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The Beach

"A story of switching."

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Author's Notes

"This piece is an old thing, I've had in the drawer for years. It's a stand-alone thing, and I doubt it will be developed any further. <p> [ADVERT] </p>Hope you enjoy."

It is very late at night. She is lying butt naked on her belly on a carpet on the beach, listening to music on her MP3-player, and just feeling wonderful after tonight’s experiences. She looks up to the brink of the beach. Master’s motorbike – a cool red Beamer R1150RS – is standing only a few yards away.

She vividly remembers the weird sensation of the light vibrations of the motorbike on her freshly caned ass and newly whipped pussy coming here. Master had brought out the cane at home and ordered her on her knees, tits to the floor, and ass held high. He had spanked her a little with his flat hand, making her juices run down her thighs, and then proceeded to give her thirty of the best with the cane.

Then he had produced a small rubber flogger and whipped her pussy till it was good and sore as well. He had inserted a small vibrator in her love box, turned it on at its lowest buzz, and then given her a set of tiny tied-in-the-sides G-string panties to wear over it. After she had put on the panties, he had tied the string from the vibrator to the string of the ­panties at the side, and told her to get dressed for a motorbike ride.

Wearing nothing else under the bike attire than her panties, she had chosen the fiery red tailor-made leather safety suit, that hugs her body’s curves so lovingly, and had taken no little pride in the lustfully acknowledging glances Master had sent her. The bike ride here had been sweet exquisite torment. The vibrations of the bike on the fresh welts of her ass had been amazing, and even more so the same vibrations on her slightly sore pussy. But the worst and best bit at the same time, though, had been the feeling of the buzzer in her pussy. The way it intensified every time she changed her weight or position, or even every time the machine did so in entering or exiting a curve. She was quite certain that the curving road Master had taken here was carefully planned from his side, in order to make her even more aroused.

It had been the most amazing ride of her life. She had been more than ready, as Master had parked the bike in the bushes at this lovely secluded stretch of sandy beach. As she had stepped off the bike, he had opened the front of both their helmets and french kissed her so hard, she had lost her breath completely. Her thighs and pussy had already been soaking wet for the entire forty-minute trip, and she had almost started crying from pleasure as Master had opened her leather pants, torn them down along with her panties and the buzzer, and roughly turned her around and bent her over the bike and fucked her hard from behind.

Her first orgasm had hit her even before his full length was inside her, and she had kept coming and coming and coming, till he had simply withdrawn and slapped her butt a single time. She had turned to look at his still rock hard cock and asked, “But what about you, Sir?”

“Later, pet. You are simply so wet, I cannot feel a thing right now. My turn will come later. Get undressed, we’re going skinny dipping.” She opened the side box of the bike, and grabbed the two bags, Master had put there, and a couple of very large towels and a large plaid blanket from the other side. Taking off her jacket on the way, she followed Master down onto the sandy beach.

It was a marvelous evening. Still 25°C (77°F), and only the tiniest little breeze. She couldn’t help giggling, as she spotted Master’s raging hard-on still protruding from his midnight blue leather pants. She spread out the blanket on the patch of beach, Master had already cleaned off for rocks and dry seaweed. Then they both stripped naked and she knelt before him and took him in her mouth. After a few seconds, he withdrew from her mouth and picked her up in his arms, turned her over in the air, so that he could push into her again. She clenched her legs around him, and pressed her lower legs against his buttocks, as he lowered her onto his cock and started walking towards the waterline.

She sighed deeply as his full length slid into her, and the only movement of his cock she felt was a tiny sideways stirring as he effortlessly carried her into the water till they were both in belly button high. The water was nice and warm too. It was a fantastic feeling hanging almost suspended – close to weightless in the salty water of the ocean – speared on his strong manhood. The ever-so-light cooling effect of the water on her welts from the evening's caning added several dimensions to her arousal, as he slowly started fucking her with the aid of the updrift of the ocean. He had her almost in tears from horniness in seconds, and after but a few minutes, she was out on yet another infinite string of orgasms again.

