Margaret Mason stood with Kathy Worell and Angie Bakama and they stared at her with obvious disdain as she passed with four of her seven children. Her husband, David had taken the other three with him in the other car. She noticed that the women were staring but she didn’t care. She ignored them and kept walking. There was no need to concern herself with their thoughts. She no longer lived there. She’d only returned to her hometown to visit her parents and wouldn’t be remaining long. She was expected to return to the movie studio soon.
She was aware that everyone thought she was a selfish, whorish bitch. She also knew they all wondered how her husband could stay with her. Well, not really all, but most of the residents of the small town and their families and neighbors.
David’s parents hated her. Angela, David’s sister, was continually telling him he should leave her and find someone new. It had no effect. But none of it was new to Sylvia. She'd been a selfish bitch since highschool. And, though she'd been quite the slut through her junior and senior years of highschool, she didn’t actually become whorish until a little later. And David had been there throughout all of it.
She smiled as she thought of David. Things had not turned out very much like he’d expected. Especially after he married her. But he had stayed with her, just as she knew he would. He loved her, and she could depend on him, which made marrying him the best thing she could have done.
Sylvia thought back to when it all began. Well, not when it really began, which was when she found the stash of hardcore pornographic magazines that ignited her sexual fires. Her memories were of what occurred a few years later...
Rising from the warmth of a hot bath, Sylvia stepped from the white porcelain tub to stand nude and dripping before the full-length mirror that was attached to the bathroom door. She saw that she was beautiful, as always. Flawlessly beautiful.
At four foot eleven, she was a tiny thing with a slender, almost boyish figure. Her hair was a deep dark brown and her skintone was even darker. Her complexion was so dark that the sight of it made the midnight sky seem filled with light.
Watching glistening rivulets of water streaming down her skin, she felt a powerful tingling infuse her body from head to toe. Her black licorice nipples grew to points and she felt a more intimate moisture at her slit as she considered her plans for the night.
Her parents weren’t home and she was going out on a date. After the date, she intended to take him to her room and let him fuck her.
Despite her being a virgin, that’s how she thought of it. She viewed it as a hard cock going into her cunt and popping her cherry. She could imagine what it would feel like and what it would look like, the sharp pain and then streaks of blood tainted pussy cream creating wet lines along the sides of the prick that was stretching the walls of her snatch.
She loved that, using words like snatch, twat, pussy, box, and cunt to refer to that always hot orifice between her thighs. She also liked to use words like dick, prick, cock, baby-maker, and cuntstretcher when speaking of a man’s shaft. Sylvia imagined sex in its most obscene forms and reveled in those fantasies. Now she was looking forward to turning some of those fantasies into reality.
Raising her hands to the cantaloupe-sized mounds of her breasts, she pinched her sensitive nipples between fingernails painted a gleaming cobalt blue. A thrilling rush of pleasure swept through her womb and caused creamy white sauces to spill from between the lips of her pussy, and drip to the floor.
They all think I’m such a sweet and innocent girl, Sylvia thought, smiling. They would be shocked if they knew what really goes on inside my head.
After drying, Sylvia walked to her bedroom to dress. She had just pulled up her pale pink panties and was still bare breasted when she noticed that David had unexpectedly arrived and stood in the doorway. She slowly and teasingly slid her hands down over the cute smoothness of her buttocks then turned to face him. She didn’t bother to try to cover her tits because she was aware that he had seen them on numerous occasions.
Their houses were next to each other and his bedroom was directly across from hers. She knew that he often saw her completely nude or in myriad stages of undress. She left the floral patterned curtains of the windows parted for just that purpose. Though she had never seen him do it, she liked to imagine him whacking off while gazing at her. Sometimes, the idea got her so hot that she would lie on the bed and rub one out right where he could see her.
“Hi David. I’m a little busy right now. Did you need something or can it wait?” she asked. Lifting the bra that matched the panties, she tossed it aside, deciding to go braless.
“I hear you’re going out with Brent,” David said.
“Yeah. He finally dumped Cindy.”
“And now it’s your turn, right. Do you think it’s going to be different with you than it was with anybody else? It’s not. He’s gonna tell you anything you want to hear just to get into your pants. After that he’ll fuck you for a little while before moving on to the next girl.”
Sylvia had looked at David then. Standing in her doorway, tall, chocolate skinned, with the slender muscular physique of a gymnast, he could have had any girl in the school. But it was as if he could barely see those other girls and she knew it was because he was so smitten with her. Sometimes, not often, but occasionally while masturbating, she imagined having sex with him.
