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A Quickie at the Spa

"A real quickie at the spa leads to a naughty eMail exchange..."

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A few years ago, I had a very exciting quickie with my girlfriend at a spa. A few months later, I had a naughty email exchange with a girl, spicing up our boring office days. I told her about the great sex at the spa - she answered with a fantasy that built on my experience and introduced her into the real event. We wrote back and forth in the course of a few days, and I decided (with her permission) to share our co-created story on here.

So please bear in mind that it wasn't originally intended for a broader audience - I will review it while posting the different parts into one story and roughly check for misspelling and more, but there might be smaller inconsistencies. And one more thing: Her English is perfect, mine isn't.

Anyways, this is my original eMail to her, describing the real event in just a few lines:

02.12.09, 16:35 naughtmails to Leisa:

"We went to this sauna place a while ago... they had this small rooftop sauna that was kind of hidden, so we went up wearing our bathrobes... you can probably guess what happened. We didnt even get into the sauna, there was this relax zone just outside and we would hear if someone opened the door right around the corner. So I was seated on this bench and she knelt in front of me, opening my robe. My cock was rock hard by that point and she started sucking with all she got.

Before I came, I pushed her away, got up and positioned her on those small steps leading out of the relaxation zone. She grabbed the door frame with both hands, basically looking out towards the entrance. I just pushed up her bathrobe and started pounding her from behind, grabbing her waist and groping for her boobs underneath her gown. I think we came simultaneously, and about 20 seconds later (I hadn't even pulled out yet) we heard people coming.

By the time they got there, we were just entering the sauna, probably looking slightly flushed... and I hope no-one saw the cum running down the inside of her thighs!

So as you can imagine, I have high hopes for more fun adventures!"


02.12.09, 17:12 Leisa to naughtymails:

"Just make sure you tell me about them! I'm ready for an adventure myself, but things don't look very promising here."


02.12.09, 17:15 naughtymails to Leisa:

"And I was hoping you would add some of your dirty imagination to my little story. Well, I will definitely fill you in on what happened as soon as we get back."


03.12.09, 11:25 Leisa to naughtymails:

"My dirty imagination, huh?

Well, let's see. So here I am, just trying to have a relaxing evening after a long day at work. I pick to pay a visit to my favorite spa which has this small sauna on its rooftop with an incredible view over the city. The place isn't very busy tonight, which I like since I really feel like winding down without interruptions. I have to confess that being in a hot and steamy sauna frequently makes me horny. Something about the heat and the sweat and how it makes my body feel. So I climb up the stairs to the rooftop and as I walk through the door, I see a couple enter the sauna. Dammit, I think, so much for relaxing in solitude.

I step into the sauna, murmur a greeting without even looking at them and pick a place to sit. Not that there's much to pick from, this is really a pretty small sauna. I deliberate quickly if I should take off my towel or not. I glance over to the girl who is naked and the guy who has his towel loosely draped over his lap. Naked it is then, it's a sauna after all and I never really understood the people who keep on any unnecessary clothing while taking a sauna. I sit down, take a deep breath and close my eyes to enjoy my 20 minutes of comfortable heat.

I can feel my body relax quickly, the tension is leaving my neck and the first drops of sweat are forming on my forehead. This would be the perfect time to start running my fingertips along the inside of my thighs, but unfortunately this pesky couple had to ruin my plan. Just the thought of what it would feel like to touch myself makes me shudder a little, despite the heat, and I can feel the familiar tingle of my nipples as they harden.

Shit, girl, pull yourself together. This place has rules of conduct after all and even though I only skimmed them when signing my membership contract, I'm fairly sure masturbating inside the sauna in front of other guests is frowned upon. I open my eyes to escape fantasy land and see the guy looking at my breasts. I can't say I blame him, they are nice, pretty much right in front of them and very obviously displaying a set of hard nipples. I give him a little smile and focus my attention on an interestingly shaped pattern in the wood of the wall behind him.

From the corner of my eyes I can see that he doesn't seem to be embarrassed about getting caught. He's quite openly assessing the rest of my body, glancing up and down my legs and even squinting a little to make out what's between them. Now I'm starting to get curious, especially about what his girl is thinking about all of this. I look at her, and she just seems to be bemused by his interest, looking back and forth between him and me and lightly petting his arm.

Well, I see how it is then. If they break the unwritten code of the sauna ("Keep your eyes to yourself!") then I don't see a reason why I should stick to it anymore. I decide to start with him. Nice looking guy, not exactly my type, but he's confident and has a nicely toned body. He's also still covered with that towel so I decide to keep myself carefully positioned in order to not give him any more views than I already had. And what about her? Cute girl, very cute body, love her hair, how can it look so good after sitting in this humid heat? I know that mine must be a mess by now. I subconsciously reach up to push it out of my face, making good use of the copious amounts of sweat that cover me by now.

I decide to look at her in more detail. Her breasts are small but very nicely shaped, I think I see a small tattoo under her belly button, and telling from her legs she must be a runner. She shifts her position slightly (pretending?) to get more comfortable, and I can see that she's covered in an even layer of sweat by now as well. Now wait a minute, that's not sweat between her legs. She has opened them slightly, not enough to make out anything but a vague shadow, but I can definitely see smears of creamy white on the insides of her thighs. Now things are starting to make sense. The noise I heard when I walked up to the roof, the hurried way those two disappeared into the sauna, the flush on their faces that was far too intense for the short amount they had been inside, and the faint smell of something that's definitely not sweat.

Looks like we've all been interrupted. By now there is no point in hiding anymore that we've been checking each other out. I wonder briefly what the rules of conduct say about masturbating inside the sauna in the presence of other guests if those guests don't object when the guy clears his throat and asks, "So, do you come here often?"

The girl and I do a sort of double take and almost simultaneously reply, "Seriously?" He seems taken aback by his awkward choice of a conversation starter, but it broke the ice, and if I ever had any doubt that these two have adventure on their minds, they are gone now.

"Yes" I reply, "I come here often... and I also 'come' here a lot. Unfortunately you two have crossed my plans for tonight."

"Don't let us keep you," she says, smiling, "you're an orgasm behind and have some catching up to do after all."

