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Dirty Tricks, Chapter 6

"Sex, subterfuge and politics make for strange bedfellows."

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‘Damn it!’

Trish scowled at the night. She was frustrated and couldn't sleep. Each time she closed her eyes that morning's fortuitous rendezvous with Heather replayed in steamy detail. Fingers, scents, and wet pussies. Lips, tastes, and tongues. Instead of relaxed and sleepy, Trish was hot and bothered, and she now had to deal with it.

She reached for her laptop and drafted a message to Dylan, her private club's manager. He'd understand. Even though Trish didn't provide him with much detail, only very specific instructions, he'd make it happen.

She re-read her email.

They'd never suspect her. Why would they? She was on Heather's side. In it to win it. But why not take advantage of the situation? Just like old times. This might be exactly what Heather needed right about now. And maybe then, she'd have told her.

Earlier, Trish berated herself for snooping, but was now glad that she had. Heather is being blackmailed with those fucking pictures. Heather becoming mayor was in serious jeopardy and Trish was pissed that her friend had not confided in her, her goddamned campaign manager. That's just bullshit. But she could fix this, or at least, part of it.

For one last proofing, Trish re-read the email, and sent it. This was an opportunity she couldn't afford to miss. And as an added bonus, she'd exact some festering vengeance on her fuckwit twin brother, Sean.


Heather switched on the television as she drank her morning coffee. The news flooded the screen with the night’s murders. It was always the same thing every day; gang warfare at its best. The particularly gruesome murder of a man at the pier caught her attention and she shook her head in despair. Noticing the time, she quickly drank her coffee before leaving for the campaign office. Poor bastard, she thought. This was exactly the sort of thing that she was determined to change once she got elected.

Heather picked up the stack of mail on her desk as soon as she entered the room. Sifting through the letters, she tossed the ones that needed no further attention back onto the desk. A white A4 manilla envelope addressed to her had caught her attention. She opened it with her silver letter opener and pulled the single sheet from the inside.

‘You are cordially invited to attend Club TiMiDi on…’

Heather started to throw it on the desk with the rest of them until she glanced at the writing in bold.

Your presence is not optional if you want the images to go away – if you’re a good girl that is!

The letter continued.

‘Arrive at 7:30 precisely. Proceed to reception and await your instructions. We do hope you take up this generous offer. Do not discuss this with anyone, otherwise, the deal is off.’

Heather was still staring at the letter when the phone rang. By the time she answered it, it had rung off.

Heather was more concerned that the date on the letter was for that evening and she had little time to consider her options and clear it with Bob. After a brief conversation with her husband, she rearranged her evening’s appointments. Her assistant, Sammy, also informed her that Trish had taken the day off work and so Heather settled down to campaign business.

Heather read the invitation several times, she even googled the website relating to the club and was silently impressed. It had grown to be a lot better than what she remembered. She had been there once with an old school friend; she never liked the manager, but the club was different. It was in the days of her wild experimentation into discipline. She blamed Bob for driving her to find these strange places of sexual release. In her mind, she realised that it could just be more subterfuge and would lead nowhere, but she smiled at the thought of going anyway.

Heather bit her lip, closed her eyes and let her mind drift into the past and her hand drift into her knickers.



Across town, Fast Eddie’s mouth was wide open. His cup of coffee had stopped halfway to his mouth and was getting colder by the second. He couldn’t take his eyes off the television. The police report that was playing out had grabbed his full attention. A strange coldness crept up his spine; culminating in a cold sweat that broke out on his brow. After the shock subsided, Eddie put the cup of coffee down and hurried to Sean’s campaign office.

Fast Eddie ran up the stairs to the office, managing to scoop the pile of letters on the front desk that were destined for Sean and himself as he rushed past.

Bursting into Sean’s office to the sounds of ‘what the fuck!’ was a minor inconvenience to him. He immediately stopped and gasped as he saw the blonde secretary casually sucking her boss’s cock.

“Sean, we’ve gotta talk. Now!”

Sean reluctantly motioned for Andrea to leave them alone, after all, it wasn’t like Eddie to be giving orders unless it was urgent. Tucking his slowly deflating cock back into his trousers he motioned for Eddie to take a seat.

“What’s so fucking important that it takes precedence over a blow job?”