Another woman, taking pity on him, might have let him know there was no chance that they would be together. She might have discouraged his attention and ignored him. Sylvia was not like those women. Having the gorgeous black man pine for her was an ego boost she had no desire to throw away. And there was also something about knowing he was in love with her, though there was no way she would ever return his affections that was sexually arousing to her. She was getting off on his misery, and she liked it.
Seeing him gazing at her with a heartbroken expression increased the heat and wetness in her cunt. But, though his large, black prick was tenting the front of his pants in a display of desire for her, what she wanted was something different from what he had to offer.
“What makes you think he hasn’t already said all the right things to get me in bed?” Sylvia asked.
“You... you’ve already let him fuck you?”
“No. Not yet. But I’m planning to.” Sylvia smiled and felt the heat tingling inside her grow hotter as she maliciously twisted the knife she had plunged into his heart. “I’m going to let him pop my cherry tonight. My parents are on a trip visiting relatives so I’m gonna have him do me in my bed.”
“If you do, you’re gonna regret it,” David said angrily.
“Maybe. But I doubt it.”
Sylvia’s cunt was on fire as she listened to the heavy footfalls of David’s every step as he departed. She imagined him crying and the carnal effect she experienced was so powerful she was almost tempted to give herself a masturbatory orgasm right then and there. But she forced herself to maintain her self control and finish dressing.
By the time Brent arrived, Sylvia was so hot for her first fuck that they never left the house. Opening the door and seeing the tall, muscular, blond haired football jock, she had immediately moved into his arms and kissed him deeply right there in the open entrance. What followed was like an extremely animalistic pornographic dream.
Before Brent had got one foot into the house, Sylvia began to undress him. She pulled apart the front of his white button shirt ,causing buttons to fly and baring his massive chest. Following her lead, the young white man pushed her back inside and kicked the door closed with the heel of a foot. Then he gripped the front of her crimson chiffon dress and pulled it apart. The young black woman gasped with pleasure, thrilled by his forcefulness and having her tits bared to him.
Clothing fell from their bodies like leaves from trees, fluttering through the air as they dropped to create a trail of irresistible passion into her home. Both bodies were bare long before they reached her bedroom.
Held in Brent’s strong, muscular arms, Sylvia’s heart pounded in anticipation of what was about to occur. Though she wanted him badly, being virginal she was nervous about what was going to happen. She had been anxious at the thought of it, like any other girl, but with the sizeable mass of the young man’s cock pressed against her she had become anxious.
Sylvia had heard that Brent possessed a huge cock but thought the rumors to be exaggerated. She was amazed to find that they were not. The heavy mass of throbbing flesh was about ten inches long and very thick. She found it frightening and arousing. However, more than anything, she was aroused. And it wasn’t only Brent who had her that way.
As she stood with Brent - his hard, white prick pressed against her belly and up between the soft globes of her tits - she thought about David. Sylvia stroked her dark fingers over the slightly tanned flesh of the teenager’s muscular arms as she envisioned David watching, seeing the contrast of the color of their naked flesh. But what made the fires burning in her snatch flare more strongly, was the idea of him being jealous as he watched another man, a white man, have what he wanted.
Thinking of David watching, she reached between her and Brent and began to stroke the massive cock.
“Damn, you’re hot. And you know how to treat a cock,” Brent said with a moan. “Most girls are too rough when they're handling a cock for the first time, but you’re doing it just right. I thought you said you were a virgin.”
“I am. That doesn’t mean I don’t know what to do; it just means I haven’t done it.”
“Yeah. That’s true. You know, I always wanted to talk to you. I didn’t because I thought you and David were, um, together.”
“We’re not.”
“So, the two of you are just friends then?”
“No. He’s in love with me and I like that he’s in love with me. The way I see it, we’re both getting what we want.”
Brent laughed. “That’s cold,” he said.
“Not really. This might freak you out, but do you want to know what’s really cold? He would love to be where you are and be the one to pop my cherry. Instead, he’s in his room watching us right now and I’m gonna let him see you do it.”
“That’s not just cold, that’s mean. You mean he’s gonna watch while we do it?”
“If it bothers you, I’ll close the curtains,” Sylvia said. She released his cock and started toward the windows, but she felt Brent grip her arm and draw her back to him.
“No. Let him see. Maybe he’ll get some pointers on how to make you cum. That way he’ll know what to do if he ever gets a chance to do you.”
“And you say I’m mean.”
Brent shrugged.
“The guy’s not in love with me." He bent down to give the tiny black woman a quick peck on the lips. “I was just thinking: if you want to give the guy a performance, you could start by showing him what you can do with those, pretty black lips of yours.”