I hesitate a little, there is still the possibility that other people might show up and even though there is not much more room to sit, they might look inside and not appreciate what they're seeing. But I really feel in need of some release, the sight of these two and knowing what they had done right before I showed up doesn't really help my cause, so I lean back, take another deep breath and place my hand between my legs. It's nice and wet and warm there, partly because of my current location and partly because our nonverbal interactions of the past minutes have turned me on quite a bit. I play around between my lips for a little bit, to get my fingers wet and covered in my own juices, all while keeping my eyes fixed on the girls perky breasts. "Don't be shy," I hear the guy say. I realize that while it's quite obvious what I'm doing, my legs are still closed and they can't see much of anything.

"Better?" I reply with a grin as I prop my right leg up on the bench on my side, giving them a full view of my shaved pussy. "Better!" he says, looking quite satisfied.

My fingers are wet now, and I start circling my fingertip around my clit. This is exactly what I've been needing and the added bonus of an audience is actually helping to speed up the process. I can already feel my pussy swelling as I circle around faster and faster. "Don't be shy yourself," I call back at them. I see that her hand has left his arm and disappeared under his towel, moving around and undoubtedly trying to get him ready for round two. He removes his towel while urging her to assume a position mirroring mine, with her left leg propped up on the bench and her foot just a couple of centimeters from mine. "Thank you," I reply mischievously and focus back on rubbing my clit.

I can already feel that it won't be a problem for me to orgasm and that it won't take long at all, so I try to take things down a notch and prolong the show. I remove my fingertips from my clit, always a difficult step to take because while one part of me wants to keep teasing myself, the other part is craving that orgasm. I slide a finger into my slit, finding my hole and tracing the smooth edge of it. Another finger follows and my pussy starts doing those involuntary contractions that happen when she feels something is about to enter. I'm starting to get daring and decide to prop up my other leg up as well. Since there is no bench, only the door, on that side of the sauna, I decide to put my foot on the guy's knee, simply assuming that he won't object. And he doesn't seem to, he's clearly enjoying the combination of heat, the view, being stroked by his girl and having his hand between her cum-stained legs.

My pussy is starting to protest. She clearly needs to have something, anything, inside of her at this point, so I slip in one of my fingers, slowly while looking straight into the guy's eyes. In my world this means, "This is nice, but the real deal would be nicer" and I hope that it translates into his language as well. I enter another finger, and a third one, just to get a feeling somewhat close to being filled by a hard cock, and start fucking myself. My palm is pressing against my clit which has been throbbing in protest because of the sudden neglect.

I vaguely consider starting to caress my boobs as well, thinking that they would enjoy to see that, when my arousal takes over and I don't have much control over my actions anymore. It doesn't take much longer after that, a couple more thrusts with my fingers, some carefully applied pressure of the palm of my hand, and I can feel my orgasm approach without any way to stop it. I'm aware that I'm being closely watched, but there is no feeling of awkwardness anymore, and I'm allowing myself to totally give in to my climax.

When I return to earth a few moments later, legs still wide open and fingers inside of me, I see that the guy's cock is wide awake. I also feel like I'm about to have a heart attack, since I've been in this sauna for over 20 minutes now, and I'm flushed top to bottom from cumming so hard. "So, do you want to get out of here," I ask, trying to think of a place nearby where we could take this party. I have the slight worry that they might not be interested in anything further, but I also know that propositions by a naked girl are hard to resist.

Besides, they owe me!"


03.12.09, 15:12 Leisa to naughtymails:

"So they owe me, and they're clearly aware of that. We quickly grab our towels and get off the roof, agreeing to grab a quick shower and then meet outside to decide what to do next. I head into the ladies' changing rooms, followed by the girl, while the guy takes the next door for the men's showers. I can see him looking at us longingly, and it's not difficult to guess what is going through his mind. But apparently he read the rules of conduct as well, and he knows that further fun is just delayed by a little while, not completely canceled.

The girl and I open our lockers to get shampoo and soap, and I briefly wonder what kind of hygiene etiquette applies to these kind of encounters. I haven't lived a sheltered life in this aspect, not by any means, but this is the first time I've picked up (or been picked up by?) someone at a spa, after putting no effort whatsoever into preparing myself for close physical contact prior to that.

You're thinking to much, I tell myself. Your pussy is still smooth from shaving yesterday and that's all that matters, if that! I grab my shampoo and follow the girl into the shower. An older lady is already in there. I have seen her here before, and we nod at each other. If she only knew! Or maybe she does, and these sort of encounters are frequent here. It wouldn't surprise me. It's a very relaxing atmosphere, and people walk around in various states of undress, so things might happen very easily.

We head to the open shower area, no need to hide inside a stall. I can't help but glance over to her as she lets the water run all over her body, clearly enjoying the coolness after the hot sauna. She has little goosebumps all over, and her nipples perk up just like mine did earlier. I wonder if it's all because of the water or if there is a replay of what just happened going on in her mind. I quickly wash my hair, not wanting to waste any precious time, but I just cannot take my eyes off of her. I guess there is some truth to that cliche: a woman in the shower, partly covered in lather, running her hands over her body; it's sexy. I catch her eye as I reach between my legs to clean up. We both grin, knowingly and in expectation of more.

Finally the older lady leaves (Did she just wink at me?), and I work up the courage to speak.

"So", I say.

"So", she replies. We laugh. Maybe things are still a little awkward after all.

"So how is he?", I want to know.

"Mhmm", she answers.

"Mhmm?" Clearly it's more difficult to talk than it is to stick to non-verbals. But we're girls, we're supposed to be good at talking, so I give it another try. Maybe being straightforward will help, it certainly did upstairs in the sauna. "In bed, I mean. I suppose it's interesting to know, since I'm probably going to sleep with him in the next hour or two."

She laughs, "Oh, are you then?"

"Yep", I reply, "that's the plan."

She reaches for her soap and washcloth, but then reconsiders. "Do you want to taste him?" I hesitate. Really? She can't possibly mean what I think she means! Here? Now? After all of this? But apparently she is serious. She takes my hand and walks me over to a small shelf, usually used by guests to put their towels for after taking a shower. She looks over her shoulder to make sure that we're really alone, and then puts a leg up on the middle shelf. "Be my guest, you know you want to. You've been wondering ever since you saw those cum stains on my legs. I know because that's what we all think, but we don't admit it. We don't wonder how they are in bed, what their kisses are like or how big their cock is. Our first question is how they taste. Am I right?"

