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Senior Skip Day Part 2

"A teacher changes her mind about unexpected attention"

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I cursed myself for having sexual fantasies. Was this horrible situation that was happening to me now a secret fantasy? Even secret to me? Either way, this was a fantasy that might come to life very soon.

Jerard’s fingering had made him pop out of the front of his boxers. They had ridiculous blue and white checks which surrounding his now exposed cock. It wasn’t near as big as Maurice’s. This one looked like his girlfriend--someone petite and athletic-- could take it all and it wouldn’t hurt. But the head and the top few inches of it were curiously lighter in color than the shaft. Sweat was beading up on my forehead. I stared curiously at it.

I bet it would look weird going in and out; darker as it began to penetrate; lighter as he pulled partially out. Black, then white, then black again. The lighter part would disappear in me… then visible… then not.

Marcus was still on my right side and held the scissors up. “Hey, she’s got another set of clothes here, so why not? The Lady in Red is obviously in white today, but I bet I know something that’s red, right bro?” He looked at Maurice, who was rubbing his warm dick on the side of my face for so long a frothy lather was dripping on my left ear. The three laughed together as Marcus pulled my bra strap up about an inch off my shoulder blade and ‘SNIP’! The elastic made it snap back in both directions, and the top of my breast jiggled as my cleavage collapsed a little.

Oh, well, this wasn’t one of my better bras.

My brain still wanted to think normal thoughts. ‘SNIP’! The other strap sprang open, and my boobs lowered a little. Would they laugh at how I sagged a little more than the little whores in their class that they had cupped and fondled? And just like when I was in high school, I cursed that my boobs weren’t rounder and higher.

Marcus said, “Yeah, you’re right. We ain’t coming back to this school anyway, so what can she do to us? Expel us! HA!” He then pinched my left nipple through my bra cup. It was the first time one of them had touched me someplace special! I shook my head from side to side but as I did, I rubbed my face against Maurice’s horse-like cock. I could sense it had weight to it. Strings of his pre-cum were sticking to my cheek now. My poor make-up! He grabbed his cock at the base and began slapping it against the side of my face like a club.

Marcus let go of my nipple but not my bra. He pulled it away from my skin about an inch and carefully cut across a nickel-sized piece of material which he had captured between his finger and thumb. As he let go my bra snapped back against me and a rosy, impossibly hard, dime sized nipple was exposed neatly through the hole. My nipples are nice. I will give myself that much. Not bad for an old lady! I looked at his face to see if he agreed.

He better like it! I know he hasn’t seen better!!

“Well, well! ‘Lady in Red’ sure ‘nuf!” I pulled my right shoulder away from him so as to deny him the other side of my bra.

But then, he might as well see both of them, right? NO! He can’t do that to me! But... but... the bra is ruined already, right?

He chuckled at my feeble attempt to pull away. His big hand grabbed my other boob and snipped the scissors in the air. I didn’t want to end up with him cutting my skin anywhere. What if I struggled and he cut my nipple! So I froze at first and then pointed my shoulder and boob to him as an offering. As I looked down at my heaving breasts; my one exposed nipple inexplicably hard as a rock, he practiced the same sick symmetry he did on my left side as he cut a companion hole in my right bra cup.

Jerard stopped playing with himself long enough to clap enthusiastically. “Beautiful!!” I chose to believe that was a compliment in reference to my nipples and not just how well Marcus had carved my bra up. I think I felt myself blush, and I wagged my head affirmatively and whispered though my gag, “You're damn right they are!”

As he handed him the scissors, Marcus said “Here, Jerard. You think you can handle this down there without cutting her? I don’t want a mark on her, ya hear?” He pulled off his two layers of oversized shirts to show a hard athletic chest with curly black hair. I think he was on the football team. A muscular, man’s body. Brad’s body was soft, but I wondered what it would feel like with this chest laying on me, moving up and down? Would it scratch my nipples?

What am I thinking?!

Jerard fumbled nervously and wedged the scissors inside the hole in my pantyhose as he cut toward the waist. Since I was still raised up on my elbows I tried to twist my eyes sideways as Marcus yanked off his jeans to see what he looked like naked. Would he be as hard as the other two? He didn’t seem as nervously excited as they were.

Was he still soft? Didn’t I excite him? What was wrong with him? The blouse tearing initially was an accident. Did he regret what was going on? God, was he gay, maybe? Couldn’t I turn him on?

“Ten bucks she’s shaved!” Maurice said. “White bitches all shave.”