Eddie shook his head in despair. “Does your world only revolve around what’s between your legs?”

Sean sighed. “Eddie, what’s up?”

“We’re in a bit of trouble. Did you see the news this morning?”

Sean shook his head. “Nah, it’s all full of death, evil politicians and depressing weather reports.”

“Well, Jesse was on the news this morning, seems he’s one of your deaths.”

“Who the hell is Jesse?”

“He was helping me, us – out with a problem in that office belonging to your indiscrete fuck buddy.”

Sean straightened his posture. His eyes closed as he let out a long breath. “Shit…”

“Yeah, Shit…” re-iterated Eddie. For a while, their conversation centred on the details of the murder and the task that Eddie had given Jesse.

“What did he find?” asked Sean.

“I don’t know! I haven’t received anything; by the way, these were downstairs.”

Eddie sifted through the stack of letters and handed Sean his portion. Eddie was already pacing the room and looking over Sean’s shoulder by the time he opened the white manilla envelope. Sean and Eddie read the words at the same time.

‘You are cordially invited to attend Club TiMiDi on…’

They both read through the invitation letter, especially the parts in bold.

“Bastard – the fucking bastard,” shouted Sean. “Who the hell-“

Eddie shook his head and reckoned that they were in more trouble than those stupid pictures.

Sean turned to his laptop and started typing. The all black website for Club TiMiDi appeared with the slogan scrawled underneath.

‘Club TiMiDi – Take it – Munch it – Dominate it’

Eddie smirked when he saw Sean enter the word munch into Google search. Sean then pushed the invitation letter to Eddie.

“I’m not going.”

Eddie studied the letter more closely and sighed.

“It could be a way out of this mess. I think you should go.”

“It’s a setup, Eddie – a fucking setup. Tell you what; you’re so desperate to end this blackmail, why don’t you go for me?”

“Sean, your cock got us into this mess so perhaps your arse can get us out.”

“What do you mean my arse?”

“It’s a BDSM club, Sean, you know, bondage, tying people up, ropes, spanking – do I need to go on? Besides, the invitation letter clearly states that this is a means to an end,” Eddie laughed at his pun.

Sean shook his head but remained silent.

“Come on Sean, a few mild slaps on your delicate bottom and it could all be over,” Eddie chuckled.

Sean’s sideways glance could have killed his partner. He grabbed the phone and dialed Heather’s number only to find that Eddie’s finger had immediately cancelled the call.

“You can’t, don’t jeopardize this. Come on Sean.”

The conversation once more entered the realm of murders, murderers and the unfortunate Jesse Cortez which is where it remained for most of the morning.



At precisely seven that evening, Eddie arrived at Club Timidi. Its darkened windows said a lot. A heavy set doorman was hidden part way down the corridor. Sean opened the car’s back door and got out.

“I’m doing the bare minimum, got it!” He informed Eddie as he stepped out.

Eddie laughed, probably enjoying this more than one’s barrister should. “It’ll be OK, Sean. Tomorrow, this could all be over,” he shouted as Sean slammed the door.

Secretly, Eddie doubted it, but one could never tell when it came to blackmail. He watched as Sean entered the club. With more pressing issues on his mind, Eddie remained for only a few minutes before driving off.

Sean found the reception area and gave his name. A woman dressed in a maids outfit looked at him. Her breasts fought their lacy containment. Sean couldn’t help but stare at her assets. She was extremely pretty and he considered offering her a volunteer opportunity when the receptionist interjected.

“Melanie is your maid,” the receptionist pointed to the lady next to Sean, “she will take you to room two and prepare you for your Mistress. I hope you enjoy your time with us, Sir.”

Sean threw a condescending glance in her direction but regained interest when Melanie raised her hand to show him the way.

Sean entered room two; he became aware of everything in the room that surrounded him; a fact that he failed at so miserably when he saw those photographs of Heather and himself draped over the car. His stern reflection stared back from the mirror. A set of bars adorned one of the walls with all sorts of ropes, chains, paddles and very strange looking equipment.

An intimidating pommel horse stood between Sean and the mirror.

“Please remove your clothes, Sir.”

Melanie’s polite request was accompanied by her hand pointing to the table in the corner ready to take Sean’s clothes.

