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Things Change

"My best friend comes back from college, having learned some new skills."

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Author's Notes

"Part 1"

The stars were just starting to come out when Jake and I finished the dinner dishes and headed down to the lake. 

We’d drunk a lot of wine before and during the meal, and it was now time to enjoy some of the killer weed I’d scored just before we made the drive up from the city.

Jake had been my closest friend in junior high and high school and we had stayed in touch after graduation despite going to different colleges. I hadn’t seen him at all, though, during our junior year, so when I invited him to spend the last weekend of summer at my parents’ cabin he eagerly agreed. 

The plan – not that much thought had gone into it  – was to relax, loll on the deck and stay stoned, with maybe a short hike or swim now and then.

Our cabin sits on a secluded cove on a big lake in the California mountains, with lots of pine and spruce trees around it and a small dock where we keep a couple of kayaks. The lake water is cool even on a hot day, but not so cold that it takes the edge off a good buzz.

We sat there for a while dangling our feet in the water, passing a joint back and forth. Half the joint turned out to be plenty, so I let it go out and set it aside to finish later. 

Jake and I were quiet for a long time, gazing at the water and the stars and enjoying the high. There was just enough light from the small dock light to see his face.

It was still quite warm, and after a time Jake suggested we go for a swim.

“Did you bring a suit?” I asked.

“No, but there’s nobody around,” he said. “Let’s just skinny-dip.”

This was no big deal; even if it hadn’t been dark, we have no near neighbors. Nor were Jake and I embarrassed about nudity. We had seen each other naked many times in the locker room and at occasional sleepovers when we were younger.

But I noticed as we stripped that he had gotten more muscular; he must have been working out at school. I felt a twinge of jealousy. Jake had always been a good-looking guy and had good success with girls; it almost seemed unfair that he had improved physically since high school.  Not that I’m some sort of troll. I’ve been told I’m good-looking and I’m in good shape from swimming regularly. I never had Jake’s way with women, though.

No matter. When we were both naked we jumped in, hooting and hollering at the abrupt temperature change.

Jake was in a playful mood. He swam around making motorboat noises and squirting water with his cupped hands. 

“Having fun?” I asked. 

“Loads,” he said. “Feels good to blow off some steam before going back to school.”

The water near the end of the dock is eight or nine feet deep, which means you’re treading water most of the time, but in one spot I remembered there’s a flat rock you can stand on. I found it with my feet and stood up, the water lapping around my chest.

Jake swam over.

“Room for me, too?”

“Barely,” I said.

I gave him a hand up. Only then did I realize the rock wasn’t as broad as I remembered, and that we’d have to stand awfully close together if both of us were to fit.

Which was fine, until I felt something poke me in the hip. 

I realized with a start that it was Jake’s cock, and he seemed to be hard.

What the hell?

I pretended I hadn’t felt anything, but then he bumped me again.

“Dude,” I said, attempting to joke about the situation, “be careful where you put that thing.”

“Who says I wasn’t being careful?” 

I laughed, but uneasily. What did he mean by that? Did he mean he’d intentionally poked me with his dick?

Nah, I decided. Jake was straight as they came.

Still, there we were, standing close together on the rock, both naked, and one of us had a hard-on.

No, two of us. Very much to my surprise and against my will, I was getting hard, too. 

What the fuck?

I glanced at Jake. He was smiling. 

I felt uneasy. Did he somehow know I had a boner, too? 

And if so, why would it make him smile?

There was an awkward pause. The atmosphere had changed in a way I couldn’t define and wasn’t sure I liked.

I covered up my uneasiness by slipping off the rock and swimming back to the dock. Jake followed a few seconds later. I climbed out of the water and reached for my clothes. When I turned around Jake was standing there naked, and he still had a noticeable boner. 

It was an uncomfortable situation for me, and I again tried to joke my way out of it.

“Dude,” I said. “Are you into me?”

“Looks that way, doesn’t it?” 

I was a little unnerved at the calm and casual way he said it.

“Looks like you’re kinda into me, too,” Jake said, pointing at my dick, which wasn’t as hard as his but was definitely chubbed up.

“Fuck you,” I said, turning my back to him and pulling on my clothes. When I was dressed I headed up the path to the cabin. 

What the fuck was going on? Had Jake made a pass at me?

When I got back to the cabin I plopped into a chair on the deck and poured myself another glass of wine. I was confused, and a little pissed off as well.

Jake followed a minute later. I didn’t look at him as he sank into another chair. 

My mind was full of questions, but I decided not to ask any of them.

“Let’s finish this doobie,” I finally said.


