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Steve and Kyle: Episode 5

"Two young gay Chicagoans, find each other and build a happy life together"

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Monday morning dawned and Steve gave Kyle a spare key to the apartment. The two of them agreed that Steve would go to school as normal and that Kyle would arrive later independently and go along to see the school’s principal, Mr. Schmitt, later that morning. When Kyle finally arrived at the school and was shown by the secretary into the principal’s office, Hector Schmitt was already aware that his pupil had left home the day previous.

“Come in Kyle and explain yourself. I have already had your mother around here first thing this morning to find out if you had turned up for school as usual; I had to tell her that you had not and that I had no idea where you were. She told me that you had informed her and your father that you had left home yesterday morning and told them that you were not going back there ever. Kindly explain yourself; boys your age do not simply up sticks and walk out on their parents.”

Kyle pulled his courage together and said: “Mr. Schmitt, what my mother told you is quite true. I did leave home yesterday morning and it was a definitive decision. My mother was quite correct when she told you that I was never going back there. Oh and just to correct you; my mother’s husband, Mr Roberts is not my father; he never has been and never will be; he is legally my stepfather, although he is not worthy of the name; he has been the bane of my life ever since my mother made the dreadful mistake of marrying him.”

“Also sir, I would respectfully draw your attention to the fact that I am legally no longer a boy as you just called me; I am eighteen years of age and as such I am legally my own man under the present laws of this country. So sir, as of now, neither my parents nor you nor anyone else has any legal control over me anymore. I am free to make my own decisions, right or wrong as they may be.”

“And that sir, brings me to why I am am seeing you right now. I have decided that as I am now eighteen and above the legal age when I have to attend school, which I do not like, I am quitting this school as of this very moment. Mr. Schmitt, I shall no longer as of now, be a pupil at your school. And please do not waste your breath on trying to persuade me otherwise. I know I shall leave without the usual High School Diploma, which, frankly I would not have got anyway as I am not up the exams.”

“So there you have it sir; I am quitting your school as of now; this will be the last time you will see me and so I take this opportunity to wish you goodbye.”

To say that Mr. Schmitt was flabbergasted by what he had just heard was the understatement of the year. Never before had he been confronted by a pupil who had told him in such bald and clearly unequivocal terms that he was quitting school; and there and then; at that very moment no less. But he realised that what Kyle had said about being of legal age and the total independence of action it gave him, was correct.

If the young man wished to ruin in his own future by quitting and leaving school, in such a precipitous manner, without a diploma, without any paper qualifications to his name, then that was his decision. But as the school’s principal he felt nevertheless that he had to try to reason with the young man.

“Kyle, I do hope that you realise what you are doing in leaving this place so suddenly. Where are you going to live now that you say that you have left home? And where can we contact you? Kyle, I have to tell you that in my view you are making a very bad decision, and I would urge you to reflect before you do something which you may regret for the rest of your life. You cannot just go off into the blue and leave your parents in the dark as to your future and whereabouts as seems to be your present intention.”

“Mr. Schmitt sir, please save your breath. I have to tell you that since I took the decision to leave home, where I have been utterly miserable and treated very badly by my drunk of a stepfather for as long as I can remember and also to quit school, I have never felt happier. And as to my future, that is of no concern either to my parents or to you sir. Frankly if you really want to know sir, my parents don’t give a toss that I am leaving; they have never treated me as a true son; not even my mother, who has always sided with my stepfather against me.”

“And just for the record, let me tell you sir, that he has thrashed by naked ass with his belt so many times and that he puts you and your paddle in the shade when it comes to administering pain; you sir don’t even begin to know just how painful a well belted naked ass can be. Well I do sir; and just let me tell you that your efforts on my backside were like a light breeze compared with what my stepfather has done to be over the years.”

“But as you see, all that is now over. And so, sir, I will say goodbye to you sir; you will neither see me nor hear from me ever again, My life starts anew as of now and I am not taking any of my old baggage with me into it,” And with that Kyle left a rather bemused Mr. Schmitt wondering what he could do. Short answer; nothing!

Free of his parental and school shackles, Kyle left the school and felt he was walking on air. For the first time in his life, he was utterly free; it was was a great feeling to know that he and he alone was now in charge of his own destiny, even though he had only a vague idea of what the future would hold for him.

But as he had told Steve, he made his way to the gym in downtown Chicago to enquire after the type of help they were seeking. Quite frankly, he knew in his present situation that any job was better than no job and he was prepared to accept any offer they made him. Kyle just knew that he had to start earning regular money as quickly as possible as he did not want to feel that he was sponging on Steve’s good nature.

He arrived at the gym about eleven and was greeted as he entered the place by a young man who was manning the front desk. To anyone entering the place, the way this young stud of a receptionist – and he really was a handsome muscular hunk of a guy – was set up and dressed, the place screamed the word gay loud and clear. Erik Blomqvist, for that was the guy’s name, was an American, clearly of Swedish ancestry and sporting that very attractive blond Scandinavian look.

Erik was about six feet in height and dressed in a pair of well cut pants and a sleeveless vest which allowed him to show off his bronzed biceps and athletic figure to perfection, this guy was just a superb specimen of a young, all-American male in the first flush of manhood. In a word, Erik was one of those guys who would have any girl dropping her knickers for him at first glance.