“You’re on! She’s dark skinned, and it’s too early for gals to shave for summer when they wear a swimsuit when they go to the pool or the beach. I bet she’s got a lot of fur!”

God, Marcus is so wise! I was just going to get a wax job before summer got here. I wonder if he’ll like it. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think that my pubic hair might win a bet for someone! I liked the idea.

“This is taking too damn long!” Jerard said, very flustered. I watched between my bent knees as he threw the scissors over his shoulders. As they hit the tile with a clang, his rough hands yanked at the pantyhose nylon but the tear stopped at the seam at my crotch. I was afraid he’d cut my thighs with the stretched nylon so I started to squirm and buck. He assumed I was struggling.

I was, wasn’t I?! This was not a good thing. I had to fight back! Or at least make it look like I was. No, that can’t be the way I felt! Brad would never look at me the same way if he found out.

Maurice tightened his grip on my arms as... what was this!? Marcus had bent down and sucked my nipple into his mouth!! Oh! No! Only Brad can do that!! I started to buck and thrust my shoulders. Jerard saw his opportunity to yank and reached up under my skirt and pulled my tattered pantyhose down off my hips as I shimmied and squirmed my hips. But since I was distracted by Marcus’ mouth, I hadn’t noticed what Jerard was up to. I couldn’t process everything that was happening, but I realized all too well that Marcus was flicking his tongue over the rock hard tip of my nipple.

Sweat started to pop up on my forehead as my black hair (I just got it styled!) was beginning to cling to my neck and face. Maurice had started to pick up the rhythm of his slapping my cheek with his hard fire hose!


Could it be getting longer?! No! That’s impossible!! It was soaking my gag. Had he cum?! No! It would be all over my face and upper chest by now! Big gobs, I imagine! I bet he could squirt some past my boobs if he tried. That would be hard to wash out of my camisole! I can sew the straps back on so Brad won’t know. But what if it gets on my gray skirt? That would be hard to wash out.

My mind went to Monica Lewinsky’s blue cocktail dress. A young buck like Maurice could probably hit my skirt easy from his position over my shoulder next to my mouth. Brad ‘The Dribbler’ couldn’t shoot five inches anymore when I jacked him off when we couldn’t screw because I was on my period.

Man, I’m glad I’m not on my period now!

Marcus pulled his mouth off my fruity pebble and smiled at it. Then calmly, he maneuvered his fingers inside the torn tip of my bra cup and ripped it back towards the edge of the cup like he was pealing an orange! He smothered my whole tit in his lips, and I felt my nipple knocking against the roof of his mouth. I was relieved he wasn’t biting it as I groaned from my helplessness. I think my groan may have sounded like a moan.

Nervous Jerard had really enjoyed his ripping, I guess, because he started to grab my skirt at the hem and tried to break the material but thankfully it wouldn’t budge. I liked this skirt! Marcus saw his struggle and laughed. He looked down and saw that the button at the waist was on the right hip and the zipper was below it. He fumbled only briefly to unbutton it before he just grabbed the button roughly and pulled it off! My muffled protest didn’t seem to affect him. Then he smoothed my skirt down far enough to unzip it. He grabbed the back side of the skirt at the zipper and said to Jerard, “Grab the front part and pull, let’s get a better look at these panties.”

My eyes were wide, my breathing heavy, and I hadn’t noticed that Maurice had let loose of his grip on my arms. I guess he figured it wasn’t necessary since I had stopped struggling. I wasn’t struggling anymore! He reached down the back of my blouse collar between my shoulder blades, never taking his hard prick from the side of my face. In fact he was still slapping me hard with it like a fleshy whip. I leaned my head back a little so I could see it as it whipped me. As his one hand guided the whip, his other wormed down my collar and fumbled in that age-old feeling ever female knows: a guy working his fingers to unhook your bra.

This slapping of his cock on my face had to stop! It was hurting now. Pre-cum splayed on my upper chest and now there was some on my nose! It tickled! It had long since started to run into my ear. This was more than annoying. As his hand went past the back of my head so he could get to my bra, he rubbed the knot of my gag further down toward my neck, loosening it far enough for me to wiggle it off my mouth and spit out my gag. He didn’t notice, as he was concentrating with his left hand cracking his whip on my face and his right hand fumbling with the hooks of my now ruined bra. Marcus and Jerard had ripped my skirt (my good skirt!) from the end of the zipper to the hem. I could feel the pressure release from my waist as they folded my skirt back off my body onto the desk, and they grunted approval at their conquest.