“Only if you remove your top,” he replied, staring into her sexy brown eyes that were surrounded by a heavy set of eyelashes.

Melanie never hesitated; she pulled her white lace top over her shoulders and placed it on the table.

“And my bra?” her hands already grasped the front fastener and pulled it together.

Sean smirked and nodded.

Melanie revelled in letting her breasts bounce free. She placed her hands on her short skirt, without asking, and slid the fabric to the floor. The sight of her bending over to retrieve it caused a huge stir in Sean’s groin.  She placed her skirt on the table and stood smiling at him in just her knickers, hold-up stockings and heels.

“Your turn,” she smiled, slowly shaking and causing her breasts to playfully sway.

Sean’s arrogance took control and he wanted this tiny creature to see the extent of his cock and the erectile fluids that were coursing through of it. Sean stripped.

With rehearsed professionalism, Melanie directed him towards the horse and positioned him over the soft leather fabric. She quickly clamped his ankles to the back legs and he surprisingly complied with her wishes when asked to lower his hands to the front pair of legs. After they were cuffed, Melanie arranged his stiff cock so that it was pointing downwards but its stiffness struggled against the leather horse. Melanie gave it a few strokes; mainly to tease it. Silently, she marveled at its size. She blew on his glans before letting her tongue touch the sensitive head. Melanie completed her preliminary duties by raising Sean’s head towards her breasts while tying a black scarf around his eyes; she let him wallow in the folds of her tit flesh while she waited for the Mistress.

BDSM, can’t be all that bad, can it!’ Thought Sean.



At precisely seven thirty, Heather walked into Club TiMiDi. She confidently strode past the bouncer inside the door and onto the reception area; placing her hands firmly on the table. Heather was so taken by the tall and gorgeous blonde that greeted her that she never heard the receptionist ask her name.

“Heather Anderson,” she finally said.

“Ms. Anderson, Jennie is your maid,” the receptionist smiled, pointing to the blonde.

Heather stepped in closer, stroked the girl’s cheek before kissing her soft red lips. “Glad to make your acquaintance,” she smiled.

“Jennie will take you to room one and prepare you for your Mistress. I hope you enjoy your time with us, Ms. Anderson. I’m sure you will.”

Heather winked at the receptionist and followed Jennie to room one; never once taking her eyes off the woman’s bottom.

Heather entered the room and studied it; as much as her eyes would let her. The darkness intimidated and excited her. She noticed the pommel horse, the chains, ropes and the canes that were neatly stacked on the opposite wall. The riding crop caused a thrill to ripple across her sex; triggering her mind to rush forward into scenarios that she so desperately wanted to replay.

“Please, may I have your clothes?”

Heather removed her top and skirt. She handed Jennie her clothes, which Jennie neatly folded before placing them on the table.

“I’d like to keep these on,” said Heather, indicating her suspender belt, stockings and heels. Jennie said that would be acceptable.

Heather was then bound to the pommel horse and blindfolded; her legs now elegantly splayed to each side. Heather’s sex quickly moistened in the darkest anticipation of what was to come.



As per the manager’s request, Alexa arrived at Club TiMiDi; her long leather coat hiding her secret attire underneath. Dylan had invited Alexa as per Trish’s request, seeing as they all knew how much she adored virgin material.

“Is Danny here?”

“Not tonight Mistress A.”

“Who do you have for me?”

“A new gentleman, in room two, Mistress.”

Alexa nodded and removed her coat to reveal a full leather bodice and thigh high boots. She handed her coat to the receptionist.

“What’s the brief?”

“None Mistress, the world is your oyster and these two instructions only.”

Alexa read the note. A smile spread across her face before she started laughing.

“Everything to be mirrored, yummy. Who’s my accomplice?”


“Good!” Alexa nodded. “What’s the safe word?”

“None was provided, Mistress.”

“Right, best get going then.”

Alexa raised the full face leather mask to her face; it wouldn’t be proper to be recognised in a club like this, not with her position in society. In the short time it took to walk to room two her demeanour had changed; there would be no mercy, not tonight.



Mistress T stepped into room one dressed in leather; her nipples forced their way through the tight peepholes in her top. Her pussy sucked in the tight fabric around her groin; giving her a wonderful feeling of superiority. The first thing she saw was Heather’s pert bottom.

