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A Mysterious Disappearance

"A traveling business man gets caught up in a woman's disappearance and is accused of the crime."

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Tammy,  Arrived in Marksville at three. Checked into Best Western. Going to dinner then check out the casino.  Enjoy your night out with the girls. Your loving husband, Kurt.

Kurt was a tractor representative making the rounds with the dealerships. He had checked into the Best Western, unpacked, went to the bar, then text'd his wife. At six, after two martinis, Kurt sat alone at a Mexican restaurant. By seven, he was at the casino across from the hotel.

Kurt played at the blackjack table for an hour without losing more than what dinner cost. Then he moved onto the roulette table winning a couple hundred, then losing it all in the next half hour. Gambling for Kurt was merely an entertainment, and he never aspired to walk away with more in his wallet than when he started.

By ten that evening, the casino was busy. Almost every slot machine was singing its siren song. Most of the card tables were active with the sounds of chips clicking and cheers from the winners. Kurt held his third martini on his way to playing at another table.

He was feeling good about his week away from home. Business was good, and he was simply checking in with customers mainly as public relations. That evening was particularly welcome with summer on its way, a full moon, and a bit of a buzz from the martinis. All was well and about to get better.

Passing by a craps table, he stopped to watch the action. Six men were in deep concentration watching as the dice rolled down the green felt corridor. He wasn't the only spectator. A tall blond woman watched as if the game was as exciting as watching grass grow. In a word, she looked bored. She hadn't made it past her twenties, was pretty, not beautiful, but sexy in her own way.

As Kurt brushed past her, she turned to look at him and smiled. "You lookin' to get in the game?"

"Yeah, but maybe later."

"Hi, I'm Joanna."

"Hello. My name is Kurt. You having any luck?"

"Not really. Neither is my husband over there."

"Oh, and he would be which one?"

She pointed to a balding man with a scruffy beard wearing a flannel shirt.

"You never know. His luck could change," Kurt optimistically replied.

"Not usually," she said. "He comes here, drinks until he is in a stupor, and loses our grocery money. My daughter never sees her daddy. What did you say your name was?"

"Kurt. It's Kurt Dellafore."

"Are you here alone, Kurt?"

"Yes, I'm here on business."

"Business and a little fun, right Kurt?"

"What kind of fun do you mean, Joanna?"

"I don't know. Something other than with dice or cards."

"I see. Maybe something like the slots?"

"No, I was thinking more physical like baseball."


"You know, who's on first? What's on second?"

It took Kurt a few seconds to catch on. Then he said, "Can I buy you a drink?"

Joanna looked at Kurt for a moment before saying, "I'll meet you at the bar in a few minutes." Then she walked away heading for the ladies room.

At the bar, Kurt ordered another martini. His new friend, Joanna, drank gin and tonics. He said he was married and had no kids. Joanna said she had a daughter from an unexpected pregnancy when she was in high school. The father was her husband and high school teacher. Their daughter was now ten.

"I see," Kurt said moving his hand on her thigh.

Joanna put her hand on his, then said, "You catch on fast, Kurt," she said moving his hand under her dress. "But you need to take a longer leadoff if you're going to reach second."

"Perhaps I'll try to steal second," he laughed with his hand advanced further up the base path between her parted legs. "Geez, Joanna, no one is covering the base." He was playing along with her metaphor. It was his way of saying she had no panties when he touched her pussy.

"Look," she said, "I think we need to finish this game at another diamond," and she took his hand to exit the back door into the alley behind the casino. That's when she dropped to her knees, unzipped him, and took him deep in her throat.

When Kurt's cock began to twitch, Joanna turned her back to him leaning over an empty beer keg and lifted her dress. "Hit it here slugger," she urge. He immediately rammed it home sliding in safely.

They went about their business without a thought of who might be watching. "Yes, yes, yes, she moaned. "Oh my god that feels so good. Don't stop, please don't stop." Kurt had scored, and she was happy to have been his teammate. "Oh, oh, yes. Shoot your hot cum inside me. I'm cumming. Do it now!" It only took a few more seconds for them to finish the inning.

"That was the best game I've played lately," Joanna told him with a hug. "I don't get enough hard cock in me these days. You know, my husband is practically impotent. He has E.D. and can't get it up, so we never have sex. You can't imagine how good it felt for me to have jets of your cum shooting into my pussy. Jeez, you cum like a horse. I needed it. I really needed it like that. Thank you, Mr. Dellbert."

