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Dirty Tricks - The Last Chapter - No More Dirty Tricks

"The Mystery is revealed - we learn who the real bad guy is."

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Previously in Dirty Tricks:

While attending retiring Mayor Alexa Grey's extravagant birthday party, a photographer captured high school classmates, political rivals, and electoral candidates, Heather Anderson, and Sean McCarthy, during an adulterous rendezvous.

After being sent ominous instructions with photographic evidence of their indiscretion, Heather and Sean met to discuss their predicament, only to have sex again. Heather and Sean eventually agreed to let Sean’s shady campaign manager, Fast Eddie, handle the blackmail situation. Eddie hires Jesse Cortez, a professional fixer, to investigate.

Also during the party, Heather’s husband, Bob Anderson, is seduced by the unscrupulous mayor. Alexa Grey lures her ex-boyfriend to her office and with feigned protests, incites him to sodomize her while secretly videotaping her enacted scene.

After learning additional incriminating photographs had arrived at her office, Heather rushes to intercept them before Trish McCarthy, her campaign manager, and Sean McCarthy's estranged twin sister sees them. Unfortunately for Heather, Trish arrives first and views the lurid images. However, Trish decides to not inform Heather. Instead, she encourages Heather to seduce her like she did in high school, something Trish has always cherished and had never forgotten.

Heather later discovers a secret surveillance camera in her campaign office. Fearing she and Trish had been recorded, Heather informs Fast Eddie, who then tells Jesse Cortez. After removing the camera and exiting Heather's campaign office, Jesse Cortez is assassinated in his car.

Having guessed that Heather is being blackmailed, and assuming it was her brother doing it, Trish vindictively decides to teach them both a lesson. Trish secretly assumes the identity of the blackmailer and instructs both Heather and Sean to attend a BDSM sex club; a club where both Trish and Mayor Alexa Grey enjoy punishing others as part-time Dominatrix’s. Trish discretely takes care of Heather while an unsuspecting Sean is severely dealt with by an angry and frustrated Alexa.

Having had driven Sean to the club, Eddie decides to visit the grieving widow of Jesse Cortez. He drives away after finding her in a passionate embrace with Heather’s husband, Bob Anderson.

Upon leaving Maria Cortez, Bob finds a stranger breaking into his car. The man draws a weapon and fires at Bob but misses. Bob returns the thief’s fire and kills him. While searching for the identity of the dead man, Bob discovers that Cory Dindot had a flash drive in his pocket. Fearing the worst, Bob takes it. He and Heather review the contents of the flash drive and find a poor quality recording of two women having sex. Heather recognizes that it’s her and Trish, so she hides the flash drive and seduces her husband to draw his attention away from her lesbian indiscretion.

After declaring herself a candidate for Mayor once again, Alexa attempts to re-strengthen her campaign backing. She invites Mike Johnston, the city’s Police Commissioner to her home for a dinner meeting. After reaching an accord, the two spend the evening in her bed. With that, Alexa had then orchestrated everything required to blindside her competition, and retain her position and power.

The Daily Chronicle
All the news and nothing but the news…


Mayoral Candidates Assassinated By Unknown Gunman

Last evening, during the televised mayoralty debate, a horrified crowd witnessed the assassination of Mayor Alexa Grey.

A mysterious man, who appeared to be acting alone, stood up in the front row and fatally shot Mayor Grey and severely wounded mayoral candidate, Sean McCarthy. Mr. McCarthy is currently unresponsive and in critical condition at Mercy General Hospital. His campaign manager said his prognosis was grave.

Mayoral candidate, Heather Anderson, the only other official candidate, was uninjured and did not appear to be a target of the shooter.

Police Commissioner Mike Johnston, who was attending the debate, chased the shooter through a side door where two gunshots were heard. When this reporter arrived at the scene, the killer was lying on the ground in a pool of blood with the commissioner standing over him.

According to eyewitness reports, the fleeing man stumbled and fell at the same time the commissioner shot him from behind. Apparently, the assassin’s weapon discharged too, with both weapon’s bullets striking him in the face and head. The ghastly scene made a visual identification of the shooter impossible at that time.

Sadly, the death of Mayor Grey occurred only a week after the passing of her husband, Jerry Grey. On the mayor’s insistence, the suspicious nature of her husband’s death is under investigation. No charges have yet been laid, and Police Chief Roberts stated that the police department would not be commenting at this time.


“Honey, have you seen the flash drive?” Bob asked his wife.

“It’s in my purse, darling,” a giddy Heather replied. “Why do you ask?”

“It might shed some light on what happened last night. I’ve left a message with Mike requesting a meeting. I thought I could discuss the contents of it with him, but I thought we should copy it first. I’m sure he’ll want to view it.”

“Bob, we can’t take that risk,” Heather sternly advised. “I’m going to be the next mayor. No hint of scandal can be attached to me, definitely not now. Not after what just happened with Alexa and Sean. The city needs the presence of a strong leader. If the police discover that that drive existed and that you voluntarily handed it over to the Police Commissioner, it would be disastrous.”

