Her silhouette was dark against the bright light of the lamps that filtered through the curtain of marigold flowers. The curvaceous length of her hip was garbed in dark sparkling red. Only the glimpse of long legs, a small hand holding a chain of flowers and the pale line of her cheek brought relief to his eyes.
Prince Veer on the other side of the balcony leaned forward to see more clearly. He could not even tell if she was beautiful, but there was something about her that held him mesmerized. Veer had to know her. As he closed the gap between them his eyes glistened with unholy glee to see her leaning negligently against the wall her back curving in a deep red dress simmering her half body as her clean long legs moved with the gentle rub of her toes on the floor. He could make out a clear tinkling of her silver anklets a slow jingling of tiny bells ringing music of love and longing in his ears. He wanted to sink in that sound where nothing else could disturb him. Closing his eyes he caught the faint scent of her, a blend of a natural herb she used and the sweetness of a woman’s flesh, her fresh innocent smell.
Soon he opened his eyes to discover her gone. He frantically looked here and there clenching his fist in wanting. He was interrupted by a tap on his shoulder and spun around to see his cousin standing before him “Hey, prince charming what are you doing here alone? You are wanted by the Maharaja right now!” Prince Veer cast a quick glance in all directions to find the lady of his dreams, but she was gone.
The queen’s voice seemed to catch his attention because he immediately turned.
Neera had seen him earlier from far but close up he was even more handsome than she had thought. She was stunned; her eyes grew enormous as she looked at a prime specimen of male beauty. Everything about him was pleasing to the eye. No pleasing to the eye was a very mild word for the man who was absolutely mesmerising. Beautiful in a masculine way with features carved in perfection. The combination of a straight aquiline nose well shaped brows, strong lean cheekbones, a well-defined chin and.… She could not help herself as she looked at his most distinctive feature, his keen dark brown eyes, which rolled an expression that disturbed her senses. Her mind seemed to stop working, as she looked lower. Clearly a man of a fine stature, immaculate seemed he could not bear to be other than well dressed in a pristine white long sherwani made from a brocade cloth of gold sewn all over with tiny golden brilliants and edged in gold lace at the neck and sleeves which of course spoke of his aristocratic bearing. His clothes were not gaudy but rather elegant. He was tall like his father, tightly made, and physically fit which his broad shoulders and slim waist highlighted.
What would it feel like to be in those arms? She mentally shook herself; from where had such carnal thoughts come? She was shocked by her feelings that had awakened for the first time. Time passed without her noticing. He was staring at her. She was guilty of the same but it was hard not to look.
“I really ought to return the scrutiny.” His sensual mouth curved into a smile. For a moment, she was confused, and then she understood exactly what he meant.
She instantly became uncomfortable as his gaze tracked her slowly from her toes to the top of her lustrous black hair. His eyes roved over her with such an insolent appraisal that Neera found herself blushing furiously. With what she knew could not be anything but the weakest of smiles he nodded his head slightly. “I am Yuvraj Veer. Glad to meet you maam,” he spoke softly, with laughter in his eyes.
The light of retaliation flared in Neera’s eyes. She bend forward slightly the gems sparkling in her ears hanging in front of his face radiating upon her soft smile as she spoke humbly “Good evening Yuvraj. My name is Neera.”
Just then, the king came forward with her father and warmly clasped his son’s shoulders addressing Bhanu, “This is my heir and son a fine young man. He can charm any lady with just one of his smiles.”
Bhanu smiled, “Yes Prahlad indeed he is but so is my daughter a fine warrior as well as a capable administrator she is not easily charmed.”
“Well, well we have a match on our hands, my son is a born charmer,” the king spoke playfully.
Prince Veer on the other side of the balcony leaned forward to see more clearly. He could not even tell if she was beautiful, but there was something about her that held him mesmerized. Veer had to know her. As he closed the gap between them his eyes glistened with unholy glee to see her leaning negligently against the wall her back curving in a deep red dress simmering her half body as her clean long legs moved with the gentle rub of her toes on the floor. He could make out a clear tinkling of her silver anklets a slow jingling of tiny bells ringing music of love and longing in his ears. He wanted to sink in that sound where nothing else could disturb him. Closing his eyes he caught the faint scent of her, a blend of a natural herb she used and the sweetness of a woman’s flesh, her fresh innocent smell.
