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Dirty Tricks Chapter 9

"A stroke of luck brings all of the 'dirty tricks' evidence into the hands of one person."

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Previously in "Dirty Tricks"


While attending Alexa Grey's, the retiring mayor’s extravagant birthday party, an unknown photographer captures political opponents and electoral candidates, Heather Anderson, and Sean McCarthy, during an adulterous rendezvous. After being sent ominous instructions with photographic evidence of their indiscretion, they meet to discuss their predicament, only to have sex yet again.

During the party, Bob Anderson is seduced by Alexa. She lures him to her office and with feigned protests incites him to sodomize her while videotaping the scene.

Heather and Sean eventually agree to let only Sean’s shady campaign manager, 'Fast-Eddie' handle the blackmailer situation. Eddie hires Jesse Cortez, a professional fixer to investigate.

Later that day, after learning additional incriminating photographs had arrived at her office, Heather rushes there to intercept them before Trish, her campaign manager and Sean McCarthy's estranged sister, gets her hands on them. Unfortunately, Trish opens the mail and sees the lurid images, but decides to pretend otherwise. Instead, she allows Heather to seduce her like she did back in high school, something Trish has never forgotten.

Afterward, Heather discovers a secret surveillance camera in her campaign office and feeling shocked, informs Eddie, who then tells Jesse Cortez. While removing the camera, Jesse sends a computer virus to the unknown blackmailer, but as he leaves Heather's campaign office, an unknown assassin captures a careless Cortez who is later found dead in his car.

Having guessed that Heather is being blackmailed and assuming it was her brother doing it, Trish unscrupulously decides to teach them both a lesson. She believes the identity of the blackmailer and instructs both of them to attend a BDSM sex club. Trish and Mayor Alexa Grey are Doms who get their kicks punishing others, Trish taking care of Heather while Alexa continues to vent some steam off on an unsuspecting Sean.

After delivering Sean to the club, Eddie drives to Jesse Cortez's home to offer comfort to the grieving widow. Arriving there, Eddie witnesses the widow Cortez in a passionate embrace with Bob Anderson.

Alexa was putting her house in order. After declaring herself a candidate for Mayor once again, she set about strengthening her backing. After a discussion in her office with the black Police Commissioner, she invited the man to her home for a late supper. Once in her grasp, the Commissioner was seduced, happily spending the night in her bed. Alexa now had everything in place to blindside her competition in the upcoming election and retain her power.




The following morning, Alexa was sitting at her desk in the Mayor’s office. It was difficult for her to forget about the session with the Police Commissioner last night. Her sore ass reminded her every time she moved. “Damn but I love a big cock,” she whispered to the empty room.

As she remembered all of the positions Mike had put her in last night, she started to get hot and wet again. She opened the bottom drawer in her desk to find the mini-vibrator she kept for emergencies. Pulling it out, Alexa checked the batteries. When it made the familiar little hum, she smiled. “A girl has to be prepared,” she muttered as she pulled her dress up to her waist.

Leaning her head back against the cushion of her high backed executive chair, Alexa lightly ran the small toy across the wet spot in her panties. “That man knows how to show a girl a good time,” she whispered as the toy touched the expanding damp spot in her lingerie.

Just then the throw-away phone in her purse began to ring. Seeing the number calling, she answered.

“Cory, why are you calling me? I thought you had a job to do.”

“Something came up that I thought you should know about,” he told her.

“It had better be important,” she snarled. “You know I don’t like you to call me when I’m working.”

“I think I have something you’ll be interested in. Just before that private dick took the hidden camera out of Heather’s office, it recorded something extra good.”

“How good?” she asked.

“How good is a film of Heather on her knees licking the pussy of another woman?”

“You’ve got to be kidding,” she said excitedly as she put the vibrator down on her desk and sat up.

“I thought the virus might eat up everything that had been recorded, but it didn’t hurt anything before the camera was snagged. I don’t know who the woman is, but you probably do.”

“When can I have it?”

“How about tonight after I hide the murder weapon in Bob Anderson’s car?”