In a different way he had the same immediate effect on Kyle, who within seconds of seeing the guy and before they had exchanged a single word, felt the first of those stirrings of that totally uncontrollable appendage between his legs. Erik, who was in his early twenties, was just drop-dead gorgeous; he exuded sex appeal from every pore of his body; and then some!

“Hi! My name is Erik.” A rather redundant remark as Kyle had already seen his name on the badge he was wearing on his vest, “Can I help you?” So Kyle gave Erik his name and explained to him the purpose of his visit; how he had seen the sign indicating that the gym needed helpers and as he was looking for work himself he wondered if he could see someone to discuss whether he could be of use. Whilst Kyle was talking Erik’s eyes were taking in the young man who stood in front of him.

Kyle saw that his gaze focussed pointedly for several few seconds on that bulging package between his legs. Just as Kyle, immediately on first sight and without thinking, had begun automatically to assess Erik as a potential future fuck, so also was Erik now assessing him in the same light. I am not sure that Kyle realised at that early stage in his newly-found self, just what an attractive sexual proposition he himself presented on first sight to any like-minded guy.

Erik had already realised that the young man standing in front of him was a cut above the ordinary and that he was looking at a lusciously perfect, physical specimen, whom he would, at the drop of a hat, gladly take as a sex partner. As Kyle had rightly guessed, Erik was as gay as that much maligned bird, the coot – as he was later to learn, were all the other employees of the gym.

“OK Kyle; message received loud and clear; so if you could just wait here a few minutes, I’ll go and see if Sten Bergstrom, (another Swede from the sound of it) the gym manager, is free and can see you.” And with that he left the reception desk and went off on his errand, giving Kyle his first view of his wonderfully attractive, bubble-but of an ass, over which Kyle, on first sight of that lusciously fuckable pair of buns, found himself mentally swooning.

This was perhaps the first time that Kyle, freshly liberated from his hitherto hang-ups about sex and now at ease with himself in the newly found skin of a gay man, realised just what a potent force sexual attraction was. Not to mince words, as soon as he clapped eyes on Erik, it was a case with Kyle of lust at first sight. But unbeknown to him the feeling, as is oft the case with sexual attraction, was mutual.

The two young men did not know one another from Adam; but on first sight there had already been that unspoken feeling between them which their body chemistries had simultaneously aroused in both of them. Whether these first sight impressions would lead to fruition in the form of a sexual encounter remained to be seen. But for the first time Kyle sensed that he was now viewing every young stud he met through different eyes.

He had already automatically assessed Erik as a potential sex partner, having been bitten and severely infected by the gay-sex bug, a fact he would live with for the rest of his life. Steve’s ministrations and teachings had totally changed Kyle’s outlook on life. In finding and accepting his true sexuality, which now that he had come terms with it – that he was a gay man and actually enjoyed being one – would be the main motivating force in his life.

“So you are?”

“Kyle Sinclair, sir.” A reply still given with the respect which his recent school experiences had inculcated into him.

“Well Kyle, my name is Sten Bergstrom and I’m the manager of this place; and just for the record, drop the sir when you speak to me; it makes me feel old and antiquated; so please just call me Sten; that’s the name I go by and everyone uses it.”

Kyle, who was feeling slightly nervous, as do most job applicants for any kind of post, sat there looking at Sten; he saw in front of him a slightly older youngish man, probably in his early thirties, who, rather like Erik was in great physical shape – as befitted the manager of a gym. And like Erik he was wearing just a sleeveless vest which was moulded to his pecs like a second skin. But Kyle also noticed that Sten had had his left nipple pierced, as his tight vest showed the clear outline of a small nipple ring; and as he was also wearing an ear stud in his left ear, Kyle imagined – quite rightly in fact – that Sten was gay.

And whilst Kyle was assessing Sten, Sten was equally assessing the young man before him. Like Erik, once he had taken a good look at Kyle, who was still fully clothed, he had already come to the forgone conclusion – how could anyone think otherwise when faced with such a perfect specimen of virile, young manhood like Kyle? – that this young man would be an ideal adjunct to the training staff. Even before they had got to the point of discussing what the sign “Help Wanted” meant, Sten had already reached the conclusion that he wanted the lusciously attractive, sexy-looking Kyle as part of his team.

“So Kyle, why don’t you tell me something about yourself and what brought you here today in search of a job, which to say the least is not exactly specifically defined in the sign you saw. What kind of help do you think a gym like ours might be looking for?”

So Kyle gave Sten a potted history his recent life, telling him that he was now living with a young guy who was a regular user of the gym and who had brought him there as his guest the previous Saturday morning for a work-out. It was then that he had seen the sign that help was wanted and as a keen gymnast and bodybuilder himself, he wondered if the gym was looking to recruit an additional full-time trainer to work with its clients. Kyle did not tell any lie but was somewhat economical with the facts.

He glossed over the fact that he was a recent convert to gay-sex and that the man with whom he was co-habiting – he had not used that exact expression, leaving his present status rather vague – was none other than his ex-PE teacher. Having finished his exposition, he sat and waited for Sten’s reaction.

Sten had already realised as he suspected that this very attractive hunk in front of him was gay and so he said: “Kyle you said you were living with someone who is a regular client of ours; do I know him?”

Well faced with such a direct question Kyle could do none other than give him Steve’s name. But by a miracle of memory Kyle suddenly found he recalled Steve’s true, tongue-twister name exactly; and so he said, mangling the pronunciation to death in the process: “Well he’s called Szczepan Szczanszczanitsky.”

