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Boarding School

"Thomas started me thinking about what it would be like. So I had to find out!"

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My name is Paul Davies; I have a friend, just one friend who shares a room with me. His name is Thomas, Thomas Alverton. He is funny, bright, and intelligence seems to be his middle name, unlike me of course. I am out of place to say the least. In fact, I am not sure what I am doing here in this school.

Where’s here? Dunstandale Boarding School for boys.

I arrived on my sixteenth birthday and have been here six months now. My father works abroad, somewhere in Eastern Asia. He’s an engineer on the new railways that are taking the East by storm. My mother died recently and I have no other relatives. Well, none that want to know me and that is why I find myself in this boarding school for posh people, or so it seems. Thomas on the other hand, loves it here. It’s where he was born to be.

We have been friends now for six whole months. I like him. I like the way he smiles at me, a loving smile like he knows something I don’t. It was disconcerting at first, because I come from a background where boys don’t show much affection, but it was second nature to Thomas.

We attend the same classes and we often sit together; passing little white paper slips between us every now and then; followed by intense, yet suppressed giggles. We manage to stay out of trouble, not that trouble is my second name, it’s not, but this is a strict school, with precise regulations and procedures that go on and on.

Like I said, we share a room, and I have noticed that recently Thomas has been coming back late; later than normal, and later than allowed by the lights out rules. I confronted him on more than one occasion but he wouldn’t speak of where he went. He just told me that I wouldn’t find it to my liking.

It didn’t stop me questioning him about it and it didn’t stop him from refusing to answer my questions either. On one occasion, he let loose a little bit of information before he stopped himself.

I asked him how he got into his clandestine arrangements and he replied, ‘I got caught, Davies.’

It was all he said. It has been playing on my mind. I may like his clandestine arrangements, who is he to say whether I would or would not? I must admit, I am more than intrigued by it all. I am more than intrigued by Thomas as well.

Thomas has a habit of lying on his bed when I am studying at my desk, semi-naked but for his underpants and vest. On more than one occasion, I have found myself drawn to watching him lying there; staring at the ceiling with his hand unconsciously squeezing his manhood under his baggy white pants. At least that’s what I think he’s doing. I pretend not to notice, but recently I have been wondering about him.

I don’t know whether it’s the close proximity of the two of us, or whether it’s just me or Thomas. I think it’s me, because recently I have watched him parade around the room. My eyes stray far too often to his underpants and I have had the urge to embrace him. I know that when I think about these things, just before I fall asleep, my heart rate beats much faster. I have wondered why Thomas doesn’t awake with the constant pounding. It’s like a drum that won’t stop beating in my chest.

When he’s not in our room, I miss him. At the moment I admit that I have my hand on my cock and I’m thinking about the way he strokes himself. I’m doing the same and it feels so nice; I secretly want it to be his hand on my cock, I really do. I find my breathing much more laboured especially when I can smell Thomas’ scent in the air. He exudes freshness everywhere he goes.

It’s probably because he showers every minute of the day; always something lemony. I did once get out of bed and walk to the shower block with the towel around my waist like he does, only to see Thomas there with his back to me. That was the first time I caught a glimpse of his cock as he rotated his body. I wasn’t expecting my cock to respond but it did.

The more I looked, the bigger the tent became. I scurried away before he turned to notice my predicament. Though, to be honest, I really wanted him to see me. I often wonder what he would have done if he had.

When I lay in bed at night with the moon’s light streaming through the thin fabric covering the windows, I remembered his words from that fateful conversation a few weeks ago. His words just sprung into my mind. It was as if someone had turned a lightbulb on in my head.

‘I got caught, Davies.’

Yes, he got caught. Doing what? With whom? Misbehaving perhaps? In class?

I couldn’t sleep after that. My mind worked over all the possibilities as I watched Thomas sleep opposite me; my hand on my stiff cock, stroking it, while watching him in silence.

The next morning in class and all that day, in fact, I started to misbehave. It was the usual at first, exchanging letters, giggling, flicking pieces of paper out of the window. Nothing seemed to be happening and so I stepped it up. I turned behind me and started talking to Peter. He was nothing but studious and with a butter wouldn’t melt attitude to everything; he was the antithesis of naughtiness.

Before I knew it, Mr. Roberts was standing beside me and hauling me out of the chair by the locks of my hair.

“Outside, Davies. Wait in the corridor, boy.”

His tone was authoritative if nothing else. He was a man that should be obeyed. In his fifties, grey hair and moustache and a pigeon chest that suggested he may well have been a sergeant major in the army. The cane in his hand helped me on my way.

