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Summer Seminar-part 4

"More fun with Les"

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We are pretty busy for the next couple of weeks but still manage to get in a threesome once in a while. One night, though, I wake and see Les and Travis sucking each other’s cock.

For some reason, probably jealousy, my eyes start to tear up and I bury my face in the pillow, sobbing like a baby. When I stop, I feign sleep and they’re none the wiser. I think about that often in the classroom that day. Suddenly, I think, Jeez get over it, get a grip, grow up!

At supper on Friday night, Lucy regales us with a ten-year-old story of how she and her sister dressed Les as a girl.  They took him shopping and they got quite a hoot out of the reaction in the dress shops they visited. The tale gave me an idea. "Hey Travis, do you want to do that Saturday night. We'll go dancing with ‘Leslie’ as our date."

Lucy and Les are all for it. Lucy gets Leslie's attire ready from her own closet. She even curls his hair and applies cosmetics, lipstick, mascara and stuff. Les does not need a shave.

Lucy and Uncle Tom consider coming but, at the last moment, he chickens out. They go to a movie instead.

When we three are all dressed up, we make an attractive threesome. Leslie looks cute - and hot. Lucy has given him wedgies to wear instead of high heels. He shouldn't trip while dancing.

We walk to the Firemen's Hall, about three blocks away. Along the route, lots of people look at us and wave. Two guys in a passing car even whistle.

I think that I am a pretty good dancer. Travis proves quite capable, too. Leslie, however, is one bloody terrific dancer. I dance with him first and then Travis follows. When Bill Haley's ‘Rock Around the Clock’ is played, we jive together and go wild. Shit, we're good enough for American Bandstand. Well, Leslie is, anyway.

The crowd is in awe, clapping and cheering. Leslie is magnificent. After that song, when we are on the floor with Leslie individually, guys frequently cut in. So many want to dance with Leslie. Anyway, it’s a lot of fun.

When we get home, Les tells Lucy and Tom about the good time we've all had. He's sure nobody suspected a thing.

Downstairs, when we’re getting out of our duds, Les tells us about a couple of the encounters he had. Seems that one guy kept rubbing up against him and soon he had a big boner. He asked if Leslie wanted to go to the park across the street and get some fresh air. So they did. Of course, the guy wanted to put his hands all over Leslie but he was told not to touch. If he behaved, he would be relieved by hand.

The guy reluctantly agreed, unzipped, and pulled out his cock. Les told us, “Damn, it was big, long and fat, and hard. He was uncut and had a fleshy hanging foreskin.”

Leslie proceeded to jerk him off, sliding his foreskin back and forth over his massive glans. Leslie told him to announce his cumming, so it wouldn't spoil her dress. It took both hands but eventually the guy was gasping and thrusting into the sheath formed by Leslie's hands. He got over to one side just in time as the guy splashed his joy juice onto the ground.

Les said this got him all excited but it gave him an incredibly painful erection. Painful because he was wearing three pairs of tight panties under one of Lucy's girdles. If he got a boner, nobody would see the bulge.

Another story. A guy followed Leslie downstairs to the washroom and tried to go in with her. He was quite insistent. He was quite drunk, too. So Leslie took him into a storage closet down there. No touching, he tells him and proceeds to jerk him off. Leslie stands at the guy's side and he cups and fondles his ass with one hand while jerking him off with the other. This guy's cock is cut, short but fairly thick with a huge bulbous knob. He shoots a huge load over the floor and Leslie keeps jerking, waiting for the guy's cock to soften. It doesn’t. So Leslie keeps stroking and, sure enough, the guy shoots another big load. This time, his cock deflates and they leave the storage closet. Leslie is then able to go the bathroom, alone, and he sits down to piss!

We’re all hooting and laughing at these stories, having a good time.

Lucy hollers down, "Les, do you want to come to church with us tomorrow as Leslie?”

"No thanks," he replies and we all laugh.

A week later, Travis gets into a heated argument with one of our instructors.

A couple of the instructors are doing a good job but some others are pathetic. Travis and I are in different groups but I hear all about the dispute at morning coffee break. It’s not the first time that this instructor and Travis have had a difference of opinion. Travis is pretty lazy in the classroom, anyway. His attention wanders a lot, but on this day, he walks out of the classroom in a big huff.

