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A Husband's Education

"Wife arranges threesome for husband and watches in secret"

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“I know just the woman,” I said.

“Good. Good.” Kim replied. “Do you mind if I meet her first?”

It was ever thus with Kim; a veneer of quiet tact masked steel. This wasn’t a request, it was a demand.

“Of course I don’t,” I said.

We’d met up for lunch, me and my best friend’s wife. I didn’t know if she’d told Pete we’d be meeting, but then I didn’t care much either. It wasn’t as if we’d be having a quickie in the toilets afterwards. I was helping her with her husband’s education, true. It was also true that a week ago she’d been sitting on top of Pete with my cock up her arse. But I had no intention of having sex with Kim in his absence.

“You know if you’d been the marrying kind,” Kim said, “I’d have snapped you up like a shot.”

“My loss is Pete’s gain,” I said. “Anyway, if I’d been the marrying kind it would have been at the expense of my considerable rakish charm. You can’t have both cohabiting in the same person; it would upset the laws of nature and most likely bring about the end of civilization as we know it.”

Kim just smiled. She had the kind of smile that made happily married men of 50 years fall in love with her.

“I’m not going to ask if you know what you’re doing,” I said.

“Good,” Kim said. “Now, when do I get to meet…”

“Suzy,” I said. “Her name’s Suzy.”

“So how soon do I get to meet Suzy? If you say she’s the right woman for the job, I’m sure she is, but I need to be sure.”

Kim got to meet Suzy very soon indeed. Well, there was no point in hanging about, not when Kim had set her mind on this.

As I’d predicted, Suzy was keen, but then I’d never known her to be anything but keen. Men, women, threesomes, foursomes and ever upwards, in addition to a wide variety of kinks. Suzy was something else. I was sure she was perfect for the task at hand.

She had other qualities too. I knew she and Kim would hit it off, because it was a toss up which of them was the sharper, the more intelligent and, frankly, the more manipulative. In other circumstances they might have been implacable enemies, but this was something that appealed to both equally.

Kim had one further request-cum-demand that I hadn’t anticipated. “I want to be there,” she said.

“Are you sure that won’t defeat the object of the exercise?” I should have known better. Kim had her reasons, and they weren’t for me to question.

“I’m sure you’ve got somewhere for me to conceal my person,” she said. “Until and if I decide the time is right for me to put in an appearance.”

“Any time you feel like it,” Suzy offered. I could tell she was as taken with Kim as any man.

And so the following Wednesday, Pete was over at my flat, at my invitation. Kim was already there, having arrived straight from work. There was a short hallway leading off the back of the living room to my bedroom and a guest room. Kim hid out in the guest room. It was easy enough for her to sneak out and have a peek at what was going on without making herself known, unless she chose to. Pete had no reason to visit either the bedroom or the spare room.

With Kim recently having manipulated her way to a threesome with myself and her husband – admittedly aided and abetted by myself – you’d have thought he and I would have had cause to at least touch on the subject.

Not a bit of it. Pete was the kind of bloke who didn’t talk about things at all. He was always comfortable when on neutral ground, with facts and figures. Well, he is an accountant after all. The murky underworld of people’s beings, emotional grey areas; these were things with which he felt extremely uncomfortable. Things happened, Pete chewed them over for a few days, and then they were tucked away. Once or twice I’d had an uncomfortable feeling that Kim was playing with fire, but on the other hand she was a force of nature herself.

Anyway, Pete and I had a couple of drinks and talked about the usual shit. After about an hour the buzzer sounded.

“I wonder who that is,” I said, hoping I sounded genuinely curious and slightly annoyed as I went to investigate.

Suzy had really pulled out all the stops. She was wearing a black PVC top with a zip down the front, which was cut low enough to reveal substantial cleavage, and high enough to reveal her belly button. A black PVC skirt was short enough for Suzy to flaunt bare skin above her stocking tops. How she could walk in the heels she was wearing, I had no idea. Jet black hair caressed her shoulders. Her thickly made-up face was all gothic drama with cherry red lips providing a single splash of colour.

“You look like you’re on the fucking game,” I told her.

Suzy shrugged. “It’s nice to see you too,” she said. “Anyway, wasn’t that what you and Kim wanted? A total slut?” She gave a crooked smile. “Rent-a-slut, that’s me.”

Among her many qualities, Suzy is quite the actor. By the time she entered the main living area, she’d gotten into character. Even before she spoke, I could see Pete’s eyes almost popping out of his head.

“’Allo ‘an’some,” Suzy said. Then, turning to me, “You didn’t tell me you ‘ad comp'ny.”

“You should have phoned,” I said.

Suzy ignored this. “So, oo’s this ‘an’some fella?”

“Suzy, this is Pete,” I said. “Pete, this is Suzy.”

“’Allo, Pete,” Suzy said.

Pete still looked gobsmacked, but managed a greeting, just about.

“Can ya believe it?” Suzy said. “Cabbie almost woont let me into ‘is car. Said I looked like a prossy. Me? Bloomin’ cheek!” She twisted her body slightly as she spoke, then walked across the room, plonked herself down in the middle of the three-seater right next to Pete, and put a hand on his knee. “Mind you,” she said, “me friends do call me Suzy the Floozy. Whatcha wanna call me, ‘an’some?” She gave Pete’s knee a squeeze.