“You’re right,” Bob conceded. “I never thought of it that way. Our fine city is certainly getting an intuitive mayor.”


The Daily Chronicle
All the news and nothing but the news…

Mayoral Candidate Sean McCarthy Has Died.

In a news conference today, Police Chief Roberts informed that mayoral candidate, Sean McCarthy, succumbed to his wounds, and passed away during the night. He was not married and did not have any children. Roberts noted that several years ago, Mr. McCarthy’s parents had both tragically died in a high profile, hit-and-run traffic accident. The driver of that other vehicle was never found.

Police Chief Roberts also informed that ballistics analysis revealed that the weapon used in the murders of Mayor Grey and Sean McCarthy, was the same weapon used to kill private investigator, Jesse Cortez.

Lastly, the man who killed Mayor Grey and Mr. McCarthy was Cory Ethan Diderot of no fixed address. He was well known to police in other states, with a string of outstanding warrants for his arrest. He was also a decorated veteran of both Gulf Wars.

Police Chief Roberts said that Diderot was a suspect in the killing of Jesse Cortez and that Mr. Diderot was reputed to be a gun for hire.

At this time, no motive has yet been discovered to link any of the three killings.


“Hi, Trish,” Heather solemnly greeted her campaign manager as she entered the campaign headquarters. “Please come into my office. We need to talk.”

Trish rose from her desk and immediately followed.

“I’m sorry about your brother,” Heather began. “I know you two haven’t spoken for some time, but he was too young to die, and certainly not like that.”

“Heather, I’ll shed no crocodile tears for that bastard. In his own way, he perhaps meant more to you, but to me, he'll always be scum. I never told you this, but when he and I were teens, he got me drunk and tried to seduce me. Then, after mom and dad died, he tried again. I thought he was consoling me. After the funeral, we had a few drinks, and he tried the same damn thing. Neither of his attempts was successful, and that’s why I estranged my twin brother so many years ago.”

“Trish, I’m so sorry. I wish you would have said something to me. You shouldn’t have kept that to yourself.”

“Nor am I shedding any tears for that bitch, Alexa,” Trish continued, ignoring Heather’s comment. “Sean and I lost our parents after that damn car crash. What you don’t know, is that a teenaged Alexa was driving the other vehicle. She didn’t even have a driver’s license. Friends of ours said they saw her fleeing the scene. She got out of the car and just ran away. But as she was a minor, her family was able to hide her identity and provided the police with a fake, but verifiable alibi that she was out of town at the time of the accident. They even said that their car had been stolen. She was never a suspect and never questioned. The police deemed the collision an unsolved hit-and-run, and so that fucking Alexa got away with murder. She was never charged, convicted, or held accountable, and she’s never, ever showed any remorse. This was the reason Sean entered the mayoralty race. He once told me long ago that he would get even with her. That was his motivation. I’m certain of it. He never wanted to be mayor. He wanted to publicly humiliate her by exposing her past, her corruption, and ultimately, defeat her.”

Heather was taken aback by Trish’s impassioned revelations. She wished Trish had shared this information with her before Heather had announced her candidacy, but Heather now better understood Trish and Sean’s estrangement and their mutual dislike of Alexa Grey. But Heather correctly sensed that this was not a time Trish wanted to grieve. This was closure, and it was time to move forward. Heather hugged her friend and then sat behind her desk.

“Well Trish, with both my rivals out of the way and the election taking place in two days, I’m running unopposed. Are you looking at our city’s new mayor?” Heather grinned.

“Possibly. Someone could still request the election to be postponed.”

“Postponed? They can do that?”

“Yes. City Council could pass a resolution,” Trish advised.

“Well, one hurdle at a time,” Heather said, dismissing the potential political hurdle. “Our illustrious Police Commissioner, Mike Johnston, has asked to meet with me this morning.”

“What the hell does that creep want?” Trish growled.

“I don’t know, maybe he just wants to keep his job,” Heather cynically replied. “But I suspect it’s something else. Ensure you turn on the recording device after you show him in.”

While Heather dealt with some of her mountain of paperwork, she reflected on her conversation with Trish, and why Mike wanted to meet. Everything told her not to trust that man. She’d let him start the discussion, but she was ready to end it fast. Heather heard the office door open and heard Mike’s boisterous voice.

“Heather,” Trish said as she peered into Heather’s office, “The Police Commissioner is here to see you.”

Mike Johnston walked past Trish and sat in the chair on the other side of Heather’s desk. He turned to see Trish, but she had returned to her office.

“Good morning Mister Commissioner,” Heather curtly greeted him. “What can I do for you?”

“Call me Mike. And it’s not what you can do for me, madam, but rather what I can do for you.”

“What do you mean, 'What you can do for me'?”

“First, tell Trish to get her ass in here after she turns off that shitty recording device,” Mike arrogantly grinned.

“What recording device?”