When I get home, Lucy tells me that Travis has packed and left. He’d phoned his immediate supervisor back in Denver and blew up at him and quit. He caught the bus back to Denver right after lunch.

Not knowing where this puts me at Lucy's place - there are two weeks left of the seminar - I ask if she’d prefer me to move out. She says I can stay but I detect that she isn't exactly too thrilled. So, I thank her and tell her that I'll get a room at the hotel, if they have one available. They do.

After supper, I pack, settle up with Lucy and say my goodbyes to her and Tom and leave for my new temporary residence.

Thursday night, I am laying about reading an old Playboy magazine and there is a knock at my door. It's Les. I’m pleased to see him and give him a big hug. That leads to kissing and groping and, hot damn, we’re soon naked on the bed.

Laying side by side, kissing earnestly, our hands are busy with each other's privates. I eschew sixty-nine and get on my knees at the end of the bed between his spread legs. I wrap fingers of one hand around his cock and fondle his nuts with the other.

I kiss the tip of his cock and lick up and down the shaft. I pull his foreskin back behind the ridge, kiss the head and lick all around his hood, savouring his sweet nectar. I guide his erect cock to my mouth and suck it down as deep as I can. I relish the sweet hot flavour of his juice on my tongue.

I bob up and down, sucking hard with each plunge and backstroke. I’m also active with a hand around his cock base, squeezing him gently while steadily pumping in rhythm with my mouth. Soon, his breathing quickens and he is gasping and rocking his hips up and down. He shudders mightily as he cums, his sweet juice blasting down my throat. I swallow greedily and keep on sucking until his erection subsides.

I lick all the jizz from his knob and then all around his cock head. Mmm, it is so sweet and tasty.

I move up the bed and get on top of him and kiss his mouth, eyelids, neck, and earlobes. I poke my tongue into an ear and he giggles. "That tickles," he chuckles.

We cuddle for a few moments. Then it’s his turn. My cock is limp but soon responds to his ministrations. He lays on the bed between my legs and I sit up against the headboard to accommodate his position.

His mouth envelops my dick. It feels so wet and slippery and hot in there. His tongue is under my foreskin, swirling all around my cock head. Now he kisses my nuts and my shaft and then engulfs me again. His lips, mouth, and tongue torture my cock so deliciously that I don't last long. Too soon I cum, but it’s enjoyable.

He licks my pecker clean and we hold and cuddle each other some more.

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Suddenly, he is sobbing. He is heaving and I feel his tears on my cheek.

"What's the matter?"

"Sorry, I am just feeling down right now. I miss you guys. Lucy's pissed that I don't have a job yet and I'm running out of money. It sucks.”

"Les, I’ve been there and done that buddy. Your luck will change and the situation will pass. Your young life will be so good in a short while, you'll wonder why you ever worried about it.”

“Well, I sure miss our threesomes. I liked sucking cocks with you while Travis fucked me."

I chuckled. "How did it come to pass that you like being fucked?"

"Well, since I know you won't tell anybody, here’s the scoop.”

Apparently, as a teenager when he first started jerking off, his anus was of much interest to him. He would rub his fingers over and around it and slip a finger or two inside. He liked poking his fingers in and out. It boosted his ejaculation.

Paul, a classmate, came on to him. They would jerk off and suck each other. One day, he asked Les if he could fuck him. Les agreed and they did that a dozen times or so. Paul had a small cock and it slipped in as easily as Les's fingers and it felt really awesome.

The first couple of times, Les took it on all fours but then he was fucked on his back with his legs resting on Paul’s shoulders. That way, Paul could jerk Les while he fucked him. Paul really liked it that way so that’s what they did. Paul liked the way Les's anus clutched and gripped his cock when Les came. The pressure felt terrific and the spasms got him off more intensely.

However, just before Les left Detroit, a guy had fucked him and he was way too big and it hurt. Therefore, he hadn't been fucked until he took Travis's cock. That was the right size, big enough to be really satisfying but not painful.

"Has Lucy heard from Travis?"

"Yes, he's got a job driving a truck for a moving company.”

"But you’ve not been able to find work?"

"No. It seems most think I look too young. ‘Are you in high school yet?’ one asshole asked me. Another said, ‘Come back when you're old enough to shave’.”

I feel bad for Les. He's a terrific young guy and… a light bulb goes off in my head!!