“Drink?” I offered.

“Yes fuckin’ please,” Suzy replied. Then she nudged Pete with her shoulder. “Gets me in the mood, alca-ol does, if ya know what I mean. And wiv two ‘an’some blokes ‘ere.”

Oh yes, she was playing her part to perfection. I’d made the right choice alright, and I knew Kim would be enjoying the performance.

When I approached to give Suzy her drink, I took the opportunity to look up her skirt. The thing was so short I could hardly avoid it, or avoid seeing her panties, which in turn were made of some gauzy, flimsy material that hid nothing. Her pussy lips were winking at me.

“Fuck knows why you bothered with knickers,” I observed, handing her the drink.

“A girl ‘as to preserve some kind of decorum,” she said, labouring the last word as if it was alien to her. Then she dug her elbow into Pete so that he almost spilled his drink. “I was a nun in me previous life. Must be why I ‘ave so many bad ‘abits now!” She laughed loudly at her own joke.

Pete began fidgeting. “If you two…” he said. “Perhaps I should…” He made a vague gesture in the direction of the doorway leading out to kitchen, bathroom and front door.

“Two’s company, three’s a party,” I observed. “You should see the stunts Suzy can pull standing on her head.”

Suzy drained her glass in one and nudged Pete in the ribs. “Why so twitchy, ‘an’some?” she said. “Yer not queer or nuffin’, are ya?” She turned and planted a kiss on Pete’s cheek, leaving a cherry red smudge.

“No, no,” Pete said. It didn’t escape my attention that he didn’t say he was married either, though the ring would have told Suzy, even if she hadn’t known.

“Nuffin’ wrong if you were,” Suzy went on. “Live and let live, I say. Me, I’ll go wiv anyone gives me a good time, male or female. Ya know what I mean?”

Pete nodded. I was having a hard time reading his state of mind. He was uncomfortable with the situation; that much was obvious. But was he feeling temptation? Was he determined to remain steadfast and faithful, even after the threesome with Kim and myself? Was he just overwhelmed, or did he suspect something?

“’E’s ‘ard work this one, ain’t ‘e?” Suzy said.

“Pete’s great once you get to know him,” I said, making sure Suzy could see me still staring straight up her skirt. She returned the compliment, staring at my bulge.

With a wicked grin, she leaned forward, stood her glass on the table, got up and walked towards the bookcase on the other side of the room. She bent over and began examining the titles. “Wuverin’ ‘Ights,” she recited. “Crime and Punishment. ‘Ow ‘bout I nick a book so as ya can punish me? Lady Chatterley’s Lover. That’s got dirty bits, innit?”

In the meantime I moved across to the sofa, positioning myself at the opposite end to Pete. When Suzy was bent over, the short skirt hid nothing at all, affording us an excellent view.

“Get an eyeful of that,” I said, in a pretence of sotto voce. “How many girls do you know who think nothing of putting their cunt on display like that?”

“Oi! I can ‘ere ya, ya know,” Suzy exclaimed, remaining bent over as if the titles in front of her afforded endless fascination. “Fuckin’ perv!”

“Said the Rent-a-Slut.”

Now Suzy turned, straightening up in the process. “Chance’d be a fine ‘fing?”

“How’s that?”

She nodded in Pete’s direction. “Wiv Mr Party Pooper over there, a girl could go off the boil.”

Pete didn’t move a muscle. Was he too polite to say anything? Was he torn? Was he fighting an inner battle? What was he?

“Look, mate,” I said. “I get that you don’t want to cheat on Kim.”

Pete nodded, but he was looking at Suzy in a way that intended dispassion but betrayed a greater interest.

“The missus?” Suzy said. “Don’t worry ‘bout it. I’ve ‘ad plenty o’ married men.”

“It’s not you I’m worried about,” Pete said.

“Whatever,” Suzy said. “All I’m sayin’ is I came ‘ere for a bit o’ fun, an’ I’m gonna get it.” She gave me a wink but continued addressing Pete. “It’s no skin off me nose if ya piss off, but if ya wanna finger yer salami while ya watch – that works for me too.”

Pete squirmed slightly. There was no way of telling what he was thinking. “Those links on the computer,” I said quietly, referring to the hardcore pornographic videos Kim watched by the dozen when her husband wasn’t home. The suggestion seemed to hit home. Presumably he was thinking that if his wife could watch stuff on the internet, it was alright for him to watch a bit of live action – that’s what I hoped, at any rate.

Suzy pretended like she couldn’t care less about the hidden dynamics. “So what’s yer pleasure, ‘an’some?” she said to me.

“Oh, you know what I like,” I said, unzipping my flies and bringing out the part of me that had been aching for release ever since Suzy arrived. It was dicey, I thought, because if Pete wanted to up and off, I didn’t see how we could stop him short of the use of force and a stout rope. Always assuming Kim didn’t intervene, of course.

“Fought so,” Suzy said. “Blokes is so predictable. Ya offer ‘em anyfin’, an’ it’s always a blow-job they want.” She giggled as she rounded the table. “Lucky fer ya me extra special friends call me Cocksuckin’ Suze.”