Finally, Master came. He came so hard his knees almost buckled under him. As she felt his warm semen splash her insides, she came so hard herself, she blacked out in his strong arms. She came back around in only a few moments. It surprised her to no end, that he was already standing back up on the beach next to the blanket again. Even more amazing, his cock was still hard, and still buried full length inside her. Gently he set her down on the beach and bent over to grab a towel for her. She shook her head at him, and started back to the water to rinse off. Master followed her into the water and they played around for a while in the lovely warm water. Then she went back to the blanket and took the towel and started drying herself down. Master gently took the towel from her hands and knelt before her and started gently drying her allover.

It was a great feeling – way beyond description. This normally so strong and demanding man caressing her entire body ever-so-gently with the soft towel. His kneeling before her as in some sort of submission. The love and affection literally shining from his eyes this late evening hour. After finishing her towelling, he got up and picked her up in his arms and then got back down on his knees – gently laying her down on her back on the blanket. Then he kissed her. Lightly on the mouth at first. Then, with just a tiny touch of tongue, slowly turning into a deep deep french kiss, that took her breath away.

Panting heavily as he broke off the kiss, she slid her arms around his neck and back and pulled him back down to her. “Please, Sir. One more.” She didn’t get time to plead anymore than that. As his mouth closed over her’s, his hand started gently caressing her side. She tightened her hold on him, knowing how much he loves the feeling of her holding onto him like that. After mere seconds, she was completely out of breath again, and her arms grew weak around him, He broke off the kiss, and pushed himself up on stretched arms, his unbelievably bright blue eyes staring lovingly into her’s.

He spoke in his deep gut-melting baritone voice: “I don’t really think you truly understand, how much I love you, my dear pet.” Tears welled up in her eyes, as her arms came up around him again to pull him back down onto her. “Hang on a second, pet.” She eased her grip a little, still holding on as if for dear life to him. “It is now a little after midnight, pet. Happy birthday.” He leaned back down and kissed her again.

She had completely forgotten her own birthday, having been so busy lately, that the days had just seemed to rush by, and she had actually lost track of the dates a couple of weeks ago. But Master had not forgotten. Master never forgot. Her tears started flowing free, as through them she hiccupped a gentle “Thank you, Sir.”

He leaned in to kiss away her tears, and she hugged him to her even harder, as she heard him whisper in her ear: “Please stop crying, pet. It makes me feel like a prick.”

Her hold on him grew even stronger. “No, Sir. Please don’t. I’m crying from happiness, Sir.”

“I know, pet. But it still makes me feel miserable to see you in tears when you should be smiling happily.”

“Oh, sir!” she litterally jumped the two inches up to grab him even harder. “Thank you!” She was fighting bravely to put on a smile through her tears, and it made him so proud, he just had to kiss her again. As he broke off that kiss, she finally got control of her tears, and put on a shining smile, that took his breath away.

He bent down and licked her tit, as he mumbled, “Thank you, my love.” He lay his head gently on her abdomen, and she put her hand on top of it and started caressing his hair. A great content sigh escaped him. Her heart skipped a beat, as she realized that it was she, that made him feel so good. A warm feeling of pride spread from her chest out to the farthest corners of her body.

Master yawned. She grabbed a good handful of his hair and pulled lightly. Not hard – just enough to catch his attention. “Why don’t you catch a little shut-eye, Sir? I’ll keep a lookout and wake you up if something should happen.” She picked up her jacket and folded it neatly into a pillow for him, and as he lay down to relax a bit, she grabbed the dry towel and covered him with it. A moment later he was asleep, and the towel lay next to him.

She looked into the bags and found her MP3-player and lay down on her belly to relax as well. About three-quarters of an hour later, she turned to her side to look at her lord and master. His totally relaxed but nevertheless impressive frame never ceased to amaze her. Her eyes started wandering from his kind and relaxed facial expression, down over his huge chest – straying for a moment to gaze at his upper arm. Even in this relaxed state, the circumference of his upper arms was slightly bigger than her thighs. Once she had playfully compared their arms and found that the circumference of her biceps on the upper arm was exactly the same as that of his wrist. She had punched him in the chest and laughingly stated that since her arms were the same size, she must also be equal in physical strength. That had landed both of them in a fit of giggles. She smiled at the memory, as her gaze followed his arm to his hands neatly folded over his six-pack belly.

