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The Fundraiser

"Roommates decide that a cam show is the easiest way to raise some spare cash"

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Author's Notes

"This is a story about two male roommates who decide to do a cam show in order to buy a new gaming system. The action quickly escalates further than one of the participants expects and it threatens to drive a wedge between two best friends. <p> [ADVERT] </p>Pictured is Mac."

When I was in my early twenties, I had to relocate to a larger city for work. Because I wasn’t established and didn’t command an impressive salary, I quickly realized that I probably couldn’t afford to pay for my own place.

I didn’t know anyone else living in the area, so I searched through all types of ads trying to find someone who was seeking a roommate. There wasn’t much time to waste, so I soon met with several different people, both men and women.

Most of the apartments weren’t very nice. Some, in particular, were dirty and disgusting. I was running out of options when I finally met Mac, or Maclin if you prefer. He was a year younger than me, and we seemed to have much in common. During our interview, he mentioned that he enjoyed working out and playing PlayStation games. It seemed like a perfect fit.

It didn’t take long until we had become nearly inseparable, except for the time that we were at work, of course. I joined the same gym as Mac and we usually met there after work. Mac was about 5’9” and one hundred and eighty pounds, while I was about two inches taller and forty pounds heavier.

Mac was incredibly lean, fit, and athletic. He would start his workout with a long session of cardio, before joining me for some weight training. Since I was averse to cardio, it was all weight training for me. I was much more muscular and powerful than Mac, but certainly didn’t have the muscle definition or endurance that he did.

After our workout, we would usually pick up dinner somewhere casual. Neither of us was much of a cook, so we relied on a lot of “fast casual” restaurants for many meals. Despite being a couple of gym rats, we didn’t really eat healthy. Neither of us shied away from fried foods, and our diets were pretty “meat-centric.”

On the weekends, we had a couple of local hangouts that we would frequent. As a couple of fit, muscular, young guys, we did alright with the ladies. We had developed a system in case one of us took a girl back to the apartment, so that we weren’t interrupted.

Our relationship had been going as well as I could have hoped. Things would change dramatically one day while we were playing video games. The new next-gen gaming system had dropped and we were still living in the past. As funny as it sounds, we each had a gaming setup in our own bedroom. That allowed us to play with a full screen, and the other person couldn’t cheat by watching our side of a split screen or trying to see which buttons you press. Although we could have used headsets to communicate, we usually just shouted at each other. You didn’t have to yell too loud to hear one another through the thin walls.

We bantered back and forth about how we needed to get a new gaming system. Unfortunately, by the time that one purchased the system, a couple of games, and an extra controller, it would have cost roughly eight hundred dollars. There was no way that we were going to pull that kind of money together anytime soon.

“Jay, I know how we can get enough money,” Mac volunteered.

“What? How?” I asked.

“All we have to do is put on a cam show together.”

“Yeah, whatever,” I laughed. “Pfft!”

“I’m serious, dude. One big show with the two of us and we should definitely have enough money.”

“What? With a bunch of dudes watching us? I’ll pass on that.”

“I have done it before when I couldn’t make the rent and I made four hundred bucks! With two of us, we should be able to double that amount easily!”

Mac sounded really confident that it would work. While I was thinking it over, he continued to try to sell me on the idea.

“Don’t worry about who is watching, man. There will probably be more guys than girls, but they are the ones who will pay to see what they want. You will be glad that there are guys watching when you hear the cash register ringing.”

I still wasn’t sure about it, but Mac wasn’t taking no for an answer. Before I knew what was happening, he had made me commit to doing the show on the following Saturday night. Mac spent some time during the week, adding me to his account and getting my information verified. He also did some preliminary work getting the camera set up in his bedroom and figuring out how to best interact with the viewers.

It seemed a little bit weird doing a show with Mac. We were two single guys living together, so there wasn’t a lot of modesty inside of the apartment. Since we shared almost all of our living space, including the bathroom, and the fact that we literally showered together at the gym on most days, we had each seen one another naked hundreds of times. We had also seen each other's erect penis on more than one occasion, but the thought of sitting next to Mac and jacking off just didn’t feel right to me.

