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The Pool Man

"A part time job as a pool cleaner leads to some unexpected fringe benefits!"

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Famous Story
I remember that summer very well. I had just graduated college with a degree in Business Management and was looking for work, but work was scarce at the time and there wasn't much available. So here I was, fresh out of college, with a mountain of student debt, no job, and no prospects. I was in a bind. I was just about ready to go find a piece of cardboard and write myself a "Broke - Please Help" sign and start panhandling, when I saw a help wanted sign in a little café.
I went in and inquired about the job. It was a dishwasher position, and it didn't pay all that well, but it was money, so I applied and was hired for the job. The restaurant manager, himself a college graduate who had been in similar shoes as mine, told me that if I needed a place to stay, there was a back room with a cot that I could use till I got on my feet. Gratefully I accepted - it beat sleeping under a bridge or on a park bench someplace! With the job and the back room I could at least meet my immediate needs if not pay any of my debt back just yet.

I began working and I worked hard - I never realized how many dishes a restaurant goes through in a single day! By the end of every day I was beat. My back ached, my feet ached, it was a tough job but at least I was working till something better came along.

That something better would come along about two months after I started working for the restaurant. One of the waitresses, Tamara, said her brother had a pool cleaning business and one of his partners had quit leaving him shorthanded. She asked me if I wanted to make some money on my days off. She told me that cleaning pools was easy work compared to washing dishes and the job paid pretty good if I could hustle. I agreed to talk to her brother about it on my next day off.
That next Tuesday I went and talked with him and learned what was required. It did sound like some easy money, so I agreed to start working for him. He showed me what I needed to know and how to clean a swimming pool properly. After two days of training, he let me loose to work on my own. He would work five days a week leaving me the company van on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, my days off from the restaurant, to work those days.

The first week I did four pools which was a fair two days work - not super good, but respectable. I was able to use the van after work to do some shopping for myself as well. The following week is when things really took an interesting turn...

Mrs. Franklin always thought she was so much better than everyone else. The "airs" she adopted when in the restaurant were apparently becoming more than Tamara could handle. She would nitpick at the tiniest detail - a water spot on the silverware, the fact that her napkin had a crease in it, the soup was too hot (or too cold) or her crackers were broken. Anything to criticize and berate the service.

Mrs. Franklin was one of those super vain types who always felt she needed something done - a Botox injection for this wrinkle a tummy tuck for an imagined pooch in her stomach. She had her plastic surgeon on speed-dial! Between the beauty salons, shopping for clothes, and the various treatments and spas, it was no wonder she had to marry into money! And she did - hubby was a member of one of the "First Families" in town.

During lunch one day, she mentioned to Tamara how difficult it was to find a reliable pool cleaner. As she took Mrs. Franklin's order, Tamara mentioned her brother had a pool cleaning business. She expressed her belief he did a good job and might be available.

Mrs. Franklin readily accepted Tamara's offer to check. While Mrs. Franklin ate her lunch, Tamara called me. She explained Mrs. Franklin's problem, as well as the way Mrs. Franklin had treated her. Even though Mrs. Franklin always treated her like shit, Tamara still was willing to help the snobbish high brow battle-axe get her pool cleaned.

When Mrs. Franklin was finished with her meal, Tamara brought the check and confirmed the pool man would be by that very afternoon at 2:00 PM. Mrs. Franklin was delighted and gave Tamara a tip - and Mrs. Franklin was not one to tip a service person even when they deserved it!

At 2:00 that afternoon, I arrived at the Franklin residence. It was a huge imposing Mediterranean-style mansion with a large front driveway that curved around a large water fountain in the front of the house. I pulled the van up in front of the large front overhang. After ringing the doorbell, an attractive Hispanic woman answered the door.

"Hello, I'm Thomas the pool cleaner, here to clean the pool. Are you Mrs. Franklin?" I asked.

"No Senor, My name is Rosa. I am the maid. Senora Franklin is out by the pool. I show you," she said in her broken, but understandable English. She led me around the side of the house and through the side gate to the patio and pool area. I was pleased to see there was a six foot concrete block wall surrounding the patio and pool - giving me the privacy I would need for what I had planned. Rosa showed me the utility closet where the cleaning supplies, the chemicals, the filter and pump were located. Then she left me to my task and went back inside to continue her work.