“Don’t insult me any more than you already have,” Mike snapped. “It’s my job to know everything about anyone that matters in this city. And apparently, my dear, you now matter.”

“You bugged my office?” a seemingly incredulous Heather asked.

“No, not me,” the Police Commissioner grinned. “But a sneaky little Alexa did. I merely bugged her. Now, do as you’re told and tell your girl to stop the recording.”

After Trish turned off the machine, she returned to Heather’s office with three cups of coffee. Between the idle chit-chat, Heather tried to decipher what the duplicitous Police Commissioner had just said. She now trusted him even less than before, if that was even possible.

“Good morning again, Trish,” Mike said as Trish handed him his coffee and then sat in the chair next to him. “That was quite a naughty little lesbian show you two put on the other day. I thoroughly enjoyed it. But ladies, I’m here to tell you what I can do for you to get you into the mayor’s chair, and how I expect to be compensated.”

“Go on,” Heather suspiciously replied.

“Firstly, I’ll ensure the councilors will not publicly discuss or consider a resolution to postpone the election.”

“How can you possibly manage that?” Trish exclaimed.

“As Police Commissioner, I always keep my finger on the pulse of the city, like I have on you. My position affords me to gather enough dirt on all of our esteemed councilors, including the candidates that are trying to unseat the incumbents. Everyone does my bidding if they want a political career in this town. If they chose to cross me, unfavorable things tend to happen to them and their families.”

“Interesting,” Heather said, wondering if the city’s Police Commissioner was part of some underground mafia that she was unaware of. “What else could you do for us?”

“I’ll ensure that the images of certain sexual gymnastics between you and Sean, and you and Trish, remain tucked away for safekeeping, as my insurance, of course, including the video and pictures from the sex club.”

“You bastard!” an angry Heather raged. “You’re the asshole who sent Sean and me those pictures.”

“Careful Heather. You’re not the mayor yet,” a smug Mike Johnston replied. “I’m also not a bastard. My mother was a very honorable woman, unlike you. Yes, I’m the one who sent the pictures.”

Heather calmed herself while she and Trish exchanged glances. She could tell Trish wanted to plunge a dagger into his black heart if she could find it. But cooler heads prevailed. She didn’t yet know how, but Heather was going to not only get out of this mess but sitting across from her was the soon-to-be ex-Police Commissioner.

“What is it that you want?” Heather calmly asked.

“Three things,” Mike replied. “First, you will guarantee my contract as Police Commissioner during your entire term in office. A little raise would be nice too. It’ll be a show of good faith given how loyally and effectively I’ve served our city. Second, you’ll publicly support the mining operation that Alexa and I worked so hard to attract to our community. I intend to retire a very wealthy man, and a change in elected leadership is not going to prevent that from happening. Lastly, I expect the same favors the past two mayors have provided for me. Consider it part of my benefits package. I’ve watched what you two can do with your mouths. I intend on enjoying your special skills in person and on a regular basis, your worship. Both of you will learn the real reason the ladies call me Mr. Johnson.”

Heather looked at Trish who gave her a barely perceptible nod of assent. Trish then asked the question everyone in town wanted to know. “Mike, why did you have Alexa killed?”

“Who says I did?” Mike grinned.

“You’re the only possible person who could have,” Trish replied. “We know that she was in league with the mining company. You’ve now just admitted that you are too. Neither Sean nor Heather had any real reason to kill her. It doesn’t make sense. The only relevant party in this political puzzle is you.”

“You are a smart woman, Trish,” Mike patronized. “Though she and I had our fun, I never trusted her. Alexa was the one who had set you all up to be blackmailed. I thought if she was capable of doing that to all of you, what did she have planned for me? Maybe nothing, but in the big picture, she was too dangerous to have around.”

“What about Sean McCarthy and Jesse Cortez?”

“Collateral damage,” the Police Commissioner boasted. “They too were getting in the way.”

“Thank you for your honesty,” Trish said while almost choking on her words. “I’m going to get more coffee. Anyone else want a top-up?”

Neither Heather nor Mike did, so Trish stood to leave, and Mike slapped her ass.

“Take your time going, but hurry your sweet ass back,” Mike laughed as he stared at Trish’s curvy backside as she walked away. “We still have a few things to sort out before we wrap up this meeting.”

Mike stood and walked around to stand behind Heather. He placed his hands on her shoulders and slowly massaged them while smelling her hair.

“You are an intoxicating woman, Mrs. Anderson. I’m assuming you’ll agree to my terms.”

“I don’t have much choice, do I?” Heather replied.

“Excellent,” the Police Commissioner beamed. “Stand up.”

As soon as Heather rose, Mike reached around her body and slid his hands inside her blouse to fondle her breasts.

“Very nice,” Mike said while pinching Heather’s nipples through her bra. Despite her revulsion of the man, Heather’s pussy pulsed and tingled from his touch. The intensity of the meeting had aroused her in a manner she was not happy about, but her arousal could not be denied. Mike sat Heather on her desk, lifted her skirt, and cupped her pussy through her damp panties.