Sylvia thought that to be a great suggestion and immediately took up the offer. Placing her ebony hands flat against the bulging pectoral muscles of the teenager’s chest, she pushed him back until her bed caught him behind his knees and he dropped to sit on it. She then reached down to grasp the hefty shaft of his hot, engorged prick and knelt before him.
“Is this what you want?” she asked and leaned forward to enclose the crimson plum of the cockhead between her lips.
Brent fell back and his hips arched up instinctively, forcing his prick deeper into her mouth.
“Yeah. Oh yeah. That’s exactly what I’m thinking about,” he moaned. “Hmmmm. Suck that cock, bitch. Get my white cock harder for your hot, black pussy.”
Her first taste of a hard prick was fantastic. She knew that some girls refused to suck a cock because they thought it was a nasty thing to do. Sylvia also thought it was nasty thing to do, but she found the obscene nature of the act to be exciting. And, after experiencing the salty, masculine flavor of a man’s cock flesh, and the feel of it throbbing on her tongue, she instantly developed a hunger for it.
Gobs of sharp flavored, viscid pre-cum seeped from the opening at the tip of his prick and she consumed it greedily, moving her head up and down so that her lips moved along the sides of his shaft and more of the tasty fluid was coaxed from his balls.
Sylvia watched as her black lips encircled and travelled upon the white cock that filled her mouth. Seeing and feeling a white cock sliding in and out of her mouth was a thrill that had her cunt sizzling in a way that she knew a black dick never would. She had always possessed a desire for white meat. It was one of the reasons that David did not have a chance of getting her to be his girlfriend.
She thought of David watching her sucking the long, fat column of white manhood extending from Brent’s crotch and thick, creamy juices spilled from between the plump, hairy lips of her slit. She knew that in the position she was in he could see her from the side. That meant he could see the cock going in and out of her mouth. Then Brent grabbed her hair and began to hump his hips, fucking her face roughly, and that made it even hotter.
“Yeah, baby. Suck that cock. I love the way your black lips look wrapped around my white cock. It’s like they belong there,” Brent groaned, thrusting his cock deep into her mouth and throat. The deeper thrusts caused her to gag but he didn’t stop. “Take my cock, you horny little black whore. Eat it, bitch. Eat that white dick.”
Sylvia was thrilled. Brent was treating her exactly how she expected to be treated. She liked that he was being forceful and demanding. And she especially liked the way he was taking his pleasure while ignoring her discomfort.

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But the way he was going she was sure he would cum in her mouth if she let him. She didn’t want that. It would ruin everything.
Placing her hands on Brent’s massively muscled thighs, Sylvia dug her nails into him so deeply that blood flowed from the wounds, causing him to gasp in pain. In that moment of distraction she pulled back, escaping his grasp and allowing his prick to slurp loudly from between her lips.
For a moment, she sat back on her haunches and smiled at Brent while licking her lips. Then the tiny black teenager rose to her feet. “That was fun, but ain’t you supposed to be putting this thing somewhere else tonight?” she asked, reaching out to swiftly and gently caress the side of his stiff prick.
Brent laughed. “You really want me to do you in front of him, don’t you?”
“I’m not really sure he’s even there. I just think he probably is.”
“You mean you’re hoping he is.”
“Alright. I’m hoping he is,” she agreed. “Look, I know it’s weird and I’m hurting him. I don’t know why, but it really gets me hot when I think of him being sad and jealous watching me with you.”
“Is it with me or could it have been any other man? Or maybe what you wanted was to have a white man fuck you in front of a black man who loved you,” Brent said. “Why would you do that? Do you hate black men that much?”
“I don’t hate black men,” Sylvia responded defensively.
“Then why?”
“Because he acts like he loves and worships me, and I like being able to do what I want to him,” she blurted in answer. “He follows me around like a love sick puppy and does whatever I ask.”
“And you’re testing the strength of his devotion by fucking a white guy in front of him.”
Sylvia thought about that for a moment and knew it to be partially true. “Yeah. I think you’re right about me wanting to see how far I can go and still have him want me. But that’s not why I chose a white man. I’m with you because I like white guys. I’m attracted to white guys and have rarely ever thought of having sex with a black, Spanish, or Asian guy. And the reason I chose you is because I’ve been in love with you ever since we met at Becky’s party last year.”
“So, you want me to fuck you, and having him watch us is icing on the cake.”
“I guess so. Or have you changed your mind about doing it?
“What? Fucking you? Hell no, I haven’t changed my mind,” he said.