This was yesterday. After the 3 pm seminar, our group goes to the bar for a beer. When we break up it’s after seven and I’m hungry. I decide to eat at the cafe across the street. Before I sit down, though, I need to piss.

There are three urinals and a guy is in the left one. I take the one on the right, unzip, whip out my pecker, pull back my hood and proceeded to piss.

My stream is heavy, splashing about like a garden hose. I sense the guy looking over at me. I look at him. He’s holding his cock with his right hand and he’s slowly rubbing it and rolling his foreskin back and forth. Then he puts it away and zips up.

"How's it hanging?” I ask

He answers as he's walking to the sinks. "Pretty good, actually."

Then he comes back to the middle urinal, unzips, and pulls out his cock. He rolls his hood back, shakes his cock around a bit, and then pushes and pulls his foreskin back and forth a few times.

"You have quite a beauty there.”

"Thanks," he says.

Then he offers his cock for me to touch. Touch! I jerk his cock, rolling his foreskin back and forth. He gets hard right away. Hell, I think he was semi-hard when I got into the washroom. His cock is good-sized. Not really thick or long but a very nice fistful for sure. Then the door opens and we separate. He quickly zips up, washes, and leaves.

When I finish washing, I leave and enter the cafe. He’s sitting alone at a table and motions me over.

"Care to join me?"

"You bet. I’m ready for a nice big piece of meat.”

He laughs. "Down boy, all in good time."

We order and conduct conversational intercourse as we eat.

His name is Ben North, he's forty-five, married and has three girls. Twins in grade school, and the oldest is seventeen and graduates next year. He is the office manager for a nationwide catalogue order firm and gives me his business card. He supervises a staff of seventy-five, who take orders on the telephone. Their office is located in the suburbs and he’s been in town buying supplies. He gets into the city alone every so often.

I tell him that I’m staying at the hotel across the street and that I’m from Denver and have been attending a six-week seminar that will soon be over.

He asks, "Are you the kind of guy that can keep a secret?"

"That would be me. Why?"

"Well, if you're so inclined, I'd like to come to your hotel room and suck all the cum out of that magnificent pecker of yours!"

I chuckle.

"I'm serious," he says.

"Well, I’m horny as hell. I guess you are, too. The truth is, I'd like to blow that beauty of yours, too."

"That would be terrific. The wife's been on the rag for weeks it seems. She won't even touch my cock these days, let alone suck me off."

"Oh my," I say, “it sucks to be you.” We both laugh.

"You know why wives have both a pussy and a mouth, right? So they can piss and moan at the same time."

Again we burst out laughing.

"Give me a few minutes to shower. You pay the bill," I grin, "then come over. Okay?"


I've showered and put on a hotel robe when he knocks. When he enters, I ask if he wants to shower first. Thankfully, he does. Truth is… he needs it!

He comes out naked, sporting a tumescent pecker, a clean tumescent pecker. We get at it right away. We embrace and kiss for a couple of minutes. Then we get on the bed in the sixty-nine position.

When I put my mouth around his cock and suck up and down a few times, I hear, "Ahhh, that feels so damn good."

I release his cock for a moment. "It feels good for me, too.”

We resume sucking and slowly jerk each other's shaft and fondle our nuts. You'd think we’d done this before!

He is the first to cum. Whether from my skills, or his need, he shoots a good load down my throat. I swallow it and drain his cock. He goes limp and I give his shaft and cockhead a final lick.

At my crotch, his head is bobbing feverishly up and down. I now thrust my hips rapidly, panting and gasping until I reach my goal. My cum spurts into his hot mouth and down his throat. Being a good cocksucker, he cleans it all up with his eager tongue and swallows.

"Ahhh, I needed that," he hums.

He has to leave right away before his wife starts wondering why he's not home. "Care to meet me again sometime?" he asks, standing at the door, ready to leave.

"Sure, call the hotel and leave a message at the front desk to meet for supper. I'll join you at the cafe. My treat this time."


So, Les and I are in my hotel room and I put two and two together. Les needs a job; maybe Ben needs a new guy. I open the top drawer of the dresser, take out Ben's business card, and hand it to Les.

"I met this guy at the cafe across the street last night where I had supper. Call him and see if he needs a new guy to answer phones."

Les is very happy and grateful for the referral. How grateful… tell you later.


My thanks to JWren for all his editing assistance.       


Written by bobapple
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