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The Queens Head

"A young man walks into a pub and his life changes…"

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Author's Notes

"This story is a work of fiction. So, please note, "The Queens Head" pub in this story does not exist, any resemblance to one in the real world is pure coincidence."

“Fuck!” I thought this course was meant to be easy. That was what I had been told.

I remembered my boss’s very words, “Don’t worry, Mark, it is only a week. It will be easy… and don’t forget that at the end of the course, you will have gained a qualification.”

That was two months ago… Since then, everything in my life has fallen apart, except my job. That had become the pillar of my existence.

I swore again to myself, knowing that everything I did, now, rotated around work and that, too, would crumble if I failed this course.    

There I was, sitting, looking out of my hotel window and across the city’s night landscape. The rain splattering across the glass reflected my mood.

“Why is my life so shit?” I muttered as I thought about my now ex-girlfriend, Suzy.

Why did she dump me, to go out with my best friend? It was a question I had asked myself a thousand times before, but there were no proper answers, just feelings.

However, there was one thing I was sure of as I touched my crutch, my cock already semi-hard, and that was I was horny, having not had sex for months. It was also part of the reason I felt so irritable. Sex had been on tap with Suzy. I missed her… Well, maybe it was more that I missed the sex.  

With a sigh, I looked at my hotel bed and thought; I have a wank later.

My eyes returned to staring out of the window; the rain was beginning to ease. It had been raining ever since I got here, and I needed to get out. Get some fresh air; despite the growing pile of coursework, I had to still do.

I sighed again and scanned the horizon. There was a white building with lights on all four sides. It looked like a pub. My mouth felt suddenly dry, I needed a drink and some socialisation. So, it was a simple decision as I grabbed my coat and my coursework and then headed for the well-lit oasis.

The pub was called, ‘The Queens Head.’

As I went to the bar, though still early, it felt lively for a Tuesday evening. After ordering some food and getting a pint, I retired to a quiet corner table. It was seated for two. I intended to read my coursework notes and catch up on what I should have already done.  

It was sometime later, with my meal eaten and work all but finished, that an older man asked, “Do you mind if I join you? There are not many chairs or tables left.”

I looked around and was surprised to see just how crowded the pub was now. There was a real buzz building in the place.

“Be my guest,” I answered, though I was still a little unsure.

“Do you want a drink?” my new acquaintance asked, seeing my pint glass was almost empty.

I contemplated leaving. However, I was never one to turn down a free drink, and there was something else going through my head. I was lonely, having been here since Sunday, a hundred miles north from where I and my friends lived.

“I am Richard,” he said with a wry smile, as he returned with a pint and stuck out his hand.

“Mark,” I replied as I shook it. I noticed his wedding ring.

“You on the Metrology course at the university?” he asked as he glanced at the cover of my course notes. “Tough course,” he then added, making it clear that he knew about the measuring course that I was on.

His comment had me explaining about the course, then my job, and for some reason, the split with Suzy. I needed to get my feelings out, and Richard was a good listener. He even sympathised, telling me he had gone through something similar when he was younger. However, he didn’t elaborate. Instead, he went to the bar and purchased two more pints, even though I had offered.

It was only when he returned that the conversation changed, and it took a turn I hadn’t expected.

“How old are you, Mark?” he asked. His eyes were measuring me, just like the lasers did in the machines on my university course.

“Twenty,” I replied, “And you?” I asked without thinking. 

Richard didn’t answer. Instead, he threw me another question. “I know you are from out of town, but do you know what type of pub this is?”

I looked around, unsure, but nothing twigged other than it was lively for a Tuesday night. Everyone seemed to be having a good time, and that is what I told him.

“I explain,” he said and moved a little closer. His hand rested on my leg. I didn’t move; I just stared at it, paralysed.

“Look again,” he whispered.

I did.

“This is a gay pub, Mark. Regulars like me call it ‘The Queens’. It is an inside joke on the pub's name.”

As I listened to what Richard was saying as my eyes scanned the room. However, my mind and my senses never left the feel of his hand’s touch… I knew my cock was stirring.

I surveyed the pub's clientele. I had clarity and a surge of nervous energy went through my body as I took in my surroundings with the new knowledge.

There were many more men in the pub than women, and with the new insight, it was obvious that some of them were indeed male couples. Though I did not know any homosexual men back home, it was like turning a switch, and now I could see these men were gay.