“You like that, don’t you?” Mike grinned. “Your pussy is dripping just thinking about me.”

Trish walked in with her refreshed cup of coffee and a surprised look.

“Just testing the merchandise, Trish,” Mike said as he slowly thrust his fingers in and out of Heather. “Very nice merchandise indeed. I shall thoroughly enjoy this pussy very much.”

Mike removed his fingers and licked Heather’s juices from them before sitting down next to Trish.

“To conclude our meeting, here’s what’s going to happen. Tomorrow, I’m coming to Heather’s home. I want both Bob and Trish to be there too. Heather, you and Trish are going to give me a live show, similar to what I saw you two do in this office. Just as you did in this chair and on this desk. Then, I’m going to stick my big cock in both of you and fuck the two of you senseless. I want you both wearing lingerie, Trish in all white and Heather in all black.”

“You want Bob there?” Heather asked.

“Yes, I love fucking a married woman with the husband watching. Our recently departed mayor loved cuckolding her husband. You’ll learn to love that too.”

“I don’t think so,” Heather angrily replied.

“Better think again, honey, or we don’t have a fucking deal. In any case, I’ll be bringing Bob’s mistress there to keep him company.”

“Mistress?” Heather asked. “What mistress?”

“Your Bobby has been a very naughty boy. I told you I have dirt on everyone that matters in this town. Your loving husband has been boning the Cortez widow. I’m surprised you didn't know. Damn, he even fucked Alexa at her birthday party when you and Sean were conducting your nighttime maneuvers.”

Heather sat speechless as Mike rose and began massaging Trish’s shoulders before groping her breasts. He smiled at Heather before turning to leave. Trish smiled as they listened as Mike fumbled around in the reception. Before he closed the main office door, the Mike bellowed, “See you tomorrow, girls. I’m looking forward to working with both of you.”

Heather finally collapsed in her chair with tears pooling in the corner of her eyes. Trish walked over and hugged her, then whispered in her ear. “Don’t cry. We’ve got this.”

“What do you mean?”

“He never checked,” Trish smiled. “I never turned off the recorder.”

Trish reached under her skirt and pulled out a small cassette tape that was tucked into her stocking. She released a sigh of relief.

“We’ve got that manipulative bastard. Every damn, murder-confessed word’s on this. The Commissioner is screwed and not the way he thinks he’ll be.”

“It’s a good thing I retrieved the tape when I got more coffee,” Trish smiled. “The asshole checked the recorder on his way out, but he found nothing.”

Heather forced a smile through her tears. With both of her hands, she clutched the palm of her friend holding the tape.

“Thank you,” Heather mouthed.

“Let’s plan what we need to do tomorrow night,” Trish advised as her militarily trained, can-do attitude took charge. This was precisely why Heather wanted and needed Trish as her campaign manager. In a crisis, she got things done.

“I think I have an idea that just might work," Trish beamed. "Heather, would you be willing to get naked with him in front of everyone that will be at your home tomorrow?”


“For my plan to work, I’ll need him to be naked too,” Trish mischievously grinned. “I can almost guarantee that he’ll not get past first base.”

“How can you guarantee that?”

“The less you know, the better our chances of success. You are going to have to trust me,” Trish advised. “So, can you do it?”

“The way I see it,” a nervous but grateful Heather replied, “I don’t have much choice. I sure hope your plan works.”

“So do I, my friend. So do I.”

Trish pulled her seated friend away from the desk and straddled her lap. She kissed Heather as Trish’s hand reached behind her own back and between Heather’s legs. Before long, the women had removed their tops, had pressed their breasts together, and this time, Trish’s fingers were inside Heather doing what they do best.

“Trish is going to look after you, I promise.”

"She already is," Heather moaned.


“That’s a strange request,” Bob said after Heather informed him that the Police Commissioner wanted to meet with him at their home later that night.

“We should expect more impromptu meetings like this from a variety of people,” Heather replied. “I’ll need to work the room to garner as much support as I can. Being Mayor is about coalition building. Tonight, it starts with Mike Johnston.”

“Understood,” Bob said and then playfully added. “I serve at the pleasure of the mayor.”

“There’s one other thing, Bob,” Heather continued. “No matter what takes place during our meeting, you cannot interfere. I’ll explain why after the meeting.”

“After the meeting? Why not now?”

“Please, Bob. Trust me. It will be better if we do this my way. I need you out of the house tonight. Mike’s arriving at six-thirty, and he is very punctual. I want to you show up a few minutes after that. And for God’s sake, when you come in, do NOT interfere with whatever takes place. Bob, promise me.”

“Promise you?” Bob responded with a hint of confusion and concern. “What do you mean? Is he going to fuck you or something?”

“He might try, but I don’t think he will go that far,” Heather comforted. “Bob, our Police Commissioner is an evil man and rest assured, we will take care of him once I’m sworn in, if not sooner.”