Oh, how she loved those hands. Capable of such destruction through his martial arts training – capable of delivering such exquisite pain and such gentle caresses. Such a never-ending source of joy they were. She felt like kissing them. With a bit of difficulty, she forced her gaze to wander further down his impressive frame, stopping for a minute at his cock. His “Lethal Weapon” as she had lovingly referred to it on several occasions. Once Master had asked if it reminded her more of Mel Gibson or of Danny Glover with a devious glow in his eyes. He had been holding his cane, and she had known that this was one of those questions, that would lead to a lovely sore butt, no matter what she answered.

She had looked him squarely in the eyes and told him in an affronted tone of voice that the tool of HER master reminded her of none of those goofy dorks. That it was lethal because it caused “the little death” so often. This reference to the Japanese slang for an orgasm had impressed him to no end, and he had dropped the cane, and taken her in his arms and said that he’d better live up to that assessment right here and now. Boy oh boy, had that been a glorious string of orgasms. He had massaged her allover at first fingering and pinching and tweaking at all the right places. Her first orgasm had come even before he got to her sex. He had played her with the same virtuosity that he treated his guitar. Then he had spent more than an hour kissing and licking her all over and finally he had screwed her brains out so thoroughly she had slept for twelve hours straight after it. The smile that had put on her face had lasted for several days.

Still luxuriating in her little private trip down memory lane, she suddenly came to think of that weird position, Master had once shown her on a picture site on the internet. He had had a weird smile on his face, as he told her that he would love to see her in that position one day. She had been scared but also gotten very turned on by the impossibility of what he suggested. He had shrugged it off, stating that it was impossible, but so were many other dreams. She had taken a silent vow to learn to do just that for him – impossible or not. She had been taking time out of her daily schedule to train her body to be able to curl up like that for more than half a year now. Every single day for just over seven months, she had gone to his training room and done one hour of agility training to obtain the dexterity needed. For the last two weeks, she had succeeded – not only in obtaining the impossible position but also being able to hold it for almost three-quarters of an hour. It was time to surprise him.

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She smiled to herself again as she took off the MP3-player, and used the headphone cord to tie her hair back in a ponytail to keep it out of the way. Then she got up on her hands and knees. Spreading her legs and arms a bit she got over his legs and bent down over his groin. With two fingers she gently lifted up his cock and swept the foreskin back to reveal the purple head of it. She opened her mouth and took him in. Gently closing her lips around it halfways down, she started to swivel her tongue around the head of “the little dude”. The soft warm touch made him squirm a little, but amazingly he still seemed fast asleep. The little dude started to rise and shine, and she started sucking in earnest. In just a few moments, she’d gotten him rock hard and standing to attention. Master’s hand came up to gently caress the top of her head.

She stopped with his cock held gently between her lips, and the tip of her tongue resting right on his peehole. He took the clue and settled back to enjoy her ministrations. Immediately her tongue started swirling around the head of his now rock hard cock and she started sucking again. His groin rose a little to try to thrust his cock into her mouth, but she put a hand on his belly and firmly pushed him back down again. She sensed his slight irritation at not being allowed to heighten his pleasure himself, but she had second-guessed him correctly. Because it was her birthday, he would allow it. She thought: “There may be a price of pain to pay later, but never mind that for now. It will be worth it.”

She was sure that his amazement of the show she had planned for him, would be worth every cane stroke to come – well, at least there’s a very good chance of just that. His cock began to tremble ever-so-slightly in her mouth, but much as she loves the taste of his come, now was not the time for him to blow his load. She needed him horny as hell for her next step. She let go of his cock, and grabbed it firmly in a fist, wanking it lightly a few times. Then she looked up at him. “Sir, I need your help now, please.”

“How may I assist you, pet?”

“I have something to show you, Sir. But I need you to submit to my will, just for a few minutes, Sir.”