The women, too, seemed to be mainly talking to each other. A few openly had their arms around one another, like they were best friends, but now I realised they were likely to be lesbian couples. 

I now understood, yet I was unsure, especially when Richard moved his hand higher and his fingers brushed my cock over my jeans.  

“I've never had another man touch me,” I truthfully replied, not knowing what to say or do.

However, I was young and horny. The idea of letting another man jerk, or even suck me off was not out of the question, as I had the closeted thought in the past.

“Let me explain about my marriage while my hand rests there.”

His soft words were therapeutic, almost reassuring. I found myself unconsciously relaxing, even with his hand remaining high on my thigh. It was now clear what he wanted from me, but I was still assessing whether I was interested or not.

“You could say we have an unusual marriage. You see, Emma and I have what is called a marriage of convenience…”

“A what?” I questioned, slightly cutting him off. I had never heard of the term.

“A marriage of convenience… Let me enlighten you…”

Richard explained how he had married young, but then got divorced when it became clear that he was gay. He went on to describe his first encounter with another man. Even without any explicit sex details, I felt my cock harden as I listened to his story.  

The older man’s hand continued to rest on my upper thigh, its presence the elephant in the room, as I needed to decide if I wanted this to go any further.

“By my mid-twenties, I owned and was running a small company that designed and built industrial metrology equipment. You might have heard of my business…” 

He warmly smiled when he told me the company’s name. It was extremely well-known, and only today I had been using their measuring machines. No wonder he knew about my university course, I thought.

“I didn’t want to hide his sexuality,” he remarked. “But in the business which I am in, it became clear it was far easier if I did. That is when I met Emma. She was in a similar position, and we came to a mutual arrangement and married…”

As the older man told me his story, I took in his looks, though still very conscious of his hand as his fingers once again started brushing my semi-hard cock.

Richard was probably in his fifties. His short grey hair had receded, and a large bald area covered the crown. Like myself, I liked the fact that he was clean-shaven, but there the similarities stopped. He was rugged and had brown eyes. They were warm and friendly; though I had the feeling they could see what I was thinking. He was smartly dressed, a few grey hairs peeking out of his open shirt. He was also large, not fat, but a little on the heavy side for his six-foot-plus frame.

In comparison, my body was lean, and other than my head and penis, there was not a hair on it. As for my height, five-foot-eight; I always wished that I was taller.

Once again, I glanced at Richard’s hand. It was now resting on the bulge between my legs, and we both knew I was currently carrying an erection.

“Do you want to come up to my room? We can take this a little further.”

“Your room?” I questioned, my mind spinning.

“Yes, I always stay here when I am in the city. I am here all week.”

 I thought back to Suzy and those last haunting words she said to me as we split up… “You sure you’re not gay, Mark?

“Of course, I am not,” I had replied at the time, but I wasn’t sure. The truth was that since then her comment had eaten into me and I had thought many times about sex with other guys, though I had never acted on it… until now!

“Yes,” I whispered, my throat suddenly dry. This was a chance to experiment discreetly, maybe to prove Suzy wrong.

With a last gulp of my beer, I discretely followed Richard up the pub's rear stairs.

Am I doing this? I questioned, still slightly unsure; though with every step, I knew the likely answer to my question.  

The room was small, a double bed taking up most of it, but it did have an ensuite, so I took the opportunity to use the toilet. It was time I needed to clear my head and make certain it was not just my cock that wanted sex with another man.

But, it didn’t take two shakes to realise that it wasn’t.

When I returned, Richard was sitting on the bed, already nude, apart from his dark underwear. His naked appearance confirmed that he had a hairy chest and that he was slightly overweight. But it wasn’t either of those things that caught my eye. What did was the impressive bulge in his underpants.

Though still a little hesitant, I smiled.

It was all the encouragement Richard needed. He stood and approached me, not a word spoken. I thought he was going to kiss me, but I wasn’t ready for that. It was too soon… and too personal.

So, I turned my head, and he gave me a knowing smile. He was experienced; it was obvious I was not the first young man that he had seduced.

He eased me back against the bedroom wall and nudged my neck with his mouth, nibbling it, while his fingers undone, my jeans fly and then the button.

I gasped. My senses heightened and on edge as his fingers slid below my boxer’s waistband and brushed my cock… I gulped and my body tensed.

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“Relax, and enjoy,” he whispered, his fingers continuing their soft touch.

The only sexual experiences I had since Suzy, had been with my right hand, and Richard’s touch felt good, maybe too good, my first-ever man.