Soon he opened his eyes to discover her gone. He frantically looked here and there clenching his fist in wanting. He was interrupted by a tap on his shoulder and spun around to see his cousin standing before him “Hey, prince charming what are you doing here alone? You are wanted by the Maharaja right now!” Prince Veer cast a quick glance in all directions to find the lady of his dreams, but she was gone.
The queen’s voice seemed to catch his attention because he immediately turned.
Neera had seen him earlier from far but close up he was even more handsome than she had thought. She was stunned; her eyes grew enormous as she looked at a prime specimen of male beauty. Everything about him was pleasing to the eye. No pleasing to the eye was a very mild word for the man who was absolutely mesmerising. Beautiful in a masculine way with features carved in perfection. The combination of a straight aquiline nose well shaped brows, strong lean cheekbones, a well-defined chin and.… She could not help herself as she looked at his most distinctive feature, his keen dark brown eyes, which rolled an expression that disturbed her senses. Her mind seemed to stop working, as she looked lower. Clearly a man of a fine stature, immaculate seemed he could not bear to be other than well dressed in a pristine white long sherwani made from a brocade cloth of gold sewn all over with tiny golden brilliants and edged in gold lace at the neck and sleeves which of course spoke of his aristocratic bearing. His clothes were not gaudy but rather elegant. He was tall like his father, tightly made, and physically fit which his broad shoulders and slim waist highlighted.
What would it feel like to be in those arms? She mentally shook herself; from where had such carnal thoughts come? She was shocked by her feelings that had awakened for the first time. Time passed without her noticing. He was staring at her. She was guilty of the same but it was hard not to look.
“I really ought to return the scrutiny.” His sensual mouth curved into a smile. For a moment, she was confused, and then she understood exactly what he meant.
She instantly became uncomfortable as his gaze tracked her slowly from her toes to the top of her lustrous black hair. His eyes roved over her with such an insolent appraisal that Neera found herself blushing furiously. With what she knew could not be anything but the weakest of smiles he nodded his head slightly. “I am Yuvraj Veer. Glad to meet you maam,” he spoke softly, with laughter in his eyes.
The light of retaliation flared in Neera’s eyes. She bend forward slightly the gems sparkling in her ears hanging in front of his face radiating upon her soft smile as she spoke humbly “Good evening Yuvraj. My name is Neera.”
Just then, the king came forward with her father and warmly clasped his son’s shoulders addressing Bhanu, “This is my heir and son a fine young man. He can charm any lady with just one of his smiles.”
Bhanu smiled, “Yes Prahlad indeed he is but so is my daughter a fine warrior as well as a capable administrator she is not easily charmed.”
“Well, well we have a match on our hands, my son is a born charmer,” the king spoke playfully.

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Neera shifted uncomfortably clearly embarrassed.
“Well she cannot be easily won as she is sharp as well as witty my friend,” Bhanu slapped Veer’s back who, to Neera’s chagrin, grimaced. “You are magnificent, both of you.” The king purred with approval, “Come Bhanu I need to discuss something important with you let the children enjoy this night as they are young what will they do with us oldies.” The king took Bhanu’s hand leading him away.
Now Neera was clearly getting agitated she did not want to be left alone with the prince. She would any day prefer to be part of the political discussion.
“She is your father’s dear friend’s daughter. Take care of her,” the queen commanded Veer. Smiling pleasantly at Neera she moved sideways to greet the other guests.
Neera turned towards Veer who busy finishing off his drink was ignoring her rudely. Neera shifted her weight from her right foot to her left unsure what to do.
“Yuvraj,” she finally spoke softly.
He looked at her as if realizing her presence. “You can call me Veer,” he spoke dryly clearly bored.
What does he think he is? she thought. He was stretching her patience but she tried one more time making her tone pleasant, “Yuvraj if you would prefer to be some place else…”
He interrupted her, “I have been commanded by my mother so I have to obey.”
He shrugged his shoulders his posture stating that he would definitely prefer to be some place else. He turned slightly his back towards her dismissing her like a servant.
That’s it! She’d had enough of his rude demeanor and behaviour. She was disgusted at herself how could she even have a speck of feelings for such a man. A handsome face did not warrant a good heart. He wasn’t what she had expected. He was audacious and frivolous aristocrat. And spoilt she added silently.
Neera lifted her chin challengingly, “Well in that case,” she spoke sarcastically not mincing her words, “if my company is such a burden you can very well go to hell.” With a flounce she spun around and marched ahead.
