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First time at a Swinger's Club

"Julie's first trip to a swinger's club was everything she hoped and more!"

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I pulled into the driveway of the hotel where Julie was staying and found her waiting outside. She was dressed in a little red dress and stiletto heels that show off her shapely legs. The dress hugged her hourglass figure and accentuated the shape of her beautiful 12DD breasts. She greeted me warmly with an affectionate hug and a very passionate kiss. As our tongues briefly meet, an electricity tingle raced through us.

She hopped in the car as I held the door open for her, as any good gentleman should, but I also tried to look up her dress to see if she was wearing panties, as any good gentleman should not. I caught a glimpse of bare flesh so I guess she wasn’t. I jumped into the driver’s seat and we set off to our new adventures in the swingers club.

“How do you feel?” I asked.

“Steve, I am so nervous but I am glad you are here with me” Julie replied.

“Julie, you look amazing in that dress. You will be one of the sexiest women in the club. The guys and girls won’t be able to keep their hands off you,” I said reassuringly.

Julie started to relax after that and put her hand on my leg, slowly rubbing my upper thigh and moving towards my rapidly hardening cock. I put my hand on her leg and started to return the favour. She put her other hand over mine guiding it higher until I could feel the hot moist flesh of her panty less pussy, confirming what I had glimpsed as she got in the car. 

 The smoothness of it told me that it has been freshly waxed. This only heightened my arousal and my straining cock was desperate to escape my jeans. Julie reached over to help me with this problem and skilfully released it from the prison of my jeans.

We continued to play with each other as I drove down the highway to our destination, trying very hard to concentrate on driving and not to the attention my cock was receiving. It wasn’t long before we pulled up at a non-descript building in an industrial area. Several cars were in the car park and there was a red light above the doorway. We readjusted our clothing before exiting the car, but it did take me a few minutes of thinking about sports before I could get my throbbing cock back inside my jeans. I zipped it up very carefully to ensure no injury occurred to my semi hard manhood.

As I grasped Julie’s hand, I could feel her nerves and anticipation.

“Are you sure you want to do this?” I asked.

“I have never been so sure of anything I wanted more. Steve, as long as you are with me at all times, I know I will be fine!” she said trying to sound confident.

We walked inside and found the hostess, a pretty Asian lady behind a counter.

"Good evening, I’m Tina and welcome to our club. Have you been here before? Is this your first time in a swingers club?" she asked.

"Hi I'm Steve & this is Julie. No, we haven't been here before but I have been to a swingers club before. Julie is a virgin to the swinging scene," I replied.

"Everyone is welcome, both first timers and regulars, as long as they are respectful of our rules and other guests. The number 1 rule is no means No! Let me show you round.”

We followed Tina through club as she showed us various rooms with mattress and beds. “These are the playrooms," explained Tina. "We promote safe sex, so condoms are available everywhere. There are some rooms that have doors for those looking for a little privacy and others with no doors for those who like to be watched."

We continued our tour through to the outside area where we noticed a large spa on one side and some chairs and tables on the other. Nobody was out there yet so I walked over to test the water and found it nice and warm.

“It feels nice,” I remarked to Julie. “Want to try it out later?”

“Absolutely!” she said with a seductive smile.

Tina took us through to the toilets and showers, "It's unisex, I hope that doesn't offend you?"

I shook my head as Julie calmly replied with a smile, "Not me".

We ended up in the main area which consisted of a bar area with tables and seating all around. A dance floor was off to one side and there were couches around the walls. There were about twenty people in this area, mostly couples with a few singles ladies scattered amongst them. Tina pointed to the bar.

“This is our bar and dance floor. We encourage everyone to cover up with at least a towel in this area. Have a drink, mingle and enjoy your night," she said as she left.

After getting some drinks from the bar, we moved towards an empty table and sat down to take it all in.

"So what do you think?" I asked.

"Interesting!" Julie replied with a smile as she sipped her champagne.

"The spa looks inviting and would a good place to start."