Because it was such a warm afternoon, I stripped off my shirt and then got to work. I was just getting started when Mrs. Franklin stepped out of one of the French doors leading to the pool area from the main house. I looked up for a moment as she walked across the concrete patio and took up a position on one of the lounge chairs.

She was about thirty eight or thirty nine years old, about five foot six inches tall with platinum blonde hair and blue eyes. She evidently worked out; her legs were firm and her body trim. Her body... 34-26-36 with a pair of amazing, but definitely aftermarket G-cup tits that were screaming to be let out of the tiny neon pink and yellow bikini she was wearing. She was stretched out on the lounge, and I could see her eyes were on me.

"Hello, Mrs. Franklin, my name is Thomas," I said, introducing myself. She just gave me a cursory nod and then laid back down on her lounge chair. Tamara had been right - the woman had little use for people in the service fields!

As I worked I shot a glance at her every so often. I could see I had her interest and occasionally I saw her hand stray across one of her huge tits and she licked her lips subconsciously.

Time to get to the next level, I thought. Without looking at her, I resumed cleaning the pool and was working my way around the perimeter. Pretty soon I would be next to Mrs. Franklin. We would see if my plan would work.

As I approached her, I got a better look at her amazing body. Her legs were slightly spread and the tiny bikini bottom did little to hide the fact that she shaved her mound.

I finished up my work and put the tools away. By this time, I had a huge hard-on and the bulge was evident in the front of my pants. My cock was pushing at the waist band, anxious to get free. If someone stood next to me and looked down, they could see the tip of my cock head.

I approached Mrs. Franklin, announced I was finished, and asked if there was any other service I could provide. She looked at me with an open and wanton lustful stare. She nodded yes.

I spotted a bottle of suntan lotion on a small table next to her. "Would you like me to put some lotion on you? We don't want you to burn that lovely skin!" I said in a low soft voice. She handed me the bottle of lotion and I could see her breathing had increased. I was standing next to her head, my cock was no more than sixteen to eighteen inches from her.

I put some lotion in my hand and rubbed them together to warm it up a bit. I started rubbing the lotion on her back and shoulders. I worked my way down her back to the top of her bikini bottoms then up her sides grazing the sides of her enormous tits. As I brushed across her tits I heard a soft, but unmistakable moan from her. I smiled... I was starting to warm her up!

I squirted another big glob of lotion into my hand and moved down to her legs. She spread her legs a bit so I could have better access and I began rubbing the lotion on her lower legs, working my way up. I rubbed the insides of her thighs and felt her shudder... as I got closer to her V, I could feel her tense a bit in anticipation. I gave her the "accidental" brush she was hoping for as I put lotion at the tops of her thighs and hips.

With her all coated in suntan lotion now, I got up and got ready to leave. I could tell she was definitely aroused and as I began to head for the gate to leave, she got up to "see me out".

She stood and pretended to stumble against me. She acted as though she had twisted her ankle and asked me to help her inside. I lifted her and carried her into the house. The entire time, her arms were around my neck and her mouth was next to my ear. She was breathing heavily and the affect on me was apparent.

By this time, my cock was even harder and bigger. As I carried her, I know it was hitting her ass. The question was whether she realized that fact.

She asked me to carry her upstairs so she could rest her ankle. I obliged, she was surprisingly light to carry.

She directed me to her room and had me place her on the bed. She tried to act surprised when she saw the bulge in my pants and asked if she had been the cause of it being so large. I nodded yes.

She was not feigning shyness as she reached out and traced a finger along the length of the bulge and then lightly grabbed it and gave it a squeeze, delighting in how it jumped when she did. I asked to use her bathroom and she showed me where it was. My bladder was full and I unleashed a long, stream of piss. When I had finished, I returned to the bedroom to see if I could help her further. She asked me to rub her ankle, so I knelt by the bed and began massaging her ankle. She relaxed and made no comment as my hands worked up her calf.

I complimented her on her muscle tone and indicated it was a sign she worked out. She admitted most of her muscles worked out, but some did not.

She did not express any desire for me to stop, so I continued massaging her legs up to her knee. When I stopped there she looked at me pleadingly. "Y-you can go higher. My leg still hurts some," she said softly. She spread her legs wider in an invitation to me.