"It's Dellafore."

"Oh yes. Anyway, maybe we can do this again."

"It will have to be tomorrow. I'm leaving town tomorrow evening.

"Maybe in the morning?" she asked.

"Morning?" Maybe, sure, in the morning. I'm at the Best Western, room 317?" Kurt volunteered. "Make it eleven. I have a business appointment at nine."

"Okay, Kurt, I'll be at your hotel room at eleven. See you then," she promised and appeared to go back into the casino to join her husband while Kurt headed to his hotel for a good night's sleep.

In the morning, Kurt woke with a splitting headache and only a vague recollection of what had happened the night before. His memory was foggy, but Kurt remembered he had a business meeting at nine. The woman he had met at the casino was mostly a blur. Was her name Jean or Joan? He only remembered having too many martinis and fucking her somewhere outside in the summer air.

Kurt tried to look his best that morning, dressed in a suit and tie. The meeting was short giving him time to return to his hotel room for a nap. Undressing, Kurt closed the drapes and stretched out on the king size bed. He was awakened by a knock on the door. Kurt checked his watch. It was eleven fifteen, the time he was scheduled to have a meeting of a different kind with the woman from the casino.

Dressed only in his underwear with an emerging bulge between his legs, he opened his hotel room door to see a woman, a woman dressed like a cop. It was not the lady from the casino.

"Are you Kurt Dellafore?" she asked.

"I am. What's this about, officer?"

"My name is Sergeant O'Brien. Can we talk about where you were last night?"

"Of course. Why? Did someone rob the casino?"

"No sir. Please get dressed and we'll talk about it at the station."

"It sounds serious," Kurt replied.

"Yes sir. I'll wait in the lobby, Mr. Dellafore."

Life unfolds in mysterious ways, and Kurt never anticipated within his lifetime of being involved in an inquiry of this sort. And despite being driven to a police station in a squad car, there was one benefit. The officer was young and beautiful.

The beautiful sergeant and Kurt were met by Detective Granger at the police station. The three sat at a table with Kurt on one side and O'Brien and Granger facing him. Kurt was anxious and nervously strummed his fingers on the table. A secretary brought them coffee. Kurt was not a coffee drinker but in this case, he took a few sips while Detective Granger began.

"Mr. Dellafore, do you know a Joanna Stephens?"

"No, I don't think so."

"Sir, you were seen with her in the casino last night."

"Okay, I met a woman there. I think she said her name was Joanna, but she never said her last name."

"I see," continued the detective. "But you were with her last night?"


"What was the nature of your relationship?"

"I don't know. I met her at the craps table and we talked."

"And had a few drinks together. Isn't that right?"

"Yes, I bought her a drink, but what does that have to do with the police? She was friendly, and I am here on business. So, we had a few drinks together."

"Wasn't there more to it than a few drinks, Mr. Dellafore?"

"I don't know, maybe. As I said, Joanna is a very friendly woman. Why are you interrogating me like this?"

Mr. Dellafore, Joanna Stephens didn't arrive home last night. We're trying to find her. You were seen leaving the casino with her, and might have been the last person to have seen her."

Kurt, unsure of what to say, finally said, "Am I under arrest?"

"No, you are a person of interest, Mr. Dellafore," the gorgeous sergeant said. Kurt couldn't keep his eyes off of her. Even with a uniform, she looked like a Sports Illustrated model.

The interrogation lasted just under an hour tracing every one of Kurt's steps since he arrived in Marksville. The detective said, "Don't leave town until we have more information. It is likely we'll be asking you a few more questions until we find Joanna. Sergeant O'Brien will be keeping an eye on you to make sure you don't leave town. That'll be all for now."

Sergeant O'Brien offered to drive Kurt back to the hotel. He gladly accepted.

"Sergeant O'Brien," he said driving to the Best Western, "I very much appreciate your kindness in doing this. Can I buy you dinner after work?"

The sergeant knew it wasn't proper having dinner with a suspect, yet she felt obligated to get more information out of him. Perhaps if he was more relaxed, he would tell her the details of his encounter with Joanna Stephens. To her, it was police work and Kelly O'Brien was a dedicated officer.