“Heather, you’re scaring me.”

“This is serious, Bob. Dead serious. Will you do as I ask?”

“Of course, darling. But if he tries to hurt you… “

“Don’t worry. We’ve got that covered.”

Heather was still furious knowing that Bob had a mistress and that he also had sex with Alexa at her birthday party. She would deal with those things later. This Police Commissioner thing was pressing and more important. Once she got through this night, she and Bob would have a long talk about trust, respect, and boundaries. However, her anger made her feel like a hypocrite given that she had sex with both Sean and Trish. She wondered if she had to, would she let Mike fuck her. Possibly. If she knew that that’s what it would take to right the mayoral ship. She would soon enough find out.

After Bob left the house and the clock started ticking, Heather realized how anxious she’d become. She was a bundle of nerves. Heather needed to be calm for Trish’s plan to work. Heather attacked the treadmill for almost an hour to vent her anxiety and frustration. Stress sweat, she discovered, does smell different than ordinary sweat, just as those silly, late-night commercials claim. Truth in advertising. Who would have known? Was there hope for politics? Probably not, she laughed to herself as she showered and then had a short nap. When she woke, Heather panicked. It was almost six.

As she dressed in her black lingerie, Trish arrived already dressed in her white, and after one look, Trish frowned at her friend.

“What’s wrong?” Heather asked.

“You look like shit,” Trish half-jokingly teased. “Didn’t I tell you not to worry?”

“Trish, it’s my body at play here, not yours.”

“Remember, we’ve got this. Mike will not hurt you or anyone tonight.”

“Why do you think he will spare me?” Heather asked. “Trish, he fully expects to fuck his way through all the women in my house tonight. You. Me. The Cortez woman. None of us will be spared if he gets his way.”

“He won’t get his way.”

“How the hell are we going to stop him?” an exasperated Heather asked.

“I told you not to worry your pretty little head about that,” Trish smiled as she ran her fingers through Heather’s hair. “It’s all taken care of. And, if you hear something in the kitchen, ignore it.”

“Who's going to be in my kitchen?”

“Our guardian angels,” Trish winked. “Let’s finish preparing for your big night.”

As both women readied themselves with makeup, polishes, and perfumes, Trish did her best to distract Heather by kissing and nibbling and pinching where she could. The women soon fell into a more playful mood, modeling their lingerie for one another, grabbing each other’s breasts, slapping each other’s asses, and rubbing each other between their legs. It wasn’t the most conventional form of foreplay, but it served its purpose. Heather was considerably more relaxed when the doorbell rang at six-thirty.

“Fuck, he’s here.”

“Remember,” Trish said, trying to focus Heather. “We’ve got this.”

Trish answered the door, and Mike strode in accompanied by a woman who both Heather and Trish presumed to be the Cortez widow. She was quite attractive. Anger aside, Heather could see why Bob would be attracted the buxom brunette. Her breasts were full, her hips and ass tight and curvy, and she had lips that were made for blowjobs.

Mike immediately sat in the living room, choosing the high-back armchair across from the couch where Heather had been seated. He motioned for Cortez to sit next to Heather, and for Trish to sit next to her, so Heather and Trish now book-ended Bob’s mistress. All three woman could hear the bastard drool.

“Where’s your husband?” Mike asked.

“He should be here shortly,” Heather replied.

As Mike surveyed the women, he began to smile.

“I’m glad you girls followed my instructions,” Mike said as he ogled the sexy triumvirate. “Trish, be a doll and make me a drink. Bob’s finest scotch, if he’s got any.”

As Trish walked to the Andersons’ liquor cabinet, she hoped Heather and Bob also stocked arsenic so she could lace Mike’s drink with it. She then heard Bob enter his home and turned to see the shocked look on his face when he walked into the living room. Bob saw two women in lingerie, one wickedly grinning Police Commissioner, and one mistress sitting next to his wife.

“What the hell’s going on here?” Bob snarled.

“Welcome home, Bob,” Mike bellowed. “Come meet the committee responsible for the potential unencumbered election of your wife. If all goes well this evening, Heather will be this city’s next mayor. If you choose not to cooperate, the media will be buzzing tonight about you and your wife. Trust me, they won’t have good things to say. Decide, my friend, but make it quick.”

Bob looked Heather, and she winked at him while encouraging him to sit in the other chair next to the couch. She hoped that Bob remembered what she said. Play along. She’d explain everything at the end of the evening. As Bob sat and looked at a nervous Maria Cortez, Trish returned with Mike’s scotch.

“Anyone else want a drink?” Mike laughed. “No one wants to drink alone.”

No one else wanted a drink, so Mike smiled, had a sip of Bob’s best, and then loudly clapped his hands together.

“Okay girls, it’s show time! Maria, off with your coat and sit your plump salsa ass on lover boy Bob’s lap over there. Heather and Trish, let’s see you give the rest of us a version of the live show I got to watch on my computer. Show us your champion muff-diving skills. Bob, my new friend, tell me that you would love to see that?”