I can't deny that. As soon as I knew what he smelled like, I wanted to taste him. And not just his sweat or his kisses, all of him. I look down and see the top of her mound. This is actually the closest I've been to her so far. She has a small strip of hair, leading down to her pussy. It looks soft and there are drops of water glistening on each individual hair. She gives me another encouraging smile, and I take a knee. Now that I'm looking directly at her pussy I can see what I missed from the other perspective and in the dim light of the sauna. The small strip of hair actually ends right above her slit, leaving the rest of her pussy beautifully smooth and exposed. Her inner lips are poking out slightly from in between her outer lips, and there is a small freckle just left of where I know her clit must be hiding.

She smells of soap and sweat and woman. And him. I lightly touch her soft hair and run my finger down to her slit, pausing only slightly before parting it with my fingertip. She feels warm and wet, just like I did when we were upstairs. "You're a tease," I hear her say.

"And you like it," I reply. I'm now carefully examining her beautiful folds, again appreciating what a work of art a pussy is. Her clit feels like a little hard pea, and in contrast to that everything else is so soft and tender. I slide my finger all the way down her slit and just a little further, making her gasp with surprise. I add another finger, running them up again until they stop on either side of her clit, just resting there for a while. I wonder if she's like me, not liking too much of direct manual stimulation right away. Does she also prefer to play around first, slowly working her way towards the clit? And then, when the teasing gets almost unbearable, put just very little touch directly on it to push herself over the edge? There is no need to rush now though, there will be plenty of time for more exploring later.

I look up and see that she has started caressing her breasts, cupping them and slightly pinching her nipples. "You're beautiful," I tell her.

"Taste me, please," she answers. I move closer towards her and the scent intensifies. I kiss her, first on that little trail of soft hair, then lower, and lower, and lower, until I reach the top of her slit. I open my mouth and slowly put my tongue between her lips, trying to savor that first incredible taste. It's sweet and salty at the same time, with a hint of soap, and the definite flavor of sex. I'm mesmerized, because I had not expected that she would taste this amazing. I slowly work my way deeper into her pussy, through her lips all the way down until I reach her hole.

He just fucked her, runs through my mind. He just fucked her, and now I'm eating her out in the shower. I don't know if I should be aroused or bewildered by this. I have done some crazy things in my life, but this definitely earns a top spot. I decide to just go with what feels right. Which is to keep licking her. I run my tongue up and down her slit some more, making her moan and look for support on the wall. Her hole feels surprisingly tight when I stick the tip of my tongue inside of her. Lucky guy, I think. The taste of him gets more intense as I push forward, and I'm starting to wonder what my own juices mixed with his might taste light. I could find out later, maybe.

She grabs my head and snaps me out of my thoughts. She positions my mouth right in front of her clit and whispers "Please." Just please. My pleasure, I grin. I start licking her again, soft and slow at first, then going faster and faster. Her clit is swollen and very eager to receive pleasure. It doesn't take much longer, a couple more flicks of the tongue, and she comes. She lets out a deep groan that echos in the shower, and I get up to finish my shower. No need to say anything, her smile is telling me all I need to know. She is leaning against the wall for a few moments, and then walks over to me, places a kiss on my lips and lathers up again.

A little later, after we toweled off and put on our clothes, she turns to me and grins, "He's good."

Outside the guy is waiting for us and has clearly been waiting for a while. As he sees us approach, he comes over asking her what took so long. "2:1 for me, guys. Come on, let's get out of here."


03.12.09, 21:55 naughtymails to Leisa:

"I still can't believe what's been going on in there... first I got to fuck my horny girlfriend right outside the sauna, and now this obviously sexually deprived and very sexy lady has masturbated right in front of us, sending my brain into overdrive. Those images are still very clear in my head - her opening her legs, giving us full view of her beautifully shaven little hole. Placing her hand between her legs, touching herself. Carefully and shyly at first, then gaining confidence and speed. I felt like dreaming - my girlfriend had always been open-minded in bed, but this was unusual even for her! She must have been aroused from our dirty little fuck right before, not entirely satisfied. She winked at me as soon as the other girl stepped in, gently nudging my arm. "What do you think of her?", the sparkle in her eyes seemed to ask. "Does it turn you on, sitting in here, your cum running down the inside of my thighs, and another girl joining us?"

Indeed, it did turn me on. At first I was worried that the new guest might notice the bulge underneath the towel I had quickly put on when she came in. Afraid that she might begrudge my obvious leering at her tits, her long legs... her face, that I immediately imagined looking up at me, next to my girlfriend's, while sharing my cock. Well, apparently she didn't.

And now - well, those girls have been gone for a long time. I new they'd probably take a while, taking my time in the shower as well. Luckily, there was no-one in the shower with me - I had to hide my semi all the way from the sauna down to the showers, and while I was washing, pulling back my foreskin to wash away my cum and my girlfriend's juices, I immediately got hard again, thinking about those two naked bodies that were in the women's showers just down the hall. What were they doing right now? Would they be discussing what had happened? Would they be talking at all, or rather ashamedly avoiding eye contact? My dirty mind told a different story altogether:

My girlfriend soaping up, absentmindedly touching her breasts, thinking about her hot new friend. The latter stepping up behind her, putting her arms around her... and cut. My girlfriend still in the shower. One leg up on the sideboard, our sexy new friend on her knees, lapping at her pussy while at the same time rubbing her clit. Cut. The two girls in the changing room, still naked. My girlfriend on top, sixty-nining her, her ass pushed all the way out. The stranger is licking her clit, at the same time slowly inserting a finger into her wet pussy. Cut. My girlfriend got a small vibrator out of her locker, and now she is using it on her lover's clit. At the far end of the room, a third girl stands frozen in place, her mouth half open, her hand already down her crotch... I blinked, waking up from my daydream. A horny guy's porn-induced fantasies, I told myself. And now I'm sitting out here in the hallway, waiting for the two girls to finish showering, trying to keep my expectations as low as possible.

There they are - the door opens, out they come. They look fresh and relaxed, my girlfriend positively beaming, our new acquaintance with a mysterious and immensely sexy smile on her face.

I get up, walking towards them. I think about what to say, anxious as not to ruin my one chance to have an actual threeway with two stunning girls. When I open my mouth, out comes the second stupid line tonight: "What took you so long?"

My girlfriend smiles. "2:1 for me, guys. Come on, let's get out of here."


05.12.09, 12.29 Leisa to naughtymails:

"I can't believe it."