We didn’t talk about it much until the day of the show. I elected to hit the gym and pick up some takeout food on the way back home while Mac finished setting things up.

When I returned home, I had a bounty of barbecued meats. We gorged ourselves on smoked turkey, chicken halves, and some beef brisket from one of our favorite restaurants. During our meal, Mac mentioned that we should wear our workout gear to start the show. He wanted to emphasize the fact that we were “workout warriors” and even though that wasn’t a rarity for cam-shows, it was far less common than the boyish types. We decided that lots of flexing and focusing on our physiques was the best way to capture the interest of the viewers.

We each showered and did some light lifting with our dumbbells, just to get our biceps a bit swollen. Dressed in similar muscle tees, and workout shorts with compression shorts underneath, we settled into Mac’s room and started the stream.

I don’t think that I could properly emphasize how frustrating it was sitting there with practically nobody watching. If I had to go through with this ridiculous exercise, I wanted to get it over as soon as possible. We watched as one person after another clicked on our stream and promptly disappeared. Occasionally one would follow us before leaving, but none of them seemed to stay very long.

To be fair, I really can’t blame them for leaving. There was really no reason to watch us because nothing exciting was happening. It was just two fully-clothed guys sitting on a bed staring at the camera.

We were already an hour into this absurd scheme and still little headway had been gained. There were a handful of people hanging around, but we still hadn’t made a single cent. I was already on roughly my tenth time telling Mac that we should forget about it.

We had to do something different to get the viewer's attention. Mac suggested that we take turns removing our shirts and putting them back on. That action would create some movement and hopefully garner some interest from anyone who was taking a passing glance. He also set up a few random tip incentives. They were the usual things like "personal message," "smile," as well as "flex biceps" and "flex abs" for each of us individually. Mac set up a goal, as well. It was a small one, only fifty tokens, but it was fifty more than we had already collected. It read, “Jay removes his workout shorts.”

I wasn’t upset, but I clearly noticed that Mac had volunteered me to go first. The fifty tokens only converted to about two and a half dollars, so it certainly wasn’t life-changing money but we had to start somewhere.

Shockingly, I started to hear the ring of donations. Several of them were quite small, but then one spectator picked up the slack and donated just enough to fill the first goal. I took it slow and spun around a few times with my thumbs tucked inside of my waistband, sometimes pulling it down slightly. After peeling off my shorts and exposing my compression shorts underneath, we got a mixed reaction. Some seemed to think that they were going to get to see full nude right away, others enjoyed it for what it was.

Mac changed the goal to indicate that he would do the same thing for the same amount. It was another cheap and easily attained goal that we reached pretty quickly. It felt like we had gained a little momentum, emphasis on the word “little.”

After Mac’s brief moment of public display, he went to work on the laptop, once again. He added some more explicit things to the tip list that were related to either one of us touching ourselves over or underneath our shorts. The next goal went up to two hundred and fifty tokens and it read, “Jay shows the outline of his erection.”

Once again, I was chosen to go first, but the rest of it was going as according to plan. We had chosen to wear compression shorts so that we could do lots of different things underneath them while we waited for the number of viewers to climb. Both of us had chosen a pair that had a mid-rise waist so that we had plenty of room to play around inside of them without the risk of giving anything away for free.

While we waited for donations, Mac and I took turns getting dressed only to strip back down to our shorts on camera. It probably took a half hour to collect enough tokens to achieve the goal. As I touched myself both over and underneath my shorts, Mac was changing the goal to reflect that he would do the same.

There was certainly not a “packed house” watching us, but we were holding steady at about fifty viewers. That didn’t seem bad for a show where nothing was on display, so far. I could tell that some of the audience was getting a bit antsy. A few were complaining, which wasn’t surprising, while a very select few were starting to open up their wallets.