I stood outside the classroom door for the whole forty minutes of the last Geography lesson. When the bell rang everyone filed out and I got a disappointing shake of the head from Thomas; accompanied by a sigh.

“You’ll regret this,” he hissed as he strode past; pushed by the surge of teenagers eager to escape the last lesson on a Friday afternoon.

The corridor fell silent and I waited for ages. I actually started to wonder whether Mr. Roberts had left by another door. I started to feel sleepy and then I shot upwards to the command from behind the door as if it was bellowed in my right ear.

“Davies, in here now!”

I opened the door and sheepishly wandered into the classroom. I stood in front of Mr. Roberts and looked intently at the floor; my hands behind my back, like procedure dictated.

“Sir,” I swallowed hard.

My eyes were wide with fear. My body shook. I didn’t know exactly what would happen next, but I wanted it to be whatever Thomas had experienced after he got caught, whatever that was. A small part of me was excited. The rest was petrified. The seconds ticked by like eternity.

“Why, Davies?”

I said nothing.

“Why misbehave, boy. You know that you must be punished don’t you?”

I nodded quickly; my lips trembled out the words, “Y… Yes, Sir.”

Mr. Roberts stood and walked around his desk towards me; every step was silent like a stalking predator, his cane in his hand. As he passed the drawer to his left I notice that he took out a well-used plimsoll and laid it on the desk in front of me.

“Drop everything, Davies, and pull your shirt up.”

The slight tap of his cane on my backside encouraged me to loosen my belt and let my trousers drop to the floor. I pulled my shirt up to my chest. I prayed that my pants were completely clean.

“Everything, Davies, don’t be shy, everything.”

I looked straight ahead of me not taking in his words and then it became clear. Everything meant everything.

I dropped my pants which pooled on top of my trousers and once more lifted my shirt. I felt a coldness surround my cock, but my bottom felt warm; but then, Mr. Roberts always had that effect on us.


I felt his cane on my bottom once more. I closed my eyes with dread but it only seemed to caress my bottom. When it was moved to the front, I felt Mr. Roberts lift my penis with the stick before letting it fall.

“Bend over the desk, Davies.”

I did as I was told. My bottom sticking out into the room; my eyes stared straight ahead and the plimsoll was to my left.

Mr. Roberts stood next to me and bent over to whisper in my ear.

“How many of these do you think you deserve, Davies,” his hand caressed over the plimsoll. My eyes squinted to my left.

“I don’t know, sir.”

He suddenly snatched the plimsoll and let it come down hard next to my face. I jumped with the sudden noise as it shook and reverberated through the desk.

“You have such a smooth bottom, Davies, shame to spoil it. Don’t you think?”

“Sir. Yes, sir.”

“What do you think then Davies, how many of these?”

The plimsoll once more smacked the desk only this time I also felt his hand smack my bottom. It rested where it stopped and in that instant, I felt him smooth it over my bottom, his index finger slowly slipped into the cleavage as his hand stroked downwards.

“Hurts, doesn’t it, Davies.”

“Yes, sir.”

“So, Davies, how many of these?”

I felt his hand stroke upwards and his finger slipped along my cleavage once more. At that moment, I didn’t know whether he was talking about the plimsoll or something else. All I know is that the tip of his index finger must have touched something sensitive because I felt my cock twitch. Then I realised that his finger was hovering on the edge of my anus. I felt a few more strokes of his finger before the pad rested firmly against my little hole.

His caressing tickled, so much so that I was nearly laughing out loud. His face came closer to mine and he whispered in my ear as if denying the walls of the classroom that he had uttered anything at all.

“The plimsoll, or something else, Davies. What’s it to be? Shame to spoil such a lovely bottom with this rubberised implement.”

This was it; this was the moment of truth. This was what being naughty or getting caught must have done to Thomas. In that virginal moment of truth, I admitted to myself that his finger felt wonderful against my little hole. His hand felt hot and soothing on my bum all at the same time, and he knew as well as I did that I had become aroused.

“I don’t know, Sir.”

Then with a surge of excitement that followed my initial indecision.

“Not the plimsoll, Sir.”

I shouted out the words; denying myself any retreat from what was about to happen next. I was in no doubt that I wanted this. His finger had enticed me, and I could feel my cock swell with every slight touch.

I looked straight ahead as the pad of his finger pressed against me. My eyes betraying my fear and I admit to pushing my bottom back slightly as I shouted out.