The guy is still standing at the door looking after us, shaking his head in disbelief. "Yes you can," she shouts back at him over her shoulder, "Did you seriously think I would not take advantage of the situation?"

She grabs my hand and leads me to the parking lot, the guy following us still wearing that expression between disappointment and excitement. There are some more formalities to attend. Where are we going? One car, two cars? Directly or are we meeting up somewhere? I'm torn between my desire to dive into this and get my hands on both of them and wanting to take a little break, maybe a short breather, to collect myself.

"So where are we going?" She stops at a green car that is parked only two spaces from mine.

"My place is close but small, his is all across town and he has annoying roommates.. What about yours?"

Looks like I had that cleaning bug for a reason last night. I even vacuumed under my bed which might be a blessing, depending on where things lead tonight. "My place it is then," I answer, "Is that ok with you?" I look at the guy who seems to be a bit thrown off his guard by how quickly things are progressing.

"Fine with me. Though I had actually hoped that I could give you a quick fuck in the back of the car before we leave."

Ha, nice try. Thankfully he winks and indicates that yes, a quick fuck would be lovely, especially since the girl is still practically glowing with excitement about being "in the lead", but he's in for the real deal and can wait to do things properly. I see, he's not actually all that intimidated by all of this, he's just enjoying stepping back to see how things are developing between his girl and me. Must be nice, I don't blame him one bit.

We get to my place fairly quickly and once parking is sorted out, we head upstairs. I invite them into my living room, since heading right to the bedroom would seem rather odd after being separated during the car ride. I wonder what they talked about? Did she give him the details on what happened in the shower? Do they have rules about these sort of encounters? Maybe I should ask what's ok and what's not? I've heard that some couples are pretty particular about this. Do they do this a lot? Am I the innocent "victim" here?

Too much thinking again, I'm sure we'll be able to figure things out as we go. And besides that, those two seem to be pretty low key and open. I ask them to have a seat and disappear into the kitchen to get a couple of beers. When I return I find her sitting in a chair and him on the sofa, nodding towards the empty space next to him. I take my place and raise my bottle. "To new friends" he says with a huge grin. Clearly, he needs to work on thinking before talking. Though in his defense, most of his blood supply seems to have moved south so he may be excused for not being the smoothest talker in this situation.

I down almost half of my bottle on the first sip. "Thirsty? Or nerves?" he asks. "Yes," I answer. Another moment of silence. Not exactly awkward, I think we're all just enjoying the erotic tension between us and are curious to see how things are going to develop. There are a couple of looks going around the room... he is looking at her while she is watching me. I'm looking at him as his eyes go back and forth between me and her. We all smile and aren't really sure where to pick up again. It is just obvious that we DO want to pick up again wherever we left off at the spa.

I finish my beer and set the empty bottle on the table. I'm the host here after all, so I should make the first move. Facing him, I learn back, put on my best casual look and ask him where he wants to start. "You're asking me?" he replies.

"Well, you're the star of the night, right? So it's just fair you'll get to pick."

"Star of the night?" he wonders. "The guy with the dick, the thing we're all after. And probably the one that will brag the most about this night to everybody who does and does not want to hear about it. So yea, your call." Wow, I think to myself, who is this super-confident chick and why doesn't she come around more often?

Meanwhile the girl has leaned forward and seems to be enjoying the interaction between me and her guy. He's still not talking, maybe I was a bit too straight forward? "Come on," she encourages him, "there must be a two girl fantasy somewhere in your porn-corrupted mind. This is your chance." I'm starting to think that this isn't a weekly ritual for them and that we're all pretty much on an equal level of experience. I like this. Not that I'd judge anybody with more experience, but it's just exciting to go through this together. We're all wearing the kid-in-a-candy-store expression, not knowing where to start and wanting to do everything at once.

"More beer?" I ask, giving them a couple of moments by themselves and him a few more seconds to think. If he doesn't come up with anything, I'm just going to straddle him and take it from there. The faint smell of fresh soap and shampoo and his slightly damp hair have been turning me on ever since I sat down next to him. Nice contrast, I think. The subtle turn on by a smell in a situation straight out of every second low budget porn. I wonder what my porn star name would be?

When I return I see that there is a lot of nonverbal communication going on between the two. She gives him another encouraging smile and a nod, he takes a deep breath and we're off. "I want you to take your clothes off. Both of you. Leave your underwear on, but everything else goes on a pile next to the table.. Now." Alright, now we're talking. I take off my boots and socks, my jeans and my sweater and can see from the corner of my eye that the girl is going for efficiency over seductiveness as well.

"Now sit down in front of me and kiss" I wasn't kidding when I was thinking low budget porn, though admittedly this kind of stuff is a hundred times hotter when your actually in it than when you're just watching it on the Internet. We lean towards each other and start kissing. I realize that while I have gotten myself off in front of her and licked her pussy until she came earlier, I hadn't actually kissed her yet apart from the small peck she gave me in the shower.

I like the way she tastes, kind of sweet with a hint of beer. Girl kisses are so different from guy kisses, much softer and smoother. Of course girls can kiss hard just like guys can kiss soft, but they're not the same. As our tongues start exploring each other, I let my hands roam over her body, first on her back and then down to her ass, playing with the back part of the black string she's wearing. She is doing the same. One hand is in my hair while the other one is circling around to the front of my body, stroking my stomach and slipping under the elastic of my panties. A noise from the couch interrupts us and we see that the guy has taken off his pants and is casually playing with his dick. "Keep going," he says, "this is like Christmas and my birthday in one day."

"He's usually a pretty smart guy, you know" she comments before putting her lips on mine again.

"Happens," I answer and push her bra straps down to get my hands on her perfect breasts.

"Let's just take these off altogether," she suggests and opens mine with one expert flick on a hand. I lay back on the floor after throwing my bra on the growing pile of clothes and pull her on top of me. Our lips meet again and her hand is cupping one of my breasts, teasing the nipple a little and then slowly moving down again. I let out a small moan when she touches my pussy through the thin fabric of my panties and arch my pelvis up to beg her for more.

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My right hand is resting on her ass while my left one is playing with her nipple and I'm trying to figure out how to pull her closer when I hear "Stop!"

"What do you mean, 'Stop'? You can't just stop here! Don't do this to me! Look at her! For god's sake, have you looked at her?" The girls seems a little panicked. And I'm a bit miffed as well. I had expected the night of my life, and I was already so far into this. Is there such a thing as "blue ovaries" or whatever the female equivalent of "blue balls" must be? I understand about personal boundaries and how they must be respected and couple's dynamics but dammit guy, I need this now!!