Mac reached his goal in half of the time that I did. Once he had put on a show for the onlookers, the goal was changed to, “Jay loses his shorts.” The price was quickly rising, though, as it was going to take one thousand tokens to allow them to finally see something. That equated to fifty dollars in real money. I thought to myself that the guys at the gym locker room got to see it for free every day.

I did my best to entertain the audience while I waited for the donations to accumulate. Mac was busy on the laptop for the majority of the time, so I was left to follow his instructions and do most of the heavy lifting. For the most part, I couldn’t see the text well enough to interact directly. Mac had positioned his tablet beside the camera so that I could tell if I was in the appropriate position, but the text was small enough that I had to crowd the camera to read it.

A couple of significant tips, including one to see a closeup of my bulge, helped add up to the goal quickly. Before I knew it, I had to strip completely naked. It didn’t sound like a big deal until I had to actually do it. At that moment, however, I could feel my heart hammering and was struggling to keep my breath.

I drew the process out for a while before finally removing my shorts. Mac coached me to try to keep it plump, but not erect. That wasn’t always the easiest line to walk, but since I was more nervous than aroused, I suspected that flaccidity was more likely than a full erection.

To my surprise, the reaction was largely positive. At just under seven inches long, I never felt like my cock was impressive by any standard. It was slightly thick, though, and that was what seemed to resonate with the audience. Most of the comments were in reference to my “fat cock.”

The cash register sound effect kept chiming away, although I didn’t know if it was for one token or one hundred, most of the time. Then Mac called out, “Somebody paid two hundred tokens to see your hard cock!”

To be completely honest, I wasn’t even sure if I could find the inspiration to get it there. As I stroked away, Mac tried to inspire me with the most positive comments that I got. It took a couple of minutes, but I finally got my cock completely rigid. I moved in and got a few close-up shots of it for whoever had made the donation.

By the time I had fulfilled my obligation, we had already collected enough tokens for Mac to undress. He initiated the next goal, “Jay and Mac jack off together,” for three thousand tokens before starting his performance. Fortunately, that gave me a bit of a break so that I could see what was going on in the chatroom. It immediately became apparent that the audience had decided three things about Mac and myself: I had a big dick, Mac had a hot ass, and that I was the top and he was the bottom.

I really didn’t know how to feel about that diagnosis of the two of us. I guess I was relieved that I was labeled the top and not the bottom, but it was all feeling a bit too “gay” for my comfort. As I turned around to see what Mac was doing, there was clearly something different about him. At that time, I had seen Mac naked multiple times a day for months. It was the first time that I had seen him with a smoothly-shaven ass. I don’t know if it was intentional or not, but that was clearly part of why the viewers were choosing the roles for us that they had.

One patron paid to see a closeup of Mac’s bare ass, while another paid to see his hard cock. Many others were calling for interactions between us that weren’t on the menu, but the tokens kept slowly accumulating. I watched as the viewer count had climbed to around one hundred and fifty. The two of us switched back and forth, depending on the tip requests. Many were simple little fetish things, such as "show feet," "show armpits," or even, "stick out tongue."

We did our best to keep at least one of us on display at all times. It took over a half hour to meet that lofty goal, which was one hundred and fifty dollars for us, but we eventually got there. Mac was working the keyboard feverishly while I waited for him on the edge of the bed. Eventually, he settled in next to me and we masturbated side by side. I can’t say that I haven’t ever done that before, but it has been quite some time.

Mac must have updated the tip options because he started calling out things that weren’t on the list just moments before. There were donations to do things such as "Mac kisses Jay’s bicep," "Jay caresses Mac’s abs," and "two men kiss."

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I was getting really uncomfortable with where things were heading, but I tried to accommodate the requests as much as possible. We no more than got going with our side-by-side action, when Mac called out that we had reached our next goal already. I didn’t see how much it cost, but he must have discounted it from the previous price.

“Jay and Mac stroke each other's cock,” Mac exclaimed.

I looked at him and chuckled.