We smoked what was left of the joint in silence. After a few minutes, I calmed down, and eventually convinced myself I was overthinking things.

Jake helped me by changing the subject. He asked me whether I had made new friends at school, what courses I would be taking that fall, etc. The atmosphere relaxed, and for a time I pretty much forgot about the incident on the rock.

Finally, it was time for bed. I got up, stretched and turned to go inside. It was only then that I realized how awkward the sleeping arrangements would be. 

Our cabin isn’t meant to sleep a crowd; aside from the main room, which has several easy chairs and a love seat but no proper couch, there’s one bedroom where my parents sleep and another one with bunk beds where my brother and I used to sleep. 

I had forgotten, though, that my dad’s summer project was to rebuild the bunk beds, which had been big enough for two kids but not for two adults, and he was only halfway finished. 

That meant Jake and I would have to share the bed.

True, we had had a bunch of sleepovers when we were teenagers, but we had never shared a bed, and the idea of doing it now – after our aquatic bonerfest – seemed more problematic. 

Fuck, fuck, fuck.

“I’ll sleep in a chair,” I heard Jake say behind me.

I turned around. 

“No, you’ll never get a decent night’s sleep doing that,” I said. “We can share.”

I wasn’t really comfortable with the idea, but I didn’t want to be a prick, either.

I went into the bathroom, brushed my teeth and put on a pair of boxers. It was too warm in the cabin to wear more. I lay down on one side of the bed, facing the wall, and closed my eyes.

I heard Jake go into the bathroom. After a few minutes he came out and got in bed on the other side. 

“Night, Tom,” he said, switching off the overhead light. 


The room wasn’t totally dark. The moon had risen, and some of its silvery light streamed through the window and onto the bed.

I lay still for several minutes, trying to relax enough to go to sleep. 

But sleep would not come; all I could think about was the feel of Jake's cock bouncing against my hip and the sight of his erection on the dock. 

I’d been surprised at how big it was; on those occasions when we’d been naked together, I had been too self-conscious to give him a good look. 

I’ve always thought I had a pretty nice cock, but his was…… 

Fucking hell, why was I having these thoughts? I’m not gay. I have no interest in guys. 

But why is my dick stiffening up again?  

It didn’t help that I was still drunk and stoned; wine and dope in combination always made me horny.  Pretty soon I had a serious erection. 

Damn, I thought. This is so awkward.  If I was alone I’d just whip out my dick and rub one out. No way in hell I’m doing that now.

But as soon as I told myself that jacking off with Jake so near was out of the question, I started wondering what it would be like.

Then I wondered if he was thinking the same thing. Was he lying there with an erection, too, wishing he could whip it out and wank away?

Yeah, I knew that guys our age sometimes jacked off together, and that it didn’t necessarily mean they were gay. But I’d never been tempted to try it myself, and I’d never felt like I was missing something.

Now I wondered if maybe I had. 

I was getting uncomfortable. My boxers had gotten twisted around me, and my hard cock was pinned at an awkward angle. Trying not to make noise, I lifted my hips to loosen my boxers and slipped a hand in to free my shaft. 

The minute I touched my aching cock I made an involuntary grunt.

Shit, I thought. If Jake heard that, he might think I’m playing with myself.

I heard a rustling sound. Jake was moving in the bed. 

I was still facing the wall, so I couldn’t see what he was doing. 

Then I felt his hand on my hip.

I froze. 

What the hell?

Time seemed to stop. My heart was pounding. 

And my dick was throbbing.

What should I do?

Part of me was horrified. I’m a straight guy, and Jake clearly had something gay in mind.

But part of me was suddenly very curious where this might lead. 

Besides, I was desperate for relief, and my inhibitions were weakening.

Jake was evidently waiting for me to give him a sign. His hand was still on my hip.

After several agonizing seconds, desperation and curiosity won out. I rolled in his direction onto my back.

I had as much as told him to keep going. Would he? 

My heart was beating so hard I was sure he could hear it. 

I turned my head cautiously in Jake’s direction. His body was visible in the moonlight but his face was in shadow, so I couldn’t see his expression, much less guess his intentions.

Finally I felt his fingers moving. He slipped his hand through the fly of my boxers and wrapped his fingers around my cock.

I drew a sharp breath.

Oh my God, that feels good. I was so keyed up, it was all I could do not to cry out. 

Jake gave my cock a little squeeze, then his hand started moving, stroking me slowly but firmly. Again I gasped. I could not believe how good it felt to have my cock in his hand. All the nerve endings in my body seemed to be firing at once. 

The stroking was steady but not rushed; Jake seemed in no hurry.  