"That would be fun. I love the feel of the water on my naked skin!"

As we continued to chat about what we would like to try, a couple approached us and asked if they can join us.

"Please do!" I replied trying to sound as friendly as possible.

They looked to be in their late thirties and were both very attractive.

"Hi I'm Jason and this is my wife Sarah," he said by way of introduction.

"I'm Steve, and the sexy lady here with me, is Julie," I replied as we shake hands.

Jason was about 6', medium build with a shaved head. He smiled as he sat down and it showed his friendly face. Sarah was about 5'6" with shoulder length reddish brown hair and a pretty face. She was wearing a short skirt that showed off her trim legs and a low cut top that barely covered her small but perky breasts.

"First time here?" Jason asked. "We’re regulars here and I'm sure we haven't met before."

"Yes, first timers here but I have been to a swingers club before. This is Julie first time"

"You'll love it," says Sarah "I just can't get enough sex at home, so we try to come here at least once or twice a month. Are you two married?"

"Yes," Julie replied with a smile, "but just not to each other."

"Sarah looked puzzled by this reply and asked, "How did you meet then?"

"I found Steve on a website called Lush stories. We just started chatting and really hit it off. Tonight is the first time we have actually met face to face!"

"Awesome, what do you want do while you are here?" said Sarah with a warm smile.

"Steve and I were about to go and hop in the spa and then see where the night takes us."

"We love the spa too! We have to meet some friends for a drink but we'll join you in a little while if you don't mind the company?" said Jason as they both stood up.

"Please do join us, we will look forward to getting to know you better," I said with a smile.

We headed off to the spa and began to undress. I looked up as I dropped my boxers to see Julie stepping out of her dress and unclipping her bra. The blood rushed to my cock as I took in Julie’s beautiful nude body for the first time.

"Wow!" was all I could say as my jawed dropped.

"Thanks, not bad yourself," Julie replied with a cheeky grin while grabbing my fully erect cock.

I pulled her close for a passionate kiss as our naked bodies touched for the first time. It was electrifying to feel her so close to me!

"Let's get in the spa before we get too carried away," I said while trying to catch my breath.

I helped Julie step into the spa and we settled down beneath the warm water. Our hands began to secretly explore each other beneath the bubbles as we waited for Sarah and Jason to join us. My hand found its way between her legs and I worked fingers up and down her slit and massaged her clit. Julie’s hand found its way between my legs and she gently caressed my hard cock and balls.

I continued to work fingers around her pussy until I could slide my middle finger inside her pussy and slowly start to work Julie’s g-spot too.

“Oh Steve!” Julie sighed. “That hits the spot. Fuck Me!”

I could feel Julie’s orgasm starting to build so I increased my pace both inside and on her clit. She released my manhood and began to play with her nipples. She was in own world of intense pleasure as she fully surrendered to my attentions.

We were so caught up in what we were doing that we didn’t even notice that Jason and Sarah had arrived and were getting undressed. They stood watching us for a few minutes as Julie’s orgasm was building until it hit and she screamed out in ecstasy.

Julie stood up, bent over the side of the spa and shouted, “Stick that cock in me NOW and fuck me hard!"

I was about this time we noticed the small audience that has gather close by watching us. I smiled at Jason and Sarah as I thrusted my thick cock inside Julie tight wet pussy for the first time. The audience was riveted to the spot watching us. Sarah stood in front of Jason and was playing with his cock while he played with her breasts from behind.

The feel of Julie’s pussy was amazing and it took all my concentration not to come straight away. I continued to thrust my cock deep inside her with long slow strokes until I couldn’t hold back any longer and I released my cum deep inside. Julie reached her climax again and a wave of pleasure swept over her at the same time and caused her pussy to grip me even tighter. We both collapsed on the side of the spa as we felt legs go weak simultaneously. We stayed in that position for several minutes as my shrinking cock slowly withdrew itself from her womanhood.

We looked over at Jason and Sarah. "Wow that was hot!" he said.

