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Steve and Kyle: Episode 6

"Two young gay Chicagoans, find each other and build a happy life together"

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Chapter 13 continued from Episode 5

Once Kyle sensed that Erik was trembling with anticipation and fully ready to be fucked, he rolled a condom onto Erik’s boner of an erection before donning a rubber himself and applying a liberal dose of anal lubricant to his own cock. By now, his own formidable cannon of man-meat was at maximum size and so as Erik lay there on his back and allowed Kyle to lift and his legs in the air holding one against each of his shoulders, he saw a superb, ten-inch, rock-hard shaft, crowned by a superb cock-head, advance on his anal sphincter.

Now even for a guy like Erik, highly experienced as he himself was in the gentle art of consensual buggery, when he saw the formidable tool which was about penetrate his inner sanctum, he had a slight moment of misgivimng as Kyle’s massive cock pressed against his anus forcing his sphincter open to allow it to enter. Kyle’s rampant tool was far and away the biggest cock Erik had ever taken up his ass. But once that initial resistance had been overcome and Kyle’s cock was deep inside of his partner, Erik became totally relaxed as he saw that he was in the hands of an absolute master of the oft not-so-gentle-art of anal copulation.

Had he known just how new to the anal sex act Kyle really was, he would have been astounded at the total confidence and sheer professionalism with which he was being fucked, by a young man who had, earlier that same day, just quit school. Kyle first gave Erik the benefit of his full length, bottoming his own pelvis against his partner’s ass, pausing for a few seconds as he prepared himself to fulfil Erik’s wish for a really hard fuck.

Then he began fucking Erik, at first gently with reciprocating, short strokes of his piston, but then with ever increasing stroke length, speed and power. But as the act of copulation is a mutual affair, Kyle himself became as aroused as his partner by the part that he, as the active partner, was doing in their present liaison. But aroused by his own actions as he inevitably became, Kyle was able to keep sufficient control of himself to see exactly how the intensity of his efforts to please Erik were succeeding.

And so, as he became ever rougher and more powerful in his attack on Erik, thereby fulfilling his partner’s wish for a hard fuck, he made quite sure that as he neared his own climax he maintained sufficient control over what he was doing to take Erik with him all the way to that marvellous moment of climax when they both achieved simultaneous orgasms. Finally, with both of them on the brink of orgasm, he withdrew his cock fully from Erik’s anus before again giving him his final taste of his full length, thereby bringing both of them simultaneously to the pinnacle of orgasmic pleasure.

Kyle knew from the violent jerks of their cocks as they each ejaculated their loads that he had succeeded in giving Erik – and himself too – a magnificent climax to their first sexual coupling.

There is a Latin saying: “Post coitum omne animalium triste est” which translates loosely as: “After sexual union all animals are sad.” Well, sad or not, after Kyle’s strenuous efforts, both he and Erik were covered in sweat and feeling tired rather than sad; and so Kyle fell on top of Erik and they remained that way in each other’s arms, cooling off and resting, communing silently with each other for a full half hour. It was safe to say that what had set off as a simple lust driven suggestion by Erik, to get physical with each other, had gone far beyond the simple act of copulation.

Erik saw that Kyle had added a totally new dimension to the banal act of anal intercourse. But Kyle also knew that he had somehow managed to push all Erik’s buttons in what he had done and had succeeded, God knows how, in giving both of them an extraordinary experience together.

Erik finally pulled himself together and said: “Kyle, you are one hell of a cocks-man. Where the hell did you learn to fuck like that? I kid you not my friend, when I tell you that what you did to me just now, was just the greatest fuck I have ever had in my life; and believe me Kyle, I know what I am talking about as I have had plenty. You Kyle have a natural talent for giving your partner exactly what he wants, the likes of which I have never before experienced. How the fuck do you do it?”

“Look, I know that our deal – if you can call it that – was for a mutual fuck: you fuck me and I fuck you. But after your stellar performance just now you have reduced me to something resembling a dish of jello. After that performance Kyle, I’m not at all sure I could jerk myself off, let alone fuck you. So could I take a rain check on my half of our deal and give you your return bout another time? I’m sorry stud; it’s not that I don’t want to fuck you; I really do, as you are a hell of a sexy guy; but I am just not physically capable of keeping my half of our bargain at the moment.”

“But look, time is passing rapidly and I have soon to be back at work and you have got to go back and see Sten to sign on. So why don’t we shower and get cleaned up? Thank God I’m on the reception again this afternoon as I doubt that I am in any state to act as a trainer feeling the way I now do. Frankly Kyle, you have made me feel weak at the knees!”