“I don’t know what’s happening,” Bob yelled, “But you’re one sick son of a bitch.”

Heather immediately brought her finger to her lips to silence her husband. She now worried that he had crossed a line that he could not return from. Her attention turned to Maria as she rose, removed her overcoat, before moving over to sit her purple-lingerie-clad body on Bob’s lap. Mike elicited a squeal from her as he squeezed her ass before she stepped toward Bob.

“Bob, if you ever refer to my mother in that manner again, I will personally ensure that Maria is fucked so hard that she won’t be able to ever feel you inside her again. And then I’m going to fuck you up. Understand? So, it's best that you just sit there and shut the fuck up. Tonight, things are going to change around here.”

Bob started to stand just as Maria began to sit. Mike pulled out his service weapon and pointed it at Bob.

“Not another step, asshole, or I’ll take out your kneecaps.”

Maria shrieked at the sight of Mike’s gun, but the other women remained silent, and Bob froze in place. The men now glared at one another until Mike spoke.

“I suppose we can move this along a little faster. Take off your belt and drop your pants,” Mike ordered while waving his weapon.

Reluctantly, Bob did as he was told, and Mike then instructed Maria to drop Bob’s underwear too. Mike told Bob to step out of his downed clothes, and he instructed Maria to bend over and wrap Bob’s belt around his ankles.

“Higher,” Mike laughed. “Stick that big brown ass into the air so I can see it.”

Mike slowly rubbed between Maria’s legs, running his finger along her purple-lingerie-clad crack, and then dipped his finger into her pussy and ass. Maria winced, but she continued to bind Bob’s ankles.

“Very nice,” Mike said leering at her backside. “I think after I finish with the other two gals, your ass is going to learn to love the feel of a real black cock inside it, not that miserable little white worm Bob calls a penis.”

After Maria finished with the belt, she stood up, and Mike pushed Bob back into his chair. Mike lifted the diminutive Maria, told her to spread her legs, and then lowered her, so she straddled Bob’s naked groin. Pleased with Maria’s placement and Bob’s predicament, Mike smiled and turned to Trish and Heather.

“Okay bitches, it’s your turn,” Mike said as he reached for his scotch and sat back into his chair while circling the barrel of his gun in the air. “It’s munch time! Let’s see what you two lezzy whores can do to entertain us.”

Heather glanced at Trish, and both women smiled. Trish then rose and stepped between Mike’s spread legs.

“Before we begin, Mike,” Trish seductively said, “Why don’t we give you a taste of what you’ll get later?”

Mike’s grin grew wider. “I like where this is going,” he said.

Trish's smile teased as she ran her hand across the front of his pants. Seduction was an art she was well paid for at the club, even if it was a part-time gig. Tonight, her training would earn her keep, and possibly everyone’s life.

“Oh, my, Mr. Police Commissioner,” Trish giggled, “You certainly are a big boy. I think a cock like that needs the attention of the incoming mayor and me. We could make you feel more comfortable before the show begins.”

“And how do you propose to do that?” Mike laughed, now shifting in his chair from the discomfort caused by his tightening pants.

Trish pulled Mike to a standing position and undid his belt before proceeding to drop his pants and jockeys. She had to jump back when his massive cock sprang to life. She thought if he did try to fuck her, he’d probably kill her with that thing. But Trish wasn’t prepared to let either happen.

“I do see why they call you, Mr. Johnson,” Trish giggled again. “Mr. Johnson indeed.”

Trish stroked his erection the best she could. Her hand was too small, so she used both to wrap around his girth.

“Like I said, a cock like this requires the attention of two women, don’t you think?”

“I wholeheartedly agree,” Mike laughed. “It sounds to me like the mayor has a leading candidate for her Chief of Staff.”

Mike looked at Heather and snarled, “Come here slut! Time to get on your knees too.”

While Heather rose and moved toward Mike, Trish removed Mike’s jacket and his shirt. Mike had to put his gun on the arm of the chair, and his drink in his other hand when Trish lifted his shirt over his extended arms. Both Heather and Trish stared at the massive man that loomed over them, and that frightening black cock.

“Be careful, girls. If I feel your teeth, I promise you’ll both regret it,” Mike threatened. “Now get to work and comfort me, as you so eloquently put it.”

Both women knelt between the Police Commissioner’s large legs, each grabbing a section of his cock and began working their territory with their tongues. Trish then caught Heather’s eye and winked.

“We’ve got this,” Trish whispered.

Suddenly, two pairs of blue-jeans-clad legs appeared behind Mike. One hand grabbed Mike and wrapped his arm around Mike's throat, and another grabbed his testicles and his empty hand. Mike screeched as his body succumbed to the pain as he was lifted by his testes to his feet.

“Outta the way, ladies,” one of the men said as he kicked Mike's gun to the floor.