“Such a lovely bottom, Davies.”

My cock had almost filled completely with blood as I waited for the penetration but he took his time; prising apart my sphincter, pushing inwards, carefully and considerately before slipping it easily in the rest of the way. It seemed to be lubricated but I don’t know where that came from. Then it hit something that made it a hundred times more wonderful.

I looked towards the blackboard, opened my eyes and words that I have never associated with this act crept past my throat in a silent whisper, “Oh, Fuck!”

His finger retracted and was pushed in again and again. With every touch, something inside me tickled and I could feel my cock extend further before it started to pulse and jerk of its own accord.

Suddenly the finger was pulled out of my backside and I felt both relieved and disappointed at the same time.

“Your cock, Davies, why is it not pointing downwards like most boys?”

I think Mr. Roberts knew the answer to that. “I don’t know, Sir.”

“I think you would like something hotter up your bottom, Davies. Is that true?”

Mr. Roberts’ voice was sultry; bordering on sheer perverseness.

I nodded, “Yes, Sir,” without actually knowing what he meant. Though I guessed pretty much what he was intending on doing. I heard shuffling behind me and before long I felt a spongy bulbous head press against me. His hands rested on both my cheeks as he pushed me further onto the desk.

“Such a lovely bottom -”

His words encouraged me. My grandma always told me I had a nice bottom, in an appreciative way of course. His words were far more direct and his meaning clear. Yes, I had a nice bottom, ripe for fucking.

And fuck it he did.

I guess I was lucky that his cock was not all that thick. It seemed to slide in easily once it got past my sphincter.  I felt his smooth cock rub against that same restriction deep inside me and this time the sensations came fast and furious.

All the while my chin and hands were flat against the desk, but now I lifted my head, smiled and started to raise my body on my arms. Mr. Roberts’ hands came upon my hips and he fucked me with a passion. I started to become a lot more confident; a lot more in control of what I wanted to happen. Mr. Roberts’ constant mutterings caused that; telling me what a nice bottom I had, and what a lovely arse I had and the pièce de résistance being how tight I was. I started to fuck my bottom back towards him. I wanted Mr. Roberts to lose control while he fucked me.

My own cock was dangling before I started moving my body, but now it was travelling with simple harmonic motion, a phrase I learned from Mr. Roberts’ class. I started to push backwards at the same time he pushed into me and it wasn’t long before I heard him cry out.

“Davies, Davies, what are you doing to me, boy!”

I thought I had done something bad and I was concerned that I had hurt him but any thoughts of wrongdoing completely left me when my cock started to erupt and spurt over the front of his desk and the floor. My cock was hitting my stomach on its upward trend and on its way down, swung heavily between my legs. Spunk sprayed from its end, covering the whole arc that it transcribed.

Mr. Roberts pulled out of me and I felt warmth erupt on my backside and run between my buttocks, over my balls and onto the floor to join my own juices.

Oh, my god, what I had become? What would my father now think of me? Draped over this desk, abused, no, not abused, fulfilled, penetrated, fucked. My cock tensed and ejaculated as I clenched my bottom. My spunk ejected from the end of it and pooled on the floor beneath me in uncontrolled bliss.

I closed my eyes, but not for long.

“Clean that mess up when you leave, Davies.”

I heard him command from behind me. I stood and saw that he had already tidied himself and was walking back to his seat.

I looked around and found a roll of paper tissue near the door and proceeded to waddle towards it. I pulled some strips off and cleaned the spunk from my bottom and then I cleaned the end of my cock before pulling up my pants and trousers. I then proceeded to clean the entire room so that no one could tell that anything had happened here this afternoon.

I looked at Mr. Roberts as he took his seat and I wondered as to how many other boys had unloaded their balls right there against his desk.

“I’ve finished, Sir,” I said, as I stood before him with rolls of used paper in my hands.

“You may go, Davies.”

He looked at me over the top of his glasses and shouted as I headed for the door.

“And don’t misbehave again Davies, or you’ll get more than that next time.”

I found myself smiling as I spoke, “Yes, Sir.” I wondered how nice more would feel.

I closed the door behind me as I left. I hadn’t got further than a few yards down the corridor when I heard his dulcet tones bellow at me.

“Davies, here now.”

I returned, opened the door and stuck my head around it first, followed by the rest of me.

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“Tell Thomas that his presence is required tonight, for dinner.”

“Yes, Sir,” I said and once more retired through the door.

I had taken a few steps and decided to be bold. It was my turn to knock on the door, unexpectedly.