I looked down to see what they were looking at but this cock was now flinging pre-cum in my left eye! I had to stop this! On the next swing of his horse whip, just as he succeeded in unhooking my bra, I turned my face toward his enormous cock and opened my mouth wide. Instead of spraying my nose or eyes with this swing, I took his big head in my mouth. There! Now that will stop this beating! With my arms free now, I turned toward him so that I could get that nasty thing deeper in my mouth. If I could suck it a few inches deeper in my mouth he wouldn’t be able to release it and slap my face with it anymore. I knew better than to bite it. Who knows what would happen to me if I did.

And I guess it would be fun to find out what it tastes like.

I felt a tug on my skirt and instinctively raised my ass so they could pull it away. Maybe I could sew it. Nah! Marcus, seeing my bra dangling loosely on my chest now, lifted it off my tits and threw it in the same pile as my skirt and pantyhose. All ruined! This was going to get expensive to replace all this stuff! Maybe they would chip in some money. My middle aged tits were now completely exposed. It didn’t appear that any of them were repulsed. On the contrary, there were smiles all around.

I started to coo at this apparent approval and the vibration of my mouth on Maurice’s cock seemed to excite him. Could a dick really be this large? So thick and long! And the head felt heavy as I circled my tongue around it.

What in the world am I doing?! I really should get this boy’s cock out of my mouth but I didn’t want him getting any more sticky stuff in my hair or gum up my contacts. Better to have this pre-cum inside my mouth. That made logical sense. He was so big surely my jaws would begin to hurt if I kept sucking it like this.

I heard another shutter click and out of the corner of my eye I saw Jerard snap a picture from an angle that took in my crotch in the foreground and Marcus’ hand on my left boob in the middle ground (grabbing it more roughly now, that animal!) and Maurice’s hard pole in my mouth.

I hope he can make me a copy of that one.

Then there was more ripping! My poor camisole! Four fumbling black hands converged on my tummy and in an instant my pretty lace top camisole was in tatters and thrown in the pile of rags. Whenever I wash the car and try to tear one of Brad’s old tee shirts I can never get them to come apart without cutting them first! But strong young hands with a will and adrenaline can be very powerful. Like now with Marcus squeezing my right tit and Jerard finally putting his hands on something besides his two-tone cock as he reached up and grabbed my left one. As I sucked Maurice further in, I felt Jerard’s dick touch the cotton of my panties!

My panties and the collar, arms and back of my blouse were all that was left on me. I didn’t bring another pair.

They better not rip these off!! How will I explain to Brad that I have no underwear on under my jeans?! But I suppose I can undress in the bathroom so he doesn’t see.


As I rose on my left elbow to keep the whip captured in my mouth, my right hand found Marcus’ naked hip for balance. “Is this what you’re lookin’ for, Ms. Delaney?” He guided my hand to that place... a new place... a new sensation. My fingers explored his shaft, up to the head. His hands were kneading my tender tits. I wondered what his sack felt like? Umm! It’s big, but tight against his body. I started to choke as Maurice’s cock hit the back of my throat. I hadn’t learned the proper breathing technique for such a gigantic cock in my mouth.

Jerard took a cue from Maurice and started slapping his cock down on my panties, the head hitting my lower belly. “Stay away from that hole. That’s mine! At least at first, it is!” I was glad to see Marcus assert his authority with the other two.

Umm… first? FIRST!!! What was I thinking!

Marcus pushed Jerard backward away from my crotch and reached down and grabbed my panties in his big hand. I knew what was coming and mumbled around Maurice’s captured cock, ‘NO!’ I needed these panties even if they were plain white cotton ones.

Why hadn’t I worn something sexier? Marcus would have liked to see me in something sexy at the bed and breakfast tonight. Wait a minute….I mean BRAD!

“OK, Terri. You’re the boss! Heh, heh. If you don’t want them ripped we’re cool with that. Can we call you Terri, Ms. Delaney? After all you’re all over our cocks and we can see more of what you got than those silly seniors who got excited about a bra and pantie beaver. Speaking of beavers... who’s gonna win that bet, Terri?”

Jerard said, “Jesus, Marcus! Look how wet her panties are! You can almost see her pussy through her undies!”

“Well look all you want, but I’m in there first. Now to see if I’m a winner.” He grabbed my panties in the same place as before, and I was sure he was going to rip them off against my wishes but he didn’t. He pulled them up toward my tits and away from my skin. I felt the elastic in the leg holes and across my lower back tighten but not break. Good! I needed those for that night! I felt the elastic stretch across my inner thigh until they plopped inside my now puffy pussy lips, bunching up in my wet crease and ass crack as they pressed against my clitoris. For the first time I concentrated on what was happening down there.

