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Homeless Amazon:

"This girl was strong"

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Before I start my story, let me tell you a little bit about myself. I've never been married and I live alone. A few years ago I bought a small cottage on a lake and converted it into a full time residence. I'm self employed as small engine tech, I repair small engines at my house. I built a heated building to do it in. It keeps me busy. During winter I snow plow when I can. I try to live a boring, quiet life. I have one weakness though, bad girls. They are drawn to me like metal to a magnet. My stories are about these girls, some of which I have photos of.

This story takes place three years ago, it was a Friday afternoon in early fall and I had just dropped off a snow blower that I had tuned up for a customer. The forecast said that it was going to rain over night and into the morning. I used the day to run errands and I was on my way home to make dinner when I saw her.

She was walking on the side of the road wearing a rain poncho, jeans and a sweatshirt. She had a black pocket book draped around her shoulder, and was wearing a back pack. As I approached her, I noticed her thumb come out. I pulled up about thirty yards in front of her. I watched in my side mirror as she bounced her way to my truck window.

"Hop in," I said.

"Thank you," she replied and she climbed into my truck.

I asked her, "Where are you headed to?"

"Anywhere dry," she said.

She was a big girl, at the very least just under six feet tall. She was big boned too, not fat but thick. I could also tell that she had been drinking. I could see it in her eyes and smell it on her breath. She told me that she had no place to go and offered to fuck me if I'd let her stay with me. She said that she didn't have any money and she appeared sad. She also mentioned that some guy had just bought her a few beers. He said that he'd buy her lunch. She went to bathroom and when she came out, he was gone.

I told her that I don't bring girls back to my house, which wasn't necessarily true, I don't bring homeless girls there. I told her that I'd put her in a motel room for the night and buy her dinner there. I also told her that she didn't have to fuck me. After a few moments of silence, she asked me if I could pick up some beer. I told her that I'd pick up a twelve pack if she told me about herself.

Her name was Michelle. She was thirty years old and was from out of state. She had worked as a packer in a warehouse, then lost her job. She'd been on streets for seven months, bouncing from guy to guy, and shelter to shelter. She had two kids that she had lost custody of and they lived with her mother. Because of the weather, the shelter was full for the night and she had no place to sleep.

We checked into a motel and got a room on the first floor. It was close to six o'clock and the motel was damn near empty. The room was hot and smelled a bit musty so I put on the air conditioner. I ordered her a large pizza and myself a meatball sub. I told her that I was going to get the beer and some cigarettes for her. I told her to take a shower and that I'd leave money on table in case the food came early.

The trip to the liquor store and back took about twenty minutes. When I returned to the motel, Michelle was sitting naked on a chair. She allowed me to take a photo of her. She was a big girl. Tall and thick but not fat. She had big legs and big tits. She wore no jewelry at all. I assumed that she must have sold it.

"What's up?" I asked.

"I'm waiting for you," she replied, "I told you I'd fuck you if you let me stay with you."

"Michelle, that isn't necessary," I said.

"I want to, it just so happens that I'm in the mood," she said, as she opened a beer.

About two minutes later there was knock on the door. As I opened the door, the pizza delivery guy walked right in. He stopped dead in his tracks when he saw Michelle sitting there naked. The amazing part was, it didn't even phase her. She took a sip of a beer and waved at him. I had to snap my fingers in order to get him to focus on me. After I paid him, he kept staring at her as I guided him to the door. I put the food on the table.

"Well!" Michelle said, looking at me.

"Well what?" I replied.

"I'm naked, what about you?" she replied.

I got undressed and sat at the table. Michelle seemed a lot more comfortable now than she did when I first picked her up. We talked for a while and I could tell that she was a tough girl. She was outspoken and deliberate. She asked me if I liked her body. I told her that I did and she replied by telling me that she used to be bigger. She had lost weight being on the street and she liked the way she looked. She said that two weeks prior to us meeting, she was at a friend's house and stepped on a scale. She told me that she was one hundred sixty six pounds, but was once close to two hundred.

"Do you like dominant women, Paul?" she asked.

"Yes," I replied.

"I'm not just talking about dominant in bed," she said, "Dominant in personality too."

"I actually find that attractive," I said to her.

She replied. "Good, because there's nothing fucking subtle about me."

We sat naked at the table in the motel eating dinner. Her voice was sexy, deeper than most women but feminine. As she sat there, her nipples stiffened up like two marbles. I had the air conditioner on and thought that she might be cold, I got up and turned it down.

"What are you doing?" she asked.

"Turning it down," I replied, as I stared at her tits, "You appear to be cold."

She looked down at them and replied, "No Paul, I'm horny."

After we ate we got on the bed. Michelle lit a cigarette and opened another beer. It was still early. When she asked me if I would stay with her for the night, I told her that I would. That put a smile on her face. She told me that the worse part of being homeless is the loneliness . Nobody to hang with or talk to. She told me she wanted to hang out for a while. Just sit there naked, watch television and talk. I was having a good time listening to her. By now she had quite the buzz on and was funny. She was totally relaxed.