I begin to relax… and to enjoy Richard’s fondling. His fingers were gently moving around the base of my manhood as I just passively stood there, his soothing caresses arousing me.

As his mouth left my neck, I felt my boxers slide down my skinny legs, and they joined the jeans around my ankles. My six-inch cock stood erect, proud; Richard’s fingers wrapped around it. He was teasing me, slow gentle strokes, keeping me on edge.

This was bliss, I thought, his mouth creeping ever closer, and I didn’t move as I felt his lips brush against mine. I gasped again as I felt my hard cock twitch. I knew it was already leaking pre-cum.

With my mind in a lustful whirl, I didn’t move as Richard’s lips once again brushed mine. It was not a real kiss, but his intention was clear.

I knew, that any resistance was quickly melting. 

“Mark, I know this is your first experience, but how about replicating what I’m doing,” Richard whispered, his mouth now nibbling my ear.

Stretching down, I felt his large, erect cock. It was straining for release from the material of his underpants. I reached in and held it, thinking it was twice the size of mine and I wrapped my hand around it.

I began to gently stroke him.

Richard groaned as both our hands now slowly masturbated each other’s cocks as we stood there. Then his mouth found mine, and we kissed, passionately.

We broke apart, my older partner leaving me gasping for air.

“Let’s get on the bed,” he whispered.

I just stood there as he removed his underpants and lay on the bed, now naked. It gave me the chance to look at his cock. I already knew it was large, a good two inches longer than mine and thick. Its circumcised, mushroom head was so different to mine.

But that was not all; Richard had shaved off all his pubic hair. It looked quite strange to have a bald area between his hairy chest and legs. At least it matched the top of his head, I wickedly thought.

“Now where were we?” he declared as I joined him on the bed, my cock throbbing.

“You should think about removing this,” he quietly chuckled as he ran his finger through my unkempt pubic hair, lightly raking it and then moving on, grazing my cock.

I gasped again; I hadn’t moved. Instead, I had chosen to take my pleasure and enjoy the older man’s touch. His fingers were now wrapped around my cock, his hand once again gently stroking me. It was a movement which made me realise that I would not last long, pre-cum already leaking out of me.

I just lay there, gasping for air and my head telling me not to cum yet as my cock throbbed.

Richard asked me, “Shall I take care of your first load?”

"Please," was my instant reply.

“Go on, Mark, touch it. Replicate what I am doing,” Richard urgently whispered as he took my cock back into his mouth.

“Okay.” My voice was quiet and croaky. I wanted to experiment sexually with Richard.

We were both close and yet there was so much more I wanted to do with him. With my thoughts in a daze, I moved forward and kissed his cock. As I did so, I could smell his musky essence. It wasn’t unpleasant, if anything, it attracted me.

With a swirl of my tongue, I then licked his cock, instinct taking over. The memory of what Suzy used to do to me was deeply imprinted within my mind.  

I ran my tongue once again around his cock and then took his member inside my orifice. It felt warm, its taste not unpleasant. My mouth now stretched wide as my head slowly bobbed up and down.

Richard’s mouth briefly left my cock as he groaned. I must be doing something right, I thought, my head now bobbing away.

We were laying side-by-side, his body bent as we orally worked each other erections, any previous reservations disappearing with every bob.

I started panting as I felt myself getting close once again. “Keep going,” I grunted as I felt my cock begin to twitch.

“I'm nearly there,” I groaned, thinking that the older man’s mouth was going to release me, just like Suzy used to do.

His cock was forgotten, my body convulsed, and my dick twitched once again.

With Richard’s mouth still clamped around it, my cock erupted, and I filled it with my seed, spurt after spurt, as he swallowed.

I lay there panting, content, and in the afterglow of the best blowjob I had ever received. It was only once I recovered that I noticed Richard’s big cock was still wafting there. I put my mouth once again over it and my head started to bob up and down, knowing that I needed to get him off.

“Relax,” I heard as my tongue worked the impressive cock.

The single word made my head come up. I didn’t understand. It was only then that I felt Richard’s lubed finger press into my ass. I jumped as it suddenly became clear what Richard wanted to do to me.   

“You will enjoy it,” he grinned as he eased his finger into my back passage and started to stretch me.

I had never thought it would go this far, but I now wanted this sexual experiment to go further. This was a private setting and I will never see Richard again, I thought. It was a notion that sent an excited shiver through me, and my cock started to harden once again. 