Am I really wet like he said? That can’t be! I’m being forced, right? I saw a movie where an assault victim said it hurt badly because she was so dry. If I circle my hips just right maybe I can get that material to move back and forth across my nub. It might work. Let’s see.

I could see my lower body in my mind’s eye and knew that Jerard and Marcus, who has now taken my hand off his cock (I wish he hadn’t done that. I needed it for balance!) were getting a full view. I knew from the position of my undies that the three of them figured out that Marcus had won the bet. My raven black hair had spilled out of the leg holes of my undies. Soft ringlets of it, black as any Afro American girl they had seen or dreamt about.

Did they enjoy the familiarity of this view? Or would they see this episode as an opportunity for experiencing a completely different type of woman? Would I be more desirable if I had been shaved? Would Marcus have liked it better even if it had meant he would have lost the bet?

My jaws were starting to hurt. Maurice was fascinated with my tits, especially my nipples as his hand kept moving from one to the other while he moved his hips back and forth, shoving more of his hard tube in my mouth. I had never taken a man so deep in my mouth before. I hoped he thought I was more proficient at sucking a big cock than I actually was. I felt it would be better if they imagined I was more sexually experienced than I really was. Maurice’s grunting made me think I must be doing okay.

Jerard exclaimed above all the grunting and cooing, “Teach wants her panties intact, Marcus. If you want her first, pull them off now. I’m getting blue balls and she’s bucking like a bronco. I can’t hold her legs apart with one hand even if the fight has gone out of her.”

“Okay, stud. I got one leg. Get your camera ready and get a pic of this bush when I pull them off before I get in there. Look what you did, Jerard! You got some of your stuff on her panties! Did you cum? Now Terri’s gonna have to wash these good. I don’t know why, but she must like them. She wasn’t worried about us ripping the rest of her clothes too much, but I promised her, and she’s the boss, remember?”

I started to remember Monica Lewinsky again and realized that if I had cum on panties they might not dry before tonight. And my juices certainly wouldn’t either. It would be easier and safer to explain why I had no undies on rather than these soiled incriminating undies… I sure as hell couldn’t explain cum stained ones! So I figured, ‘what the hell’. As he hooked his fingers inside the waistband while I was rotating my hips wildly, I slammed my ass down hard on the desk making it impossible for Marcus to pull them down.

I pulled Maurice’s cock out of my mouth long enough to say “Rip the fuckers off, you cock suckers!!”

“We should suspend her, boys. She said fuck again!”

“You’re the boss, Terri!” Four hands ripped and tore as the cool air hit my now exposed pussy. I never call it that! I think that’s a dirty word. I lifted my ass up obediently as several remnants of cotton land on the growing pile of my morning’s outfit and my naked ass rested back on the cold wood of my desk. “Look at that huge triangle of pubes!! Jesus she’s got a nest! You think your dick can find her hole in the middle of all that, Marcus? But that’s a nice pink cherry there peeking out... mmm!”

"Shut up, quit shaking and take the picture! And Terri, stop rotating your stuff and quit sucking long enough for him to get a good shot! I’m getting a little impatient myself.”

Click! He parted my legs further. Click. I leaned back across the desk with my back on it now, the only clothes left on me were the tattered top and arms of my blouse. I lay my head back over the edge of my soon-to-be screwing platform (i.e. my desk). I was about eighteen inches from the blackboard behind me. Maybe I could take Maurice in my mouth easier like this. He read my mind and very quickly he propped his back against the blackboard, and I opened my mouth wide to take him in. His balls were resting on the bridge of my upside down nose as he straddled my head in his thighs. Click. All of a sudden I realize no one was paying any attention to my tits! I reach up and grab them in the way I like to do to myself; circling the undersides. Mmmm. Click.

Maurice said, “Hey, Marcus! If I get sloppy seconds, don’t cum in her too much! I don’t want your skanky cum sticking to my prick!” I don’t know how he thinks he’s going to have anything left in case I make him cum like this.

“Take the other hole, Jerard.

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It should be pretty tight, even with all her juices flowing down to that browneye.”

Are they talking about what I think?? No one has ever! My gawd, I can’t do that!!!


Maurice’s tube was sliding further inside my mouth with each stroke. Could it be he was getting thicker in there? Damn, my nipples had never felt this hard.