I noticed a stream of cum running down the side of Sarah's leg. "Very hot but I think you enjoyed it a little bit too much," she said looking at Jason. Turning to us she asked, "We'd better go to the showers and get cleaned up. Are you too coming?"

As I helped Julie out of the spa, I couldn't help noticing the cum leaking out her pussy. "I think a shower is a great idea," I replied as our as your wobbly legs regained their strength.

We followed Sarah and Jason to the shower and both of Julie and I couldn’t help noticing that they both have fantastic arses and great bodies. The thought that this will be fun crossed my mind and the look on Julie's face told me that she was just as excited by this as I was.

While Sarah was turning on the shower, Julie turned to me and said, "Steve, that was the best first fuck I have ever had with anybody!" and she kissed me passionately.

Sarah interrupted us, "Shower's ready! Now let's get you cleaned up!” She grabbed Julie's hand and led her into the shower.

Once both girls were under the water, Sarah began washing Julie all over. "I am so jealous of your breasts," Sarah remarked as she expertly played with Julie's sensitive nipples. "I wish mine were bigger".

"You have great tits," Julie replied. "You never have to worry about wearing a bra or them going saggy."

Sarah sighed and said, "I guess that is true. Do you shave or wax? I wax!" as she moved her hand down to Julie's pussy.

Before Julie could reply, Sarah continued, "This is definitely waxed! Is that cum leaking out of you? Can I lick it out for you?"

Julie just nodded as Sarah got down between her legs and started to lick and suck the cum out of her pussy.

I look over at Jason and nodded, "Your wife is very enthusiastic at your work."

"Yup, she loves to eat come out of freshly fucked pussies. Why do you think she invited you guys in here?" he replied. "Makes a hell of a show, doesn't it! You're next by the way. She also loves to clean up freshly fucked cocks too!"

I could see from the smile on Julie's face that she was enjoying Sarah's special touch on her pussy. Sarah teased Julie's clit with her tongue then licked down her pussy lips and worked on sucking all my cum out of your pussy. The look of sheer ecstasy on Julie’s face told me that Sarah was really good at what she was doing.

Sarah stopped, stood up and then leant in to kiss Julie. The passion in the kiss was clear to see as tongues dance around each other. Hands were sliding over wet bodies and touching in ways only a women knows how.

Sarah broke off the kiss and stepped back. "I think the boys are getting a bit lonely out there and need some cleaning up too. You take Jason and I'll take Steve!" she said with a smile.

Seeing a brief look of disappointment on Julie's face she added, "By the way, you tasted great. Do you want to continue this after we take care of the boys?"

"Absolutely!" Julie replied enthusiastically as Jason and I stepped into the showers.

Sarah immediately grabbed my cock as I stepped in and leaned in to kiss me. I could taste the mixture of cum and pussy in her mouth that Julie must have experienced just moments before. I looked over to see that Jason and Julie kissing as well, his hands instantly attracted to her beautiful large breasts.

Sarah went down on her knees and began playing with my cock, sucking and massaging it back to life. I could see Julie playing with Jason's cock while he was sucking and licking her nipples. I noticed that Jason's cock was not as thick as mine but equal in length at about 7" long. Julie worked her way down his body and was copying what Sarah was doing to me.

"Your wife is very good at what she does!" I said to Jason.

"Julie is just as good. I love her big tits!” he replied.

On hearing this, Julie stopped and grabbed a bit of soap and then created some suds on her chest. She wrapped her breasts around Jason's cock and started to fuck him with her tits. The smile on his face said it all.

At this stage, I looked over and noticed we had an audience again and said, "It seems we are the show for tonight!"

Sarah stood up and said, "Let's get dried off and have a quick break so these boys can recharge. Then we'll find somewhere to take this to the next level!"

Wrapping themselves in the towels provided, Julie and I followed Sarah and Jason back out to the main area. Finding an empty table, the girls carefully sat down and re-adjusted their towels in an attempt to cover up.