“Bring it to my house after you’ve done the job.”

“I could just email it to you,” the man offered.

“Fuck No!” she almost shouted. “I don’t want anything like that on my computer. Can you put it on a thumb drive?”

“Sure, if that’s what you want, but it’s going to cost you.”

“I think you’ve been very well paid already.”

“I don’t want money, Mayor. I want to see your red lips wrapped around my cock.”

Alexa leaned back in her chair and picked up the vibrator once again. “If your information is good I think that could be arranged.”

“Oh, it’s good. Believe me. After you watch it, you’ll be glad to give me a BJ.”

Turning the vibrator back on, she pressed it against the wet spot in her silk panties. “I’ll be the judge of that.”

Dropping the phone back in her handbag, Alexa leaned back in the chair and spread her legs. “It just keeps getting sweeter.” The familiar tingle in her pussy came back to remind her that she needed another orgasm.



Several blocks away Heather was sitting in her office talking with Trish. “Did you see her on TV last night?” Heather asked her campaign manager. “That bitch announced that she’s going to run again. What the fuck?”

“It’s a problem, but we can beat her,” Trish announced with confidence in her voice. “The core of your voters are solid. As long as Sean stays in the race, you’ll be fine. She’ll pull votes from him. The way I see it, her platform will be similar to his, but Alexa has a track record we can attack. If we could just get some confirmation that she’s working with that mining company, we can blow her out of the water. You won’t get a majority of the vote, but city rules don’t require the victor to win by a majority. The candidate with the most votes wins.”

The worried look on Heather’s face seemed to dissolve. “You’re pretty good at this stuff,” she said with a grin. “Maybe I should reward you the way I did yesterday.”

Trish moved around Heather’s desk and leaned against the edge. “You were damned good yesterday,” she said as she leaned forward putting her hand on the inside of Heather’s thigh. “Maybe I should return the favor to release some of your stress. Her hand moved farther up Heather’s leg.

Heather scooted forward in her chair and opened her legs. “Maybe you should.”

Trish walked to the office door and locked it. “As I recall, you get pretty loud during sex.” As she walked back to Heather’s desk, Trish pulled up her skirt, bent over and removed her panties. Holding them out, Heather could smell the sweet musky smell of her friend’s pussy.

“I’ve already masturbated once today just thinking of how your talented tongue can get me off,” Trish whispered. Then leaning over, she stuffed the wet panties into Heather’s mouth. “You can taste my pussy in your mouth while I make you cum.” Trish dropped to her knees, pushed Heather’s legs apart before she gently kissed both of her friend’s thighs.

Reaching up under Heather’s skirt, Trish touched the wet spot in her ex lover’s panties. “I love the way you smell when you’re excited.” Removing Heather’s thong, Trish bent close and inhaled her friend’s aroma. “So sweet,” she whispered.

Trish pulled Heather’s butt to the edge of the chair and dropped her face between Heather’s legs. Heather groaned when Trish’s tongue lightly ran across the extended clit. “I’m going to use my tongue on your clit and fuck you with my fingers,” Trish announced as she looked into Heather’s wide eyes.

Heather’s hands gripped the arms of her chair as Trish began her erotic journey. The taste in her mouth was delightful while the smells that reached her nose aroused her even more.

Five minutes later Heather’s orgasm left her feeling like a limp noodle. Trish stood and removed her panties from Heather’s mouth. “You want yours back?”

“In a minute,” Heather gasped. “That was incredible, Trish.”

Putting her mouth beside Heather’s ear, Trish whispered, Wait until we can get in a bed. I plan to ride your face and cover it with my cum. You’ll love every minute of it.”

“Yes, I will,” Heather mumbled. “Where’s my thong?”

Trish spread her legs and pulled Heather’s thong from her pussy. “I put it inside me to keep it nice and warm for you,” Trish said as she held it out to her friend. “But then, maybe you’d rather leave it off in case you need more stress relief later.”

With a grin, Heather opened a desk drawer and dropped her sticky panties inside. “Maybe I should.”