I leaned forward as though to examine her more closely for a sprain as I did. I knelt down on the side of the bed and as I did her legs opened more.

I pulled her to the edge of the bed so my face was no more than a few inches from her pussy. I told her how nice and developed her legs were; she smiled and then in a move that left no doubt about her intentions, she pulled on the drawstrings of her bikini bottoms, letting the wisp of clothing fall apart and revealing her most intimate area.

Mrs. Franklin looked at me kneeling in front of her with her legs splayed out and her pussy open to my view. She paused as if afraid to say anything. "What do you think?" she asked in a soft almost-whisper.

I told her how pretty her pussy was and how I liked the fact that she was shaved. I told her how nice and developed her lips were and as I did so, I reached out and traced my finger up and down her fat swollen lips. She moaned as she felt me touching her and reached down to pull her pussy lips apart, showing me her wet, pink interior.

"God I'm so wet!" she exclaimed.

I leaned forward and my tongue darted to the clit. It took a couple licks at the throbbing button with my tongue and her legs were wide open and she was groaning.

My face went into her pussy. I took her pussy lips in my lips and began sucking on them. At the same time my tongue was twirling around that clit.

Mrs. Franklin must have really been horny because it seemed like almost immediately her pussy began spasming as she came, pouring her pussy juice out all over my face and dripping down on the carpet. Without a pause to rest, I flipped her legs up over my shoulders and began to really dive into that pussy. She was gyrating all over my chin as my tongue began to drive deep into her hole.

"Oh God yes! Ooh yes... eat me... eat my pussy baby! Oh fuck... Ohhhh!" she moaned as she writhed and twisted wildly on the bed under me. Despite all her thrashing and contortions, however, I kept a tight hold on her and continued feasting on her sopping pussy.

My face was coated with her juices as I stood and stepped between her legs. The bed was the perfect height as I placed my cock at the opening to her pussy. I thrust forward and it went right in to the hilt. She'd taken it all and had a lust crazed look on her face.

I began fucking her hard and as deep as I could. She was sure not acting the role of a snotty bitch now. Now she was a whore in heat. She was rubbing her huge tits and I encouraged her to continue. Her ass was pumping back at me as hard as I was thrusting my cock into her.

My cock was sopping wet, and I could feel a puddle of her juices on the bed when my balls were hitting her ass. I lifted her ass higher and again positioned her heels on my shoulders.

She was cumming so hard she was shaking. I acted surprised when my cock slid out. Then I lowered my hips slightly and it was positioned at her asshole. That asshole was sopping wet.

I thrust forward into her asshole and she screamed lightly then relaxed. Something new for her, and apparently she liked it.

I fucked her for another twenty minutes or so and then tightened my grip on her ass. She knew I was going to cum and squealed for my load. I dumped a big, thick load deep in her asshole - she later admitted that was a first.

I pulled my cock out, and with her ankles were still on my shoulders, I took my cock and slapped her clit and pussy lips a few times. Her squeal was evidence she enjoyed it all.

I took her bikini bottoms and wiped my cock off in the inner crotch lining.
"Here's something to remember me by. Now whenever you wear them, you'll remember how hard I made you cum tonight!" I said, smiling.

I gave her a kiss and a slap on the ass as I turned to leave.

"I hope I will see you again, pool man!" she said.

"Call Tamara" was my response. I knew she would.

When I left Mrs. Franklin, I wondered if I would hear from her. I'd told her to call Tamara should her pipes need further cleaning. I knew there was a chance that she would have a case of guilty conscience once the glow of the fuck wore off. And I might not hear from her again. But I had given her a good hard fuck - one that she had obviously been missing - so my chances were pretty good I would have a repeat customer.

Sure enough three days later, Tamara took me aside in the restaurant. She told me that Mrs. Franklin had called her and wanted me to call her back to schedule another cleaning.

I returned the call and learned Emily (I had finally gotten her to tell me her first name!) needed a pipe cleaning ASAP. I told her I would be available in a couple days - I wanted to make her wait awhile first. She needed to learn everyone did not jump when she called. In turn, a delay might make her more trainable. She was disappointed but agreed. I suggested we make it early in the morning this time - I told her it was cooler that part of the day, but in reality I wanted to see if she chased her husband out of the house.

And so it was confirmed... she had an appointment for the following Wednesday at 8:30 in the morning. Perfect, I thought.

