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Playtime In The Locker Room

"An unexpected sexual adventure, in the showers of the men's locker room at the public gym"

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Author's Notes

"For Alexa: To think if I had never met you this would have never have happend. Xoxo"

I see you when you come in. My attention isn’t even on the door. It is like something, I don’t know, like instinct or intuition that makes me look. It is like the whole place just stops for a moment, just for you.

Imagine my surprise when you come out of the ladies' locker room and stroll right towards me, right where I am working out. Yeah, I’m pretty sure you catch me staring a few times as we go along, but each time I notice that you'd noticed, I smile a bit, look you in the eye and give a little nod, hello. Trying to act cool like I just happen to be looking casually that way. From time to time, I look your way and think I'll catch you looking first and even maybe see a little smile break along your beautiful face. 

Finishing up, getting ready to leave, I start making my way to the men’s locker room but stop, and take one final look at such a stunningly beautiful woman, and I’m just in awe of you, so unique. What few people are left drop away and disappear as I look at you. I take a deep breath in and sigh slowly trying to pace my heart, shaking my head back to sharp reality. Turning around, I head into the locker room proper. I take my time gathering together my things, just thinking, 'Wow! Who did I just see?' My thoughts get wrapped into more thoughts of you as time flies by until I discover I’m completely alone. At least, as far as I could tell.

Looking around, the place is completely deserted. Seeing all the closed and half-open lockers, the various flotsam, and jetsam scattered about as evidence that people had indeed been there. I scan further back into the long hallway-like design of the room, that’s when I notice the showers. Just one big open space with ivory white tiles and I count about six showerheads along its upper rim. And say to myself, 'Fuck it why not, I never shower here.' I strip off my clothes at my locker without a care and stroll across the room naked. I don’t even have a towel or soap.

Thinking of you as I stroll through the empty space, feeling the warm air on my body in combination with the utter excitement of just being naked so openly. Even in as relatively a mundane public place as this is, has aroused more than just my imagination. I can feel myself, growing. That hot rush of electrifying fluid coursing down and through me, that kind of feeling that makes the hands wander and explore one's self. That need to grab and touch, to feel all the sensations to be felt with one's self. 

Looking around again to make sure that there is no one truly around, I let myself go and feel free. Gripping myself gently at the base of my ever-growing erection, slowly spinning and tapping at the air. Accelerating the transfer of vital fluids, feeling quite proud of the volume and weight as I grew. Stroking now, gently undulating my foreskin back and forth along my widening head, to the thought of you naked. Stripped clean and bear of your blue and black leggings and sports bra, thinking naughty thoughts as I entered the showers.

Turning on one of the central spouts, the hot water sprays down onto my shoulders relaxing my muscles all across my sore body. Releasing tensions built up throughout the day. My cock stiffens harder in the wet heat and steam, sending goose flesh ripples up and down my skin as the waters run over my body. I dip my head beneath the hot stream wetting my hair and wiping my face clear of the sweat accumulated from my workout.

My left hand is still otherwise occupied with its task of self relief. I use my free arm to brace myself against the wall under the head of the shower, letting myself be soothed by its therapy and allow my self become fully aroused. Drifting away into the sweet fantasy that would be your embraces. Then out of nowhere, the sound of a bag dropping heavily on the floor outside the shower rouses me from my daydreaming.

As I stick my head out, I’m startled to find, that no, I’m not alone at all. There you are standing next to your gym bag with a towel in hand, dressed in tight blues and blacks.

“Hey, sorry to… Oh hi! Hello!” Your voice jumps, as you looked me over with widening eyes, getting a bit of a surprise yourself. “The showers in the ladies seem to… to not be working… do you, um, mind if we share?” You ask, coyly biting your lower lip as you smiled.

I’m riveted to the spot not exactly hearing everything, my brain just wasn't working properly, but I still manage to work out of my suddenly dry mouth. “Um… yeah sure, no problem,” keeping it brief.