She winked at me, before getting down on all fours. A quick crawl round the table, past Pete, and Suzy was suddenly wriggling her tongue all over my throbbing erection. She was sideways on, rather than directly in front of me. I understood what she was doing. While Pete had a grand view of Suzy licking her way round my shaft and the head, he could just as easily see her labia through the transparent knickers, where Suzy’s skirt had ridden halfway up her buttocks.

I purposely refused to look at Pete, toying with Suzy’s hair with both hands. “Oh yeah!” I exclaimed. “You’ve got real talent, Suze.”

Suzy giggled. “An’ I ain’t even got down to suckin’ proper.” Then she plunged her lips over me, making a great show of how much she enjoyed it, humming and slurping and working her mouth with exaggerated movements.

Temptation proved too much. I kept my eye on Suzy, but was very well aware of Pete unzipping. There was more mouth action, Suzy sliding greedy lips up and over, kissing the bulb, sweeping her tongue over it, then going back down on me. Though it was obvious to both of us that Pete was wanking, neither of us looked at him. At least not at first. Not until Suzy turned her head and said, “Sure ya don’t want Cocksuckin’ Suze to give you a treat? That’s a tasty bit o’ meat ya got there!” There was a pause. “No? ‘Ave it your way?”

She returned her attention to my cock, but something was clearly stirring in Pete. Suddenly he slid down behind Suzy. Now I looked at him. There was doubt in his eyes, but that didn’t stop him from reaching out and sliding a hand across Suzy’s gauze-covered buttocks. “Whatever you fancy,” I told him. “What happens here stays between the three of us, eh, Suze?”

“Ya betcha!” Suzy exclaimed.

I thought of Kim, who was no doubt watching, since Pete had his back to the doorway. I wondered what she was making of all this.

Suzy began slurping again. Pete grabbed his dick and slid it across the thin fabric.

“Go on,” I urged him. “If I’m any judge of Suzy, she can’t wait to feel your cock up her!”

Suzy lifted her head. “Ya do know me well, doncha?” She turned her head. “Go on then, ‘an’some. Ya can feel ‘ow wet I am. Stick it up me!”

Pete pulled the crotch of her panties to one side in slow motion. He was still looking doubtful as he pushed his cock up against Suzy’s labia.

“Fuckin’ dick me!” Suzy told him. “Shove it up me!”

I grinned at Pete, watching as he began to move. Suzy gave a little moan as he penetrated her. “I reckon Suzy missed her true calling,” I said. “Who needs a whore when Suze’ll offer you a hole any time you want one?”

“Bloomin’ cheek!” Suzy said.

And then I was taken completely by surprise. “Just shut up!” Pete told Suze, slapping her arse. He began thrusting harder. “If you want to behave like a whore, you’ll fucking take it like a whore!”

“’Ere!” Suzy cried. “Show some respect! I may like a good shag, but I’ll ‘ave you know I’ve got a PhD in comp-ar-a-tive religion.”

Pete stopped dead in mid thrust. “What?” he said. You could practically see the cogs working overdrive in his head.

“You ‘eard me,” Suzy said. “I may be a bit of a nympho, but I ain’t no ‘ore! I’m not sure I like ya anymore. Ya can call me Doctor Suzy in future.”

Again I thought of Kim, what she might be making of all this.

“A PhD?” Pete said, withdrawing from Suzy.

“Yeah. What’s yer problem? Now get yer cock back in me. I may not like ya very much, but ya might as well finish what ya started.”

Pete slapped his cock against Suzy’s arse. “You lying cunt!” he shouted. Now this was a turn up for the book.

Suzy was up on her feet, facing Pete in no time. “The fuck I am!” She shouted back. “Give me yer e-mail an’ I’ll send ya a copy of me latest article ‘bout eschatological cross-currents from the reign of Charlemagne to the Reformation.”

If Pete had had his wits about him, he would have realised that a mouthful like that was beyond the girl passing herself off as Suzy the Floozy, but not the woman who was highly respected, albeit in a very narrow field, to the people who knew her professionally as the most original mind to emerge in the last 20 years. “You want me to believe that a tart like…”

“Shut yer maaf,” Suzy said, emphasizing every word.

“You think I’m going to be told what to do by a bubblegum-brained bimbo who probably sees more traffic between her thighs than a service station on the M25 does?”

As insults go, for someone who hardly ever uttered one, this was a good one.

I got up to join them, placing a hand on my best friend’s shoulder. “Simmer down, Pete,” I told him. “It’s just Suzy’s little joke. It’s not as if she knifed you in the balls, is it?”

“I’m sorry,” Pete said, though it wasn’t clear to whom. “This was a mistake. I’d best be going. You two have fun.” The anger seemed to have evaporated just as swiftly as it had flared up.

“Is it coz yer married?” Suzy asked, fixing her eyes on Pete’s wedding ring. Without waiting for an answer, she went on, “Coz like I said, it’s no skin off my nose. ‘Ad plenty of married blokes. Bumped into one or two when they were out wiv the missus, but I know ‘ow to keep a secret.”

Pete swallowed. “It wouldn’t be right,” he said.