Sitting up, Brent gripped Sylvia at her waist and drew her onto the bed with him. He pulled her close then slid his hand between her legs to run a finger through the wet crevasse. “I don’t care if your parents were here and you wanted me to fuck you in front of them. I am definitely down with banging that hot black cunt.”
Again they kissed deeply, and Sylvia spread her legs as he rolled on top of her, getting in position between her thighs. Her dark-haired snatch was extremely wet and she moaned with desire as Brent teasingly moved the engorged head of his prick back and forth within her slit to make it even wetter with his slimy pre-cum. Though her heart was already pounding rapidly, it quickened even more, the sound thundering in her ears when she felt him nudge the tip of his big, strong, white cock into her entrance.
“Ohhhhh,” Sylvia moaned, the sound spilling out in a thick, syrupy purr as she felt the opening of her snatch being forced to dilate under the pressure from Brent’s prick. Then the bulging cockhead was inside her and, feeling it pop through the wide stretched portal, she screeched, “Ohhh yeeesssss!”
Her climax erupted unexpectedly. Though she'd been excited enough to cum, she hadn’t really anticipated that she would cum - or so soon. From what most of her friends had told her, the first experience was supposed to be painful and not truly enjoyable. For her, nothing was further from the truth. She began to cum from the initial penetration and the pleasure continued throughout.
There was pain. She noticed it, but only barely. Being with Brent had her cunt so hot that everything he did sent explosions of ecstasy reverberating through her womb. Even the pain of his cock tearing through the membrane of her hymen added to her pleasure, causing bolts of carnal sensation to reverberate through her.
“Oh, oh, it feels so good,” the beautiful teenager cried out, her back arching and body quivering beneath the onslaught of the orgasm that assailed her. “Oh my god! Ohhhhh... ”
“You like that, don’t you bitch?” Brent growled, ramming his long, fat shaft into her young snatch. “You like a big, white cock fucking your hot black cunt, don’t you?”
“Yes! Yes! I love it!” she moaned loudly.
Raising her legs high along his sides, bringing them almost back to her shoulders, she ran her hands over the rippling muscles of his chest and abdomen. “Don’t stop. Keep fucking me, baby.”
“Say you love it. Say you love a big, white cock fucking you, Sylvia,” Brent said, thrusting into her harder, sending his rigid masculine shaft into the depths of the black teenager’s cunt so that it banged repeatedly against her cervix. ”Say it, baby. Say you’re a slut for white cock.”
“Yes! Unnngh! Ohhh! I love… unh…it. I... unh, ohhhh. I love a big white cock fucking me,” she grunted, the additional power of the boy’s thrusts adding to the pain and joy as orgasm after orgasm buffeted her in repeated blasts, as if she was within a windstorm of bliss. “Ohhhhh! I’m a slut for white meat. Ohhh! Fuck me, Brent. Fuuccckkkk meeee.”
Brent had stamina and control. He fucked Sylvia for a long time before he came. When he did, she felt him move his hands down her back to grasp the ebony smoothness of her cute little ass and ram his cock into her as deep as it would go.
“Oh yeah! I’m cumming. Fuck! I'm cumming in your hot, black snatch,” he groaned.
Sylvia felt his prick reach into the depths of her, the tip pressing hard against the opening of her cervix. She felt it swell, stretching her gushing black snatch wider while jumping and bucking hard within her, and the heated splash of his thick, slimy seed against the entrance to her womb made her cum harder.
“Yes, cum in me, Brent,” she moaned. Wrapping her legs around him and digging her nails into his back, she arched her pelvis up to him. “It feels so gooood.”
They fucked three more times, once doggystyle, once more in the missionary position, and once with his cock between her tits, before Brent left. By the time they finished she was so exhausted and sore that she could barely move. She drifted into a deep sleep and did not wake until morning. When she opened her eyes, David was there, watching as she slept.
“Hi,” she said calmly, smiling as she stretched her sleek, slender form like a beautiful panther. Though she was still nude, she made no attempt to cover her nakedness. She was perfectly happy to let him view her cum smeared body.
Brent had virtually covered her from head to toe with his huge loads of spunk. When he came while fucking her from behind he only shot the first half of his jizz in her cunt. He had jacked the rest out to spew onto the cheeks of her pretty black asscheeks. And, when he climaxed while tit fucking her, his heavy load spurted in a flood that covered her face, neck, and breasts with its gooey deliciousness. Sylvia knew that David could see the way the dried cum lined and dotted her dark skin and was crusted in her pussy hair.