After about ninety minutes or so, our conversation turned to the topic of sex. She reiterated that she's dominant and likes to be in control. She then told me something that stunned me, but was correct. She said that we live in a modern world, yet sex is still the one primitive thing that we do. She mentioned that people don't need to get naked to fuck, yet they do. During sex, people behave and talk differently. She wasn't into kissing or this touchy feely bullshit as she put it. It should be raw and dirty, sucking and fucking. Naked sweaty bodies making contact with each other. I sat there listening to her, rock hard.

"Nice cock," she said as she took a big swig of beer. She put it on the night stand and looked at me. "Now, let's get primitive," she said.

She got on her knees between my legs and put my cock in her mouth. Lowering her upper body, she put both arms under my legs and lifted them up. My ass was off the bed. There was no build up to this blow job. She blew me with a steady rhythm, fast and powerful sucks. I could hear the head board tapping the wall, from a blow job. The slurping sounds were loud too.

"Jesus, Michelle, suck my cock." I said.

I think that she liked that because she lifted my ass off of the bed and began blowing me even faster. This girl was strong, so was her mouth. I was getting an amazing blow job, and wasn't going to last very long.

She did this for about two minutes, My cock began to fill and she muffled something. I think that she was asking me to cum.

"I'm gonna cum!" I moaned.

Though she slowed her pace just a bit, she kept sucking as her mouth filled with my cum. I looked her right in the eyes and saw her swallowing. After she finished, I lay there with my cock twitching. She got on her knees next to me. She became very dominant.

"Now it's your turn," she said, as she squeezed my twitching cock, "Lick my fucking clit!" she commanded.

She sat back and opened her legs wide. I got on my belly between her legs. Using my thumbs, I spread open the upper part of her pussy, exposing a larger than normal pink clitoris. I started licking it in upward strokes. It must have been quite sensitive because she started responding almost immediately, moaning and writhing on the bed. I did this for about five minutes.

"Lick it faster!" she said.

She moved down on the bed and put her head on three pillows. She moaned even louder as I flicked away. Swearing a lot, she kept demanding that I go faster. After a few moments, she asked me to suck. I began sucking her clit vigorously, moving my body on the bed. I reached up and grabbed both of her tits, using them as leverage. Suddenly, she sat up and put her hands on my head. She began pushing my face into her pussy.

"Suck it, make me cum." she said.

I could barely breathe but wasn't going to stop. While still pushing my head, she began to grind her pussy into face by moving her ass back and forth. As short time later, with her hands still on my head, she quickly lay back down.

"Oh fuck, I'm gonna fucking cum," she said loudly.

She moved her ass even faster.

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I felt her legs tighten and her thighs begin to close on my head. I looked up at her. Her tits were bouncing back and forth and her face looked like she was in pain. Her legs began gently shaking.

Her voice got deeper as she moaned, "I'm cumming...I'm cumming."

As she gently shook, I slowed down. She didn't like that.

"Keep going, make me cum again," she commanded.

My face had been in her pussy for about ten minutes, my lips were getting numb and her thighs were squeezing my head. I needed to change the position I was in as I was getting uncomfortable. I decided to do to her what she had done to me earlier. I put my hands under her legs and raised them up. I lifted her hips off of the bed and was sucking her clit roughly.

"Holy shit!" she said loudly.

I picked up the pace, sucking even harder. She was moving her hips up and down. I watched her every second. She was writhing on the bed like a snake. Her face got red again.

"Make me cum," she said in a loud deep voice.

This orgasm was more powerful than the first. Her body shook as she let out loud deep moans. I needed to stop but was concerned that she'd still want me to continue. I pulled away from her pussy and dropped her ass on the bed.

"I need a break," I told her.

"Me too," she replied, in what was almost a whisper.

She turned on to her left side. Her upper body was still but she was moving her legs and panting loudly. I sat on the bed and watched as she slowly recovered from her orgasms. It didn't take her very long. She sat up, lit a cigarette and opened another beer.

"I haven't cum like that in a while," she said.

There was still pizza left over. Michelle got up and sat at the table. I went to the bathroom and then joined her. She was happy now. She loved just hanging out naked and asked me again if I'd spend the night. Because I'm self employed I can do that. I told her that I had to go by my house and lock the shed and my work shop, but would be back. She didn't believe me at first. I gave her my word that I would return in about an hour.

When I returned just over an hour later I noticed that one of the rooms next to us was now occupied. This motel is a major chain. It has three separate buildings all with two floors. All of the rooms are accessible from outside. We were on the bottom floor of the rear building When I opened the door, she was like a little kid. Still naked, she ran over and gave me a hug before I could even close the door. I kind of felt a little bad for her, she must be so lonely.

By now it was close to nine o'clock. She told me that she just wanted to hang out for a while, watch television and just chill. She stated that it was early and that she tends to stay up late. I took my clothes off and got on the bed next to her. She mentioned that she was hungry again. This girl's metabolism was something because she was always eating. When I asked her what she wanted, she mentioned Chinese food. I looked up the number of a local place on my phone and ordered a delivery.