Placing your towel on a nearby peg you begin to wiggle your way free from your form-fitting workout clothes as if you just didn’t care I was there at all. Pulling off your top first exposing the most perfectly round breasts I had ever seen, up and over well-defined shoulders. My wildest fantasies can’t compare to what I see before me, my hands that are feebly trying to cover what couldn’t be covered, suddenly feal to my sides and my eyes widen, transfixed. Sensuous, lean healthy muscles radiate from your athletic core, out to slender sculpted limbs. Your skin is like soft golden marble under the dim lights.

Your hair is down gliding across your back gently touching the tops of a perfectly rounded bottom as you walk. Breasts jiggling slightly with each step towards the showers, hips swaying to a rhythm. perfect curves, dangerous curves. 'Yeah, this guy ain’t going away any time soon… keep it together man,' I think to my self eyes slightly narrowing at the thought.

You point to the showerhead next to mine, “Do you mind?”

“Not at all.” I smile back.

“Having trouble?” you giggle, gesturing down to the elephant in the room.

“Nah… it was just the shower… it's you know, ah… very relaxing,” I say, stumbling over my words, trying to laugh at myself.

You smile at me not afraid to stare at all, turning on your water and testing the heat. You stand underneath its hot stream wetting your hair, moving your hands across your body spreading the water around till every inch of you is glistening in the light. You grab your soap and begin to lather, first with your chest gently moving around each breast in turn, then down to your flat-toned tummy. Wrapping around to your round elegant behind and bending over slightly to slowly lather each supple leg. 

Glancing over at me “You didn’t bring anything? Want to borrow my soap?” You ask.

“Sure... thanks,” I reply. Taking the bar from your outstretched hand. Following suit, I quickly lather up. Building up a good portion of lathered soap in one hand, as I hand back your bar. rubbing my hands together to foam up the bubbles, and quickly cover my hardness in soap first. Attempting to spread out as many bubbles of soap as possible from what little I take.

When I hear you ask with a giggle, “I didn’t interrupt playtime did I?”

I grin, laughing back saying, “Ha-ha no,  it was just the water like I said, but he’s still got to get clean.”

You face me directly “You sure?" You say with a hit of lust in your breathy words. Inching a bit closer. “I only ask because… well you have a great looking cock and... I just got in a great workout. And well great workouts kind of, get me going... you know… maybe I’m feeling a bit like playing.”

With the water spraying against my head and back. “Excuse me?” I say not fully believing what I’m hearing.

“Can I, um, just… Can I just touch it?” moving closer still, dropping down, and with no hesitation, you reach out.

Gracefully dropping to your knees, you softly grip me with your fingertips testing, teasing and squeezing. gliding up and down my shaft. Fully taking grip, you pull back the natural skin wrapping of my head exposing my swollen pinkish, red tip. Feeling my weight in your hand, pulling upward with loose little squeezes, releasing a sizable amount of thick pre-cum. 

It is just the extra needed to escalate even further. “Umm, I think I need a taste of you, baby,” you whisper into my rod like a microphone. Pulling me to your lips, you lick the tip of my cock, with the soft point of your salivating tongue. Drawing in a clear mass of sticky pre-cum into your mouth.

“Fucking yummy!” You say as you grip me with your lips, enveloping the girth of me. Slowly working my full hardened length with your hands and mouth. Your soft tongue making small wavy moves from inside and working playfully beneath my shaft.

I breathe deep as my eyes narrow and my head rolls back. You take full control of me, bending me to your will. Slowly worshipping my cock with your gorgeous mouth and holding lips. Going deeper, and deeper down with each stroke, into your warm wet throat. The instinct and adrenaline take over my body as I pull your hands away placing them flush against my hips and lower abdomen. Leaving your mouth free to slide up and down.

Running my fingers through your wet hair, taking hold at the back and base, finding just the right grip to push and pull as my hips begin to buck slowly and in small beats back and forth, taking my time fucking your mouth and feeling your throat build with saliva.

As you start to gag a bit I pull out holding the base of my cock, exiting with thin strings of spit still connecting us. Bouncing the tip up and down between your lips. You look up at me again with more excitement laughing with a little surprise now knowing I’ve gone from shy boy to very willing participant in this little game. Sticking your tongue out I firmly beat my cock against it, while noticing your reaching down to play with what I can hear to be an already sopping wet pussy.