“You let that white boy fuck you,” he said abruptly.
“You know I did. You watched me do it, didn’t you?” She noticed that his eyes repeatedly moved up and down her body. Then she smiled as she noticed something else as well.
“You’re a slut, you know that? You’re nothing but a nasty, little black whore,” David stated.
Sylvia sat up on the bed and turned to face him. “And you’re still in love with me,” she said.
“No, I’m not. Not anymore. Look at you. You let Brent cum all over you. You didn’t even make him put on a condom before he fucked you. Your pussy is full of his cum. What if you get pregnant? What if he knocked you up last night?”
When David mentioned the possibility that she might have let Brent impregnate her, for an instant her heart quickened in fear. Sylvia had intended to make Brent wear a condom and there was a box of them in her nightstand that were meant for that purpose. In the heat of the moment she'd forgotten all about them.
Then she recalled the pleasure she had experienced while being fucked bareback by the big white prick and how her orgasm was intensified when she felt it filling her snatch with baby batter and her fear disappeared.
She didn’t feel fear that she hadn’t protected herself. She knew that the pleasure wouldn’t have been as good if she'd been full of the fear of pregnancy or concern about birth control. She liked the feel of a bare cock inside her. In addition to that, she discovered that the thought of a white man’s cum filling her cunt and the possibility of a resulting pregnancy made her snatch catch fire and burn with arousal.
“You’re still in love with me.” Sylvia rose to her feet and walked the few steps to where he sat. She stood completely naked before him.
David lowered his eyes.
“No, I’m not,” he responded in a soft murmur.
“Yes, you are.”
“I’m not.”
Sylvia leaned down and employed one hand to reach between his legs and stroke the shaft of the hard cock she’d spied in his pants. Using her other hand she raised his face and pressed her cum glazed lips to his.
When she kissed him, his arms abruptly encircled her small form and he drew her into his body. Suddenly he began to quiver and he moaned into her mouth as his prick pulsed strongly beneath her fingers.
“You still love me and you still want me. This doesn’t lie,” she purred, giving his cock a squeeze through the wet front of his pants. “You still love me.”
When David said nothing she continued. “You watched Brent fuck me and you still love me. No. I think it’s more than that.” She nuzzled his neck. "I thought about you watching as I was fucked by Brent. I thought of you being sad as you watched a big white dick go where you wanted to be, and that made me hotter for it.
“But I don’t think you were sad at all. I think you liked it. Brent said you were probably jerking off as you watched and I think he’s right. You jerked off while you watched a white guy pop my cherry and fill my pussy with cum. You’re probably relishing the taste of the cum that covered my lips when we kissed.”
Then her eyes widened in surprise as a truly nasty thought occurred to her. “And when you said what you said about me not using a condom, it wasn’t because you were concerned that I might get pregnant. You brought it up because the thought that you could have been watching a white guy fuck a baby into me turns you on,” she said. “Seeing me with Brent makes you want me even more.”
David pushed her back from him and swiftly stood up to tower menacingly above her. He glared at her but didn’t speak. She knew it was because he couldn’t refute her words.
“Wait here,” she said.
Walking to the other side of the bed, she opened the drawer of the bedside table. She lifted the box of latex condoms from where she had placed them. “See these? I’m never going on the pill and I’m never gonna use these on a white dick. I would throw them away but I may need them. There might come a time when I let you fuck me. I’ll keep them for then,” she said, dropping the box back in the drawer.
“You’re a real bitch, you know that?” David said, finding his voice. Tears spilled from his eyes.
“And you love me.” Sylvia returned to him. “Brent is coming over again tonight and I’m gonna let him fuck me. I want you to watch him screw me and fill my pussy with his cum. And as soon as he leaves I want you to come right over here.”
Sylvia grabbed a handful of the hair at the side of his head and pulled his face down to hers.
“Because you belong to me and I plan to make damned sure you know it.” The young black woman reached between her thighs and slipped two fingers into herself to wet them. When she drew them free, she slid those fingers between his lips. “You better love the flavor because the next time you come to see me after I’ve been fucked, you’re gonna suck my pussy clean.”
David, frowning and spitting, stomped from her room, but Sylvia knew he’d be back. As soon as she informed him that she was going to let Brent fuck her again, she’d noticed his cock stiffen. It was what he wanted as much as she did.
She was also looking forward to having her cunt eaten. She’d learned of it from one of the porno videos and it seemed like a perverse pleasure she would enjoy. And the obscenity of the thought of having David tongue her pussy after she been fucking made it more enticing.