“Yeah, sure! Whatever, Bro,” I responded.

“No, I’m serious. They already paid up,” Mac confirmed as he showed me the screen.

“Dude, this is going too far,” I whispered.

“Don’t sweat it, Bro. You were just jacking off. What’s the difference?”

I wanted to continue the debate, but I relented under the pressure of the situation. Sheepishly, I reached over toward Mac’s lap. He beat me to the punch, though. My body tensed up as I felt Mac’s cool, rough hand wrapped around my cock.

“It’s just for show. Just do enough to keep it stiff. Whatever you do, don’t cum until the end of the show. There’s a reason why they call it the ‘money shot.’”

My eyelids clenched tightly as I reached my hand toward Mac’s cock. As I wrapped my hand around it, I was strangely unaffected. It didn’t feel like I thought that it would. To be honest, it felt like touching any other part of a person’s body. Having never touched another man’s cock before, I had foolishly convinced myself that there would be some sort of instantaneous feedback, like when I touched myself. I didn’t enjoy it, but it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be.

Eventually, I opened my eyes fully and observed what I was doing. I had always thought that Mac’s cock was longer than mine, but now that it was inside my hand, I could see that it wasn’t. The fact that it was more slender than mine, made it look proportionally longer. We each moaned as we stroked away, pretending to be enjoying ourselves as we did little more than hold onto each other's cock.

The donations continued to flow and within minutes, Mac said, “Don’t freak out.”

He removed his hand from my cock and seemingly in slow motion, his head lowered to my lap. Mac took in most of my length before coming up for air. As he furiously stroked my cock, he seemed to snarl at it. Mac kept trying over and over again until he finally deep-throated the entirety of my cock. He wasn’t touching himself, but he moaned like he was receiving some kind of exquisite pleasure.

We were struggling to keep up with all of the tip requests, so we tried to group them together. There had been several related to Mac’s ass, so we tried to perform them all at once. He turned his back to the camera, spreading his cheeks so that all could see his tightly puckered hole.

As per request, I started to rub Mac’s ass. I asked him if he was sure that I should go forward, but he insisted that I did. Come to think of it, he had entered all of those actions into the tip list, so he must have been all right with them.

I smacked his ass with my bare hand as a cracking sound rang throughout the apartment. Mac let out a moan. It didn’t even sound like him, he sounded girly and effeminate. Over and over, I slapped his backside, both cheeks to be precise, until they were decidedly pink. As I softly kissed his freshly spanked ass, I realized how incredibly turned-on I had become. I had briefly forgotten what we were doing, and I was seconds away from mounting his smooth, shapely ass. As I palmed my forehead, I tried to regain my composure.

Mac started to celebrate that the next goal was reached. He said that he had to “get ready” and that he would be back in ten minutes. I was charged with trying to keep everybody from leaving while the action was paused. I took that moment to try to talk directly to the audience. I volunteered to do whatever solo acts that they wanted until Mac returned. It was a lot of the same stuff that I had done earlier, so it wasn’t anything groundbreaking. Then I noticed what the goal was that we had just achieved: “Jay fucks Mac bareback.”

I bolted to the bathroom and barged in on Mac. As usual, he told me not to worry about it. Then he insisted that I return to the room to keep everyone engaged.

When Mac returned, he was wearing a long robe. Once in front of the camera, he slowly removed the robe. Underneath was a pair of deep pink, perhaps magenta, bikini briefs that I had never seen before. They were low-rise briefs with a thick waistband, white elastic on the leg openings, and a white pinstripe along the center seam of the pouch.

Mac slowly turned around to reveal that the back had jockstrap style strapping on the back, as well as an exposed view of his crack. There was no doubt in my mind that he had never worn them around me before, and I had never laundered them either. I also suspected that I knew what the intention was for any guy who would have purchased it for himself. Clearly, there were a few things that I hadn’t realized about Mac’s sexuality.

