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The Pleasures of a Street Thug

"Life on the street is rough, but it has its perks."

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Competition Entry: This is Hardcore
Mike was the leader of a small gang of misfits. He and his pals roamed the streets of their small part of the city almost every night. They loved to rough up scrawny men who were foolish enough to walk the darkened streets alone. Most of their prey were office workers who got too caught up in their work, as well as the occasional naive tourist.

Mike had the physique of a man who had lived most of his thirty seven years on the street. He was an intimidating man, standing about six and a half feet tall. His broad shoulders and wiry muscle atoned to the hard life he led. His face would have been almost handsome, if it wasn't hidden by his long mud colored beard.

His dark eyes darted down the street to a well dressed young man. Mike signaled to his men. He had chosen a target.

He watched the alley shadows carefully, his well trained eyes alert for even the smallest movement. One by one he received signals back from all three of his men. They were ready to surround the young man once he had walked far enough down the poorly lit street.

Mike waited until the young man had walked past the hiding spots of his first two men, Then he stepped out of the shadows of his alley. He put his hands in his pockets and kept his head down, trying to look like any other person walking down the street. He was headed towards the young man.

By the time that Mike was within twenty feet of his target, the young man was surrounded and didn't even know it.

Mike approached the young man, "Excuse me sir, can I borrow your cell phone? I need to call my wife and tell her I'm on my way home."

The young man looked this scraggly, white stranger up and down before digging in his pocket and retrieving his cell phone.

"Uh, yea sure, I guess," he stammered.

Mike took the phone, and chucked it a good fourteen feet to one side. That was the signal to his men to move in.

"Hey man, what the hell? Why did you just throw my phone?"

The young man started after his phone. He stopped when he came face to face with Jinx, Mike's second in command. The black man towered over the youth, standing almost seven foot tall and as broad as a barn. Jinx was one of those men that made you cry for mommy. Mike had always wanted to paint him green and sic him on the general population, just to see how they would react.

By then the young man knew what was happening. He backed slowly away from Jinx and Mike, only to turn around and see Kris and Frog behind him.

"Look gentlemen I don't want any trouble. I just want to get home. It's late and I have to tuck my kids into bed," the young man's voice was high pitched as he spoke.

Mike knew this guy didn't have any kids. He was a career junky, spending all day at a computer making lots of money for very little work.

"Give us your money and that watch, and we will let you go," Mike said through his teeth.

The young man dug out his wallet and tossed it to the ground at Mike's feet. Mike looked at Frog who bent down to pick it up. Frog jumped back to avoid a clumsy kick that the young man aimed for his head. Faster than the eye could follow Frog swung his own leg around. It connected at the back of the young man's knees, buckling them. The young man fell forward onto the concrete.

Frog handed the wallet to Mike who dug out five hundred dollars cash. He tossed the wallet back on the ground, leaving the traceable plastic intact.

"Jinx, will you help our young friend to his feet?" Mike said.

Jinx grabbed the young man by the collar of his shirt and hefted him up with one massive hand. With his feet dangling five inches off the ground the young man was all but helpless. Mike stepped up to him and punched the young man square in the jaw. Hard. He unlatched the watch from the young man's wrist and stepped back.

Kris stepped in and started wailing on the unfortunate punching bag, suspended from Jinx's hand. After about three minutes of the abuse the young man fell unconscious.

"That's enough," Mike barked. "Jinx lay him over there beside that building," Mike paused as the distant sound of thunder rolled past them.

"And make sure he is under some sort of cover, we don't want the poor bastard to freeze to death before he wakes up."

Mike went and gathered up the young man's wallet and phone. He laid them both under the young man, who's face was beginning to swell and bruise. The young man would be sore and feel like hell for the next few days, but all of his injuries were superficial. Mike just wanted the money, and his boys need a little bit of action from time to time. However Mike was always around to keep their blood lust in check.

The next morning Mike woke up with a raging hard on. It had been too long since the last time he had buried his cock in a woman. The pallet of blankets that made up his bed were badly in need of a wash. As was he. He rolled out from under his blankets and headed to the meager bathroom that he shared with his men.

The path to the bathroom was littered with dirty clothes and discarded shoes. Mike kicked the ones in his path aside. With a wicked grin he kicked one particularly large dirty sock at the sleeping Frog. Frog's hand shot up and caught it inches from his face. Mike laughed out loud at the face Frog made as he got a whiff of the offending garment.