Sitting at his desk, Sean was taking a tongue lashing from Fast Eddie. “You fucking idiot!” Eddie shouted at Sean. “How could you go to that place and take a strap-on up your ass? I know you enjoyed it, but man, how stupid can you be? You know those places are wired for video. How do you plan to deny it happened when color photos are released?”

“I shouldn’t have to worry about that,” Sean answered. “Heather was in the room next to me getting the same thing I was. She can’t attack me with something she did as well.”

“You really are a moron!” Eddie shouted as he slapped himself on the forehead. “Did you see the news last night? Alexa has put herself back in the race for Mayor. Heather isn’t going to attack you, but Alexa will.”

“How would Alexa even know about it?” Sean replied weakly. “Did she really say she was back in the race?”

“Why don’t you take your dick out of your hands and watch the news sometime! Alexa was all over the news last night. I’ve heard today that the Police Commissioner is going to back her.”

“That’s not good,” Sean muttered. “Why do you think she knows about me going to that place?”

“Good lord, man. Alexa knows about everything. She has spies all over town. She’s probably fucked half of the men in town that have any power. She’ll know, Sean. She’ll know.”

“Do we have any dirt on her?”

“We’ll need something big,” Fast Eddie said as he paced around the room. “We’ll need something damned big.”



As darkness was falling, Bob Anderson drove past the home of Maria Cortez, the wife of the late Jesse Cortez. He parked his car in front of the house next door and got out after making sure that no one had followed him. He tapped lightly on the front door.

Maria opened the door and quickly ushered Bob inside. Once the door was closed, the woman turned and threw her arms around Bob’s neck. “I’m so glad you’re here,” she whispered as she kissed his face repeatedly.

“I’m sorry about Jesse,” Bob told her as pulled her against him. “Jesse was a good man and a good PI. He worked for me several times and always gave me what I wanted.”

“I didn’t want him to die like he did, but you know that I’ve always loved you,” the woman cried. “You were always good to Jesse and paid him very well. I wouldn’t have this house today without your generosity.”

“And you know I’ll take care of you, Maria. I always have and I always will.”

“You just have a weakness for brown women,” she said with a small laugh. “It’s not me. You just like hot Hispanic women.”

“Me and John Wayne,” Bob laughed. “You are my special hot tamale.”

“No one has ever made me cum like you do, Bob. I’m already wet, and you haven’t been here five minutes.”

Bob turned her around and pressed her against the front door. “I’m here to help the grieving widow,” he growled in her ear. “I plan to fuck that sweet pussy of yours until you beg me to stop.”

Pushing her ass back against his growing cock, Maria snarled, “I’ll take your big cock all night long if you can stay that long. I’ve never been able to get enough of you.”

Bob’s large hands came around her body and clutched her breasts. “I may just fuck these big titties and cum on your face. Would you like that?”

“You know I love that,” she said in a deep, husky voice. “You are the only man that has ever cum in my mouth, and I love it.”

“Has any other man ever cum in your ass?”

“You know my ass belongs to you,” she said as she rubbed it against his pants.

“You have such a great ass, Maria. But now that Jesse is gone, maybe you can shave your pussy for me.”

Maria twisted around. “If that’s what you want, Bob, I’ll do it. But I couldn’t when Jesse was alive. He would have known that I was fooling around with someone. He always liked my bush.”

Bob reached down putting a hand between her legs. “This is mine now, and I think bald is beautiful.”

“Are you going to take me every day like you used to say?”

“As much as possible,” he said with a grin as he began unbuttoning her blouse. “And you’re going to learn to be my greedy little whore. You’re going to tell me what you want. We won’t be playing any games, Maria. We are together for sex.” Bob pulled off her blouse and tossed it aside.

“No games, Bob,” she told him. Maria was beginning to pant in anticipation of what she knew was going to happen. “I’m your whore, Bob. Use my body as you want.”

He removed her bra, letting it drop to the floor. His hands came up and grasped her large, brown breasts. “These are mine now,” he growled. “No one else gets them unless you have my permission. Agreed?”