“Good evening, Mistress T. I’m afraid she’s already dripping wet and excited,” said Jennie in a sultry tone.

Mistress T nodded as she approached Heather and slid her finger along her puffy lips; letting it slowly sink between them before she lifted it to her mouth. Heavenly, she thought.

Heather sucked in a deep breath as she felt the intrusion. “My Mistress approves,” said Jennie, directing her words into Heather’s ears.

Heather let out a prolonged sigh and rolled her head from side to side. How long had it been since she was told what to do? Too long, she thought, far too long.  Heather clenched her bum and pussy; causing shivers to course through her body. She shuddered when a hand caressed her bottom; taking its time to circle around her buttocks; pressing and squeezing her soft flesh. A fingernail scraped along her spine causing her to squirm underneath its touch.  Then hands encased her face, raising her head in the process.

Heather caught the scent of sweet pussy and licked her lips. Jennie saw this and pulled Heather into her pool of smooth moistness. As soon as Heather’s tongue touched the sweet treasure trove of liquid honey, she lurched forward and grunted in sudden shock.

The forceful slap on Heather’s bottom was enough to cause the pommel horse to move. A second and third slap finally elicited a loud cry from Heather’s lips. As soon as she cried out, Heather’s mouth was thrust back into Jennie’s dripping pussy.

Heather remembered the past when she felt a tap-tap-tapping on her pussy lips. At first, it was a couple of fingers, but later she could feel the cold tap of leather. The sort of hard leather that forms the end of riding crops; the same riding crop she had spied on the wall when she walked in.

Heather’s lips were coated in a sweet and sticky fluid, her bum was stung and glowed from the short spanking, her own pussy was melting with expectation and her nipples reacted like they were encased in blocks of ice. Heather immediately lost herself in the moment; she remembered the pussy spanking that Bob administered all those years ago when he opened her sexual world.

Heather found herself on a cloud so high that she couldn’t give it a number. With the leather crop teasing her from behind and her mouth affixed to the pussy in front, Heather was blissfully unconcerned about anything else. There was only one thing missing, a hot cock up her bottom. Heather started to moan when the riding crop slipped forward; its shaft guided by Mistress T along the entire length of her soaked crack. Pleasure and her mind were taking control of her body.

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Heather yelped when the riding crop fell across her bare bottom. She yelped again at the second contact but this time it was quickly followed by a finger slipping into her cunt. She cried out in abject pleasure.

“Mistress is not pleased, you should not have cried out so loud,” whispered Jennie, in a condescending tone.

Heather nodded. Her senses tried to second guess what would happen next but she was too far gone to think ahead. She wanted her bottom spanked, her pussy filled and her anus taken by these two women. Heather’s feelings had been suppressed for far too long. Her senses were about to overload with the sheer pleasure of it all.

Heather cried out again before she felt the impact. She had heard the swish of the cane and knew instantly that it would hurt. The hot aftermath spread across her bottom and her pussy became inflamed with the afterburn. Fingers clawed at her sex as the cane came down on her bottom. Heather knew there was no way out of this dilemma. She knew that every time she cried out she would get caned.

Jennie’s soft words only caused Heather to cry out more. “If you don’t stop this outburst, you will get fucked.” Heather’s senses tripped into overload at the suggestion.  

To her surprise, Heather’s blindfold was removed. Lights were switched on that prevented any reflections from the mirror that Jennie instructed her to look into. Heather raised her head and watched as her face squeezed and twisted its features as she cried out with each strike of the cane. Her teeth gritted and she grunted with the pain. Yet she didn’t want it to stop. Not for a second.

Mistress T gazed lovingly at the same bottom that she was holding in her hands the day before. But still, the cane came down on it – hard.

Heather continued to scream.

And that’s for leaving me all that time ago,’ thought Mistress T.

Another swish and the fast whiplash of the cane made its mark. The heat spread outwards across Heather’s bottom while Jennie’s fingertip clawed at Heather’s sex; circling her clit.

And that’s for fucking that twat of a brother, you whore!’ thought Mistress T.

“You want to cum, don’t you?” asked Jennie.

Heather nodded, her breathing rapid and intense.

“Keep looking in the mirror.”