Veer conceded that even in anger she moved with an inborn grace. He studied her retreating back through his glass completely bemused by her out burst. He lifted his glass of wine; his eyes gleaming over the rim of the glass as emotions of confusion flooded through him. She was the same girl whose tinkling silver anklets had supposedly stolen his heart. But she was ordinary and certainly not his type.
Still she was a surprise and interested him. It had been so long since his emotions had been this alive. No one in fact no woman had ever spoken like this to him. It was not easy to dumb found him and she had done it. It was a unique experience for him; women did not speak to him like this! He knew that she was not unaffected by his looks but Veer wasn’t sure what to expect?
Neera for an instant closed her eyes, what would happen if he bestowed such a smile upon her. She instantly opened her eyes refusing to indulge in such thoughts.Everyone stood up and so did she. Neera’s breath was caught in her throat as she saw Veer watching her from beneath lowered lashes, his gaze filled with malice. Silently Neera slipped from the seat, turning her back to Veer who was still seated. She had this urge to get away from him as fast as possible.
She backed away just a step until the reflection of the red fountain besides the tree illuminated his face. She was about to trip when his hand reached towards her holding her waist not allowing her to fall down. She turned her head to seek his penetrating gaze overflowing a fierce tension that shattered her composure with his presence. She jerked moving sideways from the strength of his hands and inhaled deeply freeing herself from captivity. Her eyes flashed, as she knew he was playing with her.
“Well she cannot be easily won as she is sharp as well as witty my friend,” Bhanu slapped Veer’s back who, to Neera’s chagrin, grimaced. “You are magnificent, both of you.” The king purred with approval, “Come Bhanu I need to discuss something important with you let the children enjoy this night as they are young what will they do with us oldies.” The king took Bhanu’s hand leading him away.
Now Neera was clearly getting agitated she did not want to be left alone with the prince. She would any day prefer to be part of the political discussion.
“She is your father’s dear friend’s daughter. Take care of her,” the queen commanded Veer. Smiling pleasantly at Neera she moved sideways to greet the other guests.
Neera turned towards Veer who busy finishing off his drink was ignoring her rudely. Neera shifted her weight from her right foot to her left unsure what to do.
“Yuvraj,” she finally spoke softly.
He looked at her as if realizing her presence. “You can call me Veer,” he spoke dryly clearly bored.
What does he think he is? she thought. He was stretching her patience but she tried one more time making her tone pleasant, “Yuvraj if you would prefer to be some place else…”
He interrupted her, “I have been commanded by my mother so I have to obey.”
He shrugged his shoulders his posture stating that he would definitely prefer to be some place else. He turned slightly his back towards her dismissing her like a servant.
That’s it! She’d had enough of his rude demeanor and behaviour. She was disgusted at herself how could she even have a speck of feelings for such a man. A handsome face did not warrant a good heart. He wasn’t what she had expected. He was audacious and frivolous aristocrat. And spoilt she added silently.
Neera lifted her chin challengingly, “Well in that case,” she spoke sarcastically not mincing her words, “if my company is such a burden you can very well go to hell.” With a flounce she spun around and marched ahead.
Veer conceded that even in anger she moved with an inborn grace. He studied her retreating back through his glass completely bemused by her out burst. He lifted his glass of wine; his eyes gleaming over the rim of the glass as emotions of confusion flooded through him. She was the same girl whose tinkling silver anklets had supposedly stolen his heart. But she was ordinary and certainly not his type.
Still she was a surprise and interested him. It had been so long since his emotions had been this alive. No one in fact no woman had ever spoken like this to him. It was not easy to dumb found him and she had done it. It was a unique experience for him; women did not speak to him like this! He knew that she was not unaffected by his looks but Veer wasn’t sure what to expect?
Neera for an instant closed her eyes, what would happen if he bestowed such a smile upon her. She instantly opened her eyes refusing to indulge in such thoughts.Everyone stood up and so did she. Neera’s breath was caught in her throat as she saw Veer watching her from beneath lowered lashes, his gaze filled with malice. Silently Neera slipped from the seat, turning her back to Veer who was still seated. She had this urge to get away from him as fast as possible.
She backed away just a step until the reflection of the red fountain besides the tree illuminated his face. She was about to trip when his hand reached towards her holding her waist not allowing her to fall down. She turned her head to seek his penetrating gaze overflowing a fierce tension that shattered her composure with his presence. She jerked moving sideways from the strength of his hands and inhaled deeply freeing herself from captivity. Her eyes flashed, as she knew he was playing with her.