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Meeting The Wolf

"Making a dream come true."

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Competition Entry: This is Hardcore
I took a deep breath and once again flattened the nonexistent wrinkles of my little red hood costume. I know it’s an awful cliché to wear a little red hood costume when I’m trying to meet The Wolf, but, hey, a girl has to use all the weapons she has, right? And somehow it seemed appropriate.

“Ready?” Laura asked me, giving me an encouraging smile.

“As ready as I’ll ever be!”

We were about to enter the local dungeon, where they were holding a special munch. People were asked to attend disguised of their favorite kinky fantasy, so, all around the place you could see huris, roman slaves, roman warriors, queens, kings, all you could imagine. Being little red hood wasn’t my favorite fantasy but meeting The Wolf sure was, and I thought I might have a better opportunity at you seeing me, dressed like this. The costume was actually cute. It had a white peasant shirt, a black velvet corset, a dark red mini skirt, and of course a dark red hood and cape. To complement it, I was wearing black silk stockings and black high heels shoes.

My long blonde mane was combed on a sided braid, to make it easier to use the hood.

And there I was.

Ever since I’d seen your profile on the web, you became my obsession. The way you looked, the way you acted, the way you growled, and yes, you actually growled, and your husky, low voice added up to create this amazing character that had the leading part in all of my fantasies. And my mind was being flooded by millions of fantasies all the time and I craved so much for you.

Probably, not even for YOU, ‘Mr. I don’t know who’, but for the character you seemed to impersonate. But this was just fantasy, right, so where was the harm? Besides we had half a planet between us, so fantasy had to be.

Bur, as all in life, fate always finds a way to make things happen. The company I worked for decided to send me on a business trip to your home town.

So I had two options: ignore the fact I would be so close to the object of my hottest fantasies or to try and meet the guy. This last one could put a positive ending to all my fantasies, what might be for the best, or… well, anything could happen.

Of course, first option was out of the question. I would never be able to forgive myself if I didn’t at least try to meet you. So I had to set up a plan.

Sending you a message would never happen. I’m way too shy for that, so I started to investigate every event on town, every bar or place where I could meet you ‘by accident’.

And there it was! The local dungeon’s munch. You announced on your profile you intended to attend. It was happening the same night of my arrival to town, but I, sure as hell, was going.

I looked for other people going to the munch so I would get myself some company, and that’s how I met Laura, and that’s how I got there.

The munch was held on a big room, similar to a restaurant, with tables and chairs, so we sat at a table with several of Laura´s friends. She was a domme, who kindly took me under her protective wing on my first adventure on a dungeon and I couldn’t be more grateful. Her friends were a very nice bunch of men and women, doms, subs, switches, the whole kind. We had a great time during the first hour, but I was becoming more and more restless.

I had kept an eye in the room from where I was, but so far I hadn’t spotted anyone that might match your description. I had never seen a clear photo of your face, but I was sure I would be able to recognize you, as long as you didn’t wear a mask like many there.

So, I excused myself from the table and went for a walk around the place, looking at the groups, admiring the costumes, the easiness and the happy ambient in the place.

But, whenever I spotted a guy disguised as a werewolf, or one that could fit your description, none was you.

Disappointment started to settle as a cold, heavy stone over my chest, and I returned to the table. I knew this was a long shot, but at least I had tried.

A little while after, the munch was over. So, I got up, ready to go back to my hotel room. I turned to Laura to say goodbye.

“Laura!” I called her.

“Yes, sweetie?” she asked me, turning to face me.

“I just wanted to say thank you for letting me join your group this evening.” I said, failing miserably to put a smile on my face.

“Aren’t you staying for the after party?” she asked surprised.

“After party?” I asked, with no idea what she was talking about, after all I had never been to a munch before.

“Yes, silly! Now we go the dungeon and the real fun starts.” She answered winking at me.

“Oh… I had no idea!” I said unsure of what to do. “I’m alone, and I wouldn’t know what to do.”

“No worries. You don’t have to do anything, voyeurs are quite welcome. If someone asks you to play and you don’t feel like it, you just say no, and there will be no problems.” Laura explained.

The very small flame of hope on my chest flickered and gained strength.

“Ok, I would love to stay for a while longer.”

