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Easy Money: Kayla's Audition

"Freshman college student Kayla needs money, but will she fuck a stranger on camera to pay her bills?"

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Competition Entry: Money Talks
I spotted the ad late one night while browsing job ads online. I scrolled past the ad initially, but my curiosity about the headline got the better of me.

Easy Money - First Time Models Wanted - No Professionals

For the record, I don’t think that I’m some sort of model. I know that I’m too curvy for anything like that, but it sounded better than the waitressing and retail jobs that I was qualified for. 

The first line of the ad told me that the job wasn’t for me, but I kept reading.

Looking for the girl next door that will model lingerie and bikini for extra money. Pay starts at $50 an hour. Send photos - headshot and a full body picture to be considered.

 The pay made me pay more attention to the ad than I probably should’ve. It paid five times more than any other job I saw that night. But lingerie and bikini modeling? Was it just some creepy guy looking to get girls naked? Or something worse like bachelor parties that twisted the definition of modeling to meet their needs? 

I didn’t close the ad after I finished reading it, but I went back to the main listings page to keep looking at other ads. Fifty dollars an hour would help me pay off my ever increasing bills faster. Bill collectors had called me twice that week wanting their money and I didn’t know if waitressing would help me pay them back anytime soon. 

Even if it was just bikini modeling what would my parents or friends say? I definitely wouldn’t tell my parents, but what if they found out somehow? My friends on campus would wonder where I was going and I would have to tell them something. Not to mention that I don’t exactly have the looks of a bikini model. Most guys would probably describe me as cute, not exactly model material. The only criteria of theirs that I would likely satisfy would have to do with my slightly above average bra size. 

I had a waitressing interview the next afternoon, but my car wouldn’t start and a guy friend said it would probably be an expensive repair. Something to do with the head gasket. I decided to at least apply to modeling job. 

An hour later, I got a response.


Thank you for responding. You look like you’d be perfect for the position. Do you have time to interview tonight? There we would go over more of the details and see if it would be a good fit for you and me.


I responded right away, then went to my next class with a more confidence than normal in my walk. I didn’t get nervous until Mark emailed and said he had an opening for an interview at eight. He gave me an address, a suite in a business park not too far away. It made it seem so real. I worried that it might be a scam, but not half as much as I worried about what would happen if I actually got hired?

Right until the interview, I debated emailing him back and saying I couldn’t make it. However, I didn’t. At 7:30 I left my dorm room and made the walk to the office park.

I found the office park empty except for a black BMW and the only light on came from the suite at the address Mark gave me. My gut told me to turn around and go home, but I pushed myself forward to knock on the door.

A few seconds later a man that made me do a double take opened the door. He had to be in his mid-thirties and had the kind of looks that told me that he didn’t need to trick women into getting naked for him. Everything from his perfectly styled black hair to his stylish dress shirt and expensive looking dress slacks said that he could get any woman he wanted. The way his dress shirt fit him told me that he visited the gym a regular basis and for a moment I forgot why I was there until he spoke. “Kara?”

I nodded my head yes and he waved me in, closing the door behind me.

“I’m Mark.” He took my hand with his strong grip and shook it. His eyes took me in, examining my curves and peeking into the low cut of my t-shirt. I felt like a piece of meat, but with him looking at me I liked it.

I followed him through the small front room which I assumed was for his secretary. Right now, the desk sat empty. He led me down a hallway to a larger office in the back with a large modern looking desk, a leather chair that he sat in and a black leather couch that he pointed towards for me. I sat in it and looked at all of the equipment around the office. Cameras, tripods, and lights, all waiting to be used. It made it seem more legit to me, but at the same time being in front of the cameras, even with them off made me nervous. 

“I didn’t see your car pull up. Usually, the headlights give it away.”

“Um, yeah. I walked.” I could feel my face turning red. He didn’t respond right away and forced me to fill in the silence. “My car wouldn't start today, so I have to get it repaired.” 

“That’s never fun. I hope it won’t be expensive.” 

“Me too, but it’s looking that way.”

He looked me up and down again, focusing mostly on my chest. “You seem smart, so I’ll get straight to the point with you.”

I straightened my shorts and nodded my head like I did this every day, however my heart started to pound.

“I work for a company that runs a number of websites. My job is to find women like you to model for these websites. I have to make sure that the women I choose would be a good fit. Do you understand?” 

“I think so,” I said softly.

“Good. One of these websites is where young women like you pose in just a bikini or lingerie. It’s completely non-nude, meaning you would never have to get naked in front of the camera. The pay is fifty dollars per shoot, each shoot is generally about an hour. At first we’d need five to ten shots, so that we have plenty of content for the website. After that, it would probably once or twice a month.”

“That sounds good.” I said with hesitation. I worried about my parents and friends finding out, scared of what they might say…but what were the chances they would find out? After doing the initial work, I would hopefully have enough money for the repairs to my car and could quit.

“I also get this feeling that you would like to earn more than that. Do you have another job now?”

