Even though Morgan had decided to retire, he was in fine physical and mental shape. He jogged every morning and often went to the gym after work, but he was tired of his job and welcomed leaving it. He was also tired of the brutal winters and sweltering summers. He had decided to return to his home town, where many winter days could be surprisingly warm and some summer days were delightfully cool.
He found a rental and devoted his days to looking for a house that met his needs. The recession had supposedly ended a couple years ago, but there were still foreclosed houses available and owners struggling to keep their heads above water who were offering good deals. A lot of these houses needed extensive repair work, so it meant slogging through a lot of rejects to find those that might work, but diligence paid off and he found what he needed.
It was a small two-bedroom concrete block house built after the Second World War. It surprisingly hadn’t been remodeled to provide more sleeping space. There were no termites in the roof, and new roofing had been put on three years before. The bathroom sink and toilet needed replacing, the kitchen window had a crack from one corner to the opposite, the flower beds had been taken over with weeds as had the entire back yard. A grapefruit tree was diseased and needed to be removed. One bedroom was painted cobalt blue, the other Pepto-Bismol pink and the bathroom fire-engine red.
Morgan began by painting, which took a couple of undercoats to restrain those wild colors before he could apply tame colors. He attacked the flower beds, but quickly realized more needed to be done than he had the ability or desire to tackle. Things he had visualized doing were put off and allowed to simmer. But being idle didn’t agree with him and he soon became bored. He had to find something to keep him occupied, both physically and mentally. The obvious thing was volunteering.
He spent days pondering what he could volunteer for that would interest him enough he would stick with it. Morgan had become disenchanted with organized religion years before, so anything even slightly tied to a church was out, or anything that involved being preached to. He was sure a man his age offering to mentor young boys would meet with resistance, so Big Brother-ing was also out. This was going to take more thought than he had originally anticipated.
He had often seen homeless men standing on street corners asking for help, and offering work in exchange for food. One day he read the sign one of those unfortunates was holding. It said he was a vet, and that was the spark Morgan had been looking for. He felt no vet should be sleeping on the street, no matter the reason. He investigated and found there was a local organization dedicated to righting that wrong which was delighted to have volunteers.
Morgan applied, and with his work experience was immediately accepted. He reconciled the hours and days he was most needed with those that were to his liking and easily settled into a new routine. The weeks quickly became months, and the house remained mostly unattended to. Nothing had prepared him for the next step in his life, nor did he realize where that step would lead. One afternoon no different from the ones before he looked up from his desk to welcome his next client, and a big smile involuntarily spread across his face.
Although disheveled and dirty, the vet was tall, broad-shouldered and narrow-hipped and good-looking. Morgan greeted him warmly and asked him to sit down. He asked, “How can I help you today?”
The vet smiled ruefully and said, “In about a million ways.”
Morgan said, “Let’s start again. I’m Morgan. Let’s narrow the million down to a couple dozen that I might be able to handle.”
The vet said, “I’m Blake. I don’t have any work. I don’t have a place to live. I don’t have anything to eat. I served in Afghanistan for three deployments, and I’ve never asked for a handout before, but I’m down and can’t get back up.”
Morgan said, “Don’t think of this as a handout. It’s a hand out to help you get up on your feet.”
Blake didn’t respond. Morgan said, “When did you get back?”
Blake said, “Three years ago. I came back hoping to get my old job back, or something similar with the same company, but they had been taken over by a national corporation and no one seemed interested in me. I found another job, paying much less, but that company went bust in the recession. I couldn’t find anything, and things went downhill fast. I was soon out on the street, and the longer you’re there the less chance you have of getting off it. No one even wants to talk to you when you look like shit, and smell just a bad.”
Morgan was required to ask, “Do you have any personal issues that might hold you back?”
Blake scoffed, “I don’t do drugs, I don’t drink, I couldn’t afford to if I did, but I don’t, and living like this will probably drive me nuts even if ‘ghanistan didn’t.”
Morgan chuckled, but said, “Well, I can’t do miracles, but I can start in small ways. First, how have you been eating?”
Blake said, “Poorly.”
Morgan looked at him, then realized the guy still had a sense of humor.