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Now, this wasn’t the first time another person had touched my cock. Several girls had, and of course those had been pleasurable experiences.

But this was different, somehow. Jake’s grip on my cock was stronger, more purposeful; he didn’t seem to be afraid of it, as many of those girls had. 

The fact that he was a guy gave the experience a taboo element that only increased my excitement. 

Much more of this, I thought, and I’m going to blow my load.

At that moment, much to my disappointment, Jack withdrew his hand. He started moving on the bed, and the next thing I knew he was kneeling beside me. I briefly saw his face in the moonlight; he had an intent expression I could not quite read.

He slid a hand back through the fly and gripped my cock again. But this time, instead of stroking it, he gently pulled it through the fly into the open, using his other hand to help pull the fabric out of the way.

My cock was now in the open air, Jake’s hand still wrapped around it.

Another pause followed. 

As I watched, Jake bent over me. Before I could react I  felt something warm and wet on my cock.

Jesus God, he’s got his tongue on my dick. His tongue was swirling around the head of my cock. The feeling was so intense I thought I might pass out. My toes curled, and I think I moaned a little.

Then he went to work on the shaft, licking me in long slow strokes along the ridge on the underside. 

When he came back up and probed the slit with his tongue, I damn near came on the spot. 

“Jake, I…..”

He raised his head briefly.

“Shhhh,” he said. 

The next thing I felt was my cock sliding between his lips. 

Oh my God. 

My best friend is giving me a blow job.

He moved his lips slowly downward. When about half my shaft was in his mouth he paused, then moved upward again, lightly sucking as he went.

His lips touched the ridge around my head, where he stopped briefly before starting downward again, this time taking in another inch of my shaft. The sucking feeling seemed to intensify.

A minute passed as he worked up and down, slowly enough to keep me right on the edge. I was squirming underneath him. My toes curled again, and I felt my cock swelling the way it does before you come.

Jake seemed to sense it; he paused, letting my building orgasm subside for a moment, then started up again.

I closed my eyes. I don’t know when I’ve ever been so excited or felt something so good. This was much better than any blowjob I’d had from a girl. 

Jake clearly knew what he was doing. 

I was just starting to ponder the implications of this thought – when and where had he learned to do this? – when I felt him moving again. I opened my eyes. He was still on his knees but he had turned to face me. Most of his body was visible in the moonlight.

There was a big tent in his boxers.

My mind was in a whirl.

The next few seconds seemed like hours.

I don’t recall consciously deciding to touch him, but I guess instinct took over. I reached up with my left hand and felt his cock through the fabric. 

I found it. It was very big and very hard.

Holy shit.

I’d never done anything like this before, never even thought about it, but it was incredibly exciting, not least because we were breaking some pretty big taboos. My heart was racing. 

I had to touch him for real. 

Again, without really deciding to do it, I slipped my hand through the fly and wrapped my fingers around the shaft of his cock.


The skin was warm and soft, but underneath he was hard as steel. He was thick, too; my thumb and fingertips, wrapped around the shaft, didn’t quite meet.


I gave him a tentative stroke, and he emitted a little sigh of pleasure. Hearing that only increased my excitement.

Jake grasped my cock again. As if by mutual agreement, we both started slowly stroking.

Lord, I thought, that feels good.

Jacking a guy through his fly, however, is an awkward proposition. After a few strokes he let go of me, grasped the hem of my boxers and gave them a tug. I got the hint. I raised my hips and he slid them off. Then I watched as he hooked his thumbs in the waistband of his shorts and pulled them down and off. 

We were both naked now. My body was mostly in shadow but I could see all of Jake below the neck. 

I couldn’t help but admire his body, lean and finely muscled. In the cool moonlight he looked like a marble statue of some Greek god.

I gazed upward at his cock: I’d seen it earlier that evening, but only now did I get a good look at it.

Lord, he’s big, I thought. 

Eight inches easy, maybe closer to nine, curving upward and a little to the left. The head was big and mushroom-shaped, the shaft quite thick, as I said. His balls were big and round and hung very low. 

Jake raised a hand, wrapped it around his shaft and started slowly stroking. He used the other to massage his balls.

He was putting on a show, clearly for my benefit. 

Something glinted in the moonlight; a drop of precum had formed in his slit. I watched, mesmerized, as it grew larger, spilled over and began dripping slowly downward.

Jake let it hang there. Then, after a pause, he turned again, bent back over my mid-section and took my cock back in his mouth. This time he swallowed me whole, and I let out a groan.

Then, without taking his mouth off my dick, Jake began sliding his knees on the bed so that his right hip came closer to my side. This allowed him to get a better angle on my cock, but it also brought his cock within easier reach of my hand. 