Sylvia arrived at her destination. Opening the door of the restaurant, she ushered the kids inside. She was greeted by her mother. After sending the older children into the play area she sat with the woman.
“How’d your visit with Inez go?” her mother asked.
“Fine. Fine. She enjoyed spending time with her granddaughter. Told me that Brent will be here with his family for the Fourth of July holiday, so I’ll be back then to let him spend some time with Crystal.”
Erin frowned. “You really hate coming back here,” she said, reaching over to put her hand over her daughter’s.
“I haven’t been here for years and they still refuse to let it go.”
Sylvia’s mother laughed and she frowned.
“What’s so funny?” the younger woman asked.
“It’s nothing. I just remembered an old saying that says small towns have long memories. I guess that’s especially true when you fuck every woman’s boyfriend or husband.”
“If you want to be technical, they fucked me.”
“Yeah. Point out that technicality. I’m sure it will endear you to everyone,” Erin laughed. “And then there’s also the fact that you are so successful at what you're doing as a career.”
“You know, this is all dad’s fault. If I hadn’t found where he’d hid his porn I might have a more vanilla view of sex.” She stopped when Erin began to laugh harder. “What are you laughing at?”
“That pornography you found didn’t belong to your father. It was mine. And the porn ain’t the reason you’re a slut for white dick. I am.”
Sylvia stared at her mother in unbelieving astonishment.
Placing her hands on Brent’s massively muscled thighs, Sylvia dug her nails into him so deeply that blood flowed from the wounds, causing him to gasp in pain. In that moment of distraction she pulled back, escaping his grasp and allowing his prick to slurp loudly from between her lips.
For a moment, she sat back on her haunches and smiled at Brent while licking her lips. Then the tiny black teenager rose to her feet. “That was fun, but ain’t you supposed to be putting this thing somewhere else tonight?” she asked, reaching out to swiftly and gently caress the side of his stiff prick.
Brent laughed. “You really want me to do you in front of him, don’t you?”
“I’m not really sure he’s even there. I just think he probably is.”
“You mean you’re hoping he is.”
“Alright. I’m hoping he is,” she agreed. “Look, I know it’s weird and I’m hurting him. I don’t know why, but it really gets me hot when I think of him being sad and jealous watching me with you.”
“Is it with me or could it have been any other man? Or maybe what you wanted was to have a white man fuck you in front of a black man who loved you,” Brent said. “Why would you do that? Do you hate black men that much?”
“I don’t hate black men,” Sylvia responded defensively.
“Then why?”
“Because he acts like he loves and worships me, and I like being able to do what I want to him,” she blurted in answer. “He follows me around like a love sick puppy and does whatever I ask.”
“And you’re testing the strength of his devotion by fucking a white guy in front of him.”
Sylvia thought about that for a moment and knew it to be partially true. “Yeah. I think you’re right about me wanting to see how far I can go and still have him want me. But that’s not why I chose a white man. I’m with you because I like white guys. I’m attracted to white guys and have rarely ever thought of having sex with a black, Spanish, or Asian guy. And the reason I chose you is because I’ve been in love with you ever since we met at Becky’s party last year.”
“So, you want me to fuck you, and having him watch us is icing on the cake.”
“I guess so. Or have you changed your mind about doing it?
“What? Fucking you? Hell no, I haven’t changed my mind,” he said.
Sitting up, Brent gripped Sylvia at her waist and drew her onto the bed with him. He pulled her close then slid his hand between her legs to run a finger through the wet crevasse. “I don’t care if your parents were here and you wanted me to fuck you in front of them. I am definitely down with banging that hot black cunt.”
Again they kissed deeply, and Sylvia spread her legs as he rolled on top of her, getting in position between her thighs. Her dark-haired snatch was extremely wet and she moaned with desire as Brent teasingly moved the engorged head of his prick back and forth within her slit to make it even wetter with his slimy pre-cum. Though her heart was already pounding rapidly, it quickened even more, the sound thundering in her ears when she felt him nudge the tip of his big, strong, white cock into her entrance.
“Ohhhhh,” Sylvia moaned, the sound spilling out in a thick, syrupy purr as she felt the opening of her snatch being forced to dilate under the pressure from Brent’s prick. Then the bulging cockhead was inside her and, feeling it pop through the wide stretched portal, she screeched, “Ohhh yeeesssss!”
Her climax erupted unexpectedly. Though she'd been excited enough to cum, she hadn’t really anticipated that she would cum - or so soon. From what most of her friends had told her, the first experience was supposed to be painful and not truly enjoyable. For her, nothing was further from the truth. She began to cum from the initial penetration and the pleasure continued throughout.