Blake continued, “I’ll usually stand outside of markets and ask people going in if they could buy me something, anything. Some people rush past before I finish asking, some bring me things like a can of tuna which I have no way of opening, or a can of soup. If those have tops you can peel off I’ll eat it out of the can, cold. Sometimes I’ll get a banana or an apple, and rarely someone will have a heart and a mind and bring me a deli sandwich, but that doesn’t happen often.”
Besides his good-looks, or maybe in addition to them, Morgan began to really like this guy. He felt this was a decent human being who more than deserved any help he could give him.
He said, “Well, I can give you vouchers which you can exchange for food. We can get you a haircut, and we usually have a place for you to bathe, but it’s out of commission right now. It should be back on line in a day or so.”
Blake said, “Thanks. Now I’m here, I’ll take anything.”
Morgan said, “Finding you a place to sleep will take a little longer. There just aren’t enough beds, but I’ll put you on every waiting list available, and I won’t stop looking elsewhere, but I need you to do something for me.”
Blake knew it; here come the attached strings.
Morgan said, “I want you to come back here every few days and check in with me. These vouchers won’t last long. I don’t want you to get lost. I might not have any good news, but I don’t want you to miss out if I do. Deal?”
Blake smiled and said, “Sure. Thanks.”
He reported back every three or four days. Even though he was helping other vets, Morgan thought about Blake every day. He was happy to see him each time he came, but he didn’t have anything good to tell him. He was impressed with the way Blake didn’t take any of it personally, or take his frustrations out on Morgan.
A couple weeks went by and one morning while looking out his cracked kitchen window at his overgrown back yard Morgan said out loud, “Stupid, stupid, stupid.”
He could hardly wait until Blake reappeared.
He said, “Look, I’ve got an idea. I don’t have a lot of money, but I could use some help fixing up my house. I don’t work tomorrow. If you come to my house tomorrow morning, I can feed you, let you get cleaned up and give you a little pocket money. It probably won’t even be minimum wage, but at least it’ll be something.”
Blake said, “Sure, but how do I get there. I mean I only come here because I can walk here in an hour, but I doubt you live anywhere near this place.”
Morgan pulled out his wallet. “Here’s a couple of bucks for the bus. That’s all the change I have right now. I’ll write down exactly how to get there and find the house. It’s pretty direct, and I’ll give you my phone number, in case you get lost.”
Blake laughed. “This is my home town. I know it pretty well. If I didn’t get lost in that mountainous hell-hole I think I can find my way around here. What time?”
Morgan said, “Not at the crack of dawn. I’m not a morning person. Say, about nine?”
At a quarter past nine the next morning the doorbell rang. Morgan cheerfully opened the door and invited him in.
Blake said, “Well, here I am. What do you want me to do?”
Morgan laughed. “First, I want you to eat. You can’t function without fuel. How do you take your eggs?”
Blake looked at him as if he was kidding. He waited a second and said, “Out of the shell.”
Morgan smiled and said, “OK, sunny-side-up with bacon and toast.”
He led the way into the kitchen and set to work. He turned around and Blake was standing just inside the doorway.
Morgan said, “Sit down, for Christ’s sake, don’t be so god-damned formal.”
Blake said, “Sorry, didn’t mean to offend you.”
Morgan didn’t respond. He poured two cups of coffee and put one on the table with a carton of milk, saying, “The sugar’s in that bowl, if you like it sweet.”
He sat and watched Blake eat, taking notice of the way he attacked the food. He was obviously very hungry, but he wasn’t lacking in table manners. They didn’t talk, but when he finished Blake leaned back and said, “Thanks. That was great. That’s all I can say.”
Morgan smiled. “That’s enough, and you’re welcome. Now, let’s get you to work. The back yard’s a mess. I bought a mower yesterday, but that’ll be just a start.”
They went out the kitchen door and Blake said, “That tree doesn’t look too healthy.”
Morgan replied, “No it’s diseased and has to come out. You can start with that if you want. There are tools in that shed, and if you need anything that isn’t there, let me know. I only have the basics, but I’m willing to add to them as needed.”
Blake went to the shed and came out with several tools and said, “I think I have all I need here.”
Morgan said, “Okay, I’ll leave you to it. I’ll be in the house if you need me.”