“Yes, Bob,” she gasped. “Whatever you want. Whatever you say.”

Bending over, Bob pulled her slacks down to her ankles before he ripped her panties off and tossed the torn pieces of fabric behind him. Once again he took her sex in his hand and squeezed it. “Who’s pussy is this?”

“It’s yours, Bob. It belongs to you,” Maria moaned as she looked up to his eyes. She could see the fire and passion that she had known before. Maria was both happy and afraid at the same time. Her skin was tingling with excitement as she felt one of his fingers slide into her abundant wetness.

“Now tell me what I’m going to do with it,” he demanded.

“You’re going to fuck it, Bob. As much as you want. It belongs to you.”

“When I’m around you’ll wear skirts, understand? I don’t want anything covering this sweet pussy. It’s mine, and I’ll take it when I want it.”

“Yes, Bob,” she whimpered. “Do you want it now, baby? Do you want to bend me over the couch and fuck me like your private whore? Do you want me to get on my knees and suck that big, beautiful cock of yours? I’ll make you happy, Bob.”

Still holding her crotch tightly, Bob smiled at her. “Sure, baby. I want all of those things. I’m gonna fuck that beautiful ass of yours too. But first, we’re gonna shave this hairy pussy clean. I want to put my face between your legs and eat this sweet pussy until you scream. But first I want it bald.”

Maria showed her white teeth as she smiled up at her new master. “Anything you want, Bob. Are you going to shave me?”

“Who else?” he laughed.

As Maria began to walk away, Bob grabbed her from behind, pulling her naked body against his. “You are so fucking beautiful, Maria. You make my cock so hard it hurts.”

The woman turned around, pressing her full breasts against his chest. “Then let me take away your pain, my love.” She dropped to her knees and began to open his trousers. When his stiff cock was in her face, she grinned up at him as she wrapped her fingers around the shaft. She slowly stroked it and kissed the tip. “I want you to cum in my mouth.”

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“What if I want to cum on your pretty face?”

Maria gave him a wicked grin. “I would like that too.” She put the head of his cock into her mouth, running her tongue around it and moaning. “I love the way you taste.” Maria tried to swallow his cock, but it was just too large. She was only able to get a little more than the head inside her mouth. She stroked it with one hand as took as much of it as she could.

By the time that Bob had emptied his balls into her mouth, it was completely dark outside. The quietness of the darkness had consumed Maria’s neighborhood. But the fun inside her house was just beginning.

By 10:00 Maria had been shaved and fucked twice. She was exhausted, but also quite satisfied. Bob was a great lover. Despite all of his posing as a dominant man, he was actually very concerned about her feelings and desires. He could be very demanding, but he always brought her to more orgasms than she had ever expected.

Bob was in her bathroom, cleaning up. “I’m sorry I have to leave, Maria. But I still have some things to do. You know that Heather is running for Mayor and she needs my help.”

Coming into the bathroom naked, Maria put her arms around Bob’s middle. “When are you coming back to soothe my need for a big white cock?”

Bob laughed. “BWC? I thought only Big Black Cocks mattered.”

“I’m sure they’re very nice,” she grinned, “But I prefer mine white.”

“I promise you’ll get all you want, my little jumping bean. Old Bob is going to take care of you.”

“Are you always going to make me talk dirty to you?” she asked.

“Probably so,” she said as he leaned over to kiss one of her nipples. “I like it when you demand that I fuck you harder and deeper.”

“I just say what I’m feeling,” she said as she kissed his chest.

“I’ll be here tomorrow night,” he told her as he patted her bottom. “I think I’ll want to sit on the couch and let you ride me. I like to watch your tits bounce when you fuck me.”

Grinning she said, “You just like to see my face when I cum. It makes you feel powerful.”

“That’s true,” he laughed as he ran a comb through his hair.

They moved into the bedroom so that Bob could get dressed. Maria got on the bed and teased him as she ran her fingers over her sex. Just before he put on his jacket, Maria saw that he put a pistol into a shoulder holster.