Michelle didn't seem to care what people think of her because when the food came about forty minutes later, she jumped up, grabbed the money and opened the door, totally nude. She paid the guy and when she came back to put the food on her table, she had a smirk on her face. We sat down and began to eat.

In this motel, the walls aren't paper thin, but they're not thick either. The room behind our bed was occupied but the other one, on the opposite side of the room wasn't. We could just barely hear the sound of the television in the next room. We talked for a little bit when suddenly we heard a slight tapping sound. She stood up, got on her knees on the bed and put her ear against the wall.

She opened her mouth and gasped, "They're fucking," she said quietly.

She waved for me to come over and join her. I'm not really into that stuff, listening to people. I also tend to be a bit self conscious about being heard. Sex is a private thing. In motels, there's really nothing that you can do about it. More than likely you're going to be heard. I decided to do it anyways. I got on the bed facing her and put my ear to the wall. She quietly explained to me that she once lived with a girl who used to fuck a lot. Michelle would hear her and it would turn her on.

Though it wasn't very loud, you could clearly hear what was going on. The bed squeaked steadily and the head board tapped the wall on occasion. The girl was squealing and the guy was talking to her. It was hard to hear everything that he was saying but you could make out some of it. He picked up the pace a bit and she got a bit louder. I was getting turned on by it and had a hard on. I noticed that Michelle's nipples were stiff and she was gently rubbing her clit.

Suddenly there was a commotion on the bed, then the faint but clear sound of skin slapping together. The sound of the bed got even louder and the girl began to talk, telling him to fuck her. He wasn't pounding her but it was steady. We listened for about five minutes when Michelle stopped rubbing her clit and started stroking my cock.

"God I'm so fucking horny," she said, as she slid her body on to the bed, "Fuck me."

She lay on her back and opened her legs. Again, there wasn't a build up as I put my cock into her. Almost immediately, she put both hands on my ass and began bouncing hers on the bed. We looked each other right in the eyes. I was going steady and deep.

"Give it to me, fuck the shit out of me," she said.

I didn't know if I could call her names. I had a girl once that I called a whore, she got very angry. I had a feeling that this girl wouldn't mind.

"Bounce that ass, slut," I said.

She was a big girl, so the bed was making a lot of noise. Her ass and my hips moved up and down like a piston in an engine. She locked her ankles behind my ass and began push it with her legs. This girl was strong and every time she pushed my ass into her, the bed hit the wall. We were really going at it. My arms were straight down pushing my body up and down. Her tits swayed back and forth. We were like a fine tuned machine working in perfect unison.

"Fuck me!" she said loudly.

I looked at her and said. "You like my cock, don't you, slut?"

"Yes," she replied, "Fuck my pussy."

 "Turn over," I demanded.

Even though she was dominant, I guessed that she liked being dominated. She turned over and got on her hands and knees. I put my hands on her hips and entered her roughly. She began moving her ass back and forth.

"Fuck me hard!" she demanded.

Again we were moving like a machine. The bed moved beneath us, squeaking loudly.

"I'm going to tear this pussy up." I told her.

I grabbed her hair and yanked her head up. I began banging her very hard. The slapping sounds that we were making were loud and the headboard kept tapping the wall. I knew that the people next door could hear us and was a bit embarrassed, but was too into her to care. She reached down and began rubbing her clit as I banged away at her.

"You're a dirty slut, aren't you," I asked her.

"Yes," she replied.

"Say it!" I demanded.

"I'm a dirty slut," she said loudly.

I slapped her ass hard and said, " Get on your back, slut."

She turned over on to her back. I spread her legs wide, got on my knees, grabbed her waist and went to town on her pussy. She started rubbing her clit again.

She screamed, "Fuck me!"

Even though she had a pillow behind her head, it wasn't much help. Her head slammed against the head board as it pounded the wall. Her face turned red and she turned her head sideways.

"I'm cumming," she grunted loudly, "I'm cumming!"

Again I watched as her body shook. I banged away at her for a few minutes. She looked down toward my cock as I told her that I was about to cum myself. Her eyes widened as she watched me pull out and cum all over her belly.

After I came, I dropped on the bed next to her while she laid there panting. I was spent. I'm forty years old and hadn't had a work out like that in a long time. After about five minutes, she sat up and looked at me.

"Now that was fucking primitive," she said, "I'm going to take a shower."

While she was in the shower, I heard the door from the room next door close. As I peeked through the curtains I saw a younger couple, late teens at least, get into a car and drive away. I noticed that the girl was a cute little red head. It was obvious they had rented the room strictly to fuck.

Michelle emerged from the shower, lit a cigarette and sat in the chair.

"I'm going to watch some TV," she said. "Get some rest."

We sat up and talked for an hour before I told her that I was going to sleep.

"Good night," she said as she gave me a kiss. It was the beginning of what was to be an interesting weekend.

Written by PaulSaveahoe
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