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The Devil's Pitchfork

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Competition Entry: Swing Into Summer

I was almost asleep when Jeremy bolted upright and headed toward the shelter door. 

"I can't sleep. Gonna go rub one out." He opened the door and then called over his shoulder, "You coming, Cole?"

A groggy voice answered. "No, man, I'm too beat." 

"Suit yourself."

Cole groaned. "Jeremy's the horniest dude I've ever met. No apples for him, he lives by the philosophy that 'a wank a day keeps the doctor away'."

I was glad it was dark, and no one could see the shocked expression marking my face. It was surprising to hear them unashamedly talking about masturbation — it just wasn't common talk in my inner circle back home. 

Cole rolled over to face me. "He didn't really want my help. I think he just enjoys me gawking at his monster cock. Seriously, dude's got the biggest dick I've ever seen."

Once again, I hoped the dim light shrouded my expression. These guys are gay? Didn't see that coming. 

He continued, "Good thing he's a bottom too because no guy would let that thing near his asshole." 

My asshole involuntarily clenched, yet I couldn't help wondering what was going on outside. Feverish wanking or slow, heavy-handed stroking? The door opened, interrupting my thoughts, then Jeremy slid back into his sleeping bag. "Better," was all he said. 

I'm glad he was "better", but I definitely wasn't. My dick throbbed inside my boxers, and I wished I had the nerve to go "rub one out" in the bushes. I'd met them at the Falls of Dismal the day before as I started my leg of the Appalachian Trail. Being my first time hiking the trail, I'd gladly joined them when they invited me. Truthfully, maybe that wasn't the only reason. 

At some point, I gave in to sleep, and the next thing I knew, Cole was gently shaking me and telling me to get up. 

With the same zest for life I'd witnessed yesterday, Jeremy flung open the door and flooded our tiny space with sunlight. "It's a beautiful day, fellas. Let's get to it." 

“Big dick energy,” Cole remarked, tilting his head toward Jeremy, before tossing me one of his protein bars.

My calves burned, but I got up, energized for what nature would show me next.  

We walked with light chatter for the next few hours before Cole turned the conversation to personal stuff. "So, Aiden, you didn't have any friends or family who wanted to come?" 

"Nope. My dad's too busy working, like always, and my fiance doesn't share my love of hiking."

"Fiance? Who's the lucky guy?" 

I couldn't control my furrowing eyebrows. "Lauren is my fiance." They think I'm gay? 

Jeremy and Cole abruptly stopped walking. They both turned around, and it was their turn to furrow their eyebrows. 

We stood in awkward silence for a moment, then Cole smiled, "Lauren, huh? Sorry for the incorrect assumption." His exchanged look with Jeremy said something different. 

We resumed our hiking, but something had changed — an air of discomfort surrounded us. Maybe I needed to think up an excuse to break from them. My head urged me in that direction, but the ache in my crotch urged me to stay. 

On our next break, Jeremy wandered off to take a piss, and Cole broached the elephant on the trail. "So, Aiden… you seemed like you enjoyed hanging with us yesterday, but if something's changed, we can hang back a while and let you go on ahead. Your call."

I rubbed my forehead in frustration. "I'm sorry, I'm acting so weird. It's just…"

"Just because we're gay?" 

"No… more because you thought I was gay."

Jeremy returned and looked at us with questions on his face. "Are we good here?" 

Cole looked to me to answer. 

I was at a crossroads that they didn't understand, but I made my decision. "We're good, and thanks for letting me join you." 

"Well, let's get back to it, fellas!" Jeremy ordered, clapping his hands. 

Cole and I fell in line behind him, but not before Cole's muscular arms pulled me into a quick bro hug. "Glad you're staying with us," he whispered.

We hiked till early afternoon on a primarily unshaded part of the trail and dripped with sweat. A bubbling creek a short distance away called to us, so we decided to take a side path to it for a lunch break. Before getting my lunch together, Cole and Jeremy stripped naked and sat down in the shallow water.

"Oh, my God, this feels good! Come on in, Aiden!" 

I caught a glimpse of Jeremy's cock before he submerged it, and Cole was right about its enormous size. Ruggedly handsome best described Jeremy with a beard, mustache, and a dark head of hair. His big dick appropriately fit his wildman persona. 

Truthfully though, I couldn't take my eyes off Cole. His cock was more girth than length but still heated my loins. Both of them sported admirable physiques. I don't know why, but the shape of a man's ass had always turned me on.

Without further delay, I stripped and joined them in the creek. I doubted they realized what a big step I was taking — exposing myself to two men — two gay men. 

After cooling off in the water, we lay side-by-side on the bank, stretched out naked, and let the sun's rays dry us. 

I glanced over, and each held his member in his hand. In response, blood filled my member, and it bounced in the breeze. I grew uncomfortable being the raging hard-on in the row but hoped they'd put me at ease if I addressed my situation. 

I grasped my member, then looked towards them. "I haven't had any close guy friends… because… of some things." 