We both look up at him, not quite knowing what to do. Thankfully he grins.. "Stop having all the fun by yourselves and give this guy some attention."

Bastard. By now he has added all of his clothes to the pile and is leaning back on the sofa, sporting a pretty impressive hard-on. We move over to him and take a seat on either side of this legs. I can see that he's neatly trimmed but not shaved and that there is a small drop of pre-cum glistening on the tip of his penis. The girl sticks out her finger, scoops it up and licks it off with great ritual. "Come here, you, and take your panties off," he says as he grabs her and pulls her up to the sofa with him. "You," he points to me, "can start sucking that, while you," he motions to her, "Sit here with me and let me play with you."

"A man with a plan, I like that" I answer before positioning myself comfortably between his legs.

I know I should probably be put off by this, or shocked, turned off or at least feel like it's demeaning. But neither one is true, I'm highly aroused and can feel the wetness seeping though my panties. I hope someone will take care of this soon. Very soon. My own orgasm seems so long ago, and I've been ready to come again ever since I got the first taste of her pussy in the shower. I glance up and see that they're not wasting any time. He's sucking on her tits while burring two fingers in her hungry pussy. Yet another example that proves that soft touches and horny men don't go together and rightfully so. Oh to be ravished by him right now, I think woefully. Quickly followed by, don't kid yourself, this is what you've been wanting, right?

I carefully take his dick in my hand and give him a couple of strokes and squeezes. The guy takes his attention off the girl for a moment and watches as I take him in my mouth, positioning myself over his crotch so I can take in as much as possible of him. I feel his hand on my head and hear something that sounds like "ohmmmgahhhss." I take it that's a good sign. I don't have much attention to spare to figure out what is going on between him and her. From the sound of it he has taken to work on her pussy again, because she is making sounds that take me back to the shower at the spa. I hope he won't make her cum again, 3:1 is just not fair. Or almost 3:2, in his case. I can feel that he's growing and stiffening in my mouth and I slow down my movements and ease my pressure a little. I'm now just very lightly sucking at the tip of his cock, almost playfully, and reach down to massage his balls. His sack is warm and I can feel the skin tighten and relax under my grip.

"This is getting dangerously close," I hear him say.

"Me or you?," she answers, confirming my thoughts about what has been going on up there.

"Yes," he replies, "and it's not your turn, so why don't you go down there and help her out a little?"

"Are you serious," I hear her complain, "you're going to leave me hanging?"

"Yes, and that wasn't a question, get down there now." Apparently I'm not the only one that has found some new confidence tonight.

I move to the side to make room for her and we both get to work on his hard cock. She is licking his shaft while I continue sucking his head and our fingers meet as we both reach for his balls. We alternate and she takes all of him in as I lick the small part of the base that she can't reach. What a sight it must be for him! I can feel his leg muscles tighten, he must be getting close. My own pussy is throbbing now and it's taking all my willpower to focus on him and not start touching myself again. I can't help but rub against one of his outstretched legs though and I wonder if he can feel my soaked panties on his skin.

We are now both licking his head and trying to prolong his excitement as much as possible. His dick is covered in saliva and more pre-cum and I can count the veins on his shaft. It is my turn again to take him into my mouth and after a couple of seconds I feel him starting to erupt inside of me. I get a first taste of him and then quickly withdraw, leaving the rest of his cum to run down his shaft. "Nice timing," she says, and we both start to lick him clean while she is squeezing every last bit out of him. He does taste good, even better than I had imagined after getting a small taste of him out of her pussy.

When it's all over I sit back and try to catch my breath. My heart is beating fast from the hard work I put into getting him off and my own increasing excitement. She has straddled him again and they're obviously sharing a moment. This is making me both sad and glad to be the plus one in this adventure, I don't think any of the relationships I've had before could have survived something like this.

I lean back to enjoy the view of her backside, with my hand casually between my legs, barely being able to stand touching my aching pussy. Suddenly she turns around. "We've been terrible guests, haven't we? Let's see what we can do to reciprocate your hospitality."


07.12.09, 23:14 naughtymails to Leisa:

"Wow..." What else? Hm. Nothing. It's all I can think after this. Two girls, one of them my usually oh-so-shy girlfriend. Both sucking my cock, following my every command. It's been quite difficult, being so blunt and forcing them to do my bidding. But it worked out quite well, didn't it? I can see my cum smeared around her beautiful lips. And my girlfriend is pressing her naked, hot body against mine, rubbing her hips against my dick that gets softer after this incredible orgasm. I felt like a pornstar - the girls fighting over my dick, handing it back and forth like some trophy, licking like their lives depended on it. I know my girlfriend wants to be close to me now, confirming silently that this whole thing has nothing to do with the love we have for each other.


I look at our guest, and she looks more than just a little left out. She stares at my girl - and while I envy her for the view she must be getting, my girlfriend rubbing her ass all over me, at the same time I feel oddly sad that she doesn't get the attention she deserves after all this. It's her place, after all, and while me and Sarah had a nice long fuck at the sauna, and both me and her got off again after that, the poor girl sitting in front of us, almost absentmindedly fingering herself had to get off all by herself and now is left out again. Shame on us!

This is what I try to convey to Sarah - she is still rubbing her wet pussy against me, and when our eyes meet I raise my eyebrow, winking at her. She finally figures out what I have in mind and turns around, slowly.

"We've been terrible guests, haven't we? Let's see what we can do to reciprocate your hospitality", she says.

I nod in confirmation. "Indeed, dear", I reply.

"Do you think there is anything we could do to make up for this?" My girlfriend smiles, a sparkle in her eyes that is rare and speaks of dirty things to come.

Our guest looks up at us, questioningly. "Well, although her own fingers seemed quite nimble, she does seem to be in dire need for some professional help", Sarah says. She gets off of me, mentioning for me to get up as well. "Don't be such a bad host and see that you repay her efforts!"

Sarah takes our guest by the hand and pulls her up. She leads her to the couch, takes her head in both hands, kisses her playfully and pushes her down. "Open your legs, you little slut" she commands her. She complies and spreads her thighs slowly, her beautiful eyes locked on mine.