Kyle of course was overwhelmed by such fulsome praise. He knew he had enjoyed doing what he had done to Erik; but had not himself seen it as a ground-breaking experience. Kyle, the new born cocks-man, was yet to realise just how exceptional he was. However as he was quickly to learn, his sex partners, of whom, in the near future, there were to be many, all found that what he brought to the act was something very special.

So into the shower they went and as the two of them soaped each other up with the shower gel, he could not resist giving Erik’s ass one final thrust of his cock. And so with Erik standing there, he threw caution to the wind and thrust himself once again into Erik’s anus and gave him three or four farewell strokes of his naked penis, bringing to an end his second sexual act at the gym, where he was shortly to work.


Kyle returned that evening to what he already thought of as his new home: Steve’s apartment, with his signed contract for his new job as a trainer at the gym in his pocket. A great deal of water had flowed under the bridge since he had seen Steve that same morning, so Kyle had a great deal to tell his friend and mentor. And so as they sat down to eat that evening, Kyle regaled Steve with a detailed account of what had happened to him since they had parted company only that very morning, which although only a few hours away, already seemed in the distant past.

He told Steve how he had told Mr Schmitt that he was leaving school, that very day; how he had not mentioned Steve’s name; how, so as far as the school and his parents were concerned, there was no connection between Steve and him; how his mother had already been at the school to find out where he had gone; how he had told no one at the school or his parents that he had moved in with Steve; how he had gone to the gym and got a job; how he had his employment contract in his pocket and how next week when he received his first salary, he would be able to pay his way with Steve and not feel that he was a sponger.

“So you see Steve, everything does seems to have worked out for the best. And you know what? Whilst I was at the gym, I had sex with two different guys. I had to undergo a so-called test with the manager, a guy called Sten Bergstrom who told me that he knew you. Well, Sten’s test first involved him fucking me to see that I was suitable for the job of trainer and then he had me fuck him; so I gave him a really good hard session, which I guess clinched matters and he offered me a job.”

“But I had to go back that afternoon to sign the papers and on my way out, I met a guy called Erik whom I will be working with as a trainer and he and I had lunch together, followed by sex; Well his idea was that as we would be working together, it would be good to get to know one another better; so he suggested we get physical with each other and he suggested that I go first and shaft him. But after I had finished fucking him he took a rain-check on his return bout. So I was fucked once by Sten and I myself fucked two different guys: first Sten and then Erik.”

“But you know what Steve? I really enjoyed fucking Erik and he told me that I had given him the best fuck he had ever had in his life; so how about that? And did you know that the gym has a series of private rooms which it rents to its clients who want to – well they call it relax – but in fact it’s for clients who want to have sex with their trainer to whom they apparently give sizable gratuities for services rendered, So although that is not a service officially offered by the gym, the place is really a sort of sex-exchange on the side.”

Steve listened bemused to this long and rather breathless, heartfelt outpouring by Kyle and was amazed how quickly his ex-pupil had not only come to terms with the fact that he was unambiguously gay, but had embraced, with obvious gusto, the physical ramifications which went along with his newly recognised state. He had also noted how Kyle did not hesitate from telling him what he had done with Sten and Erik; that he was quite ready to call a spade a spade and to use the word fuck in its true sense without a trace of embarrassment. Kyle was clearly revelling in his new persona and the way he had flung himself hook, line and sinker into the physical side of what being a gay involved.

Gone within a few brief days from his first tentative step at gay sex with Steve, was any reticence or reservation which Kyle might have had. Steve suddenly saw that his young friend had taken to the physical side of his new persona: the act of copulation, like a rabbit and with it had gained a great deal of self-confidence. In a word: Kyle had arrived on the gay male scene!

Steve already saw that Kyle would have no difficulty at all in adapting to his new life. In one way he was delighted that Kyle had come to terms with his newly recognised sexuality; but he also felt a twinge of jealously in the way in which his young friend had so clearly and firmly taken his destiny into his own hands. Steve, like many teachers, was already realising that he might soon to be outshone and bettered by his pupil. He found himself wishing that things had developed at a more leisurely pace; a pace at which he could have played the role of guide and teacher to Kyle a little longer.

But listening to Kyle he knew that the moment was already gone. He had himself, by his own actions, liberated Kyle from his previous sexual hang-ups and from his dismally unhappy family life and school and the young man was clearly happy in his new skin. He knew that he himself had let the genie out of the bottle and that there was now no way of putting it back. And all this because the previous Friday, he had decided to teach Kyle a well-merited lesson and had given his ass a severe paddling in retribution for what he had seen was a vicious act against a member of the opposing team on the football pitch.