He spent a large part of the morning standing at the kitchen window, watching Blake. Not because he didn’t trust him, but because he was so nice to watch. As he had gotten hot from the sun he had removed his shirt, showing a beautiful torso. The sweat glistened on his flesh and ran in rivulets down the center of his chest and coating his back. Morgan took him a bottle of cold water and a plastic cup.
He said, “If the army gave you that body, you should thank them.”
Blake wiped his face with his shirt and grinned.
Four hours later the tree was gone, the weeds had been mowed to lawn length and raked up and the flower beds cleaned out and ready for planting. Morgan was more than pleased.
He called Blake in and said, “That’s enough for today. If you strip out of those filthy clothes I’ll throw them in the washing machine while you take a shower.”
Blake said, “I don’t think you’ll get these rags clean, but you might get some of the stink out.”
Morgan motioned for Blake to follow him. He went down the hall to the bath and said, “Here’s a towel. I also bought you some disposable razors and a toothbrush and a tube of toothpaste. There’s deodorant in the medicine cabinet, plus anything else you need. Feel free.”
Blake slowly shook his head in disbelief. He asked, “Why are you doing all this, man? I mean thanks, but I don’t get it.”
Morgan shrugged. “It’s just my way of saying thanks to you. You put your life on the line for me. This isn’t shit.”
Morgan loaded Blake’s clothes in the washing machine. He had to hold his breath, but in a way he liked the smell. It was just a little too strong. Besides the soap he added some pine oil. He then went in the kitchen and made a couple of thick turkey sandwiches, opened two cans of Coke and a bag of potato chips. Blake came out of the bath with the towel wrapped around his waist. Morgan felt his mouth fill with saliva, and a tingle in his groin.
“Are my clothes ready?” he asked.
Morgan laughed. “They’re still washing. Well, they’re in the rinse cycle, but they still have to go in the dryer. Would you like a robe?”
Blake scoffed. “Hell no! I’m fine, if you don’t mind.”
Morgan said, “Why should I mind? You can walk around butt naked if you want. We’re adults here.”
Blake looked at the table. “What’s this?”
Morgan said, “Lunch! I told you I couldn’t pay you much, but I could feed you. The question is, are you going to stick around for dinner?”
Blake cocked his eyebrow and gave him a sly smile.
After they ate Morgan threw Blake’s clothes in the dryer. Morgan told Blake to go into the living room and click on the TV. He washed up the lunch dishes and wiped down the table and counter top. He walked into the living room.
Blake was watching a soccer game, but he hit the mute button and said, “Morgan, can I ask you something?”
Morgan said, “Sure.”
Blake looked at him for a few seconds and then said, “Are you gay?”
Morgan had decided long ago to always answer that question honestly. He said, “Yes, why?”
Blake said, “Just wondered. Some of the stuff you have in the bathroom, and this.”
He picked up an old Playgirl magazine Morgan had had for ages. He had forgotten it was on the bottom shelf of the coffee table.
Morgan sat down in a casual chair and asked, “Does it bother you?”
Blake kind of shrugged and said, “No, not really. I’ve been around. In fact, I’ve played around, but a long time ago.”
Morgan thought, ‘Oh?’ but he said, “What do you do, you know, for sex. I mean, do you have a girlfriend, or something?”
Blake laughed. “Shit no. I had one when I was first deployed, but she decided she didn’t want to be a soldier’s wife. What do I do for sex? Nada. There was one homeless broad I tried to screw once, but tho I smelled as bad or worse than she did, I couldn’t get past the stink. I couldn’t even get it hard.”
Morgan decided to pursue something Blake had thrown out. “What do you mean you’ve played around?”
Blake smiled. “I wondered if you were going to take that bait. When I was sixteen, seventeen I had a neighbor who used to give me head. He did it maybe a dozen times over a year or maybe two.”
Morgan waited and then said, “That was it? Only that? Shit, that hardly counts.”
Blake cocked his eyebrow and gave him that sly smile again. “Yeah, but I still remember it.”
Morgan waited a few seconds and asked, “Fondly?”
Blake broke into a big smile. “I don’t know if that’s the right word, but yeah.”
Morgan wasn’t sure, but he thought he could see a tenting of the towel around Blake's waist. Was this talk getting him aroused? He hadn’t realized how many minutes he had been staring. He looked up at Blake’s eyes. Blake looked down at the bulge his erection was making. Morgan looked back down at it. Blake made his cock jump.