Heather stared into the mirror. The lights seemed to be centred on her which prevented her from seeing anything from the darkened room behind. All she could make out was a person standing at the other end of the pommel horse.

A loud swish announced the arrival of the cane once more.

And that’s because I love you so badly.

More strikes caused her to cry out even louder.

Mistress T shouldn’t have done it, but she couldn’t resist. It is not something a Mistress does to her willing subjects. Please them, that is. Yet, Mistress T knelt behind Heather and dipped her tongue into her wet and creamy pussy.

The scent.

The flavour.

The silkiness of her folds.

She knew those sensations all too well. Within seconds of her tasting Heather, she knew that she would have to take her. Make her come.

Heather loved the oral onslaught. She could feel every slight movement on her lips and between them. Her bum hummed and throbbed with a heat that invaded every part of her lower regions. She could feel her climax build and she hoped that her Mistress would not stop. Close. So close. Heather dared not open her eyes, for to do so would be tantamount to losing her concentration. It hit her cunt first, then her pussy oozed, then she clenched her stomach muscles and tensed her whole body; her lower region struggled to come away from the pommel horse. Finally, her legs shook as she came hard.

When Heather finally opened her eyes she found they had been thrown wide open with shock as she looked through the mirror to the room beyond. To that face! To those features that had caused her so much grief.

Her mouth fell open. She panted and shook her head in despair and disbelief. She felt a stiff erect strap-on slide over her pussy; for lubrication, it seemed, before it was aimed at her anus and unceremoniously pushed all the way inside her tight sheath. Heather cried out once more and broke the vow of silence yet again. This time it was deliberate.

“Yes, fuck my arse,” she cried out as she looked into the eyes of her adversary.



Mistress A entered room two to the sounds of slobbering. On approaching the pommel horse she could see Melanie on her haunches with her client’s head between her breasts.

Melanie pulled back and wiggled her breasts as Mistress A came into view. It was a sight that Alexa never tired of in all the time she had been to the club. The people, the venue – it all offered complete anonymity, or so she thought.

“I have him ready for you, Mistress.”

Mistress A nodded. She looked at the bottom before her and in an instance selected the leather straps which she knew would not hurt that much. It seemed, at first glance, like a bottom that did very little, other than let the owner talk out of it.

Had she known who the owner was, she would have been right.

Mistress A let her finger trace over her client’s spine and down his back. She contemplated shoving a finger up his arse but allowed her hand to cup his balls instead as they so rudely pushed outward from the pommel horse. His cock was stiff as it forced itself into the leather fabric. With her eyes, Mistress A instructed Melanie to join her.

Melanie rounded the pommel horse and knelt underneath it. With her head coming up from below she let her lips encroach upon Sean’s cock, licking the head before placing it between her lips.

An elicited groan left Sean’s mouth as he felt the slippery sensations.

Sean almost screamed as the flailing leather straps contacted the entire breadth of his bottom. Several more strikes of the leather straps were coordinated effortlessly with Melanie sucking hard on the end of his dick. Sean didn’t know whether to cry or come; each sensation played out differently in his mind.

Mistress A thrashed the straps across his bottom for the last strike; Melanie’s lips slid over Sean’s cock, around his balls and between the crack of his arse before transferring delicate kisses to his sore cheeks.

Sean had to admit that the feeling was not all that unpleasant. In fact, he could get used to this BDSM stuff, he thought.

Melanie broke off from kissing Sean’s backside but not before a well-oiled finger was inserted into his anus. Mistress A and Melanie haughtily smiled at the intrusion but it came as quite a shock to Sean to find that something had entered the wrong way. His eyes widened in horror. His mouth opened wide and the groan that left his lips came across as a worrying vulnerability; one that he knew he had no control over.

Even though the sudden swish of the cane shook him to his very core, he found himself relieved that the finger had been removed. Sean reminded himself to have firm words with Eddie when, if-, he got out of this room alive.

Three more strikes of the cane and Sean was on the verge of tears. His naivety, and his arrogance, had caused him to stiffen and clench his bottom; never once realising that stiffening always hurt more.

Mistress A and Melanie took their pleasure in turn. Preparing him.

One strike to his backside.

One oiled finger slipping into his anus.

One strike to his backside.

One finger slipping in once, then twice.

“Mistress, it seems he’s enjoying this far too much.”