They ordered dinner of burgers and fries at a family restaurant in Sternfield, less than a half hour away. Kelly had shed her uniform, and was dressed in tight jeans showing ever curve and a halter top. This time she wore makeup and her hair was styled. His dreams of fucking this young, gorgeous and sexy girl were only interrupted by reality. If only she wasn't a cop, he kept thinking.

Their conversation began in the most benign sort of way. Are you married? He said, yes; she said, no. Why are you in Marksville? He said, business; she said, it is her home town. What do you do in your time off? He said, play golf; with a twinkle in her eye and a grin, she said, "I've got my hobbies."

Kurt wondered why she joined the police force. "Well, my dad lost his life in the line of duty. After that, police work just seemed the right thing for me to do."

Then it turned to Joanna. Kelly said Joanna was a great mom and would never leave her daughter alone. Kurt asked if they had any leads. "So far, you are the only lead we have. The thing I keep asking myself," Kelly told him, "is if you are somehow involved in Joanna's disappearance, what would be your motivation? You don't have a car, so you couldn't have driven her somewhere when you left the casino."

Kurt chuckled when he said, "You have that right. I'd have no reason to get involved in the disappearance of someone I just met. I hardly knew the woman."

"But you are linked to it, Kurt. You were the last person to see her that night," she said. "Did you two have sex"

"Well, she was very friendly and had a way about her that I couldn't resist."

"So, you mean she seduced you."

"Not exactly. I would say we seduced each other. We were both horny."

Kelly said nothing for a moment. "Okay, there's something you should know. I can understand how Joanna must have felt meeting a handsome stranger like you in the casino. First, everyone in town knows her husband is a drunk and doesn't pay much attention to her or their daughter. Second, she and I are sisters."

Kurt took a deep breath, then said, "Wow. You are her younger sister?"

"Yes. We don't always agree but we're close, and we both were brought up to be friendly and open minded. That's why I know she would be willing to leave the casino with you."

"What do you mean by open minded."

"Well, my mom remarried after our dad died. It changed everything about our family. Our step dad wanted sex all the time. First it was Joanna's turn when she turned sixteen. Later, on my sixteenth birthday, Joanna whispered something in my ear during my birthday party. She said that our step-dad had given her a special present the night of her sixteenth birthday. Joanna said that dad might want to give me the same kind of gift. In fact Joanna said, she and dad had sex more than once after that.

"She was right. I was in bed when dad came into my room and gave me a kiss saying, 'Happy Birthday, Kelly'. It wasn't a father daughter kind of kiss. It was an open mouth deep kiss. I was a little scared but excited. I loved this man who had adopted our family. He was so gentle helping me out of my pajama top and kissing my nipples. It gave me tingles in my virgin pussy that I'd never felt before. I knew I wanted him. We got naked, and he was as hard as the barrel of a gun. He was so horny, he just pushed it in. Jesus, did it ever hurt. I thought I'd never have sex again, but I did, lots of times with him. It only got better.

"His son, Reggie, from dad's first marriage began living with us and our blended family grew to like having sex with each other. He had me lots of times when he wasn't fucking mom. I love Reggie. He's the only one that really gets me. I love that he is so adventurous in bed. We had family orgies when dad had been drinking or wanted to celebrate something or another. Reggie was my favorite. After that, my sister and I were never shy about having sex. I guess that means we became open minded.

"The thing is," Kelly continued, "Joanna and Reggie also spent time together. She said he was a little more physical and rough than she liked but sex with Reggie was exciting. I guess I got a little jealous when she said that. Ya know, he liked to tie us up and put hand cuffs on us. He wasn't brutal, but he did like to see us squirm.

"I didn't mind Reggie's rough ways because he was big down there and really very creative about having sex. I learned a lot from him and still do. I don't have a boyfriend, so he's kind of my go-to guy when I need company. Really, Kurt, I'm so glad we could spend some time together tonight. A lady has certain needs, even if she's a cop."

Kelly went on to tell Kurt about Reggie leaving town. He had taken a job as the school custodian and was doing more than cleaning the building. Eventually, Reggie was caught fucking one of the cheerleaders in the school bathroom.

"He had added that in his job description for over a year and finally one of the girls told her mother. There was a police inquiry after the parent called the school complaining about Reggie. The principal said it would be best for him to leave town for awhile.

"Anyway, as for Joanna, she hooked up with her teacher. Did she tell you about that?"

"Yes, Joanna mentioned an unplanned pregnancy and her daughter."