Their meal now finished, it was still early evening. Steve desperately wanted to have sex again with his young protégé. However, what he failed to realise was that Kyle just as desperately wanted to have sex with him.

“Kyle, will you do something for me? Strip off and just let me enjoy looking at you naked. You really are the most beautiful young man I have ever seen, and I would just like to feast my eyes on your body for a few minutes.”

“Steve, why don’t we both strip off and relax together. That’s really what I would like to do right now.”

There they stood, facing one another, each of them admiring the gloriously sexy stud facing him and wondering who would take the next, inevitable step as each of them knew that he wanted to fuck the other. If ever there was a superbly perfect, visual incarnation of the Latin phrase, Primus inter pares – First among equals, then this was it. Both Kyle and Steve were absolute textbook examples of perfect, muscular young men in that glorious phase of their first maturity.

Both of them instinctively knew that they were each looking at an exceptional partner, the likes of whom it would be difficult to find elsewhere. And as they stood looking at each other, neither of them spoke a word; but no word was needed, as each of their cocks, without any encouragement, started their upwards journey until within a scant minute they were both pointing what had become their rock-hard fuck-sticks at each other.

It might have been supposed that Steve, who after all had just introduced Kyle the joys of anal sex, would have taken the lead and made the first move, for both guys knew that they wanted to have sex with each other. But it was not to be, as Kyle had so psyched himself up with the day’s events at the gym, and now wanted to show Steve how he too could take his partner to the heights of a definitive orgasmic climax which he somehow felt could be obtained by truly making love to Steve.

Sure, Kyle wanted to experience the physical act of fucking Steve’s hole with his cock; but over and above the sheer physical pleasure which sexual intercourse always brings, he wanted their coupling that evening to be much more; he wanted to imbue the whole act of butt fucking with spiritual dimension which the two of them could share together at the moment of climax.

So Kyle went up to Steve, put his arms around him and kissed him fully on the mouth for the first time: a very intimate act, possibly even more intimate if that is possible, than the act of anal intercourse itself, and whispered: “Steve, please just lie on the bed flat on your back and let me make love to you. I am just so very grateful for all that you have done for me and I really do want to show you my gratitude. So please Steve, just lie back and relax let me show you what I can do. Steve, I have already had sex with two different guys at the gym today, as I told you, but in my heart of hearts, I just knew what I really wanted all day was to be able to be with you.”

Kyle started by rimming Steve’s nipples which very quickly became erect and rock-hard as he worked on them with his tongue He then went gradually down Steve’s muscular torso and smothered him with kisses until he finally arrived at Steve’s magnificently erect penis. This, thanks to the assiduous way in which Kyle had been working on his upper body, was already dripping a few drops of pre-cum even though he had not yet touched what might be considered as any of Steve’s truly erotic appendages: his cock and anus.

But even so, so subtly arousing had been Kyle’s oral contact with Steve’s body, he had already managed to bring his partner to state of drooling anticipation of what was to come. And now, taking a leaf from his master’s book, he exercised his magic with the tip of his tongue on the rim of Steve’s cock-head and in a short time brought him to the very brink of orgasm. But Kyle, new as he was to the practice of male-male sex, somehow sensed that the moment had now come to get down to some really serious fucking of his partner.

What he had just done to Steve nothing more than very serious foreplay, the likes of which Steve had never before experience with such intensity. And he sensed that Kyle had something very special in mind for him.

“Steve, I know what you said about using a condom even when we have sex together and we are both clean, but just this once I want more than anything in the world, to shaft you bare-back so that we are united skin to skin with absolutely nothing separating us. It’s my way of thanking you for all you have done for me these last few days. Without you I would still be living that miserable existence at home; living with my uncaring parents and going to school, where I just knew I had no chance of success.”

“But now look at me; I have a job and can pay my way life and I have come to terms with my own sexuality, all thanks to you and to you alone. So Steve, please just this once, let me shaft you one final time bare-back to show you how much I appreciate all you have done for me.”

At that moment in time, prepped by Kyle as he had been to the limits of erotic endurance by the sensual foreplay to which he had been subjected, Steve personally could not have cared less whether Kyle was about to fuck him bare-back or using a condom. Kyle’s foreplay had raised him to such a euphoric state of erotic anticipation that the only thing he wanted at that precise moment, was to feel his partner’s beautiful, big, hard phallus sliding smoothly into his inner sanctum prior to giving him what he already sensed was to be a definitive fuck.