My girlfriend mentions me to come over and kneel down in front of our new friend. "Do something useful while you dick is recovering, honey!"

I fully devote myself to the task given. The girl looks down on me expectantly, and I wonder briefly if I am up for this, two girls and all. I brush these thoughts aside and focus entirely on the beautiful sight in front of me: Her legs spread wide, her pussy open like a beautiful, exotic flower. I rarely get my girlfriend to do this for me, to let me so openly examine her most private parts, so I enjoy this even more. Our guest is enjoying this as well - her pussy is expecting my touch, glistening with wetness, her hands roaming over her body. And Sarah is sitting right next to her, leaning over, kissing her slowly, their tongues intertwining, her left hand playing with a nipple while the other is pushing our guest's legs open for me.

I finally touch her. My fingers trace the inside of her thighs, and she lets out a small moan. My hands are like butterflies, fluttering up to her breasts and down again to her vulva. She throws back her head, closing her eyes and fully concentrating on our combined efforts. I lower my head, exhaling softly over her exposed pussy, feeling her shiver. I plant a row of soft kisses on her thighs, moving up towards her hole that is covered in juices by now. She seems to be aching for my touch, and when I finally let my fingers touch her outer lips, she arches her back against me, exhaling, squirming, trying to move herself so my fingers will finally get to her most delicate spots.

I push apart her legs some more, enjoying the agony she's in. Then I dive in fully, feeling Sarah's hand on the back of my head. My tongue touches her deep down on her perineum, and her body shivers. I start licking up slowly, covering her pussy, parting her lips with the tip of my tongue, moving through the folds of her beautiful wet pussy until I reach the pointed little tip of her clit. She moans louder, and now I can feel her hands on my head as well, pressing me down.

I feel my dick getting hard again. This is amazing, her pussy tastes just as I had imagined. Salty, musky, sweet and dark at the same time. I can taste that she already came earlier tonight, even though she probably showered afterwards, and although it reminds me of Sarah a lot, it is totally different. I inhale, my eyes closed, my mind completely focused on our guest's scent. The tip of my tongue is circling her clit slowly, intensely. Her moans are getting louder, sometimes stifled by my girlfriends mouth.

Suddenly, I am pulled away. My girlfriend is scolding me - "What are you thinking, what about me?! Stop being so selfish, don't you thing I want a piece of her as well? Besides, you look like you could put your cock to some use after all!". Who am I to argue?

"Don't stop --" moans our friend, moving a hand between her legs, rubbing her swollen clit.

"Stop it, you!", says Sarah, "We'll make you cum soon enough, don't you worry!" It is then that I get an idea - time to play out another fantasy of mine. "Turn around and kneel down in front of the couch", I tell our guest. She does so, resting on her arms, her beautiful round ass pushed out towards me. Sarah looks at me, questioningly.

"Stop giving orders for once and get to work with that cute little mouth of yours", I tell her. She gets the idea quicker than I thought she would, lying down in front of the couch on her back, her head between our guest's legs. I get a pillow for her so her head rests a little more comfortable and in easy reach of our friend's pussy.

"Now", I say, addressing my girlfriend. "Be a good girl and open your mouth, I want my dick nice and wet before I start pounding this hot little slut right here!" Sarah does as she is told, surprisingly without commenting on my choice of words. I position myself behind our guest, Sarah now lying underneath both me and her. She lifts up her head, eagerly reaching for my cock. I give it to her, using my hand to feed the thick shaft of my dick into her waiting mouth. She uses her hands for support, and I have mine free to explore the pussy in front of me. Our guest has her eyes closed, waiting. When she feels my hand on her ass, she wiggles back against me, moaning audibly.

"Please, don't make me wait any longer", she whispers. "I can't take it any more, please? I watched your cock while getting off for you guys in the sauna, I was a good little girl and licked your girlfriend in the shower after, I sucked your dick and tasted your cum - now I really want you inside of me, don't make me beg!"

Well, what if I want her to beg? What if I want her to tell me what a little slut she is, how she craves for my cock to fill her tight pussy? Apparently, Sarah has a similar notion. "You want my boyfriend's cock? You want MY guy to fuck YOUR pussy? You really think this is going to happen without some serious begging on your part? You must be crazy!", she scolds our guest, releasing my dick from her mouth, her saliva dripping down my shaft. The girl gets the hint.

"Please?", she whispers.

"Louder!", my girlfriend says.

"PLEASE?!", she repeats. "PLEASE fuck me, dear god, I can't stand this any longer. Can't you see my pussy is swollen and wet and ready for some cock? I beg you, both of you!"

"Good girl", Sarah teases her. "Come on", she tells me. "Shut her up and give her what she needs!"

No need to repeat that. I look down, my shaft still wet from getting sucked by my girlfriend. I move forward, placing my hands on our new friend's ass cheeks, pulling them apart. She presses back against me, waiting for my thick cock to fill her hole. My girlfriend, at the same time, moves her head further down between her legs and starts licking her clit. My dick finally touches her lips. I can feel Sarah tongueing my shaft, her hands on my ass, urging me on. Our guest is panting by now, wriggling her ass against my dick. I feel the tip of it parting her lips, pushing further, against the little resistance that the tightness of her pussy provides. "Mmmmhhhh", she goes, her breathing quick and intense. My head slowly disappears between her lips, while my girlfriend is moving her tongue back and forth between my balls and our guest's clit.

I continue pushing, the warm wet flesh of her pussy engulfing inch by inch of my throbbing shaft. Finally, I am buried inside her pussy. I stop moving for a moment, enjoying the intensity of her muscles clasping my dick.

Then I start fucking her.

She groans, loudly this time, unable to hold back. With each deep thrust, the tip of my cock pushes against the inner walls of her vagina, while Sarah is using her apparently rather skilled tongue on her clit. My balls slap against her ass with each time I push myself into her. I use both hands to support myself, grabbing her buttocks hard, sweat forming on my forehead. She is getting close now, if I gauge the shivering of her legs and the shortness of breath correctly. Unsure of her reaction, I decide to do what usually drives my girlfriend over the edge: wetting my thumb, I gently put it down on her puckered asshole.