"Well, I learned from that. When teachers hit on me, I learned to say no and walk away. Maybe she told you about her husband too?"

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"Yes. She said he was her teacher, and a drunk with E.D."

"So you can see why Joanna hooked up with you. She saw a nice guy from out of town to keep her company. Kurt, I want to find Joanna. I think she ran off with someone we know. I just hope she's alright."

"So you think I didn't have a part in it."

"Well, I definitely think you had some part in my sister before her disappearance. Maybe it is a big part," Kelly giggled. "Let's say you were an interested bystander. Other than that, there isn't much to implicate you. We only know you met her, and may have been the last person to see her. We searched your hotel room and there isn't anything interesting there except some unused condoms and viagra."

After dinner, Kelly drove Kurt back to his hotel. They would be getting together in an official capacity soon and in an unofficial capacity in the near future.

That night, Kurt text'd his wife again:

My dear Tammy,

Something has come up. I have some loose ends to deal with before coming home. It might take some time. Hope all is well at home. I'll keep in touch. Your loving husband, Kurt.

The next day was warm and bright. It was shirt sleeve weather by ten that morning and by ten thirty, he was back at the police station where he found out that no one had seen Joanna. Her purse was found with her wallet intact still in the casino. Nothing appeared to be missing. It was the only piece of evidence they had along with Kurt's statements. They finger printed Kurt and took a blood sample, his picture and home address. A finger print analysis would be made the following day on the purse and its contents.

That night, Kelly invited Kurt for pizza in her apartment. He brought along a bottle of Chianti that would make a nice fit with pizza.

There was no talk of police work, Joanna, or Kurt's work as the tractor representative while they shared the wine and pizza. Hoping Kelly might have something more in mind than dinner, Kurt said, "You're beautiful and sexy, Kelly. You must have had your share of boyfriends."

"Kurt, this isn't a big town. There weren't many good choices in high school. I did pretty well for myself at the police academy but nothing permanent."

"Hmm, pretty well for yourself, meaning you had your pick of the litter."

"I guess so. Guys wanting to do police work are pretty determined and competitive with the ladies, so they took me under their wing and well, you know, we became friends."

"Yes, like friends with benefits. Is that right?"

"I guess you could say that."

"How many friends, like ten?"

"Maybe a few more."


"I really wasn't counting."


"Something like that. Guys seem to like me, but let's stop the math lesson and enjoy our dinner."

Kurt was hypnotized by her skirt as that provocatively inched up along her tempting thighs. He only nibbled at the pizza wondering why Kelly had revealed so much of her past and invited him to her place for dinner. His first thought was that it might be her attempt to gain a degree of trust and loosen his tongue to encourage him to tell where Joanna could be found. Then again, maybe she didn't want to be denied what her sister had with him behind the casino. Could she be seducing him? he fantasized. It didn't take long to find out.

Kelly cleared the table then strolled toward the bedroom pulling her sweater over her head and dropping it on the floor. As she opened the bedroom door, she reached back to unhook her bra letting her pendulous breasts fall gently on her chest. Kurt was not far behind. His dream was about to come true, but not exactly like he had imagined.

As he watched her undress, he kicked off his shoes and unbuttoned his shirt. With her panties sliding down her slim perfectly shaped legs, he was in awe of her plump round ass and modest hips. When she turned to face him, he focused on her smooth shaved pussy and amazing tits.

She gave him a wink and said, "Mr. Dellafore, I'm going to have to strip search you to see what kind of gun you're holding. She helped him unbuckle his pants and pulled down his briefs. His cock stood out as erect as a flagpole when Kelly dropped to her knees, took him between her sweet lips and down her throat.

She looked up at him and said, "You've got just the kind of concealed weapon I was looking for. I think I'm going to have to hold on to it for awhile." Then she applied her oral skills until tasting his precum.

Jumping into bed, Kelly pulled Kurt on top of her saying, "Fuck me like a whore, Kurt. Fill my hungry cunt until it bleeds cum," she demanded. Without giving it a second thought, he penetrated her slick pussy and began pounding into her hard and fast.

It seemed he couldn't bang her fast or hard enough. She kept crying out for more. "Harder, Kurt, deeper. Oh, oh, that's it. Fast, faster, fuck, fuck, fuck. I'm gonna cum. Ahh," and while having her orgasms, her body shuddered as if she was having convulsions. She was dizzy with sex.