"What would you ladies like to drink?" Jason asked.

"Champagne please," replied Julie.

"Me too!" said Sarah.

"I'll give you a hand," I said as we moved to the bar.

"What'll be?" asked the Bartender.

"Two champagnes, a Gold and a?" Jason said looking at me.

"A rum and Coke thanks!"

"Coming right up," the bartender said as he started getting the drinks.

After we returned to the table with the drinks, I asked Jason "How long have you guys been on the swingers scene?"

"Almost 5 years now," he replied. "We had been talking about it for ages as Sarah is bi and was missing being with girls. Once we finally came here we were hooked. It is very addictive! How about you guys?"

"As I said earlier, this is Julie's first trip to a club but I did a fair bit of swinging back before I was married as a single guy. And you are dead right, it is very addictive. I meet Julie on a website called Lush Stories and when she said that going to a swingers club was on her bucket list, I wanted to be the one to take her, so here we are!" I said as I looked over to the girls who were quietly sipping their drinks as we talked.

Then I noticed Sarah's hand sliding under Julie's towel. Jason noticed this too and nodded to me with a smile and a wink. Julie uncrossed her legs to give Sarah better access and then put her hand on Sarah's leg and slipped it up under her towel. Sarah then leaned across to Julie and began to kiss her, softly and slowly. I saw Julie flinch as Sarah's hand was caressing her bare pussy, sliding several fingers between her lower lips and finding her clit. 

Julie's towel came open as Sarah's other hand moved to Julie's 12DD breasts and started playing with her nipples. Julie's face showed that she was finding it difficult to concentrate as Sarah's fingers danced over her most sensitive spots.

"Excuse me, you will have to take this into a private room or in the orgy room to continue," said the bartender, interrupting the girls play. "Health regulations say you can't have sex in this area. Sorry."

I could see Julie's face change to one of disappointment but Sarah quickly said “Drink up boys, we need to find a room to keep this party going!" 

Julie quickly finished her champagne and was the first one standing.

"Someone is a bit keen," I remarked.

"Fuck yeah! This girl is amazing! I had forgotten how the touch of another women is so different but so good! Now hurry up, I'm as horny as hell!" Julie said excitedly.

We left the main area and started looking for an empty room.

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The first room we found was occupied but we stopped for a look anyway. On the bed was a woman with two guys. She was on her knees getting fucked doggy style by one guy while sucking she sucked the cock of the other guy lying in front of her. She seemed to be really enjoying it.

I turned to Julie and said, "What do you think?"

She grabbed by my stiffening cock. "Very Hot! I can tell that you agree," she said with a cheeky smile.

The guy fucking the women turned to us and said "You're welcome to watch if you like. She loves being watched!"

I guessed he would have been the woman's husband or partner as they both to be in their late thirties while the younger stud getting sucked looked to be only mid twenties. He also seemed to be very well hung as the women was having trouble taking more than a few inches of his large manhood. 

I looked over at Sarah and Jason to see them both enthralled with the sight before them. Like Julie, Sarah was slowly playing with Jason's cock while he stood behind her and gently massaged her perky breasts and nipples.

The women on the bed released the young studs cock for a moment and turned to look at her partner. “Can you get some lube honey and start to lube up my arse please? I want both of you inside me." She then looked over at us, smiled and asked "Enjoying the show?"

"Yes, very much," replied Julie while I just nodded.

"Good," she said, "I love being watched while I take two cocks!" and she went back to work on the cock in front of her.

We watched her partner apply lube to her arse before slowly pushing one of his large fingers into her hole. She flinched as the finger first entered but then seem to relax as he worked his finger around. After a minute of this, he removed his finger and put a generous amount of lube on this long but thin cock. As he placed his cock at the entrance of the arse, she stopped sucking for a moment to reach back and spread her cheeks. Slowly, he pushed his cock into her behind. 