“Oh my god, Bob. Why are you carrying a gun?”

“I’ve been doing this for about six months now,” he told her as he pulled his jacket. “I got my concealed carry license about a year ago. Not everyone in this town is friendly, you know? Maybe if Jesse had a gun on him, he wouldn’t be dead today.”

“Jesse never thought he needed a gun. You know he did some time in Iraq. He always said he had kicked in enough doors looking for the bag guys and didn’t want to have to carry a gun ever again.”

“Looks like he was wrong,” Bob said as he looked in the mirror to see that everything was in place. He checked to make certain that his gun was not showing through his coat. The walking over to the bed, Bob bent over to kiss Maria. As he did, his fingers drifted through her slit and covered her clit. “There will be more tomorrow, Maria. Remember, nothing covers this sweet pussy. I expect it to be wet and ready when I show up.”

“I’m always ready when you show up, Bob,” she grinned and kissed him again.

“I’ll be going out the back door,” he told her. “You just stay right where you are. Maybe you should go online and pick out some sex toys you’d like to have. I know that Jesse didn’t like you using toys, but I do. I plan to be entertained while you use them on yourself.”

“I like the way you want to be entertained, Bob.”

“You stay in bed, precious,” he said as he touched her cheek. “Send me a text whenever you have another orgasm. I’d like to know when you’ve needed to play.”

“Yes, sir,” Maria said as she dropped down on the bed, running her hands over her breasts.


Maria heard her back door open and close. She snuggled into the bed and laughed when her fingers found two wet spots on her bed sheets. Smiling, Maria twisted one of her nipples as she began to replay the events of the night.

From outside her home, Maria heard a man’s voice shout, “Hey! What the fuck are you doing?”

Almost at once she heard a gunshot and then two more. Maria jumped out of bed scrambling for her robe. As she ran to her front door, she was screaming, “Bob! Bob!” She started to turn on her front porch lights but decided against it. Opening the door just a crack, Maria peeked out, spotting Bob lying in the grass of her front yard.

Smashing open her screen door, Maria dashed out into the yard to get to Bob. In a panic, she fell on the grass beside his stretched out body screaming, “Bob! Are you hurt? Are you Okay?”

Bob was on his stomach with his hands stretched out in front of him holding his handgun. Turning his head toward Maria, he answered her. “Yeah, I’m good, but that guy isn’t.”

Maria turned toward where his gun was pointing and saw a man with his face pressed against the pavement directly behind Bob’s car. “Who is that?” she asked

“I don’t know,” Bob answered. “When I came out he was trying to get into the trunk of my car. I yelled at him, trying to scare him off. But the bastard wheeled around and pulled out a gun. He shot twice. I dropped to the ground and fired two shots at him. It looks like at least one of my shots got the target.”

“Were you hit?” Maria asked, still highly alarmed.

“I got nicked,” he reported. “The son of a bitch ripped a hole in my suit jacket.”

“Fuck your clothes!” Maria shouted. “Are you wounded?”

“Nah, baby, I’m fine.” Then turning back he said, “But now I’ve got to go see if I killed the bastard. Go into the house and call the cops. Tell them there’s been a shooting in front of your house. Don’t tell them that you know anyone involved in the shooting. You are just a concerned citizen reporting a crime.”

As Maria started to run back inside, Bob called her, “Hey. After you call them, put some clothes on. The sight of your hot body might distract the cops.”


While waiting for the police to arrive, Bob sauntered toward the body, keeping his gun out and ready. He kicked the gun out of the man’s hand before he bent down to check his pulse. “He’s a dead duck,” Bob said aloud.

Feeling around the man’s pockets, he first found a thumb drive in the shirt pocket. Bob gave it a quick look before dropping it in his own shirt pocket. Checking the dead man’s pants’ pockets, Bob found a wallet. Opening it, he found a driver’s license. Comparing the face in the photograph with the body, Bob agreed the permit belonged to the dead guy.