“Lay down next to her, big man. You may get the better of this bargain yet! Now that she’s spread wide like this, her little tan pooper looks inviting, don’t it?”

Maurice pulled his cock out of my mouth. “No, not yet!” I whimpered.

He hooks his hands under my armpits and lifts me up while Marcus threw my right leg over his shoulder and he lifted my lower body off the desk at the same time. They moved me over a couple of feet and lay me back down on top of Jerard whose two tone dick was now standing at attention between my upper thighs. I pleaded, “No, not like that. One at a time up front is okay but… this won’t work! I can’t.”

“Shut up, Terri! We’ll make it work. Quit feeling yourself up and scoot down some.”

As Jerard grabbed both of my ass cheeks and started to squeeze and spread them (Oh, that felt good! Somebody’s hands rough on my ass! I have always loved that!) Marcus bent down between my legs and I felt his tongue on my puffy pussy lips… but no, wait! It was his nose! I then feel his hard wet tongue working at the entrance ofo my ass! A wonderful sensation... no, it’s… it’s awful! I concentrated on his face up against my pussy as my sphincter reacted by tightening up. I heard him spit and his cool discharge covered the portal to my butt. “There you go, brother. That might help. Now get it in there.”

You better line it up right, ‘cuz I ain’t touching your stuff! I’ve never had one up there. It’s too tight. And Jerard isn’t as big as Maurice, but he’s pretty well hung! He better not!

“Stop that! Really! This is getting too much now! I’ll scream.” I’m up on my hands now to see what the two of them are doing down there. Jerard’s hot breath was hitting the back of my neck.

“Well, then I guess I better keep your mouth busy again to keep that from happening. Go on Jerard, stick it in her ass!” With that, Maurice jumped on the desk, his impossibly long dick still hard and glistening from my saliva. He pulled my hands from the desk, and I fell back onto Jerard who reached around and got his first fistfuls of my tits.

His hands were rougher than the other two, and he squeezed too hard. Maurice took one step over me and lowered himself until he was resting his ass on my tits and Jerard’s hands. My mouth reached hungrily for that massive thing. He slapped me in the face with it playfully which I guess he liked to do, giggling as he did. First one cheek: Smack! Then the other: SMACK! I turned my head from side to side and grabbed for it with my mouth like I had done successfully with him earlier. I must have looked like I was bobbing for apples as he laughed. SMACK! On his fourth swing I snagged it, happy in my triumph but not using my teeth to secure him. I couldn’t afford to make him pull it out of my mouth. I liked how he tasted and I’m pretty sure he liked what I was doing to him.

With his hands balanced on the blackboard he rose slowly to let me get more of his hard tool in my mouth. My sweet little pouty mouth that Brad loves so much was being entered by someone else’s cock. If he could only... just then, Jerard lined up successfully to my virgin entrance and Marcus lowered my ass onto his spear. I started to see stars from the pain as more muffled cries escaped my full mouth. The head of his cock moved past the tight edge and wormed its way up the walls of my ass. Further!! I want him to stop it, right? Marcus lowered me slower and the pain started to subside. Still further in! When will it be in all the way?! I continued to cry but Maurice was banging the back of my throat now so my clenched eyes and tears were the only way to tell I was in pain.

This dirty position! This… this… Jesus, I never thought… I had heard it could be good. Can it possibly be?

“Oh, god, Marcus! It’s tight! And she’s milking me with it. I don’t think this will last long. She’s bucking me with her fucking hips!?

Was I?! I thought it was Jerard’s hands on my tits and Maurice working my mouth that had created all this motion. But I could feel the base of Jerard’s sack up against my ass crack now. So far in there! When I circled my hips back and forth it eased the pain. I thought, ‘Yes, I’ll keep doing that. Or else it will hurt too much.’ Was it possible that both Maurice and Jerard were simultaneously getting bigger as they invaded different parts of my body? Where was my Marcus?

“I hope this desk can hold four of us.” I felt Marcus pull my feet up onto the desk and placed them outside of Jerard’s legs, spreading me even wider. My hairy pussy was so spread out for his eyes I knew my lips were apart, exposing my pinkness, all open and puff and wet. All for his pleasure. Marcus said breathlessly, “The Lady in Red earns her name again! Look at that sexy hairy thing just waiting for some attention! It’s the only hole left and the prettiest of the three.” As I blinked away tears I actually feel myself blush. I have always had a hard time taking a compliment.