When it finally happened, he was in no way disappointed as Kyle thrust his rock-hard cannon deep into his partner’s most private parts. He waited a few moments to allow Steve to appreciate the enormous feeling of satisfaction which follows the moment of penetration as the active partner’s fuck-stick fills out and marries itself to his partner’s passage. As Kyle bottomed his pelvis against his partner’s ass, Steve let out a groan of pleasure as he felt the full ten inches of Kyle’s erect penis inside him.

Then Kyle began what was to become his hallmark technique in the art of anal sex; and make no mistake, for Kyle, newly minted as he was in the techniques gay sex, already had a natural feeling for what anal sex should be about. Not for him the vigorous banging away with his cock at his partner’s hole with thought only of his own satisfaction, but rather a subtly calibrated approach whereby he took his partner to the heights of pre-orgasmic pleasure before allowing him to climax. Kyle was what one had to admit was a natural; he had that innate ability to sense where his partner was at any moment and to adjust his efforts to ensure that both of them, the fucked and the fucker, reached orgasm at precisely the same moment.

In a word Kyle had that quality which we know as empathy; and he had it in spades! I can already hear some of my readers saying: “Fanciful poppycock”. After all, all what does anal intercourse involve? Superficially you might say that it is just the reciprocal motion of the active partner’s cock in an out of his passive partner’s fuck-hole; and technically, I suppose that is all it is.

But just as there are many ways to skin a cat, so it is too with the banal act of anal intercourse, the essential basis of all gay relationships. And when it came to Kyle, with the barest modicum of first-hand – or rather first-ass – experience the young man had had, he already had an innate feel for the act which few would ever equal.

And so with his cock well and truly settled inside of his partner, Kyle began what amounted to nothing more than that reciprocal motion which when well performed, as it now was, would eventually bring both parties to the sex act to the delirious heights of orgasmic pleasure: that unequalled feeling of satisfaction, which however brief, drives men, both gay and straight, on to fuck.

So first with short and very gentle strokes, Kyle use his cock to massage – yes I do think that is the right word – his partner’s rectum into a state of readiness for the ultimate goal of orgasm, thereby turning what is so often called by the ignorantly uninitiated in the delights of gay sex, an unnatural act, into something which delights both giver and receiver.

And then, having elevated Steve’s emotions into the heights of erotic expectation, Kyle gradually increased the length, force and frequency of his strokes until he himself became incapable of totally controlling his own feelings; and as that magic moment of truth approached, he addressed Steve’s ass with his cock with a vigour which defied description.

And yet, had anyone been privileged to witness this tour-de-force of anal copulation, they would have seen, in contradistinction to those thousands – millions? – of crude, raw, male sex, pornographic videos which anyone can see for free on the internet, just how artistic and beautiful the gay sex act can be when performed with love..

But even as he abandoned himself to his own feelings and wallowed fully in the glorious the sensations which any form of sexual intercourse engenders as it moves toward its climax, Kyle never allowed himself to lose sight of the fact that he was but one component in a two-man event and that in the present case he was truly making love to Steve, his partner and mentor.

So when Kyle saw that Steve was ready to climax, he completely withdrew his magnificent, dead-straight shaft from his partner, paused for a moment with his rock-hard tool in the air above Steve’s anus, before, before plunging himself full-depth for that final time and bringing each of them to an almighty, climactic orgasm. And that is probably how Kyle unthinkingly defined what was to become the hallmark of his sexual technique.

Kyle, the absolute beginner, had already totally understood that pleasure from the gay-sex act was to ensure that both parties from any encounter emerged satisfied. And so, all the TLC he had just lavished on Steve, he automatically did the same for any partner: it became his modus operandi – his method of working

But to stop philosophising for a moment; the two young studs were each in the throes of gigantic, ejaculative orgasms; thanks to Kyle’s ministrations, both of them just pumped and pumped their thick creamy sperm in seemingly endless, powerful spurts all over the place, enjoying that brief moment of perfect elation which an orgasm always brings. To say that they were both momentarily in heaven was an understatement. It is evident that the active partner, in this case Kyle, who had induced this euphoric feeling through the vigorous use of his cock on his partner’s ass, more easily gets satisfaction from an anal fuck.

But in this case, thanks to Kyle’s lavishly meticulous attention to his partner’s needs, Steve too enjoyed an extraordinarily powerful orgasm, the likes of which no other partner before Kyle – and he had had many – had ever induced in him. It was extraordinary how Kyle, this eighteen year-old young stud, with practically no sexual experience to speak of, should have this incredible ability.

Steve began to think that this young man, whom he had quite unintentionally taken under his wing, had a God-given talent for gay sex. In a word, Kyle was a natural stud who was built to fuck butt which he did like no other guy Steve had ever met. Steve wondered if the expression: “He fucks like an angel” adequately described Kyle’s extraordinary capabilities. But then he though about it and decided that did not even know if angels even fucked. And if they did, whom did they fuck and were they gay or straight?