Sten smiled inwardly to himself at the lad’s obvious attempt at obfuscation; not wanting to tell him with whom he was living. But he decided to level with Kyle as he said: “Oh you mean the guy we all call Steve Shanit; yes he is one of our regulars and usually comes and works out in the evening twice a week and also on most Saturday mornings. He’s quite a guy: a PE teacher I understand. I know him quite well myself; in fact we two regularly spend some very agreeable time together; Steve’s quite a guy when he gets going: one of the very best.”

He left it to Kyle to divine what he and Steve did together when as he put it: “Steve gets going.” But this little – let’s call it, verbal ballad, – had served to confirmed to Sten what he already guessed; that the young man in front of him was gay and that was cohabiting with Steve Shanit, who, he now quite correctly guessed, had been Kyle’s PE teacher at school.

From his own personal experience with Steve, whom he knew was a very active gay, joining up the dots was not all that difficult; he again guessed correctly that there had been some form of sexual activity between Steve, the teacher and Kyle, the pupil, which somehow – and here he became less sure of himself – had led to Kyle’s sudden departure from the school; in fact, that very morning, as he later learned.

He did not blame Steve for having had sex with his pupil as just looking at Kyle as he now was, he saw that the young man, even fully dressed, had a very come-hither look about him; he could fully understand how Steve, particularly as a gay PE teacher where there was always lot of attractive, young, semi-naked flesh around, had not been able to resist the allure of such a well set-up young man and had compromised them both, thereby leading to the present situation.

Well every cloud is said to have a silver lining; and whatever the reason, Kyle Sinclair, a young man who had all the right attributes for a post of client trainer with the gym, was available; and not only available but hungry for a job. Looking at Kyle, sitting nervously across from him, he saw quite easily how Steve Shanit had been unable to keep his hands off the young lad; and knowing Steve personally as an occasional sex partner of his own, he felt a twinge of jealousy that he had somehow managed to pull off the amazing coup and have such a desirable and eminently fuckable, young stud living with him.

Sten, like most gays; when they look at another guy as a potential sex prospect, found himself already asking the question: “Is this young stud a top or a bottom, or is he both: is he versatile?”

“OK Kyle, I get the picture; but correct me if I am wrong. You and Steve somehow got your knickers in a twist sexually and as he was your teacher, you had to leave the school PDQ, if not sooner; now you appreciate what I am saying, as I just want to get the facts right; you and Steve are partners – sort of an item together – and not just room-mates sharing an apartment. I just want to get the facts straight before we go any farther.”

Poor Kyle was deeply embarrassed by Sten’s questions and assumed – quite wrongly as it turned out – that the fact that he was living with Steve Shanit had kyboshed any chance of a job. Anyway, he said: “Well Sten, what you just said is more more or less correct; I am living with Steve Shanit, but we are not really an item and the events leading up to my leaving school were somewhat different; but the result was the same.”

“I left school in mid-term, just this morning in fact and I am living with Steve as his partner; I am not a rent boy, as I pay him for my keep, but we are definitely not an item. I am desperately looking for a job as I don’t want to sponge on Steve as he has been very kind to me; so I want to earn at least enough to pay my way in life. So when I saw your sign and as I had already been and worked-out in your gym, I had a good idea of what working here would be like and so that was why I came here today.”

“The only things I am any good at are sport, physical training and bodybuilding. So having seen your gym and the fact that you were looking for help I came around here today looking for a job. I am not at all academic; but given my passion for physical exercise, being a trainer in a gym seemed like an ideal opportunity for me to begin my working life. But if you don’t think me suitable, then I can just leave and try to find something else.”

“Kyle, it’s not that we don’t want you here; but I need to be sure that the sort of person I set on as a trainer understands the type of job he is letting himself in for. As you have probably realised by now, this gym has among its clients quite a number of homosexuals: gay men, who in addition to working on their bodies are also often interested in a little – how shall I put it tactfully? – relaxation after their bodily exertions. Now although the gym does not offer such sexual services overtly to its clients, it has no objection to their having intimate relations with members of its training staff.”

“And so to this end we have a series of private rooms, which, for a fee, clients can hire for their private purposes when they have finished their work-outs. What clients do in private and with whom they do it, is of no concern to the gym; but given the sexual orientation of many of our clients, we do encourage our training staff to bend themselves to our clients’ wishes. Nor are we as a gym involved in any remuneration which a client might wish to make to trainers as an appreciative gesture for services rendered over and above those of their normal training duties.”

“I might also add that we have quite a number of ostensibly straight clients that nevertheless are regular users of these additional facilities. So Kyle, I am sure that by now you have got a good overall picture of what working as a trainer here might involve. So as you must appreciate Kyle, I have to be very selective in whom I set on. Our business needs well set up, muscular young men such as you, who are already familiar with and enjoy gym work in general, but who are additionally also not averse to rendering additional services to their clients, over and above those usually offered by the gym.”

“Erik, whom you met at reception this morning, is a prime example of the sort of young stud we need. He’s handsome, muscular and totally gay and is physically well equipped to fulfil any client’s extracurricular requests. Erik is, if you wish, the perfect, archetypal kind of trainer we like to employ. Now Kyle, far from telling you to go and get lost as you seemed to think might have been the case, on first sight, you appear to have all the necessary attributes we require.”