You gobble me up moving faster, and then slower as if to a beat and rhythm. Between a breath, I stop you and pull you up to your feet and draw you in close nuzzling your face with mine looking deeply now in your eyes. Gently teasing you with small kisses from my lips to yours with a sigh I say with a devilish look “I think it's your turn” in one swift steady motion I push you against the wall below the spray of water. I savor every inch of you as I move down across every sensuous curve and line I can find. Kissing, groping and gliding down to eagerly devour your heat.

The hot moist air accentuates the sweet smell of your dripping wetness. I draw it in with a deep breath as I bring your left leg up over my right shoulder. Holding you steady against the wall with my outstretched arms held to your core, and gripping and squeezing any part of you I can blindly find. My focus is set and my drooling tongue can no longer wait.

I start with your clit and a tiny kiss, sucking in a few drops of your tasty juices. I can feel your fingers running through my hair and firmly grip me as my pace quickens while lapping you up, tasting, savoring, exploring all the places of you that make you even slightly twitch. 

I let my taste buds become my eyes taking in all that they see. My hands run down your smooth body feeling their way down to eagerly gripping your firm tight ass, pushing you upward a bit, to more accommodate my lips and mouth proper as a seat for the luscious lips of your tasty treat. Your moans serve as a dinner call to me, galvanizing my lust, and passions for you. Dictating my actions. Your grip tightens in my hair as I dig deeper with my tongue tasting your sweet hot wetness, feeling you drip across my face and chin. 

“My fingers want to play too,” I say, smiling up into your eyes and yours down into mine, releasing deep breaths alongside little smiles, you nod your head in agreement as I move to spread and massage your lips and clit. To further allow more access to your delicious honey. I rub my index and middle finger firmly but slowly from behind you. gently griping each side, letting your sensations, movements, and moans be my guide, finding your most sensitive spots. While my tongue continues their explorations deeper into your dowsing delights exclaiming. ”I could drown in you, your so fucking wet, love!" 

Steam filled the room with a warm haze, and the hot water's continuous spray drowned out all other sounds but your light squeals and breathy moans. Your taste is so intoxicating in the heat of the room and our bodies add to it making the shower into a makeshift sauna. My fingers start to gingerly probe twisting a little deeper with each gentle push upward. Hot water runs down your body, mixing with the nectar from your flower making your delicacy an even easier treat to enjoy.

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I use my tongue a final time splitting wide your delicious hole, and using my two fingers to follow, pushing the length of my fingers in. Feeling for your special spot, that one that’ll make your legs shake and your eyes roll back. I know I’ve hit the mark when I feel your backside tremble and your hips begin to buckle ever so slightly. 

I move faster with renewed vigor, adding a bit more pressure, feeling for your one spot that was my goal. “Ah, there you are,” I say with a grin looking up at your beautiful face awash with lustful expressions. Vibrating my hand and wrist in time with your shakes and trembles. Wasting no time, I put my lips to your clit as if to kiss her good night, but instead pull in your little pearl as far in-between my lips as I can, purring softly with my tongue. All I can think is how badly I need your cum, I need your wet, creamy drippings to run down my face. Your knees give as you put your weight on top of me causing me to press deeper and massage just a little harder. 

Hearing your moans of, ”Oh!, Fuck yes!” and, “Yes!.. Yes!…OH!..... Fuck yes! Fuck! Right there, yes...” encouraging me even further to let loose that sexual animal within me. Your breath quickens to a pace as your mouth lulls open and closed, your eyes begin to roll back as I bring you closer and closer to an explosive finish. Your pussy tightens, and contracts squeezing my fingers together as I feel your sweet convulsions of orgasm. Letting go of a small yell of pleasure and a wild, and unpredictable, spray of love juices, covering my face and whole parts of my upper chest.

I just smile at you as I stand, while you grab me by the waist and pull me in close with one hand and with the other instantly regaining control of me. “Still very hard, I see,” you say kissing and licking your leavings, still dripping from my face and chin.

You bite at my nose playfully, before we kiss long and deep savoring the tastes of our arousal off each other, angling myself slightly to the side to accommodate my still very swollen cock and your grip. You stroke my thick length under the water of the showers as we passionately make out.