Melanie’s sarcasm was completely lost on Sean. But it did cause Alexa to look down at the end of Sean’s cock; a cock that had remained stiff. Pre-cum dripped from its end and onto the floor. Alexa was uncertain whether it was caused by the fingering or the caning, but it did not matter.

“Shall I lick it clean, Mistress?”

Mistress A nodded.

Melanie bent down to suck the cream from the end of Sean’s dick and the sensation pushed him to the verge of release. She rested her tongue on the end of his slit as her finger once more pressed its way inside; sucking and thrusting in unison.

Sean’s cock seemed to undergo an out-of-body experience. By the time she removed her finger, pre-cum was dribbling out of the end. Melanie’s hand reached forwards and spread it all over the end of his cock, onto his shaft and balls; lathering him in his own man juices.

Melanie raised herself from the floor and walked around the pommel horse. She bent down briefly to offer her tits to his welcoming gaze just before she removed the blindfold.

“Look in the mirror,” she instructed.

Sean looked upwards, but could only see his own reflection in the lights that shone onto him.  His gaze then shifted from the mirror to Melanie’s tits. The thought of pushing his cock into her cunt now possessed him.

Melanie rose from her position and flipped a switch to the side of the mirror as she moved around the pommel horse; caressing Sean’s backside as she did so.

Sean suddenly heard a scream but couldn’t quite place where it came from. He searched to his left and then right but all he could see was darkness. He felt a finger wiggling on the edge of his anus.

Then with utter shock, he looked into the glass window in front of him; the same glass window that was previously a mirror; the cross polarisation, cancelled through the action of the switch allowing the light from the adjacent room to flood through. It wasn’t the what that shocked him. It was the who that was in the other room.

Her screams flooded from the Bang and Olufsen speakers on either side of the mirror, no expense spared, he thought. Her mouth formed a wide ‘O’ in response to the cane that he could just about make out as it struck her backside.

 “What do you think should happen to her next?” asked Melanie, rather too politely.

“Can she see me too?”

“Oh! Yes. Definitely. When she opens her eyes that is!”

Sean closed his eyes and shook his head. This wasn’t happening to him. Not him, and not with her. But he was powerless to change any of it. The humiliation was too much, ‘this is all Eddie’s fucking fault,’ he raged.

“Fuck it!” he snapped at Melanie, “someone should fuck her arse.”

The next voice Sean heard was, in fact, Heather’s instructions telling someone behind her to fuck her arse.

“We thought you would say that,” smiled Melanie, before she started giggling. “You do realise that this is a mirrored room don’t you?”

The meaning of Melanie’s words took a while to fully penetrate his thoughts. Unlike Mistress A’s strap-on that was inches from penetrating his bottom. Her left hand grabbed his waist and she pushed slowly into the depths of Sean’s anus. A satisfied smile crossed her face, yet she would have leapt for joy had she known who she was really fucking.

Sean looked into Heather’s eyes; shock and horror were written all over his face. He didn’t. Couldn’t. Dare not scream while she watched, that would give the game away. Instead, he closed his eyes and let it happen. His mind was dreading the penetration but his cock, his cock was dripping from the excitement.

Heather and Sean seemed to be equally horrified at seeing each other strapped and punished in their individual rooms. But Sean quickly realised that while one of them was secretly dreading the carnage, the other was living it up.

Heather’s facial expression exuded pleasure. Her smile was telling several stories that he had never before witnessed, certainly not while he had fucked her. He made a mental note to tell her how wonderful she looked with a cock up her arse, especially as she was asking to be fucked harder.

The grunts and groans that came from her mouth soon after, belied her pleasure.

Mistress A had heard the same words quite clearly and thrust her own strap-on all the way inside Sean’s anus. She fucked her client, pulling on his waist with both hands as she ravaged his arse.

Sean started babbling, he couldn’t be seen to, she couldn’t be seen to witness this...

Heather finally saw Sean’s uncomfortable grimace and though she couldn’t see any further into the room, she realised that someone, probably a woman, would be behind him.

Heather giggled, ‘the fucker’s getting a dose of his own medicine,’ she thought.

“Fuck my arse as hard as you can – make me cum.”