Mike grabbed the last clean rag and filled the small tub full of water. With a bar of cheap harsh soap Mike scrubbed himself down. Satisfied that he was as clean as he was going to get, he stepped out of the tub. With no towels to dry off with, he headed back into the shared living quarters naked and dripping water. His impressive penis at full attention and leading the way.

Jinx and Frog were sitting at the small table sipping instant coffee.

Frog eyed Mike's raging member speculatively, "Looks like da boss 'as that itch again fellas."

From across the room an excited "Whoohoo," came from Kris, the youngest of the band.

Mike looked around the room at his men while he pulled on his cleanest set of clothes. It was amazing how hardship could bring such a diverse group together. Frog was of Asian dissent. He was small and almost scrawny, but powerful and quick as lightning. Jinx was a huge black man, always quiet, with the patience of a saint. Loyal to a fault he has never once contested any of Mike's decisions.

Kris was the youngest, but he was far from naive. He was only about seventeen but his mother was a cheap hooker who had all of her maternal instincts erased by drugs. He was lucky to have survived the first two months of life. His grandmother had taken him in and raised him as best she could until she died. He roamed the streets from the age of ten until thirteen when Mike found him and took him in.

"Your going to think "woohoo" when you're doing laundry young'an," Mike said to him.

Kris's nose crinkled at the idea of spending all day at the laundromat, but a ghost of the eager grin remained.

With his eyes still trained on Kris, Mike started barking orders, "Frog, your going to take some of last night's money and that watch and go buy some groceries. Jinx, you're with me, we're going to go scouting out tonight's hunting grounds. After Kris gets back with the laundry, I want all you smelly bastards to take a bath before we head out tonight."

Mike and Jinx headed out the door, leaving Frog and Kris to gather the laundry and head to their assigned chores. Mike and Jinx picked their way down quiet side roads and alleys. They moved in synchronized silence, born from many years of working together. As usual Jinx allowed Mike to pick the direction. When they got into the more traveled parts of town they insinuated themselves into the crowd.

"What are we hunting for tonight boss?" Jinx asked.

Jinx's lack of a street accent never failed to amaze Mike. Mike learned long ago to change his speech pattern depending on what the job called for. Jinx's speech, in those few times he decided to use it, never changed.

"Don't think I didn't see you eyeing that kid last night Jinx. I know you're pining for some action the same as the rest of us. So I was thinking a couple. It's always easier when we can play them against each other."

Jinx just nodded, though Mike could swear there was a hint of a twinkle in his eyes. They scouted out a couple different streets. With it being a weekend there should be prey aplenty. Everyone in this city goes out on the town on the weekends. They chose a quiet street that was inadequately lit at night. It was also a byway between several bars, with convenient, secluded alleys.

Mike and Jinx stopped at a nearby street vendor and bought some hot dogs for them all. Eating their share on the way, they took a different route back to their dwelling. Frog had already returned from the grocery shopping. Most of it consisted of canned foods, instant coffee, and dry pasta.

Frog gulped down his hot dog, then headed back out to help Kris finish up the laundry. While they waited, Mike napped in the easy chair. Jinx worked on a newspaper cross word puzzle he had picked up off the street. Kris and Frog got back with the clean laundry about two hours before sundown.

Now the bathing and preparation could commence. Mike washed his face in the sink while Frog and Kris shared the tub. Mike had to smile at the site of two grown men sharing the small tub, and doing their best not to touch one another in the process. You could tell when they failed, they would both jerk and shoot each other a dirty look.

Neither one was willing to take a bath with Jinx though. Jinx was so big the other person would have had to sit on Jinx, just to fit in the tub with him. Another reason was that they all knew that Jinx's tastes leaned more toward men. They didn't want any part of the "snake" that hung between that man's legs.

By the time that everyone was washed and dressed, the sun was down. It was time to go hunting. Mike led the men out of the house. They all knew where they were going. Out of habit they split into two groups. Jinx and Frog went one way, Mike and Kris went another. Kris was almost bouncing with the normal teenage enthusiasm.

"Cool it kid. Keep your head straight or your going to blow it for us all. Jinx might use you for his toy if you deny him a chance to stuff that snake of his into some poor sucker's ass hole," Mike scolded Kris gently.

Kris grinned at Mike, knowing it was a joke. He managed to rein in his excitement a little though.

"Haha," Mike chuckled under his breath.