But could he hit a moving target? My ass was rotating Jerard’s tool as he drilled my back door harder. I felt Marcus’s bare thighs rubbing on the underside of mine. He must be up on my poor desk in a kneeling position because I can see his hands grab Maurice’s waist from behind for balance. I wished I could have seen him. See his cock. See what he had in store for me. All I could see was Maurice’s flat tummy and his pubic bush inches from my eyes. I grabbed behind my knees and pulled my legs back towards me a little.

Like a sword being put back in its scabbard, Marcus pushed it…no, slid it in. Not too fast, not too slow, but with an assurance that I would be able to take him all in because I was so open and drenched. Oh, my God he felt like heaven. This is what I wanted most. My fantasy student! Hard body. Virile. Young. Taking me where I haven’t been in years. Probably never again.

It took him and Jerard a few strokes to coordinate their alternate pounding. I felt the walls of my insides being scraped by the fleshy tubes of these cocksmen like pistons working different cylinders.

Yes! All three holes indeed! Never before, and undoubtedly never again would I experience anything like this. My forty four year old body making three different men hard! Less than half my age! And even younger than my own kids! What a rush! A sudden feeling of pride washes over me. They wanted me; were ravaging me like sex crazed animals. I wanted to remember this. Drink it all in.

Yes that’s it! Drink it all in! I clamped my mouth harder around the huge circumference of Maurice’s cock and reached my hand up to start jacking off the base of it. My fist was around it, the other hand stroking his balls, squeezing lightly. The head of his prick was hitting the back of my throat again but with my head leaning back over the edge of the desk I was taking him deeper and with less discomfort. It was indeed bigger than it had been in my mouth so far. I could tell what was coming.

Can I swallow his entire load? Will black cum taste different than white? Will I disappoint him if I can’t? His is the first black cock I ever touched and the biggest one I’ve ever had in my mouth whatever the color. I think he was the first of the three who really wanted to have sex with me, so I wanted him to have the honor of the first cum.

“Jesus, she’s sucking me like a Hoover! Here it comes, teach!” It was impossibly warm... his balls shrank into his body in heaves as I caressed his sack. It was all going down my throat; thick and salty, but good. Then another shot, hotter still. He started to soften just a little. His jizz mingled with my saliva at the base of my tongue. I figured I’d swallow it when I could get some air from the first eruption. If felt so thick in my mouth. Then, another stream! I didn’t think I could take that much!! I wished Marcus and Jerard would stop their duel fucking for a few seconds so I could concentrate! For some insane reason I don’t want to disappoint him; any of them, actually. My ego needed this to be pleasurable for them.

They did want me, didn’t they? I decided, ‘Well, then, they should get the best I’ve got!

Through my muffled endearments some of shot number 3 dribbled out of the corner of my mouth. I grabbed the tattered collar of my blouse and wiped at it while he stayed in my mouth. He was breathing shorter than before, and I realized it was over as I swallowed what was left in my mouth as he pulled out. But wait. No, it couldn’t be! Was he getting hard again already? I let go of his shaft hoping if I did he’d be satisfied and climb off the desk . He grabbed his dick where my hand had been and started stroking himself hard and fast.

“I ain’t done yet Teresa, or whatever your name is! You were so worried about me getting cum in your eyes or ears or running down your chin! Like that matters to sex machines like you!” He rose up on his knees and began to stroke it harder. I looked up at it with wide eyed fascination. “Open up that sexy mouth and see if you can catch some more!” From a foot over me, a geyser of white exploded from him. How could one man... boy... have so much in him? Did I inspire that with my mouth? Did he just call me a ‘sex machine’? And he said my mouth was sexy! Brad never has said much about me and how well I suck him, but I don’t really do it to him that often. I assumed I had forgotten how to do it well. Apparently not, from the satisfied look on Maurice’s face.

I opened my mouth wide but instinctively closed my eyes, which meant I couldn’t see where the stream was headed. It started to land in my hair! Then I guess he aimed his tool lower as it hit my eyebrow… then my nose... then some finally in my mouth. I opened my eyes figuring he was finally finished and saw him aim the rest (can there really be this much!!!) at my upper chest. Some of it had started to slowly roll off my chin, into the hollow of my throat. His final shot landed on Jerard’s hands that were still tweaking my tits.

“Hey, asshole!? He pulled away as Maurice guided the last gobs of his manhood, which oozed between his fingers onto my tits and nipples. It felt warm on my manhandled boobs.

“No, you’re the asshole, not me! Spread that shit all over her tits. Lather this bitch up!”