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“Kyle that really was one hell of a job you just did on me. I take my proverbial hat off to you when I say have never ever experienced anything even vaguely like what you just did to me. The intensity of sensation, that wonderful, indescribable feeling which an orgasm gives you, was totally unbelievable. No matter how often you feel it, and however brief it is, it never fails to please. Now that we have cooled off a bit, do you think that you could do it again?

I know that once ought to be enough, but can one ever have enough of that marvellous feeling which only an orgasm can generate. You know at the end of the nineteenth century, there was an Irish playwright called Oscar Wilde. He was gay like us and got into trouble with the law as gay sex was then illegal and punishable with imprisonment. Well he had all sorts of aphorisms which he trotted out on different occasions and one was about food.

When someone, a lady apparently, told him that he had already eaten enough, obliquely accusing him of gluttony by saying to him that enough was as good as a feast, he replied: “Madame, enough is as good as meal; it’s a surfeit that makes a feast” Well Kyle, that expression taken in the present context is exactly how I feel right now. I would like to have a surfeit, not of food, but of sex; and moreover of sex delivered by you. So if you feel up to it, you might like to try exercising your cock on me yet again and give me a repeat performance of your undoubted cocksmanship.”

Whether accidentally or by design, something was shall never know, by uttering the words: “If you feel up to it” Steve had effectively waved a red rag in front of a bull as obviously Kyle’s pride would not allow him to stop there. So without saying a word, Kyle pulled Steve up from the bed and pushed him over a table where he proceeded to fuck him a second time. And again, he succeeded in bringing them both to a monumental climax, accompanied yet again by copious emissions of semen from both sides.

Then after changing the bed sheets which were totally soaked with the exceptionally large amount of cum which the two of them had emitted, Steve rolled a condom on to Kyle’s cock and donned one himself before pulling Kyle down and addressing his partner’s anus with his own cock. And if Steve did not equal the virtuoso copulative performance he had just received from Kyle, Kyle could not have cared less as he was he was sublimely happy to be sharing a bed and being fucked by someone whom he already knew he loved, but whom he also felt loved him.


Kyle went back to the gym the next day, Tuesday, to learn how things were organised and what his precise role would be. He learned that the gym was open seven days a week. On weekdays the gym was open twelve hours a day, from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. At weekends the hours on Saturday were from 8 a.m. through 8 p.m. and on Sunday from eight till one. Sunday afternoon the gym was closed. Kyle would be joining a team of eight fulltime trainers, divided into two groups each of four guys.

One group worked the early shift from 10 a.m. through 4 p.m. and the second the late shift from 4 p.m. through 10 p.m. The two teams switched their work periods on a two-week basis. Additionally the gym employed on an hourly basis an ever changing number of college students, usually muscular and generally well equipped young jocks, all of whom were gay, who worked at the gym to supplement their income and pay their college fees.

Usually it was one of these student interims who manned the reception desk; but on the Monday Kyle had arrived at the gym, the interim was a no-show and so Erik, a full-timer trainer, had done the job. Over and above the the two teams, there was a Head Trainer, a somewhat older guy called Gus Miller who coordinated the day to day running of the gym, which was managed overall by Sten Bergstrom. The gym’s owner was a group of businessmen who had no involvement in the daily running of the gym, which was for them just a profitable investment.

All in all Kyle thought that the gym would be an ideal place for him to work; the hours were congenial and as Erik had told him he would be among a group of guys all of whom like him were basically well-muscled, young gays, he looked forward to meeting his co-workers and getting to know them better! Head Trainer, Gus Miller and he had a long conversation in which Gus laid out the general rules on attendance, which as Erik had already intimated to Kyle were quite strict.

In fact, each trainer had a time-card, which like workers in a factory they used to clock-on when they arrived and clock-off when they left. An added attraction was the fact that the two teams were allowed to exchange members to suit individual needs, provided that there were always four trainers officially on duty in the gym. So even the working hours were flexible in that a trainer could make and arrangement with one of his buddies and the lads were more or less free to arrange things to suit themselves.

But as Erik had said, if a trainer went off with a client to attend in private to what was euphemistically referred to in gym-speak as a call of nature, then that was in the trainer’s own time. The trainer was expected to clock-off and clock-back-on after he had finished dealing with the client. Kyle’s was not the place to argue with the ethos of a system that he already thought was utterly hypocritical; the gym just exuded homosexuality while overtly pretending it did not exist. But he did recognise that when he was in private with a client, he would probably be earning a generous gratuity for doing something which he already realised he enjoyed – no that was too tame an expression – he adored: to wit, fucking a guy’s ass.