“Mark, lean over the armchair,” Richard whispered.

I complied, my mind and my body suddenly needing this… gay sex.  

Without another thought, I bent lower, offering my male lover my ass. I was also aware of how hard my cock now was and knew it wouldn’t be long before pre-cum would be dripping on the bedroom carpeted floor.

Panting, I felt my bottom cheeks being spread and then, unexpectedly; I felt Richard’s warm, wet tongue run around my sphincter, licking me, tasting its sweaty aroma. My arousal was complete with the unfamiliar sensation, and I could not help but cry out the soft sounds of being in ecstasy.

“This might be a little cold,” my lover whispered as several dollops of lube were applied to my waiting rear hole.

Richard took his time as he worked one and then two fingers into my virgin asshole. He was stretching me, but also giving me pleasurable sensations, my pre-cum now dripping onto the floor.

“You’re thick,” I said in a choked cry as, with a wince, he slowly, inch-by-inch, pushed into my tight virgin hole. I was grateful there was an abundance of lube and that Richard had taken to open up my ass.

Then, with manful strokes, he took my ass; raw… there had been no talk of safe sex. I hadn’t even thought about it, my mind now only wanting to experience the feel of the older man’s thick cock. 

Richard continued to pound me with long, masterful strokes, sinking all eight inches deep inside me. His cock’s mushroomed head massaged my prostate as the ejaculate began to dribble from my erect dick.

This was the best sex of my life, I thought. A new sensation, having my back passage filled.

Then, with a grunt, I felt my male lover cumming, filling me. There had been no pre-warning, as he inseminated my bowels, the sudden feeling enough to have me ejaculating onto the bedroom floor.

We lay there, over the armchair… panting. There were no words, just pleasure as we came down off our sexual high.

Still panting, we stayed that way, my male lover’s cock slowly shrinking in my ass. Mine was still semi-hard, even though I had just cum for the second time tonight.  

Richard’s cock slipped from me, and I went and used the bathroom to clean up. As I did so, I realised my ass was a little sore, yet had a warm feeling within it… I liked that feeling.

On my return, Richard apologised for not using a condom and then pointed to them next to the lube. He went on to tell me that he got carried away, but also reassuringly, then mentioned that he was clean as he only got tested last week.

With that, he showed me a test certificate. It was something I didn’t know existed, and I told him that I was clean too, having only ever had sex with Suzy and, of course, my right hand.

Richard laughed, “I take my chances!”

“Do I want to stay the night?” he then asked with a smile.   

I was tempted… But staying the night was a big step; I thought. It was like admitting that I was now suddenly gay. I needed a moment to clear my head and think about my sexuality.

“Can I take a rain check? I am here until Friday afternoon.”

Richard smiled. It seemed he hadn’t been surprised at my answer and he gave me his mobile number.

“Maybe I see you tomorrow evening, here in the Queens Head?” He then chuckled as he added, “I could even help you with your coursework; my company pays the university to run that course.”

“Maybe,” I said, smiling, and stepped into my jeans. I didn’t bother with my boxers, which I put into my coat pocket.

“Did you enjoy it?” Richard asked, pressing.

I looked at him, his naked body, and then my eyes homed in on his large, flaccid cock. It was just hanging there to one side, and I bent down and kissed it as if that answered his question. 

Then I stood and said, “Yes, but I need some time to analyse and measure what we did tonight.”

I then sniggered. “Does your company have a machine for measuring that?”

Richard chuckled again. “No, but we could work on it.”

After I dressed, he stood and wrapped his arms around me and we kissed. There was no resistance from me.

As we broke, I noticed his cock was already rising.

“I need to go,” I said, knowing if I didn’t move now, I would be spending the night with him.

“Until tomorrow, then,” he remarked.

I smiled and said, “We see,” and with that, I left.

As I walked back to my hotel, my thoughts returned to Suzy’s question — “You sure you’re not gay, Mark?

They were words that once again briefly rattled around in my head and then I smiled… I had my answer.

When I returned to my hotel room, I realised I was once again horny. I needed a wank. However, this time, as I masturbated, all my thoughts were about Richard and what we did together earlier.   

I already knew that I would soon be phoning, Richard. That tomorrow night I would be returning to ‘The Queens Head’ to see him… and… I would end up spending the night with him


Authors Note:- All characters engaged in sexual acts are 18+  ©2024 wxt55uk. This story may not be reproduced in any manner, without the express permission of the author.

Written by wxt55uk
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