Wednesday morning I hit the door about 7:30 in the morning. I had restrained myself from masturbating for a few days before the appointment. It was hard to do - I am used to getting off one way or another at least once a day. But this was for a good cause - I wanted an especially thick load for Emily today. This was the day I was going to turn her from a wealthy, self-inflated, aristocratic snob to little more than a common street whore!

Dressed for "work", I had picked clothes that would leave little to the imagination. I was wearing just a pair of cotton shorts and sandals. The shorts had no pockets - I kept my wallet and house keys in the console of the van. With a keyless entry on the van, they would be secure there. I didn't wear any boxers that day - I wanted her to be able to "window shop" some before we got serious!

No shirt was needed... it looked like it would be a warm day, plus I wanted to work on my tan. A well-built bronze body seemed to do more for the ladies than a pale one!

I pulled into her drive about 30 minutes later. I recognized her husband as he came out of the house just as I was unloading my equipment. He stopped and introduced himself and then told me to make sure to give the pipes a good cleaning. He said they were having a pool party that week-end and he wanted everything in tip top shape. I assured him I would as he drove off.

What a náive idiot. He actually believed I was there to clean the pool! He was so oblivious to everything...

William Franklin was a prominent local attorney and about fifty five years of age. He had a successful law business which he had worked hard to build up. The problem was he was much more concerned with his work than he was with his wife! From what I had already learned from her, it had been some time since he had shown her any kind of attention let alone been intimate with her.

After Mr. Franklin left, I got out of the van and walked up to the front door. By this time my cock was already semi hard and getting anxious to come out to play.

I rang the bell and waited no more than a minute when Emily answered the door. Her eyes bulged out slightly as she smiled - both at my attire and my condition! She looked out the door past me - I suppose she wanted to be certain her hubby had left.

That day Emily must have been feeling a bit playful herself, because when she opened her robe, she wasn't wearing anything under it! I guess that added some excitement for her. Perhaps she wanted to try her hand at the teasing game.

But I wasn't going to fall prey to her tricks.

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I needed to keep my mind on the mission... the mission to get her so addicted to my cock she would do anything at any time and anywhere. I was certain that would take some of the prissiness out of her.

As I entered her home, she put her arm through mine and led me into the living room. She'd prepared us a light snack; that was a good sign. She was learning to serve.

She'd shed her robe as she sat down on the sofa next to me, and took the time to butter an English muffin for me. Add to that was her pouring a glass of juice for me. Clearly she wanted me to be at tip top performance for her.

We chatted about nothing of importance for ten minutes or so as I enjoyed her service. She even used a napkin to dab the crumbs from my lips. All that time she had been sitting close to me and rubbing my belly when not being a proper hostess. This seemed to be going good.

By this time my cock had grown and gotten harder and was creating quite a bulge in my shorts.

She leaned over and gently gripped my cock-bulge in her hand, squeezing it playfully while gasping when it throbbed it's response. I sat back and allowed her to massage and squeeze my cock while my hand slipped between her legs and began warming her up.

This went on for five minutes or so... her massaging my cock while I toyed with her pussy. She was soon dripping and suggested we go upstairs.
I stood and picked her up to carry her up the stairs. Her arms were around my neck in a flash and her tongue was driving deep into my ear.
When we made it to the top and entered the bedroom, I was pleased - she had changed the sheets after her husband departed. Another good sign and time for a test.

I put her down on the bed and immediately she moved to the middle and threw her legs wide apart, reaching out for me to join her.
Despite the fact that she was dripping with need by now, I wanted to get her a bit more aroused before I started pleasuring her. So acting like we were in a fancy restaurant, I began "placing our order":

"I think we'll start with some steamed clams - tell me are they steamed in their own juices?" I asked.

 "Yesss..." she moaned as I teased her drooling pussy with my finger.

 I continued ordering, "Then for the first entreé, the lady will have the spicy sausage and I will have the chicken breast. Then we will go with the rump roast, and for dessert I think something warm and creamy will do nicely," I said, grinning mischievously. Apparently she liked the menu selections I picked because as I spoke she began panting louder and grinding her pussy at me.

With that I positioned myself to begin enjoying the "steamed clams". I got between her spread thighs and placed my face close to her quivering pussy.

