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The Good Neighbour, Part Four

"Tobin and Jimmy have their first rendezvous at the condo"

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Tobin left Jimmy’s house with the key to his empty condo and the note with the address in his pocket and the delirious knowledge that he’d has sex with the object of his desire. In the days that followed he would remember the way Jimmy’s cock felt in his hand and in his mouth, he would remember its taste, and he would think I swallowed him cum. He would think I fucked him. And his friends marveled at the shit-eating grin he randomly wore.

He also recognized the wisdom of Jimmy’s plan. He very carefully did not speak of him, to anyone. It was painful: how much did he want to talk about the man, in purely benign terms, but he knew how easily his enthusiasm might betray him. So for a few days he kept his euphoria bottled up behind a façade of teenage boredom, while at night he jerked his hard cock to the memory of what Jimmy’s cock had felt like in his mouth, what his cum tasted like, and how the big man had moaned while being fucked. And he fantasized about Jimmy’s cock—with which he was now familiar!—in his own ass.

He had promised Jimmy to be cool for a few days. He didn’t know what “a few” meant, but after four days he couldn’t stand it. He texted him, So, about that thing? The hour he spent waiting for a response nearly killed him. Tomorrow OK? After school?

He was well past the point when he was called up to the front of the class to solve an equation or parse a sentence, for which he was grateful, as he spent the day with a permanent hard-on. He was desperate to stroke himself, but resisted a trip to the bathroom stalls; he wanted to save himself for Jimmy.

The condo was in a handsome four-story building a half-hour walk from his house. It was sparsely furnished with bare walls, but its bed was king-sized with expensive sheets and a burgundy duvet. Tobin stripped naked, carefully folding his clothes on a chair near the bed, and crawled under the covers. His cock was painfully hard.

Mercifully, he didn’t have to wait long. He’d been in the bed maybe fifteen minutes when he heard a key in the lock. “In here,” he called. Jimmy filled the bedroom doorway like a truck sculpted by Michelangelo. The big man grinned. “I wondered if you’d get here first,” he said.

As he started to enter the room, Tobin said, “No, wait!” Jimmy paused, arching an eyebrow. “Strip for me.”

His grin broadened. “All right,” he said, shucking off his leather jacket. “But first, pull aside those covers and show me why I want to.”

Without hesitation, Tobin threw over the duvet, and was rewarded by seeing Jimmy’s eyes go hooded with lust.

“Holy shit,” he growled. “You are fucking beautiful.” He nodded at where Tobin’s engorged cock thrust up out of his blond cloud of pubic hair. “I cannot wait to get my lips on that monster.”

“Strip first,” said Tobin, his voice strangled with desire.

Jimmy did not speak, but peeled off his sweater and tee shirt. He stood still for a moment, letting Tobin stare at his massive, muscled torso. Slowly, he dropped his hands to his belt and unbuckled it. He unbuttoned his jeans and unzipped them lazily, letting them fall into a V that’s showed a hint of his tight blue underwear. Tobin’s breath caught as he saw the hard bulge of Jimmy’s cock, the head peeking out over the elastic. Jimmy turned around and bent over as he pushed his jeans down his legs, giving Tobin a heart-stopping view of his taut and perfect ass. His jeans removed, Jimmy straightened, but did not turn around. He hooked his thumbs under the elastic of his boxer-briefs, and slowly peeled them down over his ass. Tobin swallowed hard, remembering fucking that ass. Again, Jimmy bent over, sliding the underwear down his legs, and stood. He waited for several heartbeats before turning around, and again Tobin’s breath caught to see the man’s magnificent cock standing up like an exclamation point, swaying and visibly throbbing before his taut belly.

“That good enough for you?” Jimmy growled.

In answer, Tobin scrambled up onto his knees, facing him. “Bring it here,” he practically whimpered. “I want it. Holy shit, I want it.”

He crawled to the edge of the bed as Jimmy advanced. He took the cock in his mouth before he touched it, hungry for it in a way he hadn’t imagined. Jimmy moaned as he slid his lips around the swollen head, tasting the precum leaking from it, sliding tongue against the underside of the shaft. He brought his hand up to cup his heavy balls, his fingertip finding its way to that deliciously sensitive spot of skin just behind the scrotum.

“Jesus. Fucking. Christ,” Jimmy gasped. “How the fuck do you know how to do that?”

Tobin paused, pulling his mouth off Jimmy’s cock. “I watch a lot of porn,” he smirked. “And I read.”

“Well, whatever you’re doing, keep doing in,” Jimmy said. He grabbed Tobin by the shoulders and lifted him up, throwing him back on the bed. Once again, Tobin felt a rush of lust at the man’s strength. “Keep doing that, but I need you cock in my mouth too, baby.”

Jimmy lay down so his crotch was in Tobin’s face, and Tobin did not hesitate to again suck that beautiful cock into his mouth. But as he did so he felt his own achingly hard shaft engulfed. Some distant, clinical part of his mind marveled at the difference between enthusiasm and expertise, noting his own inexperience (which still managed to elicit gratifying moans from Jimmy) versus the way in which he could feel his own cock slide unhesitatingly down Jimmy’s throat. He shuddered, feeling his orgasm threatening right away.