Circling it, enjoying the view of my dick disappearing inside of her and my thumb touching her most delicate little hole. After a sharp indraw of breath, she seems to enjoy it. I keep pushing against her softly, while pounding her with all my might. Muffling her moans with a pillow now, she steers towards a powerful orgasm. I can't control myself much longer, so I hope she won't take much more. I thrust in deep, allowing myself to linger and push against her walls each time I enter her, pushing her over the edge. Her body starts to shiver violently, a single, long moan attesting her orgasm. I feel myself errupting inside of her on my last thrust, my hot cum shooting into her pussy, jet after jet of my juice unloaded into her tight hole. When I pull out partially, I can already see some of it dripping out of her and into the waiting mouth of my girl.

"Well", I say, my dick being licked clean by the willing slut that my girlfriend has become. "We may not be even yet, but you can't deny we're well on our way, right?"


10.12.09, 22:31 Leisa to naughtymails:

"When I regain my senses I find myself slumped over the sofa with my head buried in a cushion. I don't hear much besides the throbbing blood in my ears, and I'm exhausted. It's all slowly coming back to me... how the guy was teasing me while studying my pussy, how he then ordered me to kneel down, the girl making me beg for her boyfriends cock and the sensation of being fucked and licked at the same time. I had never been a huge fan of too much stimulation at once, but apparently I just hadn't met the right person yet. Or people.

As I turn around I see them sitting behind me, the guy casually leaning against the coffee table as the girl dutifully licks his cock. And again I'm surprised how comfortable I am with this situation, apart from the delicious soreness that is spreading from my pussy. He really did quite a job down there. I watch her finish cleaning his cock and place my hand on her nice ass to let her know that I'm still here.

"I've lost count" I interrupt the silence, "is anybody still keeping score?"

He laughs, "I'm at 3, she's at 2 and you're at 2 as well."

"You almost had me at 3," I confess "but I figure that would have been a bit greedy."

I'm starting to get cold and, to be honest, a little tired. "Guys," I say, "I don't want to be a party pooper, but I need a quick shower and some rest. You've been wearing me out!"

Thank god it's Friday and I don't have to go to work tomorrow. How would I explain this one to my boss? I apologize for being tired, I had sex with two strangers all night? I leave them in the living room and lock myself in the bathroom. Funny how I feel the need for privacy now after all of this. The water is hot and soothing and I enjoy reliving the last hour as I soap myself. My pussy feels very hot, swollen, slippery and slightly sore. A well used pussy, that's what one of my former boyfriends used to call this. I never knew if I liked that expression or not, but he had a point. It's been used alright, and hopefully will be some more before we say goodbye.

When I come out of the bathroom, I find my guests sitting on my bed. "My turn", she says and gets up.

"Just grab a towel from the stack and help yourself to whatever you need" I tell her and take her spot. My towel is only loosely draped around me and exposes more than it covers as I lie back. The guy lies down next to me, casually removing the towel and starts kissing me and caressing my breasts. I briefly wonder if this is ok, with her being in the bathroom and not here to see what we're up to, but quickly scold myself again for overthinking instead of going with the flow. He seems to enjoy getting his hands on boobs that are a little bigger than what he's used to and I don't mind at all. I almost involuntarily spread my legs a little and he smiles as he takes the invitation to do some more exploring. His fingers are carefully avoiding my clit and just play with my lips which seem to get wet again instantly.

I'm torn between wanting to rest and wanting to continue this to see where it leads this time, so I'm glad when the girl eventually returns from the shower and interrupts our playtime. She doesn't seem to be upset - or even surprised - and just crawls into bed next to me leaving me in the middle between the two of them. She smells nice, like she did back in the shower at the gym. Was that really today, just a few hours ago?

We all get as comfortable as we can be.. My bed was clearly not made for three people, but it's nice to be close to both of them right now. It doesn't take me long to fall asleep with her spooning me from behind and him on his back next to me, my leg across his and my knee touching his cock.

When I wake up it feels like I only slept for a little while, but I can see that it's dark outside, so I must have been out for a couple of hours. I feel someone softly stroking my breast and after remembering our sleeping arrangement, I realize that the girl must be awake as well. "Hey," I whisper.

"Hey," I hear in return, "did I wake you?"

"I don't mind," I answer and I really don't. In fact, I had been looking forward to spending some time alone with her. The guy moves and grunts and we both stifle a laugh.

"He's out cold," she says, "and I don't blame him. Do you want to get up?"

We get out of bed, careful not to wake him and settle on the couch. There are still a couple of wet spots on the cushions and on the rug in front of the sofa. She tries to apologize for the mess and offers to help pay for cleaning. "No worries," I answer, "those are not the first and won't be the last wet spots in this house. I've gotten pretty good at dealing with them." I grab a blanket for us, because even though it has gotten a little cold in here, I don't want to get dressed again. We both get comfortable on opposite ends of the couch, our legs intertwined in the middle.

"I hope you didn't mind the language earlier, we get into dirty talk sometimes," she confesses.

"Did I look like I minded?" I answer, "And besides that, you had a point, I was a dirty little slut, letting two strangers have their way with me like that and enjoying it. You really had me dangerously close to a third orgasm. Sometimes I just keep going and don't stop."

"Must be nice", she says. "Nice, yes. And overwhelming and exhausting and a little scary. To lose control like that, I mean."

We sit in silence for a couple of minutes, just enjoying each others company, when I realize that I'm hungry and excuse myself to look for some food. When I return with a plate of grapes, cheese and crackers, I notice that the blanket has slipped off of her, revealing her bare shoulders and her left breast. I sit down next to her, removing the blanket completely and start petting her soft skin as we share the food. "Do you have much experience with girls?" I ask.

"No, not much", she answers, "how about you?"

"No", I say, "but I wouldn't mind adding to it. You're so beautiful. And talented by nature, from what I can tell."

"Do you have any toys?" she asks. Of course I do! I excuse myself and retrieve my treasure box from the bedroom where the guy is still snoring blissfully. I just recently inspected all of them and made sure they had fresh batteries, so we have plenty of options to pick from. While I was gone she spread a couple of blankets and pillows on the floor so we'd be comfortable and have more room to move than on the couch.

I sit down next to hear and she takes my head in her hands and kisses me. I had hoped that she'd still taste like my juices, but I'm disappointed. I lie down and pull her on top of me. She presses her body against mine and I can feel her nipples harden against my chest. Her hands are exploring me again, and I'm reminded of being interrupted by the guy in the same situation a few hours before. I'm so glad she's all mine now and I intend to take advantage of it.

"I want you to lick me again," I tell her. "Like earlier, just this time I want to be able to focus on just your tongue. Can you do that for me, please?"