"Hold that pussy open for me slut," I told her. Emily instantly did as I told her, reaching between her legs and pulling her pussy lips wide apart for me. I gave the wet, pink hole a couple long, slow licks with the flat of my tongue, from the bottom of her slit to her clit, flicking the tip of my tongue over her throbbing bud just for emphasis. She raised her hips as my tongue ran up her crack, moaning and gasping when my tongue flicked her clit.

"Please, Thomas..." she whimpered. I smiled; it was good to hear her beg! It was time she learned that she wasn't in control of everything after all!

With Emily humbled some now, it was time to make her mine. I looked at her face, a mask of pleading need and raw lust. She didn't want me to fuck her - she NEEDED me to fuck her! I held eye contact with her for a few tense moments, not making any sign or emotion to her. She drew a breath ad was just about to ask again when I suddenly lowered my face to her pussy and thrust my tongue deep in her wet steamy hole.

"Ohhhh GAWD!!" Emily screamed out. She involuntarily bucked her hips up towards my mouth which gave me a chance to quickly slip my hands under her grabbing and squeezing both ass cheeks as I did. Her motor was running full blast as I licked and lapped at her pussy while she rubbed it against my chin. I hadn't shaved for a couple days and the short stubble growth acted like a French tickler on her sensitive pussy flesh. She was dripping cum all over the bed and onto me. Emily moaned and squealed as I stood there lapping at that pussy for all I was worth. I alternated between sucking on her clit and her pussy lips. She was spasming all over my face and chin. My tongue was flogging her clit and my mouth was tugging on those pussy lips.

It was time for another test.

I suddenly stopped eating Emily's sopping pussy and stood up. She lay on the bed panting heavily and her spread thighs quivering. I could tell the woman was only moments away from cumming hard; I had stopped just at the perfect time - she was edging nicely!

Without giving her a chance to rest and catch her breath, I grabbed her legs and roughly pulled her off the bed and onto the floor, picking her up into a kneeling position by her long blonde hair. I pushed her back against the footboard and pinned her head to the edge of the mattress by holding down her hair. She couldn't get up and she couldn't move her head.

"Open that slut mouth and suck my cock!" I commanded, slapping her face. I was expecting resistance; that would certainly be something a prissy, stuck up, queen bee would not do. However, she instantly opened her mouth and I unceremoniously shoved my cock into the waiting hole in her face. She gagged at first as I shoved my cock deep into her mouth. It was evident this was new to her, and I encouraged her though and told her she would have lots of time to practice and improve her technique.

She took about half the shaft into her mouth and it hit the back of her throat. Her lips were tight around my shaft and her tongue was lapping all over the head. She needed no encouragement as her hands began massaging my balls.

This went on for five or ten minutes when I pulled out of her. She whimpered her disappointment, and I grabbed a handful of her hair pulling her to her feet. I spun her around and pushed her face first up against the wall. Kicking her legs wide apart, I stepped between them and pressed my now steel-hard cock into the crack of her ass and I leaned up against her. I reached around her with one hand, grabbing one of her huge tits and sinking my fingers so deep into it she cried out in pain.
"Now slut, I am going to fuck you... I am going to fuck that slut pussy so hard that you won't be able to walk! I'm going to make you cum till you are too weak to stand up and you are begging me to stop!" I growled into her ear. She felt my hardness and the grip I had on her tit.
"Ohhh God, fuck me... please Thomas, fuck me now!" she cried.

"Are you my slut?" I asked.

"Yess..." she moaned.

SMACK! I slapped her hard across the ass. Emily screeched in shock and surprise. Apparently, it had been a long time since anyone swatted her ass.

"Tell me!" I growled.

"I am your slut, Thomas!" she cried loudly.

"Your damn right. This pussy, this ass, and this mouth are mine now, you understand me? And I will use them however and whenever I want to."

"Yes Thomas..."

"I want to hear you say it," I growled, pinching her nipple hard.

"My pussy, my ass, and my mouth are yours, Thomas, I am your slut! Please, please let me fuck you! Oh god, I want to feel your cock in me!" Emily was sobbing now... the rich, proper, sophisticate had been knocked off her pedestal and was now just another whimpering, begging slut!

I pulled her off the wall and still standing, bent her over the bed. I stepped between her legs and positioned my cock at her pussy. It was a white cream hole. I had never seen such a wet pussy before; I assumed that was due to lack of use for so long.