Kurt could no longer hold back. He had his own spasms and let loose, emptying his nuts with a bucket's worth of cum in the deepest part of her slippery tunnel.

"Keep it in, Kurt. Keep it in and don't pull out," she pleaded wrapping her legs around his waist. And that's how they stayed until Kurt's dick retracted like a turtle ducking its head into its shell.

Shortly after, Kurt was sound asleep but not Kelly. She had plans for Kurt.

There was no way of knowing how long he had slept. It was a deep sleep, a sleep as if he had been drugged. His head felt heavy and woozy. A couple of glasses of Chianti wouldn't have caused the ringing in his head. But there was more. He found his hands cuffed. He was on his back with his cuffed wrists over his head and tied to the bed. Kurt's legs were bound with his legs apart and ankles tied to posts at opposite sides of the bed. He looked like a human Y.

"Did you have a nice sleep, Mr. Dellafore?" she mocked. "Remember how I said that my stepbrother, Reggie, taught me some tricks? Now I want to show you what I meant. Let's start with a little snack? You do like the taste of cum, isn't that right?"

Kurt was in a daze evaluating his situation. He felt humiliated being defenseless when Kelly sat on his head with her legs straddling his face. Her cunt was directly over his mouth when she began contracting her inner muscles to push out Kurt's cum onto his lips.

"I want you to taste my pussy and your creampie. Reggie loves to taste my pussy after he finishes with a load inside me."

Kurt had little choice as his cum began dripping from her slit. "Lick my pussy and suck my clit," she instructed. "Make my clit hard like your cock." She positioned herself so Kurt could do little else. Kelly never stopped telling him what she wanted or what Reggie did. "Stick that hot tongue inside my fucking hole and clean it out." Her uninhibited ways made Kurt delirious with excitement. He never thought that being restrained and forced to eat his own cum would make him insanely aroused.

The flow of cum continued to drip from her cunt into his mouth. Sometimes, he forgot to pay proper attention to her needs, with Kelly reminding him to suck harder, even asking him to gently nip at her clit with his teeth.

While he stroked her pronounced clit with his lips and tongue, her deep breaths and moans were accompanied with shouts of, "Yes, yes, more, more, more." It finally ended when she collapsed, nearly passing out from an overwhelming orgasm.

When she finally recovered, Kelly said, "I have this little cage I think you'll like, Kurt. They call it a chastity devise but I don't know, it's a kind of like jewelry. It looks so cute on a guy's cock, so it's more of a bracelet for a man's dick." With Kurt still immobile, she slipped a ring around his balls and attached concentric rings on his flaccid penis. Finally, she snapped on the lock.

"Now, that ought to hold you for awhile while we try something really exciting. Let's turn you over. Please don't object because you won't be unlocked until we do this first."

She had him on all fours with his ass in the air. Moving to her bedside table, she took out an immense dildo and strapped it on. "Do you like it, Kurt? Isn't it beautiful? I love pegging Reggie when he lets me because he gets so intense. He's so horny when he fucks me afterward. I think you're going to like it too."

Slathering his butt with a copious amount of anal cream, she began penetrating his ass. "Oh my god, Kelly. It hurts. Not so fast, please."

She wasn't listening and had it all in less than a minute. Kelly drove it into him in the same way she wanted to be fucked, hard and fast. After a dozen strokes, Kurt was numb enough to begin to find a certain acceptance of being fucked by a woman. It was a different kind of arousal that stirred inside him.

"Do you like this, Kurt?

"Ugh," he groaned.

"I think you are an anal virgin. I love men that are anal virgins," and she banged into him with even more energy.

Kurt's heart was racing wildly and his insides were burning. The whole experience was physically demanding, collapsing on the bed when she finally finished.

At dawn the next morning, Kelly unlocked him from captivity and said, "I hope you're horny. I love morning sex, don't you Kurt?" Helping him to a purplish erection that became so hard his veins stood out like bulging varicose veins, she sat on it pushing him balls deep into her.

She enthusiastically rode his pole until they achieved a mutual climax that was only seconds apart. For his part, Kurt shot bullets of cum into her with the velocity of an AK-47. "My god, Kurt," she said afterward. "That was really something. You really got off from having your prostate reamed. I wish we had more time to do it again, but I've got to go to work."

It wouldn't be the last time he shared a bed with Kelly before the investigation ended.