After he posed for the camera for a bit, Mac invited me to fuck him. As I approached, he handed me a small bottle of lubricant and asked me to use it generously. He got onto his back and positioned himself so that the camera had a side view of the upcoming action. I climbed onto the bed and knelt between his parted thighs. As I stalked him, still stroking my cock, I could tell that he had recently inserted something inside of his ass. It was already moist with lube as he wiggled his backside at me.

As I attempted to rile myself up once again, Mac started taunting me.

“Come on, fuck me, Jay! I know you want to. Fuck my tight, little ass!”

I know that part of it was playing to the audience, but he was driving me crazy.

“Beg me to fuck you, Mac!” I barked.

Mac grabbed hold of his thighs and rocked back onto his shoulders, fully exposing and offering his ass to me. With shaky hands, I grabbed the bottle of lube and dribbled some onto my cock.

Impatiently, Mac kept babbling on, “Come on, Jay, fuck me! Do it! Fucking do it already!”

As I slipped the head of my penis inside, Mac cried out, “Fuck!” at a significantly higher pitch than normal.

That actually quieted him down for a moment, but it wouldn’t last long. I started to move in slow, deliberate strokes, stopping on the backswing to dribble another droplet of lubricant onto my cock. Once Mac’s hole was sloppy with lube, I started to go faster. I took control of his legs as I wrapped my hands around his ankles.

“Yeah, fuck my tight ass with your big, fat cock, Jay! Fill my hungry hole with every bit of your meat!”

Mac kept taunting me over and over again. I could tell that some of it was for show, but it was apparent that he liked it, as well. He would occasionally check his laptop as I tried to pace myself.

“Goal achieved: ‘Mac cums like a bitch,’” he announced to me.

I didn’t know what that meant.

“Keep fucking me and don’t stop!” Mac ordered.

He reached his right hand into his underwear and tried to pull his cock free. Unfortunately for him, the waistband was quite thick and it fit snugly. Every time that he tried to pull it down to free up his cock, it would quickly work itself back up and in the way. Exasperated, he groaned uncomfortably as he directed his cock through the right leg opening. Although the elastic along the leg was much narrower, it still seemed to be quite tight. I could see it pinching firmly against the area of his cock that was trapped underneath.

Undaunted, Mac started jerking his cock aggressively. As he did, his right testicle worked its way out of its constraints and underneath the elastic, as well. I could see that his cock was rubbing uncomfortably against the elastic, but he didn’t hesitate for a second.

“Don’t stop, Jay!” Mac cried. “Make me your bitch! I want to be your bitch!”

Mac’s entire body seemed to tense up. He couldn’t have been touching himself for more than a minute, but he was already too far gone. He was screaming like it was the first time in his life that he had ever came. Maybe it was my imagination, but I swear that I could feel the cum pumping through his system on the top side of my cock. Mac squirmed and his hole seemed to clench as he shot his load wildly off to the side. Most of it landed on the bedspread, but a little bit of it was on his right hip.

He was holding his head with both hands and gasping for air as he slowly settled down. Mac swabbed the cum from his hip and licked it from his finger. He insisted that I keep going because we were almost to our final goal, “anal creampie.”

Mac kept encouraging the visitors to donate if they wanted to see me, “fill his slutty hole with cum.” After a bit of “treading water” on my part, we finally hit the last goal. It was time for the “alpha” to show the “beta” his place.

As I pulled out, Mac had a surprised look on his face. I grabbed onto the waistband of his underwear and gave a hard jerk. There was an audible sound of fabric tearing as I jerked his underwear down to his knees. I stepped down to the floor and I wrestled his shorts free of his ankles. Stalking Mac, I grabbed onto his waist and swiftly flipped him onto his stomach. He grunted as he landed on the mattress with a thud. I forced him onto all fours as I pressed my body against his backside.

His ass was still slightly pink from the spanking earlier, and there was only the faintest trace of handprints remaining. I stared at the camera as I smacked my hard cock against Mac’s ass. He tried to rock forward as I slid my cock inside his ass, unannounced. I grabbed onto his shoulders and forced him back against me, making him take the entire length at once.