Cole raised his free hand. "Let me guess. You found yourself aroused around them and were afraid they'd find out… or worse, you'd have to admit a part of you was sexually attracted to guys." 

I looked over at Cole and nodded. "Something like that." 

Jeremy chimed in. "Just my thoughts, but there isn't anything worse than feeling like you can't be yourself." He lifted his dick off his abdomen. "Take my big dick. Sure some stare, but I don't hide it. I own Goliath!"

"Okay, not quite the same thing, Jer," said Cole, laughing. "Now, put that thing down before you hurt somebody!" 

We all laughed. It felt good to laugh… really good. These guys made me feel good in many ways. There was no denying that I felt a brotherhood with them that I hadn't experienced before, and I liked it. 

We dressed and hit the trail again, except now I was lighter; some of the weight I'd carried before this trip had been removed. 

"I'm really enjoying you guys," I said to them both but stared at Cole. I couldn't deny I found him very attractive. His hair was longer than most men I knew. Eye-catching tattoos snaked around his arms… damn, he caught me staring.

"You like them?" he asked, "my tattoos?" 

"They're pretty cool. Actually, artistic."

"Thanks. I designed them all." He twisted his arm to show me his favorite. 

"Wow! Are you an artist?" 

"Yup, trying to be."

Jeremy slapped him on the ass. "Quit being modest. He's got his first gallery show when we get back, Aiden."

"I'm impressed, and I'd love to see your work." 

He nodded and smiled. "So, what do you do?"

"Well, now that I passed the bar, I guess I can finally say I'm a lawyer." 

"Now, it's my turn to be impressed. I know that took a lot of hard work." 

Before I could respond, Jeremy ran ahead, shouting, "We're here! What do you think about this view?" 

I jogged to join him and couldn't believe my eyes. We'd reached the mountain top known as Angel's Rest, and it felt like we were standing on top of the world. Cole wrapped his arm around my shoulder and gestured toward the scenic vista, "I'm sure you'll make big bucks as a lawyer, Aiden, but never forget the best things in life are free."  

"Majestic" was the only word I could utter while savoring the panoramic views. 

Jeremy moved alongside my left, and the three of us gripped each other's shoulders and gave nature the respect it deserved. 

"The Devil's pitchfork is here and lording over God's awe-inspiring creations!" yelled Jeremy.

"The Devil's pitchfork?" I hadn't heard that phrase used that way.

"It's slang for an all-male threesome - usually a sexually-involved threesome," Cole explained.

I nodded in understanding while smiling at the thought of my penis symbolically being a prong alongside their penises. 

We sat down and lost track of time, deep in our own thoughts. There was a lot said in the silence. I felt connected to them — a male bond — something I'd longed for yet never experienced.

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"You know what I like?" 

"What?" They answered in unison. 

"Not feeling like I have to talk all the time around you two." My muscles tensed thinking about Lauren and how different this trip would be if she'd come along. 

"Eh, talking's overrated," said Jeremy. 

Cole added, "I know what you mean, Aiden. It's called 'comfortable silence'."

Suddenly, a rumble of thunder disturbed our peace and quiet. 

"Look, guys, a storm's rolling in fast." Jeremy pointed to the ominous sky a short distance away. "There's a lean-to shelter not too far, but we'd better hurry." 

We picked up our pace, but the storm was moving faster than we were. Before long, the skies cast their wrath upon us. The rain was miserably cold, and I said a silent prayer of thanks when Cole yelled he could see the shelter up ahead. We all sprinted the last fifty yards until we were safely inside. Unfortunately, it was one of the three-sided shelters, but it ran deep and had an overhanging roof so that we could escape the blowing rain. 

We stripped out of our soaked clothes and laid them out to dry on the top bunk. Next, we grabbed our towels and dried off the best we could. 

"Whew!" I leaned back against the bunk, staring at the pouring rain. "It doesn't look like it's letting up any time soon, guys." 

"Nope," agreed Jeremy, "look how far back the dark sky goes. I'd say we're in for the night." 

"I agree. It'll be dark for sure before the clouds clear," added Cole.

It felt natural this time, hanging out naked with them, and making our beds for the night. The shelter was small with a wooden floor, maybe only room for six, and we doubted anyone else would join us. Anyone caught in the storm would've stopped and found their own shelter by then.

I looked at them and finally asked the question burning inside of me. "So, how long have you guys been a couple?" 

Jeremy snorted, and Cole responded, "Ha! We're not a couple! I'd never date an accountant. Besides, he's been in a solid relationship for years." 

I joined in their laughter. "An accountant? Jeremy, I've never met an accountant who looks like you."

"What can I say? I get off on numbers." 

"You get off when the wind blows," Cole teased. 

A big part of me felt happy to hear Cole wasn't his mate, but another question remained. "But, you guys have sex?" 

Jeremy led this answer. "So what… it's just sex. My boyfriend knows I love him, and Cole's been my best friend since middle school. Sex can just be sex."

Cole leaned toward me and added, "Sometimes, sex is more than just sex."