"Since you said please," she grins. I put one pillow under my head and another under my ass and she gets comfortable between my spread legs. "Spread them further," she commands quietly, "I want to see all of you." I oblige and enjoy the feeling of being so exposed to her again, just like I was to the guy earlier.

Her tongue feels familiar and new at the same time. I'm not going to deny that I enjoyed getting thoroughly pounded earlier, but this is wonderful in its own right. She is carefully exploring my folds with the tip of her tongue, poking inside my hole just a little bit and then returning to licking the length of my pussy with her entire tongue. I can tell she is enjoying this and I'm having a difficult time keeping my legs spread. I just want to close them and trap her where she is, so she can't leave. She senses this and stops for a second, determinately pushing my legs apart again and returning to work. She is now licking around my clit in small, soft strokes, and I can feel it swelling.

"You have a beautiful pussy," I hear her say. "It's so wet already, and ready to come soon. Do you want me to keep going or do you want to delay the fun a little bit?" It's a tough decision, but I want to enjoy her as long as I can, so I sit up and give her a long, deep kiss, this time actually tasting myself all over her mouth.

"Mhmm," I say, "yummy!"

She laughs and reaches for my toy box. "Let's see what's in here then. Not that I don't think you'd be awesome with your fingers and mouth, but it can't hurt to have something fun to play with, right?"

"Not at all," I reply, "And trust me, all of these things are extremely fun to play with!" She looks at my trusted vibe, the bullets and the tiny butt plug I don't get to use very often. Then she pauses for a second and I know she must have found. Magnus. Magnus was a present from a friend after one of my more painful breakups. He's a black dildo, and rather large. Not freakishly large, but larger than the average man you'd encounter.

"Do you want him?" I ask. She doesn't seem to be sure, but I can see curiosity in her eyes.

"He's fun," I tell her, "just lay back and relax and I'll show you." I put her in the same position she had me in just a while ago, on her back with her ass slightly elevated, legs spread so I can get full access to her pussy. I can see that she's glistening with a little wetness, but I'll need to get her dripping in order for her to fully enjoy this. I decide on a small egg shaped bullet vibe that fits perfectly into the palm of my hand. I turn it on low, and slowly run it up and down her inner thighs. She relaxes noticeably and I lie down next to her to watch her body react to my touch.

I cup my hand around the vibe and cover her pussy with it. I know it's not touching her clit and the vibrations are just strong enough for her to feel them throughout her entire pussy, but not too strong so she can climax from this. I don't want her to climax just yet, she just needs to get turned on as much as possible. I treat her to this for a few minutes, alternating the pressure a little bit and taking advantage of her nipples right in front of me. She seems to enjoy light sucking and slow, sloppy licks.

When her moans are getting loader and she starts twitching a bit, I decide it's time. I remove my hand from her pussy and see that it's dripping wet. Nice, just what she needs to be. I take Magnus and rub his tip between her pussy lips to get him covered in her juices. She moans again and I don't wait for her to say anything, I simply start to slowly but firmly slide the dildo inside of her hungry hole. There is a little resistance at first, but she's so wet now that it doesn't take long and he slides forward without a problem. I stop once he's filled her almost completely.

"Do you want me to fuck you with it?" I ask? She moans again. "I take that as a yes," I say and slowly start to move the dildo in and out, thrusting just a little harder each time. She is grabbing the blanket by now, and I know the sweet agony she's in. It's that fine line between being uncomfortable and stretched out and being turned on by knowing what is happening and feeling so filled.

I know it always takes me a little extra help to cum, but I give her a little longer, continuing to fuck her with the dildo and watching it slide in and out of her stretched hole. I'm so turned on by this and I know I will have to cum again after I finish her off. Maybe she can use Magnus on me as well, after she's made him so nice and slippery. Hopefully she won't be too exhausted, though I don't think it will take me much. She's still aching her back, holding on to the pillows and I think she's struggling to find release. I bend down over her pussy, trying to keep the pace steady while reaching for her clit. I can feel the entire area throbbing and put my mouth over her sweet spot, sucking on it rhythmically.

She comes in no time, her pussy clutching the dildo. I'm having a hard time moving it, so I just leave it inside of her while continuing to work on her clit. When she relaxes I remove it and she has a sad look on her face.. "Don't worry," I assure her," It won't ruin you for the 'real thing'. There is nothing that can beat getting fucked by a real guy with a real dick, not even this big piece of rubber."

"I might have to put this on my birthday wish list" she says as she examines Magnus, now covered in her juices. "Or you can come over and use mine" I suggest with a wink.

I sit back and let her enjoy the afterglow of her orgasm. It seems like it was a big one, since she has this huge grin on her face. She has her eyes half closed and is fingering the inside of her left thigh. I mirror her movement, because as much as I enjoy watching her, my own pussy has started to protest again and wants attention. If I ever do this again, I need to make sure that I cum first at least once!

"Come here" I tell her. She opens her eyes. "Come here and make me cum again. It was amazing to watch you, now it's my turn. 3-3-2 is hardly fair!"

"True" she replies and before I can say another word she's on top of me again, sucking on my nipples and her fingers work their magic between my legs. She's rough this time, thrusting first one finger inside, then two and three. Her thumb is pushing on my clit which is aroused enough to appreciate that kind of treatment. She finally pushes a forth finger inside and fucks me with her whole hand. Her other hand is squeezing my tit as she vehemently sucks on the nipple.

I can't control myself anymore and have to give in to my orgasm, even though I would have loved to enjoy this treatment for longer. She has a mischievous grin on her face as she gets up, her fingers still inside of me, now slowly fucking my aching pussy. "You liked that, didn't you?" she says. I just nod. "Thought you would. You seem the type who can appreciate it when things get rough."

"It takes on to know one," I reply and she grins knowingly.

She is still fingering my wet lips when we both hear a noise from the bedroom door. The guy is standing there, half concealed by the shadows, so it's no wonder we didn't see him earlier.

"How long have you been standing there?" she asks.

"Long enough," he replies. "Long enough."


And this is as far as we got - I hope you guys liked it as well, we both felt amazed how much of our real selves and our fantasies went into the story. We kind of lost contact, but now - after posting this here and re-reading the entire thing in the process, I might try to find her again. Anyways - thanks so much for the (so much bigger than mine) contribution to this story, Leisa!

Written by naughtymails
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