Trish and Heather rushed to stand behind the chair Bob and Maria sat on, and all four watched as the two burly men wrestled the Police Commissioner face down to the floor. One of the men placed his knee firmly against Mike’s spine as they proceeded to handcuff Mike’s wrists behind his back.

“Who are these men?” Heather asked although she had an idea from the patches on their leather jackets.

“Not yet,” Trish said, “Just watch and enjoy.”

The men stood a naked and furious Mike Johnston on his feet to face the watching foursome.

“So tough guy, what do you have to say now?” one of the women’s guardian angels asked.

“Hey assholes, don’t you know who I am?” Mike seethed. “I’m your worst fucking nightmare.”

“No,” Trish corrected. “We are your worst fucking nightmare.”

While Bob quickly dressed and Maria covered herself with her overcoat, one of the men went to the kitchen to retrieve a duffel bag.

“We’re not going to torture him, are we?” Heather asked.

“Worse,” Trish laughed. “He’s going to wish we tortured him once we’re done with him.”

Inside the duffel bag were two cans of spray paint, women’s high-heeled shoes, a large, stuffed bra that could almost be used as a hammock, and a cheap, long blond-haired wig. The men proceeded to dress the esteemed Police Commissioner and then spray painted his ass bright blue and his cock bright red.

“Trish,” one of the men advised, “Your boy needs some makeup.”

“Come on, Heather,” Trish said, “Let’s put on the finishing touches.”

The women applied bright red lipstick, purple blush, and green eyeshadow and eyeliner to complete the look. Trish used the lipstick and created giant red areolas around Mike's nipples. Mike struggled less than they expected, but it certainly had something to do with how one of the men held his cuffed arms behind Mike’s back. Maria, who had remained silent throughout the ordeal, said she had an idea and asked if she could help.

“Of course,” Trish said. “What do you have in mind?”

Maria retrieved Mike’s revolver from the floor, and she emptied the chamber and removed the clip.

“Bend him over,” she demanded.

Maria pressed the weapon against Mike’s asshole and pushed.

“I should fuck you up the ass with this gun,” Maria screamed. “But I’m a better person than you, you piece of shit.”

“Stand him up,” ordered Maria. She then struck Mike across the jaw with the butt end of the pistol. She looked at him, now knowing that he played a role in her husband’s murder, and spit on Mike's painted face. “Who’s ass-fucked now, asshole?”

While Heather and Bob watched Maria release her anger on Mike, Trish played the cassette tape from the meeting she, Heather, and Mike had in Heather’s campaign office. They all listened to Mike boast about coordinating the murders.

“Mr. Police Commissioner, we have you on tape confessing to conspiracy to commit three murders. Cory Dindot may have pulled the trigger, but you masterminded the entire thing,” Trish said.

Mike said nothing and continued to remain quiet after Trish stopped the tape.

“The boys are going to take you now and leave you somewhere for everyone to see. By the time you manage to free yourself, the media will already have received a copy of your resignation as Police Commissioner. Personal reasons, I believe was your reason,” Trish smiled.

If you do not leave town and disappear within twenty-four hours, never to ever return again, this recording will be turned over to the authorities, and you will be charged with murder. Do you understand me?”

Mike looked like a two-bit, strung-out, drag queen hooker willing to turn tricks for crack. Somehow, it was fitting.

Trish assisted the men with Mike to their awaiting van, and then returned to Heather and Bob’s house.

“Who were those guys?” Heather asked.

“They’re two of the enforcers from our local Hell’s Angels Motorcycle Club,” Trish laughed. “Who do you think owns the BDSM club? They look after us girls very well, and they relished the opportunity to give something back to the community. Johnston has been a thorn in their sides for years.”

“Why are they helping me?”

“They see certain benefits with being on good terms with our future mayor.”

“What are they going to do with Mike?”

“I told them to use their imagination,” Trish laughed. “They can be very creative. I’m sure we'll find out tomorrow. If I know them, maybe we’ll even see a picture or two.”

Bob and Maria approached an intense but much relieved Heather. She stared at both of them and then rhetorically asked, “What are we going to do about this?”

Heather explained the reason for what had happened this evening.

“Bob, Mike was the blackmailer. He wanted preferential treatment from the city, had a hand in the mining proposal that would have paid him millions. And as you saw, he demanded sexual favors from us for his compliance. When Trish and I discovered and subsequently recorded his admission to coordinating the Alexa and Sean murders,” Heather explained then turned to Maria, “And your husband's, Trish developed a plan to turn the blackmailing against him.”

Trish stood silently as Heather scanned Maria and Bob again. She wasn’t as angry as she could have been because she was numbed by the intensity of the evening’s events and her own sexual hypocrisy.

“Explain this,” Heather asked as she motioned to her husband and Maria.

“Maria had worked in my office a few years ago," Bob began. "We were friendly, but nothing else. However, we kept in contact, and recently she asked for a reference for a job she was interested in applying for. A few days after that, she called me to tell me that she overheard her husband talking about things he’d seen, stuff that involved you. Long story short, I visited her one evening after Jesse was killed. We hugged and then we began kissing. It was impulse. She needed comforting. We both made a mistake, and admit that, but that was the only time.