She kept dead still as he did this and then began to relax once he was fully inside her. The smile on her face showed that she was enjoying this sensation. After a few minutes of slow strokes of his cock in and out of her arse, she pulled herself off her partner's manhood and moved up the bed over the young stud whose look of excitement showed he was a very willing participant.

She sat on top of the young stud, grabbing his cock to guide it inside her wet pussy. Once she was fully impaled on the cock below, she turned to her partner and nodded. He climbed on the bed behind her and slowly put his cock back in her arse. The guys waited a moment to give her time to adjust to this new sensation before slowly starting to work their cock in and out of her two holes.

"Have you ever tried anything like this?" I whispered in Julie ear as we watched the scene before us.

"Once," she replied. "But it was a long time ago."

"Would you like to do it again?"

"With the right guys, yeah probably. How about you?"

"A couple of times. And I would like to do it again, with the right lady," I added.

"Interesting," said looking at me with a raised eyebrow.

Sarah turned to us and said "This is getting me very wet!" and reached down between her legs to show us. "Let's see if we can find a room."

I gave the guys a quick wave and a nod, "Thanks for the show! Very hot and sexy".

We move on to the next room to find it also occupied. This room was the dungeon and inside was a man and a woman. The man, in his late forties, was naked and tied to an X shaped cross. He was blindfolded, gagged and facing towards the cross, exposing his backside. The woman, about the same age, was dressed in a black leather corset and high heels and nothing else. In her right hand was a paddle and in her left, a long feather. She whacked her partner's bare arse just as we walked in. 

"You're welcome to watch but please whisper. I don't want my slave to know who is here watching his punishment," she said while using the feather to tickle his balls.

I looked at the others and whispered "Stay and watch?" and with nods as replies, we stood to the side and began to watch this new show. 

This time Sarah came and stood in front of me while Jason stood behind Julie. He gently reached around her and pulled her close, his hard cock sliding between the cheeks of her beautiful arse, while his hands quickly found their way to her beautiful breasts. I looked over at Julie and the smile on her face showed she was happy with this new arrangement. I returned my gaze back to the show in front of us. I followed Jason's lead and pulled Sarah close to me and began teasing her nipples with both hands.

The woman whispered something in her partner's ear while rubbing the paddle over his reddened butt cheeks. He nodded to her question and she stood back, ready to continue his punishment. 

She started with the feather, rubbing it over his back and arms, and then moved down to his bum and between his legs. He flinched as she tickled his balls, which caused her to stop with the feather and change to the paddle. Whack! This time he really flinched as the pain surge through him. She reached down and used her hand to feel his cock and balls. 

She turned to us, "Would you believe that he is hard? Come and feel, slaves don't mind."

Julie looked at Sarah and both ladies moved forward to check out the slave. Sarah went first and grabbed his cock roughly and gave it a few quick tugs. Julie was softer and gently caressed his balls before giving them a little squeeze.

The woman then offer the paddle to the ladies, "Would you like try?"

Sarah shook her head and then stepped back in front of me, grabbing my cock in one and guiding my hand to her wet pussy with the other. Julie nodded and took the paddle from the women. 

"Give him a whack. This slave needs punishing!" she said as Julie lined up to take a shot. 

Whack! Her first shot was soft and the man did not move. "Harder! Punish him!"

Julie looked at the woman with a querying look as if to say "Are you sure?" and received a nod of encouragement. WHACK! 

This shot made me flinch as I imagined that pain it would have caused. Sarah squeezed my dick at the same time and I noticed that she had grabbed Jason's stiff cock and was pulling it too.

Julie looked almost shocked at what she had done to a complete stranger but the women was fast to reassure and compliment her. "That was much better! He loved it! Check for yourself," the women offered.

Julie moved around to the front of the cross and went down on her knees to examine the man very hard cock. She kissed the end of his manhood while giving him a gentle tug. 

"Not too much of that, I don't want him to come just yet," she said while using the feather once more. 

As Julie stood up and moved back to our little foursome, I whispered "Shall we keep moving?"