“But before I can make you an offer, I have to make absolutely sure that you are really right for the work we will expect from you. So if you if you agree and wish to pursue your application to its logical conclusion, I propose to ask you to submit yourself to a practical test.”

Kyle listened to this extremely long and rather pompous oration. He was only too ready to submit himself to any special test if it meant getting the job he so desperately needed. Sten then phoned through to Erik on the desk and told him he did not wish to be disturbed for the next half hour. The turning to Kyle he said: “Kyle if you would kindly strip as I need to see you naked.”

Somewhat surprised, but nevertheless totally un-phased by a request which just a few day go would have set him dithering with embarrassment, Kyle did as requested and shed his shoes and socks, his pants and T shirt and stood there in front of Sten, looking like a Greek God in all his young muscular glory. Sten looked with unconcealed admiration at the beautifully ripped, young stud who had revealed himself.

He then pointed at the G-string which Kyle was still wearing, and which was coping with considerable difficulty in holding in check the boner which his cock had decided to adopt for the occasion and said: “Take that off too Kyle. I want to see you completely naked.”

As soon as Kyle removed the cock-string, that eye-patch of a slip which had been attempting rather unsuccessfully to control his rampant meat, he suddenly found himself pointing his ten inch, fully-erect fuck-stick at Sten. And if ever a guy’s penis merited the appellation, fuck-stick, it was Kyle’s magnificently rampant member at that very moment. He heard Sten draw in a sudden, sharp breath and observed the expression of incredulity on his face as he looked for the first time at the exceptional splendour of Kyle’s erection.

Sten motioned to Kyle to turn around and show him his ass, which which Kyle duly did. Presented with a beautifully rounded pair of muscular buttocks which had fuck me written all over them, Sten could scarcely contain himself as he contemplated the pleasure he was about to have personally in giving Kyle what he had referred to as a practical test. With Sten now behind him, Kyle was unable to see what was happening; but he heard the unmistakeable, soft sound of Sten stripping of his clothes and then felt Sten’s hands on his shoulders, swinging him around putting the the two of them again face-to-face.

Just that first touch of Sten’s hands on that really innocuous part of his body, which could hardly be considered as an erogenous zone, sent hidden shivers of adrenaline induced excitement coursing through Kyle’s body and he felt his cock already beginning to ooze the first drops of pre-cum. To say that Kyle was ready for sex would have been a gross understatement; he was simply dying for Sten to make the first move, whatever that might be.

He had no need for Sten to tell him what was now about to happen; he just knew that he and his prospective boss were about to have sex together. But now confronted with his boss in all his nakedness, he saw that Sten. although a few years older than him was also a very attractive looking guy. He clearly still looked after his body, which was still beautifully muscled and his cock, which was also showing its willingness to fulfil its immediate destiny, if not the equal of Kyle’s – but then what other man’s could be? – was nevertheless a very attractive proposition.

Sten was a man with one of those very thick cocks sitting above a pair of large balls. What his fuck-meat lacked on length – it was not all that short, as erect, as it now was, it measured about six and a half inches from root to tip – it made up for in girth; the cylindrical shaft, pulsing with surface veins, was at least two and a half inches in diameter and ended in a large, cock-head with a classic, well defined rim. As Kyle took in visually this cannon of a tool, whose power and sphincter stretching head he was clearly about to experience in what Sten called his test, he saw that Sten’s cock-head was already gleaming with the first drops of pre-cum.

It was clear that Sten was in what one can but describe as the lust at first sight mode; but frankly, who under the circumstances, faced with a guy who looked like Kyle would not have been? Sten went on with his charade of the necessity of conducting a practical test on Kyle before actually offering him the job.

“Kyle young man; you are truly something else. But I am sure that you will agree with me that appearances can be deceptive and so I always conduct this practical test to make sure that the prospective candidate can deliver. Now as I told you, the gym itself is not a purveyor of sexual services; but as I also said, it does encourage its trainers to be flexible and has no objections to its trainer staff privately meeting and satisfying a client’s sexual needs.”

“And that Kyle, is why we only recruit muscular, young, gay men as our trainers; muscular, because that goes with the image we wish to project of the gym as a place of excellence and the trainers have to be attractive to the eye of the clients. We only recruit young gay studs as trainers, as we know, unofficially of course, that many of our clients rely on their personal trainer to meet their additional sexual needs.”

“But you appreciate Kyle, that seeing is not always believing; and even for a superbly endowed specimen of male manhood such as yourself – and I flatter you not, for you truly are a gorgeous young stud who is a delight to any discerning eye – there is always that part of a man’s make up that they eye does not see to consider. And so I always make sure personally that any new trainer whom I set on is also capable of dealing with the ancillary services which go along with the general training ethos of the gym.”

“I have to be sure that each and every one of our trainers is capable of meeting all the needs of our clients, including those which the gym itself does not officially offer. So I have to reassure myself that all trainers are capable of functioning both as a top or a bottom in their extra-curricular sexual relationships with the clients. However gorgeous the physical appearance of a potential trainer, if he is sexually only interested in functioning as what is usually called a bottom – crudely put, in getting himself fucked – then he is not for us.”

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“We need versatile, gay, young muscle-jocks who are willing to play both top and bottom roles in their relationships with the clients. The top role is the most important requirement, as most clients want their trainer to stimulate their asses and not vice-versa. In a word, usually they want to be fucked by their trainer and not to have to fuck him back. And so any guy with a large endowment such as you yourself have, is very welcome, for whatever anyone might say, size does matter; a good big’n beats a good little’n any day.”