“Careful,” he gasped. “I’m pretty close already.”

Jimmy’s only reply was to chortle around his cock, which had the effect of bringing him even closer to the edge. He choked out another warning, but Jimmy did not slacken his pace, except to pause as he buried his nose in Tobin’s scrotum and twist his head slightly.

That did it. “Oh … fuck!” Tobin cried as he felt himself explode in ecstasy. Jimmy chuckled again, bringing his mouth up so that it just held the head of his cock, moaning appreciatively as Tobin’s seed spurted on his tongue. Tobin’s body spasmed as he came, his legs rigid and shivering. Looking down, he saw Jimmy’s throat work as he swallowed, saw the smile on the man’s face.

“Oh, fuck yes,” Jimmy sighed once he’s sucked down the last drop from Tobin’s cock. “That’s what I’ve been thinking about all week. God, you taste good.”

Momentarily spent, Tobin lay for a moment, insensible, until he realized that the pillow he was lying on was Jimmy’s thigh, and that the man’s cock was still hard in his hand and inches from his face. Distantly he became aware that he was still hard himself—that Jimmy still nuzzled his shaft just below the head while fondling his balls.

And all at once he knew what sex was, and what it could be,

Instead of sucking Jimmy’s cock back into his mouth, he imitated what Jimmy was doing to him—he touched his tongue and his lips, swollen from cock-sucking, to the sensitive skin just beneath the purple, flared head. He let his fingers gently stroke the soft skin of his scrotum, tracing the delectable outline of the testicles within. Jimmy moaned. Tobin felt the vibration run deliciously through his cock, and he moaned in reply. He let his fingers essay further down, finding again the skin of the perineum, and then, after a brief hesitation, the pucker of his anus.

“Holy Jesus fuck,” Jimmy gasped. Encouraged, Tobin let his finger slide into his hole, and was rewarded when he felt Jimmy’s cock twitch under his lips. Even better, he felt Jimmy’s spit-slick fingertip slide down under his balls and find his asshole.

Tobin had remained hard after cumming, but this was something new—something he’d fantastized about endlessly. Jimmy’s finger slipped into his hole and out again, massaging his sphincter, and Tobin felt his eyes roll back into his head in ecstasy.

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He took his mouth off Jimmy’s cock for a moment and grasped it in his hand, staring at it, marveling at its beauty. He wanted Jimmy to cum. He wanted to feel him cum, and wanted to taste it. But there was something he wanted even more.

He pulled away and sat up. “You need to fuck me. Now.”

Jimmy also sat up, and kissed him deeply. Tobin tasted his own cum on his tongue.

“Are you sure? I was thinking maybe after a few more times—”

“No. NOW.”

Jimmy regarded him carefully for a moment, long enough that Tobin moaned in frustration. “Come ON,” he pleaded. “Don’t make me beg. I’ve wanted this for so long.”

“Well, all right then,” Jimmy grinned. “There’s lube in the nightstand.”

Tobin scrambled to the edge of the bed and opened the drawer. For a moment he paused in pleasant surprise—there was lube, and there was a collection of toys. A vibrator, three dildos of varying sizes, a butt plug… he looked back over at Jimmy, whose grin broadened.

“Might be I can’t always get away from work,” he said. “When you told me about your experiments with a carrot for fear of your parents finding a dildo, I thought… well, at least now you have somewhere you can keep some… implements.”

In other circumstances Jimmy’s thoughtfulness would have provoked more of a response, but at the moment Tobin was too desperate to feel the real thing in his ass. He squeezed some lube onto his hand and grasped Jimmy’s cock, slicking it up while the big man gasped and squirmed. Somewhere in the back of his mind, Tobin thought, I really want to give him a handjob. I want to feel his cock cum in my hand, but like the thought of the toys in the drawer it was eclipsed by his single-minded need.

Jimmy lay on his back. Tobin looked at him questioningly.

“Straddle me,” Jimmy instructed him. “Take your time. Do this at your own pace. After you get used to it, we’ll try… other positions. But for now, I want you to be guided by your own pleasure.”

As many times as he had fantasized about Jimmy fucking him hard from behind while he was on his knees, there was something delicious about being on top—he swung his leg over Jimmy’s hips and rested his hands on the man’s huge chest. He lowered himself down until he felt his cock, huge and slick with lube, touch his ass and slide up his crack. He positioned himself again, letting the head press against his hole. Suddenly trepidatious, he eased himself down, applying slow pressure until he felt his hole stretch and Jimmy’s engorged, swollen cockhead start to enter him.

He sucked air in through his teeth, feeling the first bit of pain. Jimmy reached up and cupped his cheek. “Slowly, lover, slowly,” he whispered.

Dear god, he’s so big, Tobin thought as he gritted his teeth, wincing, but determined to feel Jimmy inside him. Another slight push, and he felt his cockhead pop past the resistance of his sphincter. He paused, talking a deep breath.