“Yes, Davies.”

Fuck! I thought that he must have been psychic or something. I opened the door and looked Mr. Roberts directly in the eye.

“Sir, may I also attend the dinner this evening, Sir.”

He looked at me and I swear a wicked smirk crossed his lips.

“Yes, now go.”

I leapt through the door and almost ran back to my quarters. It was late and dinner started in less than an hour. I couldn’t wait to see the look on Thomas’ face when I would tell him my news.

I practically burst through the door to our room. Thomas lay on the bed, dressed as usual when I entered. I told him that Mr. Roberts had requested his attendance at the meal that night. He looked at me with his dark brown eyes, following me throughout the room.

“What happened in there? Did Mr. Roberts punish you?”

It was my turn to smirk at Thomas. I shook my shoulders. “It was nothing.”

“I’d better get ready then,” he said jumping off the bed and stripping his clothes completely off. He pulled at the towel on the radiator and draped it across his back and neck. I turned to face his cock, semi-flaccid through his playing and swaying between his legs. He taunted me with it. I suddenly wondered what it would be like to touch his penis. It was such a dirty thought but I was helpless to suppress it.

Thomas turned to head for the door.

“Wait for me,” I cried out after him. He turned to face me with a questioning look on his face.

“I’ve been asked to attend too,” I grinned, my eyes piercing his and willing all of my thoughts of what I had just done into his mind. I shed my clothes and grabbed my own towel from the end of my bed. I did exactly as Thomas had done earlier. I draped the towel across my shoulders and neck and taunted him with my own manhood. I couldn’t help but grin like a Cheshire cat as I leapt past him and headed for the shower block.

“Come on,” I said. I felt alive, more than alive.


The dinner was attended by three men and a woman. I had only seen her on a few occasions but knew that she was the Governess of this entire school. Thomas and I took our orders from Mr. Roberts and he was quite precise about what we should wear and how we should behave.

I couldn’t believe my ears at first and the trousers we were told to wear was obviously missing an entire section at the front. Thomas had to show me how to get into them.

I looked at Thomas, “We serve the dinner with our willies hanging out?”

Thomas nodded.

“But there’s a woman in there -” I pointed to the dining room.

“Yes,” Thomas said, “she’s the Governess, you’ll like her.”

We served the meal that appeared from the hatches; served silently from the kitchens below. It was soup to start, a chicken dish that sounded posh or French even, and then dessert. We were ogled, fondled and caressed throughout. Every time my cock was touched it tingled and twitched. I also got the same kind of thrill when my bottom was caressed.

Miss Evans, the Governess, never touched me at all though.

The wine pouring was the worse, on those occasions, my cock grew large, especially when Mr. Roberts pulled on it while asking for his glass to be filled slowly and to the top.  I caught the Governess smile at him as he proceeded to stroke me.

Mr. Jones was a little shy, and more than a little uncertain about my presence in the room. I heard them talking in between meals, something about the more that join us the more others will find out.

Mr. Roberts’ reply was far more obvious as he shouted out across the room. “Rubbish, Eroll, besides they share a room, it will be OK.”

After the meal, Mr. Jones made his excuses and left. I had never known that his first name was Eroll. He just didn’t look like an Eroll. The only people left in the room were Mr Roberts, Mr. Price and Miss Evans, our Governess. I was more afraid of Miss Evans than the two men.  I needn’t have been.

The three of them retired to the drawing room, the two men poured themselves a whisky each. Miss Evans took a gin and tonic and sat in the chair facing into the room. The two men stood near the open fire at first but Mr. Roberts sat on the sofa opposite Miss Evans in the fullness of time.

“Come here, Davies,” he motioned for me to stand next to him.

His free hand came upon my cock and I let out a smile. He stroked it a few more times before it became hard and erect. He turned me to face Miss Evans, who by then, had reclined into the chair and was opening her legs wide. Her hand slid along her thigh and I watched as her fingers started playing over her sex; opening the flesh on either side of it and slipping her finger between her lips. I didn’t know what it was called but I liked the look of it, very much indeed.

My body was turned back to Mr. Roberts but my head twisted around to keep my eyes on what Miss Evans was doing. Her gaze never left my face even when I felt my cock enter Mr. Roberts’ mouth before he proceeded to suck on my fullness in front of everyone.

Mr. Price was also on his knees and doing the same with Thomas’ cock.

“Don’t you dare spill any of that milk.” The command came from Miss Evans and it wouldn’t do to make an enemy of her. That was for sure.