Sarah nodded and moved towards the door, dragging Jason and I behind her by our very hard cocks. Julie followed behind us and smacked us both on the bum to get us moving.

The next room was empty and had a king size mattress on the floor. Julie pushed past us and flopped on the bed.

"Finally, a room to ourselves!" she sighed. "Who wants to ravish me first?" She was lying on her back with her legs spread wide showing us that her smooth pussy was very wet.

I looked at Jason and nodded with a smile but it was Sarah who spoke first.

"Back off boys! She's mine first! Take a seat and watch."

Sarah got down on to the bed, on all fours, and slowly crawled up towards Julie. She looked back at us boys, smiled seductively, wiggled her cute butt and continue up moving over Julie as she went. 

"Hi," said Sarah quietly to Julie when she reached the top, smiling seductively.

"Hey," was all Julie could get out before Sarah leant in to kiss her passionately.

Jason and I watched in amazement as the girls began to caress each other with a soft touch that only a women knows how to do. Sarah's hands were gently caressing Julie all over, while continuing to kiss her passionately. Julie responded to Sarah's attentions by gently touching over Sarah as well. 

Sarah then began to work her way back down Julie, stopping to admire Julie large breasts. 

As she rolled Julie's nipples gently through her fingers, she looked up at her and said longingly, "I love your breasts. I wish I had tits your size."

"Oh sweetie," Julie replied. "You're so beautiful with an amazing man who loves you just the way you are!"

"Oh, thanks Julie. You're beautiful too! I just wanted always wanted bigger boobs but Jason does love mine and tells me I'm perfect just the way I am."

"Not to mention, you are very good at what you are doing to me," Julie replied as Sarah expertly teased her nipples.

"Well I'd better get back to it then," as she smiled and moved down to Julie waiting pussy.

Once she was down between Julie's legs, Sarah started by softly kissing all around the wet pussy in front of her while gently stroking the inner thighs. The kissing soon turned into gentle licking and the expression of Julie's face changed as soon as Sarah found her clit.

Julie looked over at us, standing there with our hard cocks in our hands.

"Why don't you boys come over here? I've got a couple of spare hands and a mouth!" she said with a cheeky smile.

Jason and I moved to the bed and sat down on either side of her. She quickly grabbed our hard cocks, one in each hand and began to slowly stroke them. She gave mine a firmer tug pulling it towards her waiting mouth. Kissing the knob first, she then slowly swallowed my cock, taking almost half of it before returning her attentions to my knob. She ran her tongue around the head my cock several times and then gently used her teeth as she slid it in and out of her mouth. After a minute or two of this, she released my cock from her mouth and turned her head towards Jason's waiting cock.

Watching Julie sucking on Jason long thin cock while his wife, Sarah, was busy licking Julie's pussy was the sexiest thing I have ever seen. It was at this stage when Sarah looked up to see that Julie had both cocks to herself and she realised that her pussy need some attention too!

"How about sending one of those delicious cocks down here to fuck my pussy?" she asked sweetly.

I looked over at Jason while he was enjoying the attention from Julie's magic mouth and he said "Go for it mate! She will love the thickness of yours!"

I looked at Julie and she just nodded in agreement and released my cock from her hand. I moved down behind Sarah and began to caress her arse. She responded to my attention by wiggling her bum and spreading her legs to give me access to her pussy. As soon as I touched it, I could feel the heat and wetness of it and could tell she was ready for me to slide my cock deep inside her. I knelt behind and moved into position behind her on the bed. As soon as my cock touched her pussy, she pushed back and her pussy swallowed my manhood to the hilt.

"Oh God that feels good!" she said, stopping to enjoy the sensation of being filled by my thick cock. 

I grabbed her hips gently and began to slowly work my cock back and forth inside her wet pussy while Sarah went back to work on Julie's pussy. I looked up at Jason and he was smiling. He seemed to be genuinely turned on watching his wife going down on a women while being fucked from behind by another man. 