I was beginning to wonder if Pete had blanked the other evening out altogether, when right and wrong hardly seemed an issue. Me shoving his wife’s face down on his cock; her sitting astride him, letting me stuff her arse at the same time, then screaming at me to cum on her face. Maybe that was it. Maybe that was why Pete always seemed to pretend things had never happened.

I shrugged. “Well it’s your loss,” I told him. “But Suzy’s the soul of discretion. All she wants is a good shag.”

Suzy smiled and thrust her bosom at Pete. “And I am a good shag,” she said. She put a finger up to his face, drawing her fingertip horizontally across his lips. “I’ll be yer fuck bunny, yer sex doll, yer fuckin’ Swiss cheese. Anyfin’ ya ever wanted to do, I’m ya girl.”

“You’ll never meet a slut like Suzy again this side of a grand,” I said softly. “I’ll let you have her arse.”

“’Ere!” Suzy said. “Oo are you to say oo can ‘ave me arse?”

“Two seconds ago you were offering me anything short of mugging you,” Pete offered helpfully.

“That don’t mean ‘e can decide what ‘appens to me arse,” Suzy said, pointing at me.

“Don’t be like this, Suzy,” I said.

“What does it matter?” Pete said. “She waltzes in here, some two bob cunt, flaunting herself, and then… Why is she suddenly being so precious about her arse?”

Now this was interesting, and an unfamiliar turn of phrase for Pete. I wondered what Kim was making of it. Actually I had a pretty good idea what she was making of it, but for now this curious triangle was what mattered.

“’Ere, you callin’ me a slapper?” Suzy said.

“Do you see anyone else here who fits the bill?” Pete replied.

“I may be a slut,” Suzy said, sounding hurt, “but I ain’t no slapper.”

“Did someone suck your brains out with industrial machinery?” Pete sneered. “Does it echo inside your head when you speak?”

“That’s uncalled for, that is!” Suzy exclaimed, feigning outrage.

“Have you looked at yourself in the mirror?”

Suzy glared at Pete. “Ya know yer trouble, Mister? I’ve got yer number. Yer alright for a kiss an’ a cuddle wiv the missus, but when yer faced wiv a bird like me, oo knows what she wants an’ ain’t afraid to get it, ya can’t go frough wiv it, can ya?”

This wasn’t exactly Kim’s theory, but it was close enough, and the provocation worked wonderfully. Pete stood there stuttering. Then he blurted out, “What, so you’re a trained psychologist now?”

Even Pete, it appeared, who was so placid in most respects, was sensitive to sleights concerning his manhood. I was wondering what Kim was making of all this when Suzy said, “Go on then! Prove me wrong!”

Pete had boxed himself into a corner, and he knew it. He couldn’t back down without losing his pride, and for whatever reason, he wasn’t prepared to do that. I could feel Kim’s eyes on us as Pete brought his trousers and boxers down. The set to had taken its toll, and he wasn’t exactly hard. To get the ball rolling, I reached behind Suzy. With so little skirt there, it was easy to grab her arse and give a little squeeze. “Go on Suze. Get those lips round his cock. With your skills you could give a coma patient an erection.”

Suzy pouted. “I’m not sure I want to,” she said. “Not after what ‘e said about me!”

Pete’s normal reflex would have been to apologise. Now he surprised me, and no doubt delighted his wife, by sneering, “What’s with all the games? First you want one thing, then you go off on a tangent. Either you want to or you don’t. And I don’t imagine a tart like you ever passes up an opportunity.”

“He’s got a point, Suze,” I said, giving her an extra squeeze. “When have you ever refused a cock?”

Suzy pretended to think about this. “Like, never,” she replied finally.

She stepped forward and sank to her haunches. There was minute growth as she did so. I got behind Suzy and murmured in her ear. “Go on doll, work your magic, show him why they call you Cocksuckin’ Suze.”

Suzy took the still far from impressive organ in her mouth while I slid a hand over her buttocks and in between her thighs. I rubbed her crotch, feeling damp heat. I had a lot of experience of her, both on my own and with other participants. By day she was as respectable as they come, but her sex life was a complete riot. I marvelled that she dared.

I saw movement out the corner of my eye. Pete had his back to the doorway leading to the spare room, and I risked a glance.

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I saw Kim, beautiful Kim, winking at me and nodding, even risking a thumbs up. Meanwhile Suzy was moistening nicely, and her magic seemed to be working, since she was moaning on Pete’s cock, slurping a bit too.

Reluctantly, I pulled my hand away from her labia, but it was only in order to undress. As I did so I watched her head bob, Pete just looking down at her as if he couldn’t believe any of this. I risked another glance at Kim, who winked again and blew me a kiss.

I sat down in the middle of the sofa and grabbed hold of my erection. “Here, Suze!” I called. “It’s time you gave me some attention!” Suzy slid her lips off Pete and looked at me. Then she got down on all fours, getting into position. “Now where were we before we were interrupted?” I said, grabbing a fistful of hair and pulling Suzy’s head towards me. “Now get your lips wrapped round my cock, you dirty little slut.”

I have no idea how hard Suzy had worked to get her gag reflex under control, or perhaps she was just born without one, a freak of nature. From experience I knew that however hard I shoved her down on me, however deep I forced my cock into her mouth, she’d take it with ease.