He knew that Kris was a seasoned street thug, and that Kris knew his part in the hunt. This was not Kris's first time on this sort of excursion. However when the prospect of sex was promised to a teenager, they tended to think with the wrong head.

By then they had reached the rendezvous point. The street was small and dirty with very little traffic. Only a couple of the street lights worked. It wasn't a good neighborhood, mostly made up of abandoned buildings and a couple warehouses. Most people avoided it, until they were drunk that is. It was the fastest way to the other bar, two blocks away.

They could see Jinx and Frog in their spots a little up the street. Anyone that walked through here would be walking past Mike and Kris first.

Mike looked at Kris, "Okay kid, I want you to study potential targets, tell me why you would and would not pick them. We're looking for a couple, both attractive, both well dressed. Though we want to have some fun we also need to make some cash out of it too."

Now it was all a waiting game. Mike watched Kris. Kris watched the people walking down the street.

"Those two'er attractive," Kris motioned to a couple heading their way, "But she's wearin' 'ostume jewels. Too gaudy to be real, so s'not likely that would yield a good score."

Mike rolled his eyes at Kris' broken speech. Mike knows Kris's grandmother taught the boy proper English, however the time he spent on the streets rubbed off on him.

"Right, would probably make for a good fuck, but a bad payday," Mike agreed.

Suddenly Kris's body went tense with excitement, "Those two there. She's bangin' hot, and wearin' furs. An I can smell his fancy leather shoes from 'ere."

Mike smiled. Kris was right, the kid had good instincts. The couple was definitely wealthy, and with the way they hung on each other as they stumbled down the street, they should be easy to manipulate.

The woman was a stunning brunet with long wavy hair. She wore an expensive looking baby blue spaghetti strap top that hung loosely off her shoulders. Her tight black skirt ended just at the top of her thighs and showed off her ass nicely. Her three inch heels clicked on the pavement unevenly.

The man was about Mike's height but less muscled. He had blonde short hair and a trimmed mustache. He wore a button down pale yellow shirt. The material shimmered like silk in the low light. His tan pants hung loosely off his hips and his shoes were black leather. Mike gave the signal. The game was on.

Mike and Kris hid in the shadows as the couple passed them. They would follow unseen until they had the couple right where they wanted them. Jinx and Frog would stay ahead of the couple to make sure they stayed boxed in.

The couple was acting like they had had a lot to drink that night. They were stumbling around and into each other. They were laughing just a little too loudly. Something just didn't sit right with Mike about the situation. Though the couple stumbled around, they didn't slur their words like they had been drinking. Mike suspected that they were just acting, poorly.

It was a little late to be calling off the hunt, though, especially on just a hunch. Just a few more feet and it would be time to get to work. Mike pulled the gun out of the back of his pants along with a small flashlight. Kris took one side of the street and Mike took the other. Mike flicked the flashlight on and off twice in rapid succession. The go ahead to his other two men.

The couple seemed not to notice the flash of light. They kept stumbling right along. Mike did see that the man drew the woman in closer to him. It was like they knew they were being followed, but then why keep up the act?

Mike had stepped out of the shadows and into the street. "M'lord, M'lady," he said with a flourish and a bow. "What are two lovely people like yourselves doing on a dark street like this? Don't you think you might be in danger?"

The couple turned around as Mike spoke. The man stepped in front of his lady friend. He eyed Mike carefully. He looked back to his woman who looked Mike over for a second. Then she nodded.

The man turned to face Mike, "I have a proposition for you. Is there somewhere we can talk privately?"

Mike studied the man, he was definitely not drunk. Mike nodded to the man who turned back to retrieve the woman. He found she was not where he left her. Instead she was bound tightly in the arms of a gigantic black man. He turned back to Mike.

"Is that necessary? All I want to do discuss a little busin..." the man's voice trailed off as Kris and Frog appeared from the shadows.

With the hand holding the gun Mike motioned to the man, "Just a little insurance for me and my boys. If you would be so kind as to follow me sir, I think we may be able to resolve our predicament."

With Jinx carrying the woman bodily down the alley, and Mike, Kris, and Frog surrounding him, the man didn't have much of a choice. With a menacing look at Mike the man followed Jinx down the dark alley.

Jinx kicked open a wooden door at the end of the alley then disappeared inside.

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Mike motioned for the man to follow. After a slight hesitation the man entered, Mike, Frog, and Kris walked inside behind him.