“I need you to fuck me,” you whisper in my ear with a soft lusty voice, before staring me down. I gesture over to a wooden-toped bench in the showers with us, forgetting they were ever even there until now. I wrap my arm around your waist as we make the short walk to them. Sitting down first, I keep my back straight and pull you to me. Holding you there between my legs and arms just so I can look up at you for a second. When you look down at me, pushing back a little against my shoulders. Squeezing your breasts between firm biceps causing them to grow in size and pulling my head into your soft shiny pillows. 

I take you in with another deep breath and again there was that sensation of the world dropping away as you climb over and on top of my lap. You drape your legs over the other side of me and the bench, straddling me, feeling my cock rubbing between your wet pussy lips. You reach behind you with one hand rubbing my cock against and between your delectable cheeks while giving yourself balance with the other held behind my neck. And you begin to grind hard and slow with my hands at the curvature of your hips feeling but not trying to influence your delicious movements. Rocking back and forth, sliding up and down the length of my shaft teasing yourself just for a little while longer, making the sensations last for as long as possible.

I bring you as close to my body as I can. “Let me lie back,” I say, placing my hand at the small of your back and grabbing at the edge of the bench, giving you the balance to stand albeit a bit wobbly. You swing your curvaceous leg back over as I recline. You take a step back to turn away from me placing both your hands flat where I had held mine against your ass cheeks, sliding your fingers and palms around the curves of your perfect peach.

You spread and squeeze, stretching your back upward as you look back and say to me sweetly. “Like what you see?” my response is to lean in close and with a pop!! I give you a spank that leaves your right cheek with a rosy tinge.

Smiling what I say comes out a husky whisper, “Come here." Your left index finger now poised coyly at your lips you grin down at me rubbing the red out with your right hand. You bite your nail as you giggle swinging your leg over my waiting pole.

Now fully on top of me, your smile widens feeling all of me as my cock lay flat against my belly. Getting in a few more sloppy grinds, you stand up slightly, bringing me with you, keeping me straight as you sit back down slowly. Sliding hard into soft, we begin a different dance.

Changing masterfully your tempo and rhythm with the strength of your hips and thighs, you bend over gripping my face and running a hand through my messy hair, kissing me deeply, our wet tongues engaging in their form of intercourse. Never stopping your persistent throbbing, aching beat until I move my hands from your hips up to behind your back and neck to hold you there, still against my chest. Pushing up with my legs and hips, I can’t help but to take over for a bit and fuck you from below your mount. Thrusting upward in a natural piston-like motion. 

”Ahahhhahh!! Oh, fuck me, baby! Please, oh fuck!!! Don’t… fucking stop! Right there, right there!!” I can hear you go from a high moan to low groaning, to silly laughing, and even what looked like quiet, mouthed screaming. 

Pounding your tight wanting pussy from below with a faster and faster pace till the energy leaves the muscles, but only for a time, holding myself deep inside you. 

I release my grip letting you flow back upward flinging your hair fan-like and wet behind you, making a smacking sound as long wet locks hit your back. Arching backward, you pull back at your hair thrusting your breasts out in a glorious display, keeping the motion of your hips steady as you grind deeply and forcefully down onto my hard throbbing cock.

Holding your arms up above your head your rocking and grinding builds in intensity “Oh yes... ooh oh… fuck!, Fucking destroy that pussy… oh, oh, oh yes fuck, right there... right there you're going to… make me... Ahhh, cum!” you stammer through clenching teeth, rising quickly filling your bright pink void with fingers, feverishly feeling for your bliss spot. Massaging hard and deep, you unleash another torrent of wet sticky cum in a wave of hot orgasmic pleasures covering me again. 

I can feel your legs shaking a bit as you sit back on top of me, resting your drained vagina back onto the shaft of my cock moving gently with a slow languid motion. Massaging your exhausted clit against my stiff veins and smooth curves, we lie there for a moment catching our breath. Looking each other over and seeing the mess we've made of each other. Laughs and giggles fill the steam as you stand once more so I can sit upright. I come to my feet and move to the entrance to the shower.

“You going somewhere?” I hear you ask. 