So once she’d closed her lips round me, I pushed down on her head and kept pushing, feeling her tongue wriggle against my full length. I looked over at Pete, who was staring at Suzy’s arse, where the skirt hid nothing, and the panties concealed nothing. “Help yourself,” I said. “You don’t have to ask permission. Suzy likes it rough.”

I relaxed the pressure a little, to allow Suzy to work her mouth herself, demonstrating that she was indeed a very willing and very enthusiastic participant in all of this. Pete just stood there, radiating indecisiveness, staring at her arse. “Go on,” I said. “Whatever you feel like. Little tart’s never been known to complain.”

And as Suzy went on pleasuring me with her mouth – and the feel of that sweet, lubricious mouth was a real pleasure – Pete went up to her. I could see his hands on her, rubbing her crotch the way I had.

“Mmmmfffffmmmfffffnnnnn,” Suzy said, her tongue slithering all over me. I shoved her right down on me again, assailing her throat.

“Little slut says she really wants it,” I interpreted. “Go on, give it to her Pete!”

By now I was sure Pete’s reservations were disappearing fast, and I wasn’t disappointed. I was surprised, though, when I heard the flimsy gauze of her panties rip. “Nnnngh!” Suzy protested.

I let her come up for air. “Ya fuckin’ bastard,” she spluttered. “Ruinin’ me new knickers like that!”

“Well it won’t be the first time you’ve walked home waving your naked cunt in the breeze, will it?” I told her. Suzy opened her mouth to say something, but I shoved her back down on my cock instead. Pete chose that exact moment to penetrate her from behind, and suddenly Suzy was spitroast, which, I knew from experience, was one of her very favourite things in life.

And fuck it was good having that pervy little slut between us. Look, Suzy’s a fine woman, but she loves playing the slut, so that’s what I’ll damned well call her. What with Pete banging her from behind and me force-feeding her my cock – a very merry time was had by all. The stench of sex was everywhere. Squelching and grunting and moaning filled the air. Suzy just stood there on all fours in her revealing PVC-outfit, panting and moaning and slobbering on my cock while Pete shafted her.

“She nice and juicy?” I asked Pete.

“Yeah!” Pete panted.

“Yeah well, the fucking nympho can’t get enough, can you Suze?”

 “Nnnnnghhhmmmffff!” Suzy moaned.

“What she’s saying,” I interpreted liberally, “is that it’s about time you got stuck into her arse.”

“Nnnngghhhmmffff!” Suzy repeated.

“She won’t need much preparing. Not the way she’s slimed all over your dick. Just get a bit of spit on her anus and away you go. Over the years she’s had so much traffic up her arse it’s more like the Blackwall Tunnel than a part of her anatomy.”

This time I let her off my cock, for her to exclaim, “Ya cheeky sod!”

“Don’t play the innocent, Suze. It doesn’t suit you. You’re a three hole cock whore, and that’s about the size of it.”

“Fuckin’ cheek!” Suzy shot back. “Jus’ ‘coz a girl likes a bit o’ fun…”

Pete was, to my delight, doing as he was told, expectorating on Suzy’s tight hole. “Just tell him you want him to fuck your arse,” I said.

Suzy turned her head. “Go on then, ya bastard,” she said. “Shag my fuckin’ arse off if it pleases ya.”

“Good girl,” I said, forcing her head back round and wiping my saliva-coated cock over her face, waiting for the groan as Pete penetrated her back passage.

“Right, down you go again, you little cocksucker,” I told her, and as her lips slid down my pole, “You heard the slut, Pete. Shag her fucking arse off!”

I was half afraid that Pete was going to be a bit reticent, but he surprised me by really going for it. Suzy groaned and groaned, slobbering all over my cock at the same time. What with Pete’s grunting and Suzy’s moaning, it was down to me to use actual words. “Good going, Pete. Use that little fuck toy! Let her have it! Fuck her up good!” And to Suzy, “You’re loving this, aren’t you, fucking tart? You have to be the filthiest little slut I’ve ever met!”

“Mmmf, mmmmf, mmmffffff,” Suzy responded. Pete started panting, flesh slapping as he drove a hard bargain. I relaxed my grip on Suzy’s head, letting her work her mouth herself, to demonstrate her own eager pleasure and prowess. I wondered what Kim was making of this, if and when she intended putting in an appearance.

As if she’d read my mind, Suzy slid her lips off me, groaning loudly as Pete rammed into her. “Yer that keen, ain’tcha?” she gasped, turning her head to look back over her shoulder. “What is it? Missus won’t let ya ‘ave ‘er arse? Want it that bad, don’tcha?”

This was as far from the truth as it could be, and Suzy knew it. Kim would be that glad if her husband would be this rough with her. But for whatever reason, Suzy’s words got to Pete, who was suddenly ululating like a wounded animal.

“Fuckin’ ‘ell,” Suzy said. “A minute and a ‘alf and ‘e’s cummin’ up me arse! A girl likes a bit more stamina in a bloke, ya know?”

This seemed to embarrass Pete, who withdrew and mumbled, “Best… Clean up… You know?”

“What!” Suzy screeched. “I’m the one wiv yer spunk up me bum! I’m the one oo…” But Pete was already on his way to the bathroom.

As soon as we heard the door lock, there was a sound from the other doorway. “Psst! Psst!” Kim was beckoning to us. The sound of running water told us we were safe for the time being.