As Maurice climbed off the desk, breathing heavily, it dawned on me that all four of us were sucking wind. It sounded like a tag team wrestling match. I could now see Marcus as he steadily raised and lowered his ass as his cock slurped in and out of my amazingly wet opening, his corn-rolls jangling. His face contorted as he repositioned himself for balance now that Maurice was finished cumming all over me. I reached out both of my hands so he could hold them and not lose his timing. His fingers interlaced with mine, palms touching. Jerard’s hands were grabbing the softness of my breasts, rubbing Maurice’s jizz all over my tits, then down my torso to my belly button. I guessed my nipples were getting used to the hard attention since he had been pinching them pretty hard, and I was feeling no pain from them.

Nor was I feeling pain in my tight ass any longer as Jerard pumped furiously. I could feel both cocks fighting for position deep inside different parts of me. My velvet walls were pulsating to the duel pressure. Jesus, I had no idea it would feel this way. I wished we were in a bed since it might be more comfortable. No, I began to think the lack of ‘give’ provided by the desk caused their double slamming to be even more intense. The desk was good. (If I were to stay working at this school would I ever look down on this desk the same way? What a memory it would be! I could see being in the middle of a lesson, looking at the desk and having the clueless kids wonder why I was breaking into a big smile.)

“She’s gripping me too tight, Marcus! Her ass is like a vise! I can’t hold out much longer!” It did seem that he was growing harder. *Click* Hell, Maurice must have taken Jerard’s phone and taken over the camera duties.

Would they think I was a cheap, easy piece if I asked them to get my phone from my purse?

“Hold on motherfucker. I’m just starting to get this working.” Marcus said.

My teacher mode clicked in. Some things you can’t unlearn.

“Don’t~~*pound*~~use~ *pound* ~that~~*pound*~~word~~*pound*~~around~~ *pound*~~me!”

“Fuck you, old bitch! You’re our sex slave now. We’ll talk to each other any way we want. We’ll make sure everybody sees these pictures if you don’t do as we say. You’re not our teacher until next year if we don’t get into the Army! Plus you were saying ‘fuck’ from the minute you walked in here!” Jerard was trying to be the boss with his big mouth but we all knew Marcus was in charge.

“Old??!!~*pound*~~bitch?! OLD~~*pound*~~BITCH?! This~~* pound*~~is~~* pound*~~the~~*pound*~~best~~*pound*~~fuck~~*pound*~~either~~* pound*~~of you~~*pound*~~have~~*pound*~~had in~~*pound*~~your lives!?”

They were both shocked into stopping their relentless back and forth pistoning of my holes but stayed in me.

“None of the young whores you guys fuck can give you what I’m giving you! Any other bitch you know that could swallow all your shit, Maurice? Huh?! I didn’t think so. Any little high school tart you know that would take you this deep in her ass, Jerard? If at all?! And you Marcus!! I could see it in your eyes. You never saw or sucked such pretty nipples in your short little sex life, have you?! HAVE YOU? And you loved the look of my furry pussy when you first saw it, didn’t you? DIDN’T YOU!!?? And the smell of my cunt when your nose was on it! (had I just called it my ‘cunt’?!) Any Junior girls look and smell that good? HUH?! Fucking right they don’t!! And that Tanesha bitch you’re always staring at with her big tits. Well, I bet they’re store bought! You can tell because I bet they don’t jiggle when you are fucking her like my tits are bouncing now!

Old bitch, indeed! How dare you!! Now bring that long cock back over here Maurice so I can get that big cock hard a third time while these two amateurs can see if they can cum at the same time! I’m taking the best all three of you got! And still asking for more!! Yeah, I said ‘fuck’ a few times, but I’m saying it better than you are doing it! Now start fucking me like you mean it, goddamn it! Or it’s suspensions for all of you! It’s time you respect and appreciate your elders. You can learn a lot from us! And you better be learning a lot about how to properly fuck a woman! If you want a good grade, you better improve your performance!”

I couldn’t believe I was hearing myself talk like that! What had come over me! What if they got mad and pulled out?! Or hurt me. I desperately needed a finish to this. It was like I had become a completely different person. Jerard had a point though. What with the pictures, I could be blackmailed into being a sex slave, I guess. I hadn’t yet processed how that made me feel, but I wasn’t about to let them get the upper hand without a fight. The authority figure in me was bubbling back to the surface.

I saw Maurice looking down at his soft cock, stroking it slowly but the results weren’t forthcoming. Shaking his head in a negative way, he said, “Teach, ah, Ms. Delaney, is it? I… I can’t get it to…”

“Just bring it to me, Maurice. This will be your first lesson in my class. I’ll get it hard again or you are clinically dead. I have a great hands-on demonstration for you.”