“Any pain involved?”

“Not for you, Sir.”

“Well, then I don’t see why not. You have my curiosity aroused, pet. I will do as you wish, and address you Milady, for the remainder of your birthday. Okay?”

“Yessir. Thank you, Sir. I shall call you »Dude« for as long as you are under my will, then.”

“Thank you, Milady. How may I serve you?”

She let go of his cock and moved out of his way a little as he got up to sit on his knees. Then she lay down on her back on the blanket, stretching out from corner to corner, her legs slightly spread. “Get up and sit in the Nadu position in the corner of the blanket between my feet, Dude. Face me, and don’t move till I tell you to. Keep your eyes on what I do at all times.”

“Yes, Milady.” He got up on his knees and shuffled around to the position she wanted him in. His eyes never left her face, and the smile never left his eyes. She raised her arms and then very slowly stretched them out on the ground above her head. He was hungrily drinking in the sight of her perfectly round breasts as they stretched out and flattened slightly on her chest. Still an ample handful, and firm as those of a teenager, he simply couldn’t keep his eyes off them. His eyes shifted to her pussy, as she started rising her legs towards vertical. Keeping them spread all the way, she gave him the chance of keeping his eyes on her groin as well as her tits and her face. Her legs reached vertical, and very slowly continued until her knees touched the ground next to her shoulders. His jaw fell open in amazement, as he realized exactly what she was attempting.

As her knees touched the ground and her lower legs lay alongside her arms for a brief moment, he closed his mouth with an audible snap and shook his head in utter disbelief. His jaw fell again though, as her arms came back around to cross her legs at the back of her knees, and continue down along her side. His hands twitched with impatience. She could literally feel the strain on his will power. He was pretty much spending everything in him to restrain himself to his promise. She marvelled at his interior fight, as she raised her head and to his utter amazement hooked one foot around the ankle of the other behind her head. Gently she leaned her head back on her heel, as she raised her butt what little she could and shoved her fists under the small of her back. She smiled at him, trying to encourage him to win his own interior battle, as she now lay folded up into handbag size, presenting her wide open pussy and ass for his view.

A hard pant escaped him, as he was putting so much effort into not moving, that he was getting physically exhausted from it. His gaze moved from her grotesquely open groin up towards her face, stopping for a while to marvel at the fantastic sight of her breasts standing up like a couple of perfectly rounded hills reaching for the sky. “Wow!” The sudden exclamation caused him to lose his shaky self-control, and his hand reached out to gently stroke her inner thigh. Her eyebrow shot up, as he realized his failure in keeping his promise. His embarrassment had him blushing so hard, his entire face and torso turned beet red.

“Dude! What would have happened to me, had I shown so little self-control?”

“You would have been punished, Milady. Most likely with twenty-five to thirty cane strokes, maybe even more. I am sorry, Milady. I fucked up. My only excuse is that I am not a well-trained sub, such as yourself, Milady. I will of course submit myself to whatever punishment, Milady deems appropriate.” He bent his head in a submissive gesture, but snapped back immediately, as he remembered her order not to take his eyes away from her at any time.

“Twice disobedient, dude. Well, you know the rules. Punishment hurts something bad, but if you take it like a big boy, you will earn your forgiveness. We will deal with that later, Dude. What do you most wish to do, right now?”

“I’d like to …”, he broke off looking for the right words for his unfamiliar role in this play. “I should very much like to service Milady orally, if I may.” He looked into her eyes searching for a clue to how he was doing – knowing full well, that he was nowhere near impressing anyone present.

“If you don’t soon up your performance, I’m afraid some delicate part of you may be very sore before this night is over, Dude.”

“Yes, Milady. I fear so myself as well.”