The room was lit by a single light that hung from the ceiling. It was just a little niche that was occasionally used as a hiding hole for street kids. It was only about ten foot wide and twelve foot long. The floor was mostly packed dirt and the walls were made of rough wood boards. Mike barred the door once they were all inside. Jinx dumped the woman onto some stained blankets that were piled in one corner.

Once the woman had recovered some dignity she looked around at Mike and his men. She studied each one for at least a minute. Her eyes met the man's and a wicked grin appeared on her face.

Mike watched her study him. Something was up, but he didn't know what just yet. He caught and held each one of his men's eye, silently warning them to keep their guards up. All but Kris, who was too horny to care, seemed to share Mike's suspicions.

"So what kind of proposition are we talking about here?" Mike asked the man.

The man cleared his throat and helped the woman back to her feet.

"This is going to sound a bit awkward and hard to believe at first, but just bear with me fellas. My wife here is a bit of a nymphomaniac. In case you don't know that means, she has an insatiable sex drive."

"We know what a nymphomaniac is. Don't think that because we're thieves that we're stupid," Mike shot back with a sneer.

The man tipped his head, acknowledging Mike's comment, "She has decided she wants to do something a little different and crazy tonight. Since I am a loving husband that just wants to make my beautiful wife happy, here is the deal. I will pay you twelve hundred dollars if you and your men fuck my wife."

Mike glanced over at Frog and Kris, both have their mouths hanging open. Mike looked back at the man.

"Let me get this straight, you are going to pay us to fuck your wife?"

The man nodded.

Mike looked at Jinx who almost looked like a sullen child. An idea popped into Mike's head.

"Okay, on one condition. If you agree to being fucked as well, then we have a deal. One of my men prefers to fuck guys over girls."

The man eyed Frog, and Mike smiled. People always think it's the Asian that is gay. Boy was this man in for a surprise.

"Very well," the man turned to his wife, "I hope you love me. Why I do some of the things I do for you is beyond me."

The woman rolled her eyes at him and tried not to smile, "Oh whatever dear, you know you love a good dick up your ass as much as I do."

Mike stepped over to the man and extended his hand, "This seals the deal, me and my men fuck you and your wife, and you pay us twelve hundred dollars. I want half of the money up front."

The man took out his wallet and pulled out six hundred dollars. He shook Mike's hand passing him the money as he did so. Mike pocketed the money and took a couple of steps back.

"Both of you strip off your clothes and lay them over here," Mike told the couple in his most commanding voice.

Mike watched the woman unbutton the man's shirt. She stripped it off his arms and laid it over her arm. Then she unbuttoned his pants and let them drop to his feet. She picked up his shoes and pants and carried them over to where Mike was standing. She laid them down by his feet against the wall.

The woman then stripped off her own shirt slowly as Mike watched. She eyed him as she pulled the shirt off over her head. She shimmied out of her tight skirt and kicked off her heels. She laid her clothes on top of the man's. She wiggled her ass as she walked back over to her husband, throwing Mike a glance over her shoulder.

"Go ahead boys I'll join in in a moment." Mike told his men. He leaned against the wall by the door. He wanted to watch the man's reaction when he figured out it's Jinx that was going to be fucking him.

Mike smiled to himself as Kris rubbed his hands together and started toward the woman. Frog was only a step behind him. The man's eyes grew big as Jinx approached him. With one massive hand Jinx pushed the man to his knees. Undoing his pants he pulled out his impressive black cock, still flaccid.

"Suck it," Jinx commanded in a soft tone.

The man swallowed audibly and slid the huge cock into his mouth. He did agree to it after all. Jinx grabbed the man's head in both hands and stuffed his hardening cock down the man's throat. The man gagged and tried to push Jinx away, but there was no breaking the hold Jinx had on the man's head.

Mike watched the man get his face fucked by the huge black man, and almost felt sorry for him. Almost. His attention shifted from Jinx to his other two men.

Frog had wasted no time. Pants around his ankles he was balls deep in the woman's mouth, both fists wrapped in great wads of her hair. Frog's cock is large for an Asian man's, or so he would tell you. It didn't look like the woman was having a lot of trouble swallowing it. Kris was on his back between her legs, the sounds of his slurping could be heard throughout the room.

The woman was moaning, using the momentum of Frog's thrusts to ride Kris's face. Mike could feel his dick hardening at the prospect of a nice hot hole to fuck. He adjusted his growing cock in his pants. All in good time, he wanted his men to enjoy their good fortune first.