‘What the fuck’ Morgan thought, ‘go for it.’ He looked back into Blake’s eyes and said, “Would you like for me to suck it?”
Blake said, “Would you like to suck it.”
Morgan said, “No bullshit games. And yes.”
Blake said, “Okay, yes.”
Morgan stood up and stepped over to the sofa.
Blake started to undo the towel but Morgan said, “No, don’t.”
He sat down and leaned over and gently bit Blake’s cock through the towel. He moved up and down it wondering, ‘Is this thing really that long?’ He noticed Blake’s breathing had altered. He was taking small gasps with each little bite.
Morgan slid his hand up under the towel and felt Blake’s big balls and then took hold of his cock. He had tortured himself enough. He pulled away the towel and made a little gasp himself. Blake’s cock must have been almost eight inches long and his fingers didn’t meet when he wrapped them around it. He held it straight up and admired it.
Blake said, “Well, are you going to suck it or not?”
Morgan said, “Can’t I appreciate it first? It’s fantastic. I love it.”
He leaned forward and put his tongue flat against the head right at the piss hole and then slid his tongue down the length on the underside, sucked one of his balls into his mouth, rolled it around with his tongue, let it pop out and ran his tongue back up to the tip. He opened his mouth and went about six inches down, paused and moved his mouth so he was massaging Blake’s cock and went back up. He swirled his tongue around the head and went back down, pressing his tongue against the side as he slid down and came back up. He went down opening his throat so he could take the entire length all the way to the base, paused for a second and then bounced up and down for a couple of inches.
Blake alternated between putting his head back with his eyes tightly closed and looking down at Morgan’s head.

He said, “Suck my balls some more.”
Morgan licked his ball sack and sucked one ball and then the other. They were too big to get them both in his mouth comfortably. He held them up and licked below them between Blake’s legs. He wanted to rim him, but Blake didn’t lift his butt for him to get to his asshole, and he didn’t want to force things. He came back up to his cock and began seriously sucking, heading for the release of the cum he was craving. Blake responded by bucking his hips. He held Morgan’s head lightly as he fucked his cock in and out of his mouth, causing him to gag occasionally. He needed to cum and began jacking his cock furiously, holding Morgan’s head onto the end of it.
In a horse whisper he said, “I’m gonna cum. Here it is. Take it. Take my cum. Oh shit, take it.”
It was as if the cum had been accumulating in his balls for months. He shot wad after wad of it into Morgan’s throat and mouth faster than he could swallow it, but swallow it he did.
Morgan kept Blake’s cock in his mouth, feeling it slowly soften. He was happy that Blake didn’t pull him off of it or remove it from his mouth. Blake laid his head back on the back of the sofa and left his hand resting lightly on Morgan’s head.
He only said, “Wow.”
Morgan let the now soft cock slip from his mouth, but put it back in a couple of times and sucked it gently, removing all traces of cum from it. He kissed it several times.
Blake looked down at him and said, “Do you like my cock?”
Morgan looked up at him and kissed it again. “Shit, I don’t have the words to say how much I like it. It’s the best cock ever.”
Blake said, “Are my clothes dry yet?”
Morgan laughed. “Yeah, but I don’t know why you need them.”
Blake said, “I don’t think I can catch the bus like this.”
Morgan got up. He realized his cock and briefs were soaked with pre-cum. He knew that he was going to beat off as soon as Blake left. He got the clothes out of the dryer and watched as Blake got dressed there in the living room.
He went in the bedroom and returned with some bills. He said, “Look, I know I should give you a lot more for all you did today, but I really don’t have that kind of money.”
Blake said, “Hell man, I ate – twice, I took a bath and shaved, you washed my clothes. I’m not greedy. This is more than I deserve.”
Morgan said, “Don’t say that. You deserve everything you get – more.”
Blake shrugged and smiled. “Well, thanks anyway. I’d better head out.”
Morgan said, “Look, if I remember, you have more clothes than just those. Go get one of those black plastic bags like you put the grass clippings in. Use it to bring all your other stuff next time and we can wash those clothes too. I have more work that needs doing. You can come one day next week. Okay?”