By this time Kyle, standing there naked, was getting rather fed up with the repetitive strong insistence that sex was not a service in which the gym was an actual player, but that it was nonetheless an important part of a trainer’s tools of trade. Indeed it was, if he understood Sten correctly, an utterly indispensable part of his capabilities: in fact, a sine qua non of his appointment.

In a word, the gym wished to maintain an outward,respectable face to the world, and not to be tarred as an outlet for gay sex for its clients, with the doubtful aura of distaste that even in the enlightened times in which we now live, still has negative overtones. It was, in Kyle’s view, a somewhat hypocritical stance which the gym had adopted.

But at that moment, his not to reason why, but to make sure he got the job; but now that he had learned in general terms what the job involved, he was delighted by the prospect it would offer him to exercise is newly liberated sexual accomplishments and possibly earn a few extra bucks on the side in the form of gratuities for his extra-curricular services to his clients.

He had also by now realised that the practical test to which he was to be subjected prior to getting the actual job offer was clearly supposed to see if he could function sexually as both a top and a bottom. Otherwise put, could he himself successfully fuck and in turn allow himself to be fucked by another guy, who in the context of a professional trainer in the gym would be one of his clients?

One might have thought that a young man with as little practical experience of gay sex as Kyle had acquired, would have been somewhat apprehensive as a job offer depended upon his immediate comprehensive sexual performance. But Kyle had already put two and two together about what was now about to happen. He already he knew that in his test he was going to be fucked by Sten and then probably required to fuck his future boss back in turn.

But now that Sten and he were facing each other naked, the distinction between Sten the master and Kyle the servant seemed to have totally disappeared; in fact, naked as they both were, there was no difference at all. As Kyle now saw it, they were just two physically attractive, gay guys – make no mistaken as Kyle did find Sten sexually arrtactive – who were about to embark on a half hour or so of mutually enjoyable, anal sex.

At the end of the day Sten was just another guy, a little older perhaps, but essentially like Steve and his two friends, Greg and Brett; a guy whose true present motivation, dressed up as it had been in the form of a test, was to fuck the superb young man now in front of him. Kyle could see the lust in Sten’s his eyes as he looked at him; he saw that Sten was almost salivating at the prospect of stretching his anal sphincter and sinking his meat into the Kyle’s fuck-hole.

Sten’s cock had also answered royally the call to arms and was standing to attention and raring to go. The few drops of-pre-cum it was already oozing looked ready to turn into a tsunami of sperm in the immediate future. It was as clear as day to Kyle that Sten, under the guise of a test, was was looking forward to an enjoyable time exploring with his own rampant cock the vital parts of his potential, new trainer.

Kyle had bottomed for Steve and his two friends and had himself fucked all three of them. So as far as Kyle could see, as he knew he had the necessary package to satisfy Sten, he was really rather looking forward to what was about to happen to him. Kyle sensed that Sten had every intention of enjoying himself as he shafted him; but by the same token, he too had every intention of giving his future boss an equally rousing return bout if, as he expected would be the case, asked to do so.

The moment of truth had finally arrived. Sten said to Kyle: “Kyle here in this gym we encourage all our young trainers to practice safe sex either among themselves or with their clients. I say encourage rather than insist as we do not, as you now know, actually control any sexual sexual activities either among the staff or between the staff members and the gym’s clients.” In many ways Sten’s repeated insistence on the gym’s purity of purpose in matters sexual was akin to the biblical Pontius Pilate washing his hands of the condemnation of Christ.

“But as a service, the gym does purchase top quality condoms and lubricants, which it distributes to both staff clients at cost price. So Kyle, if you would like to roll this rubber onto your cock to catch your emission, I will accord my member the same courtesy. I will then apply a suitable lubricant to both my own shaft and your fuck-hole and I think we shall be ready for the first part of your test during which I propose to fuck you.”

Kyle was surprised by the clinically methodical and rather pompous way in which thing were developing, but went along with what was clearly an established test protocol for trainer applicants. As yet he was unsure in what position Sten intended to shaft him, but he was soon to find out as his future boss pushed him over the end of his desk, told him him to spread his legs and then proceeded to lubricate Kyle anal entry quite thoroughly.

He forced one of his fingers into Kyle’s anus made sure that the entry passage into Kyle’s innermost parts was all very well lubricated, before placing a hand in the middle of the lad’s back and pressing the rubber clad head of his own fuck-stick firmly against Kyle’s small, tight, anal pucker. Just for moment Kyle felt a flutter of adrenaline-induced fear run down his spine; but it was gone in a split second as he waited for the moment when Sten’s cock would finally penetrate him and the so-called test would begin.

Sten’s cock-head was very large and as he thrust his full length into Kyle’s inner sanctum, Kyle felt a sharp stab of pain as that massive head stretched his tight anal-sphincter, unused to such intrusions, to the limit, before it yielded its resistance and allowed Sten to slide in his full shaft. Kyle sensed immediately that Sten started fucking him in earnest, that he was in for a rough ride, where the only consideration was to be Sten’s self-satisfaction. Sten, whose lust for Kyle had already made his cock drip with pre-cum even before he entered Kyle, very quickly reached his climax and shot his load.