Looking around, Bob could see that some of the neighbors were now outside in their yards, keeping a safe distance. “Cory Dindot,” Bob read on the license. “But not from this city.”

Looking in the back of the wallet, Bob found about five hundred dollars in cash, but nothing else other than a gasoline credit card with the name Cory Dindot. “What the fuck were you doing in my car?” he said to the corpse.

Just then a police cruiser pulled up behind Bob. He slowly and carefully stood, placing his handgun on the trunk of his car and his hands in the air.

Two officers jumped out of their car with their guns drawn. “Did you shoot him?” the first policeman asked.

“I did,” Bob answered. “That’s my gun on the trunk of the car,” he said pointing with his nose, his hands still in the air. “I was just looking for some ID on this guy.”

“Is he dead?” the second officer asked.

“Looks like it to me,” Bob replied. “The son of a bitch was trying to break into my car. I yelled at him to stop, but he just turned around and fired two shots in my direction. One of the shots nicked my sleeve.”

The first officer picked up Bob’s gun before leaning over to pick up the dead man’s weapon lying on the pavement.

“Don’t get those guns mixed up,” Bob told the policeman while holding his hands up. “Mine is the SIG Sauer.” Bob noticed that the other gun was a Glock 9mm. As the second policeman searched the body, the first one asked Bob, “What’s your name?”

“I’m Bob Anderson. I had been visiting a friend and saw this guy trying to break into my car.”

“Mr. Anderson is a pretty good shot,” the kneeling cop said. “One bullet caught this guy in the shoulder, and the other one clipped him right between the eyes.”

“Are you lucky or good?” the first policeman asked.

“A little of both,” Bob replied. “Can I take my hands down now?”

“Sure,” the first cop said. “I’ll need to see some ID.”

Bob took out his wallet and handed the cop his driver’s license.

“This your correct address?” the officer asked.

“Yep. I’ve lived there about twenty years.”

“By any chance are you married to the woman running for Mayor?”

“I would be her husband.”

Standing up the second cop asked, “What were you doing in this neighborhood. You’re a long way from where you live.”

“I came to see the woman in that house,” Bob answered as he pointed to Maria’s door. “I’ve known her and her husband for many years, and I came by to pay my respects to the widow.”

“Her old man Jesse Cortez?” the first officer asked.

“Yeah. Jesse worked for me several times. He was a good man.”

Just then an ambulance pulled up beside Bob’s car. Two men jumped out.

“No need to be in a hurry,” said the second officer. “Our perp here is quite dead.”

The first policeman leaned over to inspect the tear on Bob’s jacket. “Looks to me like you got lucky.”

“Yes I did,” Bob responded. “Are you going to need me to go to your station to make a statement?”

“Yes sir,” the second cop said. “Do you know this guy?” he asked pointing at the body.

“Nope,” Bob told the man. “Never seen him in my life.”

By this time the men in the ambulance had put the body on a gurney and put it in the rear of their vehicle. Walking over, the second officer gave the rescue squad drivers the information from the dead man’s wallet.

“If you don’t mind, Mr. Anderson, we’ll ask you to follow us to our station. We’ll have some forms to fill out.”

“I completely understand,” Bob replied casually. “This wasn’t exactly in my plans for the evening, but I’ll do what I can to help you.”


It was well after 2:00 AM when Bob got home. Heather was waiting up for him when he walked into their kitchen.

“Bob, honey. Are you alright?” she asked noticing the rip in his coat sleeve.

“Oh sure,” he answered with a grin. “A bad guy took a shot at me and almost missed. On the other hand, I didn’t miss and had to give a statement to the cops. Pour me a scotch, will ya babe. I’ve got something here I want to take a look at.”

Walking into his study, Bob sat down behind his desk and turned on his computer. Just as Heather walked into the room with his drink, Bob had opened the thumb drive he had taken from the man who shot at him.

“Let’s see what we have here?” he asked.

“What do you have, Bob?” his wife inquired.

“It’s a thumb drive I took from the shitbird that tried to shoot me. It appears to have a great many photographs and at least one video. Let’s open this video and see what we have. Maybe it will give us a clue to who this guy was.”