“You OK, baby?” Jimmy asked.

“Yeah… just give me a minute.” He twisted his hips slightly, feeling the head just inside him, and he gasped. There was still pain, but that was something new. He pressed down again, and emitted an involuntary mewl of pleasure as he felt Jimmy’s cock sliding inside him. He could feel it all, its hardness and the pebbly texture of its veins, as if his asshole had become one huge nerve dialed to pleasure.

“Oh. Fuck.” With one final push, he thrust himself down, impaling himself on that magnificent cock. A sharp rush of pain made him hiss, but it was balanced by the exquisite pleasure of feeling Jimmy inside him and knowing I’m being fucked by Jimmy Ruiz. He sat still for a moment before rising again, and slowly started sliding himself up and down. The pain receded, replaced by ecstasy.

“Jesus Christ,” he gasped, leaning down to kiss Jimmy. “Your cock feels so fucking good.”

Jimmy didn’t reply, but kissed him back. As Tobin fell into a rhythm Jimmy started to rock his hips in time with him, thrusting up with each of Tobin’s downstrokes. Tobin’s cock, which had never gone soft, felt harder than it ever had—as if it was straining at the limits of its skin, bouncing up and down as Tobin rode Jimmy’s cock. Jimmy wrapped his hand around it, stroking it in time to their fucking.

Tobin had no idea how long he rode Jimmy’s bucking hips when he felt himself getting close. He just knew he didn’t want to cum again, not yet, and so he pulled himself off. He was rewarded by Jimmy’s disappointed whimper.

“You need to fuck me from behind,” he whispered in the big man’s ear.

He didn’t need to ask twice. Jimmy grabbed his torso and picked him up easily, turning him around so he was on his knees at the foot of the bed. Jimmy stood behind him, his large hands on his hips, the head of his cock pressing against his hole.

“What was it you wanted?” Jimmy whispered, leaning forward to lick the outline of Tobin’s ear.

Tobin whimpered. “Fuck me.”

“Tell me again.”

“Fuck me.”

“What’s the magic word?”

“Oh Christ, please fuck me!” Tobin nearly yelled, and then cried out as he felt Jimmy’s cock plunge into him. “Oh, fuck. Yes! Jesus. Fuck me. Fuck me hard,” he whimpered.

It was even better than he’d imagined. In all of his masturbatory sessions imagining this moment, he had never suspected that his entire world could narrow down to a single point of pleasure, to the sensation of Jimmy’s cock sliding in and out of him. Everything else faded away. Distantly, he was aware of Jimmy moaning and grunting; he heard himself gasping out imprecations to fuck him harder, don’t stop, employing language he’d never thought would ever pass his lips. Meanwhile, he was aware of his own cock throbbing and leaking. He reached between his legs to stroke himself.

“Turn over,” he heard Jimmy gasp, and he rolled over onto his back. Jimmy loomed above him, muscled and enormous, and he slid his cock inside him again. This time he lowered his head to kiss his lips, his neck, to nuzzle his nipples. His tempo slowed. Now he fucked Tobin slowly, languorously, twisting his hips in a way on the upstroke that made Tobin’s cock twitch. As if on instinct, Tobin leaned forward and licked Jimmy’s nipple, then sucked it, then nibbled at it with his teeth.

“Jesus fuck,” Jimmy gasped. “Keep that up and you’ll make me cum.”

“I want you to cum,” Tobin said, and it was true—he wanted Jimmy to cum deep inside him. “Cum in me,” he whispered. “Cum for me.”

His words worked on Jimmy’s body like an electric current. He shivered and shuddered, his body growing stiff, each of his muscles standing out clearly ridged like they’d been sculpted from marble.

Something about the way Jimmy was fucking him triggered sensations that ran from somewhere deep inside him down the hard length of his cock. Jimmy twisted his hips again, crooning as he slowly slid backward, and Tobin’s cock spasmed.

“Holy shit,” he gasped. “I think I’m going to cum!”

“I am too,” said Jimmy in a strangled voice.

Tobin’s cock pulsed and jetted. His cum arced and landed on his chest, then his belly, then dribbled down his shaft, while Jimmy plunged himself deep inside him one last time—his entire body stiffened and he cried out as Tobin felt his cock swell deep inside him.

He stood rigid for a moment before collapsing forward. The two of them lay together, breathless and bathed in sweat, feeling Tobin’s cum slick and sticky between them.

After a long moment, Jimmy reluctantly pulled his softening cock from Tobin’s ass, and looked down at him with a hint of concern.

“Was that OK for you, lover?” he asked. “First times can sometimes be not so great… it always gets better.”

Tobin widened his eyes in mock surprise. “It gets better?” he said. “That might be dangerous! Any better than that and I might just die.”

Jimmy burst out laughing. “Well, we don’t want that,” he chuckled. “But I think we do want a shower. And then maybe we’ll have time for round two. What do you think?”


Written by Damon9888
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