Kyle, meanwhile, had the impression of being used simply as a convenient, warm hole to allow Sten to relieve his obvious, pent-up sexual feelings. Kyle felt that his hole had been used almost as a surrogate hand to allow Sten to jerk himself off; and like his own hands when he had, as a virgin young teenager used them as a five fingered lover to masturbate, Kyle had derived not the slightest pleasure from what Sten had just done to him.

Intercourse, whether sexual or otherwise, implies mutual communication between the participants to the act. Here there had been no communication between the two of them; it was exactly as if Sten had been fucking a piece of butcher’s meat.

Sten however, was clearly satisfied with his performance as he now told Kyle that he should do the same to him; so roles were reversed and Kyle was now to play the role of top. So Sten, with no hesitation, bent across the desk, spread his legs and waited for Kyle to fuck him. “Kyle, just so you know, I like it good and hard; so please don’t hold back.”

So on the principle that he who hesitates is lost, Kyle immediately thrust the tip of his cock against Sten’s anus and gave him the full length of his rock-hard ten inch erection. Then he pumped away at Sten’s hole with a vigour and ferocity which defied description; he was like a man possessed, as his cock, with every increasing stroke length and force, went in and out of Sten’s fuck-hole; as he progressed in his task, Sten groaned with obvious pleasure as he felt the arousing, erotic effect of each successive stroke.

But the end was nowhere in sight, for Kyle had every intention of prolonging his copulative efforts as long as he possibly could; he wanted to ensure that he himself reached a monumental climax and gave himself a great orgasm, in a way to compensate for the disappointment he had just experienced with Sten. But at the same time he wanted Sten to experience the full ramifications of a truly great fuck; to bring him simultaneous to his own orgasm, thereby showing him what true, anal intercourse was about and how, when thoughtfully conducted, should be to both participants, one of the greatest pleasures in the world.

Kyle had already realised in his brief career as a sexually-active gay male, that sexual intercourse, if carried out with consideration by the active partner of the moment, was a toy which never fails to please. What is incredible is that it was this young and relatively inexperienced eighteen-year-old, young guy, the job applicant, who was instinctively teaching his future boss that there was more to anal sex then just sticking your cock into your partner’s fuck-hole.

And so Kyle banged on with ever increasing vigour and speed, giving Sten a truly great, rough fuck, until he sensed that Sten himself was about to climax, by which time he could hold himself back no longer. Then with one last mighty thrust of his cock, he fully withdrew from Sten’s anus before giving him the that final coup-de-grace and brought both of them to huge mutually satisfying orgasms.

Kyle collapsed sweating and exhausted with the considerable effort he had just expended in showing Sten what a really good ass-fuck was all about. He only hoped that Sten had appreciated what an effort his young job applicant had made on his behalf. In fact, consideration for his partner, was a quality which was permanently to characterise Kyle’s sex life

For a few minutes neither of them spoke; then Sten said; “Jee-zus Kyle; you really do know how to handle your cock. I kid you not young man, but you have just given me what was easily the greatest fuck of my life. I have never ever had such an intense orgasm as you managed to give me just now. Honestly Kyle, that was just an unbelievable experience, the like of which I have never before had; and let me tell you that I have had a hell of a lot of experience.”

“But you Kyle are really something else: someone quite exceptional. Not only do you have a cock which at first sight makes men, including me, and I freely admit it, green with envy, but you also know how to handle it; to share its potential with a partner, so that both you and he enjoy having sex together. Frankly, I find it hard to believe that someone so young and fresh out of school as you are, knows how to handle his fuck-stick as well as you do. By any standards that was a benchmark performance Kyle, against which all others have to be measured.”

Kyle, overwhelmed with such praise, wondered if Sten had realised how lacking his own performance had been. But that mattered not at all; what was important was that Kyle had obviously made his mark with Sten; and so he simply said: “So Sten, since I am apparently up to scratch, do get a job then?”

Sten looked back at him and said: “Do you get a job? Just try leaving here today without signing on and I’ll drag you back by the apocryphal short and curlies, with which I noticed, by the way, you have already wisely dispensed. You Kyle, are exactly the type of young stud we are looking for. But look here Kyle; it’s approaching noon and I have to leave as I have an important appointment I cannot miss; so can you come back her at around two this afternoon and we will settle work conditions and get your salary and social security paperwork in order.”

Kyle got dressed and left Sten’s office, walking, as you might well imagine, on air. He did, however, muse to himself on the fact that although the job he was about to take was as a gymnastics’ trainer and the gym itself was not overtly offering sexual services to its clients, it was his own stellar sexual performance with his cock, which had clinched matters. But as he was now about to learn, sex was an all pervasive presence in the daily activities of the gym and was about to become one of the major activities of his life.


Kyle now had two hours to kill before his afternoon appointment and so he made his way to leave the gym. But as he arrived at the reception area he was pulled up by Erik who said: “Well Kyle, did the boss give you a job or not? You were in there with him a long while. Did he subject you to what he calls his test, which he inflicts on any young guy, who rolls into the place looking for a job? I knew exactly what he was going to do to you when he called me and told me he did not want to be disturbed.”

“It’s absolutely classic Sten; he cannot resist sticking that stubby, thick dick of his up the ass of any half attractive-looking, young guy who comes along. He’s a serial bugger is our Sten; and you know what Kyle, he’s not even very good at it; and I speak from personal experience. No siree; Sten runs a tight ship here and takes no nonsense from anyone; but he is not my idea of an ideal fuck by a long chalk.”