And so, rationalising; taking the rough with the smooth; the pluses against the minuses and the pros against the cons, he was glad that had found a job so easily; and moreover a job which he was sure he would like and which he was certain he could do. He had been by far the best gymnast at school and just loved working his own body; combine that with the regular opportunity for sex which the gym unofficially offered its trainers, what more could a young guy of Kyle’s ability and sexual persuasion wish for?

Kyle, with no paper qualifications whatsoever to his name, but with an exquisitely muscular body and a superb cock – not, by the way, attributes to be sneezed at – thanked his lucky stars that he had landed himself such a congenial job so easily.So the work Kyle would be performing at the gym was very much to his taste; in fact Kyle and the gym were what might be considered a perfect fit.

And as things were to turn out, both Kyle and the gym had, quite by chance, fallen on their collective feet, as Kyle was to become one of the gym’s star employees. But at present Kyle fervently hoped that his as yet unmet co-trainers – his co-workers – would also become his future friends and sex partners, for he had no one other than Steve to whom he was close. And for an absolute beginner at gay sex, who thanks to Steve and Steve alone, had suddenly found his true self and blossomed forth, Kyle already knew that he had acquired a taste for gay sex, which in the coming months was to prove an irresistible driving force for him.

Man is a social animal, and for someone like Kyle, who had but one close friend (he already thought of Steve as his closest friend: someone to whom he could open his innermost heart) the gym with its complement of trainers, a group of young men, alike in body and mind, coupled with clients who by all accounts were there for sex over and above the physical workouts for which they patronised the place, offered him a golden opportunity to develop the sort social life, which as a young man living unhappily at home he had never experienced. So yes, all in all, Kyle felt very happy about his immediate future.

Kyle’s first day working at the gym arrived; he found himself on the early shift and was delighted to find that that Erik was one of the group to which he had been assigned; so at least he had someone whom he knew – more or less intimately – from the outset. Erik introduced him to his co-workers, Seth and Zac; surnames did not seem to figure in the order of the day and so his three co-workers knew their new workmate only as Kyle and he them only as Erik, Seth and Zac.

Erik was clearly the group leader; but although there was no official hierarchy in their little group, as ever one man, in this case Erik, had become the de facto leader. Kyle thought Erik was about the same age as Steve, say twenty-two, whilst Seth and Zac were probably no more than twenty. So Kyle, then aged eighteen, was clearly the baby of the group. But as they stripped of their street clothes and changed into their working kit, Kyle’s sheer physical development – better said: his outstanding, physical beauty – hit the others like a ton of bricks.

The youngest and newest member of their group Kyle might be, but what they all saw and, to their credit, instantly acknowledged to themselves, was that their new co-worker was at least their equal physically; but as far as his sexual potential was concerned, to judge from that jaw-dropping piece of man-meat between his legs, they were looking at an unbeatable fuck-stick: a world beater if ever there was one.

Erik, of course, had already had the pleasure of taking Kyle’s full length up his own ass on the day of Kyle’s interview with Sten. On that occasion Kyle had been so thorough and vigorous in his efforts as to render Erik incapable of returning the favour at the time. Erik would have hated to admit it to the others, but the fact of the matter was that Kyle had reduced him to a state of week-kneed, sexual incapability. After Kyle had finished with him he could barely see straight, let alone raise a boner to keep his bargain with Kyle.

He had been so wrung out by Kyle’s vigorous efforts that he had taken a rain-check with a promise to make good in the near future. And so like the other two members of the team, he too had never actually fucked Kyle although had already been fucked by him and knew that the cock they were all admiring was not just for show; in action it carried a very potent punch.

It is safe to say that the three of them, Erik included, were more or less rendered speechless by what they saw. By any standards Kyle’s sexual endowment was magnificent. Now as we all know a guy’s cock has a mind of its own and not for nothing is it often referred to as his uncontrollable flesh; if it decides it does not want to play ball, well, it just sulks and refuses to budge.

Many a gay guy, in trying – nonsensically – to convince himself that he is a regular hetero-male by attempting to fuck a woman, has found himself in the embarrassing position of seeing his cock refuse to do its God ordained duty and rise to the occasion and had to retreat with his tail literally between his legs.

However, what Kyle’s two new co-workers saw as they gazed – with open admiration one might add – on the naked Kyle for the first time, was a beautifully rubbery, seven inch long, two and a half inch diameter, perfectly circumcised penis which ended in a large, rounded cock-head, which was itself set off from the shaft by a well defined rim. And on this occasion, as it showed itself for the first time to his co-workers, Kyle’s cock was on its very best behaviour. It had decided to plump itself just enough, so that shaft descended in a smooth, parabolic-like curve from his pelvis, passing gracefully over his tightly held balls to end in a that clearly defined, killer of a head.