Blake came back in with the bag tucked in his belt. He shook Morgan’s hand and as he went out the door he smiled that wicked smile and said, “And thanks for the blowjob.”
Morgan laughed and said, “Thank you for the load of cum, and wait till next time.”
It had been a Friday when Blake had done the work for Morgan. All weekend Morgan had thought about him, reliving those erotic minutes on the living room sofa. Monday morning he waited at the center for Blake to show up, but he waited in vain. He reasoned with the money he had paid him he didn’t need food vouchers, but hoped he would check in on Tuesday, although he didn’t have any news for him. He had thought he’d found a place Blake could temporarily sleep, but it had gone to a homeless single mother with a three-year-old child.
Tuesday came and went and still Blake didn’t show up, nor was he there Wednesday morning. Morgan began to worry. If someone knew he had money they might have rolled him in his sleep, or even killed him. He knew that was silly, but anxiety causes us to think irrationally. Then again, he hardly knew Blake. He had said he didn’t drink or use drugs, but how could he be sure. He may have used the money to get soused or high. Maybe he had been wrong to hire him.
That afternoon his phone rang, and when he answered it the voice said, “Morgan? Hi it’s me, Blake. How are you?”
Morgan let out a sigh of relief and exasperation. “God, Blake, I’m fine. What about you? What’s going on?”
Blake said, “Nothing, I’m fine. Look, you said I could bring my things to wash. Would today be Okay?”
Morgan said, “Of course. Do you have a way to get here?”
Blake said, “Yeah, I still have a couple dollars left. You also said you’d have more work. Do you want me to do anything yet?”
Morgan sighed again. “Yes, I’ve been waiting to hear from you. Come on.”
Blake showed up about an hour later with the plastic lawn trash bag he had taken on Friday stuffed with two filthy blankets and a bunch of really dirty clothes. He was wearing the clothes Morgan had washed on Friday.
Morgan asked, “Have you been wearing those clothes since I washed them?”
Blake shrugged. “Yeah, there the only clean things I had. They still are.”
Morgan took the bag and dumped everything onto the utility room floor, sorted through them and filled the washer with shirts and underwear and started it washing.
Blake said, “What work do you have for me to do?”
Morgan asked, “Have you eaten?”
Blake smiled again. “Yeah, I had a burger. I’m fine.”
Morgan said, “Okay , where do we start? I’ve got a whole list of things that need doing. Come on, we’re going shopping.”
They headed to a local hardware store and bought a pane of glass for the kitchen window and glazing compound, then to a Home Depot for a toilet. Morgan decided to leave the replacement of the bathroom sink for later. Then he stopped at the super market.
He asked, “Have you eaten today?”
Blake said, “Yeah, I told you I had a burger before I called you.”
Morgan asked, “Well, what would you like for dinner?”
Blake just looked at him.
Morgan said, “Well, if you’re going to do any work today, you’re going to be here late. I’m gonna eat, so I’d guess you are too, so what’d you like?”
Blake shrugged.
Morgan asked, “Spaghetti?”
Blake said, “Sure.”
When they got home Morgan put the washed clothes in the dryer and reloaded the washer with pants and a worn out greasy military issue jacket. Blake took the cracked glass pane out and replaced it. It was getting dark, but Blake knew he had to replace the toilet, especially if he was going to get paid. Removing the old toilet turned out to be a bigger job than he had anticipated. It was after ten when he finished and got the mess he’d made cleaned up. Morgan had asked him if he wanted to eat first or shower first. He said shower, but by the time he’d finished with the toilet the dinner was ready.
Besides the spaghetti and meat sauce there was garlic bread and a crisp green salad. It was the best meal Blake had eaten in literally years. When he finished he was satiated and would have liked to relax, but he knew he had to bathe. He headed to the bath while Morgan cleared the table and put things away. He emptied the dryer and reloaded it, put the blankets in the washer and folded the dry clothes. He thought about taking a change of underwear to Blake, but decided to let him come and ask for it. He was washing the dishes when Blake came from the shower, without the towel around his waist.
He walked up behind Morgan and put his arms around him, pressing his long, thick, flaccid cock against his ass, pushing and grinding his pelvis against Morgan’s butt.
He bit the back of Morgan’s neck and said, “Can I have some of that?”
Morgan said, “You know the buses are only running one an hour now. Why don’t you spend the night?”