And so we entered the dungeon itself. It was an amazing room, huge, with several play areas all around, with crosses, benches, frames, suspension hooks, spider webs, and so much more.

My new friends went to theirs things and I decided to walk around the place and enjoy the sights.

By now, I had little hope at seeing you, so I wasn’t looking for you anymore. There were a lot of people in the dungeon, and if you were there, you would probably be with someone else, so it was pointless.

I wandered around the room, eager to see it all, to watch live how a dom tied his sub, or how a domme flogged her sub restrained to a bench.

At some point, I was fully concentrated watching a rigger tying his bottom, using a red rope, when I felt as if someone was watching me. I looked around, but I wasn’t able to confirm it, so I returned to watch the scene in front of me. But my eyes kept going all around me, looking for that someone, which seemed to be piercing me with the eyes, never to find the one.

I shook my head and decided to ignore the feeling. I was, again, looking as the rigger passed the rope around the woman’s breast, when someone whispered in my ear.

“Are you waiting for me?” the soft blow of your breath on my ear froze me there.

That voice… no, it couldn’t be.

Almost fearful, I slowly turned around and immediately I was locked in your eyes.

“You… it’s you!” I manage to mutter, as my eyes toured through your black t-shirt, your jeans, and your belt.

“So you know who I am!” you said with a grin. “My own little red hood!” you continued as if mocking yourself.

The Wolf!” I said more to myself than to you.

“Were you waiting for me, little red?” you asked again, as you grabbed my chin on a strong grip.

I looked up at you again, and right there, I knew you surpassed all my fantasies.

“Yes.” I managed to say.

“Good! I’m up for some fun tonight!” you said, as you leaned your head down and assailed my mouth in a rough, deep kiss, draining all the air from my lungs.

When I thought my legs were giving up on me, you stopped.

You looked deep in my eyes as if reading all my secrets and releasing my chin, you took hold of my wrist.

“Let’s get a more private room!” you said, as you started to drag me behind you.

Only a couple of steps after, someone cut you off. It was Laura.

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“Hi, Laura!” you greeted.

“Where are you taking Sarah?” she asked, straight to the point.

You looked back at me, noting my blushed cheeks, the shine on my eyes.

“I thought I would take her to a less crowded place, she seems to be too hot!” you said, sardonic.

Laura looked at me, worry written all over her face.

“Sarah, sweetie, do you know this man? Are you sure you want to go anywhere with him?” she asked me.

I looked up at you, and images of all the videos I had seen of you, the stories you had written, it all came flooding my mind, and instead of getting scared for having the real thing right there holding my hand, all I could feel was the arousal raising to unsuspected levels.

I turned to look at Laura.

“Yes, I know who he is. He is the main reason I decided to come here tonight.” I admitted out loud for the first time.

“Ok, I hope you know what you are doing.” She looked at you and pointing a finger to your face, she said, “Treat her well!”

You grabbed her finger between your teeth and giving it a soft bite you answered.

“Don’t I always?”

So, you dragged me out of the dungeon, and without a word you took me upstairs to a corridor with several doors in both its sides. The doors had numbers on and you took me to number 13.

You opened the door, threw me in, and before I knew it, you had me up against the door, your strong hand wrapped around my neck, as the other one released my naked breasts from the shirt.

“So, did you come to see me?” you whispered on my ear. “Did you want to meet me?”

Your hand put a bit more pressure over my neck, as the other one grabbed one of my nipples and twisted it roughly, making me moan out loud.

“Answer me!” you demanded rising the pressure in both my neck and my nipple.

“Yes, yes!” I managed to say between gasps. You eased the grip on my neck, and once again kissed me as if there was no tomorrow, invading my mouth and conquering every little corner of it.

As you kissed me, your other hand kept busy, unclasping my corset and slipping my blouse down to my waist to expose my torso to your hands. You abandoned my neck, and both your hands took grip of my breasts, squeezing them hard, twisting them, kneading them roughly, as your lips left my mouth and drew down a trail of kisses and bites.

My breath was harsher by the second, and my chest heaved up and down, beneath your hands.

One of your hands slipped under my skirt and discovered the crotch less panties I was wearing, what gave you full access to my dripping pussy.