Kyle said nothing as he listened to this surprisingly frank and totally unsolicited and totally negative assessment by Erik about his boss’s sexual capabilities; but he already knew from what he himself had just experienced with Sten, that there was more than a grain of truth in what Erik had just said.

However, Erik had not finished: “But to come back to my question; did you get the job, or did you fail Sten’s tests and are you now on your way out before you even begin?”

So Kyle told Erik what had transpired.

“So you did pass the test and you did get a job; so it looks like you and I are to be colleagues, to use a highfalutin word for two young studs who are going to be sweating their balls off together trying to help richer guys turn their bodies into something they are not ashamed of when they strip-off on the beach this summer with nothing to hide the flab. But say, as you are now free until two, I’m off duty for two hours at twelve which is in five minutes, so what do you say we get something to eat together.”

“So here’s an idea which might just grab you. How about I ring round to the deli next door and get them to send round some sandwiches and drinks; we can eat them in one of those private rooms. I imagine that Sten did tell you about them and what they were used for didn’t he? Or did he?”

“Well whether he did or didn’t makes no odds, as there are private rooms and we can use one of them over the lunch break; and how’s this for a come-on line: To get to know one another better? Seriously though, we can use one of rooms and I can fill you in on what gives here; what makes the place tick; and joking part, we really can get to know each other. So how about it? Are you on for it?”

In fact, Kyle did not need a come-on line to accept Erik’s invitation to lunch. On first sight as he had arrived an hour or so ago at the gym, he had been completely floored by Erik’s sex-appeal and so his invitation to get to know him better, with all that that implied, was immediately accepted. The lunch arrived and Erik led Kyle to one of the private rooms which was equipped with a low, leather-covered covered couch and a table and chairs. And it also boasted its own john and shower.

On a shelf were a selection of towels and an open box of Trojan condoms and several bottles of Anolube, a branded anal-lubricant. As they sat down to eat their lunch at the table, the ever loquacious Erik gave Kyle a run down on how the gym functioned. Kyle very quickly sensed that Erik and he were going to be good friends, for in much the same as he had, when they had first met, been instantly attracted to Erik by his physical appearance, it was clear from the way that Erik looked at him, that the attraction was mutual; without putting it into words, they both clearly liked what they saw and wanted to get to know one another better.

“I guess Sten told you about these private rooms, which are rented out by the hour to our clients for their private relaxation; that’s what the gym calls it. But of course relaxation is a mealy mouthed euphemism for sex between a client and a trainer; I am sure that Sten has already made you abundantly aware of the fact that gym does not officially offer sex on its menu of activities, but does not object to us, the trainers, tending to its clients’ carnal demands.”

“But here’s the rub if you can believe it; even though the gym wants us unofficially to have sex with its clients, it expects us to do it on our own time; so if you spend private time with a client, it’s your own time and you do not get paid for it. So, my friend, the gym screws us trainers right royally; it does not offer sex, but nevertheless wants its clients to have it available on demand if they so desire. And we, the trainers, have more or less to bend to the clients’ wishes and clock-off from our regular training duties whilst we fuck them, for that’s what their idea of relaxation amount to. So if you take an hour off to swan around with a client, you have to make that hour up later.”

“I don’t know if it makes the powers-that-be feel better – above board and all that – but at the end of the day they have a gym which puts on a squeaky-clean face in public, but is, in fact, tantamount to a sort of gay, male brothel. And that, my friend, is why every last one of us trainers is gay; we all have that hidden sexual qualification over and above our ability to do PE training.”

“However stunning and well qualified any straight dude who applies for a job here, he never gets taken on as he cannot share his cock with the clients. And if that sounds crude; it’s because it is. Now to be fair, this arrangement does have an upside for the likes of you and me. Most of the gym’s clients, either overtly gay or purportedly straight – as many pretend to be – are, on the whole, financially well-heeled types and are pretty generous with their gratuities for services rendered over and above the strict line duty. So they tip us generously if we satisfy their carnal needs. Pretty hypocritical isn’t it?”

Kyle found it very refreshing to be with someone who called a spade a spade: told things as he saw them. He had really already taken a great liking to Erik, over and above that lust-at-first-sight-feeling that he had experienced when he had first seen him at the reception desk. But had not reckoned on the brutally direct way in which Erik made his next suggestion.

“So Kyle now that you know roughly what gives here, what do you say to you and me getting physical with each other? We have a good hour before I am due back on reception duty and you are not seeing Sten again until two to sign on with this place, so we have plenty of time of time to really check each other’s credentials out.”

Kyle was somewhat surprised at such a direct proposition and said: “Well Erik, if I understand you correctly what you are suggesting is…”

But here Erik interrupted him and finished off his sentence for him saying: “…. that we fuck each other. Yes Kyle; that is exactly what I am proposing. Come on Kyle don’t suddenly go all coy on me and start making yourself hard to get. Correct me if I am wrong, but you have been focussing your beady eye on my crotch for the past half hour, wondering if what was confined there would deliver its hidden promise. You might just as well come clean with yourself and admit it, as you have lust painted as clear as day all across your face.”