Jinx had three of his fingers in the man's mouth. The man was sucking and drooling on them obediently. Jinx's cock hung in all its hard glory. Mike marveled at the beast. It had to be at least ten inches long and as thick as Mike's wrist. Mike watched as Jinx pulled his fingers out of the man's mouth and replaced it with his cock. Jinx then shoved two of his large, drool covered fingers into the man's ass hole.

The man winced, but he took the anal intrusion without complaint. Jinx worked his fingers back and fourth in the man's ass. Jinx stretched and pulled at the man's sphincter, pushing in a third finger. He worked all three fingers in the man's ass, stretching it out in preparation for his monster cock.

Mike thought of twelve hundred dollars and the good fortune that brought him to it. With that much money him and his men would be set for a solid two months. Not having to steal it was just icing on the cake. Adjusting his now hard cock once again he walked over to Kris, Frog, and the woman.

The woman was kneeling on the hard dirt floor. Her milky skin looked soft and supple. Her tits were perky, though a bit small for Mike's tastes. Her frazzled brown hair was no longer tidy, and her skin shown with sweat in the candle light. She was grinding her pussy into Kris's face and moaning around Frog's dick, which was being pushed down her throat.

"Which hole you want boss," Frog asked as Mike walked over.

"Which one is the juiciest," Mike responded with a grin.

A mumbled response came from beneath the woman.

"What was that boy?" Mike said his grin widening.

Kris lifted up one of the woman's legs so that he could be heard clearly, "Got this one all ready for ya boss. As juicy as they come, the 'ore is enjoyin' it, aren't cha bitch?"

When the woman didn't answer, Kris bit the inside of her leg hard enough to leave a bruise.

"I says, aren't cha bitch?"

The woman nodded her head around Frog's cock.

"I can't 'ear ya bitch," Kris said, biting her leg again.

The woman squealed, spitting Frog's cock out, "Yes I love the feeling of you tonging my pussy."

"See boss, she likes it."

Mike just rolled his eyes and started undoing his pants. He let them drop to his feet, then kicked them out of the way. His cock, in all it's seven inches of glory stood to rigid attention.

Mike looked over to where Jinx and the man was, just a few feet away. Jink had his fingers back in the man's mouth. Jinx's other hand was stroking his massive cock. With ease of force, Jinx slid four fingers into the man's ass hole. By the look on the man's face he was enjoying himself just as much as his wife was.

A crazy idea hit Mike and he walked over to Jinx. Any other time Mike would have never even considered such a thought. Tonight though, was not a normal night.

"Mind if I borrow his mouth for a bit Jinx?" Mike asked.

"Sure boss," was all the reply that Jinx gave.

Jinx moved behind the man to work his ass hole from a different angle. Mike studied the man who was in the same position as the woman. The man's blonde hair was wet with sweat and his eyes were closed. They opened when Mike approached him.

"I hope you're as good at sucking dick as your wife is."

The man grasped the base of Mike's cock. He opened his mouth and hovered over the head of Mike's cock for just a second. Mike could feel the man's hot breath tickling his penis. Then the man swallowed all seven inches of Mike's cock in one gulp.

"Oh fuck!" Mike groaned.

He could feel the man's throat constricting on his cock. This was fast becoming the best blowjob of his life. The man moved Mike's cock in and out of his mouth slowly, pressing his tongue against the head. Applying different pressure sensations as he bobbed his head up and down. Mike pushed the man's head all the way down and held it there for almost a minute. When he let go the man shot back sucking in a big breath, drool dripping down his chin.

Slapping noises from a few feet away drew Mike's attention to Frog, Kris, and the woman. Kris was having his dick sucked by the woman and Frog was pounding her pussy from behind. The woman was moaning softly. Frog smacked her ass, the resounding crack echoed in the room. Even in the dim light a red mark was visible.

The man jerked on Mike's cock, causing him to look back at Jinx. The big black man was on his knees attempting to get his monster cock into the man's ass. Mike shoved the man's head back down on his cock. Let him think about something more important, like oxygen. Mike held him down longer than he did the first time. When Mike finally let go the man almost sat back on his heels.

A breathless "Ahhh," escaped the man's mouth as his backward movement impaled his ass on Jinx's cock. Mike smiled, pleased that his plan had worked.

"Better?" he shot at Jinx.

Jinx just grunted as he held the man's hips still, thrusting slowly. Mike lowered himself down on his knees to be level with the man's mouth.