Blake fucked his cock against Morgan’s butt three times and said, “If I do, can I have some?”
Morgan pushed back and said, “No – not some – you have to take all of it.”
He dried his hands on a dish towel and reached back and felt Blake’s cock, noting it was already half hard. He turned around and looked in Blake’s eyes, then kissed him. Blake didn’t respond, but didn’t pull away. They went to the bedroom and Morgan turned down the bed, got undressed, watching Blake watching him. He wasn’t sure what Blake would think. He’d never had a body like Blake’s, and he was years older, but Blake didn’t show any reaction.
Morgan got on the bed and Blake followed him, lying on his back. His cock was still only half hard, and Morgan liked that. It meant he could stuff all of it in his mouth comfortably. He liked sucking a guy to a full erection. He kissed it first and then took it in his mouth without touching it, using his tongue as a tool to coax it in. Blake took in a quick breath and laid his hand on Morgan’s back, caressing his back and shoulders. His cock grew, forcing its way out of Morgan’s mouth, but he retained the head and swirled his tongue around it and then went down, moving his tongue up and down as he did so.
For five days Blake had thought about how Morgan had sucked his cock, and how good it felt – how much he had liked it. He had jacked off twice remembering it. He hadn’t realized how sex-starved he was. This was all new and strange to him, but he had finally decided he wanted to do it again. He wanted to take it a step farther – how far he hadn’t decided yet. He was enjoying what Morgan was doing to his cock, but he wanted to fuck. This was also new. He’d never fucked anyone in the ass. It’d never been necessary. Now he was about to fuck another man, but he had to do it. Not out of necessity, but out of lust – of desire.
He said, “Morgan, can I fuck you?”
Morgan was reluctant to stop sucking this wonderful cock, but he knew he wanted to be fucked by this magnificent man. None of this was new for Morgan. He’d been fucked many times before, in dozens of positions. He’d been fucked on his hands and knees, doggy style. He’d been fucked with his head buried in a pillow and his ass stuck up in the air. He’d been fucked with only the back of his head and shoulders on the floor while some guy held his ass pointing up and rammed his cock down it. He’d been fucked by a muscle-man with his legs wrapped around the guy’s waist and his arms around his neck while the guy walked around bouncing him up and down. He’s been fucked in a shower stall while standing. He’d been fucked bending over with his hands on the coffee table (he’d never known that guy’s name – some guy he’d picked up on the street).
These were all ways he’d been fucked and never wanted to try again. Now when, and if, he got fucked he did it the ways he liked.
He said to Blake, “I don’t know if I’ve got a condom big enough for your cock.”
He knew any condom would do, but he both liked to think about how big Blake’s cock was, and flatter Blake.
He got a condom out of the bedside table drawer and rolled it down over Blake’s cock, saying, “I think I’d better lube up for this.”
He had to go in the bathroom to get some lube, but when he came back Blake was lying there holding his cock sticking straight up, waiting.
Morgan lay on his side with his back to Blake and lifted his leg so his ass cheeks parted. Blake turned and put the end of his cock in Morgan’s ass crack and moved it up and down, passing over his asshole several times, stopped at the anus and pushed, forcing it to open and welcome his cock. Though tight to the girth of his cock, it was an ass accustomed enough to cocks to accept it willingly. He slid it in all the way until he removed his hand and let their bodies come together. He held Morgan’s waist and watched as he slipped his cock back almost all the way out and then shoved it back in, doing this a dozen or so times. He then pushed it all the way in to the hilt and wrapped his arms around Morgan, holding him in a tight embrace.
He began fucking him quicker but steadily and smoothly. Morgan moaned and Blake knew he was enjoying it as much as he was. He couldn’t resist nipping and kissing the back and side of Morgan’s neck and sticking his tongue in his ear. He was filled with passion and lust, and at the same time a caring for this man he was fucking. Without dwelling on it he was aware this nice man was giving him a gift – the satisfaction of a basic need – the easing of a longing desire.
Morgan spoke, saying in a harsh whisper, “Blake, fuck me from in front. I want to see you.”