“You are all ready for me, aren’t you?” you asked me obviously pleased with your findings.

Unable to speak, I just nodded.

Your fingers entered me roughly, as deep as possible, making me whimper, as a huge wave of sensations took over me. You pushed once, twice, three times hard and deep into me and I was so aroused that I almost came right there, right then.

A hard slap across my face, snapped me out of the rapture I was in.

“Not without my consent, my little red slut!” you snarled, twisting both my nipples harder than ever.

The shot of pain went through my breasts, down to my very core, and I had to make a huge effort not to come. My panting was faster than ever, and I felt I was swinging on the edge.

You took off my skirt and the cape, and dragged me to the bed, on the middle of the room. You threw me over it, face down, and hopping over me, you took my wrists and cuff them to the headboard, using the leather cuffs that hanged on it. You laid over me, covering my trembling naked body with yours, your face buried in the nape of my neck.

“You like it rough, don’t you, my little red?” you whispered in my ear.

I could only nod.

You slowly got up, remaining straddling my thighs, as your hands traveled around my back, my buttocks, my slit. You stopped for a moment and the next thing I heard was the sound of you unbuckling you belt, and drawing it out of your jeans.

“Oh, god!” I moaned.

Millions of butterflies swirled wildly on my stomach, my whole body tensed up in anticipation and when that first blow came down on my back, I was almost over the edge again.

A second blow fell on my buttocks, the third on my thighs, and the sting and the burning on my skin of each blow, took me one step closer to the edge.

My moans and soft cries were all you could hear in the room, as the blows rained down on me.

Then you stopped, the belt landed on bed, next to my face, and muffled sounds told me you were putting on a condom. A few seconds later, you spread my legs and with one single thrust you forced yourself in me, starting immediately to pound me fast and deep.

It was then when your growls joined my moans. Your hands were grabbing hard my ass cheeks, kneading them, spurring the delicious pain from the previous blows.

Your growls were faster now, as well as my moans, and leaning down, you gripped me by my neck, raising my head a bit, and ordered me:

“Come for me, my little red! Now!”

And my whole body trembled hard as the wave of pleasure crushed over me hard, almost violently, taking me to unknown places, making me experience a whole new world of feelings.

“Yes, that’s it!” you grunted, pleased.

You took your smeared cock out of me and a second later, you were poking my back entrance with it.

I was still immersed on my pleasure, that at first I didn’t realize your intentions. When I did, your cock was half way in, stretching my walls, making way for you.

“You can take me, I know you can!” you said, as you pushed in a bit more.

I cried out, since it burned too much, you were too big for me, but a few seconds later, you were buried deep inside me and my wails of pain filled the room.

Tears ran down my cheeks, but the word ‘stop’ wasn’t even on my mind. You waited there for a moment, for me to get used to your presence, and then started to move to sex’s ancient rhythm, going in and coming out, faster and deeper each time.

Pain and pleasure once more mixed inside me, and my cries alternated with my moans.

You slipped a hand beneath me, and your fingers soon found my clit and started to rub it roughly, pinching it, twisting it between your fingers, as you kept drilling into me, the slapping sound of your hips against my cheeks getting louder, as well as your growls.

My body was again on the verge of climax and a few more thrusts combined with your rough touch on my clit made me fall again on the arms of pleasure.

You took your cock out of me, and releasing my wrists from the cuffs, you positioned me face up, in bed, my head hanging from the edge.

You disposed of the condom, and standing next to my head, you drove your cock to my lips. I lifted my hands to grab you, but a sharp blow on my face, preceded your order:

“Hands off!”

You crouched slightly and buried your cock on my mouth reaching deep inside me, with slow thrusts at first, but speeding them out as you came closer to your own release.

I made a great effort not to choke with your huge cock in my mouth but at the same time, my tongue reveled with it, swirling around you, eager to have you coming in me, to feel your hot, thick cum in my mouth and feast in it.

I didn’t have to wait much, and a few strokes later, you came in my mouth, growling, almost howling.

I savored your essence, while you lay down in bed and pulled me closer to you, putting my head over your chest, your arms wrapped around me.

“So, was I up to your expectations?” you asked, mocking me.

I giggled and moved even closer to him.

“You have no idea!”

Written by kellyjones1944
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