All in all it was a magnificent sight, rendered more so by the fact that Kyle had had his pubic hair removed by Steve, so there was nothing at all to detract from what was an exceptionally beautiful example of man-meat st its very beat. All in all Kyle was showing his three co-workers what was by any standards a superb set of sex tools, which any guy would have been proud to call his own.

“Jee-zus H. Christ,” said Seth as he gazed with unconcealed envy at the potent piece of kitbetween Kyle’s legs; “Pardon my French, but where the fuck did you get that superb monster from? My God Kyle, you put us all to shame.”

And I suppose that it was to a certain extent true; although it has to be said that Kyle’s three co-workers were each sexually well-endowed and had nothing at all to be ashamed of; it was just that Kyle had shown them something quite exceptional; something all men dream of, but few ever achieve. In fact the gym, in spite of its hypocritical attitude towards sex, a commodity which it officially did not purvey, only set-on as trainers guys who were gay and who moreover sported decent sized cocks.

It was just that Kyle happened to have the absolute crown jewel of what was, by any standards, a mouth-watering piece of prime man-meat. Primes inter pares: first among equals: but anyone with half an eye would have recognised that Kyle, the new-boy-on-the-block, based on looks alone, was easily top-dog. As they gazed with open admiration at Kyle’s offering, the other three guys of the team all knew instinctively that they were looking at the man who would probably become the new Alpha Male of their group.

New and untried Kyle might be, but his cock held such promise that the others had already, without saying a word, mentally capitulated: acknowledged that in Kyle they were looking at a perfect example of the absolute, physical pinnacle of the first flowering of a male physique with a world-beater of a cock. From that first moment, they all sensed that Kyle was destined to become dominant force of their group and probably of the entire gym.

Kyle of course, as the new boy freshly emerged from his schoolboy role of shrinking violet, was totally unaware of these thoughts and was quite ready to defer to his co-workers. In a word, at that precise moment Kyle felt quite humble in spite of his obviously superior physical credentials.

And so began Kyle’s first job only one week after leaving school. Kyle was in his element helping the clients in their exercises, many of which he performed himself by way of a demonstration of how things should be done; and so, now in the role of instructor himself, he nevertheless took every opportunity to use his work time to perfect his own body. Kyle had his own very clear objectives of what he wanted to attain for himself.

His own desire was to was to turn his youthful male physique into a perfect specimen of a fully developed young man by the time he was twenty. Already, as a beginner, Kyle had already understood from looking at the endless muscle and gay porn channels on the internet, that the bulging, ballooning, steroid-induced muscles of the professional bodybuilder were not for him. Kyle’s aim was to develop a well balanced muscular body, with no individual muscle exaggerated.

In a word, quite unbeknown to himself, in taking the job at the gym, Kyle had set himself the task of turning his body into an object of male beauty: that of a young man who resembled one of the mythical, Greek Gods: that of a young man with a body and cock which were the personification of male sexuality and over which other like-minded men would drool.

That first day, at the noon lunch break, Erik collared Kyle and immediately led him off to the selfsame room which, just the other, day Kyle had fucked the living daylights out of him. “Come on Kyle, strip off; I never welsh on a deal and I really do owe you one from the other day. So how would you like it: from the front or the rear? Just say the word and my cock is yours to command; it awaits your pleasure.”

Kyle had to smile at Erik’s irrepressible, cheeky chatter. In their brief acquaintance he had already developed a great liking for Erik; a young guy who called it as he saw it and who evidently had not a bad bone in his body. As he was talking, Erik was already shedding his gym kit of shorts and singlet and motioned to Kyle to do likewise. Then for a few seconds they both stood there naked admiring each other, before Erik reached for the condoms and handed one to Kyle with the admonition: “We’d better play safe and not make too much mess. So what’s it to be? Back or front?”

Kyle said nothing but simply went and lay on his back on the couch, putting his feet up and with bent knees, spread his legs to give Erik access to his port of entry. Erik applied a good dose of lubricant to his rubber-clad cock before kneeling down between Kyle’s legs and offering him the first feel of his tumescent tool. Although not as big as Kyle’s own meat, Erik’s penis had a well-balanced, straight shaft and a good sized clean head, which he slid with considerable professionalism into Kyle’s expectant anus.