“Sit down, Davies.”

I sat down. Mr. Roberts stood and as soon as he had unbuttoned his trousers I felt my mouth wrap around a slim but firm cock. The heat was immense and was the first thing I noticed. The second was that Thomas was doing the same thing to Mr. Price. I watched Thomas as I dutifully performed my task on Mr. Roberts, I so much wanted this to be Thomas’ cock in my mouth right now, but at least our sexuality was out in the open and we both knew what the possibilities would be. As my mouth filled with cock, I wished, more than ever, that we would pass over that invisible barrier that held us as friends.

Mr. Roberts was impatient and he thrust his cock into my face whilst holding the back of my head and I greedily accepted him. I sucked and bobbed my head just like Thomas was doing. I think I did all right especially when Mr. Roberts stiffened and clutched the back of my head with both his hands. His warm semen leaked into me, not so much a spurt but a soothing swell of hot fluids. He tasted salty but nice.

Although he had let go of my head I found myself mesmerised by the wilting motion of his cock and I kept licking and sucking and fondling it to make it stay where it was. I was moving towards it as he was moving away from me and I was fighting a losing battle. Eventually, I had to let go of it.

Mr. Price had finished with Thomas at about the same time. And it was, with surprise, that both men buckled their trousers and announced their retirement.

We both watched as the men nodded their head in respect and left Miss Evans and us together.

Miss Evans watched the pair of them leave through the main doors.

“Come here, boys,” she said, patting the side of the chair with the palm of her hand.

Her voice was smooth, elegant and sophisticated. Her eyes glared at us and she licked her lips like she was a predator on heat. Both of our cocks stood upright and fully erect. Her gaze finally dropped to them.

“Why don’t you two get comfortable,” she suggested.

I looked at her with a dumb expression on my face but noticed that Thomas had started to undress, so I followed suit. In no time we were both naked and facing Miss Evans. She had hiked her skirt up to her waist and had unravelled the string tie around her chest. Her heaving breasts; that I now know were held up by a balcony bra, overflowed and wobbled with every movement she made. It was so mesmerising.

“Seeing as you are new to this – Umm, what’s your first name, Davies.”

“Paul, Ma’am,” I replied with a hint of tension in my voice.

“Seeing as you are new to this Paul, I want you to watch before you pleasure me,” she looked at me with a smile that would surely launch a thousand ships.

“Yes, Ma’am,” I replied.

“I want you to watch Thomas for a few minutes and then take over and make me lose myself completely,” her smile caught me unawares and I found myself grinning back in her direction.

“Yes, Ma’am,” I replied.

With that Thomas knelt down and started to lick the slit between her thighs. I watched avidly. I couldn’t take my eyes off her sex at all and I was enthralled when it started to glisten and become wet in front of me. Thomas licked and lapped at her sex; her breathing had become ragged before he was rewarded with a slight tap on his head.

Miss Evans looked towards me as Thomas took a step backwards. Her thighs were wide and draped across the leather arms of the chair.

“Your turn, Paul.”

Her smile was exotic, full of life and she expected the same from me. I came to the conclusion that she couldn’t believe that two young lads were pleasuring her at the same time; their mouths dripping with her juices or with the expectation of what was to happen and their cocks standing to attention. I may well have been wrong.

I knelt before her golden chalice and took up Thomas’ position. I looked at him and saw him nod his approval. Then I looked into Miss Evans’ eyes and smiled at her. The warmth of the smile she returned flooded my senses with joy. I dipped my head forward and tasted heaven.

I let my tongue roam around between her lips, slip along its length and I even risked drawing it across the same tiny hole that Mr. Roberts had played with earlier in the day. I licked her pussy. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Miss Evans wag her finger at Thomas. The next I saw, he was next to her and feeding her his cock. The cock I wanted to suck so much.

I licked Miss Evans for what seemed like ages before she raised herself a little and prised her lips apart. Lick me here then suck it when I tell you to. She pointed to the glistening smooth pad that lay just above her wet folds. It was hidden by a cloak of temptation but her red fingernail found it without any issues.

I started to lick and noticed that Miss Evans was gasping for breath. Her hands clasped behind my neck and I licked even more. I hadn’t bargained on Thomas’ hands reaching beneath me and cradling my balls and cock, but it felt like bliss.

Miss Evans was bucking her hips in my direction, but my face was flush against her stiff little bud. Her instructions were clear.

“Suck on it now, Paul.”