There was pain. She noticed it, but only barely. Being with Brent had her cunt so hot that everything he did sent explosions of ecstasy reverberating through her womb. Even the pain of his cock tearing through the membrane of her hymen added to her pleasure, causing bolts of carnal sensation to reverberate through her.
“Oh, oh, it feels so good,” the beautiful teenager cried out, her back arching and body quivering beneath the onslaught of the orgasm that assailed her. “Oh my god! Ohhhhh... ”
“You like that, don’t you bitch?” Brent growled, ramming his long, fat shaft into her young snatch. “You like a big, white cock fucking your hot black cunt, don’t you?”
“Yes! Yes! I love it!” she moaned loudly.
Raising her legs high along his sides, bringing them almost back to her shoulders, she ran her hands over the rippling muscles of his chest and abdomen. “Don’t stop. Keep fucking me, baby.”
“Say you love it. Say you love a big, white cock fucking you, Sylvia,” Brent said, thrusting into her harder, sending his rigid masculine shaft into the depths of the black teenager’s cunt so that it banged repeatedly against her cervix. ”Say it, baby. Say you’re a slut for white cock.”
“Yes! Unnngh! Ohhh! I love… unh…it. I... unh, ohhhh. I love a big white cock fucking me,” she grunted, the additional power of the boy’s thrusts adding to the pain and joy as orgasm after orgasm buffeted her in repeated blasts, as if she was within a windstorm of bliss. “Ohhhhh! I’m a slut for white meat. Ohhh! Fuck me, Brent. Fuuccckkkk meeee.”
Brent had stamina and control. He fucked Sylvia for a long time before he came. When he did, she felt him move his hands down her back to grasp the ebony smoothness of her cute little ass and ram his cock into her as deep as it would go.
“Oh yeah! I’m cumming. Fuck! I'm cumming in your hot, black snatch,” he groaned.
Sylvia felt his prick reach into the depths of her, the tip pressing hard against the opening of her cervix. She felt it swell, stretching her gushing black snatch wider while jumping and bucking hard within her, and the heated splash of his thick, slimy seed against the entrance to her womb made her cum harder.
“Yes, cum in me, Brent,” she moaned. Wrapping her legs around him and digging her nails into his back, she arched her pelvis up to him. “It feels so gooood.”
They fucked three more times, once doggystyle, once more in the missionary position, and once with his cock between her tits, before Brent left. By the time they finished she was so exhausted and sore that she could barely move. She drifted into a deep sleep and did not wake until morning. When she opened her eyes, David was there, watching as she slept.
“Hi,” she said calmly, smiling as she stretched her sleek, slender form like a beautiful panther. Though she was still nude, she made no attempt to cover her nakedness. She was perfectly happy to let him view her cum smeared body.
Brent had virtually covered her from head to toe with his huge loads of spunk. When he came while fucking her from behind he only shot the first half of his jizz in her cunt. He had jacked the rest out to spew onto the cheeks of her pretty black asscheeks. And, when he climaxed while tit fucking her, his heavy load spurted in a flood that covered her face, neck, and breasts with its gooey deliciousness. Sylvia knew that David could see the way the dried cum lined and dotted her dark skin and was crusted in her pussy hair.
“You let that white boy fuck you,” he said abruptly.
“You know I did. You watched me do it, didn’t you?” She noticed that his eyes repeatedly moved up and down her body. Then she smiled as she noticed something else as well.
“You’re a slut, you know that? You’re nothing but a nasty, little black whore,” David stated.
Sylvia sat up on the bed and turned to face him. “And you’re still in love with me,” she said.
“No, I’m not. Not anymore. Look at you. You let Brent cum all over you. You didn’t even make him put on a condom before he fucked you. Your pussy is full of his cum. What if you get pregnant? What if he knocked you up last night?”
When David mentioned the possibility that she might have let Brent impregnate her, for an instant her heart quickened in fear. Sylvia had intended to make Brent wear a condom and there was a box of them in her nightstand that were meant for that purpose. In the heat of the moment she'd forgotten all about them.
Then she recalled the pleasure she had experienced while being fucked bareback by the big white prick and how her orgasm was intensified when she felt it filling her snatch with baby batter and her fear disappeared.
She didn’t feel fear that she hadn’t protected herself. She knew that the pleasure wouldn’t have been as good if she'd been full of the fear of pregnancy or concern about birth control. She liked the feel of a bare cock inside her. In addition to that, she discovered that the thought of a white man’s cum filling her cunt and the possibility of a resulting pregnancy made her snatch catch fire and burn with arousal.