“That is so hot!” she exclaimed as we joined her in the doorway, Suzy dripping sperm on the carpet.

“You think it’s hot watching,” Suzy said, “you should be in the middle of it!”

“Oh believe me,” Kim said, “I’d love to be.” She gave a little wink. “But now I’m not so sure that’s a good idea, not this time.” Suzy looked a little disappointed, but what Kim decides always goes. “Just make sure Pete sticks around for some more fun and games,” Kim continued.

“Whatever you say,” I said.

“And you…” Kim said, planting a full kiss on Suzy’s smudged lips, are a marvel.

This made Suzy smile. “Next time,” she said to Kim, “I want you in on the action.”

“Don’t worry,” Kim said. “I’ve already got plans.”

This sounded promising, but now the sound of running water ceased. Kim darted back round the corner, and Suzy and I returned to the sofa. “Sit down,” Suzy told me, “I’ve got urges.”

“You and me both,” I told her, but I did as she’d asked, watching as she stripped off the tiny skirt that hadn’t been much of an impediment in any case, and ripped off the already completely useless panties. Suzy backed onto me, reaching back to grab my cock, aiming it as she positioned herself on me.

Even I was surprised when that positioning was arse first, Suzy skewering herself on my stiff rod. There was residual cum from Pete there, but what’s a bit of spunk between friends? “You filthy slut,” I told her.

“That’s what I’m here for,” Suzy replied.

I reached round with both hands. Digging two fingers into her moist quim, I quickly realised she was good for three. I used the other hand to rub her clit. The bathroom door unlocked and opened.

“Oh yeah!” Suzy cried, then as Pete appeared in the doorway, “Fuck, ya cock feels good up me bum! Ya really know what a ‘orny slut like me needs!”

Pete just stared at Suzy as she wriggled on my cock. Then he gestured at his pile of clothes. “Perhaps I’d best…” he said, falteringly.

“Nonsense,” I said. “Come over here and get her tits out!”

Pete hesitated.

“What’s the matter, ‘an’some?” Suzy said. “You one of them blokes what can’t get it up a second time?”

This was interesting. Suzy seemed to have discovered what wounded pride did to Pete. He took another look at the pile of clothes, but then he came across to us. I dug my fingers into Suzy so that Pete could hear how good and wet she still was, continuing to molest her clit with my other hand.

Suzy stopped moving as Pete reached out to unzip her top. I pulled my hand out of her pussy and grabbed a fist full of hair with slippery fingers. “That’s it,” I said. “She’s got a great pair of knockers, has our Suze. She’ll flash them at anyone for a shilling, won’t you, slag?” I yanked on her hair for good measure.

“’Ere, I won’t flash just anyone,” Suzy protested.

“No?” I shot back, pushing my lips up against her ear. “Well whatever, you’ll fucking well do as we want now, you little slapper.”

“’Ere!” Suzy exclaimed. Pete had got her top open, and was wrestling to extricate her tits from her bra. “I told ya! I ain’t no slapper.”

I yanked on her hair again. “Well a two bit whore then,” I suggested. Pete had finally managed to defeat the bra, over which fleshy fruits now hung. I let go of Suzy’s hair and removed my hand from her clit to grab hold of her tits and squeeze them hard, forcing hard nipples to point straight at Pete. Suzy groaned as I thrust my cock upwards and used my hands as vices. Pete needed no further encouragement to lean in and start sucking on a swollen teat.

Suzy wriggled on my cock. The situation wasn’t conducive to full on movement, but that hardly mattered. She moved one of her own hands to her clit now, and began rubbing, breathing heavily.

I maintained my grip on her breasts, holding them for Pete to suck on. “Fuckin’ ‘ell,” Suzy breathed, “Ya ain’t unblockin’ drains, ya know! Bleedin’ mama’s boy!”

The insult seemed to pass Pete by, but for good measure I said, “You’ll fucking take whatever you get, you dirty fucking slag!”

I was expecting a comeback, but Suzy was moaning instead, “Ooooooh! Ooooh! Oaaaaawwwhhh!” Her hand was working nineteen to the dozen too.

“A cock up her arse and she can’t control herself,” I said as if to Pete. I thrust upwards, feeling Suzy grinding down. Her hand moved frantically. Pete just stood there, lips clenched round one of her nipples.

“Fuck yeah! Fuck yeah!” Suzy gasped. Her body tensed and shook, and then she keeled over on the sofa ending up on her back.

Pete was over her in a flash, straddling her and wrapping soft tit flesh round his reinvigorated cock. I got my finger under Suzy and wriggled my finger into her back passage.

“Give a girl a break!” Suzy gasped. “You fuckers are mad keen, ain’tcha?”

“Since when has Suzy the Floozy needed a break?” I smirked. “Mad keen for it yourself, insatiable fucking nympho slut.”

But I pulled my finger out and went to stand next to the action, watching Pete tug on swollen nipples as he shoved his cock between Suzy’s tits. I waved my own steely rod at Suzy. “Give us a hand,” I said.