She showered, dressed in her uniform, then told Kurt to be discrete when he left the building. Spending the night with a suspect in a missing person case wouldn't easily be explained. After she left for work, he hopped on a taxi then spent the next four hours in his hotel bed fast asleep. Kurt used the afternoon for business, checking in with a customer, then napping, and getting drunk. But he wasn't too drunk to fuck Kelly when she joined him for the night at his hotel. This time, sex was more conventional with each climaxing twice, once in bed, once fucking in the shower.

"There are new developments in Joanna's case," Kelly told him that night. "A fisherman found Joanna's nude body floating in Badger Creek Bay. We are now considering Joanna's death a homicide although we can't be sure until getting the coroner's report.

"Ya know, Kurt," Kelly said, "I think Reggie might be involved. I've been with Reggie at Badger Creek. We'd go there on really hot nights to cool off. It's secluded and a great place to skinny dip. Maybe Reggie slipped into town to meet my sister. I don't know, maybe Reggie was two timing me with Joanna. With me being a cop, he certainly couldn't tell me he was here."

Kelly told Granger about her suspicions the next morning saying only that she knew Reggie had been known to taking girlfriends to the Bay. Detective Granger put out a APB on Reggie but said they couldn't release Kurt until they learned the cause of Joanna's death and interviewed Reggie. Kurt text'd his wife again.

My dearest Tammy, Still trying to straighten out some things here. Hope to be home soon. Kurt.

What was getting straightened out was his dick in Kelly's cunt for another all nighter in his hotel room. Kelly had an insatiable desire for cock. Kurt could never get enough of her pussy.

The coroner's report came two days after the body was discovered. She had drowned although there was a minor contusion on her head. There were no other bruises or broken bones, but there was more in the report. Semen was found in her body. It was a match for Kurt, but that's not all. Another man's semen was also found. She had not been alone after leaving Kurt. Using Kelly's tip, the second semen matched the evidence collected from the high school case. It was Reggie's.

Reluctantly, Detective Granger allowed Kurt to leave town. "We can't detain you any longer, Mr. Dellaforte. There is no reason to think foul play was involved and these days people no longer are arrested for adultery. We still might be in touch," Detective Granger said as Kurt left the police station. "Don't leave the country just yet."

EPILOGUE: So what happened to Joanna?

Reggie was arrested in a trailer park five miles out of town and questioned at headquarters about the disappearance of Joanna Stephens. He denied everything at first. Presented with the coroner's evidence, he admitted picking Joanna up in the parking lot and having sex. They had been hooking up for quickies ever since the incident at the high school. This time, it was a hot muggy night so they drove to Badger Creek Bay to have a few beers and carry on their ritual.

"We decided to go skinny dipping," Reggie told the detective. " I think she was a little drunk when she said she wanted to give me an underwater blow job. As you know, detective, she likes kinky sex. She likes older men , isn't that right, Granger?"

"I'm not the one under suspicion here, Reggie. We're here to find out what happened to Joanna, not make insinuations like that."

"Okay, so I went along with it." Reggie told the detective. "I was waist deep in the water, and she went under sucking my cock. Before I got off, she stopped. That's not like her. She loves cum, as you know detective."

"Cut it out, Reggie. Stick with your story."

"I thought she was playing around. She likes teasing me. The next thing I know, she goes limp. It was dark. I pulled her out of the water and when I did, she wasn't breathing. I was scared and couldn't go to the police. As you know, I'm not welcome around here. For all you knew, I wasn't in town. I figured the guy I saw her fucking in the alley would be the one who you guys would put the finger on. I'm telling you, it was some kind of crazy accident."

"So you saw her with another man and got mad. That's why you killed her. Isn't that right, Reggie?" Granger suggested.

"That's not it at all detective. It was an accident. I tell you, an accident. Hell, Joanna was family, I mean she was my step-sister. I would never ever hurt her."

Then Detective Granger said, "But you play rough at times, right Reggie?"

"Let's not get into that, Granger. We both play rough. I like it rough but never to hurt someone." The detective knew what he meant and didn't press the issue.

Without further evidence and only Reggie's testimony, the death of Joanna Stephens was determined to be accidental. There was no one to tell it differently and no reason to believe otherwise.

Every family has its secrets. Many of them lie in graves untold. The one told here was of an accidental death, or was it?

Written by xhardx13
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