"Hurry up and suck me off, I want a piece of your girl over there," Mike told the man.

The man worked Mike's cock vigorously. He sucked hard and even cupped Mike's balls, rubbing them gently. Mike could feel himself start cumming.

"Swallow it all," he ordered just before he exploded in the man's mouth.

Mike's hips bucked, pushing his cock deeper into the man's mouth. Mike closed his eyes as he savored the feeling of the man's hot wet mouth on his pumping cock. The man obediently sucked Mike's cock dry, swallowing every drop.

Mike got up and walked over to where the woman was riding Kris' cock. Frog had deposited his load on her face and was leaning against the wall recovering his erection. Mike was still hard. He grasped the woman by the hips and flipped her over so that she was laying face down on Kris's chest.

He lined his spit lubed cock up with her puckered ass hole.

The woman squirmed, "Oh yea, fuck my ass you bastard. Make it hurt."

Mike pushed his cock against the opening of her ass. He felt it tighten as she tensed up. He pushed harder, and heard the pop as it entered her ass. He pushed his cock all the way into her forbidden tunnel. She squirmed beneath him whimpering.

"Frog shut the whore up for me will ya," Mike shot over his shoulder.

Frog came and stood in front of the woman his cock swinging in front of her face. When she didn't immediately start sucking him he grabbed her lower jaw forcing her mouth open. Once his cock was in her mouth, he let go of her jaw, allowing her to take control once again.

Mike concentrated on the feeling of her tight ass gripping his cock. It felt amazing. He could feel Kris's cock moving in her pussy, adding to the sensations. Kris's pace picked up as he got closer to cumming. With a loud grunt Kris shot his load deep inside the woman's pussy. Mike could feel Kris' cock pulsing through the thin membrane that separated the two holes.

Mike pulled out while Kris and Frog switched. Kris went to lean against the wall and cool down while he caught his breath. Mike stood in front of the woman needing to re-lube his cock before putting it back in her ass. Mike grabbed a handful of her hair and forced his cock down her throat. She gagged several times as he pounded her face, but he didn't let her have a reprieve until his cock was once more coated in spit.

Mike moved back behind the woman, before he entered her ass once again he looked over at Jinx and the man. Jinx was still pounding the man's ass, a look of pure bliss on the his face. The man was stroking his own cock which was hard and there looked to be a pool of white liquid under the him. Mike grinned to himself, so the bastard was enjoying himself after all.

He buried himself back in the woman's ass in one stroke. She tensed up, squeezing his cock. He groaned and smacked her ass, leaving a fresh hand print on top of Frog's. The movement of Frog's cock inside her pussy wasn't as noticeable as Kris's was. Mike didn't care though, he was close to cumming a second time.

He grabbed the woman's hips as his thrusting sped up. He was slamming his cock into her ass as hard and as fast as he could. By the sounds that were coming from Frog, Mike could tell he was getting close too. The woman started moaning, sending Mike over the edge. He could feel the woman's muscles contracting around his cock as she rode the waves of her own orgasm. Frog was groaning, his cock pumping into her pussy at the same time.

Mike pulled his softening cock out of her. His cum quickly filled the space his cock had just vacated and slowly dripped out of her abused ass hole. Frog pushed the woman off of him onto her back and stood up. He stretched, scratched his balls, and began searching for his pants.

Kris came over and lifted the woman's legs and ass into the air. He pushed his cock into the woman's cum lubed ass. He thrust quickly, trying to get his last kicks in before Mike called it a night. I didn't take long before his body was quivering. His eyes rolled back in his head and his knees shook as he shot another load of his seed into the woman.

Mike glanced over to Jinx who was sitting on the floor against the wall, the man was licking his now flaccid cock clean. Mike looked down at his own cock and decided it could use a cleaning too. He approached the two, and Jinx pushed the man off his cock and pointed to Mike. The man crawled on his knees over to Mike. He licked all traces of his girl's ass off of Mike's cock and balls, then sucked softly on Mike's cock until Mike stepped away to retrieve his pants.

The man handed Mike the other six hundred dollars. The couple then got dressed and left through the small door. Mike and his men left soon after.

Exhausted and sated Mike and his men headed back to their own living space. Clapping Mike on the back, they all collapsed in their beds without even undressing. Mike thought back on the events of the evening. Though not everything went according to plan, their lust was sated and they had enough money to live on for a couple of months at least. With that though Mike drifted off to sleep. Just another day in the life of a street thug.
Written by lins1988
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