Her words caused Sean to close his eyes and lower his head while Heather took the strap-on but giggled inside at his dilemma. In the adjoining room, Mistress A pounded his body as she gripped his hips.

Heather had been holding back but it was time to let go. When she climaxed, both rooms knew. What Heather didn’t realise was that Sean had beaten her to it. Mistress A’s cock had a huge effect on him, and before he understood what was happening, his come had puddled on the floor. Only one thing was missing; Melanie’s lips around the end of it.  In his head, he heard the words ‘Fuck. Yeah!” but made every effort to contain them.

Sean breathed heavily and was visibly relieved when Mistress A’s strap-on was removed. It was a different story on the other side. Heather had not finished and was instructing Mistress T to keep fucking her and to bring her off again.

The whole scenario of fucking Heather and listening to her ask for more caused Mistress T to grimace; pushing, pulling and fucking her with all the force she could muster.

While Sean was being released from his bonds, Heather came a second time. She thrashed wildly, as much as she could, before her body went limp.

Heather and Sean studied each other as they regained their composure. Melanie had released Sean’s last bonds and was helped him up from the pommel horse as Jennie started to unbuckle Heather’s wrists. Both maids assisted their clients to their respective changing rooms and left them to dress.

After a cool shower, and some soothing lotion for her backside, Heather appeared outside the changing room to be confronted with Sean, pacing up and down the corridor.

They stared at each other before Heather started to laugh.

“Don’t -” said Sean; wagging his finger. “Don’t you dare mention this to anyone, promise me!”

Heather started to laugh. “So,” Heather retorted, “you like a good cock up your arse, do you?”

Heather walked past Sean and out to the street. She stood still, closed her eyes and took a deep breath before releasing it. The cold night had a waking effect on her which heightened her senses and caused her nipples to harden.

“Where’s your car?” Heather asked.

“Don’t have one. Fast Eddie is picking me up.”

“Do you want a lift?”

Sean sheepishly nodded. They left the confines of Club TiMiDi and headed towards the nearby multi-storey car park.

Sean walked silently at her side, and from what Heather could see from his troubled gait that he was hurting and slightly ashamed of himself.

“Do you really think that will be the end?” he asked.

Heather never answered his question as she knew it would not be the answer he wanted to hear.

She shrugged her shoulders, “brought back some lovely memories for me. Maybe not for you,” she quipped, as she watched Sean shake his head while holding his backside.



Later that evening, Trish sifted through the images from the mirrored rooms. She looked at the images of Heather with a degree of love, lust and wishful thinking. When she looked at Sean she saw mild hatred, sympathy and the key to Heather’s winning election campaign. She revisited the images of Heather and appreciated how much Heather loved anal.

There was just one more person to tell.



Fast Eddie was parked across the street from the home of the newly widowed, Amelia Cortez. He was about to answer his cell phone when her front door opened. Eddie quickly cancelled the call and slid down in the seat to avoid detection. He carefully peered out of his window.

He couldn’t believe his eyes!

The widow was comfortably in another man’s arms – and they were kissing.

What the fuck was Bob Anderson doing at Amelia’s?



Authors Notes:

I wish to extend my thanks to Andrea and Ping for inviting me to join them. It has been an experience. Following on from some wonderful and iconic writers, I went through emotions of being scared, honoured, thrilled and excited. I have learnt so much from this journey and I thank Ping and AndreaDetroit for their time and editing skills. I sincerely hope you all enjoy chapter 6 and feel that it was worthy of your time and effort.

Dirty Tricks is a multi-part, multi-authored, character whodunnit journey created by AndreaDetroit and shared by her to some of the finest writers on Lush, We hope you enjoy the series. Thank you for reading and please, take a moment to provide us with feedback.

Discussion has begun with the authors of the next few chapters. We are welcoming authors who wish to join us on this journey. If you are a writer and would like to contribute, please contact AndreaDetroit or Ping for more details. The next chapter of Dirty Tricks will be posted in the next few weeks.

So far, in this series.

Dirty Tricks Chapter 1 by AndreaDetroit

Dirty Tricks Chapter 2 by Ping

Dirty Tricks Chapter 3 by writingvixen

Dirty Tricks Chapter 4 by WannabeWordsmith

Dirty Tricks Chapter 5 by Milik_the_Red


Written by DarkSide
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