“You’re still in love with me.” Sylvia rose to her feet and walked the few steps to where he sat. She stood completely naked before him.
David lowered his eyes.
“No, I’m not,” he responded in a soft murmur.
“Yes, you are.”
“I’m not.”
Sylvia leaned down and employed one hand to reach between his legs and stroke the shaft of the hard cock she’d spied in his pants. Using her other hand she raised his face and pressed her cum glazed lips to his.
When she kissed him, his arms abruptly encircled her small form and he drew her into his body. Suddenly he began to quiver and he moaned into her mouth as his prick pulsed strongly beneath her fingers.
“You still love me and you still want me. This doesn’t lie,” she purred, giving his cock a squeeze through the wet front of his pants. “You still love me.”
When David said nothing she continued. “You watched Brent fuck me and you still love me. No. I think it’s more than that.” She nuzzled his neck. "I thought about you watching as I was fucked by Brent. I thought of you being sad as you watched a big white dick go where you wanted to be, and that made me hotter for it.
“But I don’t think you were sad at all. I think you liked it. Brent said you were probably jerking off as you watched and I think he’s right. You jerked off while you watched a white guy pop my cherry and fill my pussy with cum. You’re probably relishing the taste of the cum that covered my lips when we kissed.”
Then her eyes widened in surprise as a truly nasty thought occurred to her. “And when you said what you said about me not using a condom, it wasn’t because you were concerned that I might get pregnant. You brought it up because the thought that you could have been watching a white guy fuck a baby into me turns you on,” she said. “Seeing me with Brent makes you want me even more.”
David pushed her back from him and swiftly stood up to tower menacingly above her. He glared at her but didn’t speak. She knew it was because he couldn’t refute her words.
“Wait here,” she said.
Walking to the other side of the bed, she opened the drawer of the bedside table. She lifted the box of latex condoms from where she had placed them. “See these? I’m never going on the pill and I’m never gonna use these on a white dick. I would throw them away but I may need them. There might come a time when I let you fuck me. I’ll keep them for then,” she said, dropping the box back in the drawer.
“You’re a real bitch, you know that?” David said, finding his voice. Tears spilled from his eyes.
“And you love me.” Sylvia returned to him. “Brent is coming over again tonight and I’m gonna let him fuck me. I want you to watch him screw me and fill my pussy with his cum. And as soon as he leaves I want you to come right over here.”
Sylvia grabbed a handful of the hair at the side of his head and pulled his face down to hers.
“Because you belong to me and I plan to make damned sure you know it.” The young black woman reached between her thighs and slipped two fingers into herself to wet them. When she drew them free, she slid those fingers between his lips. “You better love the flavor because the next time you come to see me after I’ve been fucked, you’re gonna suck my pussy clean.”
David, frowning and spitting, stomped from her room, but Sylvia knew he’d be back. As soon as she informed him that she was going to let Brent fuck her again, she’d noticed his cock stiffen. It was what he wanted as much as she did.
She was also looking forward to having her cunt eaten. She’d learned of it from one of the porno videos and it seemed like a perverse pleasure she would enjoy. And the obscenity of the thought of having David tongue her pussy after she been fucking made it more enticing.
Sylvia arrived at her destination. Opening the door of the restaurant, she ushered the kids inside. She was greeted by her mother. After sending the older children into the play area she sat with the woman.
“How’d your visit with Inez go?” her mother asked.
“Fine. Fine. She enjoyed spending time with her granddaughter. Told me that Brent will be here with his family for the Fourth of July holiday, so I’ll be back then to let him spend some time with Crystal.”
Erin frowned. “You really hate coming back here,” she said, reaching over to put her hand over her daughter’s.
“I haven’t been here for years and they still refuse to let it go.”
Sylvia’s mother laughed and she frowned.
“What’s so funny?” the younger woman asked.
“It’s nothing. I just remembered an old saying that says small towns have long memories. I guess that’s especially true when you fuck every woman’s boyfriend or husband.”
“If you want to be technical, they fucked me.”
“Yeah. Point out that technicality. I’m sure it will endear you to everyone,” Erin laughed. “And then there’s also the fact that you are so successful at what you're doing as a career.”
“You know, this is all dad’s fault. If I hadn’t found where he’d hid his porn I might have a more vanilla view of sex.” She stopped when Erin began to laugh harder. “What are you laughing at?”
“That pornography you found didn’t belong to your father. It was mine. And the porn ain’t the reason you’re a slut for white dick. I am.”
Sylvia stared at her mother in unbelieving astonishment.