My cock slid right in and I immediately began pumping in and out of her hard and fast. With one hand I held her head up by the hair and with the other I slapped her upturned ass and told her to wiggle those cheeks. She complied instantly. I fucked her hard. No compassion, no sympathy. I just fucked her like a paid-for whore. I was rough. I rammed my cock hard and deep. She was squealing and begging for more.

This was raw animal fucking. Savage, and brutal, I didn't care if it hurt. Just fucking the shit out of her. I pounded her for a good thirty minutes. Every time I looked down at my cock, it was coated with white cream. It looked as though I had shoved my cock into a jar of mayonnaise, her cum was that thick.

My balls were slapping her mound. I could feel my load begin to build. I told her not to move that I would have a surprise for her. I continued pounding her pussy for another eight or nine minutes.

When I felt my load begin to move up my cock shaft, I pulled out of her pussy and pulled her back down onto the floor. She knelt there, mouth open just like she had done this all her life.

My cock entered her mouth and I pumped into her face the last few strokes before cumming. She wrapped those lips tight around the shaft as I began to mouth fuck her. Just as my load began to spew forth, I pulled out of her. I shot my hot sticky load all over her face and onto those gigantic tits. She held her mouth open and I gave her a rewarding spurt of my seed into her mouth. Once I had finished emptying my balls onto her, I pushed my cock into her mouth so she could suck and lick me clean, which she did gratefully.

I stood there looking down at her when she had cleaned me up. She kept her eyes locked on mine as she wiped her face with her fingers licking my cum off the. She started to clean her tits off too, but I stopped her there.

"You will wear my cum on your tits so you can remember this," I told her.

"Yes Thomas," she said. She knelt there looking up at me waiting for what was next.

"Today I have made you mine and fucked you like the whore you are. And you liked it didn't you? You like being my fuckslut don't you?" I said.

"Yes, I want to be your slut, Thomas, your whore. I love being your whore," she said.

I helped her to her feet and she told me she had a present for me. She scampered into her closet and returned with a box. She was beside herself with joy as she opened it and extracted a heavy gold chain. It was about twenty inches long. I later confirmed it was worth about $2,000.

"I can't tell you how much you mean to me," she said. She then asked if she could see me on a regular basis.

I had done it. I had brought the once proud and mighty Mrs. Emily Franklin, the queen of high society, down from her lofty perch and showed her she was nothing more than a common street slut. I told her I would continue seeing her as long as she remembered her new place and obeyed me.

She was tearing up with joy. I had to get going after that, so I got dressed while she watched. As I headed to the door, she asked when she would see me again.

"Call Tamara," was my response. "She can make another appointment. You ought to become friends with her if you want this to continue."

She nodded her agreement as she walked me to the bedroom door. I turned and wrapped her in my arms, giving her a deep passionate kiss and she moaned softly into my mouth.

I was walking down the hall to the front door of the house when I encountered Rosa, the maid. She smiled knowingly as she eyed me. Perhaps a further opportunity for pleasure I thought as I hit the front door.

It was about two hours later when Tamara paged me. When I returned her call, she indicated I needed to get back to the Franklin residence. All she said was be careful.

I hopped in the shower, I still hadn't had a chance to shower since coming from Emily's house. So I got cleaned up, put on some clean clothes, and lastly put the chain that Emily had given me on. I wasn't sure why I put the chain on, but I knew Emily would be hurt if I wasn't wearing it.

As I pulled into the driveway, I saw Mr. Franklin's Benz parked out front. What the hell was going on, I wondered.

I rang the bell; Rosa answered the door. She had a smirk on her face as she told me Mr. Franklin would see me in his den. Now I was really perplexed.

He had a angry, scowling look which increased in intensity as I entered. Mrs. Franklin was sitting on the sofa with a downcast look.

"Well, well... here is your little 'playmate' now, Emily. Come in here and sit down," Mr. Franklin said. "Now who the hell are you to think you can come into my home and fuck my wife?"

He was really steaming as he vented. Then he noted my gold chain. He turned to Emily, "You are spending my hard-earned money of this two bit gigolo?" he accused her.