“You know you want to have sex with me and you also know that I want to have sex with you. So let’s just cut to the chase, strip off and satisfy both our curiosities by fucking each other. Come on Kyle, I believe in calling it as I see it and with no false modesty we are a pair of handsome young gays: a pair of sexy-looking, muscular studs who both have the hots for each. So why not relax, and accept the inevitable and strike whilst the iron on both sides is hot. Come on Kyle; just admit it to yourself; you know you want to fuck me and that I want to fuck you; so just let’s do it.”

For Kyle, who just a few days previously whilst being paddled by Steve, had been torn with self doubt about is sexuality and who finally, after a great deal of soul searching, had allowed Steve to take his virginity and introduce him to what he now knew were the undoubted delights of gay sex, he had made what can but be considered as a quantum leap forward in matters sexual.

In the course of just a few brief days he realised that he had become totally addicted to anal sex, an act which he acknowledged to himself that he already adored. He was amazed at the astute way in which his new-found friend – and he already thought of Erik as a friend – had so accurately sized him up. Kyle found himself agreeing with every word that Erik had just said to him.

Yes, he did want to fuck Erik; and yes, he did want Erik to fuck him. So he capitulated with a laugh saying: “Erik you really are a very direct, bright and amusing guy; so let’s just both bite the proverbial bullet and see how we gel together. Tell you what; we’ll toss a coin for who has the first go.”

“Done” said Erik, and within seconds he was stripping off his clothes and motioning to Kyle to do likewise. Erik, clearly a confirmed sexual operator, had no embarrassment at all in showing his naked body to a guy whom he had just met. But Kyle too, who just a few brief days ago would have died at the thought of what he was now doing, found he had lost any reticence in baring his all to a guy who was really a stranger but whom he already thought of as a friend.

Kyle had come to terms with the fact, after the briefest of practical sexual experience with only four different guys, that he was already a practising gay, that he liked what he was doing and that gay sex would henceforth be an integral and important part of his daily life. And so the two young men, Erik and Kyle, stood for a few moments looking at each other and assessing what the each saw.

yle now saw that Erik delivered in the buff, everything which had been promised as he sat there in his clothes at the reception desk. His muscles were perfect; his skin was silkily smooth and bronzed and his crown jewels, now liberated from the confines of his pants, were divinely proportioned. Like Kyle’s own kit, his cock, still soft at that very moment, exhibited that very desirable rubbery quality as it descended in a graceful curve over a divinely proportioned pair of high-held balls.

Erik was a perfect example of just how exquisitely attractive a young, naked male could be. Entranced by what he saw, Kyle was nevertheless relieved to see that in terms of sheer size, his own man-meat still reigned supreme. But personal pride apart, Kyle saw in Erik, his immediate, future sex-partner, an eminently fuckable, desirable young guy. And as he took all this in, he felt his own cannon rising to the occasion. He could barely wait for the moment when he would sink himself deep inside Erik and fuck the living daylights out of him.

Erik’s reaction as he stood gazing at Kyle was one of sheer amazement. Never slow to comment, he said: “Great grief Kyle, you really are big; where the fuck did you find that magnificent piece of meat you are pointing at me like a loaded gun? My God Kyle, your fuck-stick, in its own way, rivals the Washington Monument! How the hell did you develop such a superb piece of kit? I kid you not Kyle, you will make your co-trainers green with envy once they see what you you have to offer.”

“And I can tell you here and now Kyle that once our clients get to know you, your extra-curricular services are going to be in great demand. Anyway, for now, just let’s forget tossing a coin. I just can’t wait to take that howitzer of a boner you are pointing at me up my ass; So I capitulate to the inevitable; you can have first fuck; just roll on a rubber, lube yourself up and let me feel that superb piece of meat of yours up my ass.”

“Oh and just for the record I like it mission style and really hard; so don’t hold back at all; just give it me as rough and hard as you can; that’s what I really like. Then when you’ve done with me, if I am still living to tell the tale, I’ll do the same for you.”

Kyle smile to himself as he listened to this adulatory, verbal outpouring from Erik, based purely on a visual assessment of what he perceived Kyle was capable of giving him. Of course, all sexual desire is based initially on visual attraction between two people, a fact which is equally true for gay or straight couples. But then once the body chemistry has worked its initial magic, and the physical side kicks in, other factors come into play.

So although Kyle was more than willing to rough fuck Erik, he nevertheless wanted to give him a really great, sexual experience, which was in fact to be the foundation of what was in a few weeks to become his own inimitable copulation technique. From his brief experience with Steve, Kyle had already seen the importance of mutuality in the gay sex-act, which to be truly successful had to bring pleasure to both parties and not just to the guy who was the active partner of the moment.

And so he had already realised that to fuck his partner satisfactorily, the actual act itself, as performed by the active partner, had got to be more than one guy banging away at his partner’s hole until he himself climaxed irrespective of what his partner was feeling, only to leave his partner high and dry to jerk himself off to his own climax. New as he was to gay sex, Kyle had already grasped, through Steve’s love-making efforts to him, the benefit to both parties of a long and gentle oral preparation of his partner’s cock before the actual act of penetration took place.

So by the time he was ready to grant Erik his wish and give him the rough, hard fuck for which he craved, Erik himself had been orally prepped by Kyle’s tongue working in his cock-head into such a sexually aroused state of pre-cum that he was trembling with nervous anticipation, virtually begging Kyle to penetrate him.

Chapter 13 is continued in Episode 6

To be continued as Episode 6

Written by jasonland
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