“Just grabbing this,” I say pulling your towel from its peg. “Oh, we’re not just done yet,” I say with a wry grin. You see my meaning as I place your towel down along the bench folding it in half for extra cushion.

With a gesture, I motion you over and you pick your position. With cat-like grace, you slink over the bench bending over so that your gorgeous round buttocks point into the steamy air. Bending even further down, arching you back forward gripping the side of the bench for extra bracing with your left and stretching your right along the length of the wood. looking back at me you say, “like this, you want to fuck me like the good slut I am from behind?” asking a question you already know the answer to.

I take the few steps to you, gripping your glowing ass. Rubbing and squeezing each cheek in turn. Pop! Pop! You give a slight start and giggle happily as I spank you one cheek then the next giving your smooth golden skin a bit more of a pinkish hue. Centering my face behind you I can’t help but give you one last slobbering taste.

Tongue lolling out, I start from the very tip of your clit all the way up ending between those luscious cheeks of yours, playfully flicking my saliva drenched tongue into any sweet crevasse I could find, savoring every drop. Standing up I take my place directly behind you placing one hand on your hip and using the other to gently tease the outer edges of your pussy with the tip of my engorged head. With a slow push, I can feel your wetness giving me access, sliding myself in, slowly finding my rhythm. Your tight lips grip me, subtlety pushing and pulling with each contraction of well-worked muscles. 

No need for hard pounding here, as our bodies find a sensual synchronization. My hips move as if of their own accord, instinctively, back and forth at a steady beat. I look down at your face which is full of nothing but sexual expressions, small smiles between pursed lips that blow out heavy deep breaths. You feel so good and I’m so close to giving you all that’s been building inside me since seeing you.

Quickening my pace, I can feel your fingers move up between your legs rubbing your clit brushing the base of my cock as I move deeper and faster inside of you. Your face changes again mouth agape breathing quickly “Ah yes… yes, again… FUCK… make me cum, I want you to destroy my pussy, stretch me out… oh, you're such a fucking good boy," you say as I can feel you tightening all around me, all the while getting wetter. 

There’s an intense build-up between us, feeling myself pulsating harder before your final eruption and me so close behind. As you cum, your body trembles and shakes from head to toe pushing me out shiny, glistening in your essences. You sit up quickly turning toward me knowing I’m about to give you all that you wanted and more.

Taking my cock in your hands you stroke mildly back and forth opening your mouth to stick out your tongue asking me, begging me for my cum, “oh, give it to me. I want your fucking cum… oh yes, that’s a good fucking boy," you say as the motions of hand combined with the warmth of your breath finally causes my release. One two, three, four sprays of the hot pearly liquid jet from the tip of my head unpredictable in their course. First across your beautiful face then along with your lips and chin and as they die out in intensity, finally across your heaving rolling chest. Your laugh is infectious causing me to grin slyly witnessing the results of our deeds.

“How the hell did we make a mess of a shower?“ I manage to get out still a bit breathless from the adrenaline and dopamine.

“I don’t know but we did,” you say smiling at me, making your way to the still-running water. I follow suit and join you under the hot spray. There, we help clean each other off, touching and petting one another, slowly wiping off the cum and washing the sweat from each other's bodies. “This was a great game, baby. Did you have fun?” I ask and you answer only with enthusiastic nods and a big grin.

“We should do this more often,” you softly say hugging me around the waist. We hold each other close for a bit and kiss, slowly indulging in making out after the rush of it all.

“Come on, let's get dressed. We'd better get out of here before they fully close the place,” I say and you reply with another sweet bout of giggles. I begin to make my way out when pop! I feel your slap and grip against my ass as you follow.

We dry off with our only towel as best we can, and get dressed, and move to the door of the lockers, checking to see if anybody is around to see us leave. The only person left is the manager still at the front desk completely unaware. We hold hands as we leave together making our way to the parking lot.

“Can't wait to get back. You should make me food when we get home,“ you say unlocking the car.

“You're on, what would you like, baby?” I say with a laugh thinking about how perfect a night.

Looking back at me with an intense but playful glare, you say, “I think I'll have seconds," rolling your tongue through your lips.

Written by ChefJake69
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