Blake pulled his cock out with a sucking sound and Morgan rolled over on his back. Blake re-positioned himself between his legs, lifting then so Morgan’s ass was raised to meet his cock. Without touching it he shoved it back in and resumed fucking, again watching his cock disappear and reappear from Morgan’s hot hole. He picked up speed again and fucked harder and faster, with shorter and jerky jabs. Morgan was jacking his cock, but Blake fell forward on top of him, trapping his hand. He pulled it out and wrapped his arms around Blake, digging his nails in his back and running his hands down and grabbing the cheeks of Blake’s ass.
Blake’s breaths came out ragged and with guttural sounds. He felt the cum shoot up through his cock and out into Morgan’s gut. Instinctively he grabbed Morgan’s head and kissed him, pushing his tongue into Morgan’s open mouth and sucking Morgan’s tongue into his. He ground his lips against Morgan’s, their teeth clicking together. He shot his cum again and again, each time sending an electric shock throughout his body. Morgan also shot his load of cum from his cock that was pressed between their stomachs.
When there was no more cum and his cock jerked trying to unload more, Blake stopped kissing Morgan’s mouth and gently kissed his eyes and forehead and nose and lips. He rose up and watched as his cock slipped out of Morgan’s well-used ass. He rolled onto his back and took a deep breath and slowly exhaled it. He turned his head and looked at Morgan and smiled. Morgan got up on one elbow and leaned over and kissed Blake again.
He shook his head and said, “Awesome.”
Blake put his hand up and ran it over Morgan’s head, mussing his hair. He said, “You know, I could get used to that.”
Morgan peeled the condom off Blake’s softening cock and then bent down and took it in his mouth, sucking off the cum that coated it.
Blake laughed and said, “You’re perverted.”
Morgan said, “In the right way, and you love it.”
He got a wash cloth and cleaned his cum from Blake’s stomach and then his and in the bathroom wiped his tender ass.
When he got back in the bed Blake kissed him and said, “We’d better get some sleep if I’m going to do any work tomorrow.”
Morgan wondered how he was going to keep paying Blake. His income wasn’t that big when he took into account the material he’d also need to buy. He soon fell asleep with Blake’s arm lying across him.
The next morning when he awoke he wondered if Blake’s attitude would be different in the light of day. He eased out of bed and went to the bathroom, showered, shaved and brushed his teeth. After combing his hair he returned naked to the bedroom. Blake was sitting on the edge of the bed.
He smiled and said, “Good morning. Can I use the bath now?”
Morgan gave a nod and got clean underwear out of a drawer. He remembered Blake’s clothes were still in the utility room. When he was dressed he went and got them and stacked them on the bed. He then went to the kitchen and started breakfast. When Blake came in the kitchen he looked especially beautiful, even though his clothes were grey and well worn.
Morgan said, “Hot cakes and sausage. Okay?”
Blake said, “Fuck yeah. You’re gonna spoil me.”
Morgan grinned. “Well, don’t get used to it.”
After breakfast Bake asked, “What’s on my agenda today?”
Morgan said, “I have some things I need to do a little later, plus I need to stop by the center. The only thing is I’d like you to sweep the sidewalk and the driveway. There are weeds growing in the cracks there’s so much accumulated dirt.”
He later looked out the window and saw Blake had even swept the street-side sidewalk and was cleaning the gutter in front of the house. When he came in Morgan told him thanks and offered him a ride to wherever he wanted to go. Blake declined and Morgan gave him some money, again apologizing for it not being more. Blake asked if he could leave his clothes there so he’d have something clean to change into whenever he bathed.
Morgan said, “Of course.”
Blake thanked him profusely, gave him a quick kiss and left, saying he’d call in a couple of days.
That day one thought kept running through Morgan’s mind. That night, after getting into bed, he decided. He’d ask Blake if he wanted to move in. There was the extra bedroom that he was only using for storage, so they didn’t have to sleep together if he wasn’t comfortable with that. He’d have a place to sleep and food to eat, and maybe a little money in his pocket. They could get him some decent clothes and then maybe he’d have a better chance of finding a job and getting back on his own two feet. Would he, could he accept living with a gay guy? Could he become a lover? And what if Morgan grew to love him? Was it worth the risk of a possible broken heart? Well, those were bridges to be crossed. And it wouldn’t hurt to ask. Good – settled. He’d do it when Blake called.
Morgan went to sleep with a smile on his face.