“What did ya last servant die of?” Suzy sneered, but she reached out and grabbed my cock all the same, wanking it briskly as she stared down at Pete’s knob, still working its way between mountain peaks. “Oh, alright,” she said. “I give in. Suzy the Floozy ain’t one t’go wivout the taste of cock for long. Who wants t’feed me?”

Somehow she managed to manoeuvre her head to the edge of the sofa, turning it and opening her mouth. I pushed her hand away from my cock and stepped forward, holding it myself and wiping the head on her cheek.

“What’s the matter wiv ya?” Suzy protested. “Get it in me maaf!”

“Surely you know that greed is one of the cardinal sins, you dirty little cocksucker?” I said, striking her face with my cock.

And now Pete was really getting into the swing of things. “Dirty little bitch,” he said, slapping his cock against a firm nipple.

“What ya messin’ about for?” Suzy complained.

To my delight Pete grabbed one of her tits and squeezed it hard, slapping the other one with his cock. “You really are the filthiest little whore I’ve ever come across,” he said. “Why you don’t charge money beats me.” As he spoke, I dragged my cock across Suzy’s face and slapped her with it again.

“’Ere…” Suzy began to protest.

I put a stop to that by shoving my cock in her mouth. “Shut up!” I told her. “You know perfectly well that working girls have got nothing on you!”

“Mmmffffnnghhh!” Suzy grunted. There was no way she could move her head, so I did all the moving, shoving my cock back and forth in her mouth, delighting in the enormous amount of saliva that developed.

“Your mouth just never stops watering from wanting cock, does it?” I said. “Fucking hell if you aren’t the freakiest, cock-gobbling little whore…”

“Mmmfffnngghhhh!” Suzy tried again.

“Don’t play the innocent,” Pete told her. “We can both see what you are.” He’d got into a rhythm, it seemed, slapping her tits with his cock like he was playing the bongos. I grabbed a fist full of hair and yanked on it as my cock worked piston-like in her mouth. I used my other hand to reach out and feel her pussy lips.

Suzy began to moan as Pete went back to shoving his cock between her breasts – a right tit man, Pete was proving himself to be. I shoved two fingers into Suzy, frigging her, delighting in the way her juices sloshed about. “Just listen to that fucking slime pit!” I exclaimed. “I reckon the slut’s up for it big time. Insatiable fucking tart.”

Suzy was still moaning on my cock. Pete struck one of her tits with his cock while he twisted her other nipple. Suzy moaned and whined. “Mind you,” I said, “this slut’s the only one I know who can take a face-fucking like it was her cunt being done over.”

As if to prove my point, I upped the pace, working up a sweat as I fucked Suzy’s mouth. She just lay there, moaning and whining while I simultaneously finger-fucked her and Pete shoved his cock between her tits, twisting her nipples. It was a pity we were facing the way we were, I thought. Kim would love seeing this, but if she took a peek, Pete could hardly avoid noticing her. I yanked Suzy’s head off my cock, thinking to arrange a situation that minimised that risk. Inadvertently Suzy helped me out.

“Ya fuckin’ freaks o’ nature,” she spluttered. “Now fuckin’ fill me cunt, or I’ll find someone else who will.”

“I bet you would too,” I said, bringing my cock down on her face and watching the splashes of saliva.

I went to sit down on the sofa again, shoving Suzy’s legs out of the way to do so. I grabbed hold of my stiff cock and aimed it straight up in the air, not sure if Suzy could see it with Pete on top of her. “Come on then, you dirty little bitch, get yourself on top of this!”

Pete seemed reluctant to move, but did so anyway. Suzy moved fast, straddling me and lowering herself over me. I reached round to grab hold of her buttocks, digging my nails into her and shoving her up and down on my thick meat. Juice oozed out of her as she began to moan.

I squeezed and pulled on her buttock flesh. The stench of lust rose from our combined genitals. “Oh yeah! Stuff that fat cock up me!” Suzy cried. “Fuckin’ do me ya pervy git!”

“Oh you’ll be done over alright, you fucking tart,” I replied, mauling her arse cheeks as I worked her up and down. “I reckon just the one cock’s not nearly enough for a slut like you.” I was pulling on her buttocks, making sure her anus opened up as I nodded at Pete.

I saw the gleam in his eye as he moved across behind Suzy. He didn’t touch her with his hands, and I couldn’t see for Suzy, but I could guess that he was very happy to take advantage of the hole I was holding open for him; and I soon felt that he did through the thin membrane.

“Fuckin’ ‘ell, you fuckin’ freak,” Suzy cried. “Can’t get enough of my bum’ole, can ya?”

“Shut up and look at me when you’re having your holes stuffed,” I told her. Suzy did look at me, giving me a conspiratorial wink that Pete couldn’t see. I continued kneading her buttocks while Pete’s hands came round to grab hold of her tits.

“You fuckin’ perverts!” Suzy cried.

“Fuckin’ triple-holed whore,” I shot back. “Pity we haven’t got a third cock for your filthy mouth.”

Suzy looked like a comeback was on the way, but then she just let out a long “Aaaaaaaaah!” followed by a sigh and a moan, and then another moan. She was working herself on us now, not just letting us work. I watched her tits get all scrunched up by Pete’s heavy-handed approach. “Fuckin’ ‘ell,” she eventually cried. “You two are a right pair of fuckin’ ruffians, ain’t ya?”