My lecture made the impression I was after. The two cocks in me started to pound harder. Their alternating thrusts had my pelvis moving in such furious motion that I wondered if I could walk straight when we were done. Jerard actually started kissing and licking my back between my shoulder blades.

“Is this better, Terri? Is this up to your standards?” SLAM!

Marcus sweat was dripping on my chest. His sweat, Maurice’s cum…how would I clean myself up for tonight? Oh, fuck it. I’ll call Brad and tell him I’m sick.

“Much~~*pound/pound*~~better~~*pound/pound*~~Keep~~*pound/pound*~~it up!”

A hand on Maurice’s love pole had it harder in no time, but it was hard to stroke him well due to the major DP I was enduring. There was no way I could suck him, unfortunately. There was too much shaking of my lower torso to do it justice. What a pity.

“I… I can’t hold out. She’s getting it now. The bitch is strangling my dick! I’ve never felt anything this tight!”

“Give it all to her, Jerard. Oil that tight ass! I’m ready, too. Let’s fill her with more cum than she’s ever had!”

Oh, my gawd! Hot liquid so deep in there! My anus was on fire as Jerard shot his load. I had never felt that sensation before! It was impossibly deep and unique. Marcus practically screamed as he released seconds later. He unloaded his torrent of love juice in a more familiar receptacle. I had the most tremendous orgasm in my life at the same time. As his pounding slowed, his breathing became more rapid. His face told me his cock wanted to continue but he was exhausted and not too comfortable from having to fuck in this pile driver position for this long. I was drenched in sweat. Sweat and cum.

Jerard softened and pulled out of my tan socket with a ‘pop.' I could feel his sticky stuff slowly recede down my tight walls toward my opening. Marcus, still stiff, surprised me by grabbing my ass cheeks and lifting me up, forcing himself deeper in my weary love box. This allowed Jerard to shimmy out from under me. Marcus planted my ass back on the desk with one more mighty thrust that had me seeing stars. I could tell it was to be his last as he collapsed on me. He then rolled off me, giggling softly.

Everyone was breathing heavy. Suddenly, it was extremely quiet. We were all taking this in. I could feel how loose my anus was. I suddenly realized for the first time how hurt and raw my tits are. My nipples were hard but impossibly red and sore. My breasts glistening white with streaks of cum.

Suddenly, we heard the metallic sound of a mop bucket on the tile floor down the hall. The janitor was on our floor doing his after-hours chores! Everyone started to grab for clothes. A mad rush was interspersed with ‘ssshes’. I instinctively grab at the pile of my tattered outfit. Obviously there was nothing intact, nothing to salvage. I came to my senses and looked around for my overnight bag. I figured I would only have time to put on my sweater (no time for a bra) and maybe my jeans.

If I only have time for one or the other, which one should I get on? Maybe the sweater is best and I can sit back in my chair and scoot myself under the desk in case the janitor comes this far down the hall.

I felt semen escaping from my ass and pussy, dripping down my legs onto the floor. I grabbed my ruined gray skirt and used it to attempt to rub their cum off my thighs and chest. My desk! There’s cum and sweat all over it!! And the floor!! Could I clean this up before the janitor got here? Hell no. What was I thinking?! I had to try to get dressed again! I was still nude!! My pussy hair was all matted together. And my makeup! I must have been a fright! I… I realized there was some jizz in my hair!

The boys were all dressed now and yanking their shoes on, snickering.

“Help me clean this mess up! He’ll be down here pretty soon!”

“Na, Ms. Delaney. Us juniors aren’t supposed to be up here on the senior floor. The janitor might tell on us and we’d get suspended. We can’t have that.”

The boys walked through the door into the hall, leaving it open as I tried to wipe the cum from my hair and tits. I could already start to feel it sticking to my skin. Now where were my jeans?

“Thanks for your help with our homework, Ms. D.”, Marcus calls out from the hall loudly.

“Hey, Mr. janitor. I think Ms. Delaney spilt something. Could you get down here quick and help her?”


Out of the corner of my eye I saw one of them had scribbled, “Terri, The Sex Machines Class” on the blackboard. I smiled at the thought but immediately realized how much these boys needed to learn. He didn’t use the possessive ‘Machine’s’ like he should have. Like I said, my teacher mode was returning.

I looked out at them as I was wiping my thighs and saw that Maurice had my overnight bag flung over his shoulder!!!

Written by territeach
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