As the video started, they could tell that the camera was located high above a desk. Two women were talking when quite suddenly one of the women embraced the other.

“What the fuck is this?” Bob asked.

It took Heather another thirty seconds to realize it was the video made of her and Trish having sex in her office. She was too upset to say a word. Heather waited for her husband to figure out who was in the picture.

“I don’t know who they are,” Bob finally said, “But they were having one hell of a good time. I guess this punk was in the business of trying to blackmail people.” Turning off the video, Bob turned and looked at his wife. “How was your day? The campaign running well?”

“Yes, sure,” Heather muttered. “I’m just glad you’re home and not hurt.”

“Oh babe, I’m all good. You don’t need to worry about old Bob. I had some good training years ago in the Army, and I can take care of myself.” After taking a long pull from his drink, Bob looked at his wife. “You’re looking pretty good, sugar lips. Maybe you should consider giving an old man a ride to settle his nerves.”

Moving beside her husband, Heather took his hand and put it under her nightgown to touch her bare breasts. “I think a ride sounds good,” she cooed. “I need a little stress relief myself.”

“It’s too bad the person making that film didn’t have a zoom lens. Otherwise, we could have had some porn to get us going.”

Heather pulled her nightgown off and pressed both of her breasts against the sides of her husband’s face. “You’ve never needed any porn to get your motor running, my dirty old man husband. You sure as hell didn’t need any to get that big cock of yours hard when I was still a teenager. You think you can still get it up?”

Bob had a momentary thought that after spending over two hours in bed with Maria, he might have a little problem. But as soon as Heather dropped to her knees and began rubbing her hands over his crotch, he knew he would be ready and eager.

Heather pulled his large penis out of his slacks and grinned at him as she stroked it. “I’m so glad you weren’t hurt tonight,” she said with a smile. “It’s been a long time since you’ve cum on my face.”

“It has been a while,” he said with a grin. “But maybe I’ll just cum in your mouth.”

“I’d like that too,” she replied before taking the head of his cock into her mouth.

Bob stood, pulling his naked wife to her feet. “Since it so late, why don’t we just take this to the bedroom? When we’re finished, we can just fall asleep.”


Twenty minutes later a naked Heather came back inside her husband’s study. She could hear her husband snoring when she sat in his chair and turned on the computer. The taste his semen was still in her mouth when she opened the thumb drive. Looking carefully she found copies of all the photographs that she and Sean had received. Digging deeper she found a deposit record from an offshore bank account in the name of Cory Dindot. Magnifying the record, she could easily see that the deposits had been made by Alexa Grey.

Checking properties on the small drive, Heather noticed there was another folder. Opening it, she found three more videos. The first one showed a masked woman fucking her with a strap-on. The second was her opponent, Sean, taking a strap-on up his ass and enjoying it. To her surprise, the third was a video of her husband fucking Alexa’s ass in what appeared to be the Mayor’s office. The last video made it seem that Alexa was being raped, but Heather knew that couldn’t be the case.

“Alexa, you stinking cunt!” Heather snarled. “Your fucking days are numbered!” It suddenly became quite clear who was behind the blackmail threats and how Alexa planned to win the election.

Heather turned the computer off and pulled the thumb drive from its port. Walking into the kitchen, she found her handbag and dropped the small device into a zippered pocket.

Turning off the lights and returning to her bedroom. Heather could only smile as she wondered if she should wake Bob up and ride his face.



So far in this series,

Dirty Tricks Chapter1 by Andrea Detroit & Ping


Dirty Tricks Chapter2 by Ping


Dirty Tricks Chapter3 by writingvixen


Dirty Tricks Chapter4 by WannabeWordsmith


Dirty Tricks Chapter5 by Milik_the_Red


Dirty Tricks Chapter6 by Darkside


Dirty Tricks Chapter 7 by Andrea Detroit


Dirty Tricks Chapter 8 by ChrisM


Many thanks for the fine editing of ChrisM



Written by JefferyB
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