Okay, that pissed me off. I looked him square in the eye. "Listen here, 'pal', I may have a few faults here and there, but being a cheap gigolo isn't one of them. If you had spent more time fucking your wife like the whore she is, and less time at the golf course, we would not be having this conversation!"

Mr. Franklin looked at me from behind his big impressive desk. "Maybe I should spend less time working on Rosa's visa application!" he quipped.

So there it was! This randy old goat was fucking the maid. He was so enamored with himself, he didn't even see the hottie he had.

That really set me off. "How would you like me to contact the State Bar Association? I'll bet they would be real interested in knowing that you were having sex with a client!" I said. Rosa might work for him as a maid; but because he was working on her visa application, Rosa was also a client.

That took some of the steam out of him.

"I'll bet the boys at your fancy golf club would get a kick if they found out you can't take care of your whore wife here. They'd laugh their asses off if they found out she had to go to the pool guy to get her 'pipes cleaned'!

Or maybe I should go to the evening news... I can see the headlines now - 'Local attorney's wife caught in bed with the pool boy!' Aren't you running for District Attorney in the upcoming election? That would be an interesting turn of events..." I growled.

Now he was silent.

He began backpedaling quickly now. He said we could work something out. He knew I had the upper hand and so did I.

"I think you owe me an apology, don't you? I mean after all I am taking care of what you should be," I told him.

"I-I'm sorry," he said, looking down.

"Now apologize to your wife for not being a decent husband," I told him. When he started, I told him to get on his knees at her feet. He did as I told him, apologizing to her.

Emily sat there in the chair with a smug superior look on her face. I couldn't have that - it might make all the work I'd done be for nothing. I walked over and slapped her hard across the face. "This is partly your fault too, slut. Don't be so high and mighty! What kind of house do you run? You shouldn't have let this get to this point!"
I turned as though I was leaving, and Emily jumped up and fell on her knees as she grabbed my legs. She was sobbing and pleading with me not to leave her like this.

I had her then. I knew she would obey. I had her summon Rosa in. She was still smirking until she saw the change in atmosphere.

"Now here's the deal," I started with Mr. Franklin, "I will fuck Emily whenever I wish; and you will pick up the tab, Bill. Have I made myself clear? It is going to cost you $500.00 a week in cash."

Emily was smiling from ear to ear. "Yes Thomas," she replied. "I am available whenever and wherever you wish."

"Don't get too cocky slut - you aren't getting out of this clean either. You are now my slave and I will do what I want, when I want, and however I want. Your only concern is obeying me and making sure I am pleased with you. Understand?" I said to Emily.

Emily nodded her head and looked down.

"Rosa," I started. "You are not Mr. Franklin's sex toy and you will not fuck him anymore. You belong to Emily; she is your Mistress, and you will obey her from now on if you want to stay in this country. She belongs to me, so that means you belong to me. Do you understand?"

"Si, Senor Tomas," she responded.

"Now I will come back by here tomorrow and check to make sure things are going according to my wishes. None of you want to piss me off any further or I will see to it you regret it!" I looked at each one of them to make sure they understood that I meant business. Then I turned to leave. I lifted Emily up from her chair so she could walk me to the door. As I left, I gave her a hard passionate kiss right in front of her husband so he would see that she was mine. I could hear a soft moan but I wasn't sure if it was Emily or Rosa that made it!
. . . . .
Things have been going pretty well since that day. I ended up quitting the pool cleaning job - Tamara's brother found a full time employee to help him so I wasn't needed anymore. I still kept my dishwashing job so that I could be close to Tamara. She and I had worked so well in getting Mrs. Franklin straightened out that I started tapping her as well!

Mr. Franklin kept to the agreement and every week when I came to see Emily, I picked up my $500.00 "service fee" in cash. The money took care of the student debt I had and gave me a nice bonus to my regular dishwasher pay. And with Emily getting it regularly, he didn't have her harping on him all the time.

Rosa got her visa and continued working for Mrs. Franklin. I began including her in my weekly service calls as well - no sense having her not getting her pipes cleaned now that Mr. Franklin wasn't using her! She was a hot little number and added a definite spice to things!

After three or four months, Emily came to me with a question. It seemed that one of her close society girlfriends was having some plumbing problems of her own and she wondered if I might be able to help her like I'd helped Emily... looks like I provide a much-needed service in this town!

Written by Master_Jonathan
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