“I’m looking.”


He could read me all too well. I uncrossed, then recrossed my legs. “Or retail.”

“I know that a lot of college girls are deep into debt. Since you’re still in school, it’s not even student loans yet. I’m sure credit card, cell phone bills, and car repairs add up.”


He paused, looked at his computer screen, then at me again. “Don’t be offended, but would you be willing to do adult modeling?”

“What do you mean?”

“They have another site. For nude modeling, the pay is $100 an hour. It’s more popular so we’d need more photo shoots and videos. Is that something you would be comfortable with?”

“I don’t know.” I quickly did the math and came up with a sum that would allow me to repair my car and start catching up on some of my credit cards.

“For porn…”

 I cut him off. “Porn?” 

“Yes, for that the pay is two hundred to five hundred dollars per scene.”

I didn’t need to do any math. With just a few scenes as he liked it call it, I could pay for the repairs and get my debt under control. However, I also pictured my parents disowning me and my friends never talking me to again.

“Would that be something you’re interested in?”

“I don’t know.”

“I’ll straight up with you. With your girl next door look and your great tits, I think you would be very popular with the paying members. That in turn would mean that they would need you for a lot of scenes.”

 “I just don’t know.” It seemed like easy money. And a lot of money. A lot better than standing on my feet all day and going home smelling like grease. However, porn? I didn’t know if I could do it? Not to mention the risks. More than just if my parents or friends found out. What if after I graduate and I’m trying to get a job and the boss has seen that porn? Or would any guy want to marry me if he found out that I’ve done porn? 

“I understand. How about this? We’ll go through the rest of the interview, if at anytime you want to stop we can. No questions asked.”

So nervous that I couldn’t open my mouth, I just nodded my head in agreement.

“I’m going to turn on the video cameras now.”

I shook my head no, but before I could say no he spoke again.

“I also understand that doing all of this makes you nervous, especially in front of a video camera. However, I have to see if you would be a good fit for the website. Obviously on the surface you have the looks, but I need to know a lot more. I also want to give you a chance to see if you’ll be comfortable in front of the camera.” He looked me in the eyes and didn’t give me a chance to stop the process.

Online Now!
Lush Cams

“We’ll start off simple. Did you bring your two forms of identification?”

I dug out my driver’s license and passport from my bag. He took them and handed me three papers to sign. While I scanned them, he copied my ID’s, then set up the cameras and lights. So shocked by everything going on that I didn’t even read them. I signed the bottom of each one, dated them and watched him focus the cameras on me.

When he finished, he took the papers from and set them on his desk. “I’m going to start with a few questions. When I ask you your name, don’t say your real name. Say Claire.”

I nodded my head again. He may do this every day, but this wasn’t like any interview that I had ever been a part of before.

 “He turned on the camera now sitting on his desk and a tiny red light came on. “Welcome, can you tell the viewers your name?” 

“Um, Claire.”

“I wanted a re-take, but he kept going. “Is this your first time ever doing anything like this?”

I couldn’t help but to grin. “Most definitely.”

“How old are you?”


“Tell us a little bit about yourself.”

 “Um, I’m a college student. I live in Florida. I don’t know what else to say. I like to go shopping. I love the beach. Clubbing.” All of those answers true, but not what I would’ve chosen if I had time to think. I sounded like a flake. 

“You’re here to interview to be a lingerie and bikini model?”

I nodded my head yes.

“It looks like you have the body, but I will need to see you with less clothes. Can you stand up in front of the camera and take off your shirt?”

The moment of truth. I could end the interview anytime, but I didn’t. I stood up pulled off my t-shirt, then peeled off my tank top. I stood in front of him and the camera in just my jean shorts and black bra. I felt completely naked and wanted to cross my arms across my chest to cover myself.

He didn’t say anything for a minute. Just another day at the office for him. The camera just kept filming. “Take off your shoes, then your shorts.”

 I kicked off my sandals, but I stopped with my hands on my shorts. “I’m only wearing a thong underneath.” 

 “That’s okay. A lot of the lingerie you’ll model include thongs.” 

I hesitated, but after a few seconds I slid off my shorts. He had me turn around so the camera could capture all of me, before facing him again. The air flowing across my exposed skin felt so cold.

I wanted a break to think things over, but he kept going. “Take off your bra.”

 I thought of my friends. A lot of them would understand. They had money problems just as bad as me. I thought of all of the guys that would be watching and it made my body start to heat up. With a little awkward struggle, I unhooked my bra and pulled it off. 

“Step forward.” I did and he stood up. He reached out and squeezed my right breast with his warm hand, then the other. My natural reaction to back away, but I stood in place. “All natural. What size?”


“Perfect.” He looked me up and down before he gave me his next direction. “Now take off your underwear.”

I did what I never thought I would do. I had never even thought about it before I walked into that office. I slid my thong down to my ankles and pulled it off. I had never felt so naked.

He picked up one of the cameras and walked around me with it, filming me from every angle. “You’re doing great. Sit back down on the couch.”