He was offering himself to me.

I took hold of him again, feeling for the slit, and found the big gob of precum. Using my thumb, I smeared it around the head. Jake made a noise I could feel in my cock.

He moved once more.

He brought his hip still closer, raising one knee so that I was looking straight at his crotch, now partly in shadow. 

The tip of his dick was about ten inches from my mouth. 

I squeezed the shaft, and despite the dim light I was able to see another big drop of precum forming in the slit.

Can I do this? 

I know it’s hard to believe, but until that moment the thought of sucking Jake’s cock hadn’t crossed my mind. 

What had happened so far was so new and surprising that I hadn’t had time to think about it – that’s how ‘in the moment’ I was.

But now I had to think about it.

Jake paused, my cock still buried in his mouth. I think now he was giving me a chance to push him away, to say ‘No,’ to do something to stop this.

But none of those things happened.

To this day I can’t tell you whether Jake was pushing or I was pulling, but his cock moved still closer to my mouth.

When it was no more than an inch from my lips, he paused again.

It was hard to see in the semi-darkness, but I knew there was still a big gob of precum on the tip of his dick. I could smell it.

What the hell. Go for it.

I extended my tongue and licked at the tip. I will never forget that first taste: slightly salty, thick, with a musky quality.

Not at all unpleasant. I licked again, more vigorously, and got another taste. 

Jake made an appreciative noise.

I licked some more around the head. Jake made a guttural sound I felt in my cock, then resumed moving up and down my shaft.

I opened my mouth and pulled his cock in, just far enough to wrap my lips around the head.

Holy shit. I’ve got a guy’s cock in my mouth.

The taste of precum was really strong now. I savored it for a moment, then took in another inch of shaft.

How can I describe what I was feeling? The smoothness of his skin on my tongue? The taste of his precum, now flowing freely? The smell of lakewater in his crotch? 

If Jake’s dick had looked big in the moonlight, it felt bigger still in my mouth. 

I took in another inch or so, then sucked tentatively. My mouth was nearly full of cock now, and I marveled to think that he was barely halfway in.

I felt like I was going to gag, though. Jake must have sensed my discomfort, because he pulled out far enough for me to get a breath.

After a pause, he slid back in, then part-way out, then back in again.

What the hell?

It’s like he’s fucking my mouth.

Holy shit. 

I lay still for a moment, letting him set the pace. I noticed that each time, he pushed in slightly deeper. I instinctively adjusted, relaxing my throat to give him room.

An hour earlier, the thought of my sucking a cock would have seemed absurd. But now that I was doing it….

This is so hot.

Meanwhile Jake was still working on my cock, bobbing steadily up and down. 

I felt myself getting close. I made some kind of grunting sound. Jake got the hint and picked up the pace further.  In seconds I was ready to blow. Jake seemed to sense that, too. He pulled his cock out of my mouth and focused on me.

He swallowed me to the root, then backed off, using his hands to stroke me as his lips retreated.

Oh, my God, this is intense

Finally, with a huge groan, I went off. A massive gush of cum surged out of my cock and into Jake’s mouth. He didn’t seem to mind, though; he kept his lips tightly wrapped around me as shot after shot of spunk fired from my dick. I felt his throat contract around my cock, and realized he was swallowing.


When I was finally spent, he swallowed once more. 

Before I could say or do anything more, Jake again rose once to a kneeling position, wrapped a hand around his dripping cock and started stroking himself. I watched him, rapt.

After half a dozen strokes he made a roaring sound, gave a convulsive jerk and a long jet of cum shot out of his cock. It landed on my forehead. Before I could react another shot landed on my cheek. A third shot hit me and the chin, and two more hit my neck.

I was stunned; this was so unexpected I had absolutely no idea how to react.

I froze again as Jake leaned down, licked a wad of cum off my cheek and, to my utter surprise, kissed me. His tongue forced my lips apart and slipped between them. I tasted cum.

Holy fuck, he’s sharing his own cum with me.

Something came over me, and I met his tongue with mine. 

We kissed passionately, then Jake pulled back enough to lick more cum off my face and neck. He fed that to me, too.

When it was all gone Jake gave me a long, lingering kiss, then rolled off of me and onto his back.

For a long minute, we both lay there breathing deeply, coming down from our sexual high. Neither of us said a word.

Finally Jake rolled on his side, facing away from me, and in another minute I heard him quietly snoring.

I lay there a long time, too keyed up to sleep, staring at the ceiling and thinking.

What in the actual fuck just happened?

Written by dondave
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