Kyle felt immensely satisfied with what was happening to him, OK, Erik did not go through the preparative stages as Kyle had done with him; but Erik fucked him with considerable vigour and although he himself climaxed and shot his load before Kyle was ready to reach orgasm himself, he was not disappointed by Eric’s efforts, even though he had to jerk himself off before shooting his own load. But what the fuck; here it was, the noon lunch-break on his first day at work and his new colleague had made a truly great welcoming gesture. He had made Kyle really feel part of the team.

Whether Erik realised or not, in his return bout, he had not equalled the heights of copulative perfection that Kyle had visited upon him the first time they had met. Kyle however, new though he was to, let us call it, the sport, had by now realised that he personally was very sensitive to the nuances of the sex act. He saw that the technique which was to become his own hallmark when he was playing the role of the active partner in an encounter, to make sure that the guy whom he was fucking achieved the same satisfaction from the act as he himself did, was evidently not always the case.

Erik had just fucked him hard and the main objective had clearly been for Erik himself to satisfy his own sexual needs; whether Kyle had been satisfied or not by the act had not seemed to enter into the overall equation. And so it dawned upon our young hero, that sexual encounters were basically of two kinds: those which were entered into with a feeling, if not of love, at least with some consideration for one’s partner and those which were simply driven by sexual lust of one guy for another.

It quickly became evident as Kyle accustomed himself to working at the gym and as his sexual encounters with numerous different guys grew, that lust driven fucking was the general norm: guys fucked each other out of sheer sexual lust – quite often aroused on first sight; any finer considerations of feeling between the partners to the act were irrelevant; in fact, they were for the most part totally absent.

It was not that Kyle did not enjoy having what might best be called recreational sex, for that would be far from the truth. Kyle, after his baptism by Steve into the world of gay sex, had quickly realised that he enjoyed enormously having sex with other guys, both as the fucker and the fuckee and that gay sex would play a dominantly important role in his future life.

But he quickly saw that his own considerate approach to his partner of the moment was usually a waste of time; the active partner used his cock to satisfy his own sexual urges and left his fuckee partner of the moment to fend for himself. So what Kyle had seen hundreds of time in the porn videos on the internet, was in fact the norm. When a guy gave another guy a blow job: a face fuck and sucked off his cock, it was because he, the sucker wanted to do that; it was not that he was preparing his partner for the ultimate act of anal penetration with a view to leading him to a simultaneous climax; it was simply because he wanted to suck-off his partner.

And when he finally got down to the act of copulation itself and penetrated his partner, it was basically to satisfy his own needs of the moment; his partner was left to his own devices to reach his own climax, as testified by the frenetic way in which most guys being fucked, simultaneously jerked off their own cock to reach orgasm. And as Kyle observed, very often the active partner did not manage to reach his own climax by his copulative efforts alone, and he too had recourse to masturbation. He all too often withdrew himself from his partner well before his own orgasm and joined him in a face-to-face-five-fingered-exercise in which the two of them jerked themselves off and sprayed each other with their cum.

All sexual intercourse, anal included is, perforce, always a joint act, but mutuality of purpose between the two parties is, in many cases, totally lacking. Kyle quickly saw that this lack of joint purpose is very common in recreational sex, which all too often involves the act of anal fucking between two guys who may never ever see each other again and whose only thing is common is the momentary, mutual sexual lust.

It was not that Kyle did not enjoy a one-night-stand reaming out another guy’s ass with his own cock; he did; and the act always gave him personally a great deal of pleasure even when he banged away at his partner without thinking about his feelings. But whatever the occasion whenever Kyle fucked another guy, he always took, himself to the limit; he always climaxed and shot his own wad inside his partner, irrespective of whether his partner managed to climax or not.

Kyle’s previous unhappy home-life, where he had been pushed from pillar to post and beaten regularly by his stepfather, had left an indelible mark on his psyche. He had a deep, inbuilt feeling that he should not treat others in the same inconsiderate way in which he himself had hitherto been treated; and this personal philosophy he applied to all relationships with other people, including when he was having casual sex with another man. And so, although as a virile, sexually well-equipped young man he enjoyed fucking butt enormously – let’s face it; it fucking is a toy which never fails to please the active partner – there was always the nagging thought at the back of his mind, even in a onetime only encounter, that he ought to take his partner’s needs into consideration.

So whenever the occasion arose, with a more sympathetic partner, Kyle always made an effort when he was exercising his own cock in the role of a top, to take his partner with him to a simultaneous orgasm. However, as he quickly learned at the gym, even with his co-trainers, it was very much every-man-for-himself when the guys indulged in sex together; that mutuality of purpose, much desired by Kyle, was rarely present.

To be continued as Episode 7


Written by jasonland
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