When he grew serious, his tone dropped to a sexy deep voice that affected my crotch. 

"I'm jealous," I blurted out, "of what you guys share."

Jeremy walked over and drew me into a rough side hug. "We like you, Aiden, and you're welcome to join us anytime." 

Cole had been quietly studying me. "So, tomorrow, we'll reach the end of this leg, Aiden. I'm going to miss you, man. It's been fun, and I'm glad we didn't get under your skin." 

I considered his words carefully before answering. "Oh… I wouldn't say that. I definitely think you got under my skin." I looked him in the eyes. "But not the way you mean." 

We stood, arms folded, studying each other — the three of us — then Jeremy nudged him with his elbow. 

"Look, I know you're curious." Cole pointed at my crotch. "Your cock doesn't lie, brother. If you wanted to… maybe test the waters…" 

I didn't need to look down to know my dick was standing at attention. No denying it — I ached to be touched — by him. 

In those next few moments, I told myself this was for Lauren too. I needed to be sure for both of us. 

After closing the gap between us, I watched his eyes drift down my body, then I knew there was no turning back. Jeremy stepped up behind me and let me know his cock was in the game. Cole reached for me, and I felt a man's grip for the first time.  

"Damn, Cole. Damn." My eyes rolled back as he stroked me. 

Jeremy reached around to my front and pinched my nipples - hard. My hand reached back to grasp his thick hair, and his tongue flicked my ear. 

"Feel good?" Cole asked.

"Feels amazing," I moaned. They attacked me from both sides. Cole fondled my balls while Jeremy rubbed his dick on my ass from behind. 

"Your ass is so hot," Jeremy gasped, his warm breath in my ear. 

No one had messed with my nipples before, but it turned me on. Both of them worked on me until I thought I would cum. 

"Not yet," said Cole, reading my face. "Jeremy, you think he'd like frotting?"

"Only one way to find out." Jeremy pulled back from me and moved to the side of us, stroking his nine-inches. 

"What's frotting?" I asked, but at that point it didn't matter because I was all in. 

Cole took another step towards me until our fronts almost touched. "You'll see. There's equality with it — no tops or bottoms, just guys bonding in lust, rubbing chest to chest, cock to cock."

Then, he grabbed my hips and pulled my crotch to his. I gaped at his straining erection pointing skyward alongside my hard-on. 

"Wrap your hands around our cocks, pressing us together," he said.

I did, and I'd never forget the erotic sensation of squeezing his rigid shaft against mine. He slowly gyrated his pelvis against my crotch while I held our cocks together, stroking us both base to tip. 

Jeremy was beside us, rifling around in his backpack, then returned and reached between us, dribbling lube over our tips. The liquid ran down our shafts, covering my engaged hands. Slick with oil, my shaft comfortably thrust up and down against him when I moved my hips. As my arousal reached never-before-felt heights, I released my grip and wrapped both arms around him, needing full-body contact. We clung to each other grinding and humping. 

"I think you'll like this, Aiden." Cole wrapped his hands around our cocks and began milking our heads. 

"Cole, this feels incredible!" 

Jeremy joined in again, nestled his cock back inside my ass crack, and stretched his arms to pull Cole closer, sandwiching me tighter between them. Cole's cheek pressed against mine, and I turned my head to taste his lips for the first time. Jeremy sucked on the back of my neck while Cole's tongue entered my mouth. We were all three moaning and groaning, and I was bathed in their masculine sweat. All thoughts left my head. There were just hands, lips, and cocks driving me crazy. 

I felt Jeremy leave my backside and he appeared beside us, separating us enough to push Cole's hands off our cocks, so he could stroke us. His larger hands easily handled us. He thrust his cock toward ours, and Cole and I each put a hand on him, sharing the hand job. We established a rhythm, thrusting our hips in time with the hand strokes. I looked from one to the other, saw their lust, felt their desire. Damn, my body ached for release. 

"I'm cumming…" I managed to utter before my cock exploded. Their cocks joined in the eruption, and globs of cum coated our abs, chests, and any other body part that got in the way. Looking down at our three cocks, standing stiff, continuing to spew, the words "the Devil's pitchfork" flooded my mind…


My pulse quickened as my car approached the city limits. Most of my ride home had been spent replaying the last four days with Cole and Jeremy. Those two had shown me what I'd been missing and changed my perspective. 

Before that trip, my life had gone according to plan — well, everyone else's plan. I'd passed the bar and was set to start the perfect job that fall, and I'd asked the girl, who everyone said was my perfect mate, to marry me. No one, especially me, could have predicted one four-day summer hike with a couple of strangers would've had such a profound impact on me. 

I shook my head, cursing myself for my stupidity. I'd convinced myself if I tried sex with a man just once, I'd get that craving out of my system, but that thought was a myth. I ended up wanting… no, needing… to do it again. Not just with any man either, but with Cole. 

I gathered my nerves, hoping the right words would come when I faced my parents and fiance. 

Written by KimmiBeGood
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