It was at this stage I noticed that a young couple was quietly watching this hot scene unfold in front of them from the doorway. I gave them a smile and a friendly wave to let them know they were welcome to come in a watch. They moved into the room and stood against the far wall, watching just as we had done in the previous rooms. 

Julie released Jason's cock from her mouth and sat up moving her pussy away from Sarah’s mouth. 

Looking at me, she said, "My turn for some cock in my pussy," and then she turned to Jason, "and in my arse if you up for it?" She then looked at Sarah, "Is that ok with you?"

"Hell yeah," Sarah replied. "I love a good DP too but I can tell you need this one more than me. Let's get this party started," she said taking charge. "Steve, you lie down there on your back and Julie, get that beautiful cock into your pussy while I lube your arse. Honey, why don't you just stick your cock in me while I get Julie ready?"

As the rest of us were doing as we were told, Sarah turned to the young couple watching and asked, "Can you pass me the lube on the table beside you?" 

The girl grabbed the lube and stepped forward to pass the lube to Sarah. "Can I watch how you do it? I've never seen a DP in real life," she asked politely.

"Sure!" Sarah replied as she applied a generous dollop of lube around Julie's brown hole while bending over to give Jason access to her wet pussy. 

Meanwhile, I was just lying underneath Julie, enjoying the sensation of my cock being deep inside her. I felt her flinch as Sarah began to work the cold lube around her arse before she gently slid a finger inside her. I could feel Sarah's finger start to work its way around inside Julie anal cavity, getting it ready to accept Jason's long thin cock.

Julie flinched again as Sarah inserted a second finger. 

"Relax, sweetie," said Sarah reassuringly. "You're almost ready."

I could feel Sarah fingers moving around though the thin layers of skin that separates the two holes. Julie relaxed and was starting to enjoy the sensation of the experience when Sarah pulled her fingers out.

"Okay, I think she ready Jason," Sarah said as she pulled herself off her husband’s cock. 

Moving to the side, she nudged Jason forward and guided him towards Julie's waiting arse. As he lined up his manhood to enter, Sarah squeezed a generous amount of lube on his hard cock and spread it around.

"Now go slow honey, she hasn't done this for a while," she reminded him. "Okay, Julie are you ready?" Sarah asked. Seeing Julie's head nod up and down, she looked at Jason, "Gently hon."

Jason pushed the head of his cock into Julie and stopped to allow her to become accustomed to the sensation. I could see Julie's face tense up as Jason entered before she relaxed again. 

"Oh my god!" Julie exclaimed. "I feel so full! It's amazing, better than I remembered!"

Jason slowly eased his cock further into Julie and stopped to let her get used the sensation. I could feel Jason's cock was fully inside and started to move mine slowly in and out of Julie's tight wet pussy. Jason started to do the same and after a few false starts, we got into a rhythm that seemed to work. Julie's face showed the ecstasy of this double sensation and I could tell her orgasm would not be far away.

I felt a hand gently grab my balls and start to play with them. I guessed it must have been Sarah but then again, from my position, I couldn't see the young girl who had watching either.

"Ahhh FUCK!" Julie screamed as her orgasm reached its climax and her pussy clamped down on my manhood.

This sent me over the top and I shot my seed deep inside her. Jason must have also reached his peak as I felt him stop thrusting too. Julie's orgasm seemed to continue for a few minutes as Jason and I left our cocks deep inside her. I felt Jason slowly withdraw his cock and hop off the bed. 

While I lay there with Julie, I looked deep into her eyes and kissed her passionately. She looked back at me and silently mouthed, thank you. She pulled herself off my softening cock and tried to stand up. She was quickly grabbed by Jason who could see her wobbly legs were about to fail her.

"Thank you for being so gentle," Julie said to Jason as he held her. Turning to Sarah she said, "and thank you for sharing your amazing husband!"

"My pleasure!" said Sarah. "Let's go get cleaned up and give these boys a chance to recover. It’s my turn next!”

Written by Stephen_Q
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