‘Ruffians’ was a strange kind of word for Suzy the Floozy to use, but Pete didn’t notice, he was too busy ramming his cock into her arse and mauling her tits.

“I thought you might appreciate that,” I said. “You being the kind of slag that likes it rough.”

“Fuckin’ perverts,” Suzy shot back.

“Any more of that and I’ll fuckin’ take you to Wormwood Scrubs myself and let the inmates have their way with you,” I said. “But not even that would be enough to satisfy your dirty little fuck holes, would it?”

We were all of us in something of a frenzy now, working as hard as we could in our respective ways. “Fuckin’ shut up and dick me!” Suzy gasped, going on to moan out loud.

There was more frenzied, sloppy, filthy action. Hands grabbed and slapped at Suzy’s tits and buttocks, her pussy and arse were stuffed repeatedly. “’Ere, bum fucker,” Suzy interjected at one point, “you really need t’get the missus t’let you give ‘er arse a poundin’. Or ain’t she the kind?”

This goaded Pete to step up the pace a little more. “Take it, you little bum slut, he told her. Take my fucking cock!” Suzy moaned out loud, smiling at me. For a moment I fancied that if I’d been the marrying kind and she’d been the marrying kind…

But it was mere fancy, which I laid to one side as I felt the long overdue inevitable begin to happen. I squeezed her buttocks as hard as I could, pushing her down on me as I pushed up. I could feel Pete on the other side of the membrane, working his cock in there as fast as anyone could.

Suzy sensed what was happening and cried out, “Oh yeah! Fuckin’ cum for me! Fuckin’ fill me wiv yer fuckin’ spunk. It’s what a dirty slut’s for, innit?”

There was more sweaty grabbing and thrusting, and then Pete and I began to groan in unison. Well now, this was a turn up for the book. As my cock twitched in her pussy, his twitched in her arse.

“Oh fuck, yeah!” Suzy yelled. “You dirty fuckin’ bastards. Cum in me! Fuckin’ cum in me!”

I was spurting and spurting. I felt Pete’s cock through the membrane, and could practically feel his spunk shooting out into Suzy’s arse for the second time that evening.

“That was a new one,” Suzy said, once the spurting was over. “I’ve never ‘ad two blokes cum in me at once like that before. That was fuckin’ ‘ot.”

Cum drooled out of her once we’d extricated ourselves from her orifices. Pete seemed not to notice, he was checking the time. “I have to get going,” he said. “Kim’ll be wondering where I am!”

He sped off to the bathroom, leaving Suzy to keep dripping cum everywhere as we went in the back to have a quick chat with Kim.

“That was fucking awesome!” Kim said, which was not a phrase she used lightly.

“It was pretty fucking great being a part of it,” Suzy told her.

Kim gave her a wicked little smile. “Thanks for the help,” she said. “I’ve got big ideas.”

This sounded promising. “Do we get to know what they are?” I said.

“Oh you’re both included,” Kim said. “My dear husband won’t know what’s hit him.”

“I like the sound of that,” Suzy said.

Kim still had that wicked gleam in her eye. “But first, I think you deserve a special thanks.” She was looking at Suzy, and now she pointed at her. “Once my husband’s gone, I want you in the bedroom, sitting on my face.” Then she turned to me. “And you… I want you to eat me out!”

“Yes, m’am,” I said.

Kim dodged back into the spare room and Suzy and I stood in the living room, waiting for Pete as I fondled her arse. He really was in a hurry to get going, pulling on his clothes in a bit of a rush.

“This was…” he said when he was done, looking at us rather sheepishly.

“Fuckin’ brill?” Suzy suggested.

“Yes, yes,” Pete said. “Yes.”

“Well, ya can fuck me over any time, ‘an’some,” Suzy told him.

“Thank you,” Pete said. “That’s very kind of you.”

“Kind?” Suzy screeched. “I’m not doin’ it for charity. ‘Aven’t ya got it? I’m a fuckin’ nympho. I need it!”

But Pete was looking at me now. “Not a word to Kim, eh?” he said, sounding slightly panicky.

“Course not,” I said, thinking of how his wife was waiting for Suzy and I in the spare room, having become hot and horny witnessing the entire scene. Did Pete really not get what was going on? “Mum’s the word.”

Pete nodded. “Bye then,” he said.

“Be seeing you, mate,” I replied. I resisted the temptation to give him a copy of the good Doctor’s article.

In the spare room, Suzy and I found Kim on her back on the bed with her skirt up, no knickers, and her legs spread.

Suzy was up on Kim’s face in a flash, and I wasn’t much slower in getting my face in between her thighs. Suzy moaned loudly as Kim attended to the spot where I’d not long before cum voluminously. Kim was extremely wet, and I plunged three fingers into her, twisting them repeatedly while I flicked my tongue against her clit. She must have found watching her husband engage with Suzy and I a fantastic turn-on.

Once the two women had experienced screaming orgasms, I was completely rigid again. “Right,” I said, “which of you two filthy ladies wants a face full of cum?”

“I do!” they said in unison.

Then they giggled, both sitting up, embracing and kissing. I got in front of them, wanking my stiff cock and aiming straight at the spot where their tongues were busy visibly smooching.

Written by PervyStoryteller
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