I pulled it into my mouth as much as I could and I sucked on it. Miss Evans hit cloud nine and I almost followed her. Thomas’ hands were around my cock and I felt him pull on it as I sucked her sex. I gasped out loud when a rush of liquid filled my mouth and splashed over my face.  Miss Evans was groaning loudly and filling the room with verbal abuse. Yet her hands clamped my face to her nether regions and she bucked her hips in what looked like abject bliss.

She suddenly released my head and I bounced backwards; now soaked from her juices as the last flush flooded my chest and made its way to the floor.

“Fuck me now, Paul. Stick your cock in there,” she said prising her lips apart.

I looked, first at my cock and then at her wet entrance. I wasted no time and leapt between her open thighs so quickly that my cock was lost in the slipperiness of her folds. I recovered quickly enough to push my cock downwards and sighed as I felt it enter her warm cavern.

“Fuck me, Paul, fuck me.”

I thrust into her and it was literally less than a minute before Miss Evans was making the same lewd sounds as she did before. I started to falter. I could feel myself at bursting point and I wasn’t sure what I was supposed to do.

“I… I… I’m cumming,” I announced in stricken panic. My eyes were wide and I was thrusting into her and getting closer and closer with every thrust.

“Let it go, come in me.”

I grunted and my sperm was lost to Miss Evans’ hot and waiting receptacle. I held myself still for what seemed like ages until my balls had drained into her.

“Thomas, take me now,” Her gaze averted over my shoulder.

I knew that my time had come to an end between Miss Evans’ silky thighs. Thomas moved towards me and I moved out of the way.

In seconds, his cock was inside her and he was thrusting like a demented monster, only Miss Evans, loved it. Her nails clenched into his flesh and his bottom shook with the effort. He lasted much longer than me, but then I reckoned that he had had much more practice than me, especially over the last few months.

Thomas didn’t come inside her. He seemed to know what to do or more to the point, what she wanted from him. It was an unsaid connection that they shared. As soon as Miss Evans cried out again, he pulled out of her and while climbing onto the chair, let his juices spray onto her breasts and over her face before she then sucked the remaining spunk from the end of his cock.

Miss Evans rolled his cock around her lips savouring every little piece of white creamy fluid before giving it a loud suck and eventually letting it go.

Thomas crawled off the chair.

“You two are going to be so much fun,” exclaimed Miss Evans. “I can’t wait until next Friday.”

I looked at Thomas a bit perplexed as to why something this good should wait until Friday. An explanation was not forthcoming and with sadness, we were told that we could leave and return to our room.

As Miss Evans stood from the chair, my eyes were drawn to her breasts. That was one area of the woman’s body I did know about and one that I had always lusted after, especially in my earlier years. Miss Evans must have noticed my stare, for she lifted her breast free of her bra and presented it to me.

I lowered my head and took the underside of her breast in my hands. I licked across her smooth bosom before finding her hard and inflamed teats cry out for the warmth of my mouth. It was so soothing to suck on them and then I tasted the unexpected. I flicked at a dollop of Thomas’ spunk, lifted it onto my tongue and swallowed before anyone knew about it.  I suspect Miss Evans was aware of what I did as she watched me all the time.

I had tasted him and he tasted sweet. Almost like honey.



Thomas and I dressed and made our way back to our room. We never said a word to each other all the way there. He seemed to keep his head down and make a beeline through the corridors. Always a few paces ahead of me, always in a rush.

When we got inside our room he stopped dead and I almost ran into the back of him.

Thomas turned quickly and just as the door clicked shut, his lips touched mine. We hovered silently. The world spun around us and we watched it from above. The day’s events flowed through me:

The punishment (if that’s what you call punishment), the realisation that I was bisexual and loved it, the erotic raunchiness of the dinner party, he sexual excitement, Miss Evans squirting, Miss Evans’ watchful eye as I sucked on her teats, this kiss.

This kiss was still going on and the room was still silent. In the intervening minutes, our clothes had been discarded and we stood kissing. Our willies were touching each other's as our heads swayed in the moment.

The moment broke when we fell on Thomas’ bed. His cock was in my hand and I knelt on top of him. One last kiss was served onto his lips before I left him looking into my eyes. I descended to where my hand was stroking; never breaking eye contact, never pausing, always moving. My tongue extended to meet the tip of his cock and at the moment I did so, he closed his eyes. I let my mouth surround his swelling and swallowed his cock whole.

We enjoyed each other. For the first time in my life, I felt loved and in love, but I was in no doubt that Miss Evans would challenge this special moment that we shared.

Written by DarkSide
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