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Heather looked at Trish and she nodded that she believed him. Heather sighed and reached for Maria’s hands.

“I now understand what happened. I’m sorry I suspected you of trying to steal my husband. And I’m sorry about what happened to your husband.”

Heather then returned her glare to her husband.

“And what about you and Alexa?”

“Oh, hell yes. I fucked that bitch. I told you if I ever got the chance, I’d fuck her more ways than one. Little did I know she’d be trying to frame me.”

“I didn’t think you were being literal,” Heather laughed. “So, in some way, you screwing Alexa is my fault? I think we need to set some boundaries on your easily manipulated language. I also went astray that night with Sean. I suggest we put those incidents behind us. Do you agree?”

“Yes, I think that would be for the best.”

After some awkward but much-welcomed laughter, Bob debated about bringing up the Heather-Trish sex tape but decided not to. Once things sorted themselves out, he was confident it would be brought up in conversation; probably by him in the form of a threesome request. Instead, Bob drove Maria home, leaving Heather and Trish to reflect on their evening, and their potential future at city hall.

“Trish, you were brilliant tonight,” Heather began. “You saved my career, and you saved my life.”

The women hugged, and Heather then began sobbing, finally releasing herself from the stress and trauma of the past several months. Trish wiped her tears and led Heather to her bedroom.

“You can show me how much you appreciate me in here.”

Trish unclasped Heather’s bra and began kissing her breasts and nipples. Heather moaned as she struggled to remove Trish’s bra, and then kissed her neck and mouth while the woman tumbled backward onto the bed. They giggled while wrestling with each other’s panties, and both lay on their sides with their heads between each other’s legs. When Bob returned, he was greeted by the bedroom’s strong aroma of sex, and the women asleep in each other’s arms. He just smiled and let them sleep. He now knew, his turn would come.

The next morning, Heather and Trish woke to the smell of brewing coffee and breakfast. Bob said nothing but greeted them with a smile and the morning newspaper.

“You two should enjoy this.”

The Daily Chronicle
All the news and nothing but the news…

Police Commissioner, Mike Johnston Resigns After Being Found In Bizarre Situation

Last night, after this newspaper first received a copy of his letter of resignation, and then an anonymous tip, this reporter witnessed what appeared to be Police Commissioner Mike Johnston handcuffed to a street sign in City Square. According to those on the scene, Mr. Johnston had been there for some time.

Mr. Johnston was described as being dressed like a trashy drag queen hooker, spewing coarse language and obscenely soliciting all that passed by. Witnesses said it appeared Mr. Johnston was under the influence of something, but a couple male witnesses, who requested that their names be withheld, said it was not new behavior from the Police Commissioner. They both had witnessed him like this a few times before.

Since his arrest and release, Mr. Johnston has not responded to our attempts to contact him. The Police Department and the mayor’s office have also not returned our calls. However, in his letter of resignation, Mr. Johnston said he would be leaving his post immediately for personal reasons.


Several days later…

The Daily Chronicle
All the news and nothing but the news…

Mayor-Elect Heather Anderson Confirmed

After a closed-session meeting of City Council, it was confirmed in a press release that with no other official mayoral candidates, and that Heather Anderson received more than fifty percent of the votes, the election results would stand. She and her new councilors would be sworn in as our city's new council tomorrow.

During her acceptance speech, Mayor-Elect Anderson thanked Police Commissioner Mike Johnston for his years of service and wished him well. She said she hoped that he sought treatment, and asked that the general public give him the privacy he needs during this time of personal crisis. She said Police Chief Roberts would be acting Commissioner, effective immediately until a new commissioner was found.

Also, Mayor-Elect Anderson announced that Trish McCarthy, the sister of fallen mayoral candidate, Sean McCarthy, would serve as her Chief of Staff.

Mrs. Anderson also said rumors of collusion of Mayor Grey and Mike Johnston, about their community’s mining proposal, will be thoroughly investigated. No decisions on the mining proposal will be made until that investigation is completed.

Mayor-Elect Anderson ended her speech by saying that there is no place at city hall for political or moral corruption. She vowed that under her leadership, there will be no more dirty tricks.


The End


Dirty Tricks, Chapter 1 by Andrea Detroit & Ping

Dirty Tricks, Chapter 2 by Ping

Dirty Tricks, Chapter 3 by writingvixen

Dirty Tricks, Chapter 4 by WannabeWordsmith

Dirty Tricks, Chapter 5 by Milik_the_Red

Dirty Tricks, Chapter 6 by Darkside

Dirty Tricks, Chapter 7 by Andrea Detroit

Dirty Tricks, Chapter 8 by ChrisM

Dirty Tricks, Chapter 9 by JefferyB

No More Dirty Tricks, Chapter 10 by ChrisM & Ping


Many Thanks to JefferyB for his editing skills





Written by ChrisM
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