“OK. Now let’s see if your tongue can do some good instead of just getting you into more trouble, Dude. Hands behind your back, tongue and lips only. You know the drill!” He clasped his hands firmly behind his back, thanked himself silently for his twenty-five years of martial arts training, and bent forwards to gently lick the length of her pussy. Starting at the bottom of her pussy, he licked its full length up and down a few times. Then his tongue continued down to her ass, swirling around the hole itself a few times and back up the length to her clit. He continued like that for a while, marvelling at how fast her pussy started oozing with her yummy nectar. He slid his tongue down to her asshole again, this time ramming it into her. A scream escaped her mouth, as he went back up to her clit and then pouted his lips to munch on her flowing juices. She came so hard, his entire face and torso got soaked in her juices.

He kept working her, his face going up and down, his tongue felt like being everywhere at the same time to her. He slowed down a little, and let the tip of his tongue play directly at the tip of her now erect clit. She tensed up as a spasm ran through her, and as he closed his soft lips on the little button and sucked lightly, she came again. As if from very far away, he heard her shouting to him to take her now. He got up to kneeling again and rammed his cock home in one go. She was so wet, he could hardly feel a thing, but he kept on plowing into her. In a matter of seconds, she started on one of her wild series of orgasms again. He kept on going as she kept on coming. Finally, her string of orgasm ebbed out and she stopped him.

“Take my ass now. HARD!” He pulled out of her pussy and started pressing into her tiny asshole. As soon as the tight hole gave a little way, he rammed it home. A roar of unbridled passion escaped her as he started humping her in earnest. His one hand came around to start gently fingering her clit. He thought for a moment of her order not to apply his hand until told so but figured what the hell. This was as much her dream as his, and he wanted her to come more and harder still. As his finger tickled her clit, she came again. The convulsions of her pussy made her tighten her ring muscle on his cock, and he lost it. He came harder than ever before, and the cramps of her ring muscle locked him tightly in place. None of them were able to move a muscle, as their orgasms ebbed off and every breath left in them disappeared, and they collapsed in a panting heap of flesh. Luckily he had only just been able to push her feet apart, as he fell in on top of her.

A few seconds later, he was able to move though, but as he tried to get up, he realized, that his cock was still as hard, and still locked inside her ass by her cramped up ring muscle. He moved in closer and pushed her speared butt up in the air and gently scooped her up in his arms. Then he got up on his feet – feeling slightly dizzy – and started walking to the water line again, figuring that the cool of the water might help in their predicament. He thanked his martial training yet again as he walked them both into the water. As the ocean came up to his chest, they both cooled off slightly and his cock fell in exhaustion. Ever-so-slowly he managed to withdraw from her, and he gently set her down on the ocean floor and let his hands wash her entire body. He washed himself over swiftly and then took her up in his arms again and carried her back to the blanket.

“Do you think, you are capable of staying up on the bike for the trip home tonight, Milady?”

“What’s the alternative?”

“Sleeping here in our leather suits with the towels as pillows, Milady.”

“Lovely as it sounds, I should prefer our own bed, my love. Can you drive?”

“Sure. But you must promise me not to fall asleep. Tell me if you are too tired. Okay?”

“I can stay awake. But I want to do something before we go.”

“What’s that?”

“I want to whip you. The feeling of sitting on the bike on a newly whipped butt is amazing. I want you to have that experience as well, Dude. And I owe you punishment, don’t I?”

“Yes, you do, but we have no cane here.”

“You have your pocket knife. There’s a roll of bondage tape in one of the bags, and a willow tree right over there. Get me three thin and fresh branches of about four feet. Remove all leaves from them and tape them together along their entire length and meet me by the bike in five minutes.”

“But there’s a bed of nettles at that tree, Milady.”

“Mmmmh. So there is. Pity for you, Dude. Didn’t you once have me walking through one of those in the nude?”

“Yes, Milady. So I did.”

“Off you go then. I’ll pack up here. Three minutes – no later than that.”

“Yes, Milady.” He hurried off.

“Careful with your cock, Dude. I shall need it tomorrow morning after we finish off your punishment!” She smiled hopefully to herself. Maybe now he would think twice about using those darn plants on her again.

She was right on both accounts. He hates nettles now, and it really was an amazing ride home!

Copyright by Master Rhett Buttox, July 2008. Feel free to read and share, but only in its entire length.


Written by Morfred
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