“Thank you.” I did as directed, then he sat back down too.

“Do you masturbate often?”

“Not really.” He kept the camera on me and didn’t say anything, which made me keep speaking. “I mean I guess it comes down to whether or not I’m dating someone. If I’m single, I masturbate more often.”

“How often is that?”

“Sometimes twice a day. Sometimes once a week. It varies.”

“Do you use your fingers or toys?”

“I have a vibrating dildo that I like.”

 “I don’t have a dildo here for you, but would you mind masturbating for us with your fingers?” 

“Right now?”

He nodded his head.

 I’d never even masturbated in front of a boyfriend, let alone a complete stranger and who knows how many people that would watch the video. I thought of all of the horny guys that would watch my video. I thought of not having to worry about my bills. I opened my legs and put my fingers between my lips. As he zoomed in on me with the camera, I felt my warm wetness. I closed my eyes and pretended I was alone in my dorm room. 

I opened my eyes when I felt his hands pushing my thighs further apart. I thought about stopping him, but I didn’t. I wanted him and the money.

He got down on his knees between my legs and his tongue replaced my fingers. Expertly he used his tongue to fill my whole body with pure bliss. With the camera watching every second, he used his tongue and fingers to make me softly moan. I moaned louder and louder all the way to a powerful orgasm.

When I opened my eyes, he spoke. “I want you to suck my cock.”

A hard bulge had formed in his pants and the pure lust controlling my brain made me get on my knees. With the camera watching me, I had another moment of doubt. However, I didn’t give into that doubt. I undid his belt, unbuttoned his pants and pulled down his zipper. Without looking at the camera, I pulled down his pants and boxers. His above average sized rock hard cock pointed straight at my face.

 I took him in my mouth and wrapped my lips around his swollen head. I stroked him with one hand, while I used my lips and tongue to pleasure him. I slid my lips further down his shaft, then back to the tip. I’m by no means a blowjob expert, I’ve given more than a few, but with the camera on me I felt like it was my first time giving a bj. I felt so awkward and unsure of myself, however, he didn’t complain so I kept going. 

“How far down can you go?”

I slid my lips as far down as shift as I could. Barely more than halfway, but he seemed satisfied for the moment.

 After a few minutes, he stopped me. “Stand up.” I did and he took off the rest of his clothes, showing off his tan, toned body. Much better shape than any of the guys that I had ever seen naked. “Do you like it from behind?” 


“Good enough. Bend over the desk.”

I did and he set up a camera right in front of me, another behind me and another to the side. I couldn’t believe I was filming a porn video. Never in a million years did I think that would happen. “Are you going to fuck me?”

“Do you want me to?”

With a giggle and a naughty grin I said, “Yes.”

He positioned himself behind me and guided me by the hips to his cock. He pushed into my tight wetness and filled every inch of me. It broke all of my rules. I didn’t care that I just met him and we weren’t dating. I didn’t care that he wasn’t wearing a condom.

He fucked me with all of his might, slamming his cock deep into me and shaking my whole body with each thrust. Sounds of his bare skin impacting with mine filled the room.

We fucked on the couch next, him on top of me and his cock drilling deep inside of me. Each thrust making me moan louder.

“Don’t cum in me.” I said in between moans as his thrusts became wild. “I’m not on the pill.”

“I won’t.” He said in between a grunt, then thrust his cock deep into me again.

 After just five more thrusts, he suddenly stopped deep inside of me. His cock exploded and I froze. His sperm flowed into me and filled me with a wet warmth. I didn’t know what to say or do. He pulled out and the remainder of his cum splattered all over my stomach and waist. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t plan to do that.” 

“It’s okay.” It really wasn’t. Not only had I done porn, but what if I got pregnant? No amount of money would be worth having to tell my parents that I was pregnant and had to drop out of school.

 He handed me a box of tissues, but didn’t stop filming. He kept the cameras on as I wiped cum off of me. 

“I’m really sorry about that. I got caught up in the moment. I didn’t think that I was that close.”

 “How much will I get paid for that?” I asked as I gathered up my clothes.

“Here’s the deal. That was basically an audition. I’ll show the video to the rest of the staff. We’ll decide if you’d be a good fit for the website. Don’t worry, I’m sure you are. Then we’ll pay you for your audition because we’ll use the video on the website, then schedule you for a paid scene.”

“Oh.” I frowned as I put my bra back on. After all of that I thought it was going to be a done deal and I would be getting paid for fucking him. “How long do you think that’ll take.”

“A week or two.”

“Okay.” I put on a fake smile as I pulled my shorts back on. I felt used. I felt dirty, however, I had to admit that I kind of liked it. I couldn’t believe that I had gone through it all, but I had done and I wanted to do it again.

A few minutes later he walked me to the front door. There he asked, “Have you ever done anal or gotten a facial?”

“Not yet.” I couldn’t help grinning as I walked out. I wondered how much the pay would be for that.

Written by AshleighMixon
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