to push her.

Tricia flew into the water. Jane remained standing where she was but my momentum caused me to go forward past Jane.

She straightened up and said, “You rat. That wasn’t very nice.”

She wrapped her arms around my chest from behind and tried to wrestle me into the water. Though I couldn’t move my arms, I braced my legs and resisted her pushing. Jane was quite strong so we were evenly matched. She couldn’t push me in but I couldn’t break her grasp.

“Darn you,” said Tricia as she came to the edge of the water where Jane and I were wrestling.

Lying in the water she grabbed my left leg and tried to pull it out from under me.

As Tricia pulled on my leg Jane stopped pushing and jumped up on my back.

She wrapped her legs around me at waist height to keep my arms trapped and her arms around my neck. With all her squiggling I felt her nipples pushing into and rubbing across my back and her coarse pubic hair scraping against my back.

The sensation had a predictable effect of me. I started to get hard again.

After a couple of minutes of wrestling with the two girls I was rock hard. Jane’s weight on my upper body and Tricia’s pulling on my leg made me start to wobble but I didn’t fall over.

Tricia pulled herself to her knees and, kneeling in front of me, grabbed both my legs above the knees and pulled.

Still unable to pull me over she started to lean further and further back. I soon lost my balance and began to topple over into the water.

As I did Jane released her grip and slipped over my head. Tricia, on the other hand, didn’t loosen her grip.

The head of my hard penis was crushed against her face. I felt it slip into her mouth as we went below the surface and hit bottom. She instinctively clamped her lips around it to hold her breath as she twisted her head from side to side trying to get out from under me.

She finally was able to free herself and sat up. All three of us were sitting in the shallow water.

Laughing I said, “You got me!”

“But you almost drowned me,” Tricia said.

“What do you mean?” said Jane.

“When he fell over I took a deep breath and ended up inhaling his penis. It was all the way to the back of my throat. I couldn’t get a breath.”

“Oh,” said Jane with a look of concern.

“I started to panic,” she continued. “It took a while but I was finally able to get it out of my mouth and sit up.”

Tricia and Jane talked back and forth about the incident and how bad it must have been. After about ten minutes I said, “Tricia … I am really, really sorry you almost chocked. Please don’t go on and on about it as it makes me feel really bad. But to tell the truth, I’m not sorry it happened.”

Both girls looked at me with a horrified look. Tricia then said awkwardly, “What do you mean James?”

“Well … I really liked the sensation. It felt fantastic! I’m sorry if it offends you but it did.”

“You liked it,” whispered Tricia.

“Yes I did,” I said emphatically. “It felt absolutely great to have my penis in your mouth. Especially when you clamped your lips around it and were twisting your head side to side.”

With that I stood up and walked out of the water. Jane and Tricia followed me.

As we were just out of the water Tricia wrapped her arms around me and said, “You’re an okay guy James. I’m sorry I went on and on about it.”

After a moment she shyly whispered, looking my in the eyes, “Did it really feel good to have my mouth on your penis?”

I nodded yes.

“Yeah,” said Jane as she joined in the hug.

“Okay,” I smiled. “You’re people whose friendship I value.”

I gave Jane a kiss on the cheek to say thanks and was about to do the same to Tricia when she moved her mouth and gave me a long, deep kiss.

“After having your penis stuck down my throat do you think you’re going to get away with just giving me a ‘sister’ kiss on the cheek,” she said.

She bent up to give me another kiss. This time, knowing what to expect I got right into it.

I broke off the kiss and was staring into Tricia’s eyes when Jane said,” My turn James. I wasn’t too happy with that little peck you gave me.”

She moved the hand that was around my shoulders to the back of my head and moved my mouth to hers.

I stood there with Jane and Tricia each in an arm alternately kissing them. While kissing Jane I felt Tricia start to move. When I felt my feet on the blanket I slowly lowered myself to my knees and the two girls followed.

Still kissing Jane I eased the three of us down onto the blanket until we were locked in an embrace. I rolled closer to Jane when Tricia let go of the hug.

Still kissing her I slid my hand down her tummy to her crotch and found that her vagina was soaking wet. When I rubbed it a couple of times and inserted a finger she moaned a deep throated groan.

As we continued kissing I rolled on my back and moved her on top of me. A few moments later I felt a hand grab my penis. Given I knew where Jane’s hands were it had to be Tricia. After feeling my erection get a couple of rubs I felt something wet on the head. I then heard Tricia say, “Sit back Jane.”

Our kissing was broken off as Tricia pulled her upright. As she did, I felt my erect penis sliding into Jane’s vagina. I saw a startled look on her face that, after turning to a grimace, changed to contentment.

Tricia helped her to raise and lower herself on my erection until Jane was doing it herself. Jane moaned softly with each downward movement.

I looked over at Tricia while Jane was moving up and down and saw a look of utter concentration as she watched my penis moving in and out of Jane’s vagina.

A couple of minutes later, after looking around, she grabbed the belaying pin.”

She whispered to me, “Can you hold this upright on the ground for me?”

“I think so,” I groaned as I grabbed it.

As I held it Tricia rubbed some spit on it and then, straddling the pin, she slowly lowered herself so about six inches was in her vagina.

She was soon raising and lowering herself on the pin imitating Jane’s movements on my penis.

I heard the squishing of their vaginas as I watched them moving and groaning in tandem – one on my penis and the other on the pin.

I began to thrust up in time with Jane as I felt the tempo of her movements pick up. A couple of minutes later I felt her stop moving as her vagina clamped against my penis and her face contorted in a silent scream. The feeling was too much for me and I came.

She fell forward against me breathing heavily from her exertions.

Through her hair I watched Tricia continue moving on the pin.

After a couple of more minutes she froze for a moment with her eyes closed and her lips parted before, with a long groan, she fell against Jane and me.

Jane was the first to say anything when she said, “That was a fantastic James. I haven’t ever felt like that before.”

“Me either,” sighed Tricia as I hugged her, “I thought I’d died and gone to heaven. My stomach is still quivering. Wow!”

After cuddling for a few minutes Jane said, “Come on you lazy bones. Let’s get going. We have to get dressed and pack up before we leave.”

The trip back to the church was uneventful with both girls falling asleep as soon as we hit the main road.

Back at the church I gave Tricia and Jane light nudges and whispered in each of their ears, “Wake up Tricia. Wake up Jane. We’re back at the church.”

They opened their eyes and, seeing me, smiled. Tricia, after giving me a light kiss on the cheek, said, “Thank you James. That was an absolutely extraordinary picnic. Too bad we can’t let people know what really happened.”

Jane said, “It sure was wasn’t it. I had the most delicious dream about you during the drive back James. I sure hope it comes true,” and gave me a long deep kiss on the lips before jumping down from the wagon.

Tricia and Jane then drove off in the buggy.

As I drove back home I thought, ‘That a fun church picnic. It sure wasn't a traditional one. I’m not sure Reverend MacYork would approve.’

Written by verytrustedsource
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