“I’m sorry to disappoint any of you guys who paid to see an anal creampie,” I announced. “It should have read ‘Mac becomes an anal cumdump.’”

Still holding on to Mac’s shoulders, I forced them down to the mattress, leaving him to helplessly stare at the camera. Once I had burrowed my legs between his, he was my plaything and I was in total control.

My only objective, at that point, was to blow the biggest load of my life inside of Mac’s slutty fuckhole. I pumped hard and fast. Mac grunted from the impact each time, but I could tell that he fucking loved it.

After nearly five hours of teasing, it was finally time for my moment of ecstasy. I put all of my weight on Mac and we crashed onto the mattress as one. Not slowing down for a second, I continued to pound his body against the mattress as hard as I could.

My body froze in place as I came. I could hear Mac gasp for air as each spray of cum splashed into his guts. After I dismounted the bed, I grabbed the webcam and ordered Mac to spread his ass. Cum was slowly oozing out of his slightly gaping hole. I watched as it dribbled onto his balls and then onto his soft cock, which was tucked underneath him.

That was the end of the show, but not the end of the story. Mac and I still did everything together, but our relationship felt very different after that night. After a few days, Mac got the full balance from the cam show deposited into his bank account. It totalled just over nine hundred dollars.

We went on a spending spree and bought everything that we had wanted to get. That didn’t really help the tension between us, though.

Since we only had one of the new gaming systems, we set it up in the living room and usually played together. One day while we were playing, I casually mentioned that we needed to get another one so that we could play like we used to.

“I know how we can earn enough money to buy another one,” Mac offered.

“Yeah, you would like that. Wouldn’t you?” I responded.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” he fired back at me.

“It means that you set the whole thing up to get me to fuck you, so you would probably like to do it again,” I retaliated.

Mac sprung to his feet and I did the same. He gave me a two-handed shove and barked, “At least I can admit that I liked it. You can’t deal with the fact that you fucked a guy, so now you are trying to end our friendship.”

I didn’t know what to say. I simply mumbled that I didn’t want to lose him as a friend.

Mac kept shoving me and demanded that I admit that I liked fucking him. I finally said the words, but he made me repeat it several times. He shoved me one last time and snarled, “So, what the fuck are you going to do about it then?”

“I’m going to fuck the hell out of you!” I shouted. “Get on your fucking knees, bitch!”

Both of us were in a frenzy as we couldn’t get going quickly enough. As I stuffed my soft cock into Mac’s mouth, I told him to make it hard and dripping wet, because that was all of the lube that he was going to get. I could tell that he was turned on by that thought.

We were both so wild and out of control that we couldn’t get the rest of our clothing off fast enough. I took him around to the backside of the couch and bent him over it. Despite my earlier threat, I did take it a little bit easy on him. I even added a bit of my saliva to help lubricate things. Although I wanted it to hurt, I didn't want to actually injure him.

Once we got a rhythm going, it was time for me to push my boundaries a bit. With my cock still inside of Mac, I turned him around so that he faced away from the couch. I reached my hand around, only to find that his cock was rock hard.

“You like getting fucked, don’t you, Mac?” I taunted as I controlled his body.

“I like getting fucked by you!” he responded. “I like taking your fat, fucking cock up my ass!”

“Yeah, well, I like pounding your tight, little fuckhole!” I confessed.

I fucked Mac hard and fast. He could barely remain upright as our bodies slammed together with a loud and aggressive impact. As I was seconds away from cumming, I wrapped my hand around Mac’s cock and stroked it in sync with my thrusting.

It was perfect timing and we both came together. We were both so weary afterward that we stumbled to the floor in a heap.

Mac volunteered, “You know that we can do this every night, don’t you?”

“Yeah, well…Maybe not every night, but just when we are horny,” I responded.

“Every night it is, then!